Podcast Ingles

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Good morning to our dear listeners, this is the first chapter of our PARANORMAL
PODCAST, my name is Vilitza Coa and together with Jose Coa and Nathalya García, we will
be telling 3 paranormal stories of our subscribers who will not let you sleep. Now with
nothing more to say, go to your kitchens, find something to eat, turn off the lights and enjoy
this first episode.

I'm Jose, and I'm going to be telling this first story sent by Carol. A few days ago, this girl
says that she get up very scared and after two in the morning, she had the feeling that
someone was in her room. A feeling she describes as overwhelming. She goes back to sleep,
all good, but this time she wakes up with a voice that shouts "HEY!" in her ear, it should be
noted that this girl lives alone. She decided this time not to pay attention to the situation, she
told herself that it was just a dream. I try to fall asleep again, but this time she felt someone
pull her feet, and I can't continue sleeping there. All day long she felt weird and low energy.

Carol was in front of the kitchen, preparing food and the cabinets began to open and close,
this we know as the POLTERGEIST phenomenon. All she could think of was yelling at this
spirit and saying “Hey stop messing around”. Carol says that until it has not manifested
again, however, the energy of the house has become heavy.

wow how afraid to have to live with an entity or spirit

After hearing this terrifying story, now I am going to tell you this anecdote that Jazmin sends
us. She says that her father, her mother and her little brother were driving at night to her older
brother's house. But his little brother, is one of these people who get dizzy on the road, so the
boy vomited, and they decided to stop on the road on the edge of a precipice. While Jasmine's
mother is looking for clothes to change the child, who by the way had already fallen asleep.
Jasmine and her dad see the silhouette of a man on the precipice, who didn't look normal, so
they decide to turn on the flashlight, and what they see is a man in a striped shirt, without
eyes and with a hat, and then this man disappears. When they arrives at the house of Jazmin's
older brother, they tell what happened and the little brother, who was asleep, wakes up and
says "I know who is the man on the road, he was driving along the road and had an accident,
collided with a truck and died", after saying this he falls asleep again. And the father-in-law
of Jazmin's brother says "that's right, what the child says is true." After this Jasmine and her
family did not travel again at night.

This last story is told by me, Nathalya and its sent by Adriana, she says that for a long time in
her house things disappear, such as keys, coins, earrings. She lives with her sister and her
father. Adriana thinks that can be a goblin, the father is really skeptical and doesn't believe in
these things. But Adriana says that one night they were sleeping and she began to hear
knocks inside the hairdresser and hear whispers, but she did not dare to open the hairdresser,
so she just ran to her sister's room and stayed to sleep with her. Adriana after telling all this to
her grandmother, she told her to place sweets and water as an offering for the elf. Which
apparently worked because the elf hasn't bothered her again.

Well, these three stories submitted by our subscribers have definitely given us goosebumps.
This segment was created to find out through stories that there is beyond. We hope that this
paranormal community has enjoyed this first episode and continues listen to us and believe in
the stories of the afterlife.

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