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Politics is a hugely important domain in the world and it has a profound impact on the

functioning as well as the policies of the governments. Politics has an effect on all types
of government including democratic, autocratic, monarchical, theocratic and others. The
government is responsible for making decisions on different matters of public interest,
issuing orders for the public health, directing the citizens towards development and
growth, and performing a wide range of other related functions.
There are numerous definitions of what politics means. Politics can be described as the
disagreement between the various groups on what they like. One of the broad definitions
of politics, which is widely agreed, is the art of governance. The government is the entity
having the legal authority of regulating people’s actions. The word politics is usually
used for defining how the countries are governed and how the governments make the
rules and the laws. 
Defining laws and regulations that tell people what they can or cannot do is one of the
ways in which the government leads the people. These regulations and laws are enacted
by the government for ensuring order and protection in the society. Beyond the laws, the
government might also regulate the citizens and the functioning of the country in other
ways. Most of the countries have specific groups or political parties for expressing their
views and policies. 
The political parties form a consensus on the common policies or path that they should
take in communicating their ideas or policies to the people. These parties support
legislative bills or reforms and the candidates based on the agenda agreed upon by the
members. The election is usually contested or fought between the opposite political
parties of different spectrum. 
One of the conventional explanations of politics refers to politics being conducted within
the system of checks and balances for avoiding misuse of political power. The several
institutions that exist within the governing system include the legislative body that is
responsible for making laws, executive body that imposes them, and judiciary that
interprets them thus providing a powerful and well-rounded political spectrum.
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Short Politics Essay in English

Politics, in general, is the platform by which people create, maintain, and change the laws
that govern their lives. As a result, conflict and collaboration are inextricably connected
in politics. On the one hand, the presence of conflicting views, competing expectations,
competing needs, and competing interests is expected to result in conflict over the rules
under which people live.
Politics is fascinating because everyone has a different perspective on life and its rules.
They have differing opinions about how they should live. What money should go to
whom? What is the best way to disperse power to help the powerless? Is it better for
society to be built on collaboration or conflict? And so forth. They also talk about how
such disputes can be resolved. What is the best way to make decisions as a group? In
what conditions does who have a say? How much say should each person have in
decisions? The list goes on.
This, according to Aristotle, made politics the "master science," which he described as
"the action by which human beings strive to better their lives and build and contribute to
a Good Society." Politics is, first and foremost, a social practice. It's still a conversation,
but the parties have reduced it to a monologue.
Any effort to grasp the sense of the word "politics" must always grapple with two major
issues. The first is the different connotations that this word has in everyday speech.
Unlike economics, geography, history, and biology, which most people think of as
academic subjects, few people approach politics without preconceptions. The second,
more complicated issue is that even well-respected authorities cannot agree about what
politics is all about. It has infiltrated nearly every aspect of society.
Hence, we can say that the exercise of authority, the sacred science of governance, the
making of unified decisions, the distribution of limited resources, the art of deceit and
exploitation, and so on are all terms used to describe politics.

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