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Deflection of Simply

Supported Beam
Presented To Sir Zia-ur-Rehman Tahir

UMER LIAQAT 2021-ME-164 (D) Technical Writing

Umer Liaqat 2021-ME-164 (D) Technical Writing

Table of Contents
Types of beams..........................................................................................................................4
Boundary condition..............................................................................................................5
Continuity condition.............................................................................................................5
Symmetric condition.............................................................................................................5
Experimental method...................................................................................................................6
Numerical method.......................................................................................................................7
Analytical method........................................................................................................................7
Numerical results.............................................................................................................................8
For I beam....................................................................................................................................8
For rectangular beam...................................................................................................................9
For c section...............................................................................................................................10
Analytical results...........................................................................................................................12
For I beam..................................................................................................................................12
For rectangular beam.................................................................................................................12
For c section beam.....................................................................................................................12
Experimental results......................................................................................................................14
Error analysis.................................................................................................................................14
Area of each section.......................................................................................................................17
Area of I beam...........................................................................................................................17
Area of rectangular beam...........................................................................................................17

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Area of c sectional beam............................................................................................................17

Volume of each section.................................................................................................................17
Volume of I beam......................................................................................................................17
Volume of c sectional beam......................................................................................................17
Mass of each section......................................................................................................................18
Mass of I beam...........................................................................................................................18
Mass of rectangular beam..........................................................................................................18
Mass of c sectional beam...........................................................................................................18
Price of each section......................................................................................................................18
Price per kg for I beam..............................................................................................................18
Price of c sectional beam...........................................................................................................18
Comparison with respect to prices.............................................................................................19

To determine the deflection of a simply supported beam

In this experiment a simply supported beam made of steel as per LDR. Having young’s modulus
of 200 G PA was used to calculate deflection when load is applied to the center of beam load
values are provided on the excel sheet. For the calculation of deflection of beam, we first have to
know the value of second moment of inertia or we can say area moment of inertia. For
calculating it. I have been provided with length of beam 3.4m, total height of beam 0.0139m total
width of beam 0.069 and thickness of beam 0.0139 we have been provided with the
experimental, from formula we will get the analytical and then computational .

Deflection is the bending due to a shear stress applied. A beam is an elemental thing which is
placed horizontally in order to hold on the force that is placed on it vertically. Beam is use for
building roof, bridges and flyovers. Beam takes load that id applied on it and transfer it to ends in
horizontal columns, walls and the support provided to the both side of the beam. Beam have

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various types. Deflection of beam is the bending of beam when load is being placed over to it. If
the deflection is in form of circle. We call it circular deflection. Deflection represents the
deviation of beam to transverse loading [1]
Deflection refers to the disjoining of the beam from its original position or movement from the
original position to the other position due to the load or stress This is use to check the capability
of beam how much it can be bended and at what angle it bends it is very important to know about
the deflection of the material of that beam used so that all the precautionary measures must be
taken for that material.
The equation for the calculation of deflection of beam is quite necessary and useful for the
calculation of the deflection inshort time. Deflection can occur in the things other than beams
such as trusses etc. calculation of the deflection of beam varied on different materials and
different things. There is a series of variety of different formulas for the calculation of deflection
of every type of beam. for the calculation of beam deflection, we use different type of formulas
for it. In general, we use this formula for simply supported beam
48 EI
D= deflection of beam L=length of beam
W=force acting at center E=young’s modulus

The unit of deflection is basically the unit of displacement and length. It is usually measured in
mm. The importance for the deflection of beam is that for the emergency cases like earth quakes
and natural disasters. That can cause issue to building supported be beam we therefore use the
beams having high capacity to restrain it bending and deflection of beam mostly depends on
certain things for it. The beams with the greater mass will be less deflected as compare to others.
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This experiment helps us to know how to check its deflection and how to measure it. So, in the
places where there is high risk of earthquakes, natural disasters or the place where the heavy
loads are place, we use such beams that have high resistance against them. It will lessen the
chance of any issue. The experiment is very important for the construction of any bridge,
building the civil engineers first check the material use in beams than check whether it is suitable
for it or not.[2]
There are many types of beams on the basis of different nature. Some of them are on the basis of
construction materials, based on loads and supports, based on equilibrium condition and
Types of beams

1. Timber beam
It is use in wooden roof but now it is being limited due to new technology
2. Steel beam
It is made of steel. These are very strong beams and use in heavy loads support
3. Simply supported beam
It is the one of most important type of beam. It from one of its sides supported by pinned beam
and from the other side it can be pinned or roller that can be used. It experience both bending and
4. Fixed beam
It is the type of beam that is supported and fixed from the both end
5. Over hanging beam
Overhanging beam is similar with the simply supported beam but it is increased from one end of
a beam is supported by column and the other end is overhung without support. It is use to make
balconies and residential buildings
6. Cantilever beam
It is a type of beam that is fixed from the one side of the beam and free from the other side of the
7. Lintel beam
These are the type of beam that are use on the top of the house windows and doors
8. Tapered beam
It is a type of beam with a tapered shape based on construction methodology.

Then there are different value of integration constant for deflection under three different
conditions these conditions are as below

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 Boundary condition
When slope and deflection both are zero thus it is use to calculate the constant of
 Continuity condition
when the region of integration meets. Its deflection is continuous at the slope
providing constant of integration
 symmetric condition
it is applied when value of slope at mid is zero it provides extra equation for
calculation of slope
now the method of successive integration sometime uses for finding deflection there is a new
integral approach from which we can find the deflection of beam and it is moment integral
treatment but it is used for complex load and analysis varies from structure to different structure.
This type of versatile approach requires only a general technique of application some of the
elementary gives us results for deflection a beam during a short life span. The major problem
being faced during process between load and extension to given slope[4]
the differential equation for the curve of deflection of beam is given by

d v M
dx EI
On the basis of equation there are two types of beams
 non prismatic beam
 prismatic beam

 Determine the maximum deflection at the midpoint of beam

 Comparison between experimental, analytical and computational result
 Determine the cost of each beam
 Determine whose price is less and whose deflection is less than tell which one is better

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To measure deflection by using experimental method we have to use following apparatus


 Frame structural test

 Steel test beam
 Digital dial
 Vernier calliper
 Loading hanger
 Weights

Experimental method
 The width, depth, and length of the steel beam is measured by help of vernier calliper.
 The digital dial test indicator reading is first being set up zero by using origin button.
 To calculate the deflection, hang the weight at the midpoint of the beam. the beam starts
to deflect. The frame tapered lightly each time weight is added to system.
 The digital dial test indicator reading had been recorder by every increase in weight.
which dhows deflection
 This is the value which is provided with its load on the table and deflection with each
specific load is there.
Numerical method
 For Numerical result, the width of beam[B], length of beam[L], depth of beam [H] and
thickness[t] is measured by using vernier calliper on the steel beam so that we can use
this value later in the formula.
 By using these measured values, we can obtain the second moment of area by the help of
calculator by simply putting values in it.
 The other way is putting values into the formula of second moment of area for both I xx
and Iyy.
 Every load has different value for deflection of beam
 Deflection of beam is calculated by using calculator for beam deflection online
Analytical method
 In this method we have to analyze the given data about the steel
 The load is given in the table and each value of the load is putted into the formula of
deflection of beam

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 The value of second moment of inertia is obtain from formula of Ixx the formula of this is
will be written in the spread sheet than value is obtain for it of deflection
For I beam value of I will be,
Ixx = H3b/12 + 2[h3B/12 + hB(H+h)2/4]
For rectangular beam value of I will be,
Ixx = BH3/12 - bh3/12
For c beam value of I will be,
Ixx = H3b/12 + 2[h3B/12 + hB(h+H)2/4]
 For each value of different load different value of deflection will be found
 The second moment of inertia is putted into the formula of deflection and we can obtain
deflection by the formula[5]
48 EI

D= deflection of beam L=length of beam

P=force acting at center E=young’s modulus
I=second moment of area

 At the end we will make graph of load with respect to the deflection of beam
Finally, we at the end will compare all these three values for the error analysis and discuss
where it has been short comings[6]. All of the things are discussed in the discussion heading

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Numerical results

For I beam
For numerical results we will use calculator that are build online on different website for that we
have used the value of flange inner face height which is obtain by calculating total height that
was provided subtracted by two times thickness of material which is


b H(given)
H (internal height)

H(given)-2t=H (internal height) =0.112m
h1= t=0.0139m
b1= t=0.0139m
After putting the values in the calculator, we will get the value for I,
I= 9259515mm4
Now we will obtain value of D by using again calculator, every load has different value for D the
value of deflection for this beam with respect to load will be,

Umer Liaqat 2021-ME-164 (D) Technical Writing

Deflection (mm)
Load (N)
I Section
0 0
1000 0.44
2000 0.88
3000 1.33
4000 1.77
5000 2.21
6000 2.65
7000 3.1
8000 3.54
9000 3.98
10000 4.42

For rectangular beam

now for rectangular beam the H will be taken as full height of the beam and B will be taken as
full width of the beam the h1 and b1 here will be taken equal to full height excluding two-time
thickness and same in case of b it will be equal total width minus two times thickness[7]

h1 H

H=height given=3.4m
B=width given=0.069m
after putting this value in calculator, we will get I which is equal to,

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Now putting this value in calculator, we will get deflection D for every load
Deflection (mm)
Load (N)
Rectangular Section
0 0
1000 0.39
2000 0.77
3000 1.16
4000 1.54
5000 1.93
6000 2.31
7000 2.7
8000 3.08
9000 3.47
10000 3.86
For c section
for calculating c h1 will be equal to thickness and b1 will also be thickness and H will complete
height and B will be the total width of the beam[8]


b1 H

H=given height=0.139m
B=total width given=0.069m

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the value of I will be, after putting values

Now after the value is being putted, we will get the value of D(deflection) for every load
Deflection (mm)
Load (N)
C Channel
0 0
1000 0.29
2000 0.57
3000 0.86
4000 1.14
5000 1.43
6000 1.71
7000 2
8000 2.28
9000 2.57
10000 2.85

Analytical results

The analytical result is obtained by using the excel sheet there we will take the value of the loads
given and with the I we obtain from formula for each beam there is different formula for their I
the value of I for I beam is
For I beam
Ixx = H3b/12 + 2[h3B/12 + hB(H+h)2/4]
I= 9259515mm4
For rectangular beam
Now the value for I of hollow rectangular beam is
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Ixx = BH3/12 - bh3/12

For c section beam
Now the value of I for c section beam is
Ixx = H3b/12 + 2[h3B/12 + hB(h+H)2/4]

Now this value of I is being putted into the formula in spread sheet and then multiplies with 1000
to convert into mm
48 EI

D= deflection of beam L=length of beam

P=force acting at center E=young’s modulus
I=second moment of area

This is the value by which we have obtain other things

Table 1
Deflection (mm)
Load (N)
I Section Rectangular Section C Channel
0 0 0 0
1000 0.44 0.39 0.29
2000 1.18 0.72 1.37

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3000 1.33 1.56 1.56

4000 2.07 1.84 2.14
5000 2.21 2.43 2.43
6000 2.65 2.71 3.41
7000 3.1 3.07 4.31
8000 5.54 3.41 5.28
9000 5.98 4.17 4.57
10000 6.42 4.19 4.85

This graph is from the values we have obtain analytically on the excel the graph is quite smooth
and it has most probability that it is considered correct

analytical value
5 I bean
4 hollow rec-
3.5 tangular
3 beam

c section beam
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000

Experimental results

These are the experimental value which we have obtain from the experiment
Table 2
Deflection (mm)
Load (N) I Section Rectangular Section C Channel
0 0 0 0
1000 0.559956 0.565741 0.532145
2000 1.058743 0.893349 1.300189
3000 1.951201 1.563627 1.679267

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4000 2.659429 1.852982 2.448343

5000 2.684034 2.536401 2.987101
6000 2.987319 2.708709 3.472684
7000 3.752441 3.497112 4.576493
8000 5.281003 3.552806 5.209328
9000 5.079268 4.290187 4.866517
10000 6.585412 4.206167 4.963828

The graph made from the experimental values are given below the graph is not quite smooth as
compare to analytical values of graph

experimental graph
7 I beam hollow rectangle
c section

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

Figure 2

Error analysis

Now for the error analysis we will calculate the difference between the theoretical and
experimental value now for this we will subtract analytical with the experimental value As given

Difference between experimental and

I section hollow
c channel

0 0 0
0.119956 0.175741 0.1242145

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0.158743 0.123349 9
0.151201 0.1403627 0.2819267
0.239429 0.1312982 0.2308343
0.274034 0.1606401 0.1557101
0.337319 0.11398709 0.762684
0.352441 0.1797112 0.576493
0.741003 0.1472806 0.929328
0.099268 0.1820187 0.296517
0.165412 0.11346167 0.113828

This is the difference between experimental value and theoretical value these differences are use
to find out error analysis we can also calculate the percentage error by the other formula, for the
calculation of percentage mean error the beam with the less percentage error we have get the
strongest beam the formula use for error analysis calculation will be[9],

D 1−D 2
% meanerror =
D1 + D2

% difference

I section rectangula
r section

0 0 0

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13.99226 11.77586 18.90567

8.43906 4.8314 18.08719
17.86425 9.63893 24.52783
10.15998 8.44879 22.92185
19.37191 17.1539 20.5033
11.96736 15.88891 18.02205
19.04259 5.72527 25.35462
20.8769` 14.25659 25.22672
14.26836 11.13833 21.76324
19.35177 8.583185 24.1048

comparision between error %

30 I section hollow rectangular section
c channel




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The above graph shows that rectangular beam is the strongest beam among all other it is the best
beam in term of strongest among them

Area of each section

Area of I beam
The area of an I beam will be equal to the height of the beam[H] in product with the thickness or
we can say [b] which is internal height or we can say that given height subtracted from two times

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thickness it will produce that inner height. In addition to their product a two times product of
thickness and total width of beam. Formula will be given as,
Area =34.75 cm2
Area of rectangular beam
for the calculation of rectangular beam we will use the formula that total height[H] into total
breath[B] in subtraction with the product of h and its product with b
Area =HD-hb
Area of c sectional beam
Area = H*b+2t(B-b)
Volume of each section

Volume of I beam
Volume will be equal to the product of its area into length
Volume of rectangular beam
Volume will be equal to the product of its area into length

Volume of c sectional beam

Volume will be equal to the product of its area into length

Mass of each section

Mass of I beam
Mass will be equal to density into volume
Beam mass=86.2495kg

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Mass of rectangular beam

Mass will be equal to density into volume

Mass = 131.97kg
Mass of c sectional beam
Mass will be equal to density into volume

Mass = 102.110kg

Price of each section

Price per kg for I beam

Price per kg=mass in kg*price per kg
Price per kg=86.2495*250
Price per kg=21,562.375
Price of rectangular beam
Price per kg=mass in kg*price per kg
Price per kg=Rs 32,994
Price of c sectional beam
Price per kg=mass in kg*price per kg
Price per kg=Rs 25,527

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Comparison with respect to prices

price comparison chart








I beam RHS c section

From the above graph we can see it clearly that the price of I beam is less of steel it is cheaper
and most suitable with respect to price after this the C section beam is suitable and at the end
rectangular hollow section of beam is suitable, we can see there is very less difference between I
and c section beam

The beam deflection is quite necessary for the calculation and the measurement of bending of the
beam and checking of the design of the beam it would rather collapse if the deflection of beam is
more than the limit of that beam. if beam deflection is more with respect to others it will cause
more problems such as cracking of the building and bridges. The most suitable beam is the one
in which there is less deflection so it is strong[10]. The rectangular beam of steel is strongest
among all other beams in term of deflection. So, if we want to use the beam at that place where
every thing will be heavy the rectangular beam of steel will be used on the other hand where the
beam is only use for support no heavy weight is being putted there. the use of I beam will be
perfect for them
Hence it depends on the requirement of the thing that which type of thing will you prefer rather
you prefer to save money aur you prefer to use strong type of beam.

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[6] R. Vaidyanathan and P. Perumal, Structural Analysis Vol II. Laxmi
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