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should be opened for

1 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 increased ventilation while on should be opened for increased will open automatically. must be manually activated. must be manually activated.
ventilation while in flight.
The Ram Air valve: the ground. 1

With the pressurization system in the Only the avionics cooling

2 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 automatic mode, which valves are closed All valves below the water line. APU inlet valve. The engine bleed valves. All valves below the water line.
when the ditching push button is selected
on? 1

They remain in their last

3 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 Full open. Mid position. Closed. Closed.
What position do the pack valves go to in the position.
event of a loss of the bleed system pressure? 1

Three: one for the cockpit zone, Two: one for the cockpit Four: one for the cockpit Three: one for the cockpit zone, one
4 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 How many trim air valves are there? One trim air valve. one for the forward cabin zone, and first class zone, and zone,one for the first class for the forward cabin zone, and one
and one for the aft cabin zone. one for the cabin zone. zone, and two for the aft zone. for the aft cabin zone.

5 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 When would you select RAM AIR ON? In case of Dual pack failure or If additional cooling is required When pack temperatures Only when there is smoke in In case of Dual pack failure or Smoke
Smoke removal. on the ground. are too high. the cabin. removal.
They must be selected off They must be selected off on
6 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 What happens to the pack flow control They must be selected off. They automatically close. They automatically close.
valves during engine start? on cold days only. hot days only. 1
LGCIU's and pitot static Angle of attack porobes and
7 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 Pressurization controllers receive inputs LGCIU, ADIRU, FMGS, and EIU. LGCIU's and the MCDU. LGCIU, ADIRU, FMGS, and EIU.
from: sources. static probes. 1
Engine bleed air and
What are the different sources of air for air Engine bleed air and recirculated recirculated air, or if Engine bleed air and recirculated air,
8 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 Engine bleed air. or if selected, APU bleed air and
conditioning and pressurization? air. selected, APU bleed air recirculated air.
and recirculated air.

9 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 Pressurization indications are found on Only on the CAB PRESS page. The In-Flight ECAM cruise page BLEED page. The In-Flight ECAM cruise page and
and the CAB PRESS page. the CAB PRESS page.
which ECAM page(s)? 1
Aircraft Gross Weight greater APU supplying bleed air or APU supplying bleed air or one pack
10 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 When is PACK FLOW HI automatically Smoke detected in cockpit.
selected? than 60000kg. one pack fails. fails. 1

11 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 What is the maximum altitude associated 41,100 feet. 38,500 feet 39,500 feet 39800 feet. 39800 feet.
with the pressurization system? 1

12 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 What limitation is associated with the ram Operation is automatic. Do not open if cabin differential Only open while on the Will not open if the DITCHING Do not open if cabin differential
pressure is greater than 1 psi. ground switch is off. pressure is greater than 1 psi.
air valve? 1

13 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 Avionics ventilation system indications may The in-flight ECAM cruise page. Only the CAB PRESS page. Only the BLEED page. The in-flight ECAM cruise page Only the CAB PRESS page.
and the CAB PRESS pages.
be found on which ECAM page(s)? 1

depends on the
14 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 With APU BLEED ON and engine BLEED Open. closed. crossbleed selector. closed.
switches ON with engines running, what is
the position of the engine bleed valves? 1

How can you change pressurization Cycle the LDG ELEV AUTO knob Cycle the CABIN PRESS MODE Cycle the cabin Cycle the CABIN PRESS MODE SEL
15 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 controllers during flight? out of the AUTO position then SEL pushbutton to the MAN pressurization MAN V/S pushbutton to the MAN position then
back to AUTO. position then back to AUTO. CTL switch. back to AUTO.
Pressurization occurs during Pressurization occurs during taxi Pressurization occurs during the
16 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 When does normal pressurization occur? the takeoff roll. for takeoff. After second engine start. takeoff roll. 1

17 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 The lavatory and galley extract fan operates: Only in flight. Only on the ground. Continuously when Continuously when electric power is
electric power is available. available.

Recirculation fans in the air conditioning The pneumatic duct/ upstream

18 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 system direct filtered cabin air to which The avionics compartment. The mixing unit. The mixing unit.
of the packs.
area? 1
19 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 In automatic mode, the maximum cabin 300 ft/min. 550 ft/min. 750 ft/min. 1000 ft/min. 750 ft/min.
descent rate is limited to: 1
Cabin temperature will be
20 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 controlled at the upper limit 30 The temperature stays at the Optimized regulation is
No effect. No effect.
valve selected. lost.
Hot air pressure regulating valve failed open: °c. 1

Both pressurization auto controllers are set

21 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 by the active flight plan loaded in the MCDU. True. False. True.
The QNH entry on the MCDU approach
performance page refines the
depressurization schedule for landing. 1

22 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 The safety valves are operated: Electrically. By the FMGS. Hydraulically. Pneumatically. Pneumatically.
Positioned according to FMGS
23 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 During ground function operation, the demands. Fully open. Fully closed. Fully open.
outflow valve is 1

24 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 When the pack flow control knob is set to HI, 80% of normal rate. 120% of normal rate. 150% of normal rate. 120% of normal rate.
air flow is: 1

25 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 The temperature of each aircraft zone is A pack flow valve. A hot air valve. A zone control valve. A trim air valve. A trim air valve.
optimized by means of: 1
26 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 On ECAM Cab press page, the safety valve Both safety valves do not open. One safety valve is open. One safety valve is open.
indication changes to amber if: 1

27 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 Does the trim air provide warm air or cold air Cold air. Warm air. Warm air.
to the air conditionning system? 1

After engine start, the pack flow control

28 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 valves automatically open, however on the 30 sec. 50 sec. 45 sec. 60 sec. 30 sec.
ground reopening of the valves is delayed for
…… after the first engine start.

When mode selector is selected to manual

29 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 the outflow valve is controlled by signals CPC 1. CPC 2. CPC 1.
sent via controller 1 or 2. 1

On Ecam CAB press page, the cabin altitude

30 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 indication changes to red when tha cabin >9550. >12500. >1400 0. >100 00. > 9550.
altitude is: 1

The cabin zone temperature sensors are

31 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 ventilated by the air extracted by the True. False. True.
lavatory and galley fans. 1

32 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 On ECAM Cab press page, the outflow valve It is fully open on the ground. It is open more than 95% during It is open more than 50% It is fully closed. It is open more than 95% during
indication changes to amber if: flight. during flight. flight. 1
Packs, cabin air, emergency
33 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 The mixing unit is connected to: ram air inlet and LP ground Pack 1 and 2 only. Packs and cabin air. Packs, emergency ram air only. Packs, cabin air, emergency ram air
inlet and LP ground connection.
connection. 1

If you select a position other than the AUTO On the ECAM cruise page or the On the ECAM press page On the ECAM cruise page or the press
34 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 detent on the LDG ELEV AUTO selector, how On the ECAM cruise page only. press page. only. page.
can you see the actual landing elevation
value? 1
Automatically and
35 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 Once set to ON the air conditionning packs Automatically pack one as a Automatically, pack two as a independently of each Normally but the output of one Automatically and independently of
master, pack two as a slave. master, pack one as a slave. other. affect the other. each other.
operate : 1

When landing elevation is set to AUTO, the

36 AIR COND/PRESS/VENT 1 landing elevation is sent to the controller FCU. ADIRS. FMGS. Captain barometric refrence. FMGS.
from 1

37 Auto Flight 1 The FMGS consists of the following main 2FMGC-2MCDU-2FAC-1FCU. 2FMGC-2MCDU-2FAC-2FCU. 2FMGC-2MCDU-2FAC- 2FMGC-2MCDU-2ECAM-1FCU. 2FMGC-2MCDU-2FAC-1FCU.
components: 2ECAM.

Normal electric power supplies the A/C and

38 Auto Flight 1 the MCDU CRT is dark, without any other The MCDU CB is pulled. The MCDU BRT knob is dimmed. The FMGC has failed. The FMGC is off. The MCDU BRT knob is dimmed.
warning, this means: 1

On the ground when electric power is

39 Auto Flight 1 initially supplied to the A/C, the MCDU will Data index page. Airport page. INIT page A AC status page. AC status page.
automatically display: 1

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Engine running, ready to taxi, a message
40 Auto Flight 1 appears (Check GW). On which page is it T/O performance page. Fuel prediction page. Progress page. Fuel prediction page.
possible to insert the correct GW? 1
41 Auto Flight 1 What are the basic mode of the AP/FD? V/S and Hdg. Pitch and roll. ALT and NAV. SPD and Hdg. V/S and Hdg.

A/C is in clean configuration and normal law,

42 Auto Flight 1 when the FAC detects a too high angle of Alpha floor function operates. Stall warnning is activated. THR LK flashes on FMA. Alpha floor function operates.
attack: 1

43 Auto Flight 1 The continuouslly cavalry charge audio Overspeed for the actual A/C Fire or oil low pressure on one Autopilot disengagement. Excess cabin altitude. Autopilot disengagement.
configuration. engine.
identifies only one of the following situation: 1 B

44 Auto Flight 1 Setting the thrust levers at idle will disengage When A/THR push button is As soon as the thrust levers Provided the levers are When A/THR push button is pressed.
pressed. position is changed. set in CLB gate.
the auto thrust mode, A/THR will reengage: 1

The Flight Management part of the FMGC

45 Auto Flight 1 includes the following elements: Navigation, flight planning and A/THR
optimization, A/THR and
AP commands
flight planning,AP
and FD commands
and flight
and flight
flight planning, performance optimization and flight predictions

46 Auto Flight 1 A/THR in white means that A/THR is: Disconnected. Armed. Active. Active.

47 Auto Flight 1 What is the function of the FACs? Rudder and Yaw damping inputs,Rudder
Flight envelope
and Yaw damping
and speed
Rudder and Yaw damping inputs
Yaw damping
inputs, Flight Rudder
inputs, Flight
and windshear
envelope and
speed computations, and windshear protection.

48 Auto Flight 1   When is alpha floor not available?     Out of normal law.     Below 100 feet RA in landing configuration.
If the A/THR is deactivated or
All of the above.     All of the above.

49 COMMUNICATIONS 1 If you select VHF2 on RMP1, the SEL light RMP1and RMP2. RMP1, RMP2 and RMP3. RMP1 only. RMP1and RMP2.
illuminates on: RMP2 only.
50 COMMUNICATIONS 1 To activate the voice recorder before engine The CVR test pb. The CVR erase pb. The ground control pb. The ground control pb.
start, you have to press: 1
You make a STBY/NAV selection on a RMP,
51 COMMUNICATIONS 1 can you confirm this selection on RAD/NAV Yes. No. No.
page on MCDU? 1
52 COMMUNICATIONS 1 Can you speak on VHF and PA on the same Yes, by pressing RAD toggle sw Yes, by using PTT and PA key. Never. Never.
time? and PA key. 1
The captain uses his acoustic The captain uses his acoustic
53 COMMUNICATIONS 1 When you select CAPT3 on the audio Third occupant uses captain equipment and the third The captain uses headset equipment and the third occupant
switching panel: equipment. occupant ACP. of third occupant. ACP. 1
54 COMMUNICATIONS 1 Can you select VOR2 frequency with RMP1? Yes. No. No.

55 COMMUNICATIONS 1 Which ACP transmission key will illuminate if PA. CAB. VHF 3. ATT. ATT.
the flight attendants are calling the cockpit? 1
Select the appropriate VHF Select the appropriate VHF
communication radio
56 COMMUNICATIONS 1 If RMP navigation tuning is currently in use The NAV key must be transmission key, tune using the Tune the new frequency None of the above. communication radio transmission
for VOR tuning and ATC assigns a new deselected. rotary selector, press the transfer on the offside RMP. key, tune using the rotary selector,
communication frequency, what must be key. press the transfer key.
done? 1

To alert the aft flight attendants To alert the lead flight To alert all flight attendants of To alert all flight attendants of a
57 COMMUNICATIONS 1 To alert ATC of an in-flight
emergency. of a routine need to speak to attendant to cook your a pending urgent need to pending urgent need to speak to
What is the function of the Guarded EMER them. crew meal. speak to them. them.
push button on the overhead panel? 1
Manual tuning via the
58 COMMUNICATIONS 1 Manual tuning via the MCDU FMGC auto tuning is inhibited. MCDU RAD NAV page is FMGC auto tuning is inhibited.
RAD NAV page is still possible. only possible on the
offside radio.
When selecting the guarded RMP NAV key: 1
59 COMMUNICATIONS 1 When the aircraft is in the Emergency RMP's 1 and 2, and ACP's 1 and RMP 1 and ACP's 1 and 2 are RMP 1 and ACP 1 are only RMP 2 and ACP's 1 and 2 are RMP 1 and ACP's 1 and 2 are
Electrical Configuration... 2 are both operative. operative. operative. operative. operative. 1

The lead flight attendant

60 COMMUNICATIONS 1 If the VHF 3 transmission key illuminated An ACARS message is waiting. Indicates a SELCALL. ATC is calling. Indicates a SELCALL.
is calling.
amber showing the word 'CALL' 1

Is automatically energized after Is automatically energized after the

Is automatically energized Is automatically energized when the first engine start or five first engine start or five minutes after
61 COMMUNICATIONS 1 when the battery pb's are Is always active.
selected on. the parking brake is set. minutes after AC electrical AC electrical power is applied to the
Which statement is correct regarding the power is applied to the aircraft. aircraft.
cockpit voice recorder? 1

62 COMMUNICATIONS 1 RMP1 is dedicated to which VHF radios? VHF 1 and 2. VHF 2 and 3. VHF 1 and 3. All radios. All radios.

ACARS may be accessed only ACARS may be accessed ACARS may be accessed through
63 COMMUNICATIONS 1 through the first officer's ACARS may be accessed only through both the first None of the above. both the first officer's and captain's
through the captain's MCDU. officer's and captain's
Which statement is correct concerning MCDU. MCDU's. MCDU's.
64 ELECTRICAL 1 On ground what happens if the RAT and The RAT will extend. The emergency generator is Nothing. The RAT will extend.
EMER GEN MAN pb is pressed? activated. 1
65 ELECTRICAL 1 Speed of the generator. Voltage of the generator. Frequency of the Speed of the generator.
The IDG regulates the: generator. 1
66 ELECTRICAL 1 When are the batteries supplying the DC BAT APU starting. Loss of AC bus1. Loss of AC BUS2. APU starting.

The normal priority for supplying electrical

67 ELECTRICAL 1 power to the AC busses is: External power, engine generators
then APU.
power, APU, then engine generators.
APU, external power then engine
generators, external power then Engine
APU. generators, external power then APU.

Page 2 of 8
68 ELECTRICAL 1 The BATTERY BUS is normally powered by: DC BUS 2. DC BUS 1 and DC BUS 2. DC bus 1 through a DC tie control
DC busrelay.
2 through a DC tie control relay. DC bus 1 through a DC tie control relay.
The A320 has _______ batteries in its main
69 ELECTRICAL 1 electrical system. One. Two. Three. Three (Four in case of ETOPS). Two.
When no other power is available in flight,
the static inverter converts _____ power to
70 ELECTRICAL 1 AC power for the ______ bus; and ______ BAT1 DC / AC ESS bus / BAT2 / DCBAT1
/ DC
/ AC
powers the _______ bus.
An AC ESS FEED switch located on the
71 ELECTRICAL 1 overhead panel shifts the power source for AC bus 1 to AC Grnd/Flt bus. AC bus1 to AC bus 2. AC bus 2 to AC bus 1. AC bus1 to AC bus 2.
the AC ESS bus from: 1

72 ELECTRICAL 1 The RAT is connected directly (mechanically) True. False. False.

to the Emergency Generator

73 ELECTRICAL 1 The emergency generator supplies power as The landing gears are down. The RAT is deployed and the landing
is deployed
up. and the landing gears are down. The RAT is deployed and the landing gears are up.
long as:

After landing, in the emergency electrical

74 ELECTRICAL 1 configuration: the batteries automatically 50 Kts. 70 Kts. 72 Kts. 100 Kts. 100 Kts.
connect to the DC BAT bus when speed
decreases below _______ knots.
Do not depress the IDG DISCONNECT switch
75 ELECTRICAL 1 for more than _______ to prevent damage to 3 seconds 7 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds 3 seconds
the disconnect mechanism. 1
76 ELECTRICAL 1 The IDG Fault light indicates: An IDG oil overheat only. IDG low oil pressure only. IDG low oil pressure or IDGIDG
oil overheat.
has been disconnected. IDG low oil pressure or IDG oil overheat.
You enter a dark cockpit, what action is
77 ELECTRICAL 1 necessary before checking the battery You have to check that the external
have toisensure
on. that at least oneYou
have is
ensure that both
have toare
on. that both batteries are
off.have to verify that both batteries are off.
voltages? 1

Having starting the APU, how can you get

78 ELECTRICAL 1 the APU generator to power the electrical The APU generator must be switch
By on.
pushing the EXT PWR pushbutton
By thus
the BUS TIEthe
external power. By pushing the EXT PWR pushbutton thus disconnecting the external power.

79 ELECTRICAL 1 Are there any limitations associated with Never disconnect an IDG in flight,
or push
the IDG an
IDG in flight,
for more
IDG disconnect
an IDG
is no
5 seconds.
push theNever
IDG disconnect
an IDG
seconds.nor push the IDG disconnect push button for more than 3 seconds.
disconnecting an IDG?

80 ELECTRICAL 1 What is the significance of the green collared Green collared circuit breaker are
when flying
by the
not to be
reset.breakers are AC powered.
Green collared circuit breakers are monitored by the ECAM.
circuit breakers?
81 ELECTRICAL 1 What is the minimum voltage when
28 volts. Greater than 25 volts. Greater than 25.5 volts. 26 volts. Greater than 25.5 volts.
conducting a BATTERY CHECK? 1

82 ELECTRICAL 1 If the battery voltages are below the You have to call a mechanic because
I have
check that
I have
by to
on andthe
I have
to to
as the
I have
generator. are on and switch the external power on.
minimum, how do you charge them?

83 ELECTRICAL 1 Is it possible to parallel generators? Of course yes. Only with the RAT deployed. Only one engine generator may
The electrical
be paralleled
allow "paralleling"
The electrical
of generators.
system will not allow "paralleling" of generators.

84 ELECTRICAL 1 What is the function of the GEN 1 LINE push

button? When selected OFF the avionics compartment
When selectedisolation
OFF the valves
1 powers
Generator 1 is removed from all busses but continues
When toselected
fuel pump1iniseach
wing.from all busses but continues to power one fuel pump in each wing.

During a routine flight, which of the

85 ELECTRICAL 1 following would result after the loss of Gen 2 The APU would now power bothAll
of thereturn
to normal
system.and the
1 continues
be restowed.
to power AC bus 1 and downstream systems. The
1 continues
AC bus
and downstream
AC bus 1 andsystems.
downstream systems. The APU powers AC bus 2 and downstream systems.
and the subsequent start of the APU?

86 ELECTRICAL 1 Can you reconnect an IDG in flight? Yes, but only after contacting maintenance
Yes, push and
hold the IDG pb untilNo,
is not
light is no longer illuminated. No, it is not possible.

87 ELECTRICAL 1 What would cause the GALLEY fault light to The flight attendants have all theThe
shed.on at once.
The Aft Galley has shed. The load on any generator is above 100%The
of its
on any
generator is above 100% of its rated output.

Both batteries are charged by the external

88 ELECTRICAL 1 power unit. Approximately how long does 10 minutes. 20 minutes. 30 minutes. Between 30 and 45 minutes. 20 minutes.
the charging process take?

Which busses will be powered after the RAT

89 ELECTRICAL 1 is extended and the EMER GEN begins BATT HOT busses, ESS DC, ESS DCThe
and ESSwould
AC through
HOT busses,
producing power?

When are the Essential Shed buses powered

90 ELECTRICAL 1 Never. The purpose of the shed buses
In case
is to
of double
reduce the
load onfailure.
the batteries.
After every IDG connection Never. The purpose of the shed buses is to reduce the load on the batteries.
by the battery?

91 ELECTRICAL 1 The static inverter works: Always. When aircraft speed is > 50 kt and flying
Whenon one
main generator
only. fails.
Only when generator 2 fails. When aircraft speed is > 50 kt and flying on batteries only.

92 ELECTRICAL 1 If a TR fails: The static inverter replaces the faulty

The other
TR. TR automatically replaces
Bus on
the ESS
is supplies
lost. thegenerator
DC Ess Bus.
supplies DC power
The other
on the
side. replaces the faulty one and the ESS TR supplies the DC Ess Bus.

Page 3 of 8
What happens in case of total loss of main
93 ELECTRICAL 1 generators? The RAT is automatically extended
is automatically
the yellowextended
system which
and RAT
has the
RAT drives
is extended
the emergency
and mechanically
The RAT isto
the emergency
and powers the blue system which drives the emergency generator.

94 ELECTRICAL 1 Where can the battery voltage be checked? On the ECAM ELEC Page only. On the Elec overhead panel and ECAM
On the
Elec overhead panelOn
the Elec overhead panel and ECAM ELEC
On the
Elec overhead panel and ECAM ELEC Page.
In flight in case of loss of all main
95 ELECTRICAL 1 generators, emergency generator not BAT 1. BAT 2. Ess TR. Hot Bus and Ess TR. BAT 2.
running, the DC ESS Bus is supplied by: 1
96 ELECTRICAL 1 DC BAT Bus can be supplied by: DC BUS 1 or batteries. DC BUS 1, DC BUS 2 or batteries. DC BUS 2 or batteries. DC BUS 1 only. DC BUS 1, DC BUS 2 or batteries.

In cruise, you have suddenly a Master

Warning and caution comes on with ELEC
EMER CONFIG and APP OFF. You notice a red
97 ELECTRICAL 1 FAULT light on the RAT & EMER GEN The EMER GEN is not yet supplying
has failed You will have to The
the batteries
light is always
to OFF.onThe
you have
to try to reconnect
is not yet supplying the system.
pushbutton. What do you think of this

98 ELECTRICAL 1 During the eight seconds it takes for the RAT the BATTERIES power both BATT The
busses, ESSpower
and busses
through the
HOT busses, ESS DC, and ESS AC through the STATIC INVERTER.
to extend:

99 ELECTRICAL 1 When does the RAT automatically deploy? With the loss of two hydraulic systems.
Electrical power to both AC BUS 1 &
are correct.
2 is lost and the aircraft speed is above 100 knots. Electrical power to both AC BUS 1 & AC BUS 2 is lost and the aircraft speed is above 100 knots.

What is the function of APU GEN push
100 ELECTRICAL 1 button located on the overhead electrical Push this button to automatically
the OFF the APU generator
Both are
is de-energize When selected to OFF the APU generator field is de-energize
panel? 1

101 ELECTRICAL 1 What is the meaning of the green AVAIL External power is plugged in andExternal
the batteries
has been
it opened
is supplying the aircraft systems
External power is plugged in and parameters are normal. You must push the external power to connect it
light on the EXT PWR pb?

Two smoke detectors and two One smoke detector, and One smoke detector, and for lavatory
102 FIRE PROTECTION 1 Two smoke detectors and one automatically discharging fire for lavatory waste bins, an waste bins, an automatically
smoke detection control unit. extinguishers. automatically discharging discharging fire extinguisher.
fire extinguisher.
Each lavatory is equipped with: 1

When the crew pushes the red Only after the fire warning no Only after the crew Only after the fire warning no longer
103 FIRE PROTECTION 1 If an engine fire is detected, when will the selects the adjacent ENG None of the above.
MASTER WARN push button. longer exists. exists.
pedestal mounted red FIRE annunciator light MASTER switch to off.
extinguish? 1
One cylinder shared with
104 FIRE PROTECTION 1 How many fire extinguishing bottles are One. Two. the aft cargo Two cylinders shared with the One.
compartment. aft cargo compartment.
available for fighting an APU fire? 1
This is normal indication, the
105 FIRE PROTECTION 1 red APU thermal plug only An APU fire agent thermal An external fire discharge An engine fire agent thermal An APU fire agent thermal discharge
appears if the APU halon discharge has occurred. has been activated. discharge has occurred. has occurred.
What is indicated by a missing red APU cylinder is low.
thermal plug during an exterior preflight? 1

One smoke detector, one

Four smoke detectors and a two Four smoke detectors and a two
106 FIRE PROTECTION 1 A dual loop smoke detector. channel smoke detection control smoke detection control channel smoke detection control unit
unit or CIDS with a Smoke unit and two or CIDS with a Smoke Detection
Detection Function. automatically discharging Function.
The aft cargo compartment smoke detection fire extinguishers.
system consists of: DSC-26-50-10 P 1/4 1

Two smoke detectors and one One smoke detector, one smoke
Two smoke detectors and one smoke
107 FIRE PROTECTION 1 smoke detection control unit detection control unit and two None of the above. detection control unit or CIDS with a
or CIDS with a Smoke automatically discharging fire Smoke Detection Function.
The forward cargo compartment smoke Detection Function. extinguishers.
detection system consists of: DSC-26-50-10 P 1/4 1
The crew must depress
108 FIRE PROTECTION 1 In the event an aft cargo compartment Extinguishing is automatic. Extinguishing is automatic only the appropriate DISCH The crew must depress the
while on the ground. switch. appropriate DISCH switch.
smoke detector detects smoke: 1
Only when selected to
109 FIRE PROTECTION 1 The APU provides automatic fire On the ground and in flight. On the ground. automatic by ground On the ground.
extinguishing: personnel. 1

While on battery power, only the It is not possible to test While on battery power, only the red
110 FIRE PROTECTION 1 How does the APU fire test on battery power There is no difference. red APU FIRE and AGENT/DISC the APU fire protection APU FIRE and AGENT/DISC push
differ from the APU fire test with all busses push button will illuminate. while on battery power. button will illuminate.
powered? 1

Engines, APU, aft cargo,

Engines, APU, aft cargo, Engines, APU, cargo, lavatories wheel wells, forward Engines, APU, cargo, lavatories and
lavatories and avionics bay. and avionics bay. cargo, lavatories and avionics bay.
Which of the following are monitored for avionics bay.
protection against fire or smoke? 1
APU, aft cargo, forward cargo, APU, lavatory waste bins and APU, and lavatory waste
112 FIRE PROTECTION 1 Which of the following have automatic fire lavatory waste bins and APU, and lavatory waste bins.
avionics bay. avionics bay. bins.
extinguishing systems? 1

Each engine is equipped with a fire and Two detection loops and a fire One detection loop and a fire Two smoke detectors and A single fire detection loop and Two detection loops and a fire
overheat detection system consisting of: detection unit. detection unit. two fire detection loops. a single smoke detector. detection unit.
DSC-26-20-10 P 1/2 1

can only be reset on the can only be reset on the ground by

114 FLIGHT CONTROLS May be reset in flight.
ground by ground personnel. ground personnel.
The wing tip brakes, once activated: DSC-27-30-10 P1/6 1
115 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 The aircraft rudder can be manually trimmed True. False. False.
with the autopilot engaged ? DSC-27-10-20 P12/14 1
116 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 Selection of flaps one prior to takeoff will Slats 1 and flaps 1 (1+F). Slats 0 and flaps 1 (0+F). Slats 1 and flaps 0 (1). Slats 1 and flaps 1 (1+F).
select which of the following? 1
117 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 The FAC's primarily control which control Elevator. Rudder. Aileron. Elevator and aileron. Rudder.
surface? 1
118 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 Where does the SFCCs obtain AOA and air ADIRU. SEC. ELAC. FAC ADIRU.
data information from? 1
119 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 The flight control surfaces are _______     Electrically / hydraulically     Mechanically / hydraulically     Electrically / electrically     Electrically / hydraulically
controlled and _______ actuated. 1
What computer normally commands the
120 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 operation of the elevators and horizontal     SEC 1. FAC 2 ELAC 1 ELAC 2 ELAC 2
stabilizer? DSC-27-10-20 P2/14 1
121 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 What computer normally commands the SEC 1 FAC 1 ELAC 1 ELAC2 ELAC 1
operation of the ailerons? DSC-27-10-20 P5/14 1
Sidesticks provide electrical signals to the
122 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 flight control computers; if both sidesticks The inputs cancel each other. The F/O input is overridden by the Both
CAP input.
inputs are algebraically added. Both inputs are algebraically added.
are operated: 1
123 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 When the flaps are extended, the ailerons:     Go to the centering mode.     Pitch up 5 degrees.     Droop 5 degrees.     Droop 5 degrees.
DSC-27-10-20 P 5/14 1

124 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1   If electrical power to a SEC fails:     The affected spoilers automatically
    All retract.
spoilers automatically retract.    The affected spoilers remains in the last commanded position.     The affected spoilers automatically retract.

DSC-27-10-20 P 6/14 1

Page 4 of 8
If angle of attack protection is active or flaps You can always extend the
125 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 are in the configuration Full:     Speed brake extension is inhibited.
    Speed brake extension travel is reduced.
    Aileron travel is reduced.speed breakes when you need     Speed brake extension is inhibited.
it. DSC-27-10-20 P 6/14 1
126 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 Two control surfaces that have mechanical     Elevator and rudder.     Horizontal stabilizer and rudder.    Speed brakes and rudder.Aileron and elevator.     Horizontal stabilizer and rudder.
backup are: 1
Should both FACs fail, maximum rudder
127 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 deflection can be obtained after the ______     Flaps.     Slats.     Gears.     Slats.
are extended DSC-27-10-20 P 12/14 1

In Pitch Normal Law Flight Mode; pitch trim

128 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 is:     Manual without the autopilot  engaged.
  Automatic as long as the autopilot
is engaged.with or without the autopilot engaged.     Automatic with or without the autopilot engaged.
  In pitch normal law, the elevator control
129 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 changes from the normal mode to a     Alpha Max.     Alpha Prot.     Alpha Floor.     Alpha Prot.
protection mode when the angle of attack is
greater than:
130 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1   With the aircraft in Pitch Alternate Law, roll     Direct     Normal     Alternate     Direct
is in _____ Law. 1

  Which of the following statements is correct

131 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 concerning the spoiler elevator computers     Two computers which achieve spoiler
  Three computers
control andwhich
and control
and which
and THS
and standby elevator
THS control.
which achieve spoiler control and standby elevator and THS control.
DSC-27-10-10 P3/6 1
132 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 Which of the following will automatically     THS.     Rudder trim.     Both are correct.     THS.
reset after landing? 1

133 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 The alpha speed lock function:     Will inhibit flap retraction during
an inhibit
slat retraction
movement during
of the
selector atraises
high the
if retraction
flap selector
or low speeds.
210kts.slat retraction during an inadvertent movement of the flap selector at high AOA or low speeds.

134 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 What is the maximum flap setting for in-     Flaps FULL.     Flaps 3. Flaps 2.     Flaps 3.
flight use of the spoilers? 1

135 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1   What kind of protections are provided if the     G-load protection with a reduced
Stability     G-load protection and speed stability if the ADIRS and elevators are
protection and speed stability if the ADIRS and elevators are working.
aircraft is in Alternate Law?

136 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1   When do you get FLARE Mode in Alternate     Never. It goes directly from Alternate
    At glide
to Direct
Law when the gears are selected down.     Never. It goes directly from Alternate Law to Direct Law when the gears are selected down.

137 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 What condition will cause auto flap

retraction?     Exceed 210 kts at Flaps 1     Exceed 190 kt at Flaps 1.     Exceed 195 kt at Flaps 1     Exceed 190 kt with Flaps 1 while extending
the 210
kts at Flaps
Is there any rudder pedal feedback from the
138 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 yaw damping and turn coordination Yes. No. No.
functions? 1
139 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1 Turn coordination is available in Alternate True. False. False.
Law. 1

140 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1   In Normal Law, what are the limits of Pitch     30° nose up.     35° nose up progressively reduced
to 20°
nose up, progressively reduced to 20° at low speed.     25° nose up, progressively reduced to 20° at low speed.
Attitude protections with flaps Full?
DSC-27-20-10-20 P 5/10 1

141 FLIGHT CONTROLS 1   What happens if you release the stick at 40     The bank stays at 40°     The aircraft rolls back to 25°     The aircraft rolls back to 33° and resumes flight path stability.     The aircraft rolls back to 33° and resumes flight path stability.
degrees of bank?

142 FUEL 1 The normal tanks filling order is: Wing tanks then center tank. Center tank then wing tanks. Wing tanks then center tank.
DSC-28-10-70 P 1/4 1
143 FUEL 1 With slats extended, does the center tank Yes, after engine start for 2 Always. Yes, after engine start for 2 minutes.
pumps run on ground? minutes. Never. DSC-28-20 P1/18 1

Fuel is being burned out of Center Tank has more than 250 Center tank pumps do not Center tank pumps do not stop Center Tank has more than 250 Kg of
144 FUEL 1 Which of the following would cause the fault Kg of fuel and left or right wing 5 min after center tank low fuel and left or right wing tank has
sequence. tank has less than 5000 Kg stop after slat extension. level reached. less than 5000 Kg
light to illuminate on the MODE SEL push
button? DSC-28-20 P2/18 1

For fuel expansion without For fuel expansion without spillage

145 FUEL 1 Why a 2% additional space can be provided For cooling purpose. spillage into the vent surge tank into the vent surge tank when the
in each fuel tank? when the aircraft has been aircraft has been refueled to
refueled to maximum capacity. maximum capacity.
DSC-28-10-20 P 1/2 1

In flight if the fuel X FEED

In flight if the fuel X FEED push push button is selected Fuel can never be transferred
146 FUEL 1 Only on the ground. OPEN and center tank Only on the ground.
button is selected OPEN. MODE SEL push button is from tank to tank.
selected to MAN.
Fuel can be transferred from tank to tank: 1
obtains fuel from the left
fuel manifold via the left obtains fuel from the left fuel obtains fuel from the left fuel
147 FUEL 1 obtains fuel from either center uses it's own dedicated DC side fuel pumps or if manifold via the right side fuel manifold via the left side fuel pumps
tank pump. powered fuel pump.
needed, the APU fuel pumps. or if needed, the APU fuel pump.
The APU fuel system: 1

Anytime the slats are extended For a short test period

With fuel in the center tank the CTR TK Extension of the slats (after or an overfill condition is after the first Engine Anytime the slats are extended or an
148 FUEL 1 MODE SEL push button selected to AUTO and completion of the short test Master Switch is selected overfill condition is detected in either
detected in either wing inner
CTR TK PUMP push buttons ON (lights out), cycle). cell.
`ON' when the slats are wing inner cell.
which of the following conditions cause the extended.
center tank fuel pumps to stop? 1
Yes, only on the refueling It is not possible to determine Only on the ECAM Fuel
149 FUEL 1 Can the position of the wing fuel transfer Only on the ECAM Fuel page.
valves be checked? panel. their position. page. 1

150 FUEL When low level is sensed in When a low level is sensed in When a low level is When low level is sensed in either
During normal operations when should the either inner wing cell. either outer wing cell. sensed in the center tank. inner wing cell.
fuel transfer valves open? 1

From the center tank, then From the center tank, then from the
from the inner tanks to a From the inner tanks then outer inner tanks to a predetermined level,
151 FUEL 1 With fuel in all tanks, in flight fuel is used: predetermined level, then the
outer tanks fuel is transferred tanks then center tank. From the center tank then
then the outer tanks fuel is
into the inner tanks. transferred into the inner tanks.
the outer tanks then the
inner tanks. DSC-28-10-30 P 2/4 1
Normally closed by pump
Always open regardless of pressure, to allow engines to be Normally closed by pump pressure,
152 FUEL 1 Suction valves are: to allow engines to be fed by gravity
pump status. fed by gravity if the inner tank Open automatically when if the inner tank pumps fail.
pumps fail. the fuel cross-feed is
selected on. DSC-28-10-30 P 1/4 1

153 FUEL 1 What does the MODE SEL pb controls? Center tank pumps only. Wing tank pumps only. Center tank and wing tank Center tank pumps only.
pumps. DSC-28-20 P1/18 1
Fuel overflows into the
154 FUEL 1 What happens to the IDG cooling fuel when Fuel returns to the engine Fuel overflows into the inner center tank through a spill Fuel overflows into the inner tank
the outer tank is full? feeding line. tank through a spill pipe. through a spill pipe.
pipe. DSC-28-10-60 P 1/2 1
Transfer valves close
155 FUEL 1 If open, when will the transfer valves close automatically at the next When the cell is empty. On ground only by Transfer valves close automatically at
again? maintenance action. the next refueling operation.
refueling operation. DSC-28-10-30 P 3/4 1
Both transfer valves fail to Only one tranfer valve fails to
156 FUEL 1 When FOB indication is half boxed amber? open, when inner cell is at low open, when inner cell is at low Center tank pumps fail, or
level. level. are switched off. A and C are correct A and C are correct DSC-28-20 P13/18 1
Engine master switch or engine Engine master switch or engine fire
157 FUEL 1 Engine LP fuel valve is controlled by: fire push buttom. Engine master switch only. push buttom.
Fire push buttom only. DSC-28-10-30 P 1/4 1

Page 5 of 8
When all pumps are running, Allow the transfer of fuel When all pumps are running, center
158 FUEL 1 What is the purpose of the pressure relief Allow the transfer of fuel from center tank pumps will deliver from outer tanks to inner tank pumps will deliver fuel
valves? wing tanks to center tank.
fuel preferentially. tank. preferentially. DSC-28-10-30 P 1/4 1

159 FUEL 1 Approximate refuelling time at nominal 25 min. 17 min for wing tanks and 20 min 15 min for wing tanks and 17 min for wing tanks and 25 17 min for wing tanks and 20 min for
pressure is: for all tanks. 23 min for all tanks. min for all tanks. all tanks.
DSC-28-10-30 P 1/4 1
Open the crossfeed when above Flight time above or Flight time above or below FL 30,000
160 FUEL 1 What precaution should you observe when Use center tank first. FL250 below FL 30,000 feet. No precautions are necessary. feet.
gravity feeding fuel? 1

With both engines stopped, how is it By the blue electric pump and By the yellow electric By the yellow electric pump and the
161 HYDRAULIC 1 possible to pressurize the green hydraulic By the green engine pump.
the PTU. pump and the PTU. PTU.
system? 1
162 HYDRAULIC 1 On ground the blue system is pressurized EXT power is available. The APU is running. One engine is running. One engine is running.
when: DSC-29-20 P 1/10 1

163 HYDRAULIC 1 Low hydraulic pressure. High hydraulic pressure in the High hydraulic pressure in Low hydraulic pressure.
green and yellow system. the green system only.
The priority valves operate in case of: DSC-29-10-20 P2/6 1
The yellow and green
164 HYDRAULIC 1 The fire shut off valves shut off hydraulic The blue and yellow system. The green and blue system. system. The yellow and green system.
pressure of: 1

165 HYDRAULIC 1 On ground with engine stopped, does Yes. No. No.
hydraulic engine pump fault light illuminate
amber due to pump low pressure? DSC-29-20 P 1/10 1

166 HYDRAULIC 1 The BLUE hydraulic system includes The slats and flaps. The slats only. The flaps only. The slats only.
operation of: DSC-29-10-30 P2/2 1
167 HYDRAULIC 1 The YELLOW hydraulic system includes The slats and flaps. The slats only. The flaps only. The flaps only.
operation of: DSC-29-10-30 P2/2 1

Is it possible to interchange hydraulic fluid

168 HYDRAULIC 1 from green to yellow or yellow to green Yes, by using the PTU. Yes, in case of leakage only. No. No.
system? DSC-29-10-30 P2/2 1
169 HYDRAULIC 1 If yellow system is lost, the slats are: Slow. Lost. Normal. Normal. DSC-29-10-30 P2/2 1

170 HYDRAULIC May be recovered after Definitively lost. May be recovered after descending
In case of RSVR LO air PR, the hydraulic descending to a lower altitude. to a lower altitude.
system affected: 1

171 HYDRAULIC 1 When green hydraulic system is the only Available with AP1. Available with AP2. Lost. Lost.
available system, the autopilot functions are: 1

172 HYDRAULIC 1 When green hydraulic system is the only Available. Lost. Available.
available system, the horizontal stablizer is: DSC-29-10-30 P2/2 1

173 HYDRAULIC 1 When green and yellow hydraulic systems Available. Lost. Lost.
are lost, the automatic pitch trim is: DSC-29-10-30 P2/2 1
174 HYDRAULIC 1 Slow. Lost. Normal. Normal.
If blue hydraulic system is lost, the flaps are: DSC-29-10-30 P2/2 1
The PTU fault light will
remain illuminated as The PTU fault light will remain
175 HYDRAULIC 1 The PTU will be inhibited. The crew must select the PTU ON. long as the problem illuminated as long as the problem
Describe the PTU status with a green system exists. The PTU should be exists. The PTU should be selected
reservoir overheat, low pressure or low fluid selected OFF. OFF.
level. DSC-29-20 P3/10 1
Check to see if the blue system
176 HYDRAULIC 1 After extending the RAT, is it possible to ELEC PUMP FAULT light is not Yes, select the ECAM ELEC page. Yes, select the ECAM HYD No. Yes, select the ECAM HYD page.
illuminated. page.
check it's position and status? DSC-29-20 P5/10 1

Automatically with the failure Automatically with the failure of Only when the guarded When airspeed drops below Only when the guarded RAT MAN ON
177 HYDRAULIC 1 of both the green and blue both the green and yellow RAT MAN ON push button 100 knots with the gear up. push button is selected by the crew.
For hydraulic system malfunctions, when will hydraulic systems. hydraulic systems. is selected by the crew.
the RAT deploy? 1

An engine driven pump, an An engine driven pump, electric An engine driven pump, An engine driven pump, an electric
178 HYDRAULIC 1 electric pump, the PTU using pump, the PTU using the blue an electric pump, and the None of the above. pump, the PTU using the green
the green system and, for the system and, for the cargo doors PTU using the green system and, for the cargo doors only,
How is the yellow hydraulic system cargo doors only, a hand pump. only, a hand pump. system. a hand pump.
pressurized? DSC-29-10-20 P1/6 1
When the yellow electric When the yellow electric system ELEC
When the first engine MASTER system ELEC PUMP push
179 HYDRAULIC 1 During the second engine start. switch is moved to the ON if any N2 RPM is less than button is selected to ON or the PUMP push button is selected to ON
position. 45%. ground crew activates a cargo or the ground crew activates a cargo
When will the yellow system electric pump door switch. door switch.
operate? (AC power is available). DSC-29-20 P2/10 1
180 HYDRAULIC 1 The first time the battery During the first engine start. During the second engine During the second engine start.
The PTU will self test: powers the aircraft. start. DSC-29-20 P2/10 1
181 HYDRAULIC 1 The first time the battery During the first engine start. During the second engine During the first engine start.
When is the PTU inhibited? powers the aircraft. start. DSC-29-20 P2/10 1

The differential pressure

A significant pressure loss The differential pressure The differential pressure The differential pressure between the
182 HYDRAULIC 1 occurs in any of the three between the green and yellow between the green and between the green and blue green and yellow systems is more
hydraulic systems. systems is more than 500 PSI. yellow systems is more systems is more than 500 PSI. than 500 PSI.
than 750 PSI.
The hydraulic PTU will be activated if: DSC-29-20 P2/10 1

Two engine driven pumps and Two electric pumps and Two electric pumps and two Two engine driven pumps and one
183 HYDRAULIC 1 The A320's three hydraulic systems are Two electric pumps and one PTU.
one electric pump. one engine driven pump. engine driven pumps. electric pump.
normally pressurized by: DSC-29-10-20 P1/6 1
184 HYDRAULIC 1 What are the major equipment losses with Speed Brakes. Autobrakes. Alternate Brakes. Autobrakes.
loss of Green system? 1

The wing anti-ice valves open The wing anti-ice valves do not The wing anti-ice valves The wing anti-ice valves open for 30
185 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 What happens when you set the wing anti-
for 30 sec only (test sequence). open. remain open. sec only (test sequence).
ice PB to ON, when the aircraft is on ground? DSC-30-20-10 P1/2 1

186 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 In case of window heat computer failure, the Yes. No. No.
other computer can replace the failed one. 1

Pitot heads and AOA probes Pitot heads, static ports, Pitot heads, static ports, AOA probes
187 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 Electrical heating is provided for the Pitot heads and TAT probes only. AOA probes and TAT
only. probes. and TAT probes.
protection of: DSC-30-50-10 P1/2 1
188 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 Air bleed from low pressure Air bleed from high pressure Electrically. Air bleed from high pressure
The engine nacelle is anti-iced by: compressor. compressor. compressor. DSC-30-30-10 P1/2 1
189 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 The maximum speed to use the windshield 200 kts. 230 kts. 250 kts. 230 kts.
wipers is: 1

On ground when aircraft speed When the aircraft is on ground When the aircraft is on ground and
is below 80 kts. and the engines are stopped. the engines are stopped.
The rain repellent system is inhibited: DSC-30-60-20 P1/2 1
191 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 May be used as a windshield Must not be used. Must not be used.
On a dry windshield, rain repellent system: washer. 1


192 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 push button is selected ON by Automatically after the first Both A and B are correct. Both A and B are correct.
engine start.
the crew prior to engine start.
Window heat operation begins: DSC-30-40-10 P1/2 1
Shifts from low to high as
193 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 Windshield heat operates at what power Low power above 18,000 ft. Normal power while airborne. window temperature Low power above 25,000 ft. Normal power while airborne.
level while airborne? requires. DSC-30-40-10 P1/2 1

N1 limit is automatically N1 limit is automatically

Minimum N1 is limited, Maximum N1 is limited, reduced and idle N1 is reduced and idle N2 is N1 limit is automatically reduced and
194 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 continuous ignition is provided, continuous ignition is provided, automatically increased automatically increased for idle N1 is automatically increased for
minimum idle RPM is for both engines in order both engines in order to provide the
increased. minimum RPM is increased. to provide the required both engines in order to required pressure.
pressure. provide the required pressure.
What happens when either engine anti-ice is
open? DSC-30-30-10 P1/2 1

The engine air intake and three The engine nacelle, three The engine nacelle, three The engine air intake and three
195 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 outboard leading-edge slats of outboard wing slats, and the outboard slats, horizontal outboard leading-edge slats of each
each wing. horizontal stabilizer. stabilizer, and the rudder. wing.
Anti-ice protection is provided for: DSC-30-10-10 P1/2 1
196 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 With the loss of electrical power the engine Fail in their current position. Fail to the open position. Fail to the closed position. Fail to the open position.
anti-ice valves: DSC-30-30-10 P1/2 1
197 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 With the loss of electrical power the wing Fail in their current position. Fail to the open position. Fail to the closed position. Fail to the closed position.
anti-ice valves: DSC-30-20-10 P1/2 1
198 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 How many heating level exist for the One. Two. Three. One.
windows? DSC-30-40-10 P1/2 1

They follow the other probes in When the outside air

199 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 heating protections. On the ground. temperature is too high. On the ground.
When are the TAT probes not heated? DSC-30-50-10 P1/2 1
200 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 The anti-ice system protects the windshield True. False. False.
and the windows from ice. DSC-30-40-10 P1/2 1
201 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 The cockpit side windows can only be True. False. True.
defogged. DSC-30-40-10 P1/2 1

Automatic, from low power on

Automatic, from low power on the ground to medium or high Automatic, from low Automatic, from low power on the
202 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 the ground to normal power in power in flight according to power on the ground to ground to normal power in flight.
flight. outside air temperature. high power in flight.
The changeover of windshield heating level
is: DSC-30-40-10 P1/2 1

ENG and WING ANTI-ICE must be Unless ice accretion is

203 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION 1 ENG ANTI-ICE must be set to set to ON before and during detected there is no need ENG ANTI-ICE must be set to ON
ON during descent. descent to use ENG or WING ANTI- before and during descent
If the SAT is below -40°C : 1
204 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 The actual speed is indicated by the Yellow. Red. Amber. White. Yellow.
SYSTEMS …..reference line. DSC-31-40 P8/50 1

INDICATION/RECORDING The speed trend arrow is a dynamic

205 SYSTEMS 1 information displaying the speed at which 5 sec. 8 sec. 10 sec. 15 sec. 10 sec.
the aircraft will be in …. DSC-31-40 P8/50 1

206 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 Generation of audio warnings. Generation of amber warnings. Generation of synthetic They compute and elaborate They compute and elaborate displays.
SYSTEMS voice message. displays.
What is the basic role of DMCs? DSC-31-05-30 P1/4 1

As you approach within

As you approach within 500 ft. As you approach within 900 ft. of 1000 ft. of FCU selected As you approach within 750 ft. As you approach within 750 ft. of FCU
207 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 of FCU selected altitude and FCU selected altitude and stop altitude and stop when it of FCU selected altitude and selected altitude and stop when it is
SYSTEMS As you approach a selected altitude, when stop when it is within 150 ft. when it is within 200 ft. is within 150 ft. stop when it is within 200 ft. within 200 ft.
will the yellow altitude window start
pulsing? DSC-31-40 P41/50 1
When the slats are out, with
208 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 the landing gear is selected
In approach after the aircraft When the landing gear is All of the above are correct All of the above are correct
SYSTEMS captures the glideslope. locked down. individually. individually.
When is the altitude alert inhtibited? down. DSC-31-40 P41/50 1
209 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 If the UPPER ECAM DU fails, what will be Engines and Warning page
SYSTEMS displayed on the lower unit? System display page. (E/WD) Status page. None of the above Engines and Warning page (E/WD) DSC-31-05-60 P1/6 1
210 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 What causes a display unit (DU) to go blank Display unit internal failure. No power. The circuit breaker has Display unit internal failure.
SYSTEMS with an "F" letter in amber? popped. DSC-31-05-60 P4/6 1
DMC 1 supplies data to CAPT DMC1 supplies data to DMC1 supplies data to CAPT
DMC1 supplies data to CAPT
211 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 Where is information displayed by DMC 1 PFD, CAPT ND, and lower PFD1, F/O PFD, and upper ECAM. CAPT PFD, CAPT ND, and PFD, F/O ND, and lower ECAM. DMC1 supplies data to CAPT PFD,
SYSTEMS and DMC 2? ECAM. DMC 2 supplies data to DMC 2 supplies data to CAPT ECAM. DMC 2 supplies DMC 2 supplies data to F/O CAPT ND, and ECAM. DMC 2 supplies
F/O PFD, F/O ND, and upper ND, F/O ND, and lower ECAM. data to F/O PFD and F/O PFD, CAPT ND, and upper data to F/O PFD and F/O ND.
DSC-31-05-50 P1/2 1

Rotate the EIS DMC switch on Rotate the EIS DMC switch on the
212 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 After a single DMC failure, how could a crew the switching panel to replace Once a DMC has failed, the It is done automatically. None of the above. switching panel to replace the failed
SYSTEMS member recover the display units? the failed DMC with DMC 3. information is unrecoverable. DMC with DMC 3.
DSC-31-05-50 P1/2 1
213 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 ECAM will be no longer Only the lower ECAM is lost. DMC 2 automatically You have to select DMC 3 to DMC 2 automatically drives the
SYSTEMS If DMC 1 fail, will the ECAM be affected? available. drives the ECAM. drive the ECAM. ECAM. DSC-31-05-50 P1/2 1

By pressing and holding the By rotating the ECAM/ND XFR

related systems page push switch on the switching panel,
214 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 If the lower ECAM DU fails, is there a way to button on the ECAM control the lower ECAM page will be Both A and B are correct. Both A and B are correct.
SYSTEMS retrieve that information? panel, the page will be transferred to either the Captain
displayed on the UPPER ECAM. or FO's ND.
DSC-31-05-60 P 1/6 1
The ATT HDG switch must be
Yes. The image automatically Yes. The image Yes. The image automatically
215 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 If a PFD fails, does anything happen used on the switching panel in transfers to the display formerly automatically transfers to transfers to the display formerly
SYSTEMS automatically? order to recover PFD occupied by the ND. the UPPER ECAM. occupied by the ND.
DSC-31-05-60 P 1/6 1
216 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 Do the CHECK ATT messages appear on both Yes. No. Message only appears on Message only appears on ECAM. Yes.
SYSTEMS PFD at the same time? E/WD. DSC-31-05-60 P 5/6 1

If there is a discrepancy of at If there is a discrepancy of

If there is a discrepancy of at If there is a discrepancy of at If there is a discrepancy of at least 5°
least 5° between the attitude at least 10° between the least 5° of pith only between
217 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 When does the message "CHECK ATT" values, pith and/or roll of least 7° between the attitude attitude values, pith Captain EFIS and First Officer
between the attitude values, pith
SYSTEMS appear on PFD? values, pith and/or roll of Captain and/or roll of Captain EFIS and First
Captain EFIS and First Officer EFIS and First Officer EFIS. and/or roll of Captain EFIS EFIS. Officer EFIS.
EFIS. and First Officer EFIS.

DSC-31-05-60 P 5/6 1

If there is a discrepancy of at If there is a discrepancy of at If there is a discrepancy of

218 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 When does the message "CHECK HGD" least 5° between the heading least 7° between the heading at least 10° between the If there is a discrepancy of at least 5°
SYSTEMS appear on PFD? values. values. heading values. between the heading values.
DSC-31-05-60 P 5/6 1
If there is a discrepancy
If there is a discrepancy between If there is a discrepancy If there is a discrepancy between the
219 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 When does the message "CHECK ALT" appear between the altitude values the altitude values greater than between the altitude altitude values greater than 250 ft
SYSTEMS on PFD? greater than 250 ft QNH or 500 200 ft QNH or 400 ft STD. values greater than 150 ft. QNH or 500 ft STD.
ft STD.
DSC-31-05-60 P 5/6 1

Whenever a repetitive
At the completion of an ECAM visual or aural warning, or Whenever a repetitive visual or aural
220 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 When should the EMER CANC push button Whenever a LEVEL 3 warning or
procedure for an abnormal LEVEL 2 caution occurs. caution is received that None of the above. warning, or caution is received that
SYSTEMS be used?
procedure. the crew has determined the crew has determined to be false.
to be false.

DSC-31-30 P3/10 1
221 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 How many DMC's are there? One. Two. Three. Three.
SYSTEMS Four. DSC-31-05-30 P1/4 1

Once the crewmember has completed

222 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 viewing a specific system, what is the correct Press the respective system It goes away by itself. Press CLR on the ECAM Press the respective system push
SYSTEMS procedure for clearing the screen and push button again. control panel. button again.
returning it to a normal presentation?
INDICATION/RECORDING Landing distance and speed
223 1 The FWC generate: Radio callouts.
SYSTEMS increments. All of the above. All of the above. DSC-31-05-30 P2S/4 1
INDICATION/RECORDING How many flight phase do the FWC divides
224 1 10 8 3 10
SYSTEMS his function according to? 4 DSC-31-15 P4/8 1
When the TO CONFIG TEST pb is
225 INDICATION/RECORDING 1 When is the TO MEMO displayed? Two minutes after the second pressed provided at least one When the TO CONFIG A and B are correct A and B are correct
SYSTEMS engine is started. TEST pb is pressed.
engine is running. DSC-31-15 P6/8 1
226 1 When does the LDG MEMO appear? Below 2000 ft. Below 1500 ft. Below 2500 ft.
SYSTEMS DSC-31-15 P6/8 1
INDICATION/RECORDING Weather radar can be displayed in what ARC and ROSE NAV modes ROSE VOR and ROSE ILS
227 1 All modes except plan. All modes except plan.
SYSTEMS modes on the ND? only. modes only. DSC-31-45 P1/40 1
228 1 On ND the wind direction is reflected to: True north reference. Magnetic north reference. True north reference.
SYSTEMS DSC-31-45 P5/40 1
229 1 ILS 1 information appears on: PFD 1 and ND 1. PFD 1 and ND 2. PFD 1 and ND 2.
SYSTEMS DSC-31-45 P7/40 1
Which ADIRS close the safety valve of the
230 LANDING GEAR 1 green hydraulic supply when speed is greater ADIRS 1 and 2. ADIRS 1 and 3. ADIRS 2 and 3. ADIRS 1 and 3.
than 260 kts. 1

231 LANDING GEAR 1 Nose wheel steering by rudder pedals is ±75 degrees. ±6 degrees under all Maximum ± 6 degrees Maximum ± 6 degrees depending on
limited to:
± 90 degrees. conditions. depending on aircraft speed. aircraft speed. DSC-32-20-10 P1/6 1
232 LANDING GEAR 1 The handwheel can turn the nosewheel up 75°.in either direction 85°. in either direction 65°.in either direction 90°. in either direction 75°.in either direction
to: DSC-32-20-10 P1/6 1
233 LANDING GEAR 1 The towing car can turn the nosewheel up to: 75°.in either direction 85°. in either direction 90°.in either direction 95°. in either direction 95°.in either direction
DSC-32-20-10 P1/6 1
234 LANDING GEAR 1 On ECAM wheel page, autobrake is flashing Autobrake in operation.
green.What does it mean? Autobrake failure. Anti-skid failure. Autobrake is disengaged. Autobrake is disengaged. DSC-32-30-20 P6/10 1

Gear is extended by
235 LANDING GEAR 1 Landing gear indicator panel UNLK light Gear is not locked in the Gear is not selected down by gravity and doors are not Gear is extended normally and
Gear is not locked in the selected
illuminates red if: selected position. position.
1000 feet. closed. doors are not closed. DSC-32-10-40 P1/8 1
236 LANDING GEAR 1 Following failure of all ADIRS, is antiskid
available? Yes. No. Yes. DSC-32-30-10 P2/10 1

237 LANDING GEAR 1 The parking brake accumulator is designed to 12 hours. 12 hours.
maintain the parking pressure for at least:
6 hours. 18 hours. 24 hours. DSC-32-30-10 P6/10 1
238 LANDING GEAR 1 Normally the antiskid system gets its The LGCIU s.
reference speed from : A wheel tachometer. The BSCU s. The ADIRS. The ADIRS. DSC-32-30-10 P2/10 1

It marks the hottest brake with It marks the hottest brake

239 LANDING GEAR 1 If you see a green arc shown over a wheel on a temperature of more than with a temperature of The antiskid system is
It marks the hottest brake with a
ECAM wheel page: temperature of more than 100°c.
100°c. It indicates an abnormal high more than 150°c. automatically releasing the
pressure. pressure of that brake. DSC-32-30-20 P 7/10 1

240 LANDING GEAR 1 The red arrow near the landing gear lever Landing gear is not downlocked Landing gear is not downlocked when
illuminates when:
when the aircraft is in the landing Landing gear is not the aircraft is in the landing
Landing gear is in transit. configuration. uplocked after retraction. configuration. DSC-32-10-40 P2/8 1

241 LANDING GEAR 1 In case of alternate braking using the yellow Still available.
hydraulic system, the autobrake is:
Still available with antiskid. Lost. Lost. 1
With the A/SKID & N/W STRG switch in the
242 LANDING GEAR 1 ON position, if the BSCU detects a brake Transition to the alternate The crew must select alternate Transition to the alternate brake
system malfunction and/or normal braking is brake system is automatic. brakes. system is automatic.
not available:
243 LANDING GEAR 1 What is indicated by the autobrake DECEL Airplane deceleration is 25% of Airplane deceleration is 50% of Airplane deceleration is Airplane deceleration is 100% Airplane deceleration is 80% of
lights? selected rate. selected rate. 80% of selected rate. of selected rate. selected rate. DSC-32-30-20 P 4/10 1
244 LANDING GEAR 1 Auto brakes, if selected, will only be The wheels spinning up. The struts being compressed. The brake pedals being The ground spoiler extension The ground spoiler extension
activated by: depressed. command. command. 1
How many turns are required on the gravity
245 LANDING GEAR 1 extension hand crank to extend the landing 1 2 3 4 3
gear? DSC-32-10-40 P3/8 1
246 LANDING GEAR 1 Which hydraulic system(s) supply pressure to Green Blue Yellow and Blue Green and Yellow. Green and Yellow.
the landing gear system? 1

What does each turn of the gravity gear Open gear doors, drop gear, Open gear doors, unlock gear, Shutoff hydraulic Open gear doors, shutoffs Shutoff hydraulic pressure, open
247 LANDING GEAR 1 pressure, open doors, hydraulics, unlock gear, drop
extension handle do? shut doors. drop gear. unlock gear. gear. doors, unlock gear.
DSC-32-10-10 P 4/6 1
The normal brake system uses _____
hydraulic pressure and the alternate brake
248 LANDING GEAR 1 system uses _____ hydraulic pressure Green, blue. Yellow, blue. Yellow, green. Green, yellow. Green, yellow.
backed up by the hydraulic brake
Yellow brake
What system pressure does the ACCU PRESS Yellow brake accumulator and Yellow brake accumulator and accumulator and green or Blue brake accumulator and Yellow brake accumulator and
249 LANDING GEAR 1 yellow brake system pressure green brake system pressure to yellow brake system green brake system pressure to yellow brake system pressure to the
and BRAKES pressure indicator indicate? to the left and right brakes. the left and right brakes. pressure to the left and the left and right brakes. left and right brakes.
right brakes.
DSC-32-30-20 P2/10 1
250 LANDING GEAR 1 Autobrake may be armed with the parking True. False. True.
brakes ON. 1

With the EMER EXIT LT selector in the ARM Normal aircraft electric power Normal aircraft electric Normal aircraft electric power fails,
251 LIGHTS 1 position, which situation will activate the fails, or DC SHED BUS fails, or Normal aircraft electric power power fails, or AC SHED AC SHED BUS or DC SHED BUS or DC SHED BUS fails, or AC BUS 1
fails only. BUS fails, or AC BUS 1 fail.
overhead emergency lights? AC BUS 1 fails. fails. fails.
DSC-33-30-01 P1/2 1

With the EMER EXIT LT selector in the ARM Normal aircraft electric power Normal aircraft electric
252 LIGHTS 1 position, which situation will activate the fails, or DC SHED BUS fails, or Normal aircraft electric power power fails, or AC SHED AC SHED BUS or DC SHED BUS Normal aircraft electric power fails,
fails, or DC SHED BUS fails. BUS fails, or AC BUS 1 fail. or DC SHED BUS fails.
EXIT signs? AC BUS 1 fails. fails.
DSC-33-30-01 P1/2 1
Disable the charge of the The internal batteries of the EXIT Disable the charge of the internal
253 LIGHTS 1 Selecting the EMER LT to ON: internal batteries of the EXIT signs are always charged by DC batteries of the exit markers
signs. SHED ESS BUS. DSC-33-30-01 P1/2 1
Can turn on the emergency Can turn on the emergency Can turn on the emergency lighting
254 LIGHTS 1 The LIGHT EMER pb on the purser panel: lighting regadless of the lighting provided that the EMER regadless of the position of the EMER
position of the EMER EXIT LT EXIT LT sw in the cockpit is in EXIT LT sw in the cockpit.
sw in the cockpit. ARM position.
DSC-33-30-02 P2/2 1
255 LIGHTS 1 Does the cabin lights come on regardless of No. Yes, if the cabin altitude goes Yes, if the cabin altitude goes above
the sw position? above 11300 ft (±350 ft). 11300 ft (±350 ft). DSC-33-40-10 P2/2 1
The strobe lights come on The strobe lights come on The strobe lights come on The strobe lights come on
256 LIGHTS 1 When the STROBE sw is set at AUTO: automatically when the main automatically when the nose automatically when the automatically when the main landing
landing gear is not landing gear is not compressed. main landing gear is gear is not compressed.
compressed. compressed.
DSC-33-20-20 P 5/6 1

The RWY TRUN OFF lights go off

257 LIGHTS 1 automatically when landing gear is retracted True. False. True.
DSC-33-20-20 P 4/6 1

The two NOSE lights go off automatically

258 LIGHTS 1 when landing gear is retracted True. False. True.
DSC-33-20-20 P 4/6 1

Barometric altitude, airspeed, Attitude, flight path vector, track, Barometric altitude, airspeed, Mach,
What are the data supplied by Air Data Mach, angle of attack, heading, accelerations, angular angle of attack, temperature,
259 NAVIGATION 1 Reference System? temperature, overspeed and rates ground speed, aircraft overspeed and back up vertical
back up vertical speed. position, vertical speed and G speed.
DSC-34-NAV-10-10 P1/4 1

Barometric altitude, airspeed, Attitude, flight path vector, track, Attitude, flight path vector, track,
What are the data supplied by Inertial Mach, angle of attack, heading, accelerations, angular heading, accelerations, angular rates
260 NAVIGATION 1 Reference System? temperature, overspeed and rates ground speed, aircraft ground speed, aircraft position,
back up vertical speed. position, vertical speed and G vertical speed and G forces.
DSC-34-NAV-10-10 P1/4 1
ADM convert pneumatic data ADM process the data ADM convert pneumatic data from
261 NAVIGATION 1 What is the function of Air Data Modules? from PITOT and STATIC probes ADM filter the data from the from ADIRS to FMGC, PITOT and STATIC probes into
into numerical data for the ADIRU to the FMGC. FADEC, ELAC. numerical data for the ADIRUs.
DSC-34-NAV-10-10 P1/4 1
The attitude and heading The attitude and heading information
262 NAVIGATION 1 On ADIRS overhead panel what does an information of that IR may be The respective IR is lost. of that IR may be recovered in ATT
amber flashing IR FAULT mean?
recovered in ATT mode. mode. DSC-34-NAV-10-20 P4/8 1
The attitude and heading
263 NAVIGATION 1 On ADIRS overhead panel what does an information of that IR may be The respective IR is lost. The respective IR is lost.
amber steady IR FAULT mean?
recovered in ATT mode. DSC-34-NAV-10-20 P4/8 1
For a few seconds at the
264 NAVIGATION 1 On ADIRS overhead panel when does the ON When the aircraft battery beginning of a complete IRS A and B are correct. A and B are correct.
BAT light comes on in amber? supplies at least one IRS.
alignment. DSC-34-NAV-10-20 P4/8 1

If difference between
265 NAVIGATION 1 On ADIRS overhead panel when does the In case of IR alignment fault. If no present position has been position at shutdown and All of the above are correct All of the above are correct
ALIGN light flash? entered after 10 minutes. entered position exceeds individually. individually.
1° of latitude or longitude.
DSC-34-NAV-10-20 P4/8 1

ADIRU 1 supplies data to

ADIRU 1 supplies data to PFD ADIRU 1 supplies data to PFD 1 PFD 1 and ND 1. ADIRU 2
ADIRU 1 supplies data to PFD 1, ND 1,
266 NAVIGATION 1 When the ATT HDG and AIR DATA selctors 1, ND 1, DDRMI and VOR/DME. and ND 1. ADIRU 2 supplies data supplies data to PFD 2 DDRMI and VOR/DME. ADIRU 2
are in NORM position : ADIRU 2 supplies data to PFD to PFD 2, ND 2, DDRMI and and ND 2. ADIRU 3
2, and ND 2. VOR/DME. supplies data to DDRMI supplies data to PFD 2, and ND 2.
and VOR/DME.
DSC-34-NAV-10-20 P6/8 1
If one of the 3 IRS is still in If the aircraft starts to
267 NAVIGATION 1 When does IRS IN ALIGN appear in amber on alignment and one engine is If there is a failure in one of the If one of the 3 IRS is still in alignment
MEMO DISPLAY? IRS. move when all of the ADR and one engine is running.
running. are set to off. DSC-34-NAV-10-20 P6/8 1
268 NAVIGATION 1 How many GPS receiver are installed in the Two. Three. Four. Two.
A 320? DSC-34-NAV-15-10 P1/4 1

269 NAVIGATION 1 The use of ISIS bugs function is True. False. False.
recommended. DSC-34-NAV-20 P 10/12 1

270 NAVIGATION 1 The ND displays turbulance area in magenta 20 NM. 40 NM. 80 NM. 40 NM.
within: DSC-34-SURV-30-30 P 4/10 1

271 NAVIGATION 1 When the flight crew switches the weather The ground clutter suppression The ground clutter is displayed The ground clutter is displayed on the
radar from multiscan mode to manual mode: function is still available. on the screen. screen.
DSC-34-SURV-30-30 P 5/10 1
The Predictive Windshear System is provided
272 NAVIGATION 1 by……while the Reactive Windshear is FAC, weather radar Weather radar, FAC. Weather radar.
provided by……. DSC-34-SURV-30-20 P 1/4 1
273 NAVIGATION 1 The PWS alerts are inhibited: At takeoff, above100 kt and up During landing, below 50 ft. A and B are correct A and B are correct
to 50 ft. DSC-34-SURV-30-20 P 4/4 1

PWS switch in AUTO position and

PWS switch in AUTO position the aircraft radio height is below
274 NAVIGATION 1 The PWS operates when: and the aircraft radio height is 2300 ft and the weather radar is A and B are correct A and B are correct
below 2300 ft and the weather OFF and at least one engine is
radar is ON. running and aircraft ground
speed is greater than 30 kt.
DSC-34-SURV-30-20 P 1/4 1

TAD and TCF modes are Only the Terrain TAD and TCF modes are inhibited.
275 NAVIGATION 1 On GPWS overhead panel, if the TERR pb is inhibited. This does not affect All GPWS modes are inhibited. Awareness Display is This does not affect the basic GPWS
pressed: the basic GPWS mode 1 to 5. inhibited. mode 1 to 5.
DSC-34-SURV-40-40 P 1/4 1

Page 6 of 8
TCAS messages "Reduce range" is displayed TA or RA is detected and ND TA or RA is detected and ND TA or RA is detected and Only RA is detected and ND TA or RA is detected and ND range is
276 NAVIGATION 1 when: range is above 40 nm. range is above 40 nm. ND range is above 80 nm. range is above 120 nm. above 40 nm.
DSC-34-SURV-60-20 P 4/8 1

The indicated airspeed, Mach

number and the barometric
277 NAVIGATION 1 vertical speed supplied by the The magnetic heading, the roll
ADRs.The aircraft altitude, the angle, the ground speed, the The selected altitude and All of the above. All of the above.
flight number and the RA track angle, the track angle rate, barometric reference
ATC transponder transmits the following report. and the inertial vertical speed settings supplied by the
data to ATC center: supplied by IRs. FCUs. DSC-34-SURV-10-10 P 2/2 1
278 NAVIGATION 1 The intruders are classified in: 2 levels. 3 levels. 4 levels. 5 levels. 4 levels. DSC-34-SURV-60-10 P 5/8 1
On which ECAM page could the flight crew
279 OXYGEN 1 check the exact pressure of the oxygen The PRESS page. The DOORS page. The COND page. The status page. The DOORS page.
cylinder? DSC-35-20-20 P7/8 1
At approximately what cabin altitude should
280 OXYGEN 1 the passenger oxygen masks drop 12500 ft. 10000 ft (+350, -750 ft) 14000 ft(+250, -750 ft) 8000 ft (+200 ft, -500 ft) 14000 ft(+250, -750 ft)
automatically? DSC-35-30-20 P1/2 1

When selected to ON, it In case of low cylinder

When selected to ON, it allows When selected to ON, it allows the
281 OXYGEN 1 What is the purpose of the CREW SUPPLY supplies oxygen to the third the flow of low pressure oxygen pressure it allows the flow of low pressure oxygen to the
push button? and fourth occupants' mask in crew to tap into the
the cockpit. to the crew's masks. passenger oxygen system. crew's masks.
DSC-35-20-20 P1/8 1
In automatic mode, the crossbleed valve It closes if the system detects an It closes if the system
282 PNEUMATIC 1 opens when the system is using APU bleed It closes automatically if the air leak (except during engine detects an air leak (except It closes if the system detects an air
system detects an air leak. leak (except during engine start).
air: start). in flight). DSC-36-10-40 p1/2. 1
283 PNEUMATIC 1 If BMC1 fails, BMC2 takes over all monitoring Overheat detection. Automatic crossbleed valve Engine1 and APU BLEED Engine1 and APU BLEED leak
functions except: control. leak detection. detection. DSC-36-10-60 p1/2. 1

will supply bleed air only if the will supply bleed air only
284 PNEUMATIC 1 APU bleed air, when selected has priority over engine bleed ENG BLEED pb's are selected if the X BLEED selector is does not have priority over has priority over engine bleed air.
air. OFF. selected OPEN. engine bleed air.
DSC-36-10-30 p1/2. 1
What happens when pressure and HP valve opens, IP stage remains HP valve opens, if IP stage HP valve opens, IP stage remains in
285 PNEUMATIC 1 temperature are not sufficient to supply the HP valve closes.
in the same configuration. is closed. the same configuration.
corresponding engine bleed valve? DSC 36-10-20 p4/8. 1
286 PNEUMATIC 1 APU bleed air supplies the pneumatic system 80%. 85%. 90%. 95%. 95%.
if the APU speed is above….. DSC-36-10-30 p1/2. 1

By differential pressure. On By differential pressure. On By differential pressure.

On ground, and at By differential pressure. On ground,
ground, and at altitudes below ground, and at altitudes above
287 WATER/WASTE 1 How wastes are forced from toilet bowls into 16000 ft. a vacuum generator 16000 ft. a vacuum generator altitudes below 20000 ft. and at altitudes below 16000 ft. a
the waste storage tank? a vacuum generator vacuum generator produces the
produces the necessary produces the necessary produces the necessary necessary differential pressure.
differential pressure. differential pressure. differential pressure.
DSC-38-10 P3/6 1

The potable water is stored in …. Water tank,

288 WATER/WASTE 1 200 L, 170 L 170 L, 200 L 150 L, 210 L 210 L, 150L 200 L, 170 L
while the waste tank has a usable capacity of
…… DSC-38-10 p1/6 p3/6 1
289 MAINTENANCE 1 The CFDS identifies any failure or faulty Two class. Three class. Four class. Three class.
system into: Five class. DSC-45-10 P 3/6 1

290 APU 1 When the APU Master Switch is released, a

normal APU shutdown occurs:     Without delay in all cases.     With a delay of 2 minutes if the bleed
in of
1 minute if the bleed air was in use.     With a delay of 2 minutes if the bleed air was in use.

Page 7 of 8
With the engines off, if the AVAIL light is
illuminated on both the APU START push
291 APU 1 button and the EXT PWR push button, what     It is not possible to determine  without
  The aircraft
the ECAM.     The APU.     External power.     The APU.
is the source of electrical power for the
aircraft busses?
292 APU 1 Can the APU FIRE test be performed with Yes. No. Yes.
the APU running? 1
293 APU 1   On ground, can you start the APU using the Yes. No. Yes.
aircraft batteries only? 1

How is it determined that the cockpit sliding The red ring below the release The red ring below the release The red ring below the release
294 DOORS/ WINDOWS 1 window is closed and locked? button should not be in view. button should be in view. button should be in view.
295 DOORS/ WINDOWS 1 What happens to the cockpit door with It automatically locks. It automatically unlocks but It automatically unlocks but remains
electrical power failure? remains closed. closed. DSC-52-40-10 P2/2 1
296 ENGINES 1 How many thrust lever positions are there, Six; TO/GA, MCT, FLEX, CL, Four; TO/GA, FLX/MCT, CL, IDLE. Five; TO/GA, FLX/MCT, Five; TO/GA, FLX/MCT, CL, IDLE and
and how are they labeled? IDLE and REV IDLE. CL, IDLE and REV IDLE. REV IDLE. DSC-70-30-20 P1/2 1
Disengage the A/THR Disengage the A/THR
Holding the instinctive disconnect push Disengage the A/THR Disengage the A/THR (excluding (including alpha Floor) (including alpha Floor) until Disengage the A/THR (including
button's for more than fifteen seconds will: (including alpha Floor) for the alpha Floor) for the remainder of until below 500 feet AGL below 1000 feet AGL for the alpha Floor) for the remainder of the
remainder of the flight. the flight. for the remainder of the remainder of the flight. flight.

298 ENGINES 1 If a thrust lever is set between two detents;

the FADEC selects the rating limit: Determined by the thrust lever position.
Corresponding to the lower detent.
Corresponding to the higher detent. Corresponding to the higher detent.
DSC-70-30-30 P1/2 1
By depressing the ENG MAN
By depressing the ENG MAN START
299 ENGINES 1 During a manual start, how is the start valve It is automatic once the ENG START pb's on the overhead pb's on the overhead panel while the
opened? MASTER is placed to the ON panel while the ENG MODE ENG MODE selector is out of the
position. selector is out of the NORM NORM position.

A FLEX temperature must be A FLEX temperature must A FLEX temperature must be entered
300 ENGINES 1 What is required for the FADEC to compute entered on the INIT page of the Nothing, it is an automatic be entered on the TAKE on the TAKE OFF PERF page of the
a reduced thrust setting? MCDU. function of the FADEC. OFF PERF page of the MCDU.

Page 8 of 8

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