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The London Gazette.

iSttWIlrir bp airtW^tf
Frofrn "C&ur-KOaj? August &8. to g&OEDap Septeiriber 1.1684,.
•continues- that jhe Sieur Ifiolino hat1\ b?otk:d i'p
Sfee TurkishGaUisi jn jbf ?°tt of Scio. .
Juraitte, fimury-10^ 11*84. P Venice, August %*, p n Sunday last aVriVca
hercu pc-lucea, bewg l"--oc by thc Capcain-General
War begun soqie years agojie between Morosinirvvtth the N,*,^* Tbat on tfie j t h fall„i£:
_ llfjn Auteqg Z.eb, Emperor ot ths Moguls,
andrivePrince bis eldest Son, still continues, the Foctress of Stf. fiiiura, after a Snjg- of iaj. djVS1,
but with lut arty griat Success on either fide was -furrendr *d tp him,, wljcrcf>y he became Ma-
The Raja Sevagi,Son ota Prince of'ihe lame fler ofithat whole", which is wefi Peopled",
Name, Saving taken the part of thfe young Terry Bcrtdc, aad about j o Miles In compass ^ fhat
Tripce, endeavored to make a powerful di-
version to oblige the Emperor todivide l,"i»Troops,and thereby
he found inthe Fortress 8p PL.ce-, of Canuoh^ihoft
hinder the design he had to draw his Son to a general Battle. of them Brals, and a great deal ofjTronfioTis Of all
Autcng 2.eb lent part of his Forces against .Sevagi,.V&) sorts* That there niaaxlicd out 70^jSoftfie"r"s otilV
thereupon retired into the Mountains to avoid * Fight, and to with their Arms and Cloths -Und tha"t 1 joCtiistiSn
weary the Mogols with a tedious marcb, -which succeeded ac- Slaves were set liberty. And froma-Torfi* we liavfc
cordingly, the Troops of Aureugleb being forced to retirq,
after having for Ibme Months in vain besieged Sevagi in i>':„ces adfcice, that •l3eneiiaii<l-/'or«/<aii after tfte, taking of
inaccessible. Tbe Portuguese- had given passage through Su. Maura* was Qulcd with the wholii fclcct
their Territories ro the 101 ce*;.of Aureng ateb, at which Se- ••pstiariis the Atchipelago , having. lefc in slL
vagi was so incensed ihat he marched to Chaul, one of the Maura the Sieur Latenio Vtnier §s l3;<pv**dit!or Ex-
chief places of the Portuguese, and besieged it; The Siege
bad continued several months, and he had made three AlIjulK traO,r«l»r»ry. and thp ii-turPM ippogajuta, as Pro-
upon the place, but was as ofren repulsed with grea,r loss. vedito.r Ordinary with a Garilbn ofjsao Soldiers.
Inthe Month ofNovember last he left 12000 men bef-ore Finrni^ Aug. 24. The last Letters fioJii the Impe-
Chaul, and advanced wirh a ltke number towards Goa to
surprise thac City. Ke presently tnade hiiplelf Master of rial Camp b sole buda,, tells us the" Tuiks continufc
the Itle of St. Istevam, Which is near the Town, before any to make a very vigorousdefence; Trias they mads
asliltance could be sent thither, and then advanced with a re- thc i<?th Instant! a very strong Sallj-j pnt that (*lic-
solution to attack Goa-, upon which Dop Francisco dcTa Christians having b<s;*.n informed by some Dcjc^vcrp
vera, Viceroy of the East-Indies. Sallied out at (he head of
400 men, and fell upon Sevagi wiih so much advantage, that oftheir design, """"ere ity sogooda posture tb f ccejvc
he forced him to draw his Troops farther off, after baving cut them, that they advene beacqn back withthe foss of
off about 900 of his best men. The Viceroy was in this above 500 Turks *• Tbac the Duke jof fLornln -had
action wounded with a Musquet-fhot in the Arm, arid 26 Sol- drawn out part of the Garisons of; Gran, Roab^ ana
diers and several Officers were killed. The next day S-vagi,
fearing another Sally, retired in great disorder, after hiring other Neighbouring Places, being in so muchneeij
burnt some Villages about Goa, leaving several Pieces of of Foot, that for want ofit be could not wholly" liin-r-
Cannon and part of his Baggage behind him. Th* Viceroy der the Besieged from having a ComiDunication
some days after went and besieged Pon-Ja, but was obliged with the Danube. Theft Letters ad/J., Tljac {he
to quit that Enterprise upon the adiiee he received that Se- Hungarians do dayjy ift great Nun-bets put thorns
vagi was marching with 8°ooo men to relieve thc plate ; but
3000 men which Sevagi had detached to make a ravage iu selvr>s-into the Emperor's Service. YV**f")-*vcadviq5
the Territories of the Portuguese, were cut in pieces by the from Gdneral Leflic-'s Camp near Turanovitz in Cro»
Troops of the Viceroys. Sevagi to.rcpair this lots by Ibme mil, thit the Serasquier Bassa had r/qcejvcd a re-
signal Enterprise, lint four days afterwards a great many inforcement from Boffinty, and that he wjas-encamped
men in light Vesti-ls to make a descent near G03 ; a,t-d to en-
deavour to surprise the City ill rhe absence of the Viceroy between thc Save apd she Drove. The. Troops 9s
and greate,4 pare of rhe-Garison; The night was very dark, thc Elector of Bavarif arc com;pg down wjrhalj
and thoft role Ib great a storm that most of rhe VeUtis were possible diligence, th**; foot by Water, a,ud thc Ca?
cast away upon the Hies of Murmtigam, which lie in the en- valry by Land. The C/ount de Serini, General of,
trance ot rhe Bar of Goa; and many ofthe E.iemy were
made Prisoners by the Portuguese. Th.fe ill Successes made the Elector's Forces, is come hither *, and has astu-*
Sevagi fend Propositions of"Peace to tlie Vicerny, but he red the Emperor jjjat hjs sectoral Highness v.i\
rejected them wiih Contempt, and lint back his Deputy: bebfire in few days, anal, thar he wijl command his;
Since that time Seva»i is returned with all his Forces to con- Troops in Person. 1 he Letters from Poland sayk
tinue the Siege of Chaul; and Aureng .Zeb has sent to the
assistance of the Portuguese fix high built Ships, I2frigars',
thc Kii g would be the 14 or 1; of this month ac
45 ParangosorGaliots, with fsveral other light Veflels with the Hfcad of his /""piny , which mandied, towards
Oars, with Ammunition apd Provisions, and a considerable fastowick? in Podolii top«"&the Niestey there, and
Body of Horse and Foot, and the Viceroy IS preparing to b to go-and fcfk thq "Uncrny- The i** Instant
march with all his own Forces, and thele succor:; to relieve the Empress vrai biojight to J*c-dof q young Prin-
Chaul. '
cess. The Duke of Lorrain, to encourage thc Army,
Genout, August to. This -week arri**Cri here has promised them three months Pay 'p soon a\Bu-
the Lion Castle, Zant and Return, ft om the Coast it is takftn, which we hope now very quickly t;o hay***,
of Spiin ; and. the Margaret is sailed foe Alicmt. thc news of, for we.arc alsured theje begins tqjac,
Two dayssincereturned into-this Port the Spanish a great dej ction aud cqnstcrnatipiramong thc-Be^
and Genouese Galfics ; They are now Careening, flcgUdj
and that done, ic's said they will fall for ctit* Cpast
of Catalonia. Rttitionne, August H. About 600a Bavarian
Venice, August ia). The Troops of thft State POQC-pasted dowixjthis River two days, agonegoii-fi
in Dalmatia arc to rendezvous the 15 th Inliant at fbr Hungary; and two-rCompanies of <"*uiraffn*rs
Sciriona; and it's said their first enterprize will are expe6ted here trus Evenings Xh? Epfl of ith,e
be upon Clin, The last news we-had of our Fleet Elcctost Cavalry be^ng-Jikewife qn .thejr-niafich*
was, that they were before Jt-r.fliauraiand had be; and bisElc^tvralHi-sfhqpss bimself is thought tp bqj
gun to attack that Foi zfefi, \vhreh is a Nelr-of Py- now on his way to Vienna; So soon as these Troops
ratcs who greatly wisest tlic Golfe. "Ib* rc)*-oit. litre joyned thc Imperial Array, we are assured a
gcnsral Assault -fil, be « U""*on.. Buii. The hts Baylif? and present Mayor, who accompanied
•"-talcs pf thefcmpire assembled here have now tak-n him in his Coach to the Town, and at the-entry
in hand thc poi,-,t of thc publick Security. thereof getting on Horseback rode at the head of
FtMcfott* September ^ The last Lecters. from the Company to thc Town-Hall (thc Belly ringing,
Hftngiry inform us, that the Duke of Lorrain bad Waits and other Musick playrtg, and .the Streets
drawn all thc Foot he couki out of Gran, Riib, bung crowded with People who expressed great
Comorn ai.d other places tostrengthc.tthe Aimy; satisfaction ) where the Charter was read and the
anu that he very earnestly exp.ctxd thc Forces of Mayor Sworn, who afterwards Swore the Steward
the Elector of Bavaria, without which he Ihould and Aldermen; And then Sir Richard Temple de-
hardly be able to continue rJicSieg-.: They write clared tb them the great.Honor and Advantages
that lince thc ijth Instant tlicre have been kmed they received by thcil' New Chamta. the King
"before Budi j i Captains, 45 Ucikeiiarnts, Jo En- having been pleased to Incorporate tbem by £hc
signs, 6 Ma,ors, and one Licutcnanra-Colonel. Narac of the Mayor and Aldermen of the Loyal Bo*
General Lestie, according to our lalt advices, was rough and Parish of Buckingham, and to grant them
encamped near Turannowits, where lie bad laid a two new Fairs, the one on St. Matthews day, the
Bridge over thc Drove, and'had built two Forts to other on thc f.cond Monday-after the Epiphany, and
secure it; We do not yet certainly hear that he has ever Saturday a Market for livefiattlc, with many
Orders 10 joyn thc Impciial Army before buda; othet; Additions to their former Privileges ;
and sorrteb:licve, seeing his si dy consists raolirof Whereupon thev all expressed their Duty md/
Horse, which thc Duke of Lornin has at pidlnt Thankfulness to His Majesty for these His Royal Fa-
no great want of, He will continu; wnerc he is to
observe the Serasquier Balsa, who is encamped vours to them ; And after this the Mayor and Al-
near the Bridge of Effecks, as they fay. wirh joooo dermen gave all the Gentlemen a yciy handsome
men. Entertainment.

Brussels , September 5. Monsieur Chm'iy, who Whereas several Persons do Hill presume in Contempt of
arrived here last Thursday in thc Ev nu,g, had His Ma jail)'» Gracious Grant tothe Loyal Indigent Officers J
and conrrary ro tbe Order of the Lord Ma)or of London, to
the next morning Audience df thc Marquis de continue the Fxercise of Raffling Lotteries in private and pu-
Gram, and hat since had several Conferences with blick places without any License for tfae lame; These are
the Ministers bere about setling thc payment of to give notice, that any Person that shall inform die Patentees
Arrears of Contributions that are due from th^se of any Perlons thac exercises or permits to be eifrcised rhe
said Rafilingswithout License, they fliall upon Proof thereof
Countries to the French", an, till this be done Mon- be well rewarded for their pains.
sieur de It Trouffe, Monsieur ie Boufflers, and Mon. These are to give Notice, That the Security formerly pro-
"sieur Monbron co. tinue -with thc Troops unier posed in a Printed Paper called the Friendly Society f ,r Secu-
their command in the Spanilh Territories. They ring Houses from l«ls by Fire, is now setled on the Lord*
"write* from Liege of thc second Instant, that the Mayor and other Trustees for the use aforesaid, and tint rhe
Policies will be ready tobe delivered a 1 die Office in Falcon-
fame lay the Sieur Lost, one of the chief Promo- Court againit St Du'nlfans Church in Fleet-ltreet from hence
ters of the late Tumults and Disorders in that forward"every day.
City, wa-fpnblickly beheaded, and that bis Head Advertisements.
had been put up over the Gate of St. Leonard • <s3* Essayes of Natural Experiments made in tbe
and that two persons more were condemned to die, aVcademy del Cimento, under die Protection of Prince
•who would be Executed the 4th 5 And that prepa- Leopold of Tuscany-, Written in Italian by rhe Secretair-
e s that Academy. Englished by Richard Waller I ellow of
rations were making for the reception of the Ele- the Royal Society. O dered to be Printed hy the said So-
ctor of Cologne their Pi*i**c*\ • ciety. Printed for Benjamen A\l',p-at the Angel and Bible
in rhe Poultry over against the Church.
Pirit, September i. The Most Christian King
has, it's said, refoived so soon as the Ratifications THe Creditors of" Mr. Robert Pailter lare of London,
Merchanr, deceased, are desired to meet at Mr Bloflc's
of thc Truce arc exchanged , to Disband 25000 Coffee-House inThreadnecdle-lireet.onTliurl'iay the nth of
Foot and 10000 Horse. The Fleet has September next at 3 ofthe Clock in the Afternoon, in order to
orders to return toThouhn; and Monsieur du s2uefne,receive some Satisfaction lor their Jult Debts The Propo-
sals may be seen in the mean time at the House of Mr. Natha-
who is not yet perfectly recovered of his late ill- niel Unwin's a Scrivener in Broadltreet, London.
ness, has leave to come hither. Thc Mareschal
de Belfonds has repasstd the Pyrennems through O N Munday next rhe 8 * of September, will beexpofeiS
to Sale by way of Au fti-n, (or who bids molt) in Stur*
veiy difficult ways, thc march lasted seven djys, Bridge-1 air near Cambridge, a considerable Collection of
during which his Army suffered very much, and Physick,Books, Antient and Modern, in Divinity, History, Philology,
&c. in Greek, Latine, and English, in all Volumes:
particularly the Cavairy, having lost a great Catalogues of which will be distributed Giatis at the several
many Horses, There is a discourse of a Marriage Coffee-Houses in Cambridge to all Gentlemen, Scholars, &c.
b twcen the Duke de Bourbon, and Madamoiselle as also timely Notice will be given of the Booth or place of
de Nmtes. Sale.
QTrayed orstolenthe 25th of August, out of the Grounds
O of Mr.Cherye of Newport Pannel in rhe County of Bucks,
Plimouth, Augujl xz. On Wednesday last came 2ibay Coach Gelding near a 6 hands high, with a Star in his
into this Portfrom the Eastward His Maj,fly'sShip Forehead, a Snip in one of his Ears, some white on the near
Foot behind, ab-iut 8 years old. If any give notice to Mr.
theMordmt, Captain Kjtligrsw Commander, and Cherye. or to Sir Robert Dacres io Clerkenwell-Clole, so
this day failed again to continue her Voyag *•», thatthe Horscmay be had, shall h a v e n s , reward.

Buckjnahom, Augusts. The" ioth Instant Sir L

RicbardTemple came hither with the New Charter near Shoulder
OU or stolen aboutrhe 2oth of Augull, a bright bay Mare,
above 14 hands high, abnut 7 vears old, pretty full
bodied, a long ent Tail wirh white-Hairs, and marked inthe
wirh a half Criss and B, trots all. Whoever
which His Maielty hath been Gracioully pleased to given notice of her to Mr. Thomas Marshall in Taunion in
Grant to this Corporation, having been met upon Somersetshire, <ir to William Lewis ar the Three Legs in the
thc way at Mr. Edmund Verney'% House at East Poultry, London, shall have 20s. reward, and reasonable
Cleydon (abw*- five miles from lience ) by the late Charges-. .
Bay! iff and Burgesses on Horsebacks, and near too
Tol en ot straved the 27th of AneuU, out of the Pasture of
Mr.Henry Wilson in *>r. Edmundsbury in Suffolk, a Chef-
Persons of •*"*Hulity of the Neighborhood and nut Sorrel Gelding abuit 14 hands high, a clap on the near
Principal Inhabitants of this Borough ; Being come Leg-before, very low Backs, wirh a broom Tail, a Blasts
•within* the limits of the Corporation, Sir Ricbati Uown htsFace.'ull aged: Whoever gives not ice-of l*iiri,so that
delivered the Charter to W.Tbonm Heliefdon the he be returned either to John Priityman Perrinig-maker in
Threadneedle-ltreetLondon, or to Mr Henr. Wilson at the
Three Kings., ia St. Edmundsbury aforesaid, liall be well

Printed by Tho. Newcomb in the s-tvoy, 1684.

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