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Book Brief

I am not covering all aspects as that would entail me doing it all. Below is the
brief. Once you start building on this, I am sure that ideas will flow from you
automatically and we shall provide you with inputs so that you can keep
building and evolving on that.

The estimated time that you would take to make the draft of this is as follows :

First Draft : 65 Hours

(Completion Deadline : 24th December 2021)

- Interim Draft I : 10th December 2021

- Interim Draft II : 17th December 2021

( The 1st and 2nd Interim draft need not be full versions but whatever has
been completed needs to be sent to FTCCI to check whether the
directives followed is correct and to make any mid-course corrections for
the objectives of the book to be met )

Second Draft : 20 Hours

(Completion Deadline : 31st December 2021)

Final Draft : 12 Hours

(Completion Deadline : 4th January 2022)

Print Version : 25 Hours (along with infographics/colour/images)

Completion Deadline : 12th January 2022

Please keep sending the drafts to us we will make the corrections and comments
and sending it back to you.

For now, please name the file “MSME Booklet_FTCCI_yyyymmdd” ex : if

your Interim draft II is sent to us as per schedule on 17 th Dec 2021, the file
would be named as “MSME Booklet_FTCCI_20211217” and similarly if your
final draft is sent to us as scheduled on 4 th January 2022, the file should be
named as “MSME Booklet_FTCCI_20220104”. If the dates are missed by you
then the file name would have the dates that you sent us on and not the
scheduled dates. Naming the file by yyyymmdd format ensures that files are
automatically sorted based on reverse chronological order.

Time frame for completion of Final Print version is 16th Jan 2022 for FTCCI
The book is to contain :

Preface : 300 words

(You please write the objective of making this booklet and what is means to
MSMEs and the country’s industrial growth. This will be further modified by us
and later on again modified again by President – FTCCI as he deems fit and
finally will go by his name )


A) Introduction

B) Growth of MSMEs

(Cover aspects that are growth related – Access to finance, Talent-

People-Trained Labour, Ecosystem, Markets & Market Places,
Technology, Leased land & Resources availability etc)

Ex : B1) Access to Finance

B1.1) Issues
B1.2) Current Pitfalls
B1.3) Recommended Solutions – General & their impact
B1.4) Recommended Resolutions – Policy Level & their impact

B2) Talent Pool – Trained Labour – People Management

B2.1) Issues
B2.2) Current Pitfalls
B2.3) Recommended Solutions – General & their impact
B2.4) Recommended Resolutions – Policy Level & their impact

Since there are many issues, you may name the issues and number the
issues as B1.1.1) and B1.1.2) and similarly on pitfalls and recommended

C) Profitability of MSMEs

(Cover aspects that affect profitability – Consumer demand, Economies

of scale, Interest rates, credit & risk management, cash flow cycles, cost
of doing business i.e energy costs, compliance costs, utilities cost, control
on RM prices, etc)

D) Continuous Improvement

(Cover aspects that improve functioning of MSMEs such as Training,

Skilling – Upskilling & re-skilling, Process improvement methods,
help in ISO certification, Innovation, setting up of labs by Govt for
testing & innovation, nurturing healthy competition, digital
transformation, productivity & efficiency improvement etc)

E) Sustainability

(Cover aspects that bring in sustainability such as access to

information, cluster development, quality of doing business,
consciousness in reducing waste during production, environmental
consciousness, water harvesting & green spaces, diversity in
employment such as including women, healthy workspaces by
creating toilets, health & hygiene, good practices, etc)

F) Conclusions
(You please write and it will be modified by Shri Yerram Raju Garu
Advisor – IDC, FTCCI President and go by Shri Yerram Raju Garu’s

G) Glossary
(Glossary of all acronyms and special words)

H) Appreciation Notes
(Thanking all the people who helped in preparing this booklet)

I) Bibliography
(All reference documents to be mentioned – from where all the contents
of this booklet were sourced

The chapter numbering system would follow as explained in the growth

above except that B) would be replaced with a C) or a D) or an E) etc..

Note :

1) The points listed under each major chapter heading of Growth /

Profitability / CI / Sustainability are indicative and more will crop up.
You please start to write on the above lines and we can evolve the book
as you keep writing and will help you to add points.

2) Keep in mind that a booklet is no more than 100 pages and considering
that it is printed on both sides, it shall comprise of 50 pages only. Since a
booklet is smaller than A4 size, each page is to have approximately 150
words including gaps between paragraphs & words. This will end up with
approximately a total of 150 words x 100 pages i.e 15,000 words. ( for
your reference it just tantamount to 60 A4 pages which should be possible
for you to complete it in the above given deadline & timeframe )

3) Not that you are disinclined to write well, but do not take this as a task for
completion but please be involved & critically think while writing so that
the time you spend becomes effective and good.

4) There is enough literature on the net and a good lot has already been
shared to you by Mr. Yerram Raju and Ms. Sujatha. When you search on
the net, it is important to use correct keywords to get effective and useful

5) Please follow given datelines. When you start working on this, ensure
that you work for a longer period at a stretch to save up on your ramp up
times. Shorter periods everyday will make you lose 15% of the time as
picking up the threads from where you left off does not happen

6) Don’t hesitate to ping any of us for help.

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