Brenda Enriquez - Almendra Palomino - Janet Echevarria - Fabiana Chapoñan 5to San José - Project 1

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Hi everyone its Chapoñan Fabiana, Palomino Almendra, Enríquez Brenda and

Echevarria Janet And this story calls "just one chance"
and there I was, forgiving all the mistakes he made. Is it love or emotional dependency?
Why do I always forgive their lies? Am I too young to say I just want to be loved?
Questions like these that I always ask myself before going to sleep. In any case,
tomorrow I will see Jacob, my boyfriend, he was a very kind and considerate boy, our
relationship was the envy of almost everyone, we were a very nice couple, we had
differences, like all other couples, even so it was not an obstacle to love each other, but
unfortunately things between us have changed since he moved to another city, I wish I
could ask him why he changed so much but I guess he'll tell me that it's just my ideas
and in fact he already did yesterday in the discussion we had, I It hurt too much not to
be able to make me respect and end that relationship, all for the simple fact that my
heart continues to beat for him, I can tell myself many times things like "you don't
deserve to be treated like this" "you need someone who values everything you do for
him" or I can also propose to myself to end our relationship but when I see it all those
statements turn into doubts and it's really unfortunate.
(the next day)
- Hanna, today I'm going to the grandparents' house, do you want to come? That was the
voice of my sister, the person I trust the most, for a long time she was my source of
support, I thank her very much for everything she has done for me. - hey, wake up -I
can't go, today I'll go out with Jacob. Didn't they have an argument? -... God, I can't
believe you forgive him for everything. -Neither do I.. - oh hanna... good luck on your
date, I'm leaving - beware -Okay, I'll be back later. - AND BRING ME COOKIES - Its
fineI got up and took a shower, today would be a long day, the hours passed fast and it
was an hour before jacob came for me, I was in a crisis, literally, I had no idea what I
would wear, I don't know why I didn't think about it yesterday, I saw what was in my
wardrobe and hope came back to me when I saw a lilac colour dress, it was simple, but
very pretty, I grabbed a little sweatshirt in case it was cold, I felt very pretty and I really
was, just at that moment I got a message, it was jacob
-I'm late, do you think you can come to the square?
-Sure, I'll be there in 10 minutes.
-Well, I'll wait for you, come carefully, ok?
-I'm coming, I love you more.
I left the house and took a taxi, I felt really good, feeling the wind blowing against my
face made me feel happy, and the fact that I knew I would see my boyfriend made me
even happier. I arrived at the square, I really thought I would arrive in 10 or 15 minutes,
but because of the traffic it took me much longer, Jacob didn't answer the messages and
I was starting to worry, I started to look for him all over the place until I saw him, my
heart started to beat too hard, my tears wouldn't stop coming out and that feeling of
disappointment started to fill my whole body, Seeing him, hugging and kissing another
girl made me reach my limit of self respect, I dried my tears and started walking home,
Jacob's voice calling as he followed me made me fill with rage, he still had the nerve to
make an excuse? Because that's what he always does, but this time there's no more
chance and I would let him know, I turned around and saw him, with those typical fake
tears, saying he was so sorry.

-I'm... I'm really sorry, she made me kiss her, I didn't want to-
-Save all those words Jacob, I don't give a damn about having to listen to those typical
empty apologies.
-Hanna, please listen to me, I don't want to lose you.
-Ha, that's all you'll say, I have too many important things to do and listening to you is
not one of them.
-Since when did you become like this
-Why? You got used to the typical hanna who forgave everything you did to her?
-I didn't mean it like that
-Tell me what you want and leave me alone. -I just want you to give me what I want.
-I just want you to give me another chance... I promise I'll change, I will, for you.
-You don't change even for yourself and you think I'll be so stupid to believe in what
you say? I'm sorry Jacob, but I should have respected myself a long time ago and not
follow behind you when you treated me as if I was an object, it's over and if you have
nothing more to say, I'm leaving, excuse me.
I left that place with a lump in my throat, I wanted so much to get home quickly and
cry, because crying is not bad, nor does it make you less strong and that was what I
wanted most, to cry, because I loved him so much, but I should have loved me more.
When I got home I went straight to my room, the tears soon came and the memories
filled my mind, but I guess at some point it was going to happen, at some point I had to
put an end to it all and not give second chances anymore....

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