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4.1. Site Inventory

4.1.1. Site Data Macro Site Data
Situated in Brgy. San Isidro and San Roque in Angono, Rizal, the prospective site has a total lot
are of 213.25 hectares. It is accessible through the Don Mariano Avenue that is connected to the Manila
East Road, that is linked to Metro Manila and the nearby municipalities of Rizal Province.

1) Topography. Angono is characterized by a varied topography. Based on the Geophysical

Profile of Angono, the site is characterized by a combination of gently-sloping, moderately-sloping and
steep contours. This is data is used as the fundamental basis for factors such as site zoning, stormwater
drainage strategies, building construction methods, and green spaces allocation.

2) Land Use. The prospective site is currently categorized as a mining area due to the Concrete
Aggregates Corporation Mine. Hence, this requires a careful analysis of the site factors in the conversion
into residential use

Figure x: Elevation Map of Angono Figure x: Land Use Map of Angono Figure x: Soil Classification Map
Figure x: Natural Hazard Map of Angono
Source: Geophysical Profile of Angono, Source: Geophysical Profile of Angono, Source: Geophysical Profile of Angono,
Source: Nationwide Operational Assessment
Rizal, edited by the researchers Rizal, edited by the researchers Rizal, edited by the researchers
of Hazard (NOAH), edited by the

3) Natural Hazard. Due to the varied topography, the most prevalent natural hazard within the site is
the proneness to landslide and risks due to unstable slope. In addition, there are regions that are at risk for
flooding. Therefore, safety measures should be greatly considered in site planning, especially since the
nature of the development is residential.

4) Soil and Geology. In terms of soil type, the site belongs to the most prominent soil type in Angono
which is Antipolo clay. It has a major impact especially in infrastructure construction methods and
structural design due to its property of shrinking when dry and swelling when it absorbs moisture.

5) Road Network. It is accessible through the Don Mariano

Avenue that is connected to the Manila East Road, that is linked to
Metro Manila and the nearby municipalities of Rizal Province. The analysis of road networks is crucial in
determining the accessibility of the proposed development.

Figure x: Road Networks Map of Angono

Source: Open Street Map, edited by the researchers Micro Site Data
The prospective site was evaluated in a microsite level in several aspects and discussed as

1) Solar Access. The illustration shows the sun

movement and orientation within the site in relation to the Dry
Bulb Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C). The Weather Data
File of Angono is visualized through Ladybug Environmental
analysis to better understand the sun path within the site. The
eastern region is relatively cooler ranging from 20.34-25.77 °C
whereas the western area is warmer due to high solar exposure
Figure x: Sun Path Diagram of the Site
ranging from 27.58-31.20°C in temperature. This finding has Source: Illustration by the researchers

major implications in building orientation and programming, positioning of fenestrations, location of

buffer zones, landscaping and many more.

2) Prevailing Wind. The illustration shows the prevailing

wind within the site in relation to the Wind Speed (in
meters/sec). The Weather Data File of Angono is visualized
through Ladybug Environmental analysis to understand the wind
flow within the site. It was found out that the prevailing winds
are prominent in the Northeast and Southwest directions
attributed to the monsoons. This finding has major implications
in designing for passive ventilation, selection of building Figure x: Wind Rose Diagram of the Site
Source: Illustration by the researchers

materials, location of fenestrations, building forms, and many


3) Accessibility and Public Transportation. The prospective site is connected to the Don Mariano
Avenue, a secondary road that links the the municipalities in the Rizal and Metro Manila. This means that
the proposed development is accessible. The prominent public transportation means are through tricycles,
vans, and buses.
4) Utilities. Based on the Batas Pambansa Blg. 220, building utilities such as electricity, water
supply, liquid and solid waste disposal, and storm drainage are crucial in a housing development.
MERALCO is the primary distributor of electricity while in terms of water supply, levels 1 to 3 water
facilities are available. The telephone services are through Smart, Sun, and Globe Telecommunication. In
terms of waste management, garbage is regularly collected and brought to the public Material Recovery
Facilities (MRF).

4.2. Site Analysis

4.2.1. SWOT Analysis

1. Proximity to Angono town proper and 1. Greatly varying site topography can
other local amenities become a constraint in the construction
2. Accessibility to Metro Manila and of the development
nearby municipalities through Manila 2. The presence of the Memorial Park
East Road and access to public within the site area may affect the real
transportation systems estate value of its immediate proximity
3. Accessible building utilities such as 3. The prominent soil type is Angono clay
electricity, water supply, which is relatively unstable for
telecommunications, and waste construction

1. Create socioeconomic opportunities for 1. Natural Hazard such as flooding and

the local community landslide due to the current site conditions.
2. Contribute to the municipality’s 2. The presence of other housing
economic growth through attracting developments or subdivisions implies
potential residents both from Metro market saturation.
Manila and within the vicinity
3. Contribute to the country’s housing
backlog through the social housing units

4.3. User Analysis

4.3.1. Demographic Data of Expected Users
To create a Mixed Housing Development that is culturally diverse, socially inclusive, and
functional while still being economic and environmental-friendly, the researchers analyze the
demographics and socioeconomic data of potential users to identify their spatial needs to formulate
appropriate housing typologies.
Based on the data presented in Diagram 1: Average household size (1990-2015) and Diagram 2:
Number of households (1990-2015), it was found out that there is an increase in the number of
households, but a decrease in the number of household sizes. This implies that there is a higher demand in
terms of quantity of housing units, but a decrease in inhabitants that will use a particular housing unit.

According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the highest population belongs to those aged
15-64 with 66.57%, followed by those aged 14 and below with 29.35%, and lastly, old dependent
population consisting of 4.07%. According to Abad (2020), while the increase in the population of actual
or potential members of the work force can contribute to economic prosperity, this also implies a growth
in the demand job opportunities. Also, there is an increase in demand for housing in terms of quantity and
an increase in demand for a need for work-inducive environment especially amidst the pandemic.

The fundamental household types in the Philippines namely Single-Person, Nuclear, Single-
Parent, and Extended families are the basis for housing typologies to be selected and the space
programming. Providing layout options that would appeal to their purchasing ability, lifestyle, needs, and
preferences is vital. Based on the study framework by Abejo (1995), the household types in the
Philippines are evaluated as follows:

1) Nuclear Family. This fundamental household type consists of two parents and one or more
child/ren. The essence of this arrangement lies on the the freedom of living as an independent household
hence the spaces that they would require should facilitate a lifestyle centered on family bond, work-life
relationship, and child-rearing.

2) Single-Parent Family. In contrast with a Nuclear Family, it consists of one parent and one or
more child/ren. Without a partner, the head of the household may face difficulty in child-rearing due to
the sole responsibility to earn. Therefore, this should be taken into consideration through ease of home
maintenance through compact space layout, enjoyable spaces for the children even when left at home,
areas for family bonding, provision for at-home work, and many more.

3) Extended Family. One of the most prevalent in the country, this consists of a nuclear unit plus
persons related to the by blood, affinity, or adoption, typically consisting of three generations. The
primary challenge of this category is the lack of privacy that each family requires despite sharing the
same house. Hence, the spatial configuration should balance privacy and socialization.

4) One-Person. It refers to a person who makes provision for his own food or other essentials for
living. This category typically includes students, working adults, unmarried persons, and the elderly. The
primary challenge is the loneliness due to lack of company. Also, having no one to rely on can pose a risk
in terms of safety. These can be addressed through either introducing co-housing units or creating a more
engaging community in the neighborhood that promote social interaction.

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