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A1 •  A2

Name ……………………………………………………………………..

Test d’ingresso Class …………….…………..….... Date …..…………..……………...

1. Inserisci a, an, the o nessun articolo nelle frasi seguenti.

........./8 punti

1. My brother went to ………… school in London.

2. I was really hungry so I ate ………… orange.
3. Mum needs ………… new shoes. These are old and they have holes.
4. Could you pass me ………… salt please?
5. British students often wear ………… uniform.
6. I don’t think people will ever live on ………… moon.
7. We will be there in half ………… hour. We will probably arrive around 8 o’clock.
8. My brother is ………… doctor in a hospital in Manchester.

2. Volgi queste frasi al plurale.

........./16 punti

1. This is a cheap shop. …………………….……….……

2. That isn’t my child. …………………….……….……
3. He is a businessman. …………………….……….……
4. There’s a wolf in that photo. …………………….……….……
5. This is a housewife. …………………….……….……
6. It’s a London bus. …………………….……….……
7. This tomato is very big. …………………….……….……
8. The church is old. …………………….……….……

3. Inserisci la wh-word adeguata.

........./8 punti

1. ………… do you usually have for breakfast?

2. ………… did you go on holiday last summer?
3. ………… is your favourite, rock or pop?
4. ………… aren’t you listening to me?
5. ………… old are your parents?
6. ………… is your birthday?
7. ………… is this book? It’s Richard’s.
8. ………… students were at school yesterday?

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A1 •  A2
Name ……………………………………………………………………..

Test d’ingresso Class …………….…………..….... Date …..…………..……………...

4. Inserisci il pronome personale (soggetto o oggetto), l’aggettivo o il pronome possessivo


........./12 punti

1. Alex was reading this newspaper. I think …… is …… .

2. It’s my mother’s birthday next week. I am going to buy …… a present.
3. My neighbours’ cat can’t walk very well. I think it hurt one of …… legs.
4. I helped …… father to wash the car and …… gave …… five pounds.
5. That vase is very fragile, please don’t touch …… .
6. Those are my students and these books are …… . 
7. Come to the cinema with ……, we are seeing the new James Bond movie.
8. Helen and …… sister are coming to the party, too. …… are both very pretty.

5. Inserisci some, any, no nelle frasi seguenti.

........./10 punti

1. I need ………… eggs to make a cake.

2. There is ………… milk, go and buy ………… .
3. Would you like ………… coffee?
4. ………… beer for me, I don’t like it.
5. Has your girlfriend got ………… older sisters? They must be pretty.
6. I will spend ………… time at the seaside next summer.
7. Let’s go shopping. We have ………… bread and ham for the sandwiches, but ………… cheese.
8. Can I have ………… information about the computer course?

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A1 •  A2
Name ……………………………………………………………………..

Test d’ingresso Class …………….…………..….... Date …..…………..……………...

6. Inserisci il present simple dei verbi dati nella forma adeguata.

........./12 punti

1. She ………… (be) English but she ………… (live) in Japan.

2. Paul and Diana ………… (be) my friends. We ………… (go) to the same school.
3. They ………… (be) quite rich. They ………… (have) a huge house in London and one in
Paris, too.
4. If you ………… (not want) to come, you can stay at home.
5. ………… your sister ………… (work)? – No, she’s a student.
6. My cousin Leslie ………… (not live) here, she ………… (live) in Birmingham.
7. ………… (you know) my friend Annie?
8. He ………… (study) three hours every day.

7. Inserisci i verbi dati al present simple o progressive nella forma adeguata.

........./10 punti

1. Dad always ………… (go) to work by car.

2. ………… you ………… (study)? – No, I ………… (read) a letter from my English pen-friend
at the moment.
3. Where ………… Mum ………… (go)? – To the supermarket. I think she ………… (need)
some meat and vegetables.
4. I ………… (not like) this kind of music, rock is my favourite.
5. ………… you often ………… (play) computer games?
6. We never ………… (drink) wine.
7. Pay attention! You ………… (not listen) to me.
8. ………… you ………… (think) it will rain tomorrow?

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A1 •  A2
Name ……………………………………………………………………..

Test d’ingresso Class …………….…………..….... Date …..…………..……………...

8 Inserisci il past simple dei verbi dati nella forma adeguata.

........./10 punti

1. I ………… (not be) at school last week. I ………… (be) ill.

2. ………… (be) your parents with you at the park yesterday?
3. Last summer I ………… (not go) on holiday.
4. ………… you ………… (watch) TV last night?
5. I ………… (not have) breakfast this morning.
6. ………… you ………… (have) good teachers last year?
7. Fred ………… (not study) for the last Maths test and he ………… (get) a bad mark.
8. When ………… you ………… buy) this T-shirt? – Two years ago in a second-hand shop.

9 Inserisci il past simple o il present perfect dei verbi dati nella forma adeguata.

........./8 punti

1. I’m not hungry. I …………………… (already eat).

2. She …………………… (live) in London from 1995 to 2000.
3. We …………………… (work) hard last week.
4. Someone ……………………(steal) my purse!
5 The Titanic …………………… (sink) in 1912.
6. …………………… (you not do) your homework yet?
7. When …………………… (you see) him?
8. Robert …………………… (work) here for ten years.

10 Inserisci il future simple o la forma be going to dei verbi dati.

........./8 punti

1. Mum …………………… (be) fifty in October.

2. She loves dancing so much. She …………………… (take) tango classes.
3. Why are you wearing your best dress? – I …………………… (meet) a boy I like a lot.
4. I feel really tired. I think I …………………… (go) to bed.
5. Dad …………………… (fly) to New York next week but he hasn’t got his ticket yet.
6. I …………………… (have) some coffee, please.
7. What are your plans for the holidays? – I …………………… (visit) my grandparents in France.
8. Don’t worry. I …………………… (help) you.

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A1 •  A2
Name ……………………………………………………………………..

Test d’ingresso Class …………….…………..….... Date …..…………..……………...

11 Rispondi con short answers secondo le indicazioni date.

........./10 punti

1. Is your mother a housewife? – Yes, …………………… .

2. Have you got a new guitar? – No, …………………… .
3. Do you have breakfast in the morning? – Yes, …………………… .
4. Can John ski? – No, …………………… .
5. Does your English teacher cycle to school? – Yes, …………………… .
6. Are the children playing computer games? – No, …………………… .
7. Were your friends with you yesterday afternoon? – Yes, …………………… .
8. Did Mr Smith go to work last week? – No, …………………… .
9. Has the train arrived yet? – Yes, …………………… .
10. Will Janet help you with your homework? – No, …………………… .

12 Inserisci at, in, to, on.

........./8 punti

1. She was born ………… September.

2. My glasses are ………… the drawer.
3. ………… Saturday I’m going ………… the stadium.
4. The match starts ………… six o’clock p.m.
5. George is ………… the station now.
6. Go ………… the baker’s ………… the corner of Oak Street and Elm Road.

Punteggio totale ........./120

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