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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

The Role of Strategic Leadership in Supporting Strategic

Planning and Increasing Organizational Competitiveness
Martinus Nahak1, Lena Ellitan2
Centro Plameamento Integrado-Ministerio Do Planp E Ordenamento, Timor Leste
Faculdade Saude Publica Universidade Da Paz, Timor Leste
Faculty of Business, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Indonesia

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Martinus Nahak

Strategic Leadership in addition to having the ability to anticipate, | Lena Ellitan "The Role of Strategic
have a vision, is also able to maintain flexibility, empowering others Leadership in Supporting Strategic
to create strategic change. This strategy has an important effect on Planning and Increasing Organizational
Competitiveness" Published in
the organization's efforts to gain strategic competitiveness and
International Journal
achieve above-average targets. Effective strategic leadership is
of Trend in
required to formulate and implement strategies successfully. An Scientific Research
organization will succeed or even fail for the most part determined by and Development
the leadership. A noble expression says that the leader is responsible (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
for the failure of implementation a job, is an expression that occupies 6470, Volume-6 |
a leadership position in the organization in the most important Issue-3, April 2022, IJTSRD49730
position, so it is necessary to have strategies in achieving pp.1441-1446, URL:
organizational goals. Strategic leadership includes the ability to
anticipate, have vision, and maintaining flexibility, empowering
people others to create the necessary strategic changes. This strategy Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
has important effect on the organization's efforts to gain
Scientific Research and Development
competitiveness strategically and earn above-average profits.
Journal. This is an
Leadership effective strategy is needed to formulate and implement Open Access article
strategy successfully. This paper discusses the importance of strategic distributed under the
leadership in supporting the success of strategic planning and terms of the Creative Commons
organizational competitiveness. Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
KEYWORDS: Strategic leadership, strategic planning, organizational

An organization always needs leadership to achieve throughout the organization implementing the
its goals (Thomson et al., 2020), in Fadhli, M. (2020). strategy. Failure to implement strategy is often caused
Therefore we need a leader who can provide direction by teams at middle and lower levels of the
to organizational members to carry out their duties organization lacking commitment to strategy
and authorities in an effort to achieve the (Balogun & Johnson, 2005; Kotter, 1995; Labianca,
organization's mission (Pearce & Robinson, 2009). Gray, & Brass, 2000). Critical to the development of
Strategic leadership is a process within a group of such strategic commitment (willingness to exert effort
people (Bass, 2007). A leader must do something in for strategy; Dooley, Fryxell, & Judge, 2000;
the team in order to lead (Hao & Yazdanifard, 2015). Wooldridge & Floyd, 1990) is the leadership of team
Strategic leadership is a person's ability to anticipate, managers (Balogun, 2003; Huy, 2002). These middle
create a vision, maintain flexibility, think strategically and lower level managers are responsible for
and work together with others to initiate changes that communicating and clarifying strategy (Floyd &
can bring about a better future for the organization Wooldridge, 1992; Wooldridge, Schmid, & Floyd,
(Hitt et al., 2016). Lack of strategic leadership has 2008).
been considered as one of the main barriers to
Strategy Leadership has an important role in
effective strategy execution in organizations (Kaplan
communicating a future picture for the organization
& Norton, 2004). According to Lee & Puranam,
in order to contribute to the realization of the
2016; Noble, 1999, that any strategy, no matter how
organization's vision in accordance with the strategic
well formulated, will not be effective without people

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
plan (Griffin, Parker, & Mason, 2010; Stam, Lord, with and listening to people within the organization
van Knippenberg, & Wisse, 2014; Westley & with the aim of disseminating knowledge creating and
Mintzberg, 1989). This is as stated by Hitt and innovating new areas and solutions to problems.
Hoskisson (2013), that Strategy Leadership is the Indeed strategic leadership has been described as one
main driver of organizational success for effective of the main drivers of effective strategy
strategy implementation where strategic leaders play implementation. Thompson et al. (2007) in Rivai
an important role in promoting the organization's (2020) emphasize that there is no doubt that effective
competitive advantage in the long term (Marriott, Du organizational leadership and strong consistency of
Plessis, Manichith and Sukumaran 2014). This type organizational culture are the two main ingredients in
of leadership is seen to help organizations deal with enabling the successful implementation of
the global economy (Zoogah, 2018). However these organizational strategies and goals. Weak leadership
leaders do not come easily in organizations and can destroy the most sensible strategies; forced
according to Forbes, only 10 percent of leaders execution of even a bad plan can often lead to victory'
demonstrate strategic skills which is an inadequate (qtd. in Thompson et al., 2007). Kotter (1990); in
number considering the demands of today's Pearce et al. (2005) in Sahertian, P. (2020) distinguish
organizations (Beatty, 2010). Beatty points out that between management and leadership. In his view,
strategic skills are not only needed in times of growth management is about overcoming the complexities
but also in difficult times in organizations when that come with the rise of large organizations.
resources are tight to ensure that resources in the Leadership, on the other hand, is about coping with
organization are focused in the right areas (Beatty, change; and more change always demands more
2010). leadership. Pearce et al. But show that leadership is
Strategic Leadership about setting and not just reacting to an agenda,
Specifically, Hitt and Ireland (2002) describe identifying problems, and initiating change that
strategic leadership as the core of critical practice results in substantial improvement rather than
which includes: setting long-term goals of the managing change. The leadership challenge is to
organization; explore and leverage the organization's generate commitment among people within the
core capabilities; managing human and social assets; organization to embrace change and implement
instilling a sustainable organizational culture; strategies intended to position the organization to do
emphasize ethical values and formulate and so. Leaders galvanize a commitment to embrace
implement a balanced control system that will not change and effective strategy implementation through
hinder sustainable transformation but at the same time a variety of interrelated strategic leadership roles that
ensure organizational stability. In several studies, include clarifying strategic intent, building
strategic leadership was identified using the organizations, and shaping organizational culture to
transformational leadership measure Strategy name but a few (Pearce & Robinson, 2005, 2008).
Leadership Strategic leadership is a complex balancing act
According to Pearce and Robinson (2007), strategic between a numbers of factors. It involves coping with
leadership is about coping, changing; and more strategic pressures and environmental changes outside
change always demands more leadership. Hitt, and the organization, at the same time requiring the
Hoskisson (2007) define strategic leadership as the management of human resources within the
leader's ability to anticipate, envision, and maintain organization (Lynch, 2009). Rowe et al. (2001)
the flexibility to empower others to create strategic defines strategic leadership as the ability to influence
change as needed; it involves managing through other others to voluntarily make day-to-day decisions that
people. It is the process of allocating resources to enhance the long-term viability of the organization
support the chosen strategy. This process includes while at the same time maintaining short-term short-
various management activities needed to drive term financial stability. He says strategic leadership
strategy, institutionalize control strategies that presupposes a shared vision of what an organization
monitor progress, and ultimately achieve will aim for, so that the day-to-day decision-making
organizational goals (Barnat, 2007). Capon (2008) or strategy-evolving processes are consistent with this
defines strategic leadership as the ability to influence vision. He shows that to be effective; leaders must be
a group towards the achievement of goals. He further able to project their ideas into pictures that excite
stated that good leadership has a strategic vision and people in their work.
is persuasive in implementing strategies to achieve Davis (2004) in Wibawa (2014) defines strategic
tangible results. Lynch (2018) is of the view that leaders as those who have organizational capabilities
strategic leadership typically involves communicating with a strategic orientation; translate strategy into

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
action; align people and organizations; determining building culture, and creating a strong fit between
effective strategic intervention points; and develop strategy and the organization's way of doing things
strategic competencies. Zaleznick (1977), in Rowe et (Thompson et al., 2008).
al. (2001) cited by Sobarino (2011) stated that leaders True leadership is needed to compete effectively and
make systematic and pragmatic decisions in arranging deliver growth. People look to leaders for meaning, to
resources, designing organizations, motivating understand the seemingly unquenchable demand for
workers, solving problems, and controlling activities. results and the individual's need to find purpose and
According to Hitt et al. (2006), the main value (Chapman, 2004), Harris, A., Brown, D., &
responsibility for effective strategic leadership in an Abbott, I. (2006). Successful strategy implementation
organization lies above, in particular with the chief depends on doing a good job with and through others,
executive officer (CEO). But other generally building and strengthening competitive abilities,
recognized strategic leaders include members of the motivating and rewarding people in ways that support
board of directors (BOD), the top management team, the strategy and instilling the discipline to get things
and division general managers. These strategic done (Strickland et al., 2008) ). The strategic
leaders have substantial decision-making leadership role in implementation strategy is
responsibilities that cannot be delegated. characterized by several identifiable functions which
Strickland et al in Robinson (2013) show that good are discussed below, many of which interact with
strategy implementation requires team effort and that each other. Strategic leadership plays 2 main roles:
all managers have strategy execution responsibilities
A. Strategic Direction
in their area of authority, and all employees are It involves developing a long-term vision of the
participants in the strategy execution process. company's strategic intent. The imagined future
Mobilizing responsible leadership and achieving serves as a guide for many aspects of the corporate
results pushes a manager into a variety of leadership strategy implementation process including
roles in managing the strategy execution process: motivation, leadership, employee empowerment, and
resource acquirer and allocator, capability builder, organizational design (Hitt et al., 2007). According to
motivator, policy maker, and policy enforcer, to name Pearce and Robinson (2005), the task of a good
a few. If a company has a good strategy and the leader, in clarifying strategic intent is to paint a
efforts to execute that strategy give the expected picture of that intent in the future and in setting
results, chances are high that the company has good expectations of good performance. Chapman (2004)
strategic leadership. says that the goal is for everyone in the organization
The Role of Strategic Leadership in Strategy to understand the strategy and in particular how what
Implementation they are doing will contribute to overall delivery.
Strategic management involves long-term, future-
B. Establishing Balanced Organizational
oriented, and complex decision-making and requires
Strategic Control
considerable resources, and therefore top Hitt defines organizational strategic control as formal
management participation is important (Pearce & information-based procedures used by managers to
Robinson, 2000). Wheelen and Hunger (2008) in maintain or change patterns in organizational
Azzahra, DE (2018) show that strategy activities. He stated that organizational controls are an
implementation has been blamed for a number of important part of the strategy implementation process
strategic failures and one of the most cited problems as they help ensure that the company achieves the
is the lack of top management commitment. desired results. Most critically, controls provide the
The leadership challenge is to galvanize commitment parameters by which the strategy will be
among people within the organization as well as implemented, as well as corrective actions to be taken
stakeholders outside the organization to embrace when implementation-related adjustments are
change and implement strategies intended to position required (Hitt et al., 2007). Strickland et al. (2007)
the organization to succeed in a different future. state that it is the leader's responsibility to encourage
Leaders galvanize commitment to embrace change corrective action when the firm's strategy execution
through three: interrelated activities: clarifying efforts do not yield good results and make measurable
strategic intent, building the organization, and progress towards operating excellence.
shaping organizational culture (Pearce & Robinson,
The Importance of Strategic Leadership on
2007). Good strategy execution requires team effort
Organizational Competitiveness
(Wheelen & Hunger, 2008). Successful strategy Today many organizations fail to achieve their goals
implementation thus depends on leadership skills because they do not have strong competitiveness in
working through others, organizing, motivating, facing this complete market. In this era of

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
globalization, national companies will face intense Porter, (1994:1) in Lule, OS (2016) Competition is a
competition. Competitiveness can be in the form of concept that determines the success or failure of a
products, services, and human resources. company to achieve its goals. Competition determines
how a company can support its performance, such as
Ellitan (2002) states that human resource
innovation and a cohesive culture. Therefore, it is
management practices that are expected to be a source
imperative for companies to determine the right
of sustainable competitive advantage are job security,
strategy in winning the competition. Competitive
selectivity in recruitment, high wages, incentive
strategy is the search for a favorable competitive
wages, employee ownership, information sharing,
position in an industry, the fundamental arena in
involvement and empowerment, self-managed teams.
which competition occurs. Saragih, in Indrawan 2012
, skills training and development, use and cross-
quoted by Sihite, M., & Saleh, A. (2019)
training, equality for all, wages/salaries not much
Competitiveness is the ability of a
difference, and promotion for insiders. Widajanti
person/organization to show better/superior results,
(2007) states that there are four main characteristics
faster, cheaper than before or with others. Thus, a
that must be met by the HR function in order to be
highly competitive university is one that has the
competitive, namely: 1. Integrating HR activities with
capacity and capability to produce excellence in
business strategy. 2. Integrating HR processes with
certain matters/fields/aspects so as to show better,
HR Management processes 3. Integrating HR
faster, newer, and cheaper results than before or with
functions with business 4. Integrating HR
measurement methods with measurement methods for
the organization as a whole. Strategic leadership can increase competitiveness
through the use of careful analysis to understand and
The leadership role in every organization is very
position a company in the business market. The
dominant in developing and improving the
strategy is aimed at building a strong identity in order
competitiveness of the organization and Change
to survive and compete in the environment. Strategy
management is a series of processes used to ensure
is an activity carried out for planning placement in the
that significant changes can be carried out in a
market where a university is placed and what
controlled and systematic manner to increase the
educational services are considered unique and
competitiveness of the organization.
innovative to offer to its market share.
Zuhal, (2010) argues that competitiveness is a picture
of how a nation or companies and their human Conclusion
Strategic leadership is a person's ability to anticipate,
resources control their competencies in an integrated
envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically and
manner in order to achieve prosperity and profit.
work with others to initiate changes that will create a
Competitiveness is efficiency and effectiveness that
better future for the organization. Meanwhile,
has the right target in determining the direction and
competitive positioning relates to how customers
results of the targets to be achieved, which include the
perceive the various alternative offerings in the
final goal and the final achievement process in facing
market, compared to each other. Strategic flexibility
competition. Competitiveness is the ability of a
and competitive positioning are influenced by
person or organization to demonstrate in certain
strategic leadership through the main actions of
respects by showing the most favorable situations and
dynamically developing core competencies, focusing
conditions, better work results, faster, more qualified
and building human resources, using new
than others.
technologies effectively, engaging in valuable
Excellence is the relative position of an organization strategies and building new organizational structures
against other organizations, either against one and cultures. Strategic Leadership has a direct impact
organization or part of an organization, or the whole on the flexibility of organizational strategy and
organization in an industry. From a market competitive positioning. The main key to achieving
perspective, the relative position is generally related strategic leadership is the strength of the leader
to customer value. Meanwhile, in the organizational because the leader is the main factor that determines
perspective, the relative position is generally related the success or failure of a company. Strategic
to better or higher organizational performance. A leadership greatly influences the success of an
higher education organization has an advantage if it organization's strategic planning.
can create and offer more customer value, or if it
performs better than others.

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