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Clinical Radiology 74 (2019) 329e337

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Governance of automated image analysis and

artificial intelligence analytics in healthcare
C.W.L. Ho a, *, D. Soon b, K. Caals c, J. Kapur d
Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, MD11, 10 Medical
Drive, Singapore
Division of Neurology, National University Hospital, Singapore
Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Department of Diagnostic Imaging, National University Hospital, Singapore

The hype over artificial intelligence (AI) has spawned claims that clinicians (particularly ra-
diologists) will become redundant. It is still moot as to whether AI will replace radiologists in
day-to-day clinical practice, but more AI applications are expected to be incorporated into the
workflows in the foreseeable future. These applications could produce significant ethical and
legal issues in healthcare if they cause abrupt disruptions to its contextual integrity and
relational dynamics. Sustaining trust and trustworthiness is a key goal of governance, which is
necessary to promote collaboration among all stakeholders and to ensure the responsible
development and implementation of AI in radiology and other areas of clinical work. In this
paper, the nature of AI governance in biomedicine is discussed along with its limitations. It is
argued that radiologists must assume a more active role in propelling medicine into the digital
age. In this respect, professional responsibilities include inquiring into the clinical and social
value of AI, alleviating deficiencies in technical knowledge in order to facilitate ethical eval-
uation, supporting the recognition, and removal of biases, engaging the “black box” obstacle,
and brokering a new social contract on informational use and security. In essence, a much
closer integration of ethics, laws, and good practices is needed to ensure that AI governance
achieves its normative goals.
Ó 2019 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction to detect greater than a mild level of diabetic retinopathy in

adults diagnosed with diabetes.1 In essence, this ‘Software
In April 2018, the US Food and Drug Administration as a Medical Device’ (SaMD) applies an AI algorithm to
(FDA) granted approval for IDx-DR (DEN180001) to be analyse images of the eye taken with a retinal camera that
marketed as the first artificial intelligence (AI)-based diag- are uploaded to a cloud server.2 A screening decision is
nostic system that does not require clinician interpretation made by the device as to whether the individual concerned
has “more than mild diabetic retinopathy” and, if so, is
referred to an eye care professional for medical attention.
* Guarantor and correspondent: C. W. L. Ho, Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Where the screening result is negative, the individual will
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, MD11, 10 be rescreened in 12 months. Importantly, IDx-DR is to be
Medical Drive, 117597, Singapore. applied specifically for detecting diabetic retinopathy, and
E-mail address: (C.W.L. Ho).
0009-9260/Ó 2019 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
330 C.W.L. Ho et al. / Clinical Radiology 74 (2019) 329e337

in individuals who do not present with higher risks or technologies that directly or indirectly enable lay people to
medical complications. access a rich pool of knowledge, interact with other in-
IDx-DR is capable of machine learning (ML), which is a dividuals with expertise and/or experiential knowledge and
subset of AI and refers to a set of methods that has the may eventually be able to derive accurate diagnoses and
ability to detect patterns in data automatically in order to develop effective healthcare regimens independently of a
predict data trends or for decision-making under uncertain clinician. AI applications could also disrupt current health-
conditions.3 Deep learning (DL) is in turn a subtype of ML care practices. In many health systems, clinical medicine
(and a subfield of representation learning) that is capable of increasingly reflects a shift-based model, where fewer cli-
delivering a higher level of performance, and does not nicians follow diseases from their presentation through
require a human to identify and compute the discrimina- their ultimate outcome.9 AI applications may assume a
tory features for it. From the 1980s onwards, DL software greater role in integrating healthcare, even while a clinician
has been applied in computer-aided detection systems, and remains at the centre in attribution of ethical and legal re-
in more recent years, in computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) sponsibilities, in payment arrangements, and in organisa-
systems.4 The field of radiomics (a process that extracts tional setup. In addition, AI may curtail a patient’s exercise
large number of quantitative features from medical images) of her or his right to privacy and confidentiality as ML
is broadly concerned with the latter, where DL has enabled analysis will require the patient’s personal information to
the use of CAD systems in computer-learned tumour sig- be recorded.9
natures. It has the potential to detect abnormalities, make Disruptions need not necessarily be negative, provided
differential diagnoses, and generate preliminary radiology that the goals of medicine are sustained. In this paper, we
reports in the future, but only a few methods are able to focus on one goal in particular: service of the sick or
manage the wide range of radiological presentations of otherwise acting for the good of patients. It follows that our
subtle disease states.4 Beyond image analysis, AI-based use of the term “clinician” is intended to refer broadly to a
non-image analytical tools may profoundly impact radi- moral community of professions (especially nurses and
ology in their potential to improve radiology departmental doctors) that is socially established and trained to serve
workflow through precision scheduling, identifying pa- patients.10 In this regard, we are concerned about the
tients who are likely to miss appointments, and producing impact of AI applications on trust on the part of patients, as
individually customised examination protocols.5 well as trustworthiness on the part of clinicians and health
The hype over AI has spawned claims that clinicians like systems. Sustaining trust and trustworthiness in healthcare
radiologists will become redundant. It is still moot as to is not simply a professional concern.11 It is recognised in
whether AI will replace radiologists in day-to-day clinical ethics and in law to be in the public interest, and conse-
practice but more AI applications are expected to be incor- quently, it is also a key goal of healthcare governance. In the
porated into the workflows of picture archiving and section that follows, we consider the nature of governance
communication systems (PACS) in the foreseeable future. in AI-based biomedicine and the limits to achieving its
Areas that can be automated with AI have been identified normative goals. We then consider how concerted profes-
as6,7: (a) automated image segmentation, lesion detection, sional responses are needed, particularly on the part of the
measurement, labelling and comparison with historical radiology community.
images; (b) generating radiology reports, particularly with
the application of natural language processing and natural
language generation; (c) semantic error detection in reports; General trend in governance
(d) data mining in research; and (e) improved business in-
telligence systems that allow real-time dash-boarding and As the discussion in this section seeks to illustrate, the
alert systems, workflow analysis and improvement, out- nature of governance of biomedicine is increasingly risk-
comes measures and performance assessment. Policy and based, context-specific, case-sensitive, decentralised,
professional interventions may become necessary to collaborative and, in terms of its epistemic (knowledge)
manage job displacement as repetitive, low discretion, and constituents, pluralistic. As we considered above, IDx-DR
mundane tasks become automated; to create new jobs and was reviewed under the FDA’s De Novo premarket review
roles within healthcare (such as medical data scientists); pathway and was granted Breakthrough Device designa-
and to reduce friction from the transition. tion,12 as the SaMD is novel and of low to moderate risk.
It is consequently likely that AI applications will produce Importantly, the FDA provided intensive interaction and
significant ethical and legal issues in healthcare, especially guidance to the company on efficient device development in
if they cause abrupt disruptions to its contextual integrity order to expedite evidence generation and its review of the
and relational dynamics. Healthcare is currently delivered device that provides for more effective treatment or diag-
by licensed professionals at accredited facilities or licensed nosis of a life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating disease
premises, and designed to flow from a professional through or condition, with no approved or cleared alternatives.
approved channels to care recipients. The professional here A risk-based approach is adopted by the FDA, and its
is also the repository of knowledge, which underscores the application to a total product life-cycle process is embodied
notion of a fiduciary relationship where a clinician is in ISO 14971, as well as its accompanying guidance docu-
required to act in the best interests of her or his patient.8 AI ment, ISO TR 24971 (an ISO Technical Report).12,13 These
applications are part of a rapidly growing number of new documents outline a risk management process for medical
C.W.L. Ho et al. / Clinical Radiology 74 (2019) 329e337 331

device manufacturers to identify hazards (defined as po- ML devices will test the limits of this governance approach.
tential sources of harm), estimate and evaluate risks, and to The challenges to risk assessment, management, and miti-
respond effectively through developing, implementing, and gation will be amplified as AI-based devices change rapidly,
monitoring risk control measures. Broadly speaking, risk with the assumption of less tangible form (discreetness),
analysis performed within this framework entails the sys- embodiment of more diverse components (discreteness),
tematic use of available information to identify hazards and greater dispersion across geographical and jurisdictional
to estimate the risk that arises from the scope and intended spaces (diffuseness) and opacity.22
use of the device. Risk estimates are computed based on the Governance is likely to become increasingly complex,
probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that less certain, and more challenging to describe. In the info-
harm. These estimates are then evaluated, such as through sphere, Floridi25 depicts governance (along with regulation
the use of a risk evaluation matrix, which distinguishes and ethics) as one of the three normative cornerstones.
acceptable levels of risks from unacceptable ones. Risk Digital governance is the practice of establishing and
controls (through product design or labelling) are devel- implementing policies, procedures, and standards for the
oped and implemented to reduce unacceptable risks. The proper development, use, and management of the info-
effectiveness of each risk control measure must be evalu- sphere. It overlaps with (but is not identical to) digital
ated to ensure that residual risks are within acceptable regulation, which relates to a system of laws elaborated and
levels. Otherwise, additional risk control measures will enforced through social and governmental institutions to
need to be introduced. Additionally, a similar analysis must regulate behaviour in the infosphere. The General Data
be conducted to evaluate the entire device (that is, analysis Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came into force last year
that is not linked to particular hazard) in order to determine in Europe is an example of digital regulation.26,27 Gover-
if the overall residual risk meets that acceptability criteria of nance and regulation may be shaped by digital ethics,
the manufacturer or developer. A risk management report which is concerned with moral problems relating to data
documents the entire process, and is updated with post- and information, algorithms, and corresponding practices
development risk-relevant events such as product feed- and infrastructures. One may perhaps query if ethics and
back and non-conformance. This standard was last regulation are as discrete as Floridi conceptualises them,
reviewed and confirmed in 2010, but is currently being but for the purposes of this paper, ethics and regulation are
reviewed.14 regarded as constitutive of, and indistinguishable from,
Similar to the approach in the US, the European regula- governance.28
tory regime15e17 adopts a risk-based approach to regulate Governance, in the form of bioethics, has been central to
medical devices, which are defined as any instrument or the advancement of biomedicine, as empirical studies have
tool (including software) intended by the manufacturer to shown.29e31 Where “big data” and AI-based biomedicine is
be used for humans for purposes that include diagnosis, concerned, sound and effective governance remains crucial
prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of dis- to all endeavours that are directed at understanding and
ease.18 The responsibility of risk assessment is placed on responding to the many challenges that are posed and
device manufacturers or on an independent certification anticipated. This is evident in the policy documents that
body appointed by authorities of EU member states. Recent have been produced at the highest level of government on
changes to the regulatory framework will mostly come into what good governance could and perhaps should look like.
effect from 2020 onwards,19,20 and they will widen the In the US, the Executive Office of the President32,33
range of products that will be regulated, extend liability to considered how good governance of AI could advance na-
defective products, strengthen requirements for clinical tional priorities, broadly enumerated as increased economic
data and traceability of the devices, introduce more prosperity, improved educational opportunity, social secu-
rigorous monitoring of certification bodies and improve rity, and quality of life, and enhanced national security.
transparency by requiring more product information to be Public good, fairness, and safety have been identified as key
placed in the public domain.21 Such a governance approach guiding principles. The US National Science and Technology
reflects what Matthew Scherer22 terms an ex ante (as Council34 provided a more nuanced roadmap on how some
opposed to an ex post) regulation. It is pre-emptive of of these priorities may be realised through investments in
foreseeable risks and has a more open and participatory research and development. In the UK, a report of the House
character. Although this approach has been effective in of Commons’ Science and Technology Committee on AI35 is
paving a way forward to market approval for IDx-DR, the similar to the US policy documents on AI in its call for a
study that supports the approval23 was conducted under “light touch” approach to governance for sustaining tech-
highly controlled conditions where a relatively small group nological development to advance national economic in-
of carefully selected patients was recruited to test a diag- terests. Of especial note is its call for the UK government to
nostic system under narrow usage criteria. It is questionable provide leadership on the ethical, legal, and social impli-
whether the AI feature itself was tested, as the auto-didactic cations (ELSI) of AI, even if it should trail behind other
aspect of the algorithm was locked prior to the clinical trial, countries such as the US, Germany, and Japan on the tech-
which greatly reduced the range of possible outputs.24 At nical aspects. Across the English Channel, the European
this stage, IDx-DR is not capable of evaluating the most Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs36 proposed for a
severe forms of diabetic retinopathy that require urgent regulatory agency to be established in order to address
ophthalmic intervention. Moving forward, unsupervised ethical and legal issues concerning AI-enhanced robots.
332 C.W.L. Ho et al. / Clinical Radiology 74 (2019) 329e337

Arguably, these are still early days in thinking about reference datasets of proven cases against which AI-based
desirable (let alone ideal) governance of AI-based biomed- software can be tested and compared, criteria for stand-
icine in terms of its normative and conceptual foundations, ardisation, validation and optimisation of imaging protocols
mechanisms, and practices. Not surprisingly, our col- for use in AI applications, and a common lexicon for
leagues37 observe that the vision of the “good AI society” describing and reporting these applications.43 Robust
remains obscure, even if we can generally agree that such a methods need to be developed for quality control of shared
society should be animated by respect for human dignity images and for ensuring the integrity of image data. Stan-
and human rights, rule of law, democracy, transparency, dards for curation of images will also need to be established.
and accountability. Current “real world” arrangements It is unclear if any country has established a comprehensive
present difficult questions as to how we should think about informatics system capable of supporting data transfer,
values like democracy, transparency, and accountability storage, quality control, and management across healthcare
when AI technology appears to be primarily driven by large and research institutions, but high variability in imaging
commercial interests. Many more colleagues have high- protocols among institutions is a key obstacle in many
lighted concerns over the unchecked use of AI systems in health systems. In addition, medical images are highly
finance, education, criminal justice, search engines and heterogeneous at both an individual and a population level.
social welfare that not only lacks normative justification, These issues limit the dataset that can be composed for
but can give rise to serious detrimental effects.38 Related training and validation purposes, and create a risk of
concerns about fairness and equity, privacy and security, “overfitting” the data and loss of generalisability, even if
and trust are well articulated in important ethical and sci- there are different techniques to identify and reduce over-
entific forums,39e41 even as uncertain legal and social fitting.44,45 In the light of significant differences in disease
conditions (over intellectual property protection for AI and prevalence, imaging protocols with different imaging
AI-derived work, for instance) greatly obfuscate normative characteristics, choice of reference standard and equipment
evaluation. Concerns over the disproportionate influence of both within and across different countries, the scope of
specific interests over AI governance cannot be understated, application of an AI software will need to be critically
especially if “light touch” approach is to carry the day. evaluated.5,6 Upscaling AI-based techniques will require a
Important questions proffered in the literature include: much clearer understanding of the clinical need (or use
Who sets the agenda for AI governance? What values and case) and the business case (if commercialised), product
cultural logic are instantiated? Who ultimately benefits regulation, verification, and monitoring.
from it? In “big data” and AI-based biomedicine, clinicians Organisational changes, encompassing definition of
in general and radiologists in particular will have greater roles, technical considerations, and requirements for
ethical, legal, and social responsibilities in ensuring that AI- implementation, are also needed. For instance, integration
related technologies are appropriately understood, devel- of CAD with PACS will allow for clinical routine use of CAD
oped, and applied. as an adjunct to radiologist interpretation of all modalities.
Additionally, integration with electronic health records and
radiology information systems will enable access to pa-
Professional responsibilities tients’ supporting information, history, test results, and
images. As Liew7 explains, the stakeholders needed to bring
Public hype and professional anxiety over potential job about these changes include the Chief Information Officer
losses as a consequent of AI could be a red herring to the (CIO) and, if available, Chief Data Officer (CDO) of each
need for more measured and consultative professional hospital, radiology leadership in committees and academic
leadership in the governance of this emergent technology. bodies such as professional colleges and societies, as well as
Securing trust and maximising value for patients and health individual radiologists. The CIO’s role is to ensure that AI-
systems should remain central concerns of all clinicians, based initiatives can be implemented safely and effec-
with or without AI intervention, and also the goals of good tively, maintain integrity, and (where appropriate) trans-
AI governance. Although AI tools are often presented as ferability of data in the electronic health data systems and
socially desirable because they make healthcare more effi- consistency with the hospital’s data policies. The CDO in
cient and affordable,42 their clinical and social value may some organisations are seen to have a role that is supportive
not always be well established through inquiry and of the CIO, and is responsible for ensuring data quality for
consensus. Many research and clinical applications in validation and training of ML systems and compliance with
radiology including molecular imaging, radiometric, radio- governance requirements. Their work must not be viewed
genomics, and large population cancer screening will narrowly only as purely institutional good practices, but as
involve data mining, which will be facilitated by ML ana- professional concerns that should be supported by profes-
lyses.7 In order to advance AI-based imaging research and sional organisations. In the foreseeable future, clinicians
practice, supportive infrastructure and operational stan- (and especially radiologists) will be critical gatekeepers and
dards must be in place to integrate AI applications and intermediators to AI-based imaging devices and systems. As
ensure that they are interoperable with existing clinical AI in biomedicine is not self-enabling, professional stan-
radiology workflows, based on their role, type, and use dards relating to research and practice will become even
cases. These include establishment of national and inter- more important, even as product or device regulation gain
national image sharing networks, acquisition protocols, in complexity.
C.W.L. Ho et al. / Clinical Radiology 74 (2019) 329e337 333

Inquire into clinical and social value prioritisation of some AI capabilities over others, and any
such determination should satisfy ethical and legal
A gulf is said to exist between an algorithm that works requirements.53
well on a small dataset from a specific population and one
that can be reliably applied to a large population and across Alleviate deficiencies in technical knowledge
different imaging methods.24 It is still unclear when a proof-
of-concept research can be adopted and upscaled as a A number of radiology associations and committees from
marketed product. At least one study suggests that AI-based professional colleges and societies already recognise the
CAD has not improved the diagnostic accuracy of need to provide guidance and set clear standards for the
mammography and may even have resulted in missed entire professional body and interested stakeholders. These
cancer diagnoses. Consequently, insurers could have paid guidance and standards could relate to advancing and
more for CAD with no established benefit to patients.46 implementing AI software in radiology, validating AI soft-
Studies in the UK and the US on AI-based CAD for breast ware, and developing a general implementation roadmap
cancer show a significant improvement in the cancer for the future. Conceivably, some of these tasks should be
detection rate in comparison to analysis by an individual undertaken by professional bodies collaboratively with
radiologist only, along with an acceptable increase in recall regulators and policymakers. Currently, the American Col-
rate and minimal impact on positive predictive value47,48; lege of Radiology has provided some guidance in defining
however, when compared with an arrangement whereby a use cases for common problems,54 while the Royal College
second radiologist reviews the image in lieu of the AI-based of Radiologists has issued a position statement on AI and
CAD, the evidence of benefit is more ambiguous. Even if the has established an AI Framework.55,56 A more comprehen-
CAD is more effective in picking up features that may be of sive set of recommendations has been published by the AI
concern, it still remains up to the initial reader to determine Working Group of the Canadian Association of Radiologists
whether medical intervention is necessary. If the initial (CAR-WG), including those that relate to professional
reader did not pick up a suspected feature owing to bias, governance.
then (s)he will probably still dismiss it when it is high- The CAR-WG highlights the need for radiologists to be
lighted by the CAD. In contrast, if a second human reader familiar with different AI techniques, to understand the
disagrees with the initial reader, then that second reader is challenges related to the preparation of training datasets for
more likely to ensure appropriate medical follow-up.49e51 supervised learning, and to be familiar with AI terminology
The economic value of AI-based CAD in imaging is simi- and hierarchy. The radiology community needs to be
larly unclear, as data on cost effectiveness is generally educated on how to critically analyse the opportunities,
limited. The use of such software for breast cancer screening pitfalls, and challenges associated with the introduction of
in the UK was not found to be cost effective when compared new AI tools.5,9 For instance, false-positive rates continue to
with double-reading unless recall rate could be significantly be a pitfall for CAD software. Although false-positive rates
reduced, for instance.52 have been reduced over time through redesigning and
Our intention here is not to pronounce on the clinical and retraining, the tendency for such software to incorrectly
social value of AI-based CAD. Instead, we are of the view identify normal structures as abnormal remains one of the
that a more comprehensive dialogue that involves a broad key concerns. Substantial time and resources are needed to
range of interested parties (including lay members of the determine if the highlighted concerns are true abnormal
public) is urgently needed. Professional bodies have a spe- lesions, often negatively impacting recall rates, quality of
cial role to play in initiating and moderating this dialogue, healthcare service delivery and cost.51 Guidance should also
in view of their domain expertise, social standing, and be developed on appropriate means of communicating
public responsibilities. Most ML capability for image anal- effectively with patients, along with supportive counselling,
ysis in radiology is performed via supervised learning where applicable.
which requires appropriately labelled training data.
Adequate labelling of key imaging findings is a tedious and Support recognition and removal of biases
time-consuming process, and is further dependent on clear
demarcation of normal and abnormal features.5 Addition- Radiologists and clinicians using AI techniques must
ally, the investments needed to develop AI-based software appreciate the values that may either be built into the sys-
are substantial. It is unclear how institutions can support AI tem or introduced through the data used in ML algorithms.
core laboratories while also allowing access to others. AI devices and systems may be trained to support practices
Infrastructural improvements are needed within a health- that reflect some ethical goals but not others, and may even
care facility, which could involve computational hardware be trained to circumvent legitimate ethical and legal re-
procurement and upgrades, and ensuring connectivity to quirements. ML models can also incorporate implicit se-
secure cloud platforms and data storage. It may also be lection biases from the demographics of the population
necessary to organise additional training for IT support staff used for its training, which may not be representative of the
and staff in general, not only on the technical aspects but target population in which it will be applied.5 Algorithms
also on the organisational ones, such as data protection and used in non-medical fields show how they mirror human
cyber-security practices. Cost constraints may require the biases in decision making. Famously, racial discrimination
334 C.W.L. Ho et al. / Clinical Radiology 74 (2019) 329e337

was reflected by programs designed to aid judges in whom the information relates (i.e., data subjects are
sentencing because the risk of recidivism has been pre- conferred with certain rights in relation to its accessing,
sented to be disproportionately higher for certain racial processing, and maintenance). HIPAA protects potential and
groups.57 Within a healthcare setting, if clinicians always current employees from discrimination by health insurers
withdraw care in patients with a brain injury, a ML system and employers, but it has been criticised as a disclosure
may conclude that this action should always follow from regulation rather than a privacy rule, as it permits broad and
such a finding.9 Other ethical and legal contentions may easy dissemination of patients’ medical information, with
arise from differences between the intended use of the AI no audit trails for most disclosures.62 GINA expands the
device or system and the goals of the users. As the designer protection against certain discriminatory practices under
and purchaser of a ML system are usually not those who HIPAA, as updated and revised by the Health Information
deliver bedside care, values and priorities that are Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act,63 and it
embedded and entailed may very well diverge signifi- provides a level of protection against genetic discrimination
cantly.9 How should ethical dilemmas be dealt with if there by disallowing health insurers and employers to use certain
is no consensus among experts or interested stakeholders? types of genetic information, but it does not address the use
More guidance will eventually be needed on the normative of or access to genetic data, or otherwise provide compre-
content and skills that should be part of clinical education hensive privacy protections. As for US state laws, there is
relating to biases in AI applications. similarly no standard or comprehensive approach to the
protection of genetic information, with the level of protec-
Engaging the “black box” obstacle tion varying widely from state to state.64 Where cyberse-
curity is concerned, HIPAA requires healthcare institutions
A well-known concern with AI-based CAD is that it is to protect their systems and the personal data that is under
unable to explain its decision. Due to its reliance on a very their control; however, it does not specify what cyberse-
large number of single associations, it is very difficult to curity measures must be implemented. For medical devices,
identify the technical and logical reasoning behind any the FDA (working collaboratively with the US Department
decision made by ML software. It is also currently difficult, if of Homeland Security) requires manufacturers and health-
not impossible, to say if such a software is more likely or not care delivery organisations to report a limited number of
to detect a rare disease condition.4,6 In the event of a risks presented by their devices and to take steps in
misdiagnosis due to an error attributable to the CAD soft- ensuring that appropriate safeguards are in place. This may
ware, there may be further complication as to whether the be challenging for AI-based systems if unsupervised ML
manufacturer or the radiologist should be responsible.58 If capability is put into effect, although the FDA65 has
the legal standard of care is defined by professional practice announced further regulatory developments and activities
standards, a radiologist (or indeed any clinician) should be that are expected to follow.
wary of relying on a recommendation from the CAD soft- In Europe, the law on informational privacy is set out in
ware that cannot be explained. Professional bodies will the GDPR, which replaces the 1995 Data Protection Direc-
need to engage with regulatory agencies on this and other tive.66 Having come into force in May 2018, the GDPR not
medico-legal issues, and develop common standards for only extends the territorial scope of data protection for
evaluating, validation, and testing AI tools.5 patients, research participants, and data subjects in general,
but also widens the rights that are intended to secure the
Brokering a new social contract on informational use and autonomy, dignity, and privacy of these individuals. It gives
security considerable emphasis to the requirement of explicit
informed consent for handling of health information, even
The obligation to protect the confidentiality of health if exceptions (such as processing for research) are appli-
information has long been recognised to serve the public cable, and also confers on the data subjects several other
interest of encouraging free and open communication in a rights, such as a right to information about how the per-
trusting doctorepatient relationship. Today, the obligation sonal data are being processed, a right to rectification of the
of confidentiality has been codified for both medical prac- data, and right to a judicial remedy for any breach of these
tice and research in regulation and in professional guide- rights; however, the application of data protection law on
lines. Its operative rationale is the ethical imperative of medical research (including those that relate to AI-based
respect for the dignity of persons as autonomous agents. applications) is not always clear and straightforward,
Some countries have introduced legislation to address particularly if oversight bodies are outside of the EU. Where
concerns relating to particular informational risks. This has cybersecurity is concerned, a new directive has been
been the approach in the US where there is no constitu- implemented in May 2018, where EU member states are
tional right to informational privacy. Three US federal leg- required to prevent cyberattacks, mitigate any harms that
islations provide different forms of control over certain arise as a consequent, and maintain the provision of
kinds of health information: Privacy Act,59 Health Insurance essential services.
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),60 and Genetic Health information that has been sufficiently anony-
Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA).61 The Privacy mised will not fall within the purview of data protection
Act prevents unauthorised disclosure of personal informa- regimes. Where the development of AI-based software is
tion held by the US federal government, and the persons to concerned, sensitive information may be derived illicitly
C.W.L. Ho et al. / Clinical Radiology 74 (2019) 329e337 335

from unknown sources and in respect of which there may collaboration among all stakeholders to ensure the
not be clear regulatory or legal requirements or over- responsible development and implementation of AI in
sight.21,67,68 Large datasets that are representative of the biomedicine. Such an approach will require a much closer
scope and variety of patient types and disease conditions, integration of ethics, laws, and good practices,71 and is
and available in machine-readable form, are needed to train viable only if it engenders trust and is trustworthy.
and test AI algorithms, along with complete and well-
structured metadata (including information on data sour- Conflict of interest
ces). To exacerbate the challenge of data shortage, the
validation dataset should ideally not overlap with the The authors declare no conflict of interest.
testing dataset in order to ensure that the algorithm de-
livers reliable and accurate output under a wide-range of References
conditions that could realistically be encountered in a real-
world setting within which it is applied.69 Here again, 1. Food & Drug Administration. FDA permits marketing of artificial
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appropriate forms of social control over personal informa- Department of Health and Human Services; 2018
tion, the extent that informational resources may be applied medicaldevices/deviceregulationandguidance/overview/
in the public interest, appropriate safeguards that should be classifyyourdevice/ucm051512.htm. Accessed 5 March 2019.
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in place and benefit sharing.
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