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Simulation of Walkway

Date: Monday, September 13, 2021

Designer: Quang.H
Study name: FEA
Analysis type: Static

Table of Contents
Description .......................................... 1
Model Information .................................. 3
Study Properties .................................... 4
Units .................................................. 4
Material Properties ................................. 5
Loads and Fixtures ................................. 6
Description Connector Definitions .............................. 6
No Data Contact Information ................................ 7
Mesh information ................................... 9
Sensor Details ..................................... 10
Resultant Forces .................................. 10
Beams .............................................. 10
Study Results ...................................... 11
Conclusion ......................................... 14

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 1


Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 2

Model Information
Document Name and
Treated As Volumetric Properties
Mass:0.0339025 kg
Volume:1.25565e-05 m^3
Solid Body Density:2,700 kg/m^3
Weight:0.332245 N

Mass:0.0339025 kg
Volume:1.25565e-05 m^3
Solid Body Density:2,700 kg/m^3
Weight:0.332245 N

Mass:0.0339025 kg
Volume:1.25565e-05 m^3
Solid Body Density:2,700 kg/m^3
Weight:0.332245 N

Mass:0.0339025 kg
Volume:1.25565e-05 m^3
Solid Body Density:2,700 kg/m^3
Weight:0.332245 N

Mass:0.394258 kg
Volume:0.000146021 m^3
Solid Body Density:2,700 kg/m^3
Weight:3.86373 N

Mass:0.394258 kg
Volume:0.000146021 m^3
Solid Body Density:2,700 kg/m^3
Weight:3.86373 N

Mass:1.29136 kg
Volume:0.000478283 m^3
Solid Body Density:2,700 kg/m^3
Weight:12.6554 N

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 3

Mass:12.864 kg
Volume:0.0048 m^3
Solid Body Density:2,680 kg/m^3
Weight:126.067 N

Study Properties
Study name Static 1
Analysis type Static
Mesh type Solid Mesh
Thermal Effect: On
Thermal option Include temperature loads
Zero strain temperature 298 Kelvin
Include fluid pressure effects from Off
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation
Solver type Direct sparse solver
Inplane Effect: Off
Soft Spring: Off
Inertial Relief: Off
Incompatible bonding options Automatic
Large displacement Off
Compute free body forces Off
Friction Off
Use Adaptive Method: Off
Result folder SOLIDWORKS document
(C:\Users\Quang\RedDotRack\Peter Secombe -
@Drive - Engineering\Engineering
Drawings\Finished Goods\355-0006, Walkway
Piece, 390 x 4000mm)

Unit system: SI (MKS)
Length/Displacement mm
Temperature Kelvin
Angular velocity Rad/sec
Pressure/Stress N/m^2

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 4

Material Properties
Model Reference Properties
Name: AL 6005-T5
Model type: Linear Elastic Isotropic
Default failure Max von Mises Stress
Yield strength: 2.15e+08 N/m^2
Tensile strength: 2.4e+08 N/m^2
Elastic modulus: 6.9e+10 N/m^2
Poisson's ratio: 0.33
Mass density: 2,700 kg/m^3
Shear modulus: 2.58e+10 N/m^2
Thermal expansion 2.34e-05 /Kelvin
Name: 5052-H32
Model type: Linear Elastic Isotropic
Default failure Unknown
Yield strength: 1.95e+08 N/m^2
Tensile strength: 2.3e+08 N/m^2
Elastic modulus: 7e+10 N/m^2
Poisson's ratio: 0.33
Mass density: 2,680 kg/m^3
Shear modulus: 2.59e+10 N/m^2
Thermal expansion 2.4e-05 /Kelvin

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 5

Loads and Fixtures
Fixture name Fixture Image Fixture Details
Entities: 2 face(s)
Type: Fixed Geometry


Resultant Forces
Components X Y Z Resultant
Reaction force(N) 9.81987e-06 1,232.27 1.68011e-05 1,232.27
Reaction Moment(N.m) 0 0 0 0

Entities: 4 face(s)
Type: Fixed Geometry


Resultant Forces
Components X Y Z Resultant
Reaction force(N) -1.43051e-06 -32.2645 1.07288e-06 32.2645
Reaction Moment(N.m) 0 0 0 0

Load name Load Image Load Details

Entities: 1 face(s)
Reference: Edge< 1 >
Type: Apply force
Force-1 Values: ---, ---, 1,200 N

Connector Definitions
No Data

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 6

Contact Information

Contact Contact Image Contact Properties

Type: No Penetration
contact pair
Entities: 6 face(s)
Advanced: Surface to
Contact Set-1 surface

Contact/Friction force
Components X Y Z Resultant
Contact Force(N) 0 -32.265 0 32.265

Type: No Penetration
contact pair
Entities: 2 face(s)
Advanced: Node to
Contact Set-2

Contact/Friction force
Components X Y Z Resultant
Contact Force(N) 0 1.9895E-13 0 1.9895E-13

Type: No Penetration
contact pair
Entities: 3 face(s)
Advanced: Node to
Contact Set-3 surface

Contact/Friction force
Components X Y Z Resultant
Contact Force(N) 1.7417E-14 0 0 1.7417E-14

Type: No Penetration
contact pair
Entities: 3 face(s)
Advanced: Node to
Contact Set-4 surface

Contact/Friction force
Components X Y Z Resultant

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 7

Contact Force(N) -1.0048E-14 0 0 1.0048E-14

Type: No Penetration
contact pair
Entities: 8 face(s)
Advanced: Node to
Contact Set-6 surface

Contact/Friction force
Components X Y Z Resultant
Contact Force(N) 0 -1,200 0 1,200

Type: Bonded
Components: 1 Solid Body (s)
Options: Compatible
Component Contact-1

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Mesh information
Mesh type Solid Mesh
Mesher Used: Standard mesh
Automatic Transition: Off
Include Mesh Auto Loops: On
Jacobian points 4 Points
Element Size 9.97228 mm
Tolerance 0.498614 mm
Mesh Quality Plot High
Remesh failed parts with incompatible mesh On

Mesh information - Details

Total Nodes 222954
Total Elements 113985
Maximum Aspect Ratio 58.508
% of elements with Aspect Ratio < 3 54.1
% of elements with Aspect Ratio > 10 15.5
% of distorted elements(Jacobian) 0
Time to complete mesh(hh;mm;ss): 00:01:31
Computer name:

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 9

Sensor Details
No Data

Resultant Forces
Reaction forces
Selection set Units Sum X Sum Y Sum Z Resultant
Entire Model N 9.81987e-06 1,200 1.68011e-05 1,200

Reaction Moments
Selection set Units Sum X Sum Y Sum Z Resultant
Entire Model N.m 0 0 0 0

No Data

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 10

Study Results

Name Type Min Max

Stress1 VON: von Mises Stress 1.105x101 N/m^2 6.027x107 N/m^2
Node: 3385 Node: 95459

Assem2-Static 1-Stress-Stress1

Name Type Min Max

Displacement1 URES: Resultant Displacement 0.00 mm 11.30 mm
Node: 79 Node: 89368

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 11

Assem2-Static 1-Displacement-Displacement1

Name Type Min Max

Strain1 ESTRN: Equivalent Strain 7.109x10 7.331x10-4
Element: 1872 Element: 100778

Assem2-Static 1-Strain-Strain1

Name Type
Displacement1{1} Deformed shape

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Assem2-Static 1-Displacement-Displacement1{1}

Name Type Min Max

Factor of Safety1 Automatic 3.236 1.946x107
Node: 95459 Node: 3385

Assem2-Static 1-Factor of Safety-Factor of Safety1


Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 13

Based on FEA, we can clearly see two things:

+ Min FOS = 3.236 > 3 (for load 1200N ≈ 120Kg).

+ Max stress (6.027x107 MPa) is smaller than yield strength (1.95x108 MPA).

=> This means that walkway works well with 120Kg.

Analyzed with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Simulation of Assem2 14

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