Airlanding Platoon Special Rules

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Airlanding Platoon

Airlanding Platoon Special Rules

This Order of Battle can be used to represent either British, Canadian Pathfinders: Pathfinders were dropped in ahead of other troops to
or Polish Airlanding troops. set up Rebecca/Eureka Beacons and Marker lights to help guide in the
main force. A platoon which takes Pathfinders as a Divisional support
Airlanding: Before deployment, take an Experience Test for the choice may Re-roll a single failed Airlanding Experience Test.
Platoon HQ and each Airlanding Section. If the test is failed, the unit
removes D3 models (player’s choice) as casualties. Recalculate the Stubborn: A Stubborn squad may re-roll a failed Discipline test as a
platoon Break Point following any removal of lost troops. result of a lost Close Quarters combat.

Dogged: In scenarios that use the Unacceptable Losses rule and Tactically Flexible: As long as both have NCO’s attached to them, the
where the Dogged troops are defending (or attacking in the Breakout Machine Gun (or equivalent including mortar) section of a unit may
scenario), two thirds of the force must be destroyed before the Break be issued with separate orders to the Rifle Section (or equivalent) in
Point is reached. the Orders Phase. It must still maintain Unit Coherency though this is
extended to 30cm. The two sections are now treated as separate units
Glider Pilots: Each Airlanding platoon was brought in to action in a for the purpose of affecting Discipline (e.g. a separated MG section of
Horsa Glider. The pilots of the gliders were given extensive training three men takes 3 hits – it is Suppressed) but as one for the purpose of
as once the glider had touched down they would join the men they determining if it is under half-strength. The 2 sections may revert to 1
brought into action. Each glider had 2 pilots, these 2 men may be squad by simply moving into unit coherency and declaring so.
allocated to either the Platoon HQ or Airlanding Sections, they may be
split up or kept together. They are armed with a sten gun and have the
same statistics as the other men in the platoon. They may be removed
as casulties before any of the other men in the platoon as the result of
a failed Airlanding Experience Test.

Motivated: If the NCO of a section is killed a nominated model from

the same unit may take command. In effect, the unit always has an

Additional Equipment
The platoon may spend a number of Requisition Points (RP) on additional weapons and equipment to be distributed amongst the troops. Soldiers
that have been allocated Additional Equipment lose their original weapon. The cost in Requisition Points for each item is listed below. The
number of RP’s is equal to the Combat Effectiveness of the force plus or minus an amount according to the platoon type as follows:

Airlanding: 0

SMLE: 1RP PIAT (max of 1): 3RP

Sten Gun: 1RP SMLE Rifle-Grenade Launcher
with AP Grenades (max. of 2)*: 3RP
airlanding Platoon
Airlanding Platoon

All models in a Airlanding Platoon benefit from the following special rules as described below or in the Airlanding Platoon rules section:

Glider Pilots
Tactically Flexible

Elite: The player may wish to field a platoon which has received a higher level or specialist training. All troops have a Discipline score of 3+
instead of 4+. The Platoon has a Combat Effectiveness of 10.

Strategy Rating: 5
Combat Effectiveness: 8

A platoon must include a Platoon HQ and 2 Airlanding Sections

A platoon may include 1 Divisional Support choice
A platoon may include 1 Company Support choice for each of its Airlanding Sections and Platoon HQ
No more than 1 of each Company Support choice may be selected unless stated

Additional Equipment

The Lieutenant may distribute the additional equipment amongst the Platoon as detailed Airlanding rules Section. The number of Requisition
Points is equal to the Combat Effectiveness of the force.
Airlanding Platoon

Order of Battle


An Airlanding Platoon must include a Platoon HQ.


Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Lieutenant 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ Sten Gun Officer 20cm

1 Sergeant 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE, AP/AT Grenades NCO
1 Batman 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ Sten Gun, AP/AT Grenades
1 Mortar Gunner 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ 2” Mortar, Pistol
1 Mortar Assistant 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE

The Batman may be replaced by a Medic (see General Special Rules on page 39). Medics are armed with a pistol only.

Airlanding Section

An Airlanding Platoon must include 2 Airlanding Sections.

Airlanding Section
Gun Group
Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Lance Corporal 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE NCO

1 Bren Gunner 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ Bren Gun
1 Rifleman 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE

Rifle Group
Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Corporal 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ Sten Gun, AP/AT Grenades NCO

3 Rifleman 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE, AP/AT Grenades
airlanding Platoon

Airlanding Section

An Airlanding Platoon may select up to 1 additional Airlanding Section.

UP TO 1 ADDITIONAL airlanding Section (+2 Combat Effectiveness)

Gun Group
Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Lance Corporal 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ Sten Gun NCO

1 Bren Gunner 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ Bren Gun
1 Rifleman 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE

Rifle Group
Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Corporal 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ Sten Gun, AP/AT Grenades NCO

1 Rifleman 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE, AP/AT Grenades

May add an additional 2 Riflemen to the Rifle group armed with SMLE and AP/AT Grenades (+1 Combat Effectiveness).
An understrength Airlanding Section may be upgraded to a Recon section (+1 Combat Effectiveness) with the Recon special rule.
If taken as understrength the Airlanding Section may replace both SMLE’s with Scoped SMLE’s at no additional cost.


An Airlanding Platoon may select one Company Support choice for each Airlanding/Platoon HQ Squad.

UP TO 2 HMG TEAMs (+1 Combat Effectiveness Each)

Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Corporal 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ Sten Gun, AP Grenades NCO

1 HMG Gunner 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ Vickers HMG, Pistol
1 HMG Loader 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE

Each HMG team counts as one Company Support choice.

UP TO 1 SNIPER TEAM (+1 Combat Effectiveness)

Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Sniper 20cm 3+ +3 4+ 3+ Scoped SMLE Sniper Team,
1 Assistant 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 3+ SMLE Fanatic (2)

UP TO 2 PIAT TEAMS (+1 Combat Effectiveness Each)

Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

2 Gunners 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ PIAT, Pistol

2 Loaders 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE, AT Grenades

Each PIAT Team counts as one Company Support choice. They may be fielded as two separate teams on the battlefield.
Airlanding Platoon

UP TO 2 MORTAR TEAMs (+1 Combat Effectiveness Each)

Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Corporal 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ Sten Gun NCO
1 Mortar Gunner 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ 3” Mortar, Pistol
1 Mortar Loader 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE
1 Observer 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE Observer

Each Mortar team counts as one Company Support Choice.

UP TO 1 ANTI-TANK GUN (+1 Combat Effectiveness)

Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Corporal 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE NCO
1 Gunner 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ 6 Pounder ATG, Pistol
2 Loaders 20cm 4+ +3 4+ 4+ SMLE

UP TO 2 Airlanding jeep reconnaissance teams (+3 Combat Effectiveness)

Each team consists of two jeeps with three crew per jeep.
Airborne Jeep
Type Move Shoot EXP Discipline Armour Front Side Rear
Open Wheeled 35 cm 4+ 4+ 4+ Turret n/a n/a n/a
Crew: 3 Weapons: Hull 6 5 5
Transport: n/a Pintle – Vickers K Wheels 5
Special Rules: Soft Skin Bow – Bren Gun
(on driver’s side; may be detached
and may only be fired from the
jeep if stationary)

If the crews leave the vehicle for any reason then they use the same statistics as standard Airlanding Riflemen, they also benefit from all
the Special Rules for the Airlanding Platoon.
Each Jeep team counts as one Company Support Choice.


An Airlanding Platoon may select one Divisional Support Choice. Divisional Support is selected from below or on page 185 of the Rules
of Engagement Rule book. May only select the following: Artillery support, Tetrarch, Engineers, Pathfinders Stick.

UP TO 1 pathfinders stick (+5 Combat Effectiveness)

First Rifle Group
Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Sergeant 20cm 4+ +3 3+ 3+ Sten Gun, AP Grenades NCO

3 Pathfinders 20cm 4+ +3 3+ 3+ SMLE, AP Grenades

Second Rifle Group

Qty Soldier Move Shoot CQ EXP Discipline Weapons Notes

1 Corporal 20cm 4+ +3 3+ 3+ Sten Gun, AP Grenades NCO

3 Pathfinders 20cm 4+ +3 3+ 3+ SMLE, AP Grenades

Pathfinders benefit from all the special rules for the Airlanding Platoon, they also have the Recon and Light Infantry Special Rules.
If Pathfinders are taken then the platoon benefits from the Pathfinders Special Rule.
airlanding Platoon
Infantry Weapons’ Table

To Hit Modifiers
Weapon Weapon Type Range Short Range Long ROF EXP AP AT Notes
(up to 30cm) Range Modifier

Pistol Pistol 30cm 0 n/a 1 0 5+ n/a

Sten Gun/
SMG 40cm 0 -1 2 0 5+ n/a At Short Range ROF is D6
SMLE Rifle 80cm +1 0 1 0 4+ 0
Bren Gun ISW 100cm 0 0 D3+4 -1 4+ 0 -1 To Hit if Moving
AP Grenade AP Grenade 20cm 0 n/a 1 -1 5+ 0 Blast 1
SMLE Gde Rifle AP 60cm 0 -1 1 -1 5+ 0 May not Move & Fire,
Launcher Grenade Blast 1
AT Grenade AT Grenade n/a n/a n/a 1 n/a n/a 8 Close Quarters only
7 (8 at May not Move & Fire,
PIAT Infantry AT 40cm 0 0 1 0 3+
SR)* AT Weapon

* SR indicates the weapon’s effectiveness at Short Range, within 30cm.

Support Weapons’ Table

To Hit Modifiers
Weapon Weapon Type Range Short Range Long ROF EXP AP AT Notes
(up to 30cm) Range Modifier

Vickers HMG HMG 120cm 0 0 D3+8 -1 4+ 1 Support Weapon

Vickers K LMG 100cm 0 0 D3+6 -1 4+ 1 May not Move & Fire
Support Weapon,
6 Pounder Anti-tank 9 (10 at
150cm 0 -1 1 -1 3+ Cumbersome, AT Weapon
ATG Gun SR)*
Smoke, no HE
Indirect Fire,May not
2” Mortar Mortar 120cm n/a 0 1 0 5+ 0 Move & Fire, HE Blast 2,
Support Weapon, Indirect
3” Mortar Mortar n/a n/a 0 1 -1 5+ 1
Fire, Blast 3, Smoke

* SR indicates the weapon’s effectiveness at Short Range, within 30cm.

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