Glossary Unit 7

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7 Phan Trần Tuấn Hùng MSV: 2011510023

(1) Discover:
(verb) to make something known or visible.
Eg: Linda discovered that her brother had a talent for playing the violin.
(verb) to gain sight or knowledge of something that is previously unknown.
Eg: The Moon was discovered a long time ago.
(2) Invent:
(verb) to design or create something that has never been made before.
Eg: Thomas Edinson invented light bulbs
(verb) to create a reason, excuse or story that is not true
Eg: I’m so disappointed that you have invented the whole story.
(3) Innovate:
(verb) to introduce new things, ideas or ways of doing something or new
Eg: Apple has always been innovating its products.
(4) Design:
(verb) to make or draw plans for something
Eg: These shirts are designed for men.
(verb) to intend
Eg: This English-learning course is designed for beginners.
(noun) the way, pattern in which something is planned and made
Eg: The design of this building is unique.
(5) Nanoparticles
(noun) a particle of matter that is between 1 and
100 nanometres in diameter
In recent years, these materials have emerged as
important factors in modern medicine, with
medical applications ranging from contrast agents
in imaging to carriers for drug and gene delivery
into tumors. For example, because of its size,
nanoparticles can directly bring medication to
cancer cells to make cancer treatment more effective. However, nanoparticles
TAN232mien4KN.7 Phan Trần Tuấn Hùng MSV: 2011510023

also bring with them unique environmental and societal challenges, particularly
in regard to toxicity.
(6) Robot
(noun) a machine controlled by a computer that
is used to perform jobs automatically.
Robots have many exciting potential
applications, especially in medicine. where
attention to details and reliability are essential.
In recent years, robots are moving closer to
patient care and surgery. In this Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of robots in
health care is even more emphasized as they reduced the risk of spreading the
virus to doctors and nurses.
(7) 3D printing
(noun) the action or process of making a physical
object from a three-dimensional digital model,
typically by laying down many thin layers of a
material in succession.
3D printing was first developed in the 1980s. It has
many functions in a variety of industries,
especially in medical field. This technology could
be used to replace human organ transplants, speed
up surgical procedures, produce cheaper versions of required surgical tools, and
improve the lives of those reliant on prosthetic limbs.
(8) Amputation
(noun) the cutting off of a part of the body
Eg: He is so sad right now because he has to face an amputation of his leg.
(9) Limb
(noun) an arm or leg of a person or animal
Eg: He has broken his limb due to the accident
(noun) a large branch of a tree
Eg: The storm has made a limb of an apple tree fall down.
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(10) Disability
(noun) a physical or mental condition that makes
someone unable to act in a way that is considered
usual for most people, such as blindness, deafness,
Eg: There are a lot of people who can not work
because of disability.

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