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Nama : Zellyn Thania

Npm : 2026010008
Kelas : Keperawatan 4A

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good Morning everyone, Thank you for coming to my presentation today. it’s great to see you all. Let
me introduce myself. My name is Zellyn Thania, you can call me Zellyn and i'm nursing student from
stikes tri Mandiri Sakti Bengkulu.

Okay my friend, in this presentation I will discuss about stroke.

First, I will explain to you the definition of stroke :
Stroke is a condition when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted due to a blockage (ischemic
stroke) or rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke).
Ischemic stroke is occurs when a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain is blocked.
Hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, occurs when a weakened blood vessel bursts. Whereas,
Hemorrhagic stroke is bleeding that occurs when an intracerebral vascular lesion ruptures. This
haemorrhage 73% occurred in the intracerebral space. Bleeding occurring in the pons or cerebellum
has a poor prognosis because of the rapid onset of pressure on vital brainstem structures.

This condition causes certain areas of the brain to not receive oxygen and nutrients, resulting in the
death of brain cells.

Symptoms and Causes of Stroke :

Symptoms of a stroke generally occur in the part of the body controlled by the damaged area of the
brain. Symptoms experienced by stroke survivors can include:
1. Weak facial muscles that make one side of the face down
2. Difficulty lifting both arms due to weakness or numbness
3. Difficulty speaking
4. Dysarthria
5. tingling
6. Difficulty recognizing faces (prosopagnosia)
The causes of stroke are generally divided into two, namely the presence of a blood clot in a blood
vessel in the brain and a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain.

Narrowing or rupture of these blood vessels can occur due to several factors, such as high blood
pressure, use of blood-thinning drugs, brain aneurysms, and brain trauma.

Stroke Treatment and Prevention :

Stroke treatment depends on the type of stroke experienced by the patient. Actions that can be taken
can be in the form of medication or surgery. In addition, to support the recovery process, patients will
be advised to undergo physiotherapy and psychological therapy.
Stroke prevention is:
1. Maintain blood pressure to remain normal
2. Do not smoke and do not consume alcoholic beverages
3. Maintain ideal body weight
4. Exercise regularly
5. Undergo regular check-ups for medical conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension

Okay everyone, Thank you for your attention

Wasalmualikum wr.wb

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