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to Drive Shopper Growth
or 50 years, clients have been coming to us
for expert guidance about effectiveness in
packaging design. In part, this is because we
share your passion for the art and science of
developing powerful packaging that drives shopper
growth. At Behaviorally, we know that the most
important metric for what makes packaging powerful
is the degree to which it influences consumer choice!
On the occasion of 50 years of measuring consumer
shopping behavior, we are also marking our one-year
anniversary as Behaviorally, your #1 digital-first, global
partner for driving shopper growth.
To commemorate these two major milestones, we
proudly share what we have observed and validated
about great packaging design into a comprehensive
guide of best practices. We hope you and your
design teams find the following compendium of
learning practical as well as inspirational in your quest
to win at shelf and drive better business outcomes.
communicate key information with clarity. The Behaviorally
methodology provided as near to a real-life shopping
experience as possible, while still being scalable and
repeatable, especially as online capabilities evolved. We

The Importance
developed a core set of KPIs to allow the advantage of using
full-size displays (that are so important to help understand

of Packaging
how easily a category was for someone to shop). This helped
us to determine how our packaging worked at 3 stages
of shopping: at-the-end-of-aisle, in-front-of-shelf and in-a-
The world of marketing has undergone shopper’s-hand.
significant changes in the last 50 years.
However, one constant has been the As the world moves to a greater focus on e-commerce,
importance of outstanding packaging, which that doesn’t mean packaging plays a lower role. Indeed,
goes far beyond being a simple “container” the challenges of how to “breakthrough” on a PC screen
Richard Thorogood for whatever product is being sold. For a (if you’re lucky) or more likely nowadays, a mobile phone
Former Global
Vice President company like Colgate-Palmolive, “outstanding” screen are even more pronounced. Behaviorally has
of Insights, meant packaging that had the ability developed solutions that allow their decades of learning
to breakthrough and grab the attention of and experience from in-store research to be adapted and
shoppers as they casually browsed a retailer’s shelf modified to fit the e-commerce environment.
(including e-retailers). Once considered, the packaging then It is with great pleasure that I have been asked to write an
needed to provide essential information on the brand, introduction to this e-book to help celebrate 50 years of
the product benefits and key details such as ingredients in Behaviorally. For more than 16 years, they were one of the
a simple and compelling way. When you are doing research most trusted insights partners I worked with, whether it was
on brands that have sales in excess of $1B and are sold in my roles in Europe, North America or as Global Leader
in more than 200 countries, it is important to use the best! of the Colgate-Palmolive Insight Team. From the moment
That’s why Behaviorally (formerly PRS) has been our a project was initiated, we received independent thinking
Global preferred partner. from an experienced client team to ensure the issues being
While many marketers understand the basics of packaging researched were the correct ones. Presentation of the
design, we found there was no substitute for obtaining
direct feedback from shoppers to help understand issues
such as balancing aesthetics of a design with the need to

2 3
learning was always clear, contextualized and compelling.
Behaviorally provided direct guidance on how new ideas
had performed and how they could be taken to the next
level (or abandoned!) and this was deeply appreciated by

brand marketing and our design agencies.
In the following chapters, Behaviorally lays out the “best
practices” in pack design development and the metrics

for success that great packaging can deliver, developed
throughout their experience as leaders in the space. These
topics include subjects like the role of color, structure,

evocative imagery, and communication of other brand and
product equities, that convey benefits and eliminate barriers
to consumer choice at shelf. They even address pitfalls to
avoid that can have nothing to do with the design evaluated

in a vacuum!
So I hope that everyone reading Behaviorally’s e-book will
learn something new and take advantage of their 50 years
of being the leading expert in defining and diagnosing
the factors that influence shoppers’ decisions and choices.
Doing this will help you and your company create powerful
to Drive Shopper Growth
packaging design and deliver against the ultimate goal Our guide to ten best practices
of driving business growth. So many, many congratulations for designing effective packaging
to everyone at Behaviorally and best wishes for the next that wins at shelf.
50 years!

Richard Thorogood
Former Global Vice President of Insights,

Be Seen, Shoppable,
1 Seductive, and Selected
Behavioral science provides
a framework for effective
package design.
We’ve identified the key
behavioral metrics that drive
shopper choice.
In the chapters that follow, we are excited to share our
closely held (and proven) beliefs around a wide range of
topics for which clients have sought expert guidance over
the years. We have shaped our answers in the context of
Be Seen, Shoppable,
our behavioral framework, defining and diagnosing those

Seductive, and Selected

aspects of packaging that influence consumer choice.
By identifying Benefits and Barriers in the shopper’s path-
to-purchase, brands can determine reliable predictions

n the shopper journey, the only business outcome for pack designs most likely to impact shopper behavior in
that matters is what goes in the cart. How packaging their favor.
can influence that outcome, on both the physical and • Does the pack convey a compelling Benefit, making the
digital shelf, is a mix of art and science. Optimal impact selection of your product an easy choice?
can be achieved through “best practices” in pack design,
as it relates to other Point of Sale Materials (POSM), your • Does the pack eliminate Barriers that would create
product’s position on the shelf relative to the category, friction and introduce reasons not to put your product in
the competition, and the other things competing for the the physical or virtual cart?
shopper’s attention. Leveraging our database, the world’s largest for behavioral
After 50 years in the business of evaluating shopper norms, we can measure Benefits and Barriers to determine if
marketing, we are passionate about the art of beautiful a pack has potential to influence a purchase.
design in packaging. But we also bring expertise in the
science of evaluation, which, for us, is behavioral. Dunkin’® At-Home Coffee purchase while allowing Outcome:
Behavioral research the brand to transition in a • The new design was launched
Grounded in Behavioral Science revealed design direction direction aligned with in 2020 and has contributed to
strategic goals. a 16% lift in sales.
Shopping is inherently an instinctive behavioral activity. with genuine sales impact
Unless some critical component of a choice is fatal if you Context:
get it wrong (let’s say nuts as an ingredient if a consumer is • The J. M. Smucker Company
wanted to update its Dunkin’
allergic), most grocery shopping is done quickly, intuitively at-home coffee packaging in
and almost unconsciously. Think about the last time you 2018, to reflect the new brand
visited a grocery aisle. Your choices were mostly instinctive identity of the retailer.

and unconscious based on what you saw and recognized. Learning:

In fact, our research demonstrates that 80% of shopper • Research identified a final
option that showed minimal
choices are based on visual shelf impressions. risk across the path to Old New

8 9
The 4S Model Being Shoppable
We have distilled a behavioral model for determining the relates to the degree The decisions we make through
our customer experience at Boots and
potential effectiveness of packaging. Did the shopper see a pack signals to the
Walgreens including the design of our
it, did they find what they were looking for, did they get the shopper quickly and
own brand products requires the focus
message, and did they actually put the product in their cart? effectively that they on clear, predictive and actionable
are making the right KPIs, grounded in proven behavioural
Ideally, whether you are evaluating design direction early
choice, depending principles in order to make us
on as you develop a category strategy, or validating
on the criteria for successful in driving consumer choice
a direction once prototypes are developed, you want

the purchase. In the at the shelf in store and online.
actionable guidance for optimizing your pack designs,
coming chapters,
grounded in a consistent behavioral framework. These KPIs Peter Markey
we will discuss the CMO
and recommendations should deliver a predictive path
role of things like Boots UK
for success, whether your packs constitute restages, line
color and hierarchy
extensions or new products.
of information as influencers of shopper choice.
Being Seen at shelf will differ whether you are a well-known
Being Seductive is all about communication and being
brand or a newcomer to the category. But even major
convincing. The imagery on your pack must engage the
brands, with well-established and easy to recognize visual
consumer emotionally. The pack must convey the functional
assets, can suffer if they are introducing a new line extension
Benefits and “reasons to believe” in a visceral way.
or category.
Being Selected means just that: being chosen and
The 4S Model
purchased. The optimal way to validate shopper behavior

1 Be Seen
Did the consumer see it?
Drive breakthrough and capture notice at shelf.
is through observation of consumers in the act of placing
your product in their shopping carts. These observations
should result in data that ties back to measurable category
Did the consumer find what they were looking for?
Be Shoppable Minimize friction associated with discerning product varieties and and product specific norms relevant to the reason for the
promote easy and efficient product selection. shopper journey (e.g., a weekly grocery replenishment
versus a trip to the convenience store). Since we have been
Did the pack communicate?
Be Seductive Convey a clear and compelling benefit that inspires shoppers to act, collecting, analyzing, and weighing data in changing retail
without barriers to shopper choice.
realities for decades, our database of product and category

4 Be Selected
Did the shopper put it in their cart?
Measure behavioral impact on driving sales.

10 11
norms is immensely useful for validating what other agencies Distribution of Gains and Losses in the 4S Selection Metric
Test design vs current design
can really only present as opinions.
Thanks to advances in tech-driven methodologies like eye
tracking and virtual shelves, online digital testing can now

Percent of cases in database

mimic, with highly reliable correlation of results, what once 25

was only observable through in-person testing. We can 20

observe what shoppers are “purchasing,” rather than solely 15

relying on what they say they would buy. 10
A collaboration
between The underlying guidelines 5
Coca-Cola’s We believe that there are guidelines and best practices that -20% -15% -10% -5% -1% 0% +5% +10% +15% +20%
Topo Chico™
brand and will help you create and assess predictable success in pack or
Molson Coors design, which is why we set about to write this book. Range of selection change (worse than current to better than current)
to introduce a
Hard Seltzer line Sometimes, the most controversial of our recommendations When it comes to encountered by consumers seeing them on a retailer’s shelf.
leveraged great
pack design to clients when they contemplate new packs is to question being Selected,
the majority of A new pack design should be powerful enough to drive
principles to the need to redesign in the first place. What might you lose new designs we shopper growth. After all, if we could sell a product in a
catapult the
launch to in-
if you walk away from any core brand elements? Brands have tested have
generic white box with black type, why wouldn’t we? But we
a limited impact
market success. need to quantify the changes you are introducing are going on purchase. In know that consumer behavior and shopper choice is driven
to make a positive order to correct
by more complex prompts and triggers, that can only
deficiencies and
difference being seen, improve those be manifested through a well-conceived (and validated)
shoppable, seductive, odds, you must pack design.
and selected. know why and
what to fix.
The good news is that our extensive expertise and database
You invest a lot to of norms and outcomes provides a wealth of “best practices”
create great products to guide effective pack design. We hope these guidelines,
that are often first the examples of great packs we have seen in the market, and
cases we have worked on applying Behaviorally solutions,
will help to shape pack design strategies that fuel your
shopper growth goals!

12 13
The Sustainability
2 Conundrum

Your brand is committed

to sustainability.
Learn how effective packs can
convey that purpose in a manner
that impacts consumer behavior.
Answers to these
questions can Sustainability is truly at the core
of how we aim to drive growth. This
present other Barriers
is not something that we’re doing ‘as
to shopper choice:
The Sustainability well’ anymore — this is what we’re

2 Conundrum
• Will it impact
satisfaction (e.g.,
doing, this is who we are. There is no
pretense here, there is no making it
look nicer than it is…this is really what
taste, efficacy,

we want to achieve.
or function)?

Stephan Gans
ne of the thorniest behavioral dilemmas facing • Will it impact SVP, Chief Insights and Analytics Officer
manufacturers is the challenge of influencing more functionality PepsiCo
sustainable consumer choices that impact the health (e.g., portability,
of the planet. Most brands are deeply committed to doing durability, or safety)?
their part — as are we as your strategic partners. We are
passionate about the role we play helping brands solve the • Am I getting less product or paying more for the same
sustainability conundrum in the packs they bring to shelf. (e.g., a weaker value)?

Why is it such a challenge for brands as they try to Effective packaging helps brands compete for consumer
incorporate sustainability into their story on packs? attention and provides compelling Benefits to try their
brand over another. While some brands were established
At its core, sustainability prompts questions for shoppers with an eco-friendly positioning from day one (e.g., Seventh
during their purchase journey: Generation) most are forced to delicately fold sustainability
• Is the product itself sustainable in terms of how into already crowded brand and functional promises
ingredients are sourced and how it is manufactured? conveyed on the pack. Additionally, the “signposts” and
symbols of sustainability (from the public bodies who verify
• Is the packaging made in a sustainable way (i.e., made them) are confusing and can vary across geographies,
from recycled materials)? adding additional friction and Barriers that can derail choice.
• Can the packaging be recycled or disposed of sustainably In some cases, a meaningful but complicated sustainability
once the product is removed? message can be difficult to communicate on pack
• Can the packaging be re-used at home for another
purpose or refilled at the store?

16 17
(i.e., Diageo implementing the first carbon neutral addition to the packaging it comes in). However,
distilling facility in North America, for manufacturing its to be selected, your packaging needs to
Bulleit Bourbon brand). It’s unlikely this interesting emphasize the sustainability message most
and differentiating Benefit is having a true impact when likely to influence choice.
it matters most — on the bottle as shoppers decide to
Behavioral science suggests that the true
their purchase.
sustainable influencer lies somewhere
The ultimate question: Is sustainability a key driver Readily between what shoppers say versus what they actually do.
of choice? icons convey
During 2020, we looked across countries and categories,
It’s tough to confirm that the material from which packaging shortcuts to surveying over 85,000 shoppers, tracking shopper
is constructed is sustainable to the harried consumer sustainability
promises in
sentiment on brands’ progress towards sustainability.
with no time in the shopper journey to waste. At its core addition to text- Analysis of the data indicated confusion and clear Barriers
“sustainable” signals convey Benefits often misconstrued based benefits to sustainable choices.
and functional
by your target consumer. You need to convey the multi- details.
Consumers often claim they would change shopping habits
dimensional sustainability promises of your product (in
to reduce negative impact on the environment. But more
cost-conscious consumers raise doubts that they would
Tom’s of Maine messaging into an engaging, Outcome: make sustainable choices if the value equation changed
A new look affirms colorful, and distinctive • The new design was launched
graphical “wallpaper.” The in 2021 as part of an overall (i.e., paying more for the same amount or the same amount
sustainability amongst the
brand’s many promises
results of the research brand update, and has for less product). Our research suggests that only 4% of
identified Benefits and Barriers maintained brand awareness UK shoppers (arguably in a region with high sustainability
Context: to purchase, providing a clear and anticipated sales.
• Tom’s of Maine wanted to path to decision support for sensitivity) would actually switch brands because of a more
update the packaging for the the design solution to pursue. sustainable packaging option.
secondary pack and tube for
its toothpaste line. In early Most noteworthy in our research is the skepticism of
stages of the pack design younger shoppers. They believe brands can — and should —
process, Behaviorally tested
the design solutions to look do better, and 35–40% of this audience are not satisfied
at new designs relative to the with how brands are currently addressing sustainability,
existing pack. regardless of what the pack says.
• New designs were a significant It is likely that consumers will continue to see sustainable
departure from the existing standards as “table stakes,” and brands will need to
pack approach, including a
clever treatment that turned
sustainability and social

18 19
incorporate these narratives into their broader marketing and a compelling
and PR campaigns (well beyond packaging) in order to sustainability story We have to find the right balance
communicating sustainability, along
remain on par with expectations. Manufacturers must take can help minimize
with all the other benefits consumers
note that even the most convincing packs will not help sell “real estate”

are looking for on the pack.
units, if overall their sustainability message is not credible or needed on packs.
authentic given their brand’s historical behavior. David Hyland
3. Remember that Global Consumer Insights
So how can brands deliver a sustainability message secondary panels Edgewell Personal Care

effectively in packaging? play a role in

Three practical strategies to support sustainable messages communicating sustainability Benefits. While shoppers
on packs: may not rely on this information when comparing brands
in-aisle, it may impact behavior post-sale, reinforcing that
1. The pack itself must work on a System 1 behavioral
Pacific’s Quilted the product warrants a repeat purchase.
Northern® level, ensuring that key messages are processed in the
brand uses color few seconds of consideration shoppers are likely to Increasingly there are other purpose-oriented messages
and imagery
on the pack to give your brand at shelf. If they don’t recognize other manufacturers need to convey on packs to demonstrate
convey benefits product claims, many shoppers may deselect your brand they are living up to corporate social responsibility goals.
in addition to
an eco-friendly
before ever engaging with your eco-friendly message. Pending HFSS policies in the UK, penalizing brands
promise, and producing foods with high fat, sugar and/or salt content,
2. Ensure the rest of your marketing (POSM, advertising,
side panels to
will introduce yet another requirement to communicate
provide deeper social, and PR) incorporates sustainability, limiting
messaging via the pack.
the “heavy lifting” required by the pack itself. The use
sustainability. of QR codes leading to a website with more details Brands will need to balance all the complex components
that add up to Benefits and Barriers on packaging. The most
effective way to validate that sustainability and other social
responsibility messaging helps drive shopper choice is
testing them using truly behavioral 4S techniques.

20 21
Evolution versus
3 Revolution

Consistency reinforces shopper

recognition and drives behavior.
But here’s how radical changes
can improve pack (and product)
enhanced Benefits to a product choice. We think of this
as the difference between evolution and revolution in
package design.

Evolution versus Our decades of research have proven that on shelf,

3 Revolution
consistent use and placement of a repetitive, dominant and
recognizable visual element (oftentimes a logo or another
of your brand’s more distinctive assets), creates visual
cues distinguishing you from competitors. Consistency

hen it comes to pack redesigns, there is a balance establishes “visual sign-posts” that grab shopper attention
to be struck between consistency and radical and help guide them to your brand when they are browsing
departures. Either, if done well, can promote or searching for products. Given the potential power of
Benefits that influence choice, but missteps can introduce
Barriers that can lead to deselection. Zarbee’s Naturals™ visual cues for discerning Outcome:
Driving growth through variety differences enabled • Following introduction of this
When we look across all the designs we have tested, it is revolutionary design Zarbee’s Naturals to new packaging, market share
strengthen its presence on for Zarbee’s Naturals doubled
very clear that a revolutionary change is a high risk/high Context: shelf, reinforce communication in just a matter of months
reward strategy: • Zarbee’s Naturals desired of its core natural positioning, after launch.
consistent visual brand identity and promote shoppability.
• 25% of revolutionary designs result in lower purchase across its specific consumer
rates than what they are replacing (versus 12% for targets (infants, children,
adults) in order to drive
evolutionary) — making this high risk. increased presence on
shelf via a more unified and
• 25% of revolutionary designs introduce Benefits that distinctive appearance.
increase shoppability (versus 16% for evolutionary) —
making this high reward. • Adopting uniquely ownable
elements (both structure and
On the one hand, relative consistency in layout and graphics) and creating clear
placement of brand elements reinforces shopper
recognition, making the choice easy. On the other hand,
more radical design changes can signal new or

24 25
identifiable visual cues, when redesigning packaging for Structural changes
established brands, take care to use these visual assets or evolutionary For us, our packaging is one of
the biggest ways for us to build a
impactfully, so they encourage brand/product recognition. modifications to
relationship with consumers and to
Greater latitude is afforded to new-to-world brands that shape and material
be able to tell our brand story. So
have yet to establish strong visual branding. in the package when we are considering a design
construction impact change, we want to make sure that we
Within a product range, maintaining consistency provides
things like type are doing all that we can to protect
visual cues directing shopper attention to “information
layout, color or that relationship while still giving
destinations” — key areas on the pack where product or
even placement us the freedom to explore ways to
variety-level details can be found. This aids shoppers in make it stronger and more clearly
of other brand
When done well, determining the SKU that best serves their needs in terms of communicate our benefits. Knowing
assets, presenting
a revolutionary functional or occasional Benefits. how far we can take that has been
potential Barriers

approach to
hugely important to us!
pack redesign in
Evolutions of a pack or category approach to differentiating to shopper choice.
a long-standing
product provides your brand can convey Benefits, incrementally building Structure changes Chryssi Keller
Director of Strategy & Insights
breakthrough on what consumers have recognized previously in your might lead to more Danone
at shelf,
and a strong product portfolio. Creating variations on assets that most limited real estate
competitive consistently led to shoppers to your product in the in which to convey
past will be predictive of choice when you have new key Benefits and drivers of choice. We deal with structure
claims, flavors, and other characteristics of a new more extensively in the next chapter. However, literally
product extension. breaking the structural mold can potentially pave the way
for enhanced visual disruption in a sea of sameness on
shelf. This can create new and unique visual equities that
distinguish your brand/product from competitors, and even
introduce shopper reappraisal and purchase consideration.

26 27
When you want to start a revolution validation to the proposed pack at later stages in design
When contemplating a revolutionary versus evolutionary development. But our robust database also allows us
strategy, consider the key purpose behind the pack to compare early-stage pack designs iteratively against
design or redesign. Are you a market leader, or a category thousands of other packs. Using AI image recognition,
challenger? Is this a refresh, the introduction of a true this technique identifies metrics that lead to predictably
innovation, signaling an array of new brand promises? successful design schemes.
Are you trying to seize market share in a new category,
We often find that brands just need data-driven confidence
competitive territory, or an emerging consumer needs state?
to take pack redesigns from evolutionary to revolutionary.
The key challenge with revolutionary changes is to ensure Using our 4S framework can reveal upside potential of
you are bringing your loyal consumers along on the journey. minor design evolutions that drive choice in their favor. This
Regardless of the path you take, applying the 4S principles unique behavioral framework can also measure how far your
of being Seen, Shoppable, Seductive, and Selected, to brand can stretch creative development without alienating
your design testing can give you clear guardrails to ensure loyal users.
predictable packaging effectiveness.
With reliable KPIs and behavioral metrics, whether packs
Why behavioral research matters are extensions of a consistent norm or a radical new step
When developing new packaging, stakeholders, from the in expression of your brand, you can move forward with
brand teams to their design agencies, can sometimes be confidence that your pack redesigns will predictably help
blind to the nuances of their design solutions. New packs achieve better business outcomes and in-market successes.
might convey Benefits, but they can just as easily introduce
Barriers to shopper choice. Authentic behavioral research
is a real boon to the process, because it reveals the factors
that will influence purchase. We can use digital monadic

28 29
4 Structure that Stands Up

Structure can represent an

opportunity to differentiate and
create brand equity.
Learn how it can influence
consumer choice as well.
Sometimes new
structure for product Before making the investment in
changing an essential part of a brand’s
delivery systems,
visual identity on packaging or the
like Tide Pods® have
pack structure itself, it’s critical to

4 Structure that Stands Up

literally reshaped make sure it doesn’t impede shoppers’

the category! behavior in-store and online.
All these are Jonathan Zunick
advantages to Senior Manager, Consumer Insights

tructure is often underestimated as a key element in consumers who want
design. Get it right and it can create Benefits that make convenience and
Tide Pods®
choice easy. Get it wrong and all you introduce are disrupted the functional improvements in their choices. These changes
Barriers to selection. Changes in structure are sometimes
laundry category do come with a variety of implications for the 4S KPIs in
at launch but
imposed by retailers, prompted by innovation in packaging its product pack design. What will the pack need to convey about these
materials, driven by supply chain issues, or due to innovation structural changes to influence shopper behavior at shelf?
sustainability goals. Regardless of the catalyst for change, childproof • A dramatic change in structure can enhance the ability to
new structures can impact the 4S criteria for effective pack packaging. The
stand out at shelf (one in ten structural changes improve
happy result
design that leads to a desired consumer choice. were packs visibility), but too radical, especially in the face of category
that actually
Advances in new packaging materials can enable a structural facilitated stand
norms, and consumers will simply be confused, leading
change that greatly improves a product’s sustainability out on shelf. to de-selection.
rating, or the ability for the product to add a functional
benefit. Stand up, resealable pouches made with high
post-consumer waste flexible film are proliferating across
categories. Tubes made with flat caps allow products to
stand up at shelf as well as for in-home use. These options
often allow a brand to eliminate secondary packaging
(a box containing a tube or bottle, as an example), thus
further reducing a product’s environmental impact.

32 33
• If the structural Best practices when considering a structural change
change is purely In looking at all the packs we have tested, these are key
cosmetic, the principles to follow regarding structures:
shopper might be left
1. Don’t lose your key visual assets. Mitigate risk of losing
wondering why and
key distinguishing visual brand elements that might result
if the familiar product
in friction and Barriers at shelf.
inside the pack
GoGo squeeZ® has changed. 2. If a new structure does provide a novel benefit,
convey that on the pack. We have found that 22% of
packaging may
• When a category overall is adopting new structures, you
be conventional, packs we tested with new structures increased their
but imagery may be forced to adapt. Do so with an eye towards the
potential to be selected with a solid value proposition
conveys the competition on shelf and how to stand out.
structure of the
• If a structural change means a different ritual for in-home Ragú® Double Cheddar Learning: Outcome:
product itself.
use (scissors to cut open a pouch, as an example), the Structural innovation to • Research revealed that most • The change over from bottle
consumers were accepting of to Tetra Pak is exceeding
pack needs to be explicit to avoid friction and Barriers keep up with demand
the change but optimizations internal expectations.
that could impact repeat purchases. Context: could improve the transition
• This courageous move is
• Mizkan Americas encountered and address some
Communication is key a challenge in 2020 keeping shortcomings.
pushing pack evolution in a
category that is historically
For major brands, if your category strategy introduces too up with a demand on its
• Behaviorally offered anchored in glass or PET.
white sauces. The team took
many different structures that interrupt the brand block, a bold approach to solving
recommendations to clarify The change may pave the way
you break up visual cues for recognition. Your new design the problem with the goal
expectations of the contents for similar changes in the
inside while delivering strong category which could have
needs to reassure consumers that this is the preferred of transitioning their Double
taste perceptions. longer term benefits as well in
Cheddar to a Tetra Pak.
product they know and love. terms of lighter weight,
• Qualitative research was easier for shipping, and being
For new challenger brand entrants, the options are broader. conducted that allowed less breakable.
shoppers to interact with
A shape that is new to the category can help your product
actual packaging.
stand out on shelf — but your Benefits need to be succinct
and clear so the pack communicates a compelling reason to
abandon familiar brand choices.

34 Old New 35
communicating the reason for the change, like “New 5. If you are a
Look — Same Great Product.” new category We had a new bottle design and
entrant, be bold! the shelf impression was a lot worse
3. Announce a familiar product, delivered for a new than the products around it so, while
A flexible pack
consumption occasion. Introducing a very different the ounces were the same, it looked
with a closable smaller. It was an ‘aha’ moment that
way of using or consuming a familiar product (like
seal can make a led to a packaging redesign...ideally
“Ready to Eat” or “On the Go”) can make the choice
new challenger we always need to learn these things
A clear bottle at shelf easier.

structure and brand stand out on earlier before we get to market.
4. Keep key visual assets consistent. Brand blocks can shelf. That novelty
brand approach Elisabeth Trawinski
to minimalist be impacted by structural change in one SKU or across can enhance your Director, Insights & Analytics
typography a full product line. To the degree that you can, make the ability to leap into Reckitt
allows the color
of the hand overall design assets consistent across the product the shopper’s
soap itself to be portfolio, especially when structure changes. The halo consideration set, ahead of market leaders (especially
the signifier
of fragrance in
effect of a consistent approach can have a Benefit if it signals more convenience or sustainability than
the range. across the category. the “brand used most often”).
As with all the pack design considerations we cover in other
chapters, ultimately to determine the impact of structure,
our most important advice is don’t guess. Measure the
impact of structural change with a 4S behavioral approach
to define and diagnose how structure will drive shopper
choice to your advantage.

36 37
5 Color Codes of Conduct
Color on packs can be the key to
standing out on the shelf.
Here are ways you can
use color as a key influencer of
shopper decisions.
Our experience
tells us that there Color is a distinctive asset for
many brands (Coca-Cola = Red,
are more important
Tide = Orange, Oreo = Blue). It cues
recognition and equity, both of

5 Color Codes of Conduct

considerations for which influence shopper behavior.
color in packaging. Understand your equities and you
Color is a primary can leverage them optimally across
driver of visibility — the portfolio. For larger brands, color

52% of shoppers reinforces familiarity but also needs to
hen clients ask “What are the rules for use of color see color first when be used to delineate variants on shelf.
on packaging?”, we encourage them to evaluate processing visuals. For smaller, challenger brands — color
color within the 4S criteria: How is color helping can disrupt and create initial attention
Leveraging color

your product be Seen, Shoppable, Seductive, and Selected? that leads to shopper choice.
on your packs to
Color science quantifies how the human brain processes provide contrast Eileen Kozin
Former Global CMI Director
and differentiates hue and intensity across the color to competitors Unilever
spectrum, but not what is associated psychologically with increases potential
decision making. Historians can tell you the context in of being selected.
which purple came to be associated with royalty, and gold Color is also intrinsically linked to your brand equity.
with luxury. But contextual associations and even trends U by Kotex®
embraced Behavioral science tells us that speed of recognition will
change over time. Semioticians attribute meaning to specific black, defying impact selection when the consumer is looking for a
colors, but this can differ broadly in connotations across category norms.
specific brand. If your brand is linked unconsciously in a
It worked, and
geographies and cultures. Color is even “colour” depending the brand forged consumer’s mind with red, departing from red may
on where you come from! a new relevance
confuse and slow a consumer down, and create a Barrier to
with millennial
Red and green = stop and go. Red and blue = hot and cold. consumers. shopper choice. Particularly if you are creating a brand
Green = sustainability. But then again, tan can also signify
“natural.” And orange can sometimes appear to be the new
black! Trends and fads in color preferences don’t necessarily
last (remember avocado?), and shouldn’t dictate your pack
design direction.

40 41
block that differentiates you from a Category color
competitor, color creates signposts for norms can dictate the
shoppers to find or deselect brands on parameters in which a
the shelf. Our data tells us that changes on shopper is likely to see
pack to colors associated with your brand your brand’s Benefits
can increase average recognition time or register a discordant
by 1.2 seconds, thus delaying choice and Barrier that can lead
jeopardizing selection. to deselection. Then
This LG again, sometimes
Dishwashing Beyond association with your brand, across your product
a well validated
detergent uses
portfolio, color plays a part in differentiating your line
consistent design Color is a key departure from a category norm can be worth the risk, if
to aid brand extensions: Color can signal flavors, functions, occasions, element in
it leads to standing out on shelf. An example is the bold
recognition, or features. You need to be sure that the consumer instantly establishing
and color successful brand and successful packaging introduced by feminine hygiene
understands color cues to avoid later disappointment
to differentiate block on shelf.
brand, U by Kotex®. Aiming at a younger consumer, they led
the variants. with their purchase. Colors signifying product distinctions
with black as the dominant color as opposed to the previous
have to be different enough to drive the right choice.
category predisposition towards pinks and pastels.

Playtex® Sport® Tampons Learning: Outcome: A new disruptive brand might need to take calculated risks
Using bold color • The updated design leverages • The new design launched to stand out on shelf. But it’s best to validate that such a
existing equities and new in early 2020; while COVID
to deliver confidence
bold, vibrant colors. created challenges for the
color choice will lead to a win. Whether you validate packs
Context: entire category, Playtex once they are close to market introduction or early in design
• The design improved visibility,
• In 2019, Playtex conducted
delivery of Playtex’s active
has since rebounded and even development, with the right metrics you can identify impact
benchmarking research to gained additional distribution.   
understand visual equities
positioning and created a of color on product selection.
greater sense of loyalty among • Sales have increased 25% vs
and opportunities to feed the
design brief.
users (via improved sales). last year and Playtex® Sport® Color in secondary elements can emphasize and
is now the #2 tampon brand in communicate claims or features that suggest compelling
• PackFlash® was used to the US.
validate the new options Benefits. But, too many combinations of color can simply

to identify the strongest seem messy and lead to confusion.
design to meet the
team’s objectives. Defining and diagnosing the impact of color against all the
4S criteria can reveal explicit KPIs for fixing the hues and
shades that don’t resonate and lead to sales.

Old New
42 43
6 Keep it Simple

Consumers can’t process more

than three or four pack design
elements at a time.
Let us show you how to
emphasize benefits that make
choice easy.
These are all
important. However, Primary packaging plays a
critical role in brand experience
our behavioral
at the first moment of truth — the
database reveals that
shelf — and there can be a tendency

6 Keep it Simple
when purchasing to want to tell shoppers everything
consumer products, about the product’s benefits, claims
shoppers typically and ingredients. Shopping is done
spend less than quickly and intuitively so less is more

five seconds with in attracting shopper attention.
n the autopilot act of most grocery shopper journeys, a product at shelf Reducing clutter, considering visual
consumer behavior is most often driven by good enough, before making their communication instead of text, and
instinctive, System 1 decision making. The consumer ensuring packs are quick and easy
purchase choice!
must recognize the product or brand in order to include to distinguish all, helps to influence
Our data also proves

them in their consideration set. The knee jerk reaction consumers at shelf.
that shoppers are
when designing a pack is to add more: additional claims, only processing a Victoria Santini
“violators” that signal something new, explanations of an maximum of 3—4
Global CMI Manager, Beauty & Personal Care
innovation in functions/flavors/ingredients, a clarification of elements on pack
a structural change (“15% more!”; “Same Great Product, Still and often even those at an unconscious level! So you want
12 ounces”), or sustainability messages. to make sure you emphasize the Benefits that count for
Prego® Much of this information is conveyed influencing shopper behavior. In our decades of packaging
pioneered the
cognitively in text, requiring the shopper research, we have found that what consumers “see” tends
pack simplicity
in the sauce to stop and deliberate, defaulting to to be brand mark, product name, a main visual, and one
limiting essential
System 2 selection rather than making a
elements gut, intuitive decision.
drove choice.

46 47
additional message! With limited real estate, you have to be shoppers taking away your key Benefits and ultimately
disciplined with what to include to make a pack successful at your product.
driving shopper choice.
3. Saying it in two languages. For those facing
In our 4S criteria for effective packaging (Be Seen, requirements for dual language on pack, this is not
Shoppable, Seductive, and Selected) here are the best an insurmountable challenge. One tip we can share —
practices you need to follow when prioritizing the hierarchy consumers find it easier to digest if the languages are
of elements: grouped together versus interspersed across the pack.
1. Position the elements where they deliver the greatest
impact. Humans don’t process images and text on packs Dove Body Wash Learning: Growth Outcome:
Updated hierarchy and • The updated design leveraged • The new design launched
reading left to right like a book. While there are no Dove equities, retaining its in early 2020 to much
visuals yield positive
typical routes for how and where elements are viewed growth outcomes
strong shelf presence as well success. The brand garnered
as brand values (moisture, incremental distribution and
hierarchically on a pack, when we track where consumers’ superior skin care). household penetration gains.
eyes land evaluating a pack visually, we find that they • Dove is a category leader in
• In addition, the updated
often “see” an impactful visual first, and then, with the skin cleansing category.
label hierarchy and new
It remains proactive about
deteriorating cognitive recognition, process the rest of visuals created better product
having relevant packaging and
the messages conveyed there. began a restage in late 2018.
differentiation as well
as a more modern and
2. Prioritize a lead claim. Your most compelling claim • Research began with exploring exciting look.
visual equities to guide the
might differ for every product, occasion, and consumer redesign and culminated with
segment. Knowing what matters to your target consumer validation of a new design
will be the key to unlocking how best to communicate system in 2019.

Benefits on the pack, enabling the path to an easy

purchase. With multiple claims, keep messages together
to form an “information destination,” which can aid

48 49
4. Take care with Even text can 5. Communicate visually. Who said a picture is
violators. Where For men, their shopping mindset create a simple
worth a thousand words? Don’t say you
you position is quite simplistic and functional. A destination” “taste great” when you can communicate that
clean and simple pack communicating
“violators” that draws the
Benefit more effectively in an image. But
clear end benefits helps consumers shopper to
will mean the

when shopping. Benefits and the don’t discount the phenomena of consumers
difference key elements translating even the way you aggregate text, (in
that influence
between being Daisy Gu
choice at shelf. typographic font style, shape, and color), as a
Senior Brand Manager
seen or ignored. Beiersdorf China kind of shorthand “image” for easily recognizing
Violators on the a brand they love.
top left or top
There is such a thing as oversimplifying, in the desire to
right of the pack (away from other elements) may be
make a pack look premium or luxurious by eliminating
outside the area of primary viewing, and according to
too many words and visual elements. This can present a
our database, can be missed by as many as two-thirds of
Barrier in consumer package goods where a sales assistant
shoppers! A contrasting color can be used to call out the
isn’t there to explain what the product does. The key is
Very simple “violator” but care needs to be taken
layout, claims, prioritizing the most critical elements that will communicate
that the color doesn’t create a Barrier
and a strong
Benefits and influence shopper choice. Strike the balance
logo drive brand (i.e., cheapness, noncomplementary
in a simple pack design with compelling images that
combination with your primary brand
and selection communicate Benefits effectively and you can win at
in a crowded color palette) within your category.
category. the shelf!
Simplicity may be hard to achieve in pack design, but with
a behavioral framework we can measure if you are getting
it right for effectiveness, conversion, and the potential to
drive sales.

50 51
7 Seeing Is Believing

Shoppers buy what they see, on

the pack and shelf.
Learn how what is seen influences
what goes in the cart.
our studies we know that only 13% of shoppers see text
first, 35% see pictures and images first, and a whopping
52% are drawn to color as the initial element seen!
• What is seen provides context beyond simply product

7 Seeing Is Believing identification, especially when conveying the differentiator

of a product in a range. Beyond communicating the
brand, the pack must reassure the consumer that there
is a point of difference, while simultaneously reinforcing

hen it comes to the factors that impact the category “costs of entry”. As an example, if a product is a
consumer’s path-to-purchase, our decades of pet food, does it address the needs of a pet at a particular
behavioral research confirms that 80% of choice at stage of life (e.g., kittens versus senior cats)?
shelf is influenced by visuals. Effective pack design therefore
needs to reflect a key behavioral principle: consumers buy Just Crack an Egg™ • The recommended design Growth Outcome:
assured visual discovery • Kraft Heinz successfully
what they can see. Identifying lead designs to
at shelf and inspired introduced four new Just
inspire purchase behaviors
purchase/trial behavior via Crack an Egg Omelet varieties
What else do we know about what consumers see? Context: immediate communication to market in June 2021.
• Kraft Heinz was exploring of the product’s unique and
• The average length of time spent at shelf initially perusing a new extension to their distinctive credentials.
a category is under 10 seconds — consumers need to Just Crack an Egg portfolio
find what they are looking for in 3—4 seconds, and almost to capitalize on a growing
trend of shoppers seeking
instantly determine whether the product they have found quick-preparation, on-the-go
meets their needs. Getting in the consideration set for breakfast-time meal solutions.
purchase is impacted significantly by how fast a product is Learning:
actually seen and recognized. • PackFlash® identified a lead
pack design focused on
• Consumers use behavioral shortcuts combined with visual driving strong behavioral
cues when shopping. These cues could be brandmarks, impact. Additional digital eye
tracking provided metrics
icons, graphics/visuals, or even text! Visuals are the first for navigation and shopping
elements to stimulate choice in the time-constrained potential. 
shopper experience. Text becomes a secondary System 2
confirmation for choice. The data is clear — across all

54 55
Basic approaches for pack design create patterns that Overall, shoppers
facilitate recognition: need to see the As the in-store experience gets
shorter and shorter, it is always a
product on shelf first
• Visual “bulls-eyes” draw attention to key elements, while challenge to know what a consumer
to make choice easy.
also providing a visual “starting point.” is actually seeing when they
The good news? This encounter our product on the shelf.
• A repetitive or connected design pattern that is is something we We often think we know, but having
“completed” across adjacent SKUs in a block create a can track! unequivocal data that shows us which
Tracking wallpaper effect to drive visibility at shelf. visuals on pack are being seen, helps
hierarchy and We pioneered the
enormously when we are refining

duration of To increase your likelihood of selection, your goal should use of eye tracking pack designs.
what shoppers
“see” should be to communicate as effectively as possible through in market research
Simon Lowden
be evaluated visuals as opposed to relying predominantly on text. For almost 50 years
on the shelf as INTAKE Chief Transformation Officer
well on as the
packaging, the old but true adage applies: a picture is Sugarlolo, a ago and have Arnott’s Group, Australia
individual pack. worth a thousand words! Korean diet been innovating
leverages color,
continuously since then, as digital techniques have evolved
simplicity, and improved, measuring what consumers see on the
and evocative
imagery to
pack and on the shelf.
be Seen and
Eye tracking is important for understanding shelf
variants. breakthrough: first at the macro-level when the product
enters a consumer’s consideration
set. (We know that products
with greater visibility on shelf

56 57
have quantifiably greater likelihood of being bought). Eye have spent decades
tracking identifies the viewing hierarchy of the elements developing.
on the pack itself that are impacting choice (e.g., the
The exercise of
brandmark, main visuals, and larger elements that created
identifying visual
“beacons” at shelf). This is followed by how the consumer is
elements on the
seeing the variant and copy points that articulate Benefits to
pack with potential
help finalize decisions. Britain’s Yorkshire
Tea leverages all to convey Benefits inherently comes with tension: will the
Eye tracking is a fine diagnostic tool, but on its own the packaging consumer’s choice be best influenced by the master brand
elements of its
doesn’t give much prescriptive direction. With the help of familiar product, or the product? Understand the desired effect and you can
additional behavioral analysis, other optimal elements that with clever twists test the flow of image recognition that gets the consumer
to imagery that
drive selection can be identified. For example, you want are at once
to the key influencer the fastest. Only by measuring these
to understand how long the consumer gaze stayed on “on-brand,” yet variables for what is Seen relative to a database of category
specific elements on pack. Longer time spent “seeing” can distinctive
for its more
norms and regional nuances, can you know for sure if your
signify engagement or intensity of viewing. Conversely, it premium SKU. design decisions make sense in a greater context.
could mean confusion thus creating a potential Barrier. In
Once what is seen is understood, you can make informed
conjunction with other qualitative research techniques and
decisions about refining pack designs that will make
compared against our extensive database of norms, the
shopper choice easy and frictionless, and increase shopper
evidence drawn from eye tracking can be the foundation of
growth. And we “see” that as a definite win!
a rich blueprint for successful packaging executions.
Identifying the impact on shopper behavior of separate
elements in pack design like color, structure, and the use
of brand images only comes from expertise which we

58 59
Vertical or horizontal?
Either way, learn how to ensure
your pack designs minimize
barriers to shopper choice.

8 The Orientation Express

To make that
decision to go Pressure is increasing from
leading retailers to be efficient on
vertical successful,
shelf to maximize space to sales. This
follow these
creates challenges to maintain shelf

8 The Orientation Express

recommendations: visibility. Unseen is unsold. It also
• Make sure that creates opportunities to make room

for new innovation.
shelving conditions John Curran

ore and more manufacturers are coming to us with do not partially Senior Manager, Consumer and Market Insights
a new challenge: how can they successfully convert obscure a vertical
from horizontal to vertical packaging? Pressure to branding treatment
do so is often coming from retailers. (e.g., pricing hangers, secondary packaging, etc.).

Especially for those who started out in horizontal • If you are a new disruptor brand — reviewing orientation of
packaging, shifting orientation may introduce the Barrier of your key competitors can help identify a Benefit of going
unfamiliarity. In the shift to vertical packaging, care needs to vertical, if it represents ownable equity in contrast to
be taken to reinforce signals that this is a trusted and reliable other brands’ products.
choice, even if the pack orientation is new. Well-established brands who change their packaging to
Proactive changes in orientation can provide Benefits and vertical orientation may suffer at shelf if they don’t maintain
reduce friction in the path-to-purchase. A change to recognizability and visibility of key assets. Test and measure
Converting to a vertical orientation allows a large branding “billboard” on to determine if they are translating to the new pack.
new orientation
the new pack. In general, products that tend to be tall and narrow in
Aleve® to keep
When a positive impact on equity/positioning is desired a vertical orientation struggle to accommodate
familiar design
elements (“we’ve created something new”) or when a “revolutionary” variety descriptors and other features that influence
horizontal and
change to the product is introduced, consumer behavior.
yet maximize
the new vertical going vertical can be a subliminal To reap better outcomes, follow these best practices:
real estate. cue for the innovation.
1. Once you shift the orientation to vertical, you potentially
free up additional real estate to convey benefits and
descriptors that will aid choice. Make sure you use the
extra space optimally to focus on differentiating elements.

62 63
2. Keep in mind that while consumers tend to “travel” either reducing linear
down the pack in terms of eye flow as they process and shelf space that once
interpret claims and benefits, compelling visual imagery accommodated multiple
increases engagement. SKUs horizontally, or
possibly looking to add
3. One key tip regarding orientation of brand assets on the
additional products
pack itself: the vast majority of successful packs keep the
from new categories into a
logo of the brand horizontal regardless of the orientation
given space. If your largest
of the pack. Our database analysis reveals that packs
trading partners are
with a horizontal logo on average have visibility scores
Downy Infusions requiring it, you may have no choice: to be listed, shopped
10% higher than vertical branding. Try to keep other Refresh Fabric
and hopefully selected, your packs need to be vertical!
descriptors horizontal as well. Softener Dryer
Sheets mimic the
Increasingly, we see some brands taking the step of
There are additional factors now at work in retail that make design elements
in its companion creating packs that are hybrid: one facing horizontal and
this less of a choice and more of a category requirement. For liquid fabric
one vertical (two sides to the same package). This is
many manufacturers this change is being forced on them softener, on
multiple panels especially true in cases where brands sell through a variety
by their retail distribution partners, who are in many cases so the pack of retail channels, and they need to have packaging that
works regardless
of the individual works in any orientation!
Ziploc® Storage Bags • Using a limited number of Outcome:
Leveraging display panels consistent key elements on • Consistency in package layout orientation Two cautionary considerations:
each panel helps Ziploc to limits consumer friction as
for both horizontal and on shelf.
vertical shelf orientation
establish a functional label evidenced by strong purchase 1. You will be losing one facing on which you could
hierarchy irrespective of measures across both vertical
orientation on shelf. and horizontal merchandising
normally communicate ancillary or secondary information
• Individual retailers shelve food strategies. (like nutritional and ingredient data, sustainability ratings,
storage products in different
• This flexible design mitigates or instructions for use). Resist the urge to put too much on
orientations — Walmart, for
the financial burden of your two primary panels. Let them convey the key brand
example shelves packages
vertically while Target orients
producing retailer-specific assets, product visuals, functional Benefits and other
packaging to confirm to
packages horizontally.
merchandising variances. primary drivers of choice.
• Ziploc solved this dilemma
2. Test the new orientation in the context of others in the
by adopting a single package category who have chosen this route of hybrid packs.
design with individual panels
that can be faced forward Whatever your orientation, the best defense is a measured
to conform to each retailer’s offense that passes the test of driving shopper growth.
unique shelving conventions.

64 65
How Does it
9 Make Me Feel?

Images can convey instinctive

cues, triggering emotion
and excitement.
Learn how your packs can deliver
emotional impact that converts
to purchases.
The System 1 brain process images 60,000 times faster
than text, and 90% of information that is transmitted to
the brain is visual. This behavioral principle illustrates
the potential of imagery on packs to drive choice. Potent
How Does it
imagery facilitates what shoppers process about the

Make Me Feel?
product instinctively, and quickly. In the years we have been
evaluating the factors that influence shopper choice, we
have amassed significant data on the kinds of imagery that

generates consumer excitement in the ever-shrinking time
t might be an overstatement to suggest that consumers spent at shelf.
get “emotional” or excited about breakfast cereals,
cleaning products, or frozen pizza. Identifying the impact The 4S model for effective shopper marketing (Be Seen,
of imagery on packs that is visceral and differentiated, and Shoppable, Seductive, and Selected), incorporates well
influences shoppers in your favor, tends to get us excited. defined metrics on how visceral, differentiated, and ownable
But that is, after all, our business! packaging imagery will bring to life the greatest potential for

When looking at the impact of visuals on shopper’s feelings

Milk-Bone® Learning: Outcome:
towards consumer goods packaging, it is important to step Evocative imagery prompts • The new design performed • The new design launched
back a bit and think about some of the behavioral principles pet parents to purchase well across multiple sub-lines in 2021 in addition to a new
within the portfolio (e.g., TV creative, innovation, and
at work in the average shopper’s journey. Context: Flavor Snacks, Gravy Bones, other initiatives. Milk-Bone
• The J.M. Smucker Company etc.) and also identified some has accelerated in sales
Emotion as a behavioral driver wanted to update the look of optimizations to further growth and is outpacing total
In our behavioral framework defining Benefits and Barriers its iconic Milk-Bone dog treat enhance the emotional category growth rates.
to shopper choice, we use the concept of “emotional” as portfolio in early 2020. connection with pet parents.

a proxy for what behavioral science refers to as System 1

processing: it comes from the part of the brain that
processes vast amounts of competing data almost
unconsciously, making intuitive, fast, approximate, “gut
based” choices that we feel, but really don’t think much
about at all. We absorb visual input, and our brain fills in
the missing bits that connect with our feelings that a choice Old New
might be right, more than a rational cognitive deliberation.

68 69
these milestones to be met. A strong emotional response Do we feel more
to pack design visuals will increase your likelihood of being deeply about One of the most important tools
in our marketing toolkit is our package
seen on shelf by 17%. the product or
graphics. In an impulse category, that
the brand?
Pack designs with the strongest emotional connection (top package has to grab the consumer’s
In package design, attention and create that product
10% of our database) are from categories you’d expect —
evocative imagery desire better than anyone else.  We
Food and Beverage (43%), Health and Beauty (35%). But
prompts consumers’ need to understand how the consumer
anything can make an emotional connection — 2% of the top
System 1 gut reacts to our distinctive imagery in
ten scoring packs in the “Be Seductive” KPI in our database

reactions, not only to those crucial 3 seconds of choice.
are household products, such as laundry detergents and
products but also to
air fresheners! Katie Goeke
brands themselves. Associate Director
Imagery on packaging does evoke specific connections The ideal brand Consumer Insights and Strategy
for consumers — it impacts how consumers feel about your images are so
brand and the product promise, and those feelings will drive unconsciously linked
Will the product
behavior. Serious imagery connected to your brand can with a brand name that we could see them even in a blurred
be delicious? signal a clinical scientific response (good for categories with or reduced state and instantly recognize the brand through
a health benefit claim); playful images can convey attributes the visual.
photos on packs
for Unilever’s associated with “fun” (good for categories aimed at kids).
Not every brand enjoys the awareness of golden arches
Magnum® brand An image associated with indulgence helps in luxury or
always “crack” (McDonald’s) or a stylized mermaid (Starbucks), so imagery
premium products (good for expensive cosmetics or higher
the iconic hard
that is unequivocally associated with a brand on the
chocolate shell priced ice cream and other desserts). Well chosen imagery
that has become pack is hard to come by. To the degree that imagery is
evokes excitement and a clear Benefit that influences
synonymous with differentiated or “ownable,” it becomes invaluable equity for
premium taste. consumer choice.
established brands. Challenger brands have a harder time.
To be certain if imagery differentiates your brand, it must
be measured.

70 71
Once imagery on the pack establishes the brand, then the
brain can move on rapidly to the other visual information
about the product that can lead to an easy consumer choice.
“Right, the product is a condiment brand I know well,
but is it ketchup or mustard? And is it organic, and will it
taste good?”
Ideally, in food products in order to convey the Benefit of Engaging With limited real estate on packs available to convey claims
taste appeal, images should convey what we refer to as the images of the
that influence choosing the product, imagery should
“drool factor” — visceral cues to the seductive potential of ultimate users be intuitive and System 1 enough to communicate core
taste in the product experience!
help parent
Benefits, which prompt a purchase.
Pack designs in the top 10% of our database, scoring in the emotionally and
To be sure that you have leveraged images optimally,
attribute of being perceived as ‘great tasting’ because of say, “Yes, this relative to their emotional impact, you should test the
the product visuals on pack, have on average a 49% higher
product is right
for us!”
proposed pack design in isolation but also in the context
purchase rate than those in the bottom 30%! of the other products on shelf. Ideally these should be
measured against category specific norms for excitement,
Photos of the Using evocative images to reflective of metrics gathered across thousands of other
food products
being served
drive immediate desire for trialing package designs. You can measure the emotional System 1
and consumed a food or beverage product effectiveness of images on your packs; you just need the
are key to
conveying the
is most typically achieved right partner, who is as excited as you are to see how the
brand promise with actual photos (versus images on your packs can perform.
that the product illustrative renderings) and best
will taste good!
when showing the product
being consumed.

72 73
Avoiding Packaging
10 Pitfalls!

Pack designs fail when they

don’t influence what goes in
consumers’ carts.
Learn how you can predict and fix
the elements that potentially
derail choice.
introducing a Barrier
to choice. If the
new pack departs ‘‘ We are a challenger brand so
packaging needs to play a huge
part in our products standing out

Avoiding Packaging too far from the on shelf. We can’t afford to fail; we

10 Pitfalls! design elements that need to know the elements that

were recognizable are going to help us disrupt the
category, influence consumers and
and familiar to
win against more established brands.
consumers, it will

Reliable behavioural metrics and
n this last chapter, we address what no one wants: create confusion and
KPIs are key to our success; such as
packaging designs that fail. Packs that fail translate to lack of recognition focusing on messaging and icons
negative in-market business outcomes, lost sales and of a trusted that help consumers understand our
potential delisting by trade partners. brand. Too far of a core message of being a purpose
revolutionary led brand that gives back through

As we demonstrated in Chapter 1, it is actually deadly change without every purchase.
difficult to create new packs that outperform the packs they a significant Ed Woolner
are intended to replace! 88% of pack redesigns we have reason “why” General Manager
tested decline or score in parity with the existing packaging, or communication FeelGood Drinks
and actually just under 13% score worse across our 4S of Benefits for
criteria for being Seen Shoppable, Seductive, and Selected. consumers to comprehend, stops a shopper ready to place
Only about 5% actually improve the likelihood of being something in their cart.
chosen at shelf. So testing is imperative if you are going to
increase your odds of success. When packs fail, senior execs at brands most often mourn
that they underestimated the deep emotional bond
There are many ways to avoid pack failures. consumers had with the original packaging and the brand
When a pack is redesigned, stakeholders may be promises it conveyed. But this situation can be mitigated
too focused on some new element they think is important
for conveying Benefits. But the new pack actually
may be de-emphasizing what consumers care about, thus

76 77
significantly if packs are subject to rigorous testing that can be evaluated in the context of your brand status, the reason
uncover the Benefits and Barriers to consumers embracing for the redesign and the competitive circumstances. With
the new design. all redesigns, it is important to set realistic expectations
with your stakeholders: a tweak or minor change in pack
In this book we have addressed the 4S framework for factors
design is not likely to move the needle in terms of sales.
which contribute to effective packaging design that drives
That said, there is tension in straying too far from familiarity
shopper growth. These are the questions our framework
or not emphasizing the factors with the most potential to
answers about your packaging:
drive better outcomes. Best to know the problem you are
Be Seen: Did the consumer see it? Does the pack drive attempting to solve, and benchmark the solutions against
breakthrough and capture notice at shelf? what consumer will see and behave towards affirmatively.
Be Shoppable: Did the consumer identify what they were
looking for? Does the pack minimize friction when Eucerin® • The “soft” roll-out (i.e., having findings, and sales stabilized in
Research proved a the old and new pack designs 2018 before trending upward
comparing product varieties, promoting easy product on shelf together during the (reversing the market share
new design just needed
consideration? more time.
transition) likely added more decline).
confusion for shoppers.
• Additional research was
Be Seductive: Did the pack communicate emotionally? Context:
Outcome: conducted to further optimize
Does it convey a clear and visceral Benefit that inspires • Beiersdorf introduced new
• The decision was made to the graphics, leading to
packaging for Eucerin hand
shoppers to act without Barriers? and body lotion in 2017. Sales
“stay the course” with the improved sales (4.4% in 2019
redesign based on these and 7.8% in 2020).
declines required research to
Be Selected: Did the shopper put it their cart? Can you understand whether the newly
predict the behavioral impact of the pack that drives sales? introduced packaging was
the driver in worsening sales —
All the previous chapter challenges, from use of color or if other factors beyond
as a distinctive brand asset, to employing compelling packaging were contributing.

imagery and enforcing the right hierarchy of messaging, Learning:

• Research showed that the
contribute to the success of a pack design. They need to newly launched design was
well-received by consumers
and was not the root cause of
the worsening sales declines.
Old New

78 79
Beyond the design of a pack itself, and all the best practices Our final thought
we have described in previous chapters, there are a number on avoiding pitfalls. For more than 16 years,
Behaviorally was one of the most
of reasons that packs can fail, that have more to do with the The most important
trusted insights partners I worked
way new packs are launched. “best practice” for
with, whether it was in my roles in
achieving winning Europe, North America or as Global
One example we have seen firsthand is a lack of alignment
pack design is leader of the Insight Team. From the
of other promotions and POSM. If the new pack is out of
predictive behavioral moment a project was initiated, we
sync with the other visuals that consumers will associate with
measurement. This received independent thinking from
a product, you risk lack of rapid recognition at the shelf.
is essential whether an experienced client team, to ensure
Another pitfall can come from a “soft launch.” This tactic is you are testing a the issues being researched were the

often seen as risk mitigation to launch a new pack design restage or the pack correct ones.
in a quiet way to reach consumers in a test market. If it is for a totally new Richard Thorogood
introduced without the benefit of additional advertising and product, a validation Former Global Vice President of Insights
An updated look other promotional support, or if old product is available before final launch,
didn’t appeal along with the new pack in stores, this creates consumer or the fast, efficient
to consumers
who loved
confusion. Sales data alone will not reveal the whole story, screening needed during the iterative process of early pack
the whimsy of making a potential success look like a failure. design ideation. Behaviorally has developed effective digital
previous designs.
solutions for testing pack designs that can increase your
So Celestial Our 4S evaluation of pack designs has saved clients from
Seasonings odds of success exponentially, delivering the best business
abandoning packs already in-market, by revealing additional
reverted to the outcomes possible.
old packs. marketing solutions needed for an in-market success.

80 81
‘‘ For 50 years, Behaviorally
(formerly PRS) has been the global
market leader for supporting clients
in their efforts to drive shopper

Looking Ahead growth. The retail world is constantly

evolving, but at Behaviorally, we’re
passionate about the enduring power
We hope you have enjoyed our compilation of best of behavioral science and digital
practices for designing effective packaging. technologies to define and diagnose
what makes packaging an effective
We thank all our contributors and hope readers will leverage
component of all brands’
the behavioral principles and KPIs outlined to support your

growth strategies.
decision making on this important objective.

Alex Hunt
There is nothing more important We would be delighted to be your CEO
to brand and product strategy than partner applying our suite Behaviorally
packaging that drives consumer of behavioral tools to identify
choice. To get there we need trusted the Benefits and Barriers to
and proven, best practices to follow,
your own shopper growth. It’s
that are grounded in behavioral
science. This collection of guidelines,
something we at Behaviorally
and data-backed evidence of are passionate about!
what make packaging that works Don’t hesitate to call
effectively, will be an invaluable
your local team or contact us
resource for brand, marketing and

design teams.
Will Leach
Behavioral Science Expert
Author of Marketing to Mindstates
Mindstate Group


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