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Notes 4 (Write on your notebook)

Catatan 4 (Tulislah dibuku catatanmu)

Instruction and Invitation

The purpose of instruction is an expression is used to give or ask somebody to do
something according to our desire. Tujuan dari Instruction adalah ungkapan yang digunakan
untuk menyuruh seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu.
Instuction terbagi 2
Command (Perintah)
VI + O
VI + O, Please
Be + Adjective
- Close the door! - Be on time, please!
- Open the window, please! - Be quiet, please!
- Wash your hand before eating! - Be careful, please!

Prohibition (Larangan)
Don’t + VI + O
Don’t Be + Adjective
NO +
- Don’t eat too much junk food. - Don’t be late to my class!
- Don’t do it, please! - Don’t be noisy, please!
- Don’t wash your hand here! - Don’t be rude to strangers!

The purpose of Giving Invitation is to invite someone to do something or asking
someone come into a place. Tujuan dari giving invitation adalah untuk meminta seseorang
melakukan sesuatu atau mengajak/mengundang seseorang kesuatu tempat.
Expression of Giving Invitation
 Would you come to …? (Maukah kamu datang?)
 Would you like ….? (Bisakah kamu…?)
 Would you mind …? (Maukah kamu..?)
 May you …? Can you …? (Bisakah kamu?)
Accepting Invitation Declining/ Rejecting Invitation
(Menerima Ajakan) (Menolak Ajakan)

 I’d like to …  I’d love to but … (Saya ingin tapi ..)

 I would thank you  Sorry, I can’t. (Maaf saya tidak bisa)
 All right  I’m not sure, I can’t.
 Thanks for your invitation  Thank you for asking me, but
(Terimakasih atas undangannya tapi..)
Dialogue 1
Vina : Do you have plan tomorrow?
Elfan : No, I don’t.
Vina : Would you like to come to my house? There is a small party celebration
my brother’s graduation. Giving Invitation
Elfan : Sure. I’d love to. Accepting Invitation

Dialogue 2
Chornelia : It’s a boring day!
Selvi : Why?
Chornelia : I have a lot of homework.
Selvi : Me, too. Would you come to my house tonight?
Giving Invitation
Chornelia : I’m sorry I don’t think I can. Declining Invitation

1. Make a video about mention 15 instruction and the meaning
(Buatlah video singkat menyebutkan 15 contoh perintah dan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia)
2. Make a video about simple dialogue by using expression of giving invitation with your
friends, sister, brother or someone who can help you.
(Buatlah video singkat tentang percakapan singkat yang menggunakan ungkapan ajakan
dengan teman, saudara kamu atau siapa saja yang bisa membantu kamu)

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