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Personal Data Sheet

Direction: Provide pertinent information in the items below the
checking the appropriate blank and supplying the answer on the


Age: 11 to 13 17 to 19

14 to 16 20 and above

Sex: Male Female

Grade level:

Grade 7 Grade 9

Grade 8 Grade 10

II. Effects of Online Games on Students’ Behavior Direction:

Indicate the degree in which you think the following
statements are true as you access the effects of online games
on your behavior.

5– Always
4– Sometimes
3- Often
2- Rarely
1- Never

Technology Utilization 5 4 3 2 1
1. I played online games every day to be
2. I get upset every time I lose the game.
3. I get mad to the people around me if I lose
the game.
4. I became inspired every time I win in online
5. I lose focus on my real emotion because I’m
affected to what I play.
6. I became so happy when I lose someone.
7. Online games gave me an excitement that I
can’t explain.
8. Online game causes addiction.
9. I learn to control emotion when play online
10. I get easily distracted when I hear the
sound of the online game that I used to play.
11. I became lazy when I started to play online
12. I like online games because it is better
companion than the people around me.
13. Online games inspire me to do more task at
14. I became violent when I defeated in the
online game that I played.
15. I’m motivated to do other things when I
finish playing online games.

III. Effects of Online Games on Students’ Academic Performance

Direction: Indicate the degree in which you think the
following statements are true as you access the effects of
online games on your academic performance.

5– Always
4– Sometimes
3– Often
2- Rarely
1– Never

Learning Interest 5 4 3 2 1
1. I keep listening to the class discussion even
I’m playing online games on my cell phone.
2. I am distracted t the class discussion
because I played online games inside the
3. I don’t pay much attention cause I think of
playing online games.
4. I feel sleepy inside the classroom than
playing online games.
5. I don’t do my homework cause I played online
6. I always finish my homework before I start
7. I learn to be patience in class because of
online games.
8. I became an effective leader in class because
I learned it from online games.
9. I feel motivated to participate in the class
discussion when I finish playing.
10. I can’t understand the lessons well because
can’t focus on other things than playing.
11. I get low scores because of playing online
12. I’m always late because I stay all night to
play online games.
13. I’m excited to finish school first so I can
play online games at home.
14. I forgot to make my projects because I
played online games.
15. I love to share my experience on online
games at school because it makes me motivated to
learn more.

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