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Mies: et JEE ADVANCED (1IT-JEE) + 17 Yrs (2002 - 2018) JEE MAIN (AIEEE) Lah ede) ees a on Class 11 & 12 Syllabus ees Parton) Coverage of 100% JEE Main & Advanced Questions GUARANTEED — a disha Years (1978 - 2018) JEE ADVANCED (IIT-JEE) + 17 Yrs (2002 - 2018) JEE MAIN (AIEEE) PHYSICS Topic-wise Solved Papers Aligned on Class 11 & 12 Syllabus Must for JEE Main, Er. Sunil Batra Advanced, BITSAT & FEAST Other State Engg. Exams MEZECESS GP_3481 * Corp. Office : 45, 2nd Floor, Maharishi Dayanand Marg, Corner Market, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017 Tel. : 011-26691021 / 26691713, Ele) & ‘Typeset by Disha DTP Team DISHA PUBLICATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Reserved 'No part ofthis publication may be reproduced in any form without prior permission of the publisher. The author and the publisher do not take any legal responsibilty for any errors or misrepresentations that might have crept in. We have tried ‘and made our best efforts to provide accurate up-to-date information inthis book. For further information about the books from DISHA, Log on to or email to info@ 12. 3B. 14. 15. 16. 17. Beer Pere cg Baa ue Rg Be OC Ba Ue Cac CHAPTERS BASED ON CLASS 11' SYLLABUS Units and Measurements Motion Laws of Motion Work, Energy and Power Momentum and Impulse Rotational Motion Gravitation Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids Heat & Thermodynamics and Gases iple Harmonic Motion (Oscillations) Waves CHAPTERS BASED ON CLASS 12" SYLLABUS Electrostatics Current Electricity Moving Charges and Magnetism Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current Ray and Wave Optics Modern Physics 1-6 7-12 13-20 21-28 29-32 33-46 47-50 51-58 59-78 79-86 87-96 97-114 115 - 128 129-144 145 - 156 157 - 180 181 - 204 SP_3481 Solutions @cExplanations 1. Units and Measurements 1-6 2. Motion 7-15 3. Laws of Motion 16 - 26 4. Work, Energy and Power 27-36 5. Momentum and Impulse 37-43 6. Rotational Motion 44-68 7. Gravitation 69-75 8. Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids 76 - 86 9. Heat & Thermodynamics and Gases 87-117 10. Simple Harmonic Motion (Oscillations) 118 - 127 11. Waves 128 - 144 12. Electrostatics 145 - 173 13. Current Electricity 174-193 14. Moving Charges and Magnetism 194 - 216 15. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current 217 - 235 16. Ray and Wave Optics 236 - 269 17. Modern Physics 270 - 300 * The chapters have been divided as per the Class 11° & 12" syllabus followed by the NCERT books. Some of the chapters which are split in the class 11° & 12" syllabus in NCERT have been combined. There might be certain topics/ chapters which are not covered in NCERT but are a part of JEE Advanced/IIT-JEE syllabus. ya a Pe PAPER SECTION- I (MAXIMUM MARKS: 2. ‘This section contains SIX (06) questions. Each question has FOUR options for correct answez(s). ONE, OR MORE THAN ONE ofthese four option(s is (are) correct option(s). For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question Answer to each question will be evaluated according tothe following marking scheme: Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correst option(s) is (are) ‘chosen Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ‘ONLY three options are chosen. Partial Marks : +2 [three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correct ‘options. Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ‘ONLY one option is chosen and itis a correct option. Zero Marks : 0 f none of the options is chosen (i.e. the ‘question is unanswered) Negative Marks :~2 In all other eases, For Example: If first, third and fourth are the ONLY three correct options for a question with second option being an incorreet option; selecting only al the three correct options ‘will result in +4 marks, Selecting only two ofthe three correct ‘options (eg, the first and fourth options), without selecting any incorrect option (second option inthis case), will result in-+2 marks. Selecting only one ofthe three correct options (ither frst or third or fourth option), without selecting any incorrect option (second option in this case), will result in +1 marks, Selecting any incorrect option(s) (Second option in this case), with or without selection of any correct option(s) will result in—2 marks. The potential energy ofa particle of mass m ata distancer from a fixed point Q is given by M(r)= kr, where kis a positive constant of appropriate dimensions. This particle ismoving in a circular orbit of radius R about the point O. If vis the speed of the particle and Lis the magnitude ofits angular momentum about O, which of the following statements is (are) true? © L= JmkR* Consider a body of mass 1.0 kg at rest atthe origin at time = [eRe oe Aforce F = (ati +) isappicd on the body, where 4 & a= ONS" and 6 = 1.0.N. The torque acting oa the body ahoutthe orginal times LOsis ¢. Which ofthe fllowing statements is (are) true? a lt (B) The torque @ is in the direction ofthe unit vector +& 1 1 (© Thevelactyofthebodyat = Isis ¥=L@-+2)yms" (©) Theragritudeofisplacementofthbody a= sis Auniform capillary tube ofiner radius is dipped vertically intoa beaker filed with water. The water rises toa height h in the capillary tube above the water surface i the beaker ‘The surface tension of water is &: The angle of contact between water and the wall ofthe capillary tube i 0. Ignore themas of water in the meniscus. Which of the following statements is (ae) true? (A) Fora given material ofthe capillary tube, h decreases with increase in r (®) For e given material of the capillary tube, his independent of (©) Ifthis experiment is performed in a lift going up with a constant aceleration, then h decreases ©) his proportional to contact angle 0 In the figure below, the switehes 5, and S, are closed simultaneously at ¢= Oand a current starts to flow in the circuit Both the tttries have the same magnitude ofthe electromotive force emf) and the polarities are as indicated in the figure. Ignore mutual inductance between the inductors, The current 1 in the middle wire reaches is rmaximammagnitide atime =. Whichof he flowing ‘statements is (are) true? eR y v A) low 3 8) Ina= FR L 2b 4 in = m2 Org Ore ‘Two infinitely long straight wires lie in the xy-plane along the lines x=R. The wite located at x= +R carries a constant ‘current /, and the wire located at x=~R carries constant current A circular loop ofradius Ris suspended with its centre at (0,0, VR ) and in a plane parallel to the xy-plane. This loop earres a constant current / in the clockwise direetion as seen from above the loop. The current in the Wire is taken to be positive if itis in the +} direction ‘Which ofthe following statements regarding the magnetic field Bis (are true? (A) IFh=f, then B eannot be equal tozer0 atthe origin (0,0,0) ®) Ifh,>0and/, <0, then B can be equal to zeroat the cxigin(0,0,0) © Wh xigin(0,0,0) (D) If, =F, then the -component ofthe magnetic fieldat then B canbe equal to zero at the i the ete ofthe opis (2) One mole of a monatomic ideal gas undergoes a eyelic ‘process as shown in the figure (where Vis the volume and Tis the temperature). Which of the statements below is (are) true? y (A) Process 1 is an isochorie process (B) In process I, gas absorbs heat © In process IV, gas releases heat (D) Processes land Il are not isobaric DEIN ‘This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer {ocach question isa NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to the second decimal place; ¢g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33,-30,30.27,-127,30) using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric Keypad in the place designated to enter the answer. Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is centered as answer. Zero Marks In all other cases, Twovectors 4 and & aredefinedas 4 = ai and & (60s wr? +sin wr 7), where ais a constant and @= 26 rads tf] A+B + V3 | AB | attimer= «forthe frsttime, the value of sin seconds, is ‘Twomen are walking along «horizontal sraight line in the ‘same direction. The man in front walks at a speed 1.0 ms! and the man behind walks at a speed 2.0 ms. A third man JEE Advanced 2018 Solved Paper is standing at a height 12 m above the same horizontal line such that all three men are in a vertical plane. The two ‘walking men are blowing identical whistles which emit a sound of frequency 1430 Hz. The speed of sound in ae is 330 ms~!, At the instant, when the moving men are 10 m ‘apart, the stationary man is equidistant from them. The frequency of beats in Hz, heard by the stationary man at this instant, is ing and adiseare initially at res, side by side atthe top ‘of an inclined plane which makes an angle 60° withthe horizontal, They stat to oll without slipping at the same instant of time along the shortest path. Ifthe ime difference between their reaching the groundis (2~V3)/-0 s,then the height of the top ofthe inclined plane, in metres, is ‘Take g= 10ms?, 2 spring: block system is resting on a frictionless flor as shown in the figure. The spring constant is 2.0 Nm! and the mass of the block is 2.0 kg. Ignore the mass of the Spring, Initially the spring isin an unstretched condition. Another block of mass 1.0 kg moving with a speed of 2.0, ms‘ collides elastically with the first block. The collision is such thatthe 2.0 kg block doesnot hitthe wal. The distance, in metres, between the two blocks when the spring returns toits unstretched position fc the is time ae the collision 2 Ly Three identical capacitors C,, Gand C havea capacitance of 1.0 uF each and they are uncharged initially. They are ‘connected ina circuit as shown inthe figure and C, is then filled completely with a dielectric material of relative permittivity ¢,. The cell electromotive force (emf) Y= BV. First the switch 5, is closed while the switch 5, ts kept ‘open. When the capacitor C;is fully charged, S, is opened and 5, is closed simultaneously. When all the capacitors reach equilibrium, the charge on C; is found to be 5 jC. lke In theay-plane the region y> O has a uniform magnetic field and the region y O and fy <0, then the magnetic field due to both current willbe in +2 direction and add-up. The ‘magnetic field due to current | will bein ~Z direction and if its magnitude is equal to the combined magnitudes of /, and /,, then B can be zero atthe ‘origin. Therefore option Bis correct. 6 1 If, <0 and /,> 0 then their net magnetic field at origin wll bein ~Z direction and the magnetic field {uct /at origin wil also be in~Zdiretion. Therefore B a igincannotbe zero. Therefixe'Cisincoreet. 1fJ,=/, then the resultant of the magnetic eld By at P(hecente ofthe circular loop isalong+¥ direction ‘Therefore the magnetic fel at P is only due tothe current I which is in ~Z direction and is equal to Therefore option’ is correct. (B,C,D) _InprovessI, volume ischanging, Therefore itis not isochoric. Therefore ‘Ais incorrect In process Il, g= AU+ IW. AU=0 as temperature is constant. Therefore q= W. Here W= PU, V)) is positive therefore q is postive, gas absorbs heat, Therefore'B is correct, For process IV, q = AU++ W. Here AU= 0 and Wis negative (volume decreases) Therefore q is negative i.e, gas releases heat, ‘Cis correct. For an isobaric process, Vc Ti.e., we will get a straight inclined line in 7-V graph, Therefore land Il ‘are NOT isobaric, D's correct. (2.00) las Bl= V3l4-a) |oi+acosar -+asinor j]=V5lei—acosor i—asinos j = |(ircosanf+sinor j]=V5(l-cosen) -sinor j i+ 2c0sat = V3 V2=2eosar 1+ coset = 3(1—coseot) => 4eosar=2 eoser=+ or, or= 2,00 seconds & JEE Advanced 2018 Solved Paper (6.00) ae oa Beat frequency = oof 1 | YF 26058 v4 e088. =1430%330| —!__-_1 3 3 [pond vel 1 1 (0.75) The time taken to reach the ground is given by For ring. 4, = ners Given 4, - aan, ES 0232 = 1.732)=1.732— hi Ji Q-1.732)=1.732-15 Vim 768 hx 075m. (2.09) 23 m+ GP_3481 PHYSICS, ML 2 3B. Gg =mey, 2am _ 2x1x2 4 mtm,imtmg 1+ 3 ‘The time period of mass 2 kgaer attaining velocity is TernfP a2n[ 020 BN5 u,=2ms" kg -—> 2kg ‘Therefore the time taken to return the original position by 2 kg mass is x sec. Distance between the two blocks age 3 (150) Initially The charge on isq,=CyV=18 uC=8 uC sv’ LaF=c, Finally ‘As the charge on C; is found to be $ wC therefore charges. on C, and C, are 3 Ceach Applying Kirchhoff loop la ‘Average speed along X-axis = Pi +P2 _ 2(Ri+ Ra) nth hth = 2] a8) By 4148) But Yy=n ‘Average sped along X-axis 2.00 (130.00) os AAFBand ACFDare similar 18, ao ot D100 As there is no energy loss Average intensity of light at a distance 22 cm_ Ratio of area 13xxb?/4 da (4.00) ‘The intermediate temperatures given by the formula AAT. Ah 4 b hA eA ak Here, P= 200 k, 7,=300 , 7,= 100k 1m hand A=? Ay Ane? =13* 100= 130.00kWar? yn? 300+ kan(4r?)100 200 2 a hye? + ger?) 300 = 3004 + 400%, yak 200k, + 800 ky = 300k, +400 ky = 400k, = 100k, A400 fy (©) Weknow tht, C= were C=sped of ight E=CB=LI'B ©) Weknow that c= te oro Hoo * Hy = e977? dr _(l4ay-1)-(-a)__-2 ®) da (tay (tay 20a larl= la (tay (©) Weknow that, N= Nye™ ‘Taking fog on both sides log, N= log, No~ At differentiating with respect to"! we get ww 40 =a. 0992 kal iN 1«2000 °° [+ N=3000- 1000=2000] & 1. (ABD) =a and we oy = per avons fra xtie,Voet ‘As Vis proportional to't, distance cannot be proportional wr, sma= mE mt) | anf m= Now=na= mt = ae ‘Je = ft cetnt 2 (AD Webnowta =A" wre =e gaint 3. (A,B) According to Gauss's Law, 1 lotic fx, 6= = Further electric field is perpendicular tothe wire therefore its z-component will bezero AB=R sin 60° 4. (D)_ Theimage of AB will be A’B’as AB lies between pole and focus. Further as the object is moved towards the focus the image also moves away. ” JEE Advanced 2018 Solved Paper ‘The bjs distance derese from % o£ Therefore the final resis (D) 232-212 _ 20 _, (As O)No, of acparticles = 7 a, We as 4 4, ep +s Se + oo? afb +5 He+ 2p (AOGinen G+ 4 =507+e Basansoaesis :iet6ten Also V=vA= $00 0.664 ms =332.0ms! (6.30) Impulse=Change in linear momentum L J Jamo oF Vo= = 5g =25ms! ds Alo Va yet 2 Gr ayet! ods= yet dt fer mrye(h et) =254%065=630m (30.00) w= 4808, KE, inital GP_3481 9. (2.00) Given’ Fema geet ayn ntl aes r Jor=2°f simoooe [rss speed is at F 0 mo 2 esto] 1 bh 10 —| c0s1000x—=—— e v= [eto 2-0 We $5 Wein tO“, co 10x02 8” NBA © 50x2x10~*x0,02 Further fora galvanometer 1,xG=(-1,)8 | 1e6__ 01x50 _ 50 a 019 1 00) Weknow hatar= (00) Weknow that a= AE L2x10x1 282) The third marking of vernier scale will coincide with the ‘main scale because least count is 0.1 mm. 12, (900.00) For an adiabatic process TV" (evy where y= 5 Further AV= CA AS83100 =-900) . (24.00) Number of electrons emitted per second. 20017 625x160 Force = Rate of change oflinear momentum= N'/2mk 200 625x1.6x10- * V2x9%10 [2 K=eVie= 1610" =24.00 (3.00) AE, =74.8+ AE,» veg] 4Q om recepimetages $2 drat : infinite plane charge ‘Also fortwo infinite wires carrying uniform linear charge density 2k, 2k. £ 2kat (eM @ ve { Ay mm, _ axe 1 Further 7. imypRy ~ Taka GMm — 8 AboK.E = SO" therefore 7, ; Further T?2cR? ty (©) Process | is adiabatic therefore A Process 2 is isobaric therefore W = P(V ~ Vj) = 3PA3Vp-Ve)" 6P)Vy Process 3 isochorie therefore W. Process 4 is isothermal therefore temperature is constant, Au=0 e 4 7 a +B) which is constant Further P= mi is constant 1 and K = mv?is constant ( @ iseonstant) «ofsin 01); +e(cos o)} @'acosor i+Bsin or j]=-0'F Also t=FxF=0 (¢-7and F are parallel) = mo?) Av =-[P = sfmairdr MP ya i Alsor = (eos oreB'singor r= JEE Advanced 2018 Solved Paper [As the force is central therefore total energy remains constant, aF a Roy af-osinori +acoser j} €,, speed is constant -aeP{oosen? + sin oj] Forces central in nature Uand K are also constant a Ge aisp) .v=Ry 6 Le constant F = ma constant au=-fF-a sono (ai + pie =e tmta? +p?) aswt=K +=! wih isco GP_3481 The density ofa material inthe shape ofa cube i determined. by measuring three sides of the cube and its mass, Ifthe relative errors in measuring the mass and length are respoctively 1.5%and 1% the maximum error in determining, the density is () 23% @) 35% a GB) 45% 4) 6% Al the graphs below are intended to represent the same ‘motion. One of them does itincorretly Pick it up velocity ® position distance : 6 fo Za ™ postion 8 +e velocity t 7. o rh time Two masses my = 5g and m, = 10 kg, connected by an inextensble string over a fictiones ply, re moving as Shown inthe igure. The coefficient of ricttn ofhorzontal surface is 0.15, The minimum weight m that shouldbe put on top of m,f stop the motion i le, a 1 me & () 183kg @) 273kg GB) 433kg (4) 103kg A particle is moving ina circular path of radius a under the action of an tractive potential U JEE MAIN 2018 - PHYSICS Held On : 8" April, 2018 k @) 20 © Ina collinear colision, a particle with an inital speed vg strikes a stationary particle ofthe same mass. I the final total kinetic energy is 50% greater han the original kinetic energy, the magnitude of the relative velocity Between the twopartces ater collision, i a % @ viv o 2 os Seven identical circular planar disks, each of mass M and radius R are welded symmetrically as shown. The moment, of inertia ofthe arrangement about the axis normal to the plane and passing through the point P is: @ Br? @) SMR? Bagg? 18k \4Q2 @ SM’ @) Me From a uniform circular dise of radius R and mass 9 M, a son det immedstemnte fe “The moment of inertia ofthe remaining dise about an axis perpendicular tothe plane ofthe dise and passing, through centre of dise is lor’ 3 ( 4aMRe @ 2 sane @) 10 MRE @ Dare A particle is moving witha uniform speed ina circular orbit of radius Rin a central force inversely proportional to the ni power of R. Ifthe period of rotation ofthe particle is T, then: () Te RE foranyn, @ Taped? ® repr @ TeRM? ame 10. nL R 2B. A solid sphere of radius r made of a sof material of bulk ‘modulus K is surrounded by a liquid in a cylindrical container. A massless piston of area a floats onthe surface of the liquid, covering entire cross-section of eylindrical container. When a mass m is placed on the surface of the piston to compress the liquid, the fractional decrement in ; sentwtbe ta (4) » & Ka ne © Sng m8 me ® se Op ‘Twomoles ofan ideal moncatomic gas occupies a volume V_ at 27°C. The gas expands adiabatically to a volume 2 Y. Calculate (a the final temperature ofthe gas and (b) change {nits internal energy. () @ 189K () 27% @ @I9K () 278 G) @IR9K ) 2715 @) (195K () 2.748 ‘The mass ofa hydrogen molecule is 3.321077 kg. If 10% hydrogen molecules strike, pe second, a fixed wall ofarea 2.ematan angle of45°tothe normal, and rebound elastically with speed of 10 m/s, then the pressure on the wall is neatly (1) 235% 108 Nim? @) 470% 10° Nim? @) 235% 102Nin? 4) 470% 10°Nin? A silveratomin solid oscillates in simple harmonic motion {in some direction witha frequency of 10"2/sec, What isthe force constant of the bonds connecting one atom with the other? (Mole wt ofsiver= 108and Avagadro number =6.02 =10 gm mole!) () 64Nm @) 71Nim @) 22Nm @ S5Nim A granite rod of 60 em length is clamped at its middle point and is set into longitudinal vibrations. The density of granite is2.7 « 10° kgm’ andits Young's modulus is 9.27>10"° Pa ‘What will be the fundamental frequeney ofthe longitudinal vibrations? () Ski @) 25kttz @) 10ktiz @ 75ktkz ‘Three concentric metal shells A, Band C of respective radi 4a, band. (aa B TWF! =Constant of,T,Vyr'= TV, 12 3 2m(-: L=60em=0.6m given) For monoatomic gas Y= Using v= +00 5 585210 ae > b= a 12 an ey? =4.88% 10° Hz =SKHz ‘T,= 189 K (Gina temperature) ms Ke 14. (2) Potential outside the shell, Vouside -@ ‘where ris distance of point from the centre of shell Potent inside the shell, Vinge = M2 where"R” is ads ofthe she ‘eel bb ec 2 ofa?’ Ve= =| +e ° 2 a 15. (1) Chargeon Capacitor, Q=CV ‘After inserting dielectric of dielectric constant = K 1 tet oat? al Q=KOV Iniduced charges on dielectric Qing = Or -Q, = KCV-CV =(K-1)cV -G 1) spr 2v-=1 2ne 16, @) As weknow, average power Pig Vin fn 030 1) (ay caso. p= 100, oP sind 7 @ RI ot Using Kien slaw at Pe get VoI2 Vo13 V0.4 7 20 [Let potential at P,Q, U=OandatR=V Vv.V,V_2,1, 0 Tht Tr 2t0 _ Wese1y_ 24613 70 2 v8) 37 io)" 2 31x10 _ 370 320 11,s6v0t 16x2 32 Sovolt JEE MAIN 2018 Solved Paper 18. @) Asweknow, radiusofcireular path in magnetic field v2Km B Forelectron, f= ) For proton, fy = Fora particle, Ke, i) «iy m, ye = wes ved 26, (I) Forcolision of neutron with deuterium noon nin Applying conservation of momentim inveO=ny, +2, ‘ Me ci) “+ Collision iselastic,€ From eqn (i) andeqa (i) ¥1 Law? ban? pm —fiw?g 2 2. 28, 29. 30. 8 @ @ eo 20187 Now, For collision of neutron with carbon nucleus i km i” fim Applying Conservation of momentum n+ Pam, i) () can i) and ean (iv) J wy 48 02 169 028 Clearly from fig. given in question, Silicon diode is in forward bias Potential barrier across diode AV =0.7volts V-av _3-07 R200 Ifn=no. of channels, 10% of 10GHz=n S KHz Current, 10 ° 3 2010109 =nx5x10" > n=2« 10 on, 792 1O%10" = x50) 2x10" Using formula, internal resistance, (! 4} (2) b 40 5-150 R,+R,=1000 R = R= 1000-R, On balancing condition R,(100-9=(1000-RY Gop On Interchanging resistance balance point shifts lef by 10cm 1000-R, R, (o0=7 10) =alo-1 Onbalancing condition (1000-R) (110-1) =R, (/=10) or, R,(I-10)=(1000—R,)(110—) i) Dividing eqn (i) by (ii) 10! 10-7 => (100—)(110—1)= 10-10) =o => 11000 100/— 1101+ F= F101 = 11000=2007 of 1=55 Putting the value of in eqn (i) R, (100-55) =(1000-R,) 55 = R)(45)=(1000-R,)55, 1ere"do Nae a eT PAPER-1 Ee ‘This section contains 7 questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (Chand (D). ONE or MORE THAN ONE ofthese four ‘options is (are) correct. 1. A fat plate is moving normal to its plane through a gas ‘under the action of a constant force F. The gas is kept ata very low pressure. The speed of the plate v is much less than the average speed u ofthe gas molecules. ‘Which of the following options is/are true? (A) The pressure difference between the leading and trailing faces ofthe plate is proportional to wv (B) The resistive force experienced by the plate is proportional to v (©The plate will continue to move with constant non- zeroacceleration,atall times (D) Atalatr time the extemal foree Fbalancestheresisive force 2. A block of mass M has a circular cut with a frictionless surface as shown. The block rests on the horizontal fictionless surface ofa fixed table. Initially the right edge of the block is at x = 0, in a co-ordinate system fixed to the table. A point mass m is released from rest atthe topmost, pint of the path as shown and it slides down, When the mass loses contact with the block, its postion is ‘cand the velocity is. At that instant, which of the following, ‘options is/are correct? (A) The position ofthe point mass m is: ek +e M (© Thex component of displacement ofthe center of mass (B) The velocity of the point mass m is: 4 mR ofthe block M is: — 7 (©) The velocity ofthe block Mis: V =— Ft V2aR ‘A lock M hangs vertically atthe bottom end of uniform rope of constant mass per unit length. The top end of the rope is attached toa fixed rigid support at O. A transverse ‘wave pulse (Pulse 1 of wavelength Ag is produced at point onthe rope. The pulse takes time To toreach point A. It the wave pulse of wavelength 2 is produced at point A (Pulse 2) without disturbing the pesition of Mittakes time Tg to Feach point O. Which ofthe following options ifare correct? ‘O]f— Pulse 1 I» Pulse2 al (A) Thetime T,9=Tog (B) The velocities ofthe two pulses (Pulse I and Pulse 2) are the same at the midpoint of rope (©The wavelength of Pulse 1 becomes longer when it reaches point A. (©) The velocity of any pulse along the rope is, independent of its frequency and wavelength ‘A human body has a surface area of approximately 1m? ‘Thenormal body temperature is 10K above the surrounding, room temperature Tp, Take the room temperature to be Ty= 300K. For T)=300K, the value of of = 460 War? (where ois the Stefan-Boltzmann constant), Which ofthe following options is/are correct? (A) Theamount of energy radiated by the body in 1 second: is close to 60 joules (B) If the surrounding temperature reduces by a small amount ATy << Ty, then to maintain the same body temperature the same (living) human being needs 0 radiate AW = 4aTBATgmorc energy per uittime (© Reducing the exposed surface area ofthe body (eg by curling up) allows humans to maintain the same body temperature while reducing the enery lost by radiation (D) Ifthe body temperature rises significantly then the ppeak in the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation ‘emitted by the body would shift to longer wavelengths ‘A circular insulated copper wire loop is twisted to form two loops of area A and 2A as shown inthe figure. At the point ‘oferossing the wires remain electrically insulated from each ‘other. The entire loop lies in the plane (ofthe paper). A. uniform magnetic field B points into the plane ofthe paper, Att= 0, the loop starts rotating about the common diameter as axis with a constant angular velocity a in the magnetic field. Which of the following options is‘are correct? (A) Theemfinduced inthe loop is proportional tothe sum, of the areas of the two loops (B)_Theamplitude of te maximum netemfinduced due to both the loops is equal to the amplitude of maximum temfinduood in the smaller loop alone (© The net emf induced due to both the loops is proportional to cos at (D) The rate of change ofthe fux is maximum when the plane of the loops is perpendicular to plane of the paper Inthe circuitshown, L= 1 pH, C=1 Fand R=1k0. They are connected in series with an a.. source V= Va sin at as shown, Which ofthe following options is/are correct? =n C=InF R=1kQ a OV, sinot (A) Thecurrent will be in phase withthe voltage ifor= 10 rads (B) The frequency at which the current willbe in phase withthe voltage is independent of R (© At o~0 the current flowing through the circuit becomes nearly zero (D) Ateo>> 10°rad. the circuitbehaves like a capacitor JEE Advanced 2017 Solved Paper 7. Foran isosceles prism ofangle A and reffactive index p, itis, found that theangle of minimum deviation 8, Which ofthe following options is/are correct? (A) For the angle of incidence i, = A, the ray inside the prism is parallel tothe base ofthe prism (B) For this prism, the refractive index j and the angle of J egst(# pram Aareraiatcdas A=3000"(#) © Atminimum deviation, the incident angle i, and the refracting angle ry at the first reffacting surface are related by =(y/2) (©) Forthis prism, the emergent rayat the second surface willbe tangential to the surface when the angle of incidence at the first surface is, [sma bot S1-son] 1ON-1 ‘This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question isa SINGLEDIGITINTEGER ranging ftom 0109, bth inclusive 8 Adrop of liquid ofradius R= 10" m having surface tension ‘process the total change in the surface energy AU = 10° J. 9. Anelectron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from cette eae aca Mi potential energies ofthe electon, I y= 625, then the smallest possible ny is 10, Amonochromatc light is travelling ina medium ofrefzactive index n= 1.6. Itentersa stack of glass layers from the bottom side at an angle ® = 30°. The interfaces ofthe glass layers are parallel to cach other. Therefractive indices of different lass layers are monotonically decreasing asn,,=n—mAn, ‘where n,, is thereffactive index of them® slab and An=0.1 (ce the’ figure). The ray is reffacted out parallel to the interface between the (m-1)"*and mi slabs from the right side ofthe stack, What is the value of m? m oman mot a= Dar PEEL nar GP_3481 PHYSICS M1, 2. A stationary souree emits sound of frequency fy = 492 Hz ‘The sound i reflected by a largecar approaching the source with a speed of 2 ms“, The reflected signal is received by the source and superposed with the original What will be the beat fequency ofthe resulting signal in Hz? (Given that the speed of sound in ie is 330 ms" and the car reflets the sound atthe frequency it has received). BIL is an isotope of lodine that B decays to an isotope of 3 labeled with! isinjgcted into the blood ofa person. The activity ofthe amount of! injected was 24» 10° Beoquerel (Bq). tis known thatthe injected serum will get distributed ‘uniformly inthe bloodstream in ethan halfan hour. After 11.Shours, 2 ml ofblood is drawn fom person's body, and gives an activity of 115 Bg, The total volume of blood inthe persons body, in liters is approximately (youmay usee* ~ 1 +x for|x|<< and In2 ~ 0.7) Xenon with a halFlife of 8 days. A small amount of serum Esco ‘This section contains 6 questions of MATCHING TYPE, contains two tables each having 3 columns and 4 rows. Based on each table, there are three questions. Each question has four options (A), (B), (C) and (D) ONLY ONE of these four options is correct. Answer (Qs. 13-15) By appropriately matching the information given inthe three columns ofthe following table. ‘Accharged partile (electron or proton) is introduced atthe origin ( 0) with a given initial velocity ¥, A uniform electric field E and a uniform magnetic field B exist everywhere. The velocity ¥, electric field and magnetic field # are given in columns 1, and 3, respectively. The quantities Ey, By are positive in magnitude. Column | ‘Column Columns qarkey (© Blecton with ¥= 25 (Q)Blectron with Y= (Proton with ¥=0 (i) E=-EyR E 2 zee (iv) B= Eg 13. Inwhich case will the particle move ina straight line with constant velocity? mw ®) aR) ®) (MDS) © anae) ©) aéiins) 14, In-which case wil the particle describe helical path with axis along the positive z direction? A MOS 8) GR) © aan) © MR 18. Inwhich case would the particle move in a straight lin along the negative direction of y-axis (ie., move along—¥ )? (A) AGI ®) Cag) oO MHS ©) anae) “Answer (Qs. 16-18) : Byappropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table ‘An ideal gas is undergoing a eyelic thermodynamic process indifferent ways as show in the corresponding P-V' diagrams in ‘column 3 of the table. Consider only the path from state I to state 2. W denotes the corresponding work done an the system. The ‘equations and plots in the table have standard notations as used in thermodynamic processes. Here Y isthe ratio of heat capacities at ‘constant pressure and constant volume. The number of moles inthe gas isn. ‘Column 1 ‘Column? ‘Column 3 @ War (P2V2—FiMi) Isothermal Mm Pty GP_3481 4 JEE Advanced 2017 Solved Paper WW =-PVa+ PY, (_Isochorie @ Pp 2 ae a (ly Wi42=0 i) Isobar ® P 1 7 Ya OY) Wig =n nf 22 Gv) Adiabatic ° A 16. Which ofthe following options is the only correct representation ofa process in which AU= AQ~PAV? (A) doe ©) aun Gin) © Mii ©) engine) 17. Which one of the flowing options isthe correct combination? A) AVIS) ®) aunGins) © Meme © Mm 18. Which ne of the following options correctly represen thermodynamic process thats used asa correction in the determination ‘of the speed of sound in an ideal gas? A OGD ®) MGR © ame O OWM@ PHYSICS PAPER -2 Sood ‘This section contains 7 questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (©) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is correct. ‘Consider an expanding sphere of instantaneous radius R ‘whose total mass remains constant. The expansion i such ‘that the instantancous density premains uniform throughout (18) theolme The aetna angen dnsy (2 is constant. The velocity v of any point on the surface of the expanding sphere is proportional to WR @ © Re 1 OR ‘Consider regular polygons with numberof sides n 5.8 shown in the figure. The center of mass ofall the polygons is at height h from the ground, They roll on horizontal surface about the leading vertex without slipping nd sliding as depicted. Themaximum increase in height of the locus ofthe center of mass for each polygon is. Then ‘A depends on n and h as wy acnsat(S) gy O78 =) © seni?) actu) A photoelectric material having workfunction $y is fat) imine with ight of wavelength (<2), the fastest phtoeleton has #de-Boglie wavelength changein wavelength of the incident light by Ad result ina change A2.yin iy. Then the ratio 2/43. is proportional to 5 Ae @ nt © a © ane A symmetric star shaped conducting wire loop iscarying@ steady state current I as shown in the figure. The distance between the diametrically opposite vertices ofthe star is 4a. ‘The magnitude of the magnetic field at the center of the loop is @ Mes—n @ Monsen © Manin © Maeva ‘Three vectors fg and areshown inthe figure. Let Sbe anypointon the vector. The distance betwen the points Pand Sisb| jl The general relation among vectors. and § 1-b)B+b7O ‘A rocket is launched normal to the surface of the Earth, away from the Sun, along the line joining the Sun and the Earth. The Sun is3 * 10° times heavier than the Earth and is ata distance 2.5 x 104 times larger than the radius of the Earth. The escape velocity from Earth's gravitational field is 1.2kms, The minimum initial velocity (v,) required for the rocket tobe able to leave the Sun—Earth system is closest to (Ignore the rotation and revolution ofthe Earth and the presence of any other planet) @) ve2kms! ® vea2kms © yeekms! ©) veRkms! 9. 7. person measures the depth of a well by measuring the time interval between dropping a stone and receiving the sound of impact with the bottom ofthe well. The erorin his ‘measurement of time is T= 0.01 seconds and he measures the depth of the well {0 be L.= 20 meters. Take the acceleration due to gravity = 10:ms"? and the velocity of sound is 300 ms". Then the fractional error in the ‘measurement, L/L, isclosestto (a) 02% @) 1% © 3% ©) 5% Sone This section contains 7 questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C)and (D). ONE or MORE THAN ONE of these four ‘options is (are) correct. 8 Auniform magnetic field B exists in the region berween and the plane of the paper. A particle with charge +Q and: ‘momentum p directed along x-axis enters egion 2 fom region {at point P, (y= -R). Which ofthe following options) islarecorreet? Region! ¥ Region? Region 3 EB 2 () fa 8-22. epee Pe Ga the particle will enter region 3 through the point Pon x-axis (© When the particle re-enters region 1 through the longest possible path in region 2, the magnitude of the change nits linear momentum between point Py and the farthest point fom y-axis pl V3 JEE Advanced 2017 Solved Paper (D) Fora fixed B, particles of same charge Q and same velocity v, the distance between the point P, and the point of re-entry into region 1 is inversely proportional {othe mass of the particle ‘The instantaneous voltages at thre terminals marked X,Y and Z are given by V,=Vo sin at, 2n Vosin [ot+ ana 4x V,=Vosin | otF ‘An ideal voltmeter is configured to read rms value of the potential difference between its terminals. It i connected between points X and Y and then between Y and Z. The reading(s) ofthe voltmeter wil be ey, 2B (ay) VV =vo3 ® WE =voft © Ve&=v% (D) Independent of the choice of the two terminals ‘A point charge +Q is placed just ouside an imaginary hemispherical surface ofradius Ras shown in the figure. ‘Which ofthe following statements is‘re correct? 20 (A) The electric flux passing through the curved surface ofthe hemisphere is -£ -¥) 28 (@) Total ux through the curved and the flat surfaces is 2 & (© Thecomponent ofthe electric field normal to the fat surface is constant over the surface (©) Thecircumference ofthe flat surface is an equipotential ‘Two coherent monochromatic point sourees S, and S, of ‘wavelength 2.= 600 nm are placed symmetrically on either side of the centre of the circle as shown. The sources are separated by a distance d= 1.8 mm. This arrangement produces interference fringes visible as alternate bright and. dark spots on the circumference of te eile, The angular separation between two consecutive bright spots is 49. ‘Which of the following options is/are correct? GP_3481 PHYSICS 2, 13. (A) _Adark spot wll be formed atthe point P, (B) _AtP, theorder ofthe fringe will be maximum (©, The‘otal numberof inges produced between P, and inthe ist quadrant i lose 3000 (©) The angular separation between two consecutive bright spots decreases as wemove from P, to along the first quadrant ‘A souree of constant voltage V is connected toa resistance R and two ideal inductors Ly and L through a switch S as shown, There is no mutual inductance between the two inductors. The switch Sis initially open. At =O, theswitch isclosed and current begins to flow. Which ofthe following options isfare correct? (A) After a tong time, the current through L will be vb RU+ ®B) After long time, the eurrent through L will be vu RU +l (© Theratio ofthe currents through L, and Lis fixed at alltimes (> 0) Arig uniform bar AB oflength Lisslipping fom its vertical ‘pstion on a frictionless floor (as shown inthe figure), ‘Atsome instant of time, the angle made by the bar with the vertical is 8. Which ofthe following statements about its ‘motion is/are correct? 7 (A) Themidpoint ofthe bar will fall vertically downward, (8) Thetrajoctory ofthe point A isa parabola (© Instantaneous torque about the point in contact with the floor is proportional to sind (©) When the bar makes an angle @ with the vertial, the displacement of its midpoint from the inital position is proportional to (1 ~cos®) 114, A wheel of radius R and mass M is placed a the bottom of a fixed step of height R as shown in the figure. A constant force is continuously applied on the surface ofthe wheel so that it just climbs the step without slipping. Consider the torque £ about an axis normal to the plane of the paper passing through the point Q. Which of the following options islarecorreet? (A) If the force is applied at point P tangentially then decreases continuously as the wheel climbs (B) Ifthe force is applied normal to the circumference at point X then «is constant (©) Ifthe frce is applied normal othe circumference at point Pthen vis zero (D) Ifthe force is applied tangentially at point S then +0 Dut the wheel never climbs the step Soe This section contains 2 paragraphs, each describing theory, experiments, data ete, four questions related tothe two paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each question has only ‘one correct answer among the four given options (A), (B), (C) and ©. PARAGRAPHT Consider a simple RC circuit as shown in Figure 1 Process 1: In the circuit the switch $ is closed at t= 0 and the capacitor is fully charged to voltage Vg (ie. charging continues, for time T >> RC), In the process some dissipation (E,,) occurs across the resistance R. The amount of energy finally stored in the fully charged capacitor is Ec Yo Process 2: Ina diferent process the voltage is first set to and ‘maintained fora charging time T>> RC. Then the voltages raised 2Vo to 5° without discharging the capacitor and again maintained for a time T >> RC. The process is repeated one more time by 8 raising the voltage to Vpand the capacitor is charged tothe same final voltage Vo asin Process 1 These two processes are depicted in Figure 2. Figure vf Process | 23 Ww Figure 2 15, In Process 1, the energy stored in the capacitor Ey and heat dissipated across resistance Ey are related by (A) Ee 16. In Provess 2, total energy dissipated across the resistance Epis 1 (A) y= 50K8 JEE Advanced 2017 Solved Paper PARAGRAPH2 ‘One twirls circular ring (of mass Mand radius R) near the tipof ‘one's finger as shown in Figure 1. Inthe process the finger never loses contact with the inner rim of the ring. The finger traces out, the surface ofa cone, shown by the doted line. The radius ofthe path traced out by the point where the ring and the finger isin contact is r. The finger rotates with an angular velocity ay. The rotating ring rolls without slipping on the outside of a smaller circle deseribed by the point where the ring and the finger is in contact (Figure 2). The coeficient of fiction between the ring and the finger is y and the acceleration due to gravity is g Figure 1 ©) Figure 2 17. The total kinetic energy of the ring is 1 (A) MajR? B) TMOj(R=1? 3 © Mo(R-n? O) FMO}(R =n? 18, ‘The minimum value of ey below which the rng will drop down is » 28 O ViR=7 © VaR 38 3 oO WR) ©) VouR=9 GP_3481 1 (ABD) ak onsoning wens, v= [PE = viata Fa ple i aa ves » [ee vile lle Mien ny] ine " ite corsepion vA Moran tatu) etme ne» Wer ono ting a He Tyg > hy mopion own oe Velocity being a vector quantity has direction. The velocities of the two pulses cannot be same at midpoint. Tho = Toa because speed (or velocity) of wave ‘depends on mediums (and noton the wavelength or frequency of wave) (A), (D) are the corret options 2u+2v Energyradiated= o4(T4—Ty*)t Fi=2pdutvy? and Fy =2pA(u—v)? {[For a black body e= 1) =cAllTy +10)" — Ty vo l(-8)-} $40) = 460x1x 0x eee opt 2 (B,C) Let the block be displaced by. Ifinitially the centre cof mass of the system is at origin then =oAT! AT Mxxt+m(x+R) Mem , mR. ) lapl=oacary ary O= sete me =a “Cisthe core option Ifv is the velocity of mass 'm’ as it leaves the block A, Bare not correct options as human body is not a and V is the velocity of block at that instant then black body ee Energy radiated cA where Ais the surfce are of m=MV the body By energy conservation ‘'C’isthe correct option 5 (B,D) Forsmaller loop ¢= BA cost mgr = Lon? +L aay? ‘Therate of change of flux 2 "9 10 JEE Advanced 2017 Solved Paper ~BAwsint : ca wpe mason. ne boat acon and this will happen when ot=90° Lc, the plane of Joop is perpendicular tothe plane of paper. Option (D) is correct. Emergent ray tangentiat The emt produced will oppose each other. The net tothe surface emf wil also be proportional to sin ot G)a:~ B2A)asin ot BAo sin ot= BAo sin ot But ry tra ‘option (B) is also correct. nach 6 (B.C The angular frequency at which the current and voltage will be at same phase is n 1 1 = 10°rad st Applying Snell's law at'P' we get Ve W107 a 1 This value is independent of So (B) is eotet Bh esi [asta si] tion ” , (@piscorrect option eee ee Pana acorert opin IR? + (0 " ae oc ©) AVes{heder? 490) {0 ¢thecircui behaves asdeciruit) boa isa correct option [ier 40? 4x40 Ife >> oy, cireuit behaves as. an inductor, 3 3 7% GD) nek Fer minimum dvation (ven i, =A) ; lease saved #| nse? Ce 1] ‘Aus 4nsr*[10" -1] 421, 007)?[10 -1] 4 108 te 10? =10% -1 Neglecting I we get 102109 $2 a=6 2 6 10. @) option (C)iseorrect snk sn 6 Sing, in sin 4/2608 4/2 Frequency pereived by the source f, inl? ale = 492] 32) | |= soate Applying Snel’ law at Q 330 "L328, snso" 2 6 inn, sin GP_3481 Ace tisfieB2aais] ha o7 ausfie 2 ats us 8x24 " | ay =1208q 120Bq activity level isin 2.5 ml 2.4 * 10° Bq activity level will be in 15, @) 25x24x108 120 ml 2524x108 1201000, Forthe particle to movein straight ine, electric force should be equal and opposite to the magnetic force, (D)isthe correct option, 7 16. ©) 17. @) 18. u The force due to magnetic field Fy will provide the necessary cntripetal force for ercular motion which will be in X-Y plane, The force due to electric field will accelerate proton in Z-direction. Thus the path will behelical wth increasing pitch The electric field will applya force on-¥ axis thereby accelerating the charge along -Y axis, Fy=qvBsin® Here 8= 180° therefore, Fy=0 AU=AQ-PAV show that work dane= PAV \hich isthe formula for isobaric process. ‘Work done in isochorie process is zero for which we get vertical line in P-V graph, Laplace's correction ofthe speed of sound in ideal gas is related to adiabatic process 2 JEE Advanced 2017 Solved Paper Paper - 2 In AOA p= OC InAOAC cos 60°= GO 0c=2axt=a ‘Themagnetc field at'0'ducto $2 Hsin60°—sin30°] Ae ted (3-0, Theta maps el deta be srihtegmens ofthe saris parte 1 643-1) (A) Here Py oR=5 2 Alo R= G-P 5-P=00-0P es op-—* = 5 10+0-be 1 yy 2 GMa _ GMgmx310° 6) BME R25 x10°R, 2 aul sat] Ye _ OMe! , S10 25x10 Vid «11242 GP_3481 PHYSICS B ‘Substituting 87 = 0.015, L=20m, g=10ms*, v=300ms We eet LAS 7 1600 Pa 1s, 15, 100-15 «100-1395 19 P L 0 1600 % 16” a & (A,B) For the charge-+Q toretum region 1, the radius of the ctclar path taken by charge should by 3 my 2p » Poop P (GR/2) cd 3k @ 2e 30k ‘Thus the particle wll enter region 3 through the point P, on a Xeaxis ice, Bshould beequal or greater than 35@ "'Biis the correct option. 'A'is the correct option. Changein momentum = V2p i Thus'C is incorrect, BOR my? a) 0 Further qu 2 TE os ram sp DR + ‘Disineorrect. 5 ($8) e 9. (AD) Thepotential difference between X and Y is Vay =Ve—Yr Vay = Wry sion +0)) where Way )o = Yo? +¥o? Ve? con® vi. Wao and Vy ms = the ofthe centre of circular path ofradius (A) isthe correct option "Now the potential difference between Y and y Ve Vx Fiz = (yz) Sintor+8,) vie Wh= ff ars? H, 108 Oia ms = BE = JB ‘Thos (Dy isthe caret opin A (A.D) psa Beas The circumference of the flat surface is an cequipotential because the distance ofeach point on the circumference is equal from +Q (D)is the correct option. The component of electric field normal tothe flat surface is Eeos0, Here E as wel as © changes for different point onthe fat surface. Therefore (C)isincorrect, The total flux through the curved and flat surface eee ee rode <: Flux passing through curved surface am (A) isthe correct option. BO Path difference at P, is Py —SqPy=d= 1.8mm= 1.8 10%m 3000 600 10m p=3000%, Asthe path difference isan integral multiple of, P, should bea bright fringe with 300th maxima, (A) is incorrect. Further atP,, path difference =0. Therefore bright fringe will be present at P, also. Therefore total ‘number of fringes between P, and P, is 3000. (C)isa correct option. Obviously at P, the order of the fringe will be ‘maximum, Thus (B)is@corret option, JEE Advanced 2017 Solved Paper Now path difference p= deos (forbright fringe) cos = d a sin A0= (An) 3 (ans or A0=—— asin6 As we move from p, top, 0 decreases and therefore {0 increases. Therefore (D) is incorrect. (A,B,C) ‘Afera long time the curren through the resistors constant! wll divide intotwo partsL, andy which areinpanle hh bh alae] weet] watt (A,C,D) a, =O, Therefore the force acting in vertical direction ‘will move the mid point of the bar fall vertically downwards, (A) is correct option ‘When the bar makes an angle 0 with the vertical, the Aisplacement ofits mia point from the initial postion (D)is@ correct option GP_3481 PHYSICS 6 Instantaneous torque about the point of contact Pis 18. (A) Work done by battery= 4 x V a W=CV, xV,=CV2 ta mgxSsind 1 Energy stored in the batery= 5 CV (C)isa correct option. SEE a Energy dissipated Now x=Fsin0, y (#y -( oe es Eom Ep t) AE EPR 16. (C) Let V,and V; be the initial and final voltage in each This is equation of ellipse. Therefore Bis incorrect process. Then 14, (©) _ Ifthe fereis applied at P tangential than the remains Energy dissipated = Wyagey~ AU constant andi equal toF «2R where Fis the applied , . force = (Vi WIV -ZOUWs = Wi If force is applied normal to X, then as the whe climbs, then the perpendicular distance of force rom 1 5 Q will goon changing initaly the perpendicular is = 50, -W) Qyp later it becomes QM! Total heat dissipated Loy? ter, 6 aa R Now total kinetic energy ofthering(Kineticrotational + kinetic translational) 17. © Here @(R— Ifthe force is applied normal tothe circumference at point P then [is zero. So (C) is correct. K Eig = LOMR?)o? = Mo?(R-1)? Ifthe force is applied tangentially at pont S then 2 t= FR andthe whee will climb 1h A) ptalg Ry =Me ms 1ere"do A particle is executing simple harmonic motion with atime period. Attimet™=0, itis at its postion of equilibrium. The kinetic energy-time graph of the particle wll look like: o hon, @ hone ® ee ® te “The temperature of an open room of volume 30 m? increases from 17°C t027°C dueto sunshine, The atmospheric pressure in the room remains |» 10° Pa, Ifn, and n are the number of | ‘molecules in the room before and afer heating, then n,n, wil be 25x10 2) 25x10 ® 161x107 @ 138x107 ‘Which of the fllowing statements is false? () A rheostat can be used asa potential divider (2) Kirchhof?'s second law represents energy conservation G)_ Wheatsione bridge isthe most sensitive when all the four resistances ar ofthe same order of magnitude (Ina balanced wheatstone bridge if the cell and the galvanometer ate exchanged, the null point is disturbed ‘The following observations were taken for determining surface tensitonT of water by capillary method Diameter ofeapilary, D= 1.25 «107m Poot 0m Ung 9 edt spied tin 1,10 Wm, hepsi rin suis sn dose (1) 2.4% 2) 10% GB) 0.15% @ 15% In amplitude modulation, sinusoidal carrier frequency used is denoted by ©, and the signal frequeney is denoted by ©, ‘The bandwidth (Ao, ofthe signal is such that Ao,, <0, Which of the following frequencies is not contained in the modulated wave? M e+e, @ o,-0, ® ©, ® o ‘A diverging ens with magnitude of focal length 25 em is placed aa digas of ism ‘rom coneten la of agnitude of focal length 20 em. A beam of parallel ight fallen he desing. The al nage ore (1) real and ata distance of 40 em from the divergent lens JEE MAIN 2017 - PHYSICS OCR eevee AeA 10. re (@)_realand ata distance of 6cm from the convergent lens G)_realand ata distance of 40 em from convergent lens (4) virtual and at a distance of 40 em fom convergent ‘The moment of inertia ofa uniform cylinder of length f and radius R about its perpendicular bisector is I. What is the ratio #/R such that the moment of inertia is minimum ? Om ® o £ © ‘An electron beam is accelerated by a potential difference V to hit a metalic target to produce X-rays. It produces continuous as well as characteristic X-rays. lf Ay isthe smallest possible wavelength of X-ray inthe spectrum, the ‘aration oflog 2, with log V is coretly represented in 3 2 8 sh o ® ev ey o o Y Dorey ev ‘A radioactive nucleus A with a half life T, decays into a nnucleusB. Att=0, thereisno nucleus B. AtSometime', the ratio ofthe number of B to that of A is 0.3. Then, tis given by a O) log (1.3) ® Toa log? Tog 9 logh.3 ® log2 Ancleeti dipole as fixed dipole moment, which makes angle @ with respect to x-axis. When subjected to an electric ficldiE|=E/, it experiences a torque Z/=ri. When EI subjected to another electric field E experiences torque 7; =F. The angle gis: a a 2) ow @ mn a common emitter amplifier circuit using an n-p-n ttansistor, the phase difference between the input and the output voltages willbe @ Bs os G, and C, are specific heats at constant pressure and cdastant volume respectively. I is observed that G.-C, =a for hydrogen gas Ch-C,= bor nitrogen gas ‘The correct relation between a and bis (@ a=14b L 8 ® wr 4) 9 aod 1B. 4 ‘A copper ball of mass 100 gm is at a temperature T, It is ‘dropped in a copper calorimeter of mass 100 gm, filled with 10 am of wate at oor temperate, Subauently, the temperature ofthe system is found to be 15°C. Tis given by (Given: ron temperatare~30° C, specific cat of opper = OL ealgnec @ pvc @ asc @) sore @ 885°C ‘A body of mass m = 10-? kg is moving in a medium and ‘experiencesa frictional force F 0 Tsintal speedis vo 1 = 10 ms". If after 105, its energy is 5%, the value ofk willbe: () 104kgm! @) 0h kgmtst @) 10%kgm? @) 103kgs? ‘When a current of § mA is passed through 2 galvanometer having a coil of resistance 15, it shows full scale deflection, The value of the resistance to be putin series ‘with the galvanometer to convert it into to voltmeter of range 0-10Vis, @ 2535x10° @) 4005x10° B) 1.985x10° @) 2045x10° ‘A slender uniform rod of mass M and length ¢ is pivoted at ‘one end so that it can rotate in a vertical plane (see figure) ‘There is negligible ition atthe pivot, The fre end isheld vertically above the pivot and then released. The angular acceleration of the rod when it makes an angle 9 with the vertical is 8 Bos, Be Seoso 2 Boose 3 2 o) isin ) *8sino ‘Some energy levels of a molecule are shown in the figure. The ratio ofthe wavelengths r=, / 2, is given by wr @r or ‘A man grows into a giant such that his linear dimensions increase bya factor of9. Assuming that his density remains same, the stress in the leg wll change by a factor of 1 8 og 1 5 @ 9 5 20, a4. n, 23. m4. JEE MAIN 2017 Solved Paper In a coil of resistance 10002, a current is induced by changing the magnetic flux through tas shown inthe figure. ‘The magnitude of change in flux through the coll is So 1 (1) 250Wo @) 275Wo @) 200Wb @) 225Wb Ina Young's double slit experiment, slits are separated by (0.5 mm, and the sereen is placed 150m avay. A beam of lightconsisting oftwo wavelengths, 650 nm and 520 nm, is used to obiain interference fingeson the sereen, The least distance from the common central maximum t the point ‘where the bright fringes due o both the wavelengths coincide is (973mm 2) 156mm @) 136mm (78mm ‘A magntieneele of magnate moment 6:7 10 Anand moment of inertia 7.5 10" kg tis performing simple Rarmont osclatns ina mabate fla 0.01 Tine taken for 10 completeosilations is (698s @) 876s &) 665 @ 8895 ‘The variation of acceleration eto gravity g with distance akon ste ofthe carth besten by (R= Ears radius: 2 2 @ av 2v av 19 fe Jo av 1V av Inthe above circuit the current in each resistance is (05a @ ov @) 1A @ 025A A particle A of mass m and initial velocity v collides with a perce ots whicissre, Thecolsn shed co, an lst. The ato of the de Broglie wavelengtis 4,10 2, afer the collision is a2 ay © 5 ox al & @ B35 4m GP_3481 PHYSICS 28. 26. 2. 28. ‘An external pressure Pis applied on a cube at °C so that it isequally compressed from al sides. Kis the bulk modulus ‘of the material of the cube and a is its coefficient of linear ‘expansion. Suppose we want to bring the cubeto its original size by heating. The temperature should be raised by a o * ©) 3Ka Po ye O xx © cK ‘Atime dependent farce F= 6tactsonapartce ofmass 1 ke Ifthe particle starts from rest, the work done by the forse luring the fist seeand will be 9 ) 18) @) 451 @ 2 {An observer is moving with half the speed of light towards 4 stationary microwave source emiting waves at frequency 10Giiz, What isthe fequency of the microwave measured by the observer” (speed oflight= 3° 10%ms") () 173GH Q) 153Gte, @) 101Gte, @ 116k, Inthe given circuit diagram when th current reaches steady Staten the cre, the chargeon the capaci of eapactance Eats paw ei 2. 30. aon3 © Fin @ FR ° a ‘A capacitance of 2uF is required in an electrical cireuit across a potential diffrence of 1.0 kV. A large number of 14 capacitors are available which can withstand a potential difference of not more than 300 V. The minimum number of capacitors required to achieve this is om Q 2 2 @ 16 A body is thrown vertically upwards, Which one of the following graphs correctly represent the velocity vs time? : { ia o) Zs «8 w CE, << <> ° = = ae JEE MAIN 2017 Solved Paper SOLUTIONS 1. Q) Foraparticle executing SHM ‘Atmem postion; 1=0,0¢=0,y=0, Y= mara KEKE gee” 5 r Atexromepostion:¢= 4 KE=KEq,=0 Kinetic enerayin SHIM, KE= 4 marta?) = maPateastor ete graph (2) correctly depicts kinetic energy time graph 2.) Given: Temperature 7,= 17+273=290K Temperature 7/=27+273 =300K Atmospheric pressure, Py = 1 * 105 Pa Volume ofroom, ¥,= 30° Difieencein number of molecules, Nj-N,=? Thenumberofmolecules 3. 4). There is no change in null point, ifthe cell and the falyanometer are exchanged in balanced wheastone & ALB oR (Sarin, = 8 ‘On balancing condition ar Relativeerrorin surface tension, ,2and 10° are constant) Percentage error AT _(107 x0.01 107 x0.01) 10 (ast 145x107) (0.8 +0.689) 1489) = 148996 1.5% (3) Modulated carrier wave contains frequency ®, yg wt (3) _Asparallel beam incident on diverging lens will form imageat focus. v=-25em <— em—> fe-2Sem fe20em ‘The image formed by diverging lens is used as an object for ‘converging lens, ‘So for converging lens u=-25—15=—40.em, f=20em Final image formed by converging lens toi v -40° 20 ‘or, V'=40 em from converging lens real and inverted, 3) Asweknow, moment ofineria ofa solid cylinder about ‘an axis which i perpendicular bisector mR tt 4° 2 cS GP_3481 PHYSICS Let V= Volume ofeylinder = xR? 10. Clearly, log pin Versus log graph slope is negative hence option (3) correctly depicts, (4) Letinitially there are total Np number of nuclei Ne oo xei Attimet f= 0:36;ven) > N,=03N, eM => I 3)= $n.3) _ tn ‘In(2) ~ In(2) T (1) T= PE sin® Torque experienced by the dipole in an electric field, T= PxE ld), Bx pcosd i + psind B-8 T= pxBi =(@eosol +psindj)x £7) ch=pe sind) @ Fi=BEj Fs = poosti + psin6) «3B k= 3 pE, cosh i) 2, 13. 4, 15, ans From eqns. (i) and (ii) PE sind = J5pE ood tn0= V5. 0-60" 2) Incommon einer configuration for mp-n transistor input and ouput signals are 180° out of phase Le, phase Giference between sp and int voltage 180 () Asweknow, G,C,=R wher C, and C, are molar speciticheat capacities Go e % GO R For hydrogen (M=2)G,-C,= a= For nitrogen (M=28) C,-C,= 6= ‘or nitrgen (M=28) C, — z fa14 or, a= lab 6 (4) According to principle of calorimetry, Heat lost= Heat gain 100 « 0.1(=75)= 100 «0.1 «45+ 170% 1 «45 10-750=450 +7650 (1) Let Fis the final speed of the body. From questions, or, K=10-4kgart @) Given : Current through the galvanometer, ign S* 108A Galvanometer resistance, G=150 Let resistance & tobe put in series withthe galvanometer to convert it into a voltmeter ig(R+6) 10=5% 103 (R+15) 2000—15=1985 = 1.985 x10 rob 16. @) Torqueat angle 6 x 1 9 c= mgsino f Also la 1 a= Meso Me 1 fy Me ae mgsino |e In = sino Sgsino . 2 a 17. @) Fromencray eve diagram, wing AE= ME he For wavelength 2,42 =--(-26)= $= nett E For wavelength 2, Af ah E 3) 18, (8) As inear dimension increases bya factor of ue Dénsityremains same Sos hae meg, (Arey gp ™m (Area), siress(o)= RSE = (mass ea (mya) 9 or nae) 9 19. (I) According to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic de dt induction, R n= rh bs fay Magnitude fehange in x) time graph fia La ox, d= 100% 5510 = 50 Wb area under current vs 20, a. 2. 23, uM. JEE MAIN 2017 Solved Paper (4) Forcommon maxima, 1, =n), 520107 650x107 mad. 2, = 650nm, 4x 650107 1.5 05107 (8) Given: Magnetic moment, M=6.7 « 10am? Magnetic field, B= 0,01 T Moment of inertia, =7.5 « 10-6 Kam? or, 10% _2n =2n, =22 1.065 ‘e710? 001 10** Time taken for 10 complete oscillations 1=10T=2n% 1.06 6.6568 ~ 6.655 (2) Variation of acceleration due to gravity, g with distance ‘a’ from centre ofthe earth Gm d« @ ©) LX» 4 4 a > © @ 8. Twoidentica discs ofsame radius Rate rotating about their axes in opposite directions with the same constant angular speed o. Thedises arein the same horizontal plane, Attime £0, the points P and Qare facing each other as shown in the figure. The relative speed between the two points P and Qisy,Inone time period (7) of rotation ofthe discs, v, asa function of time is best represented by (2012) PY p al ® ka, © | i) how, @ | 9. Consider a dise rotating in the horizontal plane with a constant angular speed «about its centre O. The disc has a shaded region on one side of the diameter and an unshaded region on the other side as shown in the figure. When the disc sin the orientation as shown, two pebbles P and Qare simultaneously projected at an angie towards R, The velocity ‘of projection isin the y~z plane and is same for both pebbles ‘with respect to the dise. Assume that (i) they land back on the disc before the disc has completed 1/8 rotation, (i) their L Topic-wise Solved Papers - PHYSICS range is less than half the dise radius, and (ii) © remains constant throughout. Then 2012) @ © P lands in the shaded region and Q in the unshaded region. P lands in the unshaded region and Q in the shaded region. (©) Both Pand Q land in the unshaded region, (@) Both Pand Q land in the shaded region. BY MCQs with One or More than One Correct} A pparticle is moving eastwards with a velocity of 5 m/s. In 10s the velocity changes to 5 m/s northwards. The average acceleration in this timeis (1982 - 3 Marks) (@) zero (b) 1/2 mvis* towards north-west (© 1/V2 mis towards north-east @ Ling m/s? towards north-west 57/3? towards north-west 1 (©) m/s? towards north A particle of mass m moves on the -axisas follows: itstarts from rest at (= 0 from the point x= 0, and comes to rest at {= Lathe pointx= 1. NO other information is available about its motion at intermediate times (0 4 at some point or points in its path (@)_@ must change sign during the motion, but no other assertion can be made withthe information given. ‘The coordinates ofa particle moving ina plane are given by 3(0)= a 08 (pt) andy (2)= sin (pt) where a, b(< a) and are positive constants of appropriate dimensions. Then (1999S - 3 Marks) (@)thepath ofthe particles an ellipse (©) the velocity and acceleration of the particle are normal toeach other at ¢= 2/2p) (©) the acceleration of the particle is always directed towards a focus (@ the distance travelled by the particle in time interval Op)isa © ERD Acar accelerates from rest ata constant rate c-for some time after which it decelerates at a constant rate B to come to rest. Ifthe total time lapse is seconds, evaluate. (1978) (maximum velocity reached, and the total distance travelled ‘The displacement x of particle moving in one dimension, under the action of a constant force is related tothe time £ GP_3481

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