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This chapter discusses literature which are relevant

and related to the study.

Foreign Literature

Under this Microsystem is the literature came from

outside of the Philippines Settings.

Online Games

According to Kuss (2013), in the 2000s, online games

became popular, while studies of Internet gaming addiction

emerged, outlining the negative consequences of excessive

gaming, its prevalence, and associated risk factors.

Internet gaming is a booming market. In 2012, more than one

billion individuals played computer games, which fuelled the

8% growth of the computer gaming industry in the same year

It is argued that only by understanding the appeal of

Internet gaming, its context, and neurobiologic correlates

can the phenomenon of Internet gaming addiction be

understood comprehensively.

Lepper, M. R. & Gurtner, J (2000), stated that

prolonged and excessive use of these games can cause, mainly


upon children, a number of physical and psychological

problems which may include obsessive, addictive behavior,

dehumanization of the player, desensitizing of feelings,

personality changes, hyperactivity, learning disorders,

premature maturing of children, psychomotor disorders,

health problems (due to lack of exercise & tendonitis),

Development of anti-social behavior and loss of free

thinking and will.

Online video games are popular among students and they

are used them as a means for them to be accepted by their

peers. Peer pressures according to Erikson have great

impact on the life of an adolescence. Erikson said that in

adolescence phase, person is required to seek self-identity

and independence (Erikson 1968). When they try to get free

from all adult influence and protection, they become closer

and more dependent on peer acceptance. Peer acceptance

brings out pressure that in turn can make the adolecences

vulnerable to youth behavioral problems (Allen et al. 2006;

Van Rooij et al. 2011; Porter et al. 2010).

On his the study about racing video games, Berger says

that the actual based race track is getting more fans than

imaginary one. Even, imaginary race track are design to

create fair race and spectacular, actually authentic based

race track gives more fun for the players. Berger said that

this is due to the sensation of be a real race driver and

win the world championship. Playing in the imaginary track

in contrast, makes the players get bored and leave the game

immediately because the players felt it useless (Berger


In the last ten years, several studies (Ko et al.,

2005; Wang, Chan, Mak, Ho, Wong, & Ho, 2014; Festl et al.,

2012; Mehroof & Griffiths, 2010; and Ko, Yen, Yang, Yen, &

Chen, 2009) have been explored dealing with online gaming.

Ko, et. al. (2005) found out that lower self-esteem and

lower satisfaction with daily life is associated with

increasing amount of time spent in online games, this was

supported by the studies of Wang et al. (2014) and Festl et

al. (2012). Similarly, Mehroof & Griffiths in 2010

discovered the link of personality traits (neuroticism,

aggression and anxiety) and excessively playing online

games. Both studies showed that neuroticism and anxiety of a

person can lead to increasing amount of time spent in online

games. Ko, et al. (2009), associated excessive online gaming

similar to substance dependence. The part of the brain where

craving in substance dependence can be identified is similar

to the area in the brain where craving for video games

occur. This can be the reason why gamers spending a lot of


time in online games tend to have a lower satisfaction with

daily life.

Zhang (2007) and Zhuo (2007), who also researched on

the same topic, reported different results on the online

game addiction and the finding supported the same symptoms.

With regards to undergraduate students who were addicted to

the Internet or online games, Zhang indicated that most of

these students had bad grades in their universities.

Moreover, Zhuo stated that the physical symptoms of Internet

and online game addiction were cervical spondylosis,

neurasthenia and insomnia.


Self-control, sometimes called self-regulation, is the

ability to control emotions, anxiety, and behavior to gain

possible rewards or avoid punishment (Timpano et al. 2013).

LaRose et al. (2003) describe deficient self-regulation as

diminishing consciousness of self-control because of lacking

awareness and attention to behaviors. Khang et al. (2013)

found that self-control affected users’ flow and addiction

in mobile phones, Internet, and even video games. A detailed

distinction of those psychological factors is beyond the

scope of this study; however, it is worth including the

factors into our survey questions.


Psychological factors, e.g., flow and self-control have

been frequently studied in gaming addiction and gaming

behaviors. Flow, proposed by Csikszentmihalyi (1991) which

has been studied over 30 years, is the mental state of

immersion or concentration in an activity. Playing games can

give rise to a state of flow which led to the loss of self-

consciousness and sense of time (Csíkszentmihályi 1975; Liu

et al. 2013). The association between flow and video-game

playing has been studied in nascent studies with different

findings. For example, it was found that the flow was not

related to the amount of time spent on playing video games

(Lee et al. 2007) and to online game addiction (Wan et al.

2006). However, Lee et al. (2012) conducted a survey with a

sample of 330 students drawn from a university in the

northwestern in the U.S. and found that instances of the

flow experience were associated to the amount of time spent

on gaming.

According to Ventura et al. (2012) investigated the

relationship between video gameplay, game genre preference,

personality, and GPA with 319 university students. Both

positive and negative relations were found between video

game genre preference and academic performance. For example,

two significant negative correlations to GPA are social

media and shooter types of game. In addition, Ip et al.


(2008) found that the number of genres played is associated

with academic performance in examinations. That is, gamers

who play four or more game genres generally perform less

well in examinations.

Klimnt et al. (2008) said that violence game are

enjoyable especially for human male because the culture is

idealized hypermasculine gender ideal. Violence is perceived

as manly. Hyper-male ideology believes in socioevolutionary

theory says that only the strong will survive. Destruction

on virtual world can be beneficial if it is used properly

like a channel to safely release anger and aggression. There

will be no one harmed because blood, fire and debris in

online video games are only pixelwork, and all experiences

are simulated and virtual. The negative thing will occur if

a player apply violent experience in virtual world to the

reality. In this case Klimnt suggests that heavy users of

violent video games should posses a higher cognitive

‘preparedness’ for over riding moral concerns as well as

for avoiding violent behaviours in real life.

According to Eskasasnanda (2016) the negative impact of

the online video game happens when students play it too

much. Online video game are designed to chalenge and


entertain player by realistic image and sound. This often

makes student addicted and difficult to stop play it.

To overcome the negative effects of online video games,

some parents forced his children to join extra tutorial

lessons outside the school. The purpose is to improve

student school academic performance. From student opinion

this strategy is not effective. Students inform that the

more they got extra lesson, the more frustated they felt

and the stronger their need to play online video games for

getting fun.

Playing online video game is positive when it is used

only as a form of entertainment, relaxation, and to drive

out boredom from school exhaustion. Playing online video

games becomes negative when students are addicted and play

it excessively. This is indicated by students who spend a

lot of money, time and energy to play it. Unfortunetely,

students feel regretful of online video games excessive

consumption after experiencing money lavishnes, physical

fatigue and decline in school academic performance.

Eskasasnanda (2016)

According to the General Aggression Model, aggressive

behavior develops from scripts, derived from sources such as

media, stored in a person’s memory that are related to


aggression or violence (Anderson & Bushman, 2002). The

hostile attribution bias suggests that aggressive people are

likely to interpret ambiguous social events in a relatively

hostile way (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). Essentially, the GAM

is the most referenced model in the field of video game

research because it introduces the idea that exposure to

violent video games leads to short-term increased levels of

aggression as a result of a learning process for scripts. As

a result, an aggressive personality will develop with

prolonged exposure and ultimately lead to more delinquent

acts (Anderson & Bushman, 2002).

Anderson and Bushman (2001) conducted a meta-analytic

review of thirty five studies prior to 2000 to gather

information on previous research findings regarding the link

between video games and aggressive behaviors. They

referenced their General Aggression Model to formulate two

questions for evaluating the previous studies which were “is

exposure to violent video games associated with increases in

aggression?” and how can exposure to violent video games

increase aggression?” (Anderson & Bushman, 2001, p. 356) The

hypothesis formulated around these two questions was that

playing video games would pose a potential risk in

heightened aggression among youths.


Academic Performance

Accordin to Ip et al. (2008) analyzed the relationships

between gaming frequency and academic performance among 713

students. The study found that frequent gamers, who spend

more than 2 hours per day playing video games, performed

less well than infrequent gamers. Hellström et al. (2012)

examined the relationship between gaming time, motives to

play, and negative consequences because of playing Massively

multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). They

recruited 7,757 Swedish adolescents and had them completed a

questionnaire and found that time spent on gaming was

related to negative consequences, e.g., “less sleep due to

gaming.” Ventura et al. (2012) constructed an online survey

with 252 undergraduate students and a positive indication

was found between video gameplay and academic performance.

That is, students who spent 11-50 hours playing video games

had significantly higher GPAs than students who spent 0-10

hours playing video games.

According to Linda Jackson (2011), both boys and girls

who play video games tend to be more creative, regardless of

whether the games are violent or nonviolent. A professor of

brain and cognitive sciences, Daphne Bavelier (2010) video

gamers show improved skills in vision, attention and certain


aspects of cognition. And these skills are not just gaming

skills, but realworld skills. They perform better than non-

gamers on certain tests of attention, speed, accuracy,

vision and multitasking.

According to Asdaque (2010) the use of the Internet is

one of the major factors affecting the academic performance

and social life of university students. The number of hours

spent on the Internet will affect the CGPA, of students

unless the Internet is used for study purpose. The students

achieve good CGPA, who used the Internet for academic

purposes. The graphical representations about the use of the

Internet and its impact on the social life of university

students indicate that the maximum use of the Internet,

minimize the social activities of university students. The

study showed that use of Internet for study purpose and

academic achievements are directly proportional to each

other while inversely proportional to the social life of

university students.

Local Literature

Under this Microsystem came inside the Philippines


Online Games

According to Dennis O. Dumrique and Jennifer G.

Castillo (2018). Online gaming is one of the widely used

leisure activities by many people.For some people it is said

that playing video games has a number of reasons to be

played, for it can be a stress reliever, challenge and

competition, relaxation, enjoyment, social interaction, and

even mentally escaping from the real world.

The fact that people live in on informative lifestyle

where everything is updated, internet became one of the

necessities of human beings regardless of age or sex in

today’s society. However, the influence of this useful

machine on youth is undeniably questionable. Dennis O.

Dumrique and Jennifer G. Castillo (2018).

Students’ learning takes place unexpectedly, but the

inappropriate usage of playing online games also leads in

some problems such as being distractedin school. Further, it

is where the attention of the child were divided that even

their health and social life is unknowingly affected.

Studies revealed that the human brain is easy to

destruct and one of the reasons is using technology. The

education system tends to go with the flow with this constant

change in the society in order to get things relevant with

the generations today. Dennis O. Dumrique and Jennifer G.

Castillo (2018).

According to Bautista (2015). Studies regarding the

relationship between video games and aggressive behavior are

relatively recent, starting in the past decade, and

therefore have not reached a concrete agreement on their

effect. Although it has been commonly accepted that video

games produce a short-term increase in levels of aggression,

the long-term and lasting effects of video games are argued

among researchers and require future longitudinal research.


Online games are very popular now a days as said in the

above statements online games can be used as past time,

entertainment and the way to cope up with peers but

sometimes playing violent games has also a great empact

which made the players to be violent also, it has also great

empact on academic performance especially if the student

can’t focus on his/her daily task beacuse their attentions

are being focus on online games.

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