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Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology

“Local Bike Shop Sales and Inventory Management System”

System documentation presented as

partial fulfillment in System, Analysis, Design and Development

Trimester SY.2021-2022

Group Name:


Niño Oliver Glorioso (Team Leader)

Cristia Wyeth Lagdamen

James Oliver Gonzales

February 2022

During the pandemic the sales of bikes in the Philippines rapidly

increased due to the COVID 19 Laws and Regulation that limits public transit

(De la Cruz & Ives,2020). Bikes are used as an alternative transportation for

those people who use public transit to get to their workplace. Since the demand

for bikes in the Philippines is high, it gives the opportunity to establish bike

shop businesses. However, most of bike shop used a traditional methods of

managing and monitoring their sales and inventory. Which are prone to

redundancy, inaccurate data and human error. And using traditional methods

in sales and inventory is a pretty much outdated and inefficient with today’s

modern technology.

In creating a digitized system would be costly or pricey for a small to

mid-size business because of the accustomed basic system requirements

such as laptops, computer desktop. However, with today’s modern technology

there are cheaper option to choose. For instance, utilizing the technology of

windows tablet or budget laptop. The advantage of having a digitized system

prepared your business to be more productive, accurate and efficient.

According to the article of asset “Top 7 Advantages of Inventory System

Software” that any organization understands how effective the inventory

system terms of handling data and earning profits, and should be a good

decision to invest to it. Utilizing an Inventory Management System will reduce

inaccurate and redundant data, enhanced productivity, cut cost of manual

work, and data security.

The project proposal “Bike shop Sales and Inventory Management

System” is a Sales and Inventory System which is mainly focused on digitizing

the sales transaction and the inventory management.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of the proposed project “Local Bike Shop Sales and

Inventory Management System” is the digitalization of records in Sales and

Inventory of the Local Bike shop. And also to update the traditional or manual

method by implementing a windows application.

The limitation of the proposed project is that the system is designed for

Windows platform only, so IOS or other OS user are incompatible to the

system. And the minimum requirements in order to run the system, the

computer should have Dual-core processor, 2gb of ram (4gb is recommended

for faster response) at least Windows 8 (Windows 10 is recommended). On

the other hand, the system does not require any internet connection in order

to function thus the data or information are mainly store to your device and

does not support multiple device data sharing. The performance of the system

solely depends on the device specifications (such as processor speed, ram,

storage, operating system). Also, the digitized system limits only within small

to mid-size local bike shops. For the reason the system was initially design only

to handle small to mid-size businesses. Large-business requires much larger

database/ storage and have more complexity of data.

Reason for the Choice of Project

The researcher proposed this project for the following reasons.

Why Local Bike Shop Sales and Inventory?

 To avoid redundancy of data.

 To monitor, store and manage the sales and inventory

with ease and efficiency.

 To have a digital backup or record.

 Update and digitized the sales and inventory

management system for local bike shops.

Importance of the Study

The importance of the project proposal entitled “Local Bike Shop Sales

and Inventory Management System” is to utilize computer in creating a sales

and inventory management system for the of small-mid size business in order

to digitize the records and data. And also to manipulate to reduce the

inaccuracy of data and cost of having a traditional method of inventory. The

system allows the user to modify, manage and monitor data freely and securely

by updating, editing, storing, deleting data. And having a computerized system

improve data handling and customer service.

Target Users

STORE MANAGER/OWNER: The manager or owner would be the

main user of the system who has the admin privileges, which is the highest

form of accessibility. That allows the user to access and configure both the

sales transaction and inventory records. Has the capability to add, edit and

delete inventory records. For instance, the manager will add new items to the

inventory system or delete old items in the inventory system.

STORE EMPLOYEE: The store employee would be the secondary user

of the system, with limited access to the system. Store employee users can

access both the sales transaction and inventory records but with restrictions.

The user is not authorized to add, edit or delete inventory records but can view

inventory records and has fully accessibility to the product calculation form.

De la Cruz, Ives (2020, December 13). When the Trains Stopped. Cyclist

Dodged Manila’s Choking Traffic. The New York Times.


Asset(2019, Feb). Top 7 Advantages of Inventory Management System


Top 7 Advantages of Inventory Management System Software - Asset


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