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This chapter presented the research methodology which

included the research design used in conducting the study.

It also included the sources of data, locale of the study,

population/sampling, and the instrumentation and data


Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Hercor College High School

Department located at Lawaan, Roxas City.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to know the effects

of online games on students’ behavior and academic

performance of the students of Hercor College High School

Department A.Y of 2019-2020.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive-correlational research

design. Descriptive research design is a design in which the

researcher is primarily interested in describing

relationships among variables, without seeking to establish


a causal connection. (Retrieved October 19, 2019 from


While correlational research design is a type of non-

experimental research method, in which a researcher measures

two variables, understands and assess the statistical

relationship between them with no influence from any

extraneous variable.( search?


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the junior high

students of Hercor College High School Department A.Y 2019-

2020. Quota sampling was used in the study to gather enough

samples in each group. A total of 120 students were the

respondents. Below is the distribution of the participants.

Table 1. Socio-demographic Profile of the Students

Variable Frequency Percentage

11-13 56 46.6
14-16 63 52.9
17-19 1 .8
Total: 120 100

Table 1. Continue. . .
Male 58 48.3
Female 62 51.6
Total: 120 100

Grade Level:
Grade 7 31 25.8
Grade 8 62 51.6
Grade 9 21 17.5
Grade 10 28 23.5
Total: 120 100

Total: 120 100

Frequency of Respondents
When grouped According to their
Socio-demographic profile

Table 1 shows the frequency of 120 Junior High Students

of Hercor College High School department according to their

age, sex, grade level, and grade level. In terms of age 56

were aged 11-13 years old, 63 were aged 14-16 and only 1 was

age 17-19. In terms of sex 58 were males and 62 were

females. Lastly in terms of grade level 31 respondents were

in grade 7, 62 were grade 8, 21 were grade 9 and 28 were

grade 10 students with the total of 120 respondents.

Instrument of the Study

To collect and to gather information the researcher-

made questionnaire were used to gather information in the


utilization of technology while a modified questionnaire

from the study of Deroy, M. (2019) used to determine the

level of learning interest of the respondents. Questionnaire

is a research instrument consisting of series of question

for the purpose of gathering information from the


The scale of 1 to 5 was used in scoring each of the

items, wherein 5 was the highest and 1 was the lowest.

Part one of the questionnaire was the personal

information of the respondents.

Part two of the questionnaire was the questions about

the level of utilization of technology of the students.

Part three was about the level of learning interest of

students and it was rated accordingly to their answers.

Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire

The questionnaire had undergone face and content

validity proven by the experts in different field. The

valuators’ were the members of faculty of Hercor College

High School Department.

There was a reliability test when the researcher used a

researcher-made questionnaire. It was conducted to the 30

senior high school students of Roxas City School for

Philippine Craftsmen then it was solved by the used of SPSS.


Data Gathering Procedure

The data collected in this study after the researcher

prepared a letter of request that addressed to the principal

of Hercor College High School Department, after the approval

of the principal, the researcher personally distributed the

questionnaire and assisted the respondents in answering the

item. This was to ensure a 100% return rate.

Data Analysis and Interpretation Procedure

The result of the study was interpreted by a scoring

interval that was used.

Score Responses Interval Verbal Interpretation

5 Always 4.21- 5.00 Very high

4 Often 3.61- 4.20 High

3 Sometimes 2.41- 3.60 Moderately High

2 Rarely 1.81- 2.40 Low

1 Never 1.0- 1.80 Very Low

The following statistical tools employed in the study.

Frequency Count and Percentage. This was used to

determine the students’ demographic profile and their scores

in the test.

Mean. This statistical tool was used to determine the

level of technology utilization and learning interest of the


Standard Deviation. This test was used to determine the

homogeneity and heterogeneity of the responses by the


Pearson r. This test was used set at 0.05 alpha level

of significance to determine the relationships between the

technology utilization and learning interest of the


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