Muhammad Ulvi Al Zidane - 2022380717 - A1

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Name: Muhammad Ulvi Al Zidane

Group: EH2207B
Student Id: 2022380717

The increasing amount of solid wastes has become the biggest environmental problem in Malaysia.
Population growth has led to the increase in generation of solid wastes in Malaysia and it has
become a crucial issue to be solved. The wastes generated are from sources like domestic,
industrial and commercial and it shows an increasing trend throughout the world. Due to this
reason, solid waste management plays an important role in maintaining a sustainable environment.

In 2007, Solid Waste Management (SWM) is being managed, directly or indirectly at all three
levels of government which are federal, state and local authority. Discuss (5) roles of the state
government in order to ensure an efficient solid waste management and suggest ways to achieve
each roles.

Role of the state government:

1) State level policy and programme formulation
2) Consultation and coordination with Federal Government
3) Promotion and coordination of local authority cooperation
4) Allocation of land and facilities
5) Approval or inter-state movement of waste and location of facilities
6) Assisting, monitoring and auditing local authorities
7) Financial and other assistance for local authorities
8) Formation of coordinating SWM
committee Suggestion:
1) Setting up waste minimization units to oversee the SWM programmes
2) Setting up and maintaining an up-to-date website for recycling and waste minimization to
promote community participation and activities
3) Developing a comprehensive plan and programmes for public awareness and education
4) Providing infrastructure support for recycling including collection centers, separation and
collection of household hazardous waste
5) Increasing the number of household hazardous waste collection points
6) Setting up a household hazardous waste collection depot for items such as paint, oil,
acids, aerosol cans
7) Extending the e-waste collection programme to household electronic and electrical
appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, television sets, toasters, electric
ovens, radios and the like, in collaboration with private recycling businesses
8) Setting up a mechanism for the collection of bulky furniture

Malaysia has developed a National Strategic Plan for Solid Waste Management that forms the
basis for solid waste policy and practice in Peninsular Malaysia until the year 2020. The Ni nth
Malaysia Plan explicitly supports the National Strategic Plan (NSP) which establishes a new entity
of the Solid Waste Management Department, under the Ministry of Housing and Local
Government to undertake policy formulation, planning and management of solid waste. Explain
five (5) principles which encompass the National Strategic Plan.

1) Determination of Solid Waste Management (SWM) priorities

➢ Can only be effective if cost effective if significant quantities of waste are treated and
disposed of at these facilities
➢ Short term: Waste hierarchy suited to Malaysia’s conditions
➢ Long term: Towards a more balanced waste hierarchy
2) Rapid and comprehensive development of the regulatory framework
➢ At legal development, it is required to formalize the agreements for the
concessionaires and other service providers and develop the environmental
legislation to cover SWM aspects
➢ At institutional development, establish a new institutional structure for SWM where
all three levels of government have specific legally defined roles.
➢ Also establish a national council for SWM at the Federal level and Standing
Committee for SWM at State level to provide a forum for all stakeholders to
participate in SWM.
3) Public awareness and technical development
➢ Issue a public participation where it will be enhanced through the proposed National
Council for SWM and the Standing Committees for SWM in the States.
➢ In Technical Capability Development, the government will consider providing tax
breaks to companies willing to fund or undertake research in accordance with the
national program.
4) Provision of sustainable technologies
➢ Master plans will be made to determine the suitability of the facilities proposed,
specific sites, technologies and operational plans.
➢ Feasibility studies also shall be implemented to address the financial viability of the
5) Develop the waste reduction, re-use and recovery elements of SWM
➢ Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) will promote waste reduction in
a coordinated manner, working with both the public and private sectors and will
monitor the development of best environmental practice
➢ Waste reduction and recovery will be achieved by employing a combination
of mandatory and voluntary instruments
6) Develop a socially acceptable SWM system
➢ Government intervention in construction and operation of transfer stations, treatment
plants and sanitary landfills will be required to reduce the financial burden on the
public in the initial stages, with full cost recovery to be implemented gradually.
➢ Operation and maintenance of SWM facilities to be constructed by Government of
Malaysia (GOM) will be prioritized.
A study on the characteristics of residential solid waste has been conducted by the National Solid
Waste Department. Samples were collected from the households of two different residential areas.
The analysis of the physical properties of the waste is important to identify the suitable disposal
method. The compositions of the households waste collected are presented in Table 1. By referring
to the Appendix,
TABLE 1: Household Waste Composition

Component Percent by weight

Residential A Residential B

Food wastes 60 10

Paper 10 50

Cardboard 5 10

Plastics 10 20

Textiles 5 2

Rubber 2 2

Leather 4 2

Yard wastes 2 2

Wood 2 2
Calculate the moisture content in both wastes from residential A and residential B.
Residential A
Component % by weight Moisture content Dry Weight
Food wastes 60 70 18
Paper 10 6 9.4
Cardboard 5 5 4.75
Plastics 10 2 9.8
Textiles 5 10 4.5
Rubber 2 2 1.96
Leather 4 10 3.6
Yard Wastes 2 60 0.8
Wood 2 20 1.6
100 54.41

so, overall mointure contet is = 𝑥100 = 45.59%

Residential B
Component % by weight Moisture content Dry
Food wastes 10 70 3
Paper 50 6 47
Cardboard 10 5 9.5
Plastics 20 2 19.6
Textiles 2 10 1.8
Rubber 2 2 1.96
Leather 2 10 1.8
Yard Wastes 2 60 0.8
Wood 2 20 1.6
100 87.06

so, overall mointure contet is = 𝑥100 = 12.94%
Analyze a suitable disposal method for Residential A and Residential B and justify your
answer. Analyze the advantages of the recommended disposal method.

Residential A
Suitable disposal method:
Incineration Reasons:
✓ Contain high percentage of organic substances (food waste)
✓ Approximately 90% and 75% reduction in volume and weight
✓ Only small disposal area is needed
✓ Air discharge can be controlled
✓ The cost bearable able to be offset by the heat recovered

Residential B
Suitable disposal method: Recycling
and reuse Reasons:
✓ Reduce the amount of rubbish sent to the landfill
✓ Save energy and raw materials
✓ Help combat the climate change issue
✓ Conserve natural resources
✓ Prevent pollutions from worsening
Semenyih Solid Waste Municipal Council has carried out a study on the characteristics of
its residential solid waste. Sample was collected from the households of one particular
residential area. The analysis of the physical properties of the waste is important to identify
the suitable disposal method. The compositions of the household waste collected are
presented in Table 2. By referring to the Appendix,
TABLE 2: Household Waste Composition

Component Percent by weight

Food wastes 34.0

Paper 18.5

Cardboard 6.0

Plastics 7.0

Textiles 2.0

Rubber 0.5

Leather 0.5

Yard wastes 9.0

Wood 2.0
QUESTION 3 (a) (i)
Calculate the chemical composition of the organic fraction without sulfur (without water
and with water).
Calculations using computational tables
% by Moisture Dry
Component C H O N S Ash
weight content Weight
Food wastes 34 70 10.2 4.896 0.6528 3.8352 0.2652 0.0408 0.51
Paper 18.5 6 17.39 7.5647 1.0434 7.6516 0.0522 0.0348 1.043

Cardboard 6 5 5.7 2.508 0.3363 2.5422 0.0171 0.0114 0.285

Plastics 7 2 6.86 4.116 0.4939 1.5641 - - 0.686
Textiles 2 10 1.8 0.99 0.1188 0.5616 0.0828 0.0027 0.045
Rubber 0.5 2 0.49 0.3822 0.049 - 0.0098 - 0.049

Leather 0.5 10 0.45 0.27 0.036 0.0522 0.0045 0.0018 0.045

Yard Wastes 9 60 3.6 1.7208 0.216 1.368 0.1224 0.0108 0.162
Wood 2 20 1.6 0.792 0.096 0.6832 0.0032 0.0016 0.024

Total 79.5 - 48.09 23.2397 3.0422 18.2581 0.5572 0.1039 2.849

Weight of water in the waste = 79.5 - 48.09
= 31.41 Ib
Hydrogen = (31.41/18) x 2
= 3.49 Ib
Oxygen = (31.41/18) x 16
= 27.92 Ib
Percentage distribution of elements with and without water
Component Without H20 With H20
C 23.2397 23.2397
H 3.0422 6.5322
O 18.2581 46.1781
N 0.5572 0.5572
S 0.1039 0.1039
Ash 2.8494 2.8494

Hydrogen = 3.49 + 3.0422

= 6.5322
Oxygen = 27.92 + 18.2581
= 46.1781
Molar composition of the elements neglecting the ash
Component Without H20 With H20 Without H20 With H20
C 23.2397 23.2397 12.01 1.9350 1.9350
H 3.0422 6.5322 1.01 3.0121 6.4675
O 18.2581 46.1781 16 1.1411 2.8861
N 0.5572 0.5572 14.01 0.0398 0.0398
S 0.1039 0.1039 32.07 0.0032 0.0032

Determine an approximate chemical formula

Mole ratio (N=1) Mole ratio (S=1)
Component Without H20 With H20 Without H20 With H20
C 48.7 48.7 597.4 597.4
H 75.7 162.6 929.9 1996.7
O 28.7 72.6 352.3 891.0
N 1.0 1.0 12.3 12.3
S 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.0

Chemical formula without sulfur

a. without water (𝐶48.7𝐻75.7𝑂28.7𝑁)

b. with water (𝐶48.7𝐻162.6𝑂72.6𝑁)

QUESTION 3 (a) (ii)
Calculate the chemical composition of the organic fraction with sulfur (without water and
with water).
Calculations using computational tables
% by Moisture Dry
Component C H O N S Ash
weight content Weight
Food wastes 34 70 10.2 4.896 0.6528 3.8352 0.2652 0.0408 0.51
Paper 18.5 6 17.39 7.5647 1.0434 7.6516 0.0522 0.0348 1.0434

Cardboard 6 5 5.7 2.508 0.3363 2.5422 0.0171 0.0114 0.285

Plastics 7 2 6.86 4.116 0.4939 1.5641 - - 0.686
Textiles 2 10 1.8 0.99 0.1188 0.5616 0.0828 0.0027 0.045
Rubber 0.5 2 0.49 0.3822 0.049 - 0.0098 - 0.049

Leather 0.5 10 0.45 0.27 0.036 0.0522 0.0045 0.0018 0.045

Yard Wastes 9 60 3.6 1.7208 0.216 1.368 0.1224 0.0108 0.162
Wood 2 20 1.6 0.792 0.096 0.6832 0.0032 0.0016 0.024

Total 79.5 - 48.09 23.2397 3.0422 18.2581 0.5572 0.1039 2.8494

Weight of water in the waste = 79.5 - 48.09
= 31.41 Ib
Hydrogen = (31.41/18) x 2
= 3.49 Ib
Oxygen = (31.41/18) x 16
= 27.92 Ib
Percentage distribution of elements with and without water
Component Without H20 With H20
C 23.2397 23.2397
H 3.0422 6.5322
O 18.2581 46.1781
N 0.5572 0.5572
S 0.1039 0.1039
Ash 2.8494 2.8494

Hydrogen = 3.49 + 3.0422

= 6.5322
Oxygen = 27.92 + 18.2581
= 46.1781
Molar composition of the elements neglecting the ash
Component Without H20 With H20 Without H20 With H20
C 23.2397 23.2397 12.01 1.9350 1.9350
H 3.0422 6.5322 1.01 3.0121 6.4675
O 18.2581 46.1781 16 1.1411 2.8861
N 0.5572 0.5572 14.01 0.0398 0.0398
S 0.1039 0.1039 32.07 0.0032 0.0032

Determine an approximate chemical formula

Mole ratio (N=1) Mole ratio (S=1)
Component Without H20 With H20 Without H20 With H20
C 48.7 48.7 597.4 597.4
H 75.7 162.6 929.9 1996.7
O 28.7 72.6 352.3 891.0
N 1.0 1.0 12.3 12.3
S 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.0

Chemical formula with sulfur

a. without water (𝐶597.4𝐻929.9𝑂352.3𝑁12.3 𝑆)

b. with water (𝐶597.4𝐻1996.7𝑂891𝑁12.3 𝑆)


Analyze a suitable disposal method for the waste and justify your answer.

Suitable disposal method:

Incineration Reasons:
✓ Contain high percentage of organic substances (food waste)
✓ Approximately 90% and 75% reduction in volume and weight
✓ Only small disposal area is needed
✓ Air discharge can be controlled
✓ The cost bearable able to be offset by the heat recovered

Waste minimization is a process of elimination that involves reducing the amount of waste
produced in society and helps to eliminate the generation of harmful and persistent wastes,
supporting the efforts to promote a more sustainable society. As a new officer in the
department, your boss has asked you to present on waste minimization and prevention to all
staff. As an outline of the presentation;

Evaluate four (4) benefits of solid waste prevention.

1) Economical perspectives
➢ Reduced waste disposal fees
➢ Savings in materials and supply costs
➢ Revenues from marketing reusable materials
2) Environmental perspectives
➢ Reduced energy consumption
➢ Reduced pollution
➢ Conservation of natural resources
➢ Extension of valuable landfill capacity
3) Employee morale perspective
➢ Improves when they see the company taking steps to reduce waste
➢ Increase employee enthusiasm, productivity and more waste prevention measures
4) Corporate image perspective
➢ Enhanced corporate image shall attract potential customers
➢ More consumers consider a firm’s environmental record when making
5) Compliance perspective
➢ Certain communities restrict the amount or types of waste accepted at solid
waste management facilities
➢ A business can ensure compliance with finite requirement by implementing an
aggressive waste prevention program

Recommend six (6) solid waste prevention strategies.

1) Using or manufacturing minimal or reusable packaging

➢ Encourage suppliers to offer products with reduced or minimal packaging
➢ Choose products that come in reusable packaging or that are offered
in bulk quantities
➢ Companies can examine packaging used for their own product, to determine
whether it is possible to ship merchandise in returnable or reusable containers
2) Using and maintaining durable equipment and supplies
➢ By considering quality and durability
➢ Invest on superior-performance products
➢ These products stay out of the waste stream longer and the high initial cost
can be profited from low maintenance and disposal costs
3) Reusing products and supplies
➢ Reuse can help extend the lives of products and supplies, thereby reducing costs.
➢ Perform an analysis on wide inventory of products that can be reuse
4) Reducing the use of hazardous components
➢ Companies can reduce waste toxicity by substituting products with non-
hazardous or less hazardous components for certain items
➢ Many products able to use graphic and maintenance departments with fewer
or no hazardous components.
➢ Suppliers can help identify components with very minimal risk
5) Using supplies and materials more efficiently
➢ Helps in streamline the operations
➢ Focusing more employee time on the business at hand less time on
generating waste
➢ Able to increase productivity.
6) Exchanging, selling or giving away unneeded goods or materials
➢ Involve in trading, selling or giving away of goods or materials that otherwise
would be thrown away
➢ Join an exchange program is good for finding new uses for unneeded
materials and cost-effective.

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