Inlis Dili Soragnama - GIRISH SYNAGLAR

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Iňlis dili boýunça gürrüňdeşligiň temalary

1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - the President of Turkmenistan

2. National Holidays
3. The Turkmen Horses
4. Great Britain
5. Nature Protection in Turkmenistan
6. Historical Monuments of Turkmenistan
7. Healthy eating- Healthy Food
8. The Olympic Games
9. Turkmen customs and traditions
10. The Turkmen music
11. The Great Silk Road
12. The Nature of Turkmenistan
13. Turkmen carpet
14. Arch of Neutrality
15. Turkmenistan
16.About myself
17. Our family
18. Your friend’s family
19. Our house or flat
20. Your friend’s flat
21. Our school.
22. At an English lesson
23. My working day
24. My day off
25. Seasons
26. Your favourite season
27. The USA
28. Your favourite kind of sport
29. Your native town or village
30. My friend
31. Holidays in Turkmenistan
32. Your favourite holiday
33. Victory Day in Turkmenistan
34. How I spend my free time
35. Your hobby
36. Magtymguly
37. Our English language club
38. How I spend my summer holidays
39. My favourite English writer
40. My favourite American writer
41. An outstanding man of Turkmenistan
43. The British Isles
44. Turkmenistan is a country with an ancient culture
45. The sights of London
46. Our school library
47. The sights of Turkmenistan
48. Excursion to a museum
49. Ashgabat.
50. My favourite Turkmen writer
51. Great Britain
52. Scotland
53. London
1. Find the words in the Past Indefinite Tense
My name is Rejep. Yesterday I did not go to school. Yesterday I went to the farm. I helped my father. We
planted the fruit trees. I go to school. We have five lessons today.
2. Put the sentences in the Present Tense
Two women got water from a well. The third woman came up. An old man sat on a stone. He watched the
One woman said: “My son is very strong”.
Then the women asked the old man.

3.Put in plural
Two (woman) came up to the well.
Their (pail) were very heavy.
What can you say about our (son)?
(Son)? Where (was) they?
One of the (boy) did a somersault.
2. Put in the Past Indefinite Tense. Make some sentences.
To be, to have, to see, to work, to go, to play, to pay, to say, to bring.
5. Fill in blanks (somebody, anybody, nobody, something)
1. …is singing a song now.
2. Is there … in the classroom?
3. … saw him yesterday?
4. Give me … interesting to read.
6. Make up your own sentences with “to be going to”
7. Complete the sentences
1. I like sport because …
2. My friend did not go to skating yesterday because …
3. I watch the TV program “Hello, Doctor!” because …
4. Meret did not come to school because …
8. Find the general words
1. kind, honest, character, lazy, clever
2. to read, to write, to count, to study, to learn, to translate
3. a child, a person, a man, a woman, a teacher, a worker
4. a table, a chair, furniture, a sofa, a bed
5. potato, carrot, cabbage, onion, vegetable, tomato
9. Read and give synonyms to the words
1. a land- 1. old
2. ancient- 2. way, road
3. a route- 3. to lie
4. to locate- 4. the only
5. a territory- 5. a place
6. single- 6. a country
7. habitation 7. living
8. Grandeur 8. Wealth
10. Read and translate
Condition, translation, habitation, decoration, station, cooperation, delegation, invitation, dictation.
11. Translate into English and use them in your own sentences.
Hazar deňzi, Garagum çöli, Köpetdag daglary, Amyderýa, Orta Aziýa, Türkmenistanyň meýdany, özbek-
türkmen araçägi, senagat merkezi.
12. Translate the following word-combinations and use them in your own sentences
1. The urge to travel about the world
2. Cultural values of other people
3. Gradual decline
4. For geographical reasons
5. To cover the main towns
6. The joint cultural heritage of mankind
13. Fill in the necessary Participles
1. The poem (writing, written) by R. Burns was recited well.
2. This book (reading, read) by my mother was very interesting.
3. He liked his songs (singing, sung) by his mother.
4. The monument (building, built) in the centre of the city was very beautiful.
5. The girl (drawing, drawn) the picture is my sister.
6. This plant (growing, grown) in this garden is very useful.
14. Fill in the necessary prepositions and translate the following sentences
Use with, for, in front of, instead of, at.
1. He will receive a beating … the whole school.
2. I could agree to receive a beating … money.
3. You must suffer … what you have done.
4. I shall give it to you here … home.
5. I can’t allow you to connect our name … such things.
15. Put the following sentences in the right tense
1. If it rained they (will, would) stay at home.
2. When they returned their father (will, would) have tea.
3. If I learned the rule I (shall, should) write the dictation well.
4. If the boy brought the books the people (will, would) be glad.
16. Make up disjunctive questions
1. The little boy has washed himself.
2. They have bought two nice ties.
3. My sister has made a new dress.
4. We have translated the text.
5. He has not traveled by train.
6. You have not cleaned the rooms.
17. Fill in the blanks
1. The Murgab is … (a sea, a river, a lake).
2. Pollution destroys … (a city, plant, animal).
3. … is everywhere (man, river, water).
4. We have to keep our streams and rivers … (clean, large, hot).
5. There is no … in the desert (plant, animal, water).
6. … is the main source in the desert (a well, a river, a lake, a sea).
18. Read and translate the sentences
1. Carpet-making is an ancient art.
2. We admire the ornaments and harmonious of colours of Turkmen carpets.
3. Carpet-making preserved the ancient traditions of the art.
4. At all times Turkmen carpets are considered to be best in the world.
5. This is testified by numerous international awards.
19. Find the verbs and write them in the present tense
Played, ready, dish, written, touched, got, made, does, school, guests, easy, guessed, ate, left, book, did,
began, filled, wrote, went.
20. Change the active verbs to passive verbs
1. The teacher helps me.
2. The teacher helps Maral.
3. The teacher helps us.
4. The teacher reads a book.
5. We read a book.
6. They read a book.
21. Put the verb into the present continuous or present perfect continuous.
1. Hello, Tom I (look) _______ for you all morning. Where have you been?
2. Why (you/look) ______ at me like that? Stop it.
3. We always go to Ireland for our holidays. We (go) _____ there for years.
4. I think ______ about what you said and I’ve decided to take your advice.
5. “Is Ann on holiday this week?” No, she (work _____ very hard recently.
22. Fill the blanks. Use can, must or may
1. In the picture you _____ see our living-room.
2. Where _____ I make a change?
3. He _____ speak English well.
4. _____ I come in?
5. You _____ work hard.
6. After classes you _____ go to the cinema.
7. You ______ prepare your English.
8. I ______ give you this book.
23. Write participle II forms of the given verbs to complete the sentences
1. I live in the house _______ (to build) two years ago.
2. I must do the _______ (to write) translation of this text.
3. I like the girl _______ (to ask) at the English lesson.
4. The translation ______ (to write) by this girl is good.
24. Make Participle II forms of these verbs.
To give, to stand, to study, to read, to include, to show, to advertise, to have, to be, to enter.
25. Put reflexive or personal pronouns
1. Meret bought a book and taught ________ to play the guitar.
2. The computer will turn _______ off if you don’t use it.
3. We looked at _______ in the mirror to check our masks.
4. Don’t pay any attention to _______ he always said.
26. Complete sentences
1. Magtymguly was a great _______.
2. Many researches are learning his _______.
3. Many poems of Magtymguly were ______.
4. This poem consists of seven ______.
27. Write the comparative forms of these adjectives
Busy, big, good, hard, difficult, interesting, comfortable, high, fresh, weak, short.
28. Make questions out of the sentences
1. The ARCH of Neutrality is in the principal square of Ashgabat.
2. It shows the independence, neutrality and friendship of our country.
3. On the top of it, there is 12-metre sculpture of our lovely President.
4. The designer of the monument is Babasary Annamyradov.
5. Turkmenistan got its Neutrality in 1995.
29. Use each or every to complete the sentences.
1. All the students enjoyed the show. ____ student enjoyed it.
2. The school rooms are pretty. _____ one is decorated differently.
3. In the winter, _____ student must wear a warm coat out-of-doors.
4. There are 20 children at the lesson. _____ child is well prepared.
5. Rejep drew 3 pictures. _____ picture is different.
30. Make one sentence from two. Use who/that/which
1. A man answered the phone. He told me you were away.
The man _____
2. A waitress served us. She was very polite and patient.
The ______
3. A building was destroyed in the fire. It was now been rebuilt.
The building _____
4. Some people were arrested. They have now been released.
The _______
5. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour.
The bus _______
31. Match the two columns to make good sentences
1. A dictionary is a book who run away from school.
2. I don’t like pupils that gives the meaning of words.
3. What was the name of the horse who doesn’t like to study.
4. The book is about a girl which won the race.
32. Read and write transcription of these words
Entire, focus, concentration, issue, unique, evolutionary, doctrine, conceptual, justification, nominated,
33. Complete the sentences with on time, in time or just in time.
1. I like to get up_______ to take a shower.
2. The bus was late this morning but it’s usually ______.
3. The 6:30 train left _______.
4. I want to get home ______ to watch my favourite TV program.
5. The opposite of ______ is late.
6. The opposite of ______ is too late.
34. Answer the question
If you were these people, what would you do?
Doctor, pilot, teacher, engineer, shepherd, jeweler, lawyer, mechanic, artist, musician.
35. Put the verb in the right form: -ing or infinitive (with or without to)
1. I’ve never been to Lebap but I’d like ______ there.(go)
2. I’m in a difficult position. What do you advise me ____? (do)
3. She said the letter was only for her and wouldn’t allow me ____ it. (read)
4. Where would you recommend me ______ for my holidays? (go)
5. The film was very sad. But they didn’t allow _____. (cry)
36. Find the most general word.
1. Turkmenistan, Russia, USA, country, Great Britain
2. Teke, Yomut, Beshir, Dashoguz, carpet
3. Ashgabat, Moscow, London, Washington, capital
4. river, water, sea, lake, ocean
5. gas, oil, coal, iron, resources

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