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PST / JEST General Science Class 5 Unit.1 Classification of Living Things

Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Kingdom Animalia deals with? Answer: Animals
Q2. Kingdom Plantae deals with? Answer: Plants
Q3. Kingdom Monera deals with? Answer: Bacteria
Q4. Kingdom Protista deals with? Answer: Eukaryotic organism (single cells)
Q5. Kingdom Fungi deal with? Answer: Prokaryotic organisms (mushroom)
Q6. Animals without backbone are called? Answer: Invertebrates
Q7. What is eukaryotic cell? Answer: Single cell
Q8. What is prokaryotic cell? Answer: Multicellular
Q9. Study of Algae is called? Answer: Phycology
Q10. Study of Fungi is called? Answer: Mycology
Q11. Plants, animals and fungi are? Answer: Multicellular organisms
Q12. Bacteria and fungi are? Answer: Unicellular organisms
Q13. Plants make their own food by? Answer: Photosynthesis
Q14. A process that do not take place in fungi is? Answer: Photosynthesis
Q15. Algae make their own food by? Answer: Photosynthesis
Q16. Cutleria, Ulva and Volvox are diseases caused by? Answer: Algae
Q17. The word Animal comes from a Latin word meaning? Answer: Soul or Breathe
Q18. Animals are further divided into two groups called? Answer: Vertebrates and invertebrates
Q19. Animals with backbone are called? Answer: Vertebrates
Q20. Which plants have parallel leaf venation? Answer: Monocot plants
Q21. Which plants have netted venation of leaves? Answer: Dicot plants
Q22. Worms, spiders and insects are example of? Answer: Invertebrate animals
Q23. Instead of seeds what non-flowering produces? Answer: Spores
Q24. Ferns and mosses are example of? Answer: Non-flowering plants
Q25. Birds and animals are? Answer: Warm-blooded
Q26. Fishes, amphibians and reptiles are? Answer: Cold-blooded
Q27. How many kinds of fishes are there? Answer: 30,000
Q28. The body of fish is covered with? Answer: Scales
Q29. A fish swims in the water by its? Answer: Fins


Q30. Fishes take breath through their part called? Answer: Gills
Q31. Animals that live in land as well as water are? Answer: Amphibians
Q32. Amphibians lay their eggs in? Answer: Water
Q33. Frogs, toads, newts and salamanders are example of? Answer: Amphibians
Q34. Plants that do not produce flowers are called? Answer: Non-flowering plants
Q35. Reptiles lay their eggs on? Answer: Land
Q36. How many species of plants have been discovered? Answer: 380,000
Q37. How many kinds of birds are there? Answer: 9,000
Q38. Which is biggest bird in the word? Answer: Ostrich
Q39. How many pairs of jointed legs do insects have? Answer: Three
Q40. Which is the only mammal that can fly in air? Answer: Bat
Q41. How many kinds of insects are there? Answer: 80,000
Q42. Which insects are environment friendly? Answer: Earthworms
Q43. Heaviest insect found in Africa is? Answer: Goliath Beetle

Q44. Who proposed the five-kingdom classification in 1969?

Answer: Robert H. Whittaker

Q45. Plants are divided into two main groups called?

Answer: Flowering plants and Non-flowering plants

Q46. A process in which plants make their own food is called?

Answer: Photosynthesis

Q47. Seeds of dicot plants contain of how many cotyledons (seed leaf)?
Answer: Two cotyledon

Q48. Flowers of which plants have four or multiple of four floral leaves?
Answer: Dicot plants

Q49. Animals that give birth to their babies and feed them with milk are?
Answer: Mammals

Q50. Seeds of monocot plants contain of how many cotyledons (seed leaf)?
Answer: One cotyledon

Q51. Flowers of which plants have three or multiple of three floral leaves?
Answer: Monocot plants

Q52. Lizards, snakes, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoise are example of?
Answer: Reptiles


Q53. Vertebrates animals that maintain a constant body temperature are called?
Answer: War-blooded

Q54. Animals that spend most of their life on land but do often live in water are?
Answer: Reptiles

Q55. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are example of?
Answer: Vertebrate animals

Q56. Vertebrates animals that take on the temperature of their surrounding are called?
Answer: Cold-blooded

Q57. Flowering plants are further divided into two main types called?
Answer: Monocot plants and dicot plants

58. Spider is an insect (False)

59. All insects have two pairs of wings (False)


For PST / JEST Test General Science Class 5 Unit.2 Microorganisms
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Pen cilium is fungus that produces antibiotic called? Answer: Penicillin

Q2. How many cells do bacteria have? Answer: One

Q3. Escherichia is an example of? Answer: Bacteria

Q4. Common cold is caused by? Answer: Flu virus

Q5. Influenza is an example of? Answer: Virus

Q6. Which are the non-cellular organisms? Answer: Virus

Q7. Yeast is an example of? Answer: Fungi

Q8. Which are largest microbes among bacteria, virus and fungi? Answer: Fungi

Q9. Microorganisms are grouped as? Answer: Virus, bacteria and fungi

Q10. Any disease caused by presence of microbial organisms in the body is called an? Answer: Infection


General Science Class 5 Unit.3 Seeds, their Structure and Germination
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. What types of seeds are there? Answer: Monocot and Dicot

Q2. Seed coat is known as? Answer: Testa

Q3. The opening of the seed is called? Answer: Micropyle

Q4. Mini plant inside the seed is called? Answer: Embryo

Q5. Which part of seed develops into new plant? Answer: Embryo

Q6. What emerges first in new plant? Answer: Roots

Q7. Structure that emerges from the soil of new plant is called? Answer: Hypocotyl

Q8. A part of seed that contains stored food is called? Answer: Endosperm

Q9. Most seeds germinate between the temperatures? Answer: 16 to 24 Centigrade

Q10. In which type of seed the process Epigeal germination takes place? Answer: Dicot seed

Q11. In which type of seed the process Hypogeal germination takes place? Answer: Monocot seed

Q12. Seed germination in which the cotyledons remain inside the soil is called? Answer: Hypogeal germination

Q13. Seed germination in which the cotyledons emerge above the ground is called? Answer: Epigeal germination


For PST / JEST General Science Class 5 Unit.4 Environmental Pollution
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Which is main causes of ozone depletion? Answer: Air pollution

Q2. Air pollution is caused by? Answer: Solid, liquid and gases pollutants

Q3. Water borne diseases are caused by? Answer: Water pollution

Q4. Cholera, diarrhea and typhoid diseases are caused by?

Answer: Microbial pollutants

Q5. Asthma is due to the exposure to a type of environment pollution called?

Answer: Air Pollution


General Science Class 5 Unit.5 Matter and Changes in its State
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. What is melting point of ice? Answer: 0 Centigrade

Q2. A process in which liquid changes into gas without boiling is called? Answer: Evaporation

Q3. A process in which water vapor changes into liquid on cooling is called? Answer: Condensation

Q4. In water cycle, water is available in how many states of matter? Answer: Three (all)

Q5. Tiny droplets of water is called? Answer: Moisture

Q6. A thick cloud of water droplets on the earth’s surface is called? Answer: Fog

Q7. Drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night due to condensation is called? Answer: Dew


For PST / JEST Test General Science Class 5 Unit.6 Force and Machine
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. A force that stops things from moving easily is called? Answer: Friction

Q2. Fraction is a force which always opposes? Answer: Motion

Q3. Friction forces are larger on? Answer: Rough surfaces

Q4. Fraction forces are smaller on? Answer: Smooth surfaces

Q5. Fraction forces between the air and moving object cause? Answer: Resistance

Q6. Force that opposes any object moving through the air is called? Answer: Air resistance

Q7. A force of attraction between two objects is called? Answer: Gravity

Q8. Quantity of matter in an object is? Answer: Mass

Q9. Mass is measured in? Answer: Kilogram

Q10. Weight is the pull of? Answer: Gravity

Q11. Weight is measured in? Answer: Newtons

Q12. In third kind of lever, effort is between? Answer: Load and fulcrum

Q13. Lever is a kind of? Answer: Simple machine

Q14. A lever is a long bar which moves around a fixed point called? Answer: Fulcrum

Q15. In first kind of lever, fulcrum is between? Answer: Effort and load

Q16. In second kind of lever, load is between? Answer: Effort and fulcrum

Q17. How many kinds of lever are there? Answer: Three (first, second and third kind of lever)

Q18. A type of simple machine with two slanting sides ending in a sharp edge is called? Answer: Wedge


General Science Class 5 Unit.7 Properties and Behavior of Light
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Light is a form of?
Answer: Energy

Q2. Light travels in a?

Answer: Straight line

Q3. Million tons of helium?

Answer: One second

Q4. Solar eclipse occurs when moon is between?

Answer: Earth and sun

Q5. When lights rays bounce back, it is called?

Answer: Reflection

Q6. Speed of light in a vacuum is?

Answer: 300 million meters per second

Q7. The missing 4 billion tons of mass are discharged into?

Answer: Space

Q8. Lunar eclipse occurs when earth is between?

Answer: Moon and sun

Q9. How many phases of moon are there?

Answer: Eight

Q10. Last phase of moon when it disappears is called?

Answer: Waning Crescent Moon

Q11. The phase of New Moon is called?

Answer: Waxing Crescent Moon


Q12. A object which produces and emits its own light is called?
Answer: Luminous

Q13. Objects that allow light to travel through them are called?
Answer: Transparent objects

Q14. Objects that allow some light to travel through them are called?
Answer: Translucent objects

Q15. Objects that do not allow light to travel through them are called?
Answer: Opaque objects

Q16. How much heat and light does earth receive from four billion tons of mass?
Answer: Two billionths

Q17. When light is blocked by opaque objects, what is formed on opposite side of object?
Answer: Shadow

Q18. A object that does not produce light but it reflects light that comes from luminous
object is called?
Answer: Non-luminous


For PST/JEST General Science Class 5 Unit.8 Electricity and Magnetism
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Electromagnetic always needs? Answer: Electricity

Q2. What things are used to draw a circuit diagram? Answer: Symbols

Q3. The buildup of electric charges is called? Answer: Static electricity

Q4. What is the inside the fuse? Answer: Wire

Q5. Wire of fuses stops the flow of? Answer: Current

Q6. A fuse can also be called as a? Answer: Circuit breaker

Q7. Electrons of atom revolve outside the? Answer: Nucleus

Q8. Protons and neutrons are present inside the? Answer: Nucleus

Q9. Protons and neutrons are made up of? Answer: Quarks

Q10. Electron was discovered by? Answer: J. J Thomas in 1897

Q11. Proton was discovered by? Answer: Ernest Rutherford in 1920

Q12. Neutron was discovered by? Answer: James Chadwick in 1932

Q13. Bar magnet has a? Answer: Permanent magnetic field

Q14. Who were the discovers of magnetite? Answer: Chinese


Q15. Who is father of magnet?
Answer: William Gilbert

Q16. Electromagnetic has a?

Answer: Temporary magnetic field

Q17. What happens when oppositely charged clouds interact with each other?
Answer: Lightening

Q18. Flow of negative electric charges through an electronic path is called?

Answer: Electric current

Q19. What happens when balloons are rubbed with the wool cloth?
Answer: They will repel each other

Q20. What happens when two opposite poles of magnets are brought close to each other?
Answer: They attract

Q21. What happens when two same poles of magnets are brought close to each other?
Answer: They repel

Q22. A safety device used in circuit to protect the appliances and its wiring from damage
is called?
Answer: Fuse


For PST/JEST General Science Class 5 Unit.9 Soils
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. The surface layer of land is called?
Answer: Soil

Q2. The organic matter in soil is called?

Answer: Humus

Q3. Sandy, salty, clay and loam are the types of?
Answer: Soil

Q4. A soil which is mixture of sand, silt and clay is referred as?
Answer: Loam

Q5. A process which soil is displaced from the earth surface by agents is called?
Answer: Erosion

Q6. A process in which a dead organism is broken down into simple nutrients is called?
Answer: Decomposition


For PST/JEST General Science Class 5 Unit.10 Our Solar System
Admins: Irfan Ali Bhan Imran Ali Sangi Sajid Ali Gilal #0333-3470262
Q1. Which is national space of Pakistan? Answer: SUPARCO

Q2. SUPARCO was established in? Answer: ( )

Q3. How many minutes do light of sun take to reach the earth? Answer: 8 minutes

Q4. Sun weighs as much as? Answer: 330,000 earths

Q5. How many earths can fit inside the sun? Answer: 1,300,000

Q6. How many earths can be equal to sun in terms of size? Answer: 109 earths

Q7. What is distance between sun and earth? Answer: 150 million km

Q8. What is age of sun? Answer: 4.5 billion years

Q9. Closest planet to sun is? Answer: Mercury

Q10. Smallest planet in solar system is? Answer: Mercury

Q11. Mercury is mostly made up of? Answer: Iron

Q12. Brightest and hottest planet in solar system is? Answer: Venus

Q13. Which is sister planet of earth? Answer: Venus


Q14. Which is the biggest of all the terrestrial planet? Answer: Earth

Q15. Which planet is called red planet? Answer: Mars

Q16. How many moons does mars has? Answer: Two

Q17. Name of moons of mars are? Answer: Deimos and Phobos

Q18. Largest planet in solar system is? Answer: Jupiter

Q19. Name the biggest moon of Jupiter? Answer: Ganymede

Q20. Ganymede was discovered by? Answer: Galileo

Q21. Which is least dense planet of solar system? Answer: Saturn

Q22. Most well-known moon of Saturn is? Answer: Titan

Q23. Which is second largest moon in solar system? Answer: Titan

Q24. Which is known as green planet? Answer: Uranus

Q25. How many moons does Uranus have? Answer: 27

Q25. The largest moon of Uranus is? Answer: Titania

Q26. Which is farthest planet from sun? Answer: Neptune

Q27. How many rings of Neptune are there? Answer: Six


Q28. How many moons does Neptune have? Answer: 13

Q29. Meteoroids are known as? Answer: Shooting stars

Q30. Asteroids are found between? Answer: Mars and Jupiter

Q31. Asteroids are sometimes called? Answer: Planetoids

Q31. Vesta is an example of? Answer: Asteroid

Q32. Comets are bodies made up of? Answer: Ice, dust and rock

Q33. Comets are also known as? Answer: Dirty snowballs

Q34. Center of comet is known as? Answer: Nucleus

Q35. Which bodies produce a long tail due to the heat from the sun? Answer: Comets

Q36. The longest volcano of solar system “Olympus Mons” lies in? Answer: Mars

Q37. SUPARCO stands for? Answer: Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission


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