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I. . Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
in the same line and write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet . ( 3 points )
1. A. horizon B. arisen C. lift D. thrill
2. A .thorough B. width C. length D. bother
3. A. sacrified B. laughed C. helped D. supposed
II. Choose the word whose stress patern is different from that of the others in the same line
and write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet . ( 2 points )
4. A . primary B. religion C. tropical D. friendly
5. A. magazine B. understand C. embroider D. entertain
III. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Write your answer on your answer
sheet .
6 .My word ! It ( take ) ……………………… ages to write all this . There are more than 1,000 pages.
7. ( finally / grap ) ……………………….what I meant , he got down to work .
8. When did you last have your hair ( style) ……………………….. ?
9. I really didn’t expect ( introduce ) …………………………….to the president .
10. My brother is the fiffth student in Ha Noi University ( win ) ………………….the scholarship to study
in England .
11. We ( know ) ……………………….her in advance , we would have helped her to overcome her
difficulties .
12. It is raining now .It ( rain ) ……………………………..for 2 hours .
13.I phoned you at 8 o’clock last night , but you didn’t answer . What you ( do ) ………………….then ?
14. I suggest you ( collect ) ……………......……..all the bags and take them to the garbage dump .
15. Somebody will steal your bike if you leave it ( lock ) ……………………….. .
IV. Supply the corrwect form of the words in capital . Write your answer on your answer
16.The children looked at the time , …………gathered things and ran to the bus stop . HURRY
17. The danger that the earth is quickly getting hotter and hotter is …………….. . DENY
18. Bob’s wife got angry and dumped his belongings ……………………..on the floor . CEREMONY
19.My students are interested in the ………………………of the old buildings . PRESERVE
20. The members of …………………….staff consist of 10 experienced journalists . EDIT
21. He is a bad manager in the factory and everyone is in an attemp to ………..him . FAME
22.For centuries , ………………….., writers and musicians have mentioned the Ao dai POETRY
in poems , novels and songs .
23. Nhung did not receive my emails last Wednesday because of her computer …………. BREAK
24.What contributes to his political success is that he always ……………his opponents . SMART
25. My English teacher advised me to read more to …………....…….vocabulary . RICH
V. There are ten extra words in the following passage . Find and write them on your answer
sheet .
Example : Line 1 : that
It seems impossible to predict that which new technologies will become part of everyday life in the future .
Some of the most famous innovations , look like the Internet or text massaging on cellular phones , whcich
have exceeded initial expectations and become essential part to modern life .Other technologies , though
accompanied by great deal excitement and bold predictions when released into the market –place , end up
with disappearing . Betamax VCRs are a good example . Though Betamax boasted superior technology to
VHS , they was sold far fewer units and lost their market share . Another problem is that sometimes a
technology is so hyped by the media that it cannot possibly to meet the advertised expectations . The
Segway has already become a case study in this kind of disappointment .Touted as the next civilization –
changing for innovation , the Sedway promised to revolutionize transportation . The public was asked to
wait and see about what this mystery invention would look like ! When this odd –looking little vehicle
finally arrived , people ask a biting question . So what ? That question remains be unanswered .
VI. Choose the word / phrase that best fits the gap in each of the following sentences and
write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet . ( 10 points )
36. According to a recent survey , most people are in good ………………with their neighbors .
A. relations B. acquaintances C. relationships D. terms
37.- Congratulations ! Your proposal won most votes .
- …………………………… .
A Thank you very much . That’s great . B. The same to you .
C. Congratulations ! D. Not at all !
38.My pen pal Yoko comes from Tokyo , Japan . It’s a ……………….city .
A. big busy capital B. busy capital big
C. busy big capital D. capital big busy
39.Whenever she encounters a new word , she often ……………….in a dictionary .
A. fills it in B. puts it on C. gives it up D. looks it up
40.I have two brothers , ………………ate proffesional athletes .
A. two of which B. two of whom C. both of whom D. both of them
41.When I applied for my passport , I had to send my birthday ………..with the application .
A. proof B. certificate C. paper D. document
42.You can stay here ……………… don’t make a bad noise .
A. until B. unless C. so long as D. otherwise
43. Plastic bags almost blocked the Buriganga river in Bangladesh and are widely ………….responsible
for causing devastating floods there .
A. taken B. held C. shown D. made
44.Humans beings have a great influence ………..the rest of the world .
A. in B. at C. with D. on
45. I am capable of finishing this project alone , …………….. ?
A. are I B. aren’t I C. am I D. am not I
VII. Read the text and choose the most suitable word from the ones given below to fill in each
gaps . Write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet . ( 10 points )
‘Lifelong learning’ is the pursuit of knowledge throughout life. In other words, learning is not (46 )
…………to the classroom environment and school subjects. ( 47)……………….., people can learn
throughout their adulthood, even in old age and in a variety of situations, particularly in their daily
interactions with ( 48) …………..and with the world around them. Lifelong learning must be voluntary
and self-motivated. Therefore, lifelong learners should have a strong ( 49 ) ………………to learn and
explore the world.
Lifelong learning is facilitated by e-learning platforms. Education is now no longer offered only by
‘bricks and mortar’ institutions. Online courses have instead enabled lifelong learning by ( 50) …………..
learners, teachers, and course providers with much more flexibility in terms of learning time, place, pace,
and style. Learners, for instance, can now have the course content taught to them by a school located miles
( 51) ………..from where they live or work. In addition, young parents can select their group meeting time
late in the evening when their children have gone to bed.
Most ( 52) ……………, lifelong learning should be regarded as an attitude to learning for self-
improvement rather than a pathway to qualifications. This means the ultimate aim is to be better yourself
for personal and professional development ( 53) ………….than for some certificate decorate your CV.
This type of lifelong learn may not necessarily take place as part of a cource may be done very informally
in any area of interest and( 54) ……….. your convenience, as long as it is well within your capabilities
and/or improves your skii!s. For example, researching the tidal cycles of the sea ( 55) …………… you
often go fishing and the types of available there is a form of lifelong learning.
46 . A. confined B. connected C. linked D. accustomed
47. A. For example B. Instead C. However D. Moreover
48. A. Others B. other C. another D. the other
49. A. dream B.concern C. desire D. ability
50. A. giving B. offering C. presenting D. providing
51. A. far B. different C. away D. safe
52. A. important B. importantly C. importance D. importation
53. A. rather B. more C. worse D. better
54. A. with B. at C. in D. on
55. A. which B . that C. when D. where
VIII. Read the following passage than fill in each gap with one suitable word . Write A, B, C
or D on your answer sheet . ( 10 points )
Volcanic eruptions have been a fact of life since the earth first formed as a solid planet, and they have
taken a huge toll of human life over the centuries . One of the earliest recorded (56)…………….was the
Vesuvius eruption in AD 79 which (57)…..………the Italian city of Pompeii under ash , killing an
estimated 16,000 people . The most violent eruption of modern times was in Krakatoa , Indonesia , in 1883
when more than 36,000 people were killed and debris was scattered across the Indian Ocean (58)..…….far
away as Madagascar , off the coast of Africa
There are about 500 active volcanoes in the world today , though it is always unsafe to assume that any
volcano is on the retired list .The types of eruption ( 59 ) …………greatly . The simplest kind , found in
Hawaii and iceland , is a more and less continuous fountain of fire , sometimes reaching incredible
heights . Next in order of ……………are eruptions that follow the Stromboli pattern , ( 61)
……………..the lava is less fluid and the rate of eruption is not so high – from one very few seconds to
one evry couple of hours
But even well – behaved volcanoes can turn nasty ( 62) …………..water gets into them . It boils to
produce (63) ……………..and this increases explosive power .When a section of rain –sodden ground fell
into Mount Buna in 1979 , blocking the flow of lava m pressure built up ( 64) ……………much that when
it was realeased , the huge explosion killed nine tourists ( 65) ……….were peering inside .
IX. Read the text and choose the ebst answer to each question that follow s. Write A, B, C or
D on your answer sheet .( 5 points)


Rainforest are disapperaing in tropical areas around the world .They are being cut down , burned ,
and damaged through a process called “ deforestation ” . This is serious problem in developing countries
within tropical regions . The impact of deforestation , though , also has vast global implications . It is ,
therefore , very important to find solutions to these problems . Unfortunately , process in this area has been
very low .
According to the world bank statistics , many developing countries , such as Brazil , Ecuador , and
Indonesia had lost almost half of their rainforest by 1991 .Worldwide , in 1800 there were 7.1 billion acres
of tropical forests , while today there are only 3.5 billion acres . Recent statistics suggest that an area of
tropical forest larger that North Korea is deforested every year .
Most importantly , though , the rainforest plays an important role in the health of our environment .
Trees and other plants act as filters that clean pollutants out of the air and produce clean air .With air
pollution increasing as forests decline , the world is facing a potential crisis with regard to air quality .
Poverty is one of the main forces behind deforestation in tropical counties , where many rely on
farming as a way of life .The most practical method is “ slash and burn ” agriculture , in which a small area
of trees is cut down and the burned to fertilize the soil . For a period of time , the soil can produce good
crops , but rain gradually washes away the nutrients , reducing fertility and causing crops to grow at a
lower rate . Eventually , the soil can no longer support crops , and farmers are often forced to abandon the
land .
Government policies also contribute to the destruction of rainforests . In countries like Brazil , mush
of the rainforests is owned by the state .However , the state does not have enough resources to control
access to the forests . Therefore , the government allows people to claim areas of land within the forest .
66. The word “ implications ” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to …….
A. suggestion B. policies C. long-term solution D. possible results
67. The author mentions North Korea ….
A. to demonstrate the impact of deforestation in North Korea .
B. to demonstrate that North Korea policy is favorable to that of Brazil .
C. to demonstrate how much forest is being destroyed each year .
D. to demonstrate that deforestation is not as serious as we thought .
68. The phrase “ way of life ” in paragraph 4 is closet in meaning to ….
A. daily living B. hobby C. interest D. future survival
69. The following things are considered the bad effects of the rain EXCEPT :
A. washing away the nutrients B. reducing the fertility
C. causing crops to grow at lower rate D. cleaning pollutants out of the air
70. According to the passage,why does the Brazilian government allow farmers to make claims on
rainforest land ?
A. They want to improve the living conditions of farmers .
B. If the farmers don’t claim them, large companies will .
C. They don’t have the resourcesto prevent it .
D. The economy is based on agriculture .
X. Read the following passage and choose the most suitable phrase from A to F to fill in each
gap .There is one extra phrase that you don’t need to use . Write the answer on your answer
sheet .
A. looked up safely in their stables and sheds
B. drove the witches and evil spirits away .
C. stop to hear the local priest offer prayers
D. go anyway near the rowan tree
E. kept us many strange old customs
F. walk around the fields singing songs .
X. Read the following passage and choose the most suitable phrase from A to F to fill in each
gap .There is one extra phrase that you don’t need to use . Write the answer on your answer
HALLOWEEN is the last night of October and it used to be thought the most enchanted night of the
year . It was the night when witches and evil spirits came back on earth to weave their magic spells .
Superstiious people ( 71) ……………….in an attempt to keep these evil influences away .Farmers used to
light big fires in their fields , and the farm workers and their families would (72) ……………and hymns .
At intervals , the strange procession would ( 73) ………….to the good sprits , and ask them to help keep
the evil ones away .
Great care was taken that none of the farm animals were left in the fields . They would all be ( 74)
………….., and over each of the stable and shed doos a few rowan leaves would be hung .Witches and
evil spirits would not ( 75) ………………
In some recent times , Haloween has become a time for parties , when children dress up as witches
and play all kinds of games .After the games , there is often a big supper with plenty of pumpkin pie ,
cakes and a lot of other delicious things to eat .
XI. Rewrite each sentence , beginning as shown , so that the meaning stays the same . Write
A, B, C or D on your answer sheet . ( 10 points )
76. Richard not only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early .
 But for …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
77. I realized how much I loved my country anly after I had left it .
 Only ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
78. She vaguely remembers that she was knocked down by a motorbike .
 She has vague …………………………………………………………………………………………….
79. “ You’re always making terrible mistakes , ” said the teacher .
 The teacher complained ………………………………………………………………………………….
80. She never seems to succeed , even though she studies much .
 Much ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
81. It was difficult to understand her collegues’ open hostility towards her proposal .
 That her collegues ……………………………………………………………………………………….
82. Peole think that the government will build a new hospital for children here .
 The goverment …………………………………………………………………………………………..
83. He drove so fast that no one could catch him up .
 He was such . …………………………………………………………………………………….…
84. She hasn’t gone to her hometown by train before .
 It’s …………………………………………………………………………………………………..…....
85. He is excited about going to Greece on holiday .
 He is looking …………………………………………………………………………………………….
XI. Rewrite each sentence using the given words so that it keeps the same meaning .(5 points )
86. I think it was his attitude that upset me more than anything . ( WHAT )
 I think …………………………………………………………………………………………..
87.The troubles all came about because my computer crashed . ( STEMMED )
 The troubles…………………………………………………………………………………………..
88.” You passed the final exam with very high marks . Congratulations ! “ Jane’s friends told her .
 Jane’s friends …………………………………………………………………………………………..
89.The thief must have come in through the window . ( CERTAINLY )
 The thieft almost …………………………………………………………………………………………..
90. John’s wife will be returning from Bangkok quite soon . ( LONG )
 It won’t …………………………………………………………………………………………..
XI. Paragraph writing ( 10 points )
What are the advantages of using public transportation ?
Write a paragraph of about 120 – 150 words using your own reasons and relevant examples to
justify your answers .
Volcanic eruptions have been a fact of life since the earth first formed as a solid planet, and they have
taken a huge toll of human life over the centuries . One of the earliest recorded (56)…
Disasters………….was the Vesuvius eruption in AD 79 which (57)…..Buried………the Italian city of
Pompeii under ash , killing an estimated 16,000 people . The most violent eruption of modern times was in
Krakatoa , Indonesia , in 1883 when more than 36,000 people were killed and debris was scattered across
the Indian Ocean (58)..AS…….far away as Madagascar , off the coast of Africa
There are about 500 active volcanoes in the world today , though it is always unsafe to assume that any
volcano is on the retired list .The types of eruption ( 59 ) …VARY………greatly . The simplest kind ,
found in Hawaii and iceland , is a more and less continuous fountain of fire , sometimes reaching
incredible heights . Next in order of ………Complexity……are eruptions that follow the Stromboli pattern
, ( 61) ……Where………..the lava is less fluid and the rate of eruption is not so high – from one very few
seconds to one evry couple of hours
But even well – behaved volcanoes can turn nasty ( 62) … ………..water gets into them . It boils to
produce (63) ……Steam………..and this increases explosive power .When a section of rain –sodden
ground fell into Mount Buna in 1979 , blocking the flow of lava m pressure built up ( 64) …SO…………
much that when it was realeased , the huge explosion killed nine tourists ( 65) …Who…….were peering
inside .

HALLOWEEN is the last night of October and it used to be thought the most enchanted night of the
year . It was the night when witches and evil spirits came back on earth to weave their magic spells .
Superstiious people ( 71) ……E………….in an attempt to keep these evil influences away .Farmers used
to light big fires in their fields , and the farm workers and their families would (72) …F…………and
hymns . At intervals , the strange procession would ( 73) ……C…….to the good sprits , and ask them to
help keep the evil ones away .
Great care was taken that none of the farm animals were left in the fields . They would all be ( 74)
……A…….., and over each of the stable and shed doors a few rowan leaves would be hung .Witches and
evil spirits would not ( 75) ……D…………
In some recent times , Haloween has become a time for parties , when children dress up as witches
and play all kinds of games . After the games , there is often a big supper with plenty of pumpkin pie ,
cakes and a lot of other delicious things to eat .
A. looked up safely in their stables and sheds
B. drove the witches and evil spirits away .
C. stop to hear the local priest offer prayers
D. go anyway near the rowan tree
C kept us many strange old customs
F. walk around the fields singing songs .

‘Lifelong learning’ is the pursuit of knowledge throughout life. In other words, learning is not confined to
the classroom environment and school subjects. Instead, people can learn throughout their adulthood, even
in old age and in a variety of situations, particularly in their daily interactions with others and with the
world around them. Lifelong learning must be voluntary and self-motivated. Therefore, lifelong learners
should have a strong desire to learn and explore the world.
Lifelong learning is facilitated by e-learning platforms. Education is now no longer offered only by ‘bricks
and mortar’ institutions. Online courses have instead enabled lifelong learning by providing learners,
teachers, and course providers with much more flexibility in terms of learning time, place, pace, and style.
Learners, for instance, can now have the course content taught to them by a school located miles away
from where they live or work. In addition, young parents can select their group meeting time late in the
evening when their children have gone to bed.
Most importantly, lifelong learning should be regarded as an attitude to learning for self-improvement
rather than a pathway to qualifications. This means the ultimate aim is to be better better yourself for
personal and/or profe development rather than for some certificate decorate your CV. This type of lifelong
lear may not necessarily take place as part of a cc may be done very informally in any area of int and at
your convenience, as long as it is well within your capabilities and/or improves your skils . For example,
researching the tidal cycles of the where you often go fishing and the types of available there is a form of
lifelong learning.
Hold responsible for ..

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