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A Novel Standard for Footwear Industrial Machineries

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics · November 2011

DOI: 10.1109/TII.2011.2166789 · Source: DBLP

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5 authors, including:

Sergio Dulio Nelson Nazzicari

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A Novel Standard for Footwear Industrial Machineries

Giovanni Danese, Member, IEEE, Sergio Dulio, Mauro Giachero, Francesco Leporati, Member, IEEE, and
Nelson Nazzicari

Abstract—Economic globalization has scattered industrial pro- offering low-cost labor, and high-quality products are still made
duction, promoting manufacturing models able to chase the most in historical districts, where, however, a wider industrialization
favorable conditions in the widened international scenario. In- and automation should be introduced to reduce the too expen-
terorganizational communication becomes thus a critical element
for production streamline, being the bridge that creates conti- sive craft-made contribute. The footwear sector is a good ex-
nuity among industrial districts. However, many sectors still lack ample of this trend [5], [6].
proper communication standards, thus slowing the production The growing relevance of Inter-Organizational Systems
and increasing its costs. The footwear manufacturing industry es- (IOS), especially in the case of industrial districts, has raised
pecially suffers from this condition, having chronically promoted much attention both in the academic literature and business
a plethora of similar-but-incompatible dialects to supply partial
data exchange.
practice. IOS could be defined as comprehensive logic and
To regulate and rationalize part of the footwear industry in- technological architectures that integrate interorganizational
terorganizational communication, in this paper, we present the processes through shared data and knowledge flows [7], [8].
Shoe PRocess INTeroperability Standard (SPRINTS), conceived The aim is to satisfy interfirm coordination needs also including
and carried out within an industrial district, ranging from shoe electronic data interchanges and standards for digital commu-
design to mass production. SPRINTS is based on the XML
nication, supply chain management, electronic funds transfer,
standard language to define a data exchange protocol among
systems and machines of the footwear production field. SPRINTS interfirm knowledge management tools, shared databases, and
describes both “vertical” transfers (i.e., between different steps so on.
of the design/production chain), and “horizontal” transfers (e.g., Features of the industrial district model—especially the
to allow data exchange between CADs from different vendors). emerging ones—fit very well with functionalities and opportu-
Moreover, it allows a smooth transaction from existing standards, nities offered by IOS and coordination technologies in general.
and it has been tested in real-world scenarios. SPRINTS is de-
signed in collaboration with ASSOMAC, an association of shoe Since the middle of 1990s, probably Electronic Data Integration
machineries manufacturers, comprising the worldwide majority (EDI) is the most known kind of digital interface. Compared
of footwear manufacturing companies ( with the past, the notions of open standards and modularity
The standard has been validated and already adopted by a few characterize the modern era of IOS. Current interfaces—i.e.,
companies, that contributed to its development. In this paper, we XML, WSDL, SOAP, APIs, and “ad hoc” solutions—permit to
present the standard and a tool able to validate and graphically
render a SPRINTS file. logically decomposing district value chain into many discrete
functions/capabilities and easily resembling it, in absence of a
Index Terms—Footwear manufacturing, industrial districts, in- high dependence on a specific node.
teroperability, XML data exchange standard. A digital communication standard, with its own specific
industry-based data dictionary, allows a fluent direct electronic
I. INTRODUCTION: THE NEED FOR A data transfer between information systems/technologies. It pro-
COMMON DATA STANDARD vides a common set of business terms, definitions, and digital
forms. If inconsistencies or inefficiencies are detected, then

I N the last decades, intelligent automation led to a dramatic

improvement in the manufacturing process in terms of
costs, quality, safety and affordability with respect a pure
the district architecture could be rapidly reengineered without
unreasonable investments. API technology applies the modular
connectivity approach also to the level of different “pieces of
craft-made production [2]–[4].
software” that perform specific functions. The benefits of this
The advent of the economic globalization introduced a diver-
approach, especially in the district framework, are evident. The
sification: low/medium quality products are made in countries
main problem is the effective adoption and sustained diffusion
of the standards [9]. Indeed, technological interface shows its
Manuscript received March 31, 2011; revised June 22, 2011; accepted July
03, 2011. Date of publication September 06, 2011; date of current version
potentials only if a large number of network nodes adopt that
November 09, 2011. Paper no. TII-11-187. common digital language. Compatibility, switching costs and
G. Danese and F. Leporati are with the Department of Informatica relative advantages are some of the most frequently considered
and Sistemistica, University of Pavia, Pavia, I-27100 Italy (e-mail:; determinants towards interface diffusion. However, the very
M. Giachero is with 7pixel S.r.l., via Copernico 2, I-20082 Binasco, Milano, critical issue in the district framework is probably the firm per-
Italy (e-mail: ception about “relative advantage” of technological standard. It
N. Nazzicari is with CSIS, Computer Science Department, George Mason
University, Fairfax, VA 22030 USA (e-mail: means the extent to which a potential adopting firm views the
S. Dulio is with Dulio Consultants and Assomac [1], I-27029 Vigevano, Italy new digital interface as offering competitive and cost reduction
(e-mail: benefits, benefits over previous ways of performing the same
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at tasks. In terms of technological interface, another critical point
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2011.2166789 concerns the choice about property communications standards
1551-3203/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

versus open systems. The former leads to a competitive ad- In this paper, the Shoe PRocess INTeroperability Standard
vantage based on ambiguity and inimitability, while the latter (SPRINTS) is presented, a XML-based standard that covers
support the development of competitive advantage based on the most of the information transfers needed in the shoe manufac-
so called “first mover” advantage, on sustained diffusion and turing field, from shoe design to production control.
on dynamicity over time, also in the case of small and medium SPRINTS was conceived and carried out within an industrial
enterprises [10]. district, and copes with the real-world necessities of the partner
The industrial district of Vigevano, located in the companies. The proposed standard focus on the generalization
north-western Italy, is known worldwide for the high quality of the data structure and hierarchy, and is as technology inde-
of its production of machineries and industrial equipments for pendent as possible.
shoe, leather and tan industries. However, from the beginning SPRINTS can describe both vertical transfers (i.e., between
of this century, the footwear machinery industry has been different steps of the design/production chain), and horizontal
increasingly confronted by a fierce competition. transfers (i.e., to allow data exchange between CADs from dif-
Although recent years showed a moderate economic resump- ferent vendors).
tion of this district and a partial retrenchment of the emerging SPRINTS was created by means of an incremental and itera-
economies impressive expansion, local small enterprises rec- tive approach. Industrial partners provided information and ob-
ognize the need for a radical strategic repositioning, especially jectives to the development team, which responded with a pro-
towards: totype. The prototype was then analyzed and checked by the
• intercompany networking initiatives, in order to create companies, providing suggestions on fine-tuning arrangements,
flexibility among local Small and Medium Enterprises and sent back to us. The process went through several iteration
(SMEs); up to the point where all functionalities were satisfactory for all
• innovation projects, as a response to the rapid growth of en- partners involved.
vironmental turbulence and dramatic cost reduction stem- In the following, the technical requirements are described
ming from emerging competitive economies; suggesting the design and the adoption of a XML standard for
• better exploitation/exploration of ICT technologies, in data description (Section II), together with the different phases
order to amplify benefits and highlight new opportunities characterizing the manufacturing shoe process (Section III) and
about the first two points. the limits of the previous projects that tried to propose a unified
These interoperability and efficiency requirements highlight “language” for footwear machineries (Section IV, “state-of-the-
the need of a unique and universally accepted communication art”). Sections V and VI depict the “structure” of the developed
standard. A lot of data description formats are available (DXF, standard, whileSection VII illustrates a viewer tool which allow
IGES, STEP, VRML among the most popular and used). to easily open and visualize a SPRINTS file, while verifying
However, they are often hard to be managed and interpreted. its compliance to the format. The benefits assured by SPRINTS
Moreover, they are linked to specific implementations, and adoption and the feedback of the companies involved in the
adopted by isolated producers independently. Interoperability project are highlighted in Sections VIII and IX. Considerations
is thus hardly achieved. about the work still necessary to spread the standard diffusion
Close to them, several proprietary formats survive, often used conclude this paper (Section X).
as a defense for application domain or markets, instead of a real
support to the interoperability of the customer systems.
On the other hand, shoe producers notice more and more the II. THE PROBLEM
need of exchanging data within the same firm or among the
Modern production contexts need wider and wider interop-
chain companies and could gain considerable benefits from the
erability among software applications with different nature and
availability of a standard, complete and adopted by the most im-
origin. Indeed, this is relevant especially when passing from the
portant market players.
Since the footwear industrial field is highly specialized, a uni- design to production, exploiting strong automation and integra-
versal data exchange protocol would be very useful, allowing tion among processes and inside them.
a compatible data exchange among machineries charged with At the same time, interoperability is needed at the shop-floor
several production phases. At the present time, a similar stan- level when machineries with strong automation should commu-
dard protocol does not exist and shoe design is made through nicate among themselves (synchronization signals or process
CAD programs. However, different software manage geomet- data) or with computer systems controlling production lines or
rical data in a substantially different way. Typically, nongeo- their single cells.
metric information, intrinsic of shoe manufacturing process, are There are examples in literature of standards defining process
squeezed in CAD files through ad hoc customizations. More- data developed in several but different sectors to reach these tar-
over, since a lot of unofficial dialects are present, often compa- gets [12]–[18] and of papers providing a survey about them [19].
nies are forced to produce case-specific filters to adapt and trans- However, the features of the footwear field led us to a completely
late files between formats. This confusion makes the process innovative and application specific proposal.
slow and expensive. Human contribution is still critical when- We distinguish three types of data that need to be exchanged
ever a data transfer is needed between different softwares. This (Fig. 1):
scenario forces all companies to control and adapt the informa- • geometrical data, produced during the 3D Computer Aided
tion coming from CADs (typically in DXF format [11]) or from Design (CAD) design process and relative to the last, to the
other machineries (typically in HPGL or ISO format). upper together with its components, and to the other main

Fig. 2. Shoe design and its components.

Fig. 1. Data exchange directions in footwear manufacturing.


constitutive elements like the bottom (leather or plastic) In the following, we give some fundamentals about shoe com-
and heels; ponents and their different manufacturing phases. People fa-
• technological data, integrating the geometrical ones with miliar with these topics can skip this description and continue
information related to the specific process producing each with Section IV.
designed shoe’s component and depending on its nature
and on the correspondent cycle phase (i.e., which cutting A. Shoe Components
tool should be used or its action range);
• process data, specifying the machinery to be used in the The basic components of a shoe are (Fig. 2): upper, insole,
particular production phase (i.e., rotation velocity in a sole, and heel; others optional parts can be added such as laces,
roughing head or the number of passes of a rotary brush buckles, buttonholes, etc.
for glue). The upper is the topmost part of the shoe, attached to the in-
These data feature proper characteristics and description sole and the sole through stitching and/or glue. It can be realized
needs and can be exchanged horizontally (i.e., among software from different materials such as leather, fabric or other less valu-
applications or machineries of different manufacturers and able materials. In the classic shoe kind, it is divided into vamp,
with heterogeneous characteristics and even among different which covers the foremost part of the foot, and quarter. Often
subjects operating in the same die during same designing or uppers are reinforced with a reinforcement tip and counter (on
production phases) or vertically among different phases (i.e., the back).
between design and production or between the process control The insole is the base the shoe is built on; it is the most critical
level and the single machineries, also in this case considering bottom component from a functional point of view, since this is
different subjects operating in the same chain [20]). where the foot plant lays and is the junction element between
Finally, the efficient management of these processes requires upper and sole. In most cases, it is made of fiber paperboard
describing relevant data regarding nature, function, source and (covered with a thin leather layer on the inner shoe side at the
destination, in a universal understandable way and to transport/ end of the manufacturing), while only seldom leather or other
transmit those data in a safe and affordable way among different materials are used.
applications and phases. The sole is the part laying on the ground and is made of
These ideas motivated the design of the SPRINTS stan- leather, rubber, plastic or even wood. It is attached to the upper
dard format (intellectual property of ASSOMAC) describing with nails, glue or stitching.
geometric, technological and process data related both to The heel is a support made of leather, wood, rubber or other
machineries and to their driving applications. materials, applied to the back part of the sole in the heel area;
At first, it has been conceived, starting from a reconnais- its height ranges from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
sance of what until now was adopted by the different compa- Aside from sustaining the body weight, it gives the shoe its par-
nies, which brought to a first definition incorporating all the ticular appearance, and this is the reason why there are so many
benefits of the proposed solutions. Then, a first group of pilot variants.
companies began to introduce the standard to spread its utiliza-
B. Shoe Design
tion throughout the shoes machineries sector. The presence of
companies leading this manufacturing area helps in establishing Up to a few decades ago, shoe design and construction could
SPRINTS as a de facto standard for machinery data exchange. be considered a fruit of engineering, architectural and stylistic

experience, surely a great demonstration of manual skills. Al- scaled to generate all the shoe sizes usually available. A testing
most everything was left to shoe designer’s fancy, interpretative phase, during which a small set of shoes is produced, is usually
ability and experience. done to detect and fix possible errors.
The dependence on the skills of a single person and the time The next step is the component (pieces) production. The
required by the design (often requiring repeated trial-and-error leather cutting can be done manually for small productions, or
steps) induced companies to spend energies on the automation automatically for medium and large-scale productions. Cutting
and simplification of the whole process. This change is still hap- machines can have or not have socket punch, thus actually
pening, and the current production mixes up technology and changing the operations needed to obtain a single piece.
handcrafting skills. Cutting with a socket punch is fast but requires the production
The CAD and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) of templates (a time-consuming process) which are pressed on
technologies were introduced in the footwear sector only in the the leather.
1980s. Developing these new technologies became important Cutting without socket punch can be either hand-done (using
when the fashion induced a much wider selection of different a cutter and a paperboard reference) or automatically using cut-
shoe models. ting machines which are somewhat similar to plotters with sev-
There are two main footwear CADs: eral cutting heads. The pieces to be cut are coded in a file and
• 3D CADs which allow the designer to interact with 3D projected on the leather so that the operator can place them in
entities such as the last, heel, upper, and sole in a way the best (less space waste) way. There are many technologies
similar to the traditional manual process; for this kind of machines (oscillating blade, ultrasonic, laser,
• 2D CADs which only allow to manage the upper after it water-jet, etc.). Cutting without a socket punch is very eco-
has been flattened. nomic and flexible and (obviously) removes the time penalty
of building the template itself. It is the preferred technology for
C. Manufacturing Phases prototyping and, with the most advanced software, even less ex-
Manufacturing a shoe requires a great deal of workmanship perienced personnel can obtain good results. Nevertheless, for
and personal experience, even though most of the manual work large productions of identical shoes, it is slower than using a
is assisted by more or less sophisticated machines. socket punch, so there is market for both technologies and in-
There are three main philosophies on which machines for deed some footwear factories have both of them.
footwear production are built: manual, semiautomatic, or auto- The leather usually requires the splitting phase to ensure uni-
matic machines. form width on the whole area, and a skiving and folding phase
Depending on the amount of automation present in the fac- to have better-looking edges. Some additional operations can be
tory, there can be even the three types of machines all together, required, for example to realize ornaments. Once all shoe pieces
spread over the whole manufacturing chain. are available, they are stitched together. As usual, several means
The shoe assembly process (also named lasting or making) and materials are available to achieve different cost/quality com-
can be split in six main steps: promises.
• last and upper preparation; Once the upper is complete, the outside counter performing
• assembling of the upper on the last; is done. In this phase, the heel area is thermally shaped and the
• heat treatment; counter is placed.
• bottom and sole preparation; The insole: the next step is to temporarily fasten the insole to
• sole fastening; the last, through paper tape or a nail, and its trimming. These
• last removal and finishing. operations are usually either manual or performed with semiau-
The number and type of processes required to make a shoe tomatic machines.
depend heavily on several factors such as the type of shoe, the 2) Assembling the Upper on the Last: The shoe assembling is
desired quality of the finished product, production time con- usually done with two semiautomatic machines, the tack lasting
straints, and final cost. machine (for the fore part) and the waist lasting machine (for the
Here is a list of the most general manufacturing rules, even lateral and back parts). The upper is fastened with glue and/or
though every shoe factory follows its own rules. nails. A peening phase ensures good coupling between glued
1) Last and Upper Preparation: The last: the shoe assem- components.
bling phase is done on a last to give the shoe its right shape. 3) Heat Treatment: The assembled shoe must remain on the
The upper, initially flat, is forced to assume the last shape with last for some time to permanently assume the proper shape.
pincers and other grabbing devices, which are part of some ma- To shorten this time, the shoe is subjected to relatively strong
chines (such as the toe lasting machine and the seat and side thermal shocks.
lasting machine). This central role in the production process 4) Bottom and Insole Preparation: The next steps are
gives the last a great importance, since errors in the last de- roughing (used to remove the leather superficial layer whose
sign or production can lead to problems in later manufacturing finishing treatments are somewhat glue repellent) and gluing
phases or in the shoe usage. of the bottom preparing it to the sole fastening. These phases
The upper: the initial upper design is performed by a shoe are usually performed through semiautomatic machines, and
designer directly on the last or on a standard shape (the flattened sometimes the same machine performs both operations.
upper) following the fashion designer drawings. This work is 5) Sole Fastening: In this phase, the sole and the upper-in-
done for a single size, it is flattened (if done on the 3D last) and sole (still on the last) are joined. To guarantee perfect coupling

method and production organization yet follow a traditional and

old approach and there is no much room for further improve-
ments. However, the necessity of being competitive on new mar-
kets requires to optimize also those parts of the process, leading
more and more toward a nearly complete automation.
In the past, some EU projects aimed at preserving produc-
tion activities that are bound to shoe manufacturing through
the development of advanced production systems. Few projects
worked on distributed control system for optimization of mate-
rials passing from one machine to another [24] or to apply well
known international standards (IEC-61499) to shoes plant au-
tomation [25].
Another very innovative high technology project (EURO-
SHOE) was about the attempt of obtain personalized shoes
at prices comparable to those of mass production, developing
custom made models as were normal before industrialization
[26]. It is not only about the aspect of the shoe but also to
adapt it to the real shape of the foot. The target is to have a
more comfortable shoe that can be also adjusted to anatomical
The SHOENET project was strictly related to footwear sector
Fig. 3. The manufacturing shoe process. but it was more oriented towards issues related to the Supply
Chain and the definition of business documents [27].
The CEC-made-shoe EU project continued the previously
a sole-press is used. Doing this operation with great care is ex- cited projects with a definition of a Strategic Collaborative Net-
tremely important for the quality of the finished product. work able to coordinate production and transmission of business
6) Last Removal and Finishing: Once the shoe is completed documents and workflow oriented activities (the extremes of the
the last is removed. It is now possible to fasten the heel and chain) [28].
the final operations (like polishing) are performed. After some In [29], more details about these projects can be found,
quality checks, the finished shoe is confectioned. but they unfortunately never reached complete acceptance
Fig. 3 summarizes the previous considerations onto the shoe by the footwear industries so as to be implemented on their
manufacturing steps. machineries.
In other sectors close to shoe manufacturing, the standardiza-
IV. THE STATE-OF-THE-ART tion already happened, such as in the textile one. However, all
Other standards have been proposed to solve the communica- analysis made show that in the shoes production, there are sev-
tion problems of shoe manufacturing process. However, those eral more problems related to the variety and the number of pro-
attempts were seldom adopted by companies and never saw cesses involved and SPRINTS features inputs and implementa-
real-world implementations. The CWA15043 [21] project, pro- tions coming straight from the companies belonging to the field.
posed (July 2004) as part of the EFNET 3 project [22] does
not count significant implementations. Some of these projects
were too poor to allow a complete description of the process
and others were too much specific resulting in a freedom limi- The process bringing from the idea for a new shoe model
tation for the machine producers. to the complete shoe production is compound by many phases,
EFNET3, in particular, was the most recent step of the enter- during which the problem arises of describing data in a way that
prise promoted by the European Confederation of the Footwear is usable by all process members, supporting communications:
Industry (CEC, [23]) to define a European data description • from 2D CADs and cutting machines;
standard (SHOEML), at first related to commercial transactions • from 3D CADs and last woodturning machines;
(EFNET1 and EFNET2), and then to design issues (EFNET • from 3D CADs and assembling machines;
3). In this last case, however, the focus is only centered on • involving material variants and production orders.
the horizontal geometrical data exchange between CAD/CAM Among these, the most felt issue is the first one, and to com-
systems, touching on our project aims only marginally and in pensate for the absence of a standard technology, producers
a not complete way. adopted many DXF dialects, incompatible with each other. Nev-
SPRINTS, on the contrary, is the first standard project that ertheless, they suffer the limitations induced by a format con-
starts from the real necessities of both users and producers and ceived for different uses.
that has real possibilities of implementation and adoption. SPRINTS introduces a proposal for a data format that:
Moreover, SPRINTS is not an isolated project: all along the • represents the 2D geometric data without suffering the
shoe manufacturing sector a technology innovation is devel- DXF limitations, and in particular enabling vector and
oping. Machinery is a high technology product, but production semantic descriptions where appropriate;

• describes 3D geometric data in a way usable by both CADs B. 2D-Geometries

and machinery; Bidimensional geometries description (2d.xml) starts with a
• describes stitching; series of tags, containing size-indepen-
• describes material combinations and production orders; dent information and processing data related to specific piece.
• provides a uniform communication language between A unique identifier allows referencing from the size-dependent
CADs and machines, and, with minor emphasis, between sections.
different CADs. The component properties list is followed by geometric de-
One of the standard objectives is also to be completely inde- scriptions ( tag). Components are treated
pendent from adopted technologies and implementation details as a set of paths, each divided in a sequence of tracts. To achieve
of any product. the required flexibility, each tract can be described using several
different approaches (sampling, vector-based, semantic), even
at the same time. This, together with proper restrictions aimed
VI. DATA DESIGN SUMMARY AND STRUCTURE OF A FILE to ease the format adoption and the development of low-cost
solutions, enables several production-time optimizations which
The shoe design phase defines the geometries of every shoe are, at the present time, either handmade or completely driven
component which is associated to a specific manufacturing by heuristics.
phase. These geometries are repeated many times, in properly Paths can identify the component perimeter, an internal open
sized versions depending on the shoe model and fit. For what or closed working path or an area. To each path is associated
relates to bidimensional processes, two data families can be an action, describing what has to be done with respect to it.
distinguished, related respectively to shapes and automatic Available actions include cutting, etching and marking (printing
placement. on the component surface, usually to ease assembling), as well
Shape data includes borders and internal paths, with actions as operator reference lines and quality information usable by
associated, text, either printed on the piece or on a sheet accom- automatic placement algorithms.
panying it, notches of various kind.
Data related to automatic placement include piece direction- C. Assemblies
ality (to account leather anisotropy) and quality areas (hidden This file (assembly.xml) describes stitching paths, grouped by
areas admit lower quality). geometry (size). Stitches are defined either using the path ab-
About the 3D context, the significant data relate to last ge- straction and then specifying some attributes, like back-tacking
ometry, working areas and paths, elements about the insole and and point-to-point distance, as well as a set of arbitrary points.
heel geometry. This approach simplifies CAD export features and allows the
Other significant data include assembly directives, material description of decorative stitches (such as company logos).
specifications, and production orders.
To achieve a suitable file structure while keeping it easy to D. 3D-Geometries
manage, it was decided to distribute it in different XML files Three-dimension domain information (3d.xml) are about:
related to different topics; XML is a well known technology in- • last geometry: it must be defined with different precision
dicated by the literature to support interorganizational systems levels so it can be used for last turning and for shoe design,
and industrial standards for data exchange [30], [31], and to put moreover surface decomposition must also be easy to do;
all of these and their pertinence in a single ZIP archive. XML, • workpath definition, allowing automatic tool driving and
in fact, is not conceived for a specific data set like DXF, but for specifying the action to be performed;
generically structured definitions explicitly devoted to commu- • insole and heel basic definition, allowing automatic heel
nicate information of different nature. This defines XML as a nailing.
“markup meta-language,” since the elements and attributes sig- The last geometry is defined through a sampling process
nificance can be customized through a suitable scheme for a spe- whose rates are organized in accordance to the following rules:
cific application field. What follows describes the content of the • the description uses a certain number of closed lines placed
archived XML files. around the last; every line has the same number of points
and every point has a unique identifier, that is always the
A. Introduction to the Data Format same in different lines;
• the final mesh has triangular faces;
Only manifest.xml (declaration of the file type) and gen- • the resulting structure is based on rings that share the same
eral.xml (general information about the project) are mandatory: number of points.
the combination of some or all of the other files available It is possible to specify the interpolation error and for each
determine the meaning of the archive. point the specific surface (top, bottom, upper) to which it
The main purpose of manifest.xml is to redefine information belongs. It is also possible to have different sampling (with
concerning the type of file, while preserving the compatibility different distances), but they need to share the same reference
with previous standard version in the case it should evolve. system.
General.xml, on the contrary, contains information related to Concerning the workpaths, geometric features of a lot of
the project itself. This currently includes descriptions about the manufacturing processes can be defined using one-dimen-
model described, the authors and more generally textual infor- sion lines in 3D space (i.e., pulling over—lasting machines,
mation that are not elaborated. heel-seat lasting machines, or machines for direct injection

onto uppers). Workpaths belonging to the same process can be

grouped and it is also possible to specify materials combina-
tions for which the set of workpath is valid.
Heel fixing is different from the processes already discussed,
so they have their own data structure.
Insole and heel base are supposed plane to simplify their rep-
resentation. Heel volume is approximated by a set of circular
frustums. Both in the planar part or in the solid one, it is pos-
sible to specify where nails are allowed and were forbidden. It
is also possible to specify heel fixing method: nailing, gluing or
All information are grouped by size . Specific nu-
meric identifiers associate 3D information with 2D information
contained in other files.
For every geometry, it is possible to specify one or more Fig. 4. A typical snapshot of the Viewer.
custom coordinate transformation matrices. It is possible to add
the meaning of the specified transformation (e.g., one roto-trans- multithreading and communication among objects through the
lation could move the last so that one specific point is in the axis signal (transmit) and slot (receive) flexible mechanism, inten-
origin). sively employed during the data-tree structure identification
E. Materials and Production Order The overall design has been conceived and developed using
The file is divided in two parts: the first one ArgoUML [34]. At first, a parser has been carried out, which
describes every material usable in the project, specifying its reads the SPRINTS XML file through the SAX interface (ex-
name, thickness, and an unique id. The second part lists ma- ploiting the plug-in Xerces library) returning a tree-structure of
terial combinations allowed in the project. the document: we preferred SAX to DOM, since it builds the
The file specifies how many shoes must structure in an incremental, and thus less heavy way. The con-
be produced, if some extra copies of a single component are trol check is performed through XSD files (schemas) containing
needed, and if the production of other components must be particular keywords that indicate the right content of every file
stopped. contained in the SPRINTS archive.
The internal data representation is a tree-structure that reflects
F. Add-On the scheme of the 2d.xml file providing an easy way to access the
contained data. On the other hand, the internal structure of the
To improve the data exchange, SPRINTS considers informa- Viewer to manage and visualize the files is complex but enough
tion not managed by the previously used DXF format. Up to flexible to allow, in the future, adding further sections.
now, this information was added through additional files with The implemented paradigm was the Model-View-Controller,
respect to those provided by the CAD output. An example of which provides a separation among data and related graphic in-
this concerns cutting machines with automatic placing for which terface, together with more Views linked to the same Model,
the orientation of the leather piece with respect a reference di- each one upgraded when data are modified. Each component,
rection is required together with the admitted tolerance. These for example, can be developed in more sizes and each version
data are not represented in the DXF format, while others have can be showed with the relative single parts.
been more conveniently redefined in SPRINTS. A significant Moreover, the internal structure of the Viewer is modular, thus
example is in the management of the sizes, for which DXF uses easily allowing future development and implementation of new
the stratagem of tally marks that, however, makes the machines features. Since data contained in the standard file are structured
job very dull. In SPRINTS, this problem is solved by simply on many levels, it was very important to easily select and ex-
adding more fields for the requested sizes. plore them: it is possible for the end users to move up and down
the data tree, easily showing, hiding or highlighting different el-
ements, executing zooms and pans and customizing the appear-
ance of drawn data selecting different rendering options. Nev-
As a part of the development process, we have also imple- ertheless, users can also visualize data in text format to manage
mented a Viewer, i.e., a software able to help suitable standard single elements details and to modify their organization.
adoption (Fig. 4), to check the syntax correctness of the data The Viewer exploits the following technical features:
contained in SPRINTS files and to draw those relative to the 2D • multiplatform: it is compatible with Microsoft Windows
part, allowing different levels of introspection. (from 98 to Vista), Mac OS X (from 10.3), Linux, Solaris
The employed software technology exploits Xerces C++li- and other operating systems, supporting both 32 and 64 bit;
brary for reading XML files and Qt4 for advanced graphics and • it uses hardware acceleration and of the video card when
for managing the data structures, in a portable way [32]. possible;
This last set of libraries is fully used with a rich set of • it is not bound to any specific XML-parsing library, that
high-level data structures (hash tables, database, meshes, vector can be changed dynamically through a plug-in approach;
graphics) and advanced functions for 2D design. Qt4 allows • it provides multilanguage support.

VIII. THE STANDARD BENEFITS group of companies, which participated in the definition activi-
The SPRINTS standard aims to limit or, when possible, to ties of the standard itself.
eliminate data passing problems during different steps of shoe These tests focused, in particular, to the most relevant “use
manufacturing process. That would be possible only if every cases” as identified by the testing group and according to market
actor involved will implement correctly the standard. Here, a priorities. CAD to cutting machines was agreed to be the most
brief list is presented of practical advantages coming from stan- relevant and demanding case to be explored, being this the typ-
dard adoption for the machineries customer side: ical situation in which data are to be transferred between soft-
• no translations needed any more: this will allow more au- ware applications and machinery provided by different vendors
tomation, that brings time and cost reductions; moreover, in normal productive environments. In the scope of this activity,
no more translation errors will happen; three cutting machine producers and a CAD developer imple-
• it will be possible to receive orders from every customer; mented specific converters in their suite of software applications
• no more binding to specific machinery producers; to write and read data in the SPRINTS format. The tests were
• elimination (or at least a strong limitation) of on-board ma- run by generating a complete set of data for a normal cutting
chinery programming: that procedure consumes time and job in the system of one vendor and importing them in the ma-
slows the production down, on the other hand, the standard chine controller of another and proofing both the integrity and
adoption supports more efficient offline programming; completeness of the data transfer as well as the efficacy of the
• it will be possible to get, in every manufacturing step, in- operation. This allowed to demonstrate the compliance of the
formation from other steps, allowing process optimization standard to its initial specifications and its capability to fulfill
and less constraints in designing. the industry demands that drove its development.
Also machinery producers benefit from standard adoption: This group of early implementers are currently offering
• leader producers will gain a standard method to describe SPRINTS as the recommended data exchange format to their
machine functions, allowing them to concentrate on spe- clients. The successful case of the CAD to cutting machine
cific features that characterize their products; transfer was not followed by similar adoptions for other cases
• new and growing producers will not need to project new of CAD to machine exchanges, in particular, in the domain of
communication solutions and could concentrate on ma- transfers of 3D data to process machines in the shoe assembly
chinery quality; phase and the CAD to CAD exchange scenarios.
• every producer could reach higher technology levels thanks There are several factors that can explain that. The most rele-
to an easier way of sharing data. vant one is the low market diffusion of highly integrated and au-
The standard will also help to move production to higher tomated footwear production systems which, on the one hand,
quality levels, that is useful to face towards new and growing necessarily require a solid and effective data exchange frame-
markets. Designers will gain new expression freedom, that will work such as SPRINTS is thought to provide and, on the other
help to create strong brands and styles, thanks to a more accu- hand, are the ideal vehicle for its diffusion. As long as this tech-
rate manufacturing process. nological evolution in the footwear sector is not fully accom-
Closed standards led to no communication between different plished there will be no strong market drivers for the widespread
companies: the proposed standard could bring to new dynamism adoption of the standard and hence its diffusion will be limited
and aid new ideas to spread. to the few implementation cases mentioned above.
Concerning its adoption, the standard foresees three gradual SPRINTS, nonetheless, represents a powerful enabler for
integration levels. At first, we need to write down translation such technological growth of the sector. Its adoption is cur-
programs from old closed standards to the new one (and vice rently under evaluation as part of a research project dedicated
versa). This is the quickest and cheapest method because ma- to the study of new shoe manufacturing solution based on
chineries are not modified so allowing to use old machines that a wide usage of robots for various processing steps and
cannot be upgraded anymore. However, this approach adds new whose programming is done via CAD data. In parallel to that
steps to existing process and translation can be a very chal- ASSOMAC [1] (the association of shoe machinery producers
lenging task. which fostered its development) is intending to continue with
The second integration level is useful to computer guided ma- its development and to actively promote its adoption by its
chines: a software update could add the new standard as one of associated companies.
the direct input supported and provides an internal translation. In
this case, the standard adoption will be completely transparent
At the maximum level of integration, all machinery is
compliant to the standard format and no more translations Within the footwear manufacturing, the lack of coded or stan-
are needed: a specific driver transforms standard data to elec- dardized directives and operations forces additional work and
tric/mechanical commands. This is clearly the hardest step but leads to the same continuous difficulties recurring every time a
also the one that can lead to best results. specific production phase is going on.
Thus, a common effort of the involved industries (although
IX. REAL EXPERIENCE, FEEDBACK, AND LIMITS competitors) is needed to define a precise data standardization
The analysis and definition work of the standard involved sev- and to minimize possible incompatibilities: that was the lesson
eral proof-of-concept tests under the responsibility of a selected of our case study passing over the considered industrial district.


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techniques, and resource-constrained computing.

Francesco Leporati (M’96) received the Ph.D. de-

gree in electronics and computer engineering from
Giovanni Danese (M’01) received the Ph.D. degree the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
in electronics and computer engineering from the He is Associate Professor of Industrial Informatics
University of Pavia, Pavia Italy. and Industrial Electronics in the engineering faculty
He is Full Professor of Computer Programming at the University of Pavia. His current research in-
and Computer Architecture with the Faculty of En- terests include automotive applications, FPGA and
gineering, University of Pavia. His current research application-specific processors, embedded real-time
interests include parallel computing, special-purpose systems, and computational physics.
computers, and signal and image processing. Prof. Leporati is a member of the Euromicro So-

Nelson Nazzicari received the Ph.D. and a 1st class

Laurea degree (Hons) in computer engineering from
Sergio Dulio has strong experience as a consultant the Engineering faculty, University of Pavia, Pavia,
and manager in the technical assessment and perfor- Italy.
mance evaluation of complex automated systems. He He is an Electronic and Computer Engineer
led a research consortium with partners in the shoe currently working on joint research projects between
machinery field and research institutions (Italian the Microcomputer Laboratory, University of Pavia,
National Research Council). He has been active in Pavia, Italy, and the Centre for Secure Information
the analysis and implementation of innovative pro- System, George Mason University Fairfax, VA. He is
duction processes for shoe manufacturing since 1996 mainly focusing on creating embedded, low-power
(SINTESI). He was also Director of the Consortium high-performing hardware for pervasive computing
of Italian Shoe Machinery Companies. and security related applications.

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