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Subject: Science and Religion

Topic: The development of Science and donation of human body organs.

Submitted to: Rev. George Livingston Bandi

Submitted by: B. Abin Andrews

1. Introduction:

Science is a body of  empirical and theoretical knowledge, produced by a global

community of researchers, making use of specific techniques for the observation and explanation of
real phenomena, this techne as a whole being summed up under the heading of scientific method. As such,
the history of science draws on the historical methods of both intellectual history and social history.1

Treating the people with completely failed organs was an impossible task to the medical staff.The only result for
this is death or complete failure of organs. When this was the situation in the year 1954 December, Roland
Herrick became the worlds first organ donor in a successful transplant procedure. Ronald donated his kidney to
his twin brother Richard who was dying from Chronic Nephritis (an inflammation of kidney). Doctors have also
tried many transplants before but the recipient’s body always rejected the donated, foreign organ. But in this
case the genetic makeup and tissue types of identical twins would be same and one, thus offers the highest
chances for a successful transplant and it was successful too. 2 And from then many medical research works were
carried out and were very successful and many people were transplanted with organs and have given a grace
life. This paper emphasises on the merits anddemerits of the Organ donation, though it seems to be very helpful
to save lives but still there are also some demerits involved.

2. Organ donation:

The process of removal of once organ and surgically replacing it in another person. 3 This process
should be done only when a person is willing to donate, which is legal and it can also take place by the assent of
the next of kin of a dead person. 4 In other words, organ donation takes healthy organs and tissues from one
person for transplantation into another. Experts say that the organs from one donor can save or help as many as
50 people.5Organ donation includes in donation of organs such as heart, lung, kidney, liver, intestines, pancreas,
and it also includes in donation of tissues (a group of cells performing a particular function in the human body) 6
like cornea, middle ear, skin, bone, bone marrow, heart valves, connective tissues and vascularized composite
allografts (transplant of several structures that may include skin, bone, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and
connective tissues).7

Any scientific or medical advancement is made only for the development of the people in all aspects.
But later on, they were misused in every sector including medical. Though organ transplantation/ donation has
saved many lives, still it has two faces. There are many profitable merits and simultaneously has demerits too.
Some of the merits and demerits are brought together below.

3. Merits of Human Organ Donation:

3.1 Gifting Life

Organ donors are rightfully considered as life savers. Around the globe, the number of people waiting
to receive organs is about 118,000 and start living a normal life. Undoubtedly, organ donors are reflected as
blessed people involved in curbing the sufferings of organ receivers, by providing a part of their body.8

Scheve, Tom,
Zahid (published on, nov 27, 2015).

3.2 Multiple Recipients

According to the statistical record of American Government information on organ donation and
transplantation, an average of 8 lives could be saved by a single individual willing to donate organs. The
statistical analysis is based upon the number of organs donated by person, i.e., two kidney, two lungs, heart,
intestine, pancreas and liver. Other than vital organs, the cornea of eyes, skin and various body tissues are also

3.3 Personal Contentment

People in the waiting list of getting organs are in massive pain of suffering as well as patience. Their
families are also driven by the endurance of grievances, as their loved one is under continuous agony. Under the
light of this increasing pain, the organ donor acts as a ray of hopefulness, not only for the suffering but also the
afflicted relatives.10

3.4 No Age Limitations

An individual is not refrained by age limitation, in order to donate the organ. People of any age can act
as organ donors unless hey are not affected by any serious illness or disease.11

3.5 Prospective Scientific Research

There were situations when the organs gained, from the process of organ donation, are used for
advanced scientific research and medical studies. Such as, in certain situations, the organ donated is not
preserved properly and is used for research purposes. Similarly, patient suffering from any genetic diseases are
asked to donate their organs, after death, to aid in potential research and development in medical advancement,
for saving future lives.12

3.6 Immediate Recovery

The advancement in the field of drugs development and medical sciences have led to the facilitation of
patients as well as donors. The recovery phase post organ transplantation has reduced immensely as compared to
before. The organs transplanted such as liver and kidneys start doing their work inside the body straight away.
For the donor, the use of effective medicines along with better care facilities, lessen the process of recovery,
after the surgical procedure. The administration of medicines helps in the prevention of post- surgical infection
and pain.13

3.7 Regaining Normal Lifestyle

The procedure of organ transplantation results in better quality of life and enhanced living years for the
recipient. The patient comes out of prolonging discomfort of organ support, as in the case of patients of kidney
dialysis. Recipient regains usual life activities and gets rolling things in life to the fullest. 14

4. Demerits of human organ donation:

4.1 Decreased Donors Availability

It is estimated that the number of people in the waiting list for organ demand is increasing as compared
to organ givers per day. In 2015, 121,000 people were not able to receive organs due to the lack of organ donors
in the United states. The problem has markedly affected the transplantation fate of organs. The major part of
organ donation comes from deceased people instead of living donors that are unwilling to donate their organs. 15

4.2 prolong Grievances


During the procedure of organ transplantation, the patient has to endure the painful process of the
incision and is kept on persistent life support for an indefinite period. The purpose if life support is to keep the
cells and tissue of the body in proper working condition. The period has acritical impact on relatives and family.
To watch someone fighting for life for an extended period is a heartfelt experience through which the relatives
have to pass.

4.3 Organ Rejection

It is necessary for the organ of the donor and recipient to match with each other otherwise the
transplantation process, the tissue cross match takes the place of donor and the recipient. Sometimes, the body
of the recipient rejects the donor’s organ. Scientifically, it happens because of the recipient’s immune system
rejecting the donor organ or tissue taking it as a foreign entity. Therefore, the organ transplantation is not always
successful due to hindrance of transplant rejection.16

4.4 Pain

The process of organ transplantation could be a painful and hurting experience for both the donor and
recipient. The degree of pain and discomfort following the procedure varies depending upon the type of organ
transplanted and incision recovery. However, it would be there to some extent. Doctors prescribe multiple
anesthetic medicines to lessen the after-effects of surgery but time is required by the medicine to manifest their
mode of action.17

4.5 Infection

Chances of post-surgical infections are frequent in recipient and donor. Due to the lack of specific
screening techniques and limited possibilities, an infection may pass on to the recipient from infected organ of
the donor. Moreover, post-operative mishandlings may also lead to the incidence of infections in donors. 18

4.6 Less Probability of Relief

Due to the increased number of risks involved in the procedure, the process of organ donation has less
probability of complete success. The relief to the donor is also on a stake. It is estimated that donors of a kidney
transplant have lessened life expectancy as compared to normal individuals.19

4.7 Expensive Procedures

Due to the technicalities and precisions, the procedure of organ transplant is not easy on finance.
During and post-operative requirement of care and support involves and increased number of expenditures.
Even before the surgery is performed, the phase of matching donor and recipient organs is highly priced due to
the precision of methods involved to check the donor’s organ of any malfunctioning and infection. 20

4.8 Late Discharge

If donor considers that he would be discharged immediately after donating his organ then, it is
mistaken. The donor has to be kept under the medical supervision of a few days, in order to notify any internal
bleeding or hemorrhage. For the recipient, it is definite to be kept under strict observation and care till proper

4.9 Risks associated with Donor Women

Though the ability to conceive is not affected in donor women, it is important that the doctor needs to
be reported of donation when going for conception. Recently, the issues of increased blood pressure and pre-
eclampsia have been reported in women who have donated their organs for transplantation. 22

4.10Blood Loss


During the surgical procedure, the incidence of increased bleeding could also occur in donor and
recipient. The importance of preventing the blood loss in the midst of operation is undeniable as it could end up
in lethal effects. The specified cases of blood loss are quite common in liver transplantation procedures. 23

4.11Lack of Awareness

Many people are being cheated by forcefully taking the organs from people and by showing them the
money to those who are financially in deep need. Many of these incidents happen very often, recently in
Vijayawada, a city of Andhra Pradesh a couple was trapped and were made to sell their organ for very less
amount and were cheated by a kidney rocket which was stated in times of India dated 14 September 2020.24


Though they are many demerits in this paper dominating merits, the importance of organ donation is
high in the world today. People should come up with the commitment to donate organs at least after death,
awareness should be spread rampant among the people about the importance and need of organ donation. But
still in this present situation organ donation is granting life to many and it is ethical too.

Webliography: seeks-to-sell-kidney-duped-of-rs-
17-lakh/articleshow/78097013.cms y%20organs%20and
%20tissues%20from,can%20be%20donated%20while%20the%2 0donor%20is%20alive. cons.html/#:~:text=1%20Organ%20Donation%20Pros
%201.%20Gifting%20Life%20 2.,Procedures%208.%20Late%20Discharges%209.%20...%203%20References
Scheve, Tom donation.htm,
Zahid, (published on, Nov 27, 2015).



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