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Name: Kimberly Dawn N. Esperila

Section: STEM-C3

1. Who are the main characters in the story “Love in the Cornhusks”?
-Tinang and Amado are the main characters of the story “Love in the Cornhusks” since the
title itself depicts their love story.

2. What does cornhusks mean?

-Having the story analyzed and researched for more analysis, the little green snake
symbolizes temptation to Tinang because it is approaching them even if it’s a few yards
away from them which is similar to Amado’s reason for sending the love letter to Tinang
that forms communication between them. Tinang read the letter on the cornhusks under
the kamansi tree where she read and reminisced about their past love story. The cornhusks
may represent the peace they felt back then, but the harmony she chose was to be with her
family; her husband, Inggo, and their son. She thought that it was best for them to concord,
forgetting her feelings for Amado as she subconsciously let go of the letter.

3. Who is Tinang in “Love in the Cornhusks”?

-Tinang is the female lead and the other main character after Amado in the story “Love in
the Cornhusks”. She has a son and husband named Inggo. Being Amando’s past lover, she
read the love letter delivered for her from the post office that is about Amado’s love letter
for her.

4. What is the story about?

-” Love in the Cornhusks” is a great story that tackles about Tinang’s and Amado’s past love
story that renders a lover who waited long enough for her lover to come back but failed. It
was not a quite happy ending for them that the saying “Love will always come back to you.”
does not apply since Tinang already has a family and responsibilities to them. The main
characters found great love, but not true love, I guess. It’s too late for both of them.

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