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Math Kelas 9 Test 1 Calculus

Name : ________________________ Marks :

School : ________________________ Date : ________________

Topic : Soal Tes masuk

1. Diketahui sebuah ∆ ABC , ∠ A=90 °, AB = 7 cm, dan BC = 25 cm. Panjang jari-jari

lingkaran luar segitiga tersebut adalah .....

a. 8,0 cm
b. 12,5 cm
c. 16,0 cm
d. 25,0 cm

2. Sebuah taman berbentuk persegipanjang berukuran (30 m x 18 m). Di sekeliling taman

dipasang tiang lampu dengan jarak antar lampu 6 m. Jika harga tiap tiang lampu Rp
200.000 per tiang, maka biaya yang diperlukan adalah .....

a. Rp 2.400.000,00
b. Rp 3.200.000,00
c. Rp 4.000.000,00
d. Rp 4.800.000,00

3. Bentuk sederhana dari √ 8+ √ 60 adalah .....

4. Dua buah kayu berpenampang lingkaran diikat dengan tali yang panjangnya 216 cm. Jika
jari-jarinya sama panjang maka tentukan panjang jari-jari kedua kayu.

5. Tentukan jenis segitiga (berdasarkan panjang sisi) dari kelompok garis di bawah ini!
a) 5 cm, 5 cm, 5 cm

b) 7 cm, 5 cm, 3 cm

6. Tentukan jenis segitiga (berdasarkan panjang sisi dan besar sudutnya) dari kelompok
sudut di bawah ini!

a. 90o, 45o, 45o

b. 20o, 20o, 140o

c. 50o, 60o, 70o

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

8 6 4 2 –4 6
temperature °C
12 14 5 11 6 7
temperature °C

7. The table shows the minimum and maximum temperatures on six days of a week.
a) On Sunday the minimum temperature was 9°C lower than on Saturday.
The maximum temperature was 6°C higher than on Saturday.
Use this information to complete the table.

b) Find the difference between the minimum and maximum temperatures on

Answer …………………….…… °C
c) Use the table to complete the graphs for all seven days. Example the graphs:

M ax im u m
tem pe ratu re

Tem p e ra tu re °C

M o n d ay Tu esd ay Wed n esd ay T h u rsd ay F rid ay S aturd ay S u nd ay
M inim u m
tem p eratu re


8. The table below shows the average daily sunshine, s, and the total monthly rainfall, r, for
a city during one year.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

s (hours) 6 7 7 9 10 12 12 12 9 8 6 5

r (mm) 70 52 72 41 20 6 1 4 16 52 65 67

a) For s, find

(i) the mode

Answer (a)(i) …..………… hours

(ii) the range,

Answer(a)(ii) ……...……… hours

(iii) the median.

Answer (a)(iii) ………….… hours

9. Write the standard form of the equation of the linethrough the given point with the given
a) Through (3,-1), slope = -1

b) Through (3,1), slope =

c) Through (4,2), parallel to y = - x – 5

d) Through (2,0), parallel to y = - x + 3

e) Through (-5,-1), perpendicular to 6x – y – 11 = 0

10. The diagram shows a quadrilateral ABCD.

AB = 16 cm.
AD = 12 cm.
Angle BCD = 40°.
Angle ADB = angle CBD = 90°.
Calculate the length of CD.
Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures.

ABC is a triangle.
ADC is a straight line with BD perpendicular to AC.
AB = 7 cm.
BC = 12 cm.
Angle BAD = 65°.
Calculate the length of AC.
Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures.

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