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Comparative Analysis of Game Theory Application

to Various Types of Auctions in Electric Markets

Nilson Sá Costa Filho, Felipe O. S. Saraiva, and V. Leonardo Paucar, Senior Member, IEEE

approximately forecast the behavior of participants in the

Abstract— The various changes that have occurred in the auctions. The game theory, an area of artificial intelligence
electricity markets around the world have introduced (AI), may support the modeling and analysis of phenomena
competition among the participants in this sector. Thus, the that occur when two or more players of decision interact with
generation agents that participate on electrical energy auctions
may prefer to build optimal strategies to maximize their profits.
each other [4].
Mathematical models based on game theory have been used in This work is divided as follows: The games theory and
the analysis of electric energy markets and especially in electric energy auctions is presented in section 2. In section 3
electricity auctions. In this sense, this theory optimizes the is presented the methodology used for the comparison of
decision-making process for setting prices offered by the various types of auctions. Then in section 4 the application of
generators to the system operator in a power auction. This paper the methodology and the analysis of results are presented.
deals with a comparative analysis of individual strategies of
generating units, using a non-cooperative game theory approach
Section 5 corresponds to the conclusion of this research.
and incomplete information on various types of auctions. A
modified version of IEEE 57-bus test system is used to illustrate II. GAME THEORY AND ELECTRIC ENERGY AUCTIONS
the main features of the auction models used. Auctions of electric energy can be modeled by game theory.
In this section concepts of game theory and aspects of
Index Terms—— Artificial intelligence, game theory, auctions
in electric markets, electric power systems. biddings in electricity auctions are described.
A. Game Theory
The main models used in game theory are: strategic form,
extensive form and coalition form. Studies on the electricity

T HE electricity markets have experienced over the years,

many changes have occurred until the current time with
distinct characteristics between these markets. The
markets show that their behavior is close to strategic form [4].
In this section the basic elements of a game in the strategic
format are briefly described.
international reforms were mainly directed to the transition From the perspective of game theory a game has the
from regulated monopolies to liberalized markets, and at following elements [5-8]: a finite set of players
present the competition among electric energy agents and ,, wherein each player has a finite
more investments in the electricity sector are encouraged [1]. set of pure strategies . The choice of a
In the current commercialization mechanisms of electricity
strategy by the player is called pure strategy profile and it is
markets, it is usual the practice of auctions because it is a form
defined by vector . The set of all
for preventing, at least in part, the collusion and mitigation of
risk involved in power generation from the perspective of the strategy profiles form the pure strategy space of game, i.e. the
generator [2, 3]. The bidding problem is composed of known Cartesian product .
parameters by the generating units, i.e. their production costs, Each player has a utility function that associates a
and unknown parameters which are, for example, the real number (the gain or payoff) of the player to
production cost curves and the potential bids of their every strategy profile of game .
opponents. Thus, if a generating unit seeks to obtain the There are available several types of games depending on the
optimal bidding to maximize its individual profit, it will have criteria adopted. Depending on the interaction between
to face a strategic problem in electric energy auctions [3]. players, a game can be classified as cooperative when
The interaction between participants in electric energy individuals act in combination and the decision of each one
auctions may be simulated by computer models which can depends on the group's strategy. Otherwise, it is called a non-
cooperative game, when individuals work with their strategies
alone in order to determine a winner [7, 8]. A game is of
Manuscript submitted on October 17, 2016. This work was supported in
part by Brazilian Foundations CAPES and FAPEMA. perfect information when everyone knows previously the
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, Federal whole history of game. The game will be said of imperfect
University of Maranhão (UFMA), São Luis-MA, 65080-805, Brazil (e-mails: information, if any player at some point of the game, it has to,,
make its move without knowing the history of the game to
978-1-5090-2938-9/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE date. In relation to the asymmetry of information, a game is

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said of complete information when its earnings are of common To fulfill the purposes of this work will be assessed some
knowledge, otherwise it is called of incomplete information. A cases of biddings.
game according to its stages can be simultaneous, when it is
A. Bidding in Auctions of Electricity Markets
developed only in one step, or sequential, in which it has a
profile strategies for each stage of the game [7, 8]. After the deregulation of the market previously mentioned,
The solution of a game considers a prediction of the result. the generating units now have greater risks than before
There are several concepts of solution; the most common are because of price volatility in the short-term energy market.
the dominance and the Nash equilibrium. The Nash Thus, each generating unit knowing its own costs, the
equilibrium, which is the type of solution used in this study is technical constraints of the system simulate the approximate
defined as the set of offers from all the generating units (GUs) behavior of its competitors and the market, facing the problem
such that no GU can increase its profit unilaterally changing of building the optimal bid to be delivered to the system
the offer chosen [6]. Making use of this solution is possible to operator [13]. This problem known as a strategic bidding
predict what will happen when several GUs are making problem has been solved through the application of game
decisions at the same time, and analyze the interdependence of theory and other approaches that seek strategies’ optimization
these decisions. at auctions in the competitive electricity market. Reference
The economist William Vickrey, winner of the Nobel Prize [14] developed the balance based on Nash bidding strategy in
in Economics, was one of the precursors of the study on the a competitive electricity market. Algorithms based on multi-
theory of auctions, which is an application area of game theory agent systems have been applied to find the balance of a game
[9]. An electricity auction to be well effected, should have based on double auction in electricity market [15]. In [16] an
well-formulated institutional rules, as they directly influence evolutionary game approach to analyze bidding strategies
the strategies of the bidders and should thus stimulate the considering the elastic demand is proposed. The optimal
interest of all potential offerors, avoiding the practice of bidding strategies for generating units in a competitive market
collusion and selecting those with the best bids, considering were studied in [17] using game theory to estimate the rival
the economic, environmental, technical and social aspects behavior and discourage coalitions. The comprehensive
where the energy system will be implemented [10]. comparative analysis of several theoretical models games
There are several types of auctions; the four formats listed electricity markets was presented in [3]. New methods focused
below are considered classics [10, 11]: on optimizing the selling price of the generating units continue
to be studied.
a) Open descending auction or Dutch auction
The bidders of this auction submit progressive open bids
with new bids lower than the last received bid. The auction OF A GAME
ends when a bid is not outbid by another bid.
After the bibliographical survey on the methods of game
b) Open ascending auction or English auction theory in power auctions, various methodologies from the
The dynamics of this auction consists of open, progressive perspective of electricity generating units were identified,
and ascending bids made until only one bidder remains. where one of them drew attention by the number of bids
analyzed simultaneously and presented in [15], as well as most
c) First-price sealed-bid auction
other practices exposed in [17].
This auction has its procedure based on only a sealed bid
submitted by the bidder. The methodology simulates the electricity auctions in the
form of a game where: the total demand D is known by GU's,
d) Second-price sealed-bid auction or Vickrey auction however we will simulate it in another way, taking into
This auction has its methodology similar to the first-price account the various types of auctions. The bids submitted by
sealed-bid auction, however the winning bid will be the second GUs to the System Operator are:
best bid.
Bid 1 represented by the ordered pair , bid 2 by
Thus, according to [12] the electricity auctions can be bid 3 and so on depending on the number of
modeled as a strategic game with the following features: required bids.
• At least two players, i.e. each GU is a player: each GU Where:
has at least one strategy (biddings); • , are the prices per unit generated with, <
• Incomplete information: since the cost and evaluation
functions of each player is confidential information;
• is the power supplied with,
• Non cooperative: considering that there is competition
, being the maximum
between the players, there is no cooperation (cartels
and collusions are neglected in this work); generation capacity.
• It can be simultaneous, when there is only one bid as Each GU tries to represent the strategic behavior of its
well as sequential when there are successive bids. To competitors to maximize their profit based on a sequence of
fulfill the purposes of this work will be assessed a detailed actions on the following subsections.
few cases.

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A. Obtaining the set of strategies
The set of strategies or possible bids of a GU equipped )
with its standard cost curve , come from
the Cartesian product of the triple ,
. (10
Where the marginal cost in parts “low” and “high” of
the agents . For this work we simulate a maximum of In (3), denotes the total cost of active power output
three bids with represented as follows: of the generator i within one-hour interval. Equalities exposed
in (4) e (5) indicate the power balance constraints of the
; optimal power flow (OPF) in question. In the equation shown
; (1) in (4), designates the vector of
angles and voltage magnitudes, represents the entire
active power flow leaving the bar k, is the active output
The values are defined as 10% above and below the power of generator i, indicates the active power demand in
average values, as described in (2). the k bar. In the expression shown in (5), designates the
; total reactive power flow leaving the k bar, indicates the
reactive power output of the generator i, and is the
B. Modeling strategies of competitors reactive power demand on k bar. The previously described
To maximize its strategy in an environment with players, and flows are calculated respectively by the expressions
each GU simulates the behavior of their competitors by (9) and (10) [18].
creating a set of n Virtual Generating Units (VU), filling the (11)
gaps of incomplete information game. Therefore, it is imposed
on each VU a cost curve, which shows the fidelity with which
this curve represents its competitor. In addition, each GU may
have a number k of games which is related to the profit level
of satisfaction obtained by this. Where, each set having The illustrated inequality in (6) consists of a generic
possibilities, where n is the number of GUs. representation of network constraints which characterize the
current OPF. Such inequality incorporates the restriction of
The set of possibilities for the k-th game can be represented inequalities exposed (11) and (12). Furthermore, the
by a payoff matrix where GU bids possibilities are exposed in inequalities given in (7) and (8) represent the output of the
lines and joint opportunities for VU's in columns. generator limits, in which and denote, respectively,
C. Determining the best strategy the minimum active and reactive power output allowed for the
Based on the bids of each GU is made a dispatch of generating unit i [18].
minimum cost in each cell of the payoff matrix that is Then profit li obtained by GUi is assigned to the value of the
described for the above equation (3) to (12) according to [18]. cell. This profit is calculated by:

(3) li (gi) = gi . λi - CCi(gi) (13)

gi : is the total energy dispatched by GUi
(4) λi : corresponds to the value of the spot price obtained in the
solution of the dispatch problem.
The game result is achieved using one of the Game Theory
tools, maximin criterion, and represents the expected profit for
(5) GUi . The process consists of:
• Examine the minimum value of each
row i and obtain the vector , called vector of
minimum expected profits in the k-th game.

(7) • Then select the maximum value of the minimum

indicated by vi .

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• In the vector it is determined if the same values to Applying the methodology to the second-price sealed-bid
v exist, indicated by n v . k auction, the following bids are obtained:
i i
• So is assigned to each element of the vector a TABLE III. SET OF STRATEGIES SA
probability whose value is zero for all elements Bid 1 Bid 2
smaller than and for elements equals to .
Obtaining another vector named probability SA,1 (20.0500; 325.4) (24.1501; 325.4)
distribution vector of the k-th game . SA,2 (20.0500; 325.4) (26.8334; 325.4)
• Finally, after all the games have been simulated and (20.0500; 325.4) (29.5167; 325.4)
their payoff matrices calculated, you can find the
overall result by analyzing the probability distribution SA,4 (22.2778; 325.4) (24.1501; 325.4)
vector of all possible strategies for the GUi SA,5 (22.2778; 325.4) (26.8334; 325.4)

SA,6 (22.2778; 325.4) (29.5167; 325.4)

D. Application of the best strategy
Bidding found after analysis of the vectors are forwarded SA,7 (24.5056; 325.4) (24.1501; 325.4)
to the System Operator (SO) which then will hold the dispatch SA,9 (24.5056; 325.4) (26.8334; 325.4)
of minimum cost taking into consideration the demand and (24.5056; 325.4) (29.5167; 325.4)
bids submitted by all environment’s GUs.
E. Analysis of results
After completion of the dispatch, the SO presents to the Finding:
GUs the value obtained by each of them. So if the profit of the • vector l = (2.8960; 2.9408; 2.9199; 2.9276; 2.9354;
GU is below its expectation, GU will have to seek a better 2.9166; 2.9033; 2.8547; 2.9325);
approximation of the virtual units cost curves, and then repeat
• Maxmin v = 2.9408;
the methodology.
• probability distribution vector ω = (0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Aiming to compare some types of auctions making use of Thus, among the pairs of strategies SA represented in Table
the methodology previously proposed, it is considered, in this IV, the strategy in which GUA get higher profits and greater
example, the IEEE 57-bus test system for validation. The probability of acceptance based on bids found by VUs is the
parameter values of such a system were acquired in [19]. For pair of bids of strategy SA,2, with:
the implementation of this strategy of offerings optimization,
Bid 1: (20.0500; 100)
it is assumed that such a test system is constituted only by the
generating units connected to the bars 1 and 5. The operational Bid 2: (26.8334; 100)
limits and the coefficients of electricity production cost
with both bids, the GUA will get a profit of 3.0837 x 103 $/h.
functions of such generating units are adequately specified in
Table I. The bids that found the perspective of a first-price auction
Minimum Maximum
Bus of
output output GU Bid 1
power power
unit A SA,1 (24.1501; 650.8)
(MW) (MW)
1 0 650.8 0.007 20 0 SA,2 (26.8334; 650.8)
SA,3 (29.5167; 650.8)
Under the perspective of a given GU, the behavior of the
virtual units (VUs) electricity production costs are estimated
Getting a higher income of 5.5841x103 $/h with the bid AS,3.
and exposed in the Table II.

TABLE II. COST FUNCTIONS OF VIRTUAL UNITS From the perspective of the English auction, taking into
account only three bids in ascending order in a closed shed the
Cost function for the production of amount of bidding options that can be offered to the system
VUs electricity of the VUs operator increases. Therefore, the bids were found among the
27 bids were those ones with probability of 11.12%; they are
Virtual Unit 1 shown in Table V.
Virtual Unit 2

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