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International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016

Bidding strategy of IPP in Competitive Electricity

market using FACLPSO
Ranjan Kumar Mallick Ramachandra Agrawal Prakash Kumar Hota
Dept of EEE Dept of EE Dept of EE
SOA University SOA University VSSUT, Burla
Bhubaneswar, India Bhubaneswar, India Burla, India
There were monopoly markets all over the world in While modelling the bidding strategy game theory has
power generation and also in the power distribution been used extensively, which usually based on
sectors. After 1990s many countries had changed oligopoly models [3].Poolco is one of the main
their economics of electricity market, where the structures in deregulated competitive market where
participants are the Independent power regional buyers and sellers are brought together for a
producers(IPPs),who submit the amount of energy central auction[4].Genetic algorithm determines
they can provide to the market at any particular bidding strategies in which the marketplace model is
trading hour and the price they will charge for the identical to commodities exchange [5].A power
same, and the large and small consumers, submit supplier may bid a higher price than the marginal
the energy they require and the amount they want production cost to increase its own profit in case the
to pay for it. However in this case we have market is not competitive perfectly and the procedure
considered the IPP side bidding only using Fuzzy adopted by it is called strategic bidding [6].After IPPs
adaptive Comprehensive learning particle swarm submit their individual bids, the system operator
optimisation(FACLPSO) method, which is tested on determines the equilibrium point where the market is
IEEE-30 bus system with 6 IPPs and the output in cleared [7].The second method is by utilizing the
our case is found to be much better on comparison estimation of bidding behaviour of rival participants
to that obtained by each of the FAGSA,CLPSO and [8,11].Forecasted information is another basis for an
PSO methods. IPP to have a good bidding strategy as explained in
Keywords: Bidding, CLPSO, IPPs, FACLPSO, [9].Liberalization of electricity markets started in
FAGSA Europe in 1990’s and is still continuing in U.K.,first
introduced reforms of electricity market. “Nordel” was
I. Introduction formed to supply electricity to Norway, Sweden,
A poolco market is a central auction that combines all Finland, and Denmark.Germany,France, Switzerland
the regional sellers and buyers. All the sellers and are served by European Energy Exchange. Primary
buyers have to submit their respective bids to an Control, Secondary Control and minute reserve are
independent system operator (ISO).Then ISO has to recognized by the association of European transmission
match the highest price buying offers to the lowest operators as reported in[10].
price selling bids and it has to also decide the MCP In 1982 Chile, 1992 Argentina, 1993 Peru, Bolivia and
(market clearing price). In the competitive market it Colombia in 1994, Brazil 1996, Central American
makes the generating companies bid at higher price countries in 1997 introduced market oriented reforms.
than marginal rate which is set as their production cost. In Argentina bids were changed in each six months. In
So deciding the appropriate price so as to win the Brazil the market was set up for upcoming 24 hours.
auction in the market they needed to have the other Colombian market however followed British approach
competitors bidding information, but it is sealed [12].In 1998 California restructured whole sale
auction mechanism, however based on the past electricity market was opened. This operates a day
information they have to predict their price as a result ahead market for energy. PJM market began
of which they can maximise their individual profit. functioning from 1997. In Texas wholesale electricity
This needs them to adopt a specific strategy called markets and trading takes place by bi lateral
bidding strategy. In the liberalized electricity market agreements[13].
the Independent power producer want to maximize Using Monte Carlo simulation an optimization model
their profit and the Independent system operator want is used estimate the rival bidding behaviour
to enhance the common welfare. in[14].China started reforms in 1990. Japan also started
Maximising profit problem is solved by using PSO. reforms from 1990.CERC takes care of interstate
The first method is a conventional PSO to search for a activities. It currently operating on a day ahead
feasible solution using ǻq and b,while the second is a electricity market with closed auctions where bidding
decomposition based PSO [1]. is accepted from both seller and consumer sides and
The cost of energy depends on the amount of fuel clears at a MCP at a certain trading hour[15].With the
consumed by the generating unit and is roughly network constraints Ma et al have proposed a linear
represented by a function C(q) from [2]. supply function model based on PSO in[16].

978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016

In Chile and UK in middle of 1980s reform started and violate these constraints in each iteration so as to
spread to many countries. An understanding of market ensure the swarm remains within the search space.
structure and market price behaviour can be achieved If the X value is more than maximum value then X
via country wise analysis of the market rules[17].Nash value is equal to maximum value, and similarly if the X
equilibrium based power market bidding model is by value is less than minimum value then X value is equal
Lai et al in[18]. to minimum value.
Price sensitive of demand affects strategic bidding is The process is continued for ݇௠௔௫ times and global
well explained in[19].A multi objective optimization best value obtained in the end is considered as the
problem using FFA is proposed by Soleymani in [20] optimum value or the best solution.
is indeed an innovative approach for IPP bidding. Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimisation
With emission as a constraint a new search strategy [CLPSO]
with PSO is reported in [21] with a linear bidding As mentioned above in PSO each particle learns from
curve model. Price responsive demand bidding on both its personal best and global best value at the same
congestion and LMP in pool based electricity market is moment. The global value helps in the faster
analysed by Singh in[22].Dead weight loss convergence of the particles around the gbest value but
implying loss of social benefit is caused while profit what if the gbest value is far away from the global
maximisation by an IPP is shown in [23]. optima then the particles converge at the wrong
position. To avoid this CLPSO is used, in this velocity
II.System Modelling and Design is determined just by the personal best value of the
Particle swarm optimisation (PSO) particles.
Particle swarm optimisation is a computational method
that can be applied to non-linear optimisation
Vk +1 = w k v k + a 1rand1 * p kbest − X k )
problems. In PSO the swarm contains individual Also out of all the pbest value which particle’s pbest
particles which are nothing but randomly initialised value is to be considered including its own is
solutions, which are move around through the search determined by probability Pci known as learning
space by considering the best fitness of the whole probability which is given by
swarm (global best or gbest) and the best fitness of the § § 10(i − 1) · ·
particle so far (personal best or pbest). This is actually 0.045 * ¨¨ exp¨¨ ¸¸ − 1¸¸
done by calculating the velocity of particle . © © ps ¹ ¹
Pci = 0.05 +
Where, “‫ݐݏܾ݁݌‬௞ ” and “ܾ݃݁‫ݐݏ‬௞ ” as earlier explained (exp(10) − 1)
are the personal and global best values, these are the Where, ‘ps’ is the particle size of the swarm. For each
particles for which the best fitness was obtained. “ ” particle in a dimension a random number is generated.
is the weight parameter and ܸ௞ is the previous velocity If the learning probability is less than the random
of the system which constitutes the first term which number generated for the corresponding particle, the
moves the particle in same direction. The second and particle will learn from its own pbest. Otherwise it will
third terms are responsible for convergence of the learn from another particles pbest value. Tournament
particle to its global best and personal best values selection process is used for choosing the pbest value
which correspond to exploitation of the search space of the particles-
and depth of the search procedure. Here “‫ ݓ‬௞ ” is a 1.First any two particles are randomly chosen from the
linearly decreasing function and is given by: roster of particles excluding ..
w max − w min
w k = w max − *k 2.the particles whose velocities are already updated.
k max
a1 & a2 are constants where rand1 & rand2 are random 3.The fitness value of the pbest values of these
assigned numbers taken from a distribution of 0 to 1. particles are compared with each other and the better
X k +1 = X k + Vk +1 one is chosen. To ensure that time is not wasted from
poor values the particles ceases to improve their values
Also the velocity and X are constrained to a maximum
for certain generations called the refreshing gap ‘m’
and minimum value and they are modified if they
Any search algorithm is based upon two principles
which are exploration and exploitation. In previous is not linearly decreasing but is determined by a fuzzy
cases a linearly decreasing weight parameter has been inference system. This fuzzy system takes the
used in velocity determination. Linearly decreasing normalised function value and the present weight value
function ensures exploration in the initial iterations and as input and accordingly gives the output that is ¨w.
exploitation in the later stages. But what if the swarm “Adaptive” means that the system adapts to current
is stuck in a local optima then the weight parameter situations and accordingly tries to improve the output.
will sink the whole swarm in the local optima. To solve Fuzzy rules
this we use a fuzzy adaptive system where the weight Here Mamdani-Sugeno fuzzy system is used to
formulate the conditional statements which comprise
the logic. The fuzzy rules are designed to determine the
change in the weight parameter.

978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016

Table 1- Set of fuzzy rules

Rule No Antecedent Consequent
1 S S ZE
2 S M NE
3 S L NE
4 M S PE
5 M M ZE
6 M L NE
7 L S PE
8 L M ZE
9 L L NE
Figure 3-membership function for input variable NFV

Subject to following constraints


¦ ǻq
i =1
i ≤ Q max

0 ≤ b i ≤ Bmax for i=1.....N

0 ≤ ǻq i ≤ Q max for i=1.....N

( )
I Ptk
q kt = ¦ ǻq
i =1

where, I(ܲ௧௞ )=max j such that ܾ௝ ൑ ܲ௝

Figure 4: Membership function of input 1 for k= 0,1.....K,t= 0,1.......T,i= 0,1.... I(ܲ௧௞ )
( )
C q kt = eq kt + f (q kt ) 2


‫ܥ‬ሺ‫ݍ‬௧௞ ሻ is the cost of generating q MWh ($/MWh)

݁ǡ ݂are linear, quadratic cost coefficients of the
generator’s cost function
ܲ௧௞ is the market clearing price at hour t of scenario
ܳ ௠௔௫ is the maximum generating capacity of the
generator (MWh)
‫ܤ‬௠௔௫ is maximum allowable bid price in the market
ܾ௜ is the bid price of block i ($/MWh)
Figure 5: Membership function of input 2 ‫ݍ‬௜ is bid energy amount increase of block i (MWh)
‫ݍ‬௜௧ is total energy generated at hour t
System Modelling In this paper we have used fuzzy adaptive
The whole system model is based upon the below comprehensive learning PSO to search for a feasible
mentioned set of equations. Our objective is to find an solution using ο‫ݍ‬and b.
appropriate bid price and quantity so as to win the bid k aj
for that hour. So, in summation we have to obtain a Q0 + ¦
price-quantity offer curve for a particular generator in a bj
Competitive market.
Ptk = R = k
1 K T
[ ( )]
P (ǻ q , b ) = ¦ ¦ Ptk q kt − C q kt
k k =1 t =1
j=1 b j

ܽ௝ǡ ܾ௝ are bidding coefficients

for k=1…..K; t=1……T K, Q0 are non-negative coefficients
Bidding strategy based on FACLPSO: Artificial

978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016

intelligence technique Fuzzy logic is to used for the market participants. The weighting parameter is
improving the performance of CLPSO method where governing the particle velocity is adaptively updated
as the soft computing technique is implemented using using Fuzzy rule based FIS system designed and hence
comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization the name is FACLPSO
technique to get the maximum possible profit for all

GENERATOR e f Pmin(MW) Pmax(MW)

1 2.0 0.00375 20 160

2 1.75 0.0175 15 150

3 1.0 0.0625 10 120

4 3.25 0.00834 10 100

5 3.0 0.025 10 130

6 3.0 0.025 10 130

Table 2-Generator constraints of IEEE-30 Bus system

III.Evaluation and Analysis:

Figure 6-convergence characteristics of FACLPSO in comparison with other algorithm

978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 1450

International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016


400 PSO

1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of market participants

Figure 7-bar graph comparing FACLPSO with other algorithms

bj bj bj bj
1 0.001092 0.0868 0.021437 0.0672
2 0.050953 0.4410 0.121878 0.3500
3 0.181976 0.7740 0.337380 0.4756
4 0.024283 0.1321 0.023806 0.0754
5 0.072791 0.1500 0.100457 0.1135
6 0.072791 0.1500 0.063465 0.1823

Table 3-bidding prices of FACLPSO compared to other algorithms

Table 4-Individual generator profits of FACLPSO with market clearing price


P(MW) Profit($) P(MW) Profit($) P(MW) Profit($) P(MW) Profit($)

1 160.00 772.41 160.00 833.16 160.00 1034.9 160.00 1624.2

2 100.83 340.10 100.83 376.65 60.04 376.38 75.8891 734.1

3 32.35 125.06 32.35 136.08 58.91 157.22 24.7109 252.2

4 100.00 280.36 100.00 318.32 100 498.47 100.00 868.8

5 53.40 136.32 53.40 157.72 60.41 275.38 85.9113 653.2

6 53.40 136.32 53.40 157.72 60.41 275.38 53.4887 450.1

MCP 6.88 8.34 9.06 12.7515

Total profit 1790.57 1979.65 2617.73 4582.6

We see that the FACLPSO takes minimum

From Figure 9 it is apparent that the FACLPSO gives computational time due to Fuzzy adaptive weight
more profits than any other algorithm used. From parameter and also it outperforms the other algorithms
Figure 10 it is visible that the FACLPSO has faster with a huge margin. Therefore, in conclusion the
convergence to the solution. proposed FACLPSO outperforms when compared with
So, the proposed algorithm gives better and faster PSO, CLPSO, and FAGSA methods. So, it is suitable
results by using fuzzy rules to dictate the weight for application in optimisations like bidding. An
parameter. empirical formula has been used in this paper to
calculate the market clearing price MCP. In future a
IV. Conclusion probability distribution function [PDF] can be used to

978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016

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