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How can you be financially independent? Today I'm going to talk about ways to bring financial freedom
right into your life. If you don't want to fall into poverty, you have to learn how to use money. The first
thing I want to share is saving a tenth of what you earn. Put one tenth of the money you earn into a
savings book, the remaining 9 you can use to serve your needs such as shopping, food, clothes The
second way is to increase your earning capacity. You must always strive to constantly learn and improve
your self-worth to create money. and finally make money grow from which you ensure a future source
of income. Here are the money-saving ways that the rich have shared. It works for everyone and when
you apply it you will be financially independent

Topic 2/4

Today I will talk about the requirements in the future job that I am aiming for. I will be a businessman.
An entrepreneur needs to have a firm mind, not afraid of collisions and collisions. In addition to
personality, an entrepreneur needs to have communication skills, know how to lead relationships and
most importantly, conflict resolution skills. These are skills that make it easy for entrepreneurs to work
with and connect with their teams. Finally, qualification is very important for an entrepreneur. Business
knowledge will help the entrepreneur to clearly define the direction of the team in the future. I want to
be an entrepreneur because I want the Vietnamese economy to grow more and more diversified and to
do that I will constantly learn.

Topic 1/4

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to resolve an argument between two friends you used
to be very close to? Today I will tell you how I handled this situation in high school. When I was in high
school I was the leader of a group in my class. One day she gave a presentation home to do the next day.
But there was a friend named Nam who didn't submit the assignment on time, so there was a conflict
with Hau and the at mosphere in the group was very tense. I then settled by asking what they needed
from each other. Nam's logistics friend submitted the assignment on time and Nam's friend explained
that because of housework, you couldn't submit it on time, you needed Hau's understanding, so the
conflict between the two friends was resolved. I feel very happy and it makes me know a little more
about life experience


Have you ever attended a sporting event? Today I want to share with you about a sporting event that I
attended. it was a soccer sporting event that I attended when I was in high school. Together with 10
classmates, I participated in the event and won the first prize in football sport. The atmosphere of the
event was very grand and it made me feel very interesting . That day I felt very happy because I tried my
hand at the sport of soccer
Topic 9/4

Have you been infected with covid? Today I want to share with you that I was infected with corona virus
and how I recovered. corona virus has infected millions of people and unfortunately i also got this virus.
I was infected and it took two weeks for me to recover. I was very afraid that I would die but I always eat
well and always take medicine. And that's not why I'm depressed. I finally recovered. I feel so happy
because it makes me feel so extraordinary


Have you ever encountered an incident that bothered you? and how would you handle this situation .
Today I want to share with you about this situation and how I handled it. If I remember correctly, when I
was in high school, one day I was doing math when my deskmate was very noisy and I couldn't
concentrate. At that time, I felt very uncomfortable because my friend kept making noise. I was going to
hit him but I remember my dad told me not to let my emotions control me. and I told my friend to shut
up and let me do the math. and he was silent.


Have you ever idolized a famous person. You idolize someone and learn good things from them. Today I
want to share with you about an idol that I want to meet at least once in my life. that's Dan Ariely,
author of the popular book Irrational. I know him from this book and he is currently a professor of
behavioral economics. he is currently studying at Duke University and is known for the bestselling books:
Irrational, The Nature of Lies. His work is appreciated. I wanted to meet to say your work is amazing, it
made me understand more about irrational human behavior, and from there I can make my life better.

Topic7 /4

In everyone's life, there are times when it is necessary to make important and right decisions. Today I
want to share with you about a time when I made an important decision. Deciding whether I should go
to the University of Greenwich or not. when I was in 12th grade I was debating whether to attend this
school and finally I decided to attend. Until now I am sure I made the right decision because it is a very
good study environment and I really like this university. So how can we make the right decision,
sometimes we are confused between two things. So let's let our emotions decide for us. if we choose
wrong then at least it is what we want in that moment
Topic5/4 Have you ever loved Plece of art and it makes you feel fun while watching it? Today I will talk
about Plece of art that I love. It is the work "starry night" by artist Van Gogh. I saw this painting at the
museum last year. The painting showed me the village of Saint-Rémy under a swirling sky. It makes me
feel very interesting. I love this painting because it has a beautiful and fanciful landscape

Topic 4 /4

In life, everyone needs a plan to get things done. Today I want to share a long term plan with you. I am
currently studying business at the University of Greenwich. And I plan to start a business when I
graduate. This plan was I thought about it when I was in 10th grade. I plan after graduation, me and
some friends will shake hands and some projects that I have come up with. I think that if this plan is to
be successful, a lot of people need to contribute and Nam is one of them. Right now I'm trying to study
well to prepare in the way of building my plan and if this project is not successful, I will not be
discouraged because of that. Because when I fail I can learn something from it and when I am lucky to
succeed I will not become arrogant because of that.

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