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ce how disabilities are addressed in society.


LETTERS (CAPSLOCK). NOTE: Wrong spelling, considered WRONG.

1. Views social discrimination as the problem *



2. United Nations established Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for

Persons with Disabilities specifying fundamental right of access to care. *


3. The belief that people with disabilities must be “cured”. *



4. Individuals and their families may experience guilt, shame, denial of care. *


5. Is the most influential on current thinking model. *



6. Old model that persists in some cultures. *



7. View disabilities as problems requiring intervention to cure. *



8. Disability as defect/sickness/ disability as deficiency. *



9. A very important tool to consider as a key in the family’s role during chronic Illness
or disability is: *


10. In the family’s role during chronic Illness or disability, health care workers are
usually considered as main care providers and support system. *


11. All of the following is true regarding the Chronic Illness. Select all that apply.  *

Successful management is a life-long process.

Development of good learning skills is matter of survival.
The learning process must begin with illness onset.
Temporary condition lasting three plus months, often a lifetime
Leading cause of death in U.S.

12. The following are considered as most common residual communication deficits,
except: *

Anomic aphasia
Global aphasia
Deceptive aphasia
Expressive aphasia

13. A severe chronic state that is present before 22 years of age, is caused by mental
and/or physical impairment, and is likely to continue indefinitely *

Communication Disorders
Assistive Technologies
Developmental Disabilities
Memory Disorders

14. Treatments for traumatic brain injury includes the following. Select all that
applied: *
Acute rehabilitation
Short-term rehabilitation
Acute care
Ultimate goal of independent living

15. In caring for those clients with sensory deficits / visual impairments, we consider
the following guidelines. Select all that applied: *

Braille keyboards, displays, and printers

Use proper language
Avoid the tendency to shout
Use nonverbal cues

16. The following are roles of the family in Chronic Illness or Disability. Select all that
apply: *

Ignore what learning needs the family considers important

Their reactions and perceptions influence adjustment.
Neighborhood are usually the care providers and support system.
Communication between family members is key.
Consider family strategies for coping.
Anger may be present

17. What is the term for the final result that should be reached at the end of the
teaching and learning process? *

Sub objectives

18. In the writing of behavioral objectives and goals, the ABCD Rule is applied by
which letter A stands for: *


19. These are specific statements that reflect aspects of a main objective ? *


20. In writing behavioral objectives and goals, three important characteristics are
considered, namely: *

Performance, Persistence, Goal setting

Performance, Condition, Criterion
Performance, Condition, Goal setting
Performance, Persistence, Condition

21. This is a specific, single, concrete, one-dimensional behavior that should be

achieved at the end of one or a few teaching sessions. *


22. What does "R" in SMART stands for? *


Realistic - you must be able to accomplish the goal

Responsible - a goal must allow you to take charge
Repeatable - you must be able to do the goal over and over again
Respectful - a goal must allow you to be kind and polite

23. We consider the following factors in making goals and objectives (Select all that
applies) *

Objectives must be achieved before goal can be reached.

Objectives must be observable, measurable.
Objectives must be consistent with, related to the goal.
Objectives must be with considerations, related to clients ideas

24. What does the "M" in SMART stand for? *


a. Mental - you have to be able to think about the goal.

b. Memorable - a goal must be easily remembered
c. Measurable - a goal must have some kind of number attached so you have a way to know if
you are reaching the goal.
d. Maximum - there are no limits for goals

25. In ABCD rule writing behavioral objectives and goals letter B stands for *

a. Belching
b. Behavior
c. Bonding
d. Benevolence

26. Which learning domain involves an increasing internalization or commitment to

feelings expressed as emotions, interests, beliefs, attitudes, values, and
appreciations. *

Cognitive Domain
Affective Domain
Psychomotor Domain
Affirmative Domain

27. A blueprint to achieve goals and objectives which indicates purpose, content,
methods, tools, timing, evaluation of instruction; *

Teaching Plan
Learning Contract
Learning Curve

28. The following are teaching methods in cognitive domain except: *


One-to-one instruction
Group discussion
Role playing

29. A graphic depiction of changes in psychomotor performance at different stages of

practice during a specified time period *

Learning curve
Teaching plan
Learning contract
Graphic organizer

30. Blooms Taxonomy was proposed on what year? *



31. Which type of question is a sample of Evaluation? *


Do you agree with the actions Sam?

Why was it better than?
What sources can you use to support your opinion?
All of the above

32. If students construct a model to show how something works, they are *

Don't Know

33. At the knowledge level students will?


Argue the point

Recall Information
Categorize topics
Calculate distances

34. Which are not true *


Affective - emotion
Psychomotor- physical
Cognitive - belief

35. All but one are not true about Diversity Care *

Increase minority representation in nursing

Strengthen multicultural perspective in nursing curricular
Improve relationship between nurses and clients from different cultural backgrounds
Nurse educators must relate to each person as an individual

36. All are Hispanic culture, include: *


Strong family ties

Economically advantage
More likely to receive preventive care
growing subculture

37. Disadvantaged due to poverty and lack of education are one of the
characteristics: *

African American Culture

Asian Pacific Culture
Latino Culture
American Indian Culture

38-41. Four Major Subcultural Ethnic Group *

Latino Culture
Black Culture
Pacific Islander Culture
Alaska Native Culture
often lack health insurance
Some believe in voodoo
Male authority and dominance
Believe in supernatural powers exist in animate and inanimate objects
often lack health insurance
Some believe in voodoo
Male authority and dominance
Believe in supernatural powers exist in animate and inanimate objects













46. *


47. *


48. *


49. *


50. *

1. The role of nurse as educator is deeply entrenched in the growth and development
of the profession. a. True 
b. Maybe 
c. False 
d. All of the above 

Answer: A 
Rationale: The role of nurse as educator is deeply entrenched in the growth and development of

2. At this time, nursing was first acknowledged as a unique discipline, and the responsibility for
teaching has been  recognized as an important role of nurses as care givers 
a. Early 1900s 
b. Mid 1800s 
c. 1918 
d. 1970 

Answer: B 
Rationale: Mid 1800s – nursing was first acknowledged as a unique discipline, the responsibility
for teaching has been  recognized as an important role of nurses as care givers. 

3. She was recognized as the ultimate educator. 

a. Dreeben 
b. Grueninger  
c. Nightingale 
d. Levine 

Answer: C 
Rationale: Florence Nightingale was the founder of modern nursing. Not only did she developed the
first school of nursing, but she also devoted a large portion of her career to teaching. 

4. In today’s role of the nurse as educator, he following are considered

requirements, except: a. Continuing education 
b. In service programs 
c. Consistent Caregiver 
d. Staff Development 

Answer: C 
Rationale: In training the trainer, nurses as educators need to undergo the following: Continuing
nursing staff education,  in-service programs, and staff development to maintain and improve their
clinical skills and teaching abilities 

5. Another very important role of the nurse as educator serving students in the
practice setting a. Trainor’sTrainer 
b. Health Educator 
c. Clinical Instructor 
d. Health Teacher 

Answer: C 
Rationale: As clinical instructor, the nurse plays very important role in serving students in the practice

6. During this time in history, PHN clearly understood the significance of the role of the
nurse as teacher in  preventing disease and in maintaining the health of society 
a. Early 1900s 
b. Mid 1800s 
c. 1918 
d. 1970
Answer: A 
Rationale: During the Early 1900s, PHN’s role as nurse teacher clearly understood the
significance of the role of the  nurse as teacher in preventing disease and in maintaining the
health of society. 

7. This includes teaching with the scope of nursing practice responsibilities 

a. National League of Nursing Education (NLNE)(now the National
League for Nursing [NLN]) b. International Council of Nurses (ICN) 
c. The Joint Commission (TJC) 
d. Nurse Practice Acts (NPAs) 

Answer: D 
Rationale: Nurse Practice Acts (NPAs) includes teaching with the scope of nursing practice

8. Since 1999, nurses are always ranked number 1 in this category among 45 occupations according to
Gallup polls: a. Norm and value 
b. Ethics and culture 
c. Veracity and truth 
d. Honesty and ethics 

Answer: D 
Rationale: Since 1999, nurses to be ranked No. 1 in honesty and ethics among 45 occupations
(Gallup polls) 

9. He was well known for his quest for transition toward wellness 
a. Dreeben 
b. Grueninger  
c. Nightingale 
d. Levine 

Answer: B 
Rationale: Grueninger (1995) made a leap towards transition for wellness. From disease-oriented
patient education  (DOPE) to prevention-oriented patient education (POPE) to ultimately become
health-oriented patient education (HOPE). 

10. In this year, the Patient’s Bill of Rights was promulgated. 

a. Early 1900s 
b. Mid 1800s 
c. 1918 
d. 1970 

Answer: D 
Rationale: 1970- Patient’s Bill of Rights. It ensured patients’ complete and current information
concerning their diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. 

1. Which of the following Ethical Principles refer to personal information that is entrusted and
protected as privileged  information via a social contact, healthcare standard or code, or legal
A. Autonomy C. Confidentiality 
B. Veracity D. Non-maleficence 
Answer: C 
Rationale: Confidentiality refers to personal information that is entrusted and protected as privileged
information via a social contact, healthcare standard or code, or legal covenant. The nurse may not
disclose information acquired in a professional capacity from a patient without the consent of the
patient “unless the patient has been the victim or subject of a crime, the commission of which is the
subject of legal proceeding in which the nurse is a witness” 

2. It is defined as “doing good” for the benefit of others. 

A. Beneficence C. Justice 
B. Confidentiality D. Non-maleficence 

Rationale: Beneficence is defined as “doing good” for the benefit of others. 
It is an adherence to critical tasks and duties contained in job descriptions; in policies, procedures,
and protocols set forth by the healthcare facility; and in standards and codes of ethical behaviors
established and promulgated by professional nursing organizations. 

3. It is also known as “ truth telling” and is closely linked with informed decision making
and informed consent. A. Autonomy C. Confidentiality 
B. Veracity D. Non-maleficence 

Rationale: Veracity provided a basis in law for patient education or instruction regarding invasive
medical procedures, including the truth regarding risks or benefits involved in these procedures. 

4. Which refers to the right of self – determination: 

A. Autonomy C. Confidentiality 
B. Veracity D. Non-maleficence 

Rationale: Autonomy is protecting the patient’s right to make choices independently. 

5. Which “refers to limited class of negligent activities committed within the scope of performance by
those pursuing a particular profession involving highly skilled and technical services” 
A. Negligence C. Non-maleficence 
B. Malpractice D. Justice 

Rationale: Malpractice has been specifically defined also as “negligence, misconduct, or breach of
duty by a professional  person that results in the injury or damage to the patient” 

6. Which refers to the guiding principles of behavior; 

A. Ethics C. Legal rights and duties 
B. Moral D. Practiced Acts 

Rationale: Ethics refers to guiding behavioral principles. 
7. Which documents define a profession and were developed to protect the public from unqualified
practitioners and to  protect the professional’s title. 
A. Ethics C. Legal rights and duties 
B. Moral D. Practiced Acts 

Rationale: Practiced Acts also describes the profession’s scope of practice, and provide guidelines
for state professional  board of nursing regarding standard for practice, entry to profession via
licensure, and disciplinary actions that can be  taken if necessary. 
8. Which is an ethical belief system that stresses the importance of doing one’s duty
and following the rules. A. Morality C. Beneficence 
B. Deontology D. Non maleficence 

Rationale: Deontology stresses respect for individual’s right , and one person should never be
treated merely for the  benefit or well – being of another person or group. 

9. Informed consent, which is a basic tenet of ethical thought, was established in the courts
as early as 1914 by: A. Immanuel Kant C. Justice Benjamin Cardozo 
B. John Stuart Mill D. American Nurses Association 

Rationale: Cardozo also determined that every adult of sound mind has a right to protect his or
her own body and to  determine how it shall be treated. 

10. Who purported a teleological approach. 

A. Immanuel Kant C. Justice Benjamin Cardozo 
B. John Stuart Mill D. American Nurses Association 

Rationale: John Stuart Mill, who purported a teleological approach which allows the sacrifice of one
or more individual so  that a group of people can benefit in some important way. This approach
believed that given the alternatives, choices  should be made that result in the greatest good for the
greatest number of people. 

11. Money realized through decreased use of costly services, shortened lengths of stay, or fewer
complications resulting  from preventive services or patient education  
A. Cost Savings 
B. Cost Benefit 
C. Cost Recovery 
D .Indirect Costs 

Rationale: Cost Savings are money realized through decreased use of costly services 

12. Those that may be fixed but not necessarily directly related to a particular activity, such as
expenses of heating,  lighting, housekeeping, maintenance, etc. 
A. Cost Savings 
B. Cost Benefit 
C. Cost Recovery 
D. Indirect Costs 

Rationale: Those that may be fixed but not necessarily directly related to a particular activity 

13. Occurs when revenues generated are equal to or greater than expenditures 
A. Cost Savings 
B. Cost Benefit 
C. Cost Recovery 
D. Indirect Costs 

Rationale: Cost Recovery Occurs when revenues generated are equal to or greater than expenditures 
14. Those are stable and ongoing, such as salaries, mortgage, utilities,
durable equipment, etc. A. Fixed Costs 
B. Cost-Benefit Analysis 
C. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis 
D. Variable Costs 

Rationale: Fixed Costs are those that are stable and ongoing, such as salaries, mortgage, utilities,
durable equipment,  etc. 

15. Those related to fluctuation in volume, program attendance, occupancy rates, etc. 
A. Fixed Costs 
B. Cost-Benefit Analysis 
C. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis 
D. Variable Costs 

Rationale: Variable Costs are those related to fluctuation in volume, program attendance, occupancy
rates, etc.

1. A person’s knowledge may not necessarily reflect reality, but through collaboration and
negotiation, new understanding is acquired. 
A. Respondent Conditioning 
B. Social Constructivist Perspective 
C. Gestalt Perspective 
D. Operant Conditioning 

Answer: B 
Rationale: Learning is heavily influenced by the culture and occurs as a social process in interaction
with others. A person’s knowledge may not necessarily reflect reality, but through collaboration and
negotiation, new understanding is acquired. 

1. A learning that occurs as the organism responds to stimuli in the environment and is
reinforced for making a  particular response.  
A. Respondent Conditioning 
B. Social Constructivist Perspective 
C. Gestalt Perspective 
D. Operant Conditioning  

Answer: D 
Rationale: A reinforcer is applied after a response, strengthening the probability that the response
will be performed again under similar conditions.
2. A Perception and the patterning of stimuli are the keys to learning, with each learner perceiving,
interpreting, and  reorganizing experiences in her/his own way. 
A. Respondent Conditioning 
B. Social Constructivist Perspective 
C. Gestalt Perspective 
D. Operant Conditioning  

Answer: C 
Rationale: Learning occurs through the reorganization of elements to form new insights and
understanding.Perception is  selective. 

3. Also called association learning or classical/Pavlovian conditioning where learning occurs

as the organism  responds to stimulus conditions and forms associations. 
A. Respondent Conditioning 
B. Social Constructivist Perspective 
C. Gestalt Perspective 
D. Operant Conditioning  

Answer: A 
Rationale: A neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus–unconditioned
response connection until the  neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that elicits the
conditioned response. 

4. A phase in the Social Learning Theory that is influenced by vicarious reinforcement

and punishment A. Motivational 
B. Attentional 
C. Retention 
D. Reproduction 

Answer: A 
Rationale: Covert cognitive activity, consequences of behavior, and self-reinforcement and
Keywords  Motivation

1.Intrinsic feedback  Inherent  Sensory/perceptual information  with


2.Neuroscience  Thinking, learning & Stress and learning


3.Autonomous Automatic, advanced level  Attention, goal setting, etc


4.Psychodynamic  Personality development  Libido 

5.Humanistc  Desire to grow in positive Derived from needs


1. It is one of the most essential interventions that a nurse performs. 

A. The role of educating others 
B. The education process 
C. The learning needs 
D. The role of readiness to Learn 
Rationale: The nurse - educator identify the information of learners’ need and consider their
readiness to learn and their  styles of learning. 

2. This is the single most important person in the education process. 

A. The learner  
B. The teacher  
C. The patience 
D. The licensed 
Rationale: The learner and not the teacher is the single most important person in the
education process. 3. All of the following are considered as Determinants of
learning, except one: 
A. Readiness to Learn  
B. Learning Style  
C. Learners’ best learnings 
D. Learners’ feeds 
Rationale: Determinants of learning consists of: What the learner needs to learn (Readiness to
Learn), Learning Style  (when the learner is receptive to learning), and how the learner best learns.
Learner’s feeds is not included in the choices  since it covers all these. 
4. One of the following is not included in the determinants of learning: 
A. The needs of the learner 
B. The state of readiness to learn 
C. The preferred learning styles for processing information. 
D. The preferred needs assessment. 

Rationale: To meet these challenges, the nurse educator must be aware of the various factors that
influence how well an  individual learns. The three determinants of learning that require
assessment are: the needs of the learner, the state of  readiness to learn, and the preferred learning
styles for processing information. 

 5. This assessment will yield information that reflects the climate of the organization. What is
the organization’s  philosophy, mission, strategic plan, and goals?  
a. aAssess demands of the organization. 
b. Risk-Taking Behavior 
c. Determine availability of educational resources 
d. Structured Interviews 
Rationale: The educator should be familiar with standards of performance required in various
employee categories, along  with job descriptions and hospital, professional, and agency regulations 
 6. This criteria for prioritizing needs for information are nice to know but not essential or required
because they are not  directly related to daily activities 
a. Mandatory 
b. Desirable 
c. Possible 
d. Threatened  

Rationale: Possible are those needs for information that are nice to know but not essential or
required because they are  not directly related to daily activities 

 7. It refers to the learner’s past experiences with learning. Before starting to teach, the educator
should assess  whether previous learning experiences have been positive or negative in
overcoming problems or accomplishing new  tasks. 
a. Knowledge readiness  
b. Experiential readiness  
c. Emotional readiness  
d. Physical readiness 
Rationale: Someone who has had negative experiences with learning is not likely to be motivated or
willing to take a risk  in trying to change behavior or acquire new behaviors. 

 8. A list of needs can become endless and seemingly impossible to accomplish. Maslow’s (1970)
hierarchy of human  needs may help the educator prioritize identified learning needs.  
a. Identify the learner 
b. Prioritize needs 
c. Assess demands of the organization 
d. Involve members of the healthcare team 
Rationale: The educator can then assist the learner to meet the most basic needs first. Learning of
other needs will be  delayed if basic needs are not attended to first and foremost. 

 9. This is perhaps the most common form of needs assessment to solicit the learner’s point of view.
The nurse asks the learner direct and often predetermined questions to gather information about
learning needs.  a. Structured interview 
b. Risk taking behavior 
c. Locust of control 
d. Prioritize needs 

Rationale: The nurse asks the learner direct and often predetermined questions to gather
information about learning  needs.  

 10. Kolb identified 4 learning styles and their corresponding characteristics. This learning is
more concerned with  abstract ideas than people. 
Rationale: Emphasized AC & RO: more concerned with abstract ideas than people; very good in
inductive reasoning,  creating theoretical models, & integrating ideas & actively applying them; uses
logical thinking Learning Methods: learn best through lectures, 1-to-1 instruction, & self-instruction
methods w/ ample reading materials. 11. The following are preferences that reflect learning style
experiences and preferences of students, except one: A. Visual 
B. Aural 
C. Read/write 
D. Keen reader  
Rationale: Starting point for educators and learners to discuss teaching and learning strategies.
VARK questionnaire  provides profile: Visual, Aural, Read/write, Kinesthetic.  
12. In Gardner’s eight type of Intelligence, number 8 is identified in 1999 as: 
a. Intrapersonal 
b. Musical 
c. Naturalistic 
d. Linguistic 
Rationale: Naturalistic loves animals, plants and nature and understands natural world, biologist and
13. A learning style by Kolb that stresses CE & RO: people & feeling oriented & likes
to work in groups

Rationale: Learning methods: learns best through group discussions & brainstorming
sessions; considers different  perspectives & points of view when looking at a concrete
situation or experience. 

14. They set out to develop an instrument that would assist educators in identifying those
characteristics that allow  individuals to learn in different ways. 
a. Rita and Kenneth Dunn 
b. Kolb and Elb Bass 
c. Bastable and Co. 
d. Rick and Eva Spence 
Rationale: The Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Inventory is a self-reporting instrument that is widely
used in the  identification of how individuals prefer to function, learn, concentrate, and perform in
their educational activities. It is  available in three different forms: for grades 3–5; for grades 6–12;
and in an adult version, called the Productivity  Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS). Dunn
and Dunn (1978) identified five basic stimuli (Figure 4–3) that affect a  person’s ability to learn 

15. The following are examples of Learning Style Models and Instruments, except: 
a. Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI) 
b. 4MAT System 
c. Gardner’s Eight Types of Intelligence 
d. BARK Learning Styles 

Learning Style Models and Instruments are as follows: 
• Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI) 
• 4MAT System 
• Gardner’s Eight Types of Intelligence 
• VARK Learning Styles 

1. This is the art and science of helping children learn. 

a. Pedagogy 
b. Geragogy 
c. Andragogy 
d. Oncology 
Rationale: Pedagogy relates to children and it refers to the art and science of helping children learn. 

2. In this developmental stage, formal operations stage begins in and carries

through adulthood. a. Infancy 
b. Toddlerhood 
c. Middle Childhood 
d. Adulthood 
Rationale: Abstract thought; reasoning is both inductive and deductive. Focusing on
relationships and commitment to  others in their personal, occupational, and social lives 
3. This is the art and science of teaching adults 
a. Pedagogy 
b. Geragogy 
c. Andragogy 
d. Oncology 
Rationale: Adult Learning Principles: relates learning to immediate needs; self-directed;
teacher is facilitator; learner  desires active role. Abstract thought; reasoning is both inductive
and deductive 
4. The teaching of older persons, accommodating the normal physical, cognitive, and
psychosocial changes
a. Pedagogy 
b. Geragogy
c. Andragogy 
d. Oncology 
Rationale: Geragogy, referring to older adults, accommodating the normal physical, cognitive, and
psychosocial changes 

5. In this developmental stage, there is gaining a sense of responsibility and reliability; increased
susceptibility to  social forces outside the family unit;  
a. Infancy 
b. Toddlerhood 
c. Middle Childhood 
d. Adulthood 

Rationale: Having awareness of the uniqueness of special talents and qualities is significant to middle
and late childhood 

6. Jean Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage is as to what counterpart development in

Erikson’s Theory? a. Identity VS Role Confusion 
b. Trust VS Mistrust 
c. Initiative VS Guilt 
d. Industry VS Inferiority 

Rationale: (birth to 12 months) 
Building trust and establishing balance between feelings of love and hate; learning to control willful

7. What salient psychosocial characteristic is visible during the above mentioned

developmental stage a. responds to step-by-step commands 
b. interacts with playmates 
c. routines provide sense of security 
d. can build on past experiences 

Rationale: In Psychosocial aspect, it is aggravated by personal and external limits; routines provide
sense of security 

8. Adolescence is marked by what operational stage according to Piaget 

a. Identity VS. Role Confusion 
b. Formal Operations Stage 
c. Concrete Operations Stage 
d. Preoperational period 

Rationale: Formal Operations Stage marked by Abstract thought; propositional reasoning;
adolescent egocentrism  (imaginary audience) 

9. During this period, salient cognitive characteristics will include: 

a. able to draw conclusions  
b. intellectually can understand cause and effect 
c. fears illness and disability 
d. All of the above 
e. A&B only 

Rationale: Salient Cognitive Characteristics during the adolescent stage are able to draw
conclusions and intellectually  can understand cause and effect 

10. One of the following is not a role of the family in Patient Education. 
a. Family is one of the most important variables influencing patient outcomes 
b. The nurse educator and family should be allies
c. It is important to choose the most appropriate caregiver to receive information 
d. All of the above 
e. None of the above 

Rationale: Role of Family in Patient Education 
• Family is one of the most important variables influencing patient outcomes. 
• The nurse educator and family should be allies. 
• It is important to choose the most appropriate caregiver to receive information 

1. This term has a manipulative or authoritative undertone that implies an attempt to control the
learner’s right to decision-making 
a. Compliance 
b. Adherence 
c. Nonadherence 
d. Noncompliance 
Rationale: Compliance is a submission or yielding to predetermined goals through regimens
prescribed or  established by others. As such, this term has a manipulative or authoritative
undertone that implies an attempt to  control the learner’s right to decision-making. 

2. Patient CV19 refuses treatment for his kidney disease as advised by Dr. Marvin to undergo
peritonela dialysis.  This is an example of: 
a. Compliance 
b. Adherence 
c. Nonadherence 
d. Noncompliance 
Rationale In nonadherence, the patient declines to follow a previously agreed-upon
treatment recommendation This may be intentional or unintentional
3. LOCUS OF CONROL is known as an individual’s sense of personal responsibility for behavior and
extent to which motivation to act originates from self. All of the following are considered as health
locus of control (HLOC)  dimensions, except one: 
a. Internal 
b. Chance external 
c. Outer external 
d. Doctors external 

Rationale: LOCUS OF CONROL is an individual’s sense of personal responsibility for
behavior and extent to which  motivation to act originates from self. Health locus of control
(HLOC) dimensions include the following:  × Internal 
× Chance external 
× Others external 
× Doctors external 

4. A commitment or attachment to a prescribed, predetermined regimen 

a. Compliance 
b. Adherence 
c. Nonadherence 
d. Noncompliance 
Rationale: This term Adherence is a commitment or attachment to a prescribed, predetermined
regimen. This is used  interchangeably with compliance in the measurement of health

5. There are four perspectives on compliance. Theories related to patient compliance with
healthcare regimens  include the following, except: 
a. Biomedical 
b. Behavioral/social learning 
c. Communication (e.g., feedback loop) 
d. Irrational belief  

Rationale: There are four perspectives on compliance. Theories related to patient compliance with
healthcare regimens  include the following, except: Biomedical, Behavioral/social learning,
Communication (e.g., feedback loop), Rational belief 

6.This introduces opposing positions, case studies, and variable instructional presentations. 
A. Attention 
B. Relevance 
C. Confidence 
D. Satisfaction 

Rationale: Attention introduces opposing positions, case studies, and variable instructional

 7. This pertains to timely use of a new skill, use of rewards, praise, and self-evaluation. 
A. Attention 
B. Relevance 
C. Confidence 
D. Satisfaction 
Rationale: Satsfacton pertains to tmely use of a new skill use of rewards praise and self-

 8. This deals with learning requirements, level of difficulty, expectations, attributions, and sense of
accomplishment A. Attention 
B. Relevance
C. Confidence 
D. Satisfaction 

Rationale: Confidence deals with learninn requirements level of difficulty expectatons
attributons and sense of  accomplishment. 
 9. This capitalizes on the learners’ experiences, usefulness, needs, and personal choices. 
A. Attention 
B. Relevance 
C. Confidence 
D. Satisfaction 

Rationale: Relevance capitalizes on the learners’ experiences usefulness needs and personal

Situation: Motivational interviewing is a technique in which you become a helper in the change
process and express  acceptance of your client. It has five basic principles. 
 10. This is a legitimate concern for the clinician because it is predictive of poor treatment outcomes
and lack of involvement in the therapeutic process 
A. Roll with resistance 
B. Express empathy 
C. Avoid argumentation 
D. Develop discrepancy 
E. Support self-efficacy 

Rationale: Roll with resistance is a legitimate concern for the clinician because it is predictive
of poor treatment outcomes and lack of involvement in the therapeutic process 

 11. W hich model is used in health screening programs to predict preventive health behavior? 
A. Health belief model 
B. Health prevention model 
C. Compliance 
D. Motivation outcomes 

Rationale: Health belief model is used in health screening programs to predict preventive health

 12. Which are the primary interacting components of the health belief model? 
A. Age, sex, and race 
B. Individual perceptions, modifying factors, and likelihood of action 
C. Sociopsychological variables, structural variables, and cues to action 
D. Prevention, promotion, and maintenance interventions 
Rationale: Individual perceptions, modifying factors, and likelihood of action are the primary
interacting components of the  health belief model 

 13. What are the three facilitating or blocking factor categories that can shape motivation to learn? 
A. Values, beliefs, and emotions 
B. Personal attributes, environmental influences, and learner
relationship systems C. Personality, social class, and peer pressure 
D. Knowledge about diseases, advice from others, and prior experience with an illness 
Rationale: Personal attributes, environmental influences, and learner relationship systems are the
three facilitating or blocking factor categories that can shape motivation to learn
 14. Which is the primary model used in nursing that relates to health-promoting lifestyles? 
A. Health promotion model 
 B. Health belief model 
C. Self-actualization model 
D. Self-efficacy theory 
Rationale: Health promotion model is the primary model used in nursing that relates to health-promoting

 15. Which model or theory explains behavioral change in terms of threat and coping? 
A. Therapeutic alliance model 
B. Health belief model 
C. Health promotion model 
D. Protection motivation theory 
Rationale: This model or theory explains the behavioral change in terms of threat and coping.

1. How does functional illiteracy best defined? 

A. Difficulty reading and comprehending materials written at the fifth- to eighth-grade level
B. Lack of fundamental reading, writing, and comprehension skills needed to operate
effectively in  society 
C. Difficulty reading or writing below the fifth-grade level 
D. Inability to speak and write with fluency, clarity, and correct grammar 

Rationale: functional illiteracy best defined as lack of fundamental reading, writing, and
comprehension skills needed to  operate effectively in society 

2. Illiteracy is generally interpreted as having reading skills at or below which grade level? 

A. Fourth 
B. Fifth 
C. Seventh 
D. Eighth 

Rationale: Illiteracy is generally interpreted as having reading skills at or below the fourth grade level. 

3. Which is a false assumption about individuals who are illiterate or low literate? 
A. Many have been found to have a normal or above normal IQ. 
B. They come from very diverse backgrounds. 
C. They react to complex learning situations by withdrawal or avoidance. 
D. Many have reading abilities that correlate with the number of years of schooling

Rationale: This is an example of false assumption about individuals who are illiterate or low literate. Many
have reading abilities  that correlate with the number of years of schooling completed. 

4. Which statement about literacy in the adult population is accurate? 

A. Adult illiteracy is on the rise despite public and private efforts to address the
issue. B. Literacy levels are an issue in teaching healthcare practices to patients as
well as to nursing staff  populations. 
C. The initiation of appropriate interventions for patients with low literacy skills has
become a subject of  considerable concern by healthcare providers. 
D. Government initiatives in the last two decades have raised media attention about the literacy

Rationale: Adult illiteracy is on the rise despite public and private efforts to address the issue.
This statement is as  example of literacy in the adult population that is accurate. 

5. A 75-year-old woman has been hospitalized for five days for treatment of ovarian cancer. She has been a
homemaker all of her adult life, raising four children and helping to care for 12 grandchildren. She has lived
alone since her husband died two years ago. The primary nurse is preparing discharge instructions for the
client on self-care activities at home. The client tells the nurse that she completed high school but did not have
the time nor interest to pursue any additional formal education. Which is the best approach for the nurse when
educating this client? 

A. Provide her with printed instructional materials commonly used on the unit for
patient education. B. Look for clues that she may be low literate and will have trouble
using the typical printed education  materials available to help her learn. 
C. Assume that her readability skills are minimal and that the nurse will have to rely on
instructional  tools other than written materials for teaching. 
D. Test her comprehension level by asking her to recall an example of health instruction she
received on the  day of admission. 

Rationale: Assume that her readability skills are minimal and that the nurse will have to rely on
instructional tools other  than written materials for teaching. This is the best approach given by a
nurse to educate his client with this situation.
6. According to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, Title V, health literacy is the degree to
which an individual has the capacity to: 
A. read patient education materials or make an appointment. 
B. obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and
services to make  appropriate health decisions. 
C. demonstrate strong reading and writing skills. 
D. understand health decisions made by healthcare providers. 

Rationale: According to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, Title V, health literacy is the
degree to which an  individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic
health information and services to make  appropriate health decisions. 

7. How does comprehension best defined?  

A. The ease with which written or printed information can be read 
B. The degree to which individuals understand what they have read 
C. The ability to read numbers and accurately pronounce printed words 
D. The ability to accurately interpret the spoken word and oral instruction 

Rationale: Comprehension is the degree to which individuals understand what they have read 

8. Which is not a factor that correlates significantly with levels of illiteracy and low literacy in the U.S.
A. A rise in the number of illegal immigrants 
B. An increase in the number of older adults over 65 years of age 
C. Advances in technology and the complexity of information 
D. The growing number of students in public schools 

Rationale: All of the above are factors that correlate significantly with levels of illiteracy and low literacy in the
U.S. population 

9. The nurse should assess a client’s: 

A. e-health literacy. 
B. health literacy. 
C. comprehension of printed materials only. 
D. Both A and B, above 

Rationale: The nurse should assess a client’s comprehension of printed materials only. 

1. A measurement tool that measures the materials written between the fifth grade and
college level a. Flesch-Kincaid Scale 
d. Fry Readability Graph 

Rationale: Flesch-Kincaid Scale: measures materials written between the fifth-grade and the college

2. This health literacy tool measures health literacy skills using actual hospital materials;
sections on reading  comprehension and numeracy 
a. Flesch-Kincaid Scale 
d. Fry Readability Graph 

Rationale:TOFHLA (Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults): measures health literacy skills
using actual hospital  materials; sections on reading comprehension and numeracy 

3. This comprehension test is specifically recommended for assessing medical literature with
individuals reading at  sixth-grade level or above.  
a. Cloze Procedure 
b. OPS Procedure 
c. Listening Test 
d. Memory Test
Rationale: Cloze Procedure: Specifically recommended for assessing medical literature with
individuals reading at sixth grade level or above. Every fifth word is systematically deleted from a
portion of a text, and the reader has to fill in the  blanks with the appropriate words. 

4. Here in this tool, a three minute passage at approximately the fifth-grade level is
read aloud. a. Cloze Procedure 
b. OPS Procedure 
c. Listening Test 
d. Memory Test 

Rationale: Listening Test: A three-minute passage, selected from instructional materials written at
approximately the fifth grade level, is read aloud, and then the listener is asked questions on key
points relevant to the content. 

5. It is also necessary to simplify the readability of printed education materials. Audience suitability
usually depends  on: 
a. Grade-level demand 
b. Technical format 
c. Concept density 
d. All of the above 

Rationale: Suitability for a given audience depends on 
a. Grade-level demand 
b. Technical format 
c. Concept density 
d. Accuracy and clarity of message 

6. In using techniques for writing effective health materials, we consider the following criterion,
except: a. Write in a conversational style with an active voice, using the personal
pronouns “you” and “your.” b. You can exceed more than 30 to 40 characters per line. 
c. Define any technical or unfamiliar words in parentheses 
d. Highlight important ideas or words with bold type or underlining. 

Rationale: Techniques for Writing Effective Health Materials 
Write in a conversational style with an active voice, using the personal pronouns “you” and “your.”Use
short words and  common vocabulary.Spell words rather than using abbreviations or
acronyms.Organize information into chunks. Use  numbers and statistics only when necessary.Keep
sentences and lists short (preferably 20 words and 7 items). Define any technical or unfamiliar words
in parentheses.Use words consistently throughout text.Avoid value judgment  words.Put the most
important information first.Use advance organizers and subheadings.Limit use of connective words.
Make the first sentence of a paragraph the topic sentence.Limit each paragraph to a single message
or action, and  include only one idea per sentence.Do not exceed 30 to 40 characters per line.Allow
for plenty of white space.Keep right  margins unjustified. Use design layouts that encourage eye
movement from left to right.Use color to emphasize key points and to organize topics.Create a simple
cover page.Limit length of document to cover only essential information.Select  simple type style
(serif) and large font (14–16). Avoid using italics and all CAPITALS.Highlight important ideas or
words  with bold type or underlining.Select non-glossy paper and color that contrasts with
typeface.Use bold line drawings and  simple diagrams. Include summary section using bullet points
or numbered list.Determine readability by applying two  formulas. 
7. This type of reading skills and health literacy test is used to determines a patient’s ability to
find and navigate  electronic health information 
a. eHEALS (eHealth Literacy Scale) 
b. LAD (Literacy Assessment for Diabetes)  
c. SAM (Suitability Assessment of Materials) 
d. NVS (Newest Vital Sign) 
Rationale: eHEALS (eHealth Literacy Scale): determines a patient’s ability to find and
navigate electronic health  information 

8. A tool to tool to assess the suitability of instructional materials for a given group
of learners  a. eHEALS (eHealth Literacy Scale) 
b. LAD (Literacy Assessment for Diabetes)  
c. SAM (Suitability Assessment of Materials) 
d. NVS (Newest Vital Sign) 

Rationale: SAM (Suitability Assessment of Materials): tool to assess the suitability of instructional
materials for a given  group of learners  

9. The interest in the literacy problem has escalated tremendously in the last 5-10 years, and recent
survey results  demonstrate that literacy, numeracy, and technology problems are still
a. True 
b. False 
c. Not sure 
d. A&B only 

Rationale: TRUE. Interest in the literacy problem has escalated tremendously in the last 5-10
years, and recent survey  results demonstrate that literacy, numeracy, and technology problems
are still prevalent. 

10. This tool identifies those at risk for low health literacy 
a. eHEALS (eHealth Literacy Scale) 
b. LAD (Literacy Assessment for Diabetes)  
c. SAM (Suitability Assessment of Materials) 
d. NVS (Newest Vital Sign) 

Rationale: NVS (Newest Vital Sign): identifies those at risk for low health literacy. It is inexpensive,
takes as little as three  minutes to administer 

1. A type of instructional materials that is available to the learner in the absence of the
educator. This widely acceptable and readily available also, relatively cheap and
convenient. *

a. Written
b. Demonstration
c. Displays
d. Posters


Written is a type of instructional materials that is available to the learner in the absence of the
educator. This widely acceptable and readily available also, relatively cheap and convenient.

2. These are 2D objects that serve as useful tools for a variety of teaching purposes
which also most useful in formal classes, group talks, brainstorming *

a. Written
b. Demonstration
c. Displays
d. Posters


Displays are 2D objects that serve as useful tools for a variety of teaching purposes which also
most useful in formal classes, group talks, brainstorming

3. These instructional materials are increasingly in popular, common format. They may
be independent information source or supplement other instruction and meant to
attract attention *

a. Written
b. Demonstration
c. Displays
d. Posters


Posters are increasingly in popular, common format. They may be independent information
source or supplement other instruction and meant to attract attention

4. It increases understanding and retention of information, satisfaction of care and
more learner have more content control especially over sequencing, pacing,
information timing *
a. Written materials
b. Audiovisual materials
c. Learning resources
d. Instructor’s guide


Audiovisual materials increases understanding and retention of information, satisfaction of care

and more learner have more content control especially over sequencing, pacing, information

5. They are appropriate for varied group sizes with some forms which are very
flexible *

a. Audio Learning Resources

b. Video Learning Resources
c. Projected Learning Resources
d. Telecommunications Learning Resources


Projected Learning Resources are appropriate for varied group sizes with some forms which are
very flexible

6. CDs, digital sound players, radio, podcasts are examples of this instructional
materials *

a. Telecommunication Learning Resources

b. Projected Learning Resources
c. Audio Learning Resources
d. Video Learning Resources


CDs, digital sound players, radio, podcasts are examples of Audio Learning Resources

7. Digital video files and DVDs (software); camcorders, DVD recorders, television sets,
computer monitors (hardware); Webinars and streaming are examples of this
instructional materials *

a. Telecommunication Learning Resources

b. Projected Learning Resources
c. Audio Learning Resources
d. Video Learning Resources


Digital video files and DVDs (software); camcorders, DVD recorders, television sets, computer
monitors (hardware); Webinars and streaming are examples of Video Learning ResourceS

8. These are relatively inexpensive, widely available and can reach many people
simultaneously, in multiple places, at great distances *

a. Telecommunication Learning Resources

b. Projected Learning Resources
c. Audio Learning Resources
d. Video Learning Resources


Telecommunication Learning Resources are relatively inexpensive, widely available and can
reach many people simultaneously, in multiple places, at great distances

9. In computer learning resources, there is interactive potential and quick feedback but
there is also potential database which is enormous. *

a. True
b. False


In computer learning resources, there is interactive potential and quick feedback but there is also
potential database which is enormous.
10. During the evaluation of instructional materials it should complement and
supplement learning, and substitute it. *

a. True
b. False


During the evaluation of instructional materials it should complement and supplement learning,
and not substitute it.

1. A period in history characterized by the birth of the Internet, World Wide Web,
development of Internet technology, wide-scale computer production, and the
development of user-friendly software *

Information age
Emerging technology
Cyber Age
“Fourth Industrial Revolution”

2. Today, it is characterized by technology fusion *


Information age
Emerging Technology
Cyber age
"fourth Industrial Revolution"

3. This aims to strengthen relationship between patient and provider. It also teach and
empower patients dealing with health and wellness issues *

Fourth Industrial Revolution

Emerging Technology
Consumer Informatics

4. Thirty-five percent of Americans have been notified that personal information has
been compromised. Many healthcare organizations are setting up patient portals or
secure websites. *

Consumer Informatics
Information age
Fourth Industrial Revolution

5. The following are principles of e-Health Code of Ethics: (SATA) *


Responsible Parenting

6. In the impact of technology on teacher and learner, teachers are becoming

facilitators of learning rather than providers of information. *


7. Clients should help Nurses access, evaluate, and use available information. *


8. In the technological strategies in healthcare education using the worldwide web, this
is designed to create and exchange information and is able to exist (and did) without
the World Wide Web. *


9. The ability to use the computer hardware and software necessary to accomplish
routine tasks. This is known as: *

web based resources

Computer Literacy
Patient Portals
Management Information
10. The following is true regarding New technology: *

a. It is raising the question of telepractice and licensure

b. New practice guidelines are likely
c. None of the above
d. All of the above

1. In the advent of Professional Education and the WWW, this can share audio and/or
video with participants in multiple locations at once. It is now growing in popularity as a
training device for sharing lectures and demonstrations *

a. Social Media
b. Webcasts
c. Webinars
d. E-Mail/Texting


In the advent of Professional Education and the WWW, WEBCASTS can share audio and/or
video with participants in multiple locations at once. It is now growing in popularity as a training
device for sharing lectures and demonstrations

2. Here, there is a web-based conferencing that allows for interaction. When well run,
can be an effective teaching strategy *

a. Social Media
b. Webcasts
c. Webinars
d. E-Mail/Texting


Webinars can be an effective teaching strategy

3. This is one of most popular ways to set up electronic discussion group *
a. Mailing Lists
b. Other Online Discussions
c. Electronic Discussion Groups
d. Online Chats


Mailing Lists is one of most popular ways to set up electronic discussion group

4. It provide a mechanism for information exchange between multiple people in many
locations at once *

a. Mailing Lists
b. Other Online Discussions
c. Electronic Discussion Groups
d. Online Chats


Online Chats provide a mechanism for information exchange between multiple people in many
locations at once

5. It is a technology for Professional Development in Nursing where the teacher and
learner are separated *

a. Distance education
b. Staff development and training
c. Digital Divide
d. Continued education programs


Distance education is a technology for Professional Development in Nursing where the teacher
and learner are separated

6. Computer and Internet technology have become integral to daily life in the U.S. and
other parts of the world *
a. True
b. False


Computer and Internet technology have become integral to daily life in the U.S. and other parts of
the world

7. The following are the characteristics of Distance education: SELECT ALL THAT

a. Available at online/traditional institutions

b. Includes online courses, correspondence courses, independent study, videoconferencing
c. Can be very expensive
d. Students with professional experiences have no significant learning gains


A and B are the characteristics of Distance education

8. Degree programs for distance learners at all levels are increasingly available *

a. True
b. False


Degree programs for distance learners at all levels are increasingly available

9. Continued education programs are widely available in a variety of formats. The
following maybe true, except: *

a. Keep practice current

b. Provide career mobility
c. Enhance professional development
d. Guaranteed motivational costs effective


The following maybe true, except Guaranteed motivational costs effective

10. Fifteen percent of American adults do not use the Internet. This Influenced by the

a. age
b. income
c. education level
d. ability


Fifteen percent of American adults do not use the Internet. This Influenced by all of the following

In 2 sentences each, distinguish between the beliefs and customs of the four
predominant ethnic groups in the UnitedStates.1. Hispanic/Latino Culture, 2.
Black/African American Culture, 3. Asian/Pacific Islander Culture ,and 4,American
Indian/Alaska Native Culture (This is equivalent to 8 points- 2 points for each ethnic
groups), In 7 sentences ,give ways to avoid stereotypical behavior. *

1. Hispanic/Latino Culture They are less likely to receive preventive care, often lack health
insurance and less health care access. In their teaching strategies, they consider age, primary
language and educational level, income level, job status, and degree of acculturation. 2.
Black/African American Culture They have strong religious values and some believe that all
animate and inanimate objects have good or evil spirits. In their teaching strategies, any folk
practices or religious beliefs should be respected and allowed (if not harmful) and incorporated
into the recommended treatment. 3. Asian/Pacific Islander Culture They have strong family ties
and respect for parents, elders, teachers and other authority figures. In their teaching strategies,
family members, especially males, needed to make decisions and their learning style is passive.
4. American Indian/Alaska Native Culture They believe that supernatural powers exist in animate
and inanimate objects and that looking into another’s eyes reveals and may steal someone’s
soul. In their teaching strategies, they focus on giving information about diseases and risk factors
and help clients build positive coping mechanisms for emotional problems. In 7 sentences ,give
ways to avoid stereotypical behavior. We should always find ways to avoid stereotypical behavior
and be a role model of equality. As a nurse educator, we must relate to each person as an
individual. Assess educational backgrounds, attributes and economic resources to ensure
appropriate teaching. Use neutral language when teaching. We should not let appearance
influence expectations of quality of care. Treat all clients with fairness, respect and dignity. More
importantly, be knowledgeable of the cultural traditions of various groups.

Views disabilities as sin *


Moral Model
Medical and Rehabilitation Models
Disabilities Model

Embraces disability as a normal part of life *


Moral Model
Medical and Rehabilitation Models
Disabilities Model

The belief that people with disabilities must be“cured” *


Moral Model
Medical and Rehabilitation Models
Disabilities Model

Old model that persists in some cultures *


Moral Model
Medical and Rehabilitation Models
Disabilities Model

Views social discrimination as the problem *


Moral Model
Medical and Rehabilitation Models
Disabilities Model

View disabilities as problems requiringintervention to cure *


Moral Model
Medical and Rehabilitation Models
Disabilities Model

Individuals and their families may experienceguilt, shame, denial of care. *


Moral Model
Medical and Rehabilitation Models
Disabilities Model

Is the most influential on current thinkingmodel *


Moral Model
Medical and Rehabilitation Models
Disabilities Model

United Nations established Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for

Persons with Disabilities specifyingfundamental right of access to care. *

Moral Model
Medical and Rehabilitation Models
Disabilities Model

Disability as defect/sickness/ disability as deficiency *


Moral Model
Medical and Rehabilitation Models
Disabilities Model

A very important tool to consider as a key in the family’s role during chronic Illness or
disability is: *


Rationale: The Family’s Role in Chronic Illness or Disabilityo Families are usually the
care providers and support system.o Their reactions and perceptions influence
adjustment.o Note what learning needs the family considers important.o
Communication between family members is key.o Consider family strategies for
coping.o Denial may be present. *

Communication is a very important tool to consider as a key in the family’s role during chronic
Illness or disability

In the family’s role during chronic Illness or disability, families are usually considered
as main care providers andsupport system. *


Rationale: The Family’s Role in Chronic Illness or Disabilityo Families are usually the
care providers and support system.o Their reactions and perceptions influence
adjustment.o Note what learning needs the family considers important.o
Communication between family members is key.o Consider family strategies for
coping.o Denial may be present. *

In the family’s role during chronic Illness or disability, families are usually considered as main
care providers and support system.

Chronic Illness is the Leading cause of death in U.S. *



Rationale: Chronic Illnesso Leading cause of death in U.S.o Permanent condition

lasting three plus months, often a lifetimeo May cause a disability but is not a disability
itselfo Affects every aspect of life—physical, social, psychological, economic, and
spiritualo Successful management is a life-long process.o Development of good
learning skills is matter of survival.o The learning process must begin with illness
onset.o There is often a conflict between feelings of dependence and the need for
independence. *

Chronic Illness is the Leading cause of death in U.S.

All of the following is true regarding the Chronic Illness, except: *


Successful management is a life-long process.

Development of good learning skills is matter of survival.
The learning process must begin with illness onset.
All of the above

To a person with communication disorders, deficits affect perception and/or language

production abilities. *


Rationale: To a person with communication disorders, deficits affect perception and/or

language production abilities. *

To a person with communication disorders, deficits affect perception and/or language production

The following are considered as most common residual communication deficits,

except: *

Global aphasia
Expressive aphasia
Deceptive aphasia
Anomic aphasia

Rationale: Receptive aphasia - you hear the voice or see the print, but you can't make
sense of the words.Expressive aphasia - you know what you want to say, but you
have trouble saying or writing what you mean.Anomic aphasia - you have trouble
using the correct word for objects, places, or events *

Receptive aphasia - you hear the voice or see the print, but you can't make sense of the words.
Expressive aphasia - you know what you want to say, but you have trouble saying or writing what
you mean. Anomic aphasia - you have trouble using the correct word for objects, places, or

A severe chronic state that is present before 22 years of age, is caused by mental
and/or physical impairment,and is likely to continue indefinitely *

Assistive Technologies
Memory Disorders
Developmental Disabilities
Communication Disorders

Rationale: Developmental Disabilities are severe chronic state that is present before
22 years of age, is caused by mentaland/or physical impairment, and is likely to
continue indefinitely *

Developmental Disabilities are severe chronic state that is present before 22 years of age, is
caused by mental and/or physical impairment, and is likely to continue indefinitely

Falls are considered as the leading cause of physical disabilities: *



Rationale: Physical disabilities always consider traumatic brain injuries and falls are
considered as its leading cause *

Physical disabilities always consider traumatic brain injuries and falls are considered as its
leading cause

Treatments for traumatic brain injury includes the following (SATA): *


Acute care
Acute rehabilitation
Long-term rehabilitation
Ultimate goal of independent living

Rationale: All is considered treatment regimen *

All is considered treatment regimen

In caring for those clients with sensory deficits / visual impairments, we consider the
following guidelines, except(SATA): *

Use nonverbal cues

Braille keyboards, displays, and printers
Avoid the tendency to shout
d. Use proper lighting
Rationale: All is considered teaching guidelinesAssess patients to avoid making needs
assumptions. Speak directly to patients rather than to sighted
companions.Secureservices of a low-vision specialist to obtain adaptive optical
devices. Avoid the tendency to shout. Use nonverbal cues.Always announce your
presence and identify yourself. Allow client to touch, handle, and manipulate
equipment. Bedescriptive in explaining procedures. Use large font size for printed or
handwritten materials. Use bold color or rely onblack and white for printed materials.
Use alternative instructional tools that stimulate auditory and tactile senses.Useproper
lighting. Provide large-print watches and clocks. Use audiotapes and cassette
recorders. Computer featuresScreen magnifiers, high contrast, screen-resolution
features Text-to-speech converters Braille keyboards, displays, andprinters. Sighted
guide technique *

All is considered teaching guidelines.

In writing behavioral objectives and goals, three important characteristics are

considered, namely: *

a. Performance, Persistence, Goal setting

b. Performance, Condition, Criterion
c. Performance, Condition, Goal setting
d. Performance, Persistence, Condition

Rationale: Performance: describes what the learner is expected to be able to

doCondition: describes the situation under which the expected behavior will be
observedCriterion: describes how well or with what accuracy the learner must be able
to perform to be competent *

Performance: describes what the learner is expected to be able to do Condition: describes the
situation under which the expected behavior will be observed Criterion: describes how well or
with what accuracy the learner must be able to perform to be competent

It is known as the final outcome to be achieved at the end of the teaching and learning
process *

a. Objective
c. Goal
d. Subobjectives
Rationale: Goal: the final outcome to be achieved at the end of the teaching and
learning process *

Goal: the final outcome to be achieved at the end of the teaching and learning process

This is a specific, single, concrete, one-dimensional behavior that should be achieved

at the end of one or a fewteaching sessions. *

a. Objective
c. Goal
d. Subobjectives

Rationale: Objective: a specific, single, concrete, one-dimensional behavior that

should be achieved at the end of one or afew teaching sessions *

Objective: a specific, single, concrete, one-dimensional behavior that should be achieved at the
end of one or a few teaching sessions

These are specific statements that reflect aspects of a main objective *


a. Objective
c. Goal
d. Subobjectives

Rationale: Subobjectives: specific statements that reflect aspects of a main objective *

Subobjectives: specific statements that reflect aspects of a main objective

In the writing of behavioral objectives and goals, the ABCD Rule is applied by which
letter A stands for: *

a. Audience
b. Audible
c. Audition
d. Ambience

Rationale: A - Audience (who), B—Behavior (what), C—Condition (under which

circumstances), D—Degree (how well, towhat extent, within what time frame) *

A - Audience (who), B—Behavior (what), C—Condition (under which circumstances), D—Degree

(how well, to what extent, within what time frame)
The above mentioned ABCD Rule is applied by which letter B stands for: *

a. Belching
b. Behavior
c. Bonding
d. Benevolence

Rationale: A - Audience (who), B—Behavior (what), C—Condition (under which

circumstances), D—Degree (how well, towhat extent, within what time frame) *

A - Audience (who), B—Behavior (what), C—Condition (under which circumstances), D—Degree

(how well, to what extent, within what time frame)

In the ABCD Rule, letter C would mean: *


a. Consequence
b. Condition
c. Circumstance
d. Convalescence

Rationale: A - Audience (who), B—Behavior (what), C—Condition (under which

circumstances), D—Degree (how well, towhat extent, within what time frame) *

A - Audience (who), B—Behavior (what), C—Condition (under which circumstances), D—Degree

(how well, to what extent, within what time frame)

Regarding goals and objectives, both of these are needed in order to accomplish
something. *


Rationale: Goals and Objectives. Both goals and objectives are needed in order to
accomplish something.o Objectives must be achieved before goal can be reached.o
Objectives must be observable, measurable.o Objectives must be consistent with,
related to the goal. *

Regarding goals and objectives, both of these are needed in order to accomplish something.

We consider the following factors in making goals and objectives (SATA): *

a. Objectives must be achieved before goal can be reached.
b. Objectives must be observable, measurable.
c. Objectives must be consistent with, related to the goal.
d. Objectives must be with considerations, related to clients ideas

Rationale: Goals and Objectives. Both goals and objectives are needed in order to
accomplish something.o Objectives must be achieved before goal can be reached.o
Objectives must be observable, measurable.o Objectives must be consistent with,
related to the goal. *

Objectives must be achieved before goal can be reached. Objectives must be observable,
measurable. Objectives must be consistent with, related to the goal

In Writing SMART objectives we follow these guide (SATA): *


a. Specific about what is to be achieved

b. Measurable by quantifying or qualifying objectives
c. Achievable, attainable objectives
d. Realistic by considering available resources
e. Timely by stating when the objectives will be achieved

Rationale: Writing SMART objectives Specific about what is to be achieved

Measurable by quantifying or qualifying objectivesAchievable, attainable
objectivesRealistic by considering available resourcesTimely by stating when the
objectives will be achieved *

Writing SMART objectives Specific about what is to be achieved Measurable by quantifying or

qualifying objectives. Achievable, attainable objectives. Realistic by considering available
resources. Timely by stating when the objectives will be achieved

Which learning domain involves acquiring fine and gross motor abilities with
increasing complexity of neuromuscularcoordination. *

A. Cognitive Domain
B. Affective Domain
C. Psychomotor Domain

Rationale: Psychomotor skill development is very egocentric and requires learner

concentration. Methods most often usedincludes demonstration and instructional
materials, return demonstration, simulation and self-instruction. *
Psychomotor skill development is very egocentric and requires learner concentration. Methods
most often used includes demonstration and instructional materials, return demonstration,
simulation and self-instruction.

Which learning domain involves acquisition of information based on the learner’s

intellectual abilities, mentalcapacities,understanding, and thinking processes. *

A. Cognitive Domain
B. Affective Domain
C. Psychomotor Domain

Rationale: Cognitive-domain learning is the traditional focus of most teaching and is

an essential prerequisite for learningaffective and psychomotor skills. Methods most
often used to stimulate learning include lecture, group discussion, one-to-one
instruction, and self instruction (e.g., computer-assisted) *

Cognitive-domain learning is the traditional focus of most teaching and is an essential

prerequisite for learning affective and psychomotor skills. Methods most often used to stimulate
learning include lecture, group discussion, one-to-one instruction, and self instruction (e.g.,

Which learning domain involves an increasing internalization or commitment to

feelings expressed as emotions,interests, beliefs, attitudes, values, and
appreciations. *

A. Cognitive Domain
B. Affective Domain
C. Psychomotor Domain

Rationale: Affective learning involves the degree of a person’s depth of emotional

responses. Methods most often usedinclude group discussion, role-playing, role-
modeling and questioning. *

Affective learning involves the degree of a person’s depth of emotional responses. Methods most
often used include group discussion, role-playing, role-modeling and questioning.

A written (formal) or verbal (informal) agreement between the teacher and the learner
that specifies teaching andlearning activities that are to occur within a certain time
frame. *

A. Teaching Plan
B. Learning Contract
C. Learning Curve

Rationale: Learning contracts are an increasingly popular approach to teaching and

learning, include a reward forupholding the terms of the contract, serve as an
alternative and innovative technique of presenting information to thelearner , and shift
the control and emphasis to learner centered. *

Learning contracts are an increasingly popular approach to teaching and learning, include a
reward for upholding the terms of the contract, serve as an alternative and innovative technique
of presenting information to the learner , and shift the control and emphasis to learner centered.

A blueprint to achieve goals and objectives which indicates purpose, content,

methods, tools, timing, evaluation ofinstruction; *

A. Teaching Plan
B. Learning Contract
C. Learning Curve

ANSWER: A Rationale: Mutually agreed upon goals and objectives which clarify what
the learner is to learn and what the teacher is toteach. *

Mutually agreed upon goals and objectives which clarify what the learner is to learn and what the
teacher is to teach

Which instructional method provides or design activities that guide the learner in
independently achieving theeducational objectives; *

A. Simulation
B. Role play
C. Role modeling
D. Self-instruction

Rationale: *

In self-Instruction, the educator provides motivation and reinforcement. Formats include

workbooks, studyguides, workstations, videotapes, internet modules, computer programs.

Which is a trial-and-error method of teaching whereby an artificial experience is

created that engages the learner in anactivity that reflects real-life conditions but
without the risk-taking consequences of an actual situation. *
A. Simulation
B. Role play
C. Role modeling

Rationale: *

Simulation fosters interdisciplinary education to improve teamwork, communication, and role

valuing andteaches critical thinking, high-level decision making.

This is an instructional method where learners actively participate in an unrehearsed

dramatization; *

A. Simulation
B. Role play
C. Role modeling
D. Self-instruction

Rationale: *

Role play is intended to arouse feelings and elicit emotional responses from learners. All
members of the groupshould be given an assignment as participant or observer

Learning is called identification and emanates from learning and developmental

theories. *

A. Simulation
B. Role play
C. Role modeling
D. Self-instruction

Rationale: *

Role modeling is a way to guide, support, and socialize students and novices to new function

Which is an instructional method requiring the learner to participate in a competitive

activity with preset rules. *

A. One-to-One Instruction
B. Demonstration
C. Return Demonstration
D. Gaming

Rationale: *
Goal is for learners to win a game by applying knowledge and rehearsing previously learned
skills. Someadvantages includes increasing learner participation and engagement, enhances skill
acquisition, and increasesinformation retention and recall.

Which of the following refers to recognizing and appreciating “the external signs of
diversity” in other ethnic groups: *

Cultural awareness
Cultural competence
Cultural diversity
Cultural relativism

Rationale: Recognizing and appreciating “the external signs of diversity” in other

ethnic groups, such as their art, music,dress, and physical features. *

Recognizing and appreciating “the external signs of diversity” in other ethnic groups, such as their
art, music,dress, and physical features.

It refers to ethnocultural groups of people “who have experiences different from those
of the dominant culture byvirtue of status, ethnic background, residence, religion,
education, or other factors. *

Ethic Group

Rationale: Subcultures include factors that functionally unify the group and act
collectively on each member with aconscious awareness of these differences...
subcultures differ from the dominant ethnic group and share beliefs accordingto the
primary and secondary characteristics of diversity” (Purnell & Paulanka, 1998, p. 3). *

Subcultures include factors that functionally unify the group and act collectively on each member
with aconscious awareness of these differences... subcultures differ from the dominant ethnic
group and share beliefs accordingto the primary and secondary characteristics of diversity”

This is also referred to as a subculture: *


Ethic Group
Rationale: It also refers to a population of “people who have experiences different from
those of dominant culture. *

ETHIC GROUP also refers to a population of “people who have experiences different from those
of dominant culture.

A concept describing “the universal tendency of human beings to think that their ways
of thinking, acting, andbelieving are the only right, proper, and natural ways . . . *

Ethic Group

Rationale: Ethnocentrism perpetuates an attitude and beliefs that differ greatly from
one’s own are strange, bizarre, orunenlightened, and therefore wrong” (Purnell &
Paulanka, 1998, p. 3). *

Ethnocentrism perpetuates an attitude and beliefs that differ greatly from one’s own are strange,
bizarre, orun enlightened, and therefore wrong”

A “the totality of socially transmitted behavioral patterns, arts, beliefs, values, customs,
lifeways, and all otherproducts of human work and thought characteristic of a
population of people that guide their worldview anddecision making”. *

Cultural competence
Cultural diversity
Cultural relativism

Rationale: Culture is a complex concept that is an integral part of each person’s life
and includes knowledge, beliefs,values, morals, customs, traditions, and habits
acquired by each person as a member of a society. Purnell and Paulanka(1998) *

Culture is a complex concept that is an integral part of each person’s life and includes knowledge,
beliefs,values, morals, customs, traditions, and habits acquired by each person as a member of a
society. Purnell and Paulanka(1998)

Which ability recognize a figure when it is rotated such as detecting a shape

embedded in another figure, and isconsistently better for males than for females. *

Verbal ability
Mathematical ability
Spatial ability
Problem solving

Rationale: Spatial ability is also the ability to accurately replicate a three-dimensional

object and is consistently better formales than for females. *

Spatial ability is also the ability to accurately replicate a three-dimensional object and is
consistently better formales than for females.

It is a conscious process of demonstrating knowledge and understanding of a client’s

culture. *

Cultural competence
Cultural diversity
Cultural relativism

Rationale: Cultural competence is a way to recognize, accept, and respect cultural

differences and to be able toincorporate these cultural beliefs and practices about
wellness and illness into the delivery of care by adaptinginterventions to be congruent
with the client’s culture *

Cultural competence is a way to recognize, accept, and respect cultural differences and to be
able toincorporate these cultural beliefs and practices about wellness and illness into the delivery
of care by adaptinginterventions to be congruent with the client’s culture

Which assessment model emphasizes improvement of cross-cultural healthcare

communication: *

Giger & Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model

Nurse/Client Negotiations Model
Learn model
Purnell Model for Cultural Competence

Rationale: emphasizes improvement of cross-cultural healthcare communication and

includes listening withsympathy/understanding to patient’s perception of problem,
explaining perception of problem, acknowledging/discussingsimilarities/ differences,
recommending treatment approaches and negotiating agreement. *

LEARN MODEL emphasizes improvement of cross-cultural healthcare communication and

includes listening withsympathy/understanding to patient’s perception of problem, explaining
perception of problem, acknowledging/discussingsimilarities/ differences, recommending
treatment approaches and negotiating agreement.

Which of the following cultural characteristics refers to the willingness of a person

emigrating to a new culture; *

Cultural awareness
Cultural competence

Rationale: Assimilation is the willingness of a person emigrating to a new culture to

gradually adopt and incorporatecharacteristics of the prevailing culture. *

Assimilation is the willingness of a person emigrating to a new culture to gradually adopt and
incorporatecharacteristics of the prevailing culture.

Which of the following gender-related personality behaviors indicates that females are
more likely to expressachievement in social skills and social relations, whereas men
are more likely to try to succeed in intellectual orcompetitive activities *

Conformity & dependence

Emotional adjustment
Values and life goals
Achievement orientation

Rationale: Females are more likely to express achievement motivation in social skills
and social relations, whereas menare more likely to try to succeed in intellectual or
competitive activities. This difference is thought to be due to sex-roleexpectations that
are strongly communicated at very early ages. *

Females are more likely to express achievement motivation in social skills and social relations,
whereas menare more likely to try to succeed in intellectual or competitive activities. This
difference is thought to be due to sex-roleexpectations that are strongly communicated at very
early ages.

Give at least 5 Increasing Effectiveness of Teaching and explain how it could benefit the students. 

Increasing Effectiveness of Teaching: Enhance Verbal Presentations 
o Enthusiasm 
o Humor 
o Risk-taking 
o Drama 
o Problem-solving 
o Role modelling 
o Anecdotes and examples 
o Technology 

1. They are defined as the objects or vehicles by which information is communicated 

a. Instructional Materials 
b. Figures of Speech 
c. Therapy 
d. Assistive Devices 

Rationale: Instructional Materials are defined as the objects or vehicles by which information is

2. There are three Major Components of Instructional Materials 

a. True 
b. False 

Rationale: There are three Major Components of Instructional Materials 

3. In the delivery system of Instructional Materials, both the software and the hardware are
used in presenting  information: 
a. True 
b. False 

Rationale: TRUE. In the delivery system of Instructional Materials, both the software and the
hardware are used in  presenting information. 

4. The following characteristics are evident of the Learner. Select all that apply: 
a. Sensorimotor abilities 
b. Reading skills 
c. Motivational levels (locus of control) 
d. Gender 
e. Socioeconomic characteristics 

Rationale: The following characteristics are evident of the Learner: Sensorimotor abilities,
Reading skills, Motivational levels (locus of control), Developmental stages, Learning styles, Gender,
Socioeconomic characteristics, Cultural  backgrounds 
5. The Purposes of instructional materials is to help the nurse educator deliver a
message: (SATA) a. creatively  
b. clearly  
c. accurately 
d. timely 
e. Intended to supplement, not replace, the act of teaching and the role of the teacher 

Rationale: Purposes: to help the nurse educator deliver a message creatively, clearly,
accurately, and timely a. Intended to supplement, not replace, the act of teaching and
the role of the teacher 
6. The instructional material’s effectiveness is based on the learning theory, studies of effects,
practice evidence a. True 
b. False 

Rationale: The instructional material’s effectiveness is based on the learning theory, studies of effects,
practice evidence 

7. The following are Characteristics of the Medium, except: 

a. Print 
b. Demonstration 
c. Audiovisual 
d. Non ads 

Rationale: Characteristics of the Medium – Print, Demonstration, Audiovisual, Nonprint 

8. These are considered as examples in the delivery system of instructional

materials: (SATA) a. PowerPoint slides delivered via a computer 
b. DVD content in conjunction with a DVD player 
c. External Outlet drives 
d. USB medium 

Rationale: Delivery System Examples: 
o PowerPoint slides delivered via a computer 
o DVD content in conjunction with a DVD player 

9. The content of instructional materials must have the actual information being imparted to
the learner a. True  
b. False 
Rationale: Content 
o Definition: the actual information being imparted to the learner 

10. In selecting the criteria for the content of the instructional materials we consider the
following, except: a. Selection criteria 
b. Accuracy of information being conveyed 
c. Appropriateness of medium chosen to convey information 
d. Appropriateness of readability level of materials for the learners 

Rationale: Selection criteria - Accuracy of information being conveyed, Appropriateness of
medium chosen to convey  information, Appropriateness of readability level of materials for the

1. A type of instructional materials that is available to the learner in the absence of the
educator. This widely  acceptable and readily available also, relatively cheap and
a. Written 
b. Demonstration 
c. Displays 
d. Posters  

Rationale: Written materials - Available to learner in absence of educator, Widely acceptable,
familiar, Readily available  commercially, relatively cheap, Convenient forms, Becoming more widely
available in multiple languages, Suitable for  learners who prefer reading, Learner controls rate of

2. These are 2D objects that serve as useful tools for a variety of teaching purposes which also most
useful in formal classes, group talks, brainstorming 
a. Written 
b. Demonstration 
c. Displays 
d. Posters  

Rationale: Displays are 2D objects that serve as useful tools for a variety of
teaching purposes − Most useful in formal classes, group talks,
− Quickly add, correct, delete information 
− Encourage participation, keep learners’ attention, reinforce contributions 

3. These instructional materials are increasingly in popular, common format. They may be
independent information  source or supplement other instruction and meant to attract attention 
a. Written 
b. Demonstration 
c. Displays 
d. Posters  

Rationale: Posters - Hybrid of print and visual media using written word with
graphic illustrations • Increasingly popular, common format 
• May be independent information source or supplement other instruction 
• Meant to attract attention 
• Design elements and effective imagery must be remembered for good design. 

4. It increases understanding and retention of information, satisfaction of care and more learner have
more content  control especially over sequencing, pacing, information timing  
a. Written materials 
b. Audiovisual materials 
c. Learning resources 
d. Instructor’s guide 

Rationale: Audiovisual materials advantages: 
– Stimulate seeing and hearing 
– Adding educational variety 
– Instilling visual memories (more permanent) 
– Increase understanding and retention of information 
– Increase satisfaction of care 
– More learner content control 
– More learner control over sequencing, pacing, information timing  

5. They are appropriate for varied group sizes with some forms which are very flexible 
a. Audio Learning Resources  
b. Video Learning Resources 
c. Projected Learning Resources 
d. Telecommunications Learning Resources 

Rationale: Projected Learning Resources Examples: Overhead transparencies, PowerPoint slides,
SMART Boards  • Advantages: Appropriate for varied group sizes, Attractive learning mode for
all ages, Some forms are very  flexible. 
• Disadvantages: Potential lack of flexibility, Some forms may be expensive, Requires darkened
room for some  forms, Requires special equipment for use 

6. CDs, digital sound players, radio, podcasts are examples of this instructional materials 
a. Telecommunication Learning Resources 
b. Projected Learning Resources 
c. Audio Learning Resources 
d. Video Learning Resources 

Rationale: CDs, digital sound players, radio, podcasts are examples of Audio Learning Resources

7. Digital video files and DVDs (software); camcorders, DVD recorders, television sets,
computer monitors  (hardware); Webinars and streaming are examples of this
instructional materials 
a. Telecommunication Learning Resources 
b. Projected Learning Resources 
c. Audio Learning Resources 
d. Video Learning Resources 

Rationale: Video Learning Resources examples are as follows: 
- Digital video files and DVDs (software); camcorders, DVD recorders, television sets,
computer monitors  (hardware); Webinars and streaming 

8. These are relatively inexpensive, widely available and can reach many people simultaneously, in
multiple places,  at great distances 
a. Telecommunication Learning Resources 
b. Projected Learning Resources 
c. Audio Learning Resources 
d. Video Learning Resources 

Rationale: Telecommunication Learning Resources - Relatively inexpensive, widely available. It
reaches many people  simultaneously, in multiple places, at great distances. Examples: Television,
telephones, teleconferencing, closed circuit/cable/satellite broadcasting 

9. In computer learning resources, there is interactive potential and quick feedback but there is
also potential  database which is enormous. 
a. True 
b. False 

Rationale: Computer Learning Resources - Interactive potential: quick feedback, Promotes
problem solving, critical  thinking, Increases learning efficiency, information retention,
comprehension, Potential database is enormous, Promotes cognitive learning domain, Can be
individualized, including for aphasia, motor difficulties, visual/hearing impairment,  learning
disabilities, Ongoing assessments possible, Time efficient 
10. During the evaluation of instructional materials it should complement and supplement learning, and
substitute it. a. True 
b. False 

Rationale: Instructional materials should complement and supplement learning, not substitute. 

1. A period in history characterized by the birth of the Internet, World Wide Web, development
of Internet  technology, wide-scale computer production, and the development of user-friendly
a. Information age 
b. Emerging technology 
c. Cyber Age 
d. “Fourth Industrial Revolution”  

Rationale: The information Age is a period in history characterized by:  
– Birth of the Internet, World Wide Web 
– Development of Internet technology 
– Wide-scale computer production 
– Development of user-friendly software 

2. Today, it is characterized by technology fusion 

a. Information age 
b. Emerging technology 
c. Cyber Age 
d. “Fourth Industrial Revolution”  

Rationale: “Fourth Industrial Revolution” today is characterized by technology fusion: Artificial
intelligence, Biotechnology, 3D printing, Nanotechnology  

3. This aims to strengthen relationship between patient and provider. It also teach and empower
patients dealing  with health and wellness issues 
a. “Fourth Industrial Revolution”  
b. Information age 
c. Consumer Informatics 
d. Cybersecurity 

Rationale: Consumer Informatics Aims to: Strengthen relationship between patient and provider,
Teach and empower  patients dealing with health and wellness issues, Not restricted to computer-
based programs, Studies/implements  methods for making information accessible, Integrates
consumer preferences into future educational programs 

4. Thirty-five percent of Americans have been notified that personal information has been
compromised. Many  healthcare organizations are setting up patient portals or secure
a. “Fourth Industrial Revolution”  
b. Information age 
c. Consumer Informatics 
d. Cybersecurity 

Rationale: Cybersecurity - Thirty-five percent of Americans have been notified that personal
information has been  compromised. A study of healthcare organizations found that 94% have been
victims of cyberattacks. As more health  information is stored and exchanged, increased risk for
compromise. Many healthcare organizations are setting up patient portals or secure websites. 

5. The following are principles of e-Health Code of Ethics: (SATA) 

a. Candor 
b. Privacy 
c. Responsible parenting 
d. Quantity 

Rationale: e-Health Code of Ethics: Principles –Candor, Honesty, Quality, Informed Consent,
Privacy, Professionalism,  Responsible partnering, Accountability 

6. In the impact of technology on teacher and learner, teachers are becoming facilitators of
learning rather than  providers of information. 
a. TRUE 

Rationale: Access to information bridges gap between teacher and learner. Teachers are becoming
facilitators of learning rather than providers of information. Strive to create collaborative atmospheres.
Memorization becomes less important  than critical thinking. 

7. Clients should help Nurses access, evaluate, and use available information. 
a. TRUE 

Rationale: Nurses should help individuals access, evaluate, and use available information. 
– Should encourage and support patients in attempting to seek required knowledge 
8. In the technological strategies in healthcare education using the worldwide web, this is designed
to create and  exchange information and is able to exist (and did) without the World Wide
a. Cyber 
b. Internet 
c. Computers 
d. Informatics 

Rationale: The Internet - Global network of computers 
– Designed to create and exchange information  
– World Wide Web is a small component of the Internet. 
– Able to exist (and did) without the World Wide Web 

9. The ability to use the computer hardware and software necessary to accomplish routine tasks. This is
known as: a. Web-based resources 
b. Computer literacy 
c. Patient portals 
d. Management Information 

Rationale: Computer literacy is the ability to use the computer hardware and software necessary to
accomplish routine  tasks. 
10. The following is true regarding New technology: 
a. It is raising the question of telepractice and licensure. 
b. New practice guidelines are likely 
c. None of the above 
d. All of the above 

Rationale: New technology is also raising the question of telepractice and licensure.New practice
guidelines are likely. Ease of use must be considered. E.g., patient portals (Need simple design, Test
data must be understandable, Question  responses must be checked for accuracy, Responses must
be timely. 

1. In the advent of Professional Education and the WWW, this can share audio and/or video with
participants in multiple locations at once. It is now growing in popularity as a training device for
sharing lectures and demonstrations 
a. Social Media 
b. Webcasts 
c. Webinars
d. E-Mail/Texting 

Rationale: Webcasts: Live broadcasts over the Internet 
– Can share audio and/or video with participants in multiple locations at once 
– Growing in popularity as a training device for sharing lectures and demonstrations 

2. Here, there is a web-based conferencing that allows for interaction. When well run, can be an
effective teaching  strategy 
a. Social Media 
b. Webcasts 
c. Webinars 
d. E-Mail/Texting 

Rationale: Webinars: Web-based conferencing that allows for interaction. When well run, can be an
effective teaching  strategy 

3. This is one of most popular ways to set up electronic discussion group 

a. Mailing Lists 
b. Other Online Discussions 
c. Electronic Discussion Groups 
d. Online Chats 

Rationale: One of most popular ways to set up electronic discussion group 
– Teach large groups at once 
– Learning resource 
– Collaborative learning 
– Learning from experience of others 
– Providing service to a specific group 

4. It provide a mechanism for information exchange between multiple people in many

locations at once a. Mailing Lists 
b. Other Online Discussions 
c. Electronic Discussion Groups 
d. Online Chats 

Rationale: Provide a mechanism for information exchange between multiple people in many locations
at once – May be scheduled or ongoing 

5. It is a technology for Professional Development in Nursing where the teacher and learner are
separated a. Distance education 
b. Staff development and training 
c. Digital Divide 
d. Continued education programs 

Rationale: Distance education: teacher and learner are separated 
– Available at online/traditional institutions 
– Includes online courses, correspondence courses, independent study,
videoconferencing – Can be very effective 
– Students with professional experiences have significant learning gains. 

6. Computer and Internet technology have become integral to daily life in the U.S. and other parts of the
a. True 
b. False 

Rationale: Computer and Internet technology have become integral to daily life in the U.S. and
other parts of the world. – Focuses are on how technology is used, the obstacles presented,
learning outcomes 

7. The following are the characteristics of Distance education: SATA 

a. Available at online/traditional institutions 
b. Includes online courses, correspondence courses, independent study,
videoconferencing c. Can be very expensive 
d. Students with professional experiences have no significant learning gains. 

Rationale: Available at online/traditional institutions, Includes online courses, correspondence
courses, independent  study, videoconferencing, Can be very effective, Students with professional
experiences have significant learning gains. 

8. Degree programs for distance learners at all levels are increasingly available. 
a. True 
b. False 

Rationale: Degree programs for distance learners at all levels are increasingly available. 

9. Continued education programs are widely available in a variety of formats. The following maybe
true, except: a. Keep practice current 
b. Provide career mobility 
c. Enhance professional development 
d. Guaranteed motivational costs effective 
Rationale: Continued education programs are widely available in a variety of formats. 
– Keep practice current 
– Provide career mobility 
– Enhance professional development 

10. Fifteen percent of American adults do not use the Internet. This Influenced by the
following: SATA a. age 
b. income  
c. education level  
d. ability 

Rationale: Fifteen percent of American adults do not use the Internet. 
– Influenced by age, income, education level, and ability 
– May not be used because of relevance, ease of use, expense, or physical access issues
– Those at risk are those older than 65, household income under $30k, did not complete
high school, those  with disabilities, households without children 

1. The conscientious use of current best evidence in making patient care decisions  
a. Evidence-based practice (EBP) 
b. Evidence from research (ER) 
c. Practice-based evidence (PBE) 
d. Evaluation (E) 

Rationale: Evidence-based practice (EBP): conscientious use of current best evidence in making patient
care decisions  

2. It is a systematic process that judges the worth or value of something 

a. Evidence-based practice (EBP) 
b. Evidence from research (ER) 
c. Practice-based evidence (PBE) 
d. Evaluation (E) 

Rationale: Evaluation: a systematic process that judges the worth or value of something 
– Provide evidence that what nurses do as educators makes a value-added difference in
the care they  provide 
– Ensure staff and students have knowledge, skills, and attitudes that demonstrate
competencies to deliver  safe, high-quality, evidence-based care 

3. A systematic data collection about client progress generated during treatment to enhance
care quality and  outcomes 
a. Evidence-based practice (EBP) 
b. Evidence from research (ER) 
c. Practice-based evidence (PBE) 
d. Evaluation (E) 

Rationale: Practice-based evidence (PBE): systematic data collection about client progress generated
during treatment to  enhance care quality and outcomes 
– Useful for assessment or evaluation 
– Can generate research questions 
4. There are five basic focus components of Evaluation. In determining the evaluation focus we
consider the persons or groups for whom the evaluation is being conducted. 
a. Audience 
b. Purpose 
c. Resources 
d. Scope 

Rationale: Audience – these are persons or groups for whom the evaluation is being conducted 

5. The reason why evaluation is being conducted 

a. Audience 
b. Purpose 
c. Resources 
d. Scope 
Rationale: In Determining the Evaluation Focus: Purpose: why an evaluation is being conducted 

6. There are five levels of Learner evaluation. Level III is also known as: 
a. Initial process 
b. Needs assessment 
c. Long term outcome 
d. Ongoing impact 

Rationale: Level III – Learner’s performance and attitude in daily setting (Long-term outcome) 

7. In designing the evaluation our Design Structure needs a level of rigor: All this are
applicable, except:  a. Precision 
b. Exactness 
c. Logical organization 
d. Consistency 

Rationale: All evaluations need a level of rigor: Precision, Exactness, Logical organization 
• How carefully planned the design must be depends on the questions to be answered, the complexity
of the scope, and how results will be used. 

8. In designing our evaluation, we conduct a comparison between research and evaluation.

This category is  conducted to generate new knowledge and/or expand existing
a. Evaluation 
b. Research 
c. Design 
d. Structure 

Rationale: In designing the Evaluation for Research - Audience is generic, Conducted to generate
new knowledge and/or  expand existing knowledge, Focus on sample representativeness,
generalizability of findings, Time constrained by study  funding 

9. In designing our evaluation, we conduct a comparison between research and evaluation.

This category is  conducted where the audience specific to single person, group,
institution, or location 
a. Evaluation 
b. Research 
c. Design 
d. Structure 

Rationale: Characteristics of Evaluation - Audience specific to single person, group, institution, or
location, Conducted to  make decisions in specific setting, Focused on needs of primary audience,
Time constrained by urgency of decisions to  be made 

10. During the conduct of evaluation, we have the so-called Barriers. The following are examples
of this barriers:  SATA 
a. Lack of focus clarity 
b. Lack of ability 
c. Fear of punishment or loss of self-esteem 
d. Anxiety related to unknown 

Rationale: We have 3 barriers to Evaluation found in the choices: ABC 

1. This is what part of conducting the evaluation - we assess feasibility of conducting evaluation as
a. Pilot test
b. Reliability 
c. Validity 
d. Conduct of study 

Rationale: Conduct a pilot test first. 
Assess feasibility of conducting the full evaluation as planned 
Especially if using a new instrument 
Especially if expensive, time consuming, or basis for major decisions 
Assess reliability, validity of instruments. 

2. The following are purposes of data analysis: SATA 

a. To organize data to provide meaningful information 
b. To provide answers to evaluation questions 
c. Audience focused 
d. Present results in person and in writing 

Rationale: Data analysis purposes: 
1. To organize data to provide meaningful information 
2. To provide answers to evaluation questions 

3. In conducting the Evaluation we include extra time to complete all steps and be prepared
for unexpected  delays. 
a. True 
b. False 

Rationale: Include extra time to complete all steps. Be prepared for unexpected delays. 
4. Having a sense of humour is also an important aspect in conducting the evaluation. 
a. True 
b. False 
c. Not sure 
d. Maybe 

Rationale: Keep a sense of humor! This is an important aspect in conducting the evaluation. 

5. During our data analysis decisions we based it on the nature of data, with evaluation
questions pertaining  to the following : SATA 
a. Data is quantitative and/or qualitative. 
b. Data is continuous or discrete. 
c. Data is differentiated by measurement level; determines which statistics can analyze  
d. Data should be reviewed by the respondents 

Rationale: Based on nature of data, evaluation questions 
Data is quantitative and/or qualitative. 
Data is continuous or discrete. 
Data is differentiated by measurement level; determines which statistics can analyze them 

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