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A lesson from my life to yours

From Me to You

Camryn Martin
Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Chapter 17
Stand up for What You Believe In Forgive Them For You

Chapter 2 Chapter 18
Never Give Up Everything You do Has a Consequence

Chapter 3 Chapter 19
Be Okay on Your Own Don't React Blindly

Chapter 4 Chapter 20
Don’t Settle You Are Not Infinite

Chapter 5 Chapter 21
Learn from Others’ Mistakes Take Care of The Relationships in Your Life

Chapter 6 Chapter 22
Defend Yourself Everything Has a Reason

Chapter 7 Chapter 23
Love Doesn’t Come Easy Never Beg For Someone to Stay

Chapter 8 Chapter 24
Love is a Choice Rid Your Life of All that Plagues You

Chapter 9 Chapter 25
Love is Hard Lead Your Life as It is Yours to Lead

Chapter 10 Chapter 26
Follow His Path Don't Waste Your Life

Chapter 11 Chapter 27
Everything in Your Life Leads You It's Okay

Chapter 12 Chapter 28
Regrets are Only Side Effects Change Can Happen in an Instant

Chapter 13 Chapter 29
Not Everyone is Meant to Stay Everyone Came From Somewhere

Chapter 14 Chapter 30
Love Yourself First Don't Delete Yourself

Chapter 15 Chapter 31
People Pleasing Your Biggest Battle is Yourself

Chapter 16 Chapter 32
Don't Hold Onto Anger Just Know...

Martin - From Me to You

Stand Up For What You Believe In

Growing up, I was always taught to never

throw the first punch, but to always
throw the last. It was drilled into my
brain to never back down. If I had
something to fight for, then I was to fight
for it with everything I had. If you believe
in something, fight for it. Stand up for
what you believe in no matter the cost.
If it matters, do everything in your
power to uphold it. Fight for it.

Martin - From Me to You

Never Give Up

If you want something, go full force at it. If

you want it, take it. Don’t stop. Don’t
create regrets. Build yourself up. Build
your Confidence. Build your mindset. Build
your dreams up in your mind. Build your
pathway to them. And No Matter What…
Do. Not. Back. Down. From. Your. Dreams.

Martin - From Me to You

Be Okay On Your Own

Grow out of dependence. Gain

yourself. Stop always relying on
everyone else. Rely on yourself.

It took me years to not constantly need

someone to talk to. It took me years of
praying to finally reach the point of no
return. It’s a lonely path for certain, but
it is one that is absolutely necessary.

Be okay to sit by yourself and eat lunch

somewhere. Be okay to not always have
notifications on your lockscreen. Grow
away from constant distraction and find
company in yourself.

Martin - From Me to You

Don’t Settle…

In Your Dreams:
You can absolutely do anything in this world
if you have a solid plan, and a solid work
Just because you don’t know how to do
something, doesn’t mean you can’t learn
Just because you’re scared of doing
something, doesn’t mean you can’t/shouldn’t
do it.
Fear usually means you have no schema for it
yet. Once you do it, you’ll know how. Your
first day of school was scary, but then it
became normal, right?
Exact. Same. Thing.
Don’t settle for less because of silly little
anxieties. Redirect your thoughts and focus
on the future.
In Your Lovelife:
You are a person. You have a personality.
You are exquisitely unique. You have
hobbies. You have humor. You have certain
ways of doing things. You are you.
And you being you, calls for someone of the
same measure. Someone of commonality.
Someone with respect, loyalty, and love. You
deserve those things, just as
everyone you pass on the street does. Don’t
date another asshole because you think you
can change them.
Meet someone you don’t have to change.

Martin - From Me to You

Learn from Others’ Mistakes

Observe the people in your life. Observe

their decisions, the impacts of their
lives, and their consequences.
Watch and Learn. Don’t repeat history.
Evolve strategies. Tweak decisions and
change the outcomes.

Martin - From Me to You

Defend Yourself

You deserve protection. Your heart, your

soul, your body, and your mind deserve
YOUR protection. Even if it’s protecting
you from you.

Martin - From Me to You

Love Doesn’t Come Easy

Love is not an “always” feeling.

Sometimes you’re going to be
aggravated. Sometimes you’re going to
be angry. Sometimes you’re going to be
But it is during those times that love
becomes a decision.

Martin - From Me to You

Love is a Choice

Love despite the aggravation.

Love despite anger.
Love despite being upset.

Love is a choice everyday. Because

sometimes you feel less than loving.
But it is choosing to stay anyway that
makes a profound statement on your

Martin - From Me to You

Love is Hard

Love is the most commonly felt emotion on

the earth. Love is also the most complex.
Sometimes love will be one of the hardest
choices you will ever make.
Loving even when you hurt.
Loving even when you are disappointed.
Loving even when you know circumstances
could repeat.

Having love for someone doesn’t mean they

need to stay in your life.
Sometimes loving is caring and wanting
the best for someone even when you’ve
brought yourself away from the situation or

Hating is completely intoxicating. It will

corrupt everything in your mind and heart.
Choose love.
Even when it’s hard to.

Martin - From Me to You

Follow His Path

Follow His path and you will never be led

Love selflessly.
Give relentlessly.
Feel hopeful
Feel loved
Feel love
Feel you were made with intention.

Martin - From Me to You

Everything in Your Life Leads You

Everything in your life leads you to be who

you are right now.
Every happiness.
Every heartache.
Every aggression.
Every sadness.
Every experience has molded you into who
you are as a person.
You could not have evolved into who you
are without everything that has happened
to you in your life.
Everything that has happened to you,
shaped you.

Martin - From Me to You

Regrets are Only Side Effects

Regrets are only side effects of

emotional immaturity.
Everything that has happened to you has
molded you into who you are.
You are who you are because of your life, No
matter what you think you
“missed out on” or are “lacking.”

Love who you are now, and you will never

regret again.

-Without that, I wouldn’t be who I am today.

-Even though I didn’t do that, I’m still

grateful for what I did do because it taught
me to be more patient and satisfied with
what I have.
Every could-be regret is actually a
lesson to be learned if you have the
right mindset.

Martin - From Me to You

Not Everyone is Meant to Stay

It hurts when someone leaves your life.

Sometimes it leaves a hole that can’t quite
be filled.
But not everyone was meant to stay in
your life. Sometimes people are called to
leave sooner than we’re ready to let go.
Let them go. Be grateful for the good
times you had while they were there. And
listen for any lessons you might’ve
learned from the situation.

Martin - From Me to You

Love Yourself First

Love you before anyone. Your first

priority should be you. Your health,
mindset, and stability. Put yourself first.
Stop putting everyone else above
yourself. It’s time to focus on you.
Remember, this is YOUR life.

Martin - From Me to You

People Pleasing

People pleasing only puts yourself last.

Prioritize yourself and you will see how
many people in your life are taking
advantage of you. Distance yourself from
those desperate for a handout. They
haven’t learned independence yet.

Martin - From Me to You

Don’t Hold Onto Anger

Holding onto anger is fatal to your mind,

heart, and spirit.
Holding onto anger will only exhaust you.
Choose to distance yourself from the
situation and see it from a clear
And sometimes it’s better to just walk
away in peace, than to stay in anger.

Martin - From Me to You

Forgive Them For You

Holding onto anger will drain your life.

Hold their actions accountable
But Find it in yourself to forgive. Forgive
for your peace
And, in certain situations, forgive for
their second chance.
Sometimes people need the
consequence before the change.

Martin - From Me to You

Everything You do Has a Consequence

Every choice you make and every

decision you put into action has a
consequence. Think before you speak.
Think before you act.
Plan before you execute.
Life is a game of chess. If you make all
the right moves, you’ll win the game.

Martin - From Me to You

Don’t React Blindly

Don’t react blindly. Think through every

situation with a clear head. Thinking
clearly, brings a clear answer.
Reacting blindly leads to irrational
decisions and chaotic outcomes.
Choose calm over storm.

Martin - From Me to You

You Are Not Infinite

You are not infinite.

You will perish.
Live life the way you want to live it. Do
the things you most want to do.
Take care of yourself and the
relationships you have.

Take care of your mind, spirit, and body.

Journal for your mind.
Pray for your spirit.
Exercise for your body.

Live for the life you need.

Martin - From Me to You

Take Care of The Relationships

in Your Life

Not everyone will stay in your life forever.

Some will stay.
Some will move on.
Some will leave in anger or sadness.
Some will leave too soon.
So be mindful of who IS in your life.
Be ever grateful they’re there.
Relish in the moments with them.
And show your love and kindness for
them, you may not have many moons left
with them.

Martin - From Me to You

Everything Has a Reason

Everything happens for a reason.

Just like the butterfly effect, you
cannot have one thing without

Everything is put into your life as it is and

was, in order to amount to who you will

Martin - From Me to You

Never Beg Someone to Stay

Never beg someone to stay in your life. If

it is their time to leave then let them go.
It’s time for your next chapter as much
as it’s time for theirs.

Martin - From Me to You

Rid Your Life of All That Plagues


If someone plagues your life and

mind, rid your life of them. And you
will become peaceful.

Martin - From Me to You

Lead Your Life as It is Yours to Lead

Choose what you want, not what anyone

else wants for you. This is your life. It is
yours to lead.
Don’t give into people-pleasing
Don’t give too much credit for anyone’s
opinion on your life, what you do, or
what you want in YOUR life.

Always hold your opinions on your life

higher than others’.

Martin - From Me to You

Don’t Waste Your Life

This life is yours. And you are not

So live it.
Have fun.
Go to that party.
Go to that concert.
Spend time with your friends.
Spend time with your family.

Just don’t let that part of your life become

prevalent over your dreams. Revel in the
good times, but when they’re over, let them
be over and get back to the grindstone.

Live wildly, but live with intention too.

Martin - From Me to You

It’s Okay

It’s okay to want things.

It’s okay to need things.
It’s okay to ask for help.
It’s okay if plans change.
It’s okay if your life changes.
It’s okay to change with it.

Martin - From Me to You

Change Can Happen in

an Instant

Change can happen in an instant.

People can change their minds.
You can change your mind.
People can come.
People can go.
Where you are can change.
Where your mindset is can
change. Your whole life can
You will evolve.
Let yourself evolve with the changes.
You will be better because of it.

Martin - From Me to You

Everyone Came from Somewhere

Everyone amounted to what their

environment and headspace set them up
to be.

Martin - From Me to You

Don’t Delete Yourself

It’s okay to want to change the past as

long as you know that every event in your
life led you to be who you are today.

But if you wanted to get rid of every

mistake you ever made, you must know
that doing that would only delete yourself
from your own life.

you only see your flaws.

But I see your potential.

Martin - From Me to You

Your Biggest Battle is Yourself

Go to war with the person in the mirror.

You are your biggest enemy. You inflict
negative thoughts on yourself, when you
should be your biggest protector.

Build up your mindset, it’s everything.

Redirect negative thoughts to positive
Surround yourself with positive notions
and people with similar values.
Gain motivation.
Gain determination.
Feel Invincible.
Feel unstoppable.
And go at life full force.

Martin - From Me to You

Just Know…

Your value.
You are worth everything. Life itself.

Your Worth.
You are life. You are uniquely yourself
and out of 7.7 billion people, not one person
has what you possess.

Know who you are. Know what you value.
Know what you need and want out of life.
Know that there is company to be found in


Camryn Martin


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