Definition of Latinos

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Definition of Latino

1.The Mexican American war

The story of Latino-American discrimination largely begins in 1848, when the United States won the
Mexican-American War. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which marked the war’s end, granted 55 percent
of Mexican territory to the United States. With that land came new citizens. The Mexicans who decided to
stay in what was now U.S. territory were granted citizenship and the country gained a considerable
Mexican-American population.

Mark T for true or F for false in accordance to text 1.0

1. ( f ) Mexicans didn’t lose the American war, which happened in 1848.

2. ( t ) More than half of the Mexican territory was appropriated by the US as a war reward.
3. (f ) All Mexicans were forbidden to stay in the territory which had been appropriated by the US.
4 ( t)along with the Mexican territory The US also got a great number of people who chose not to leave the territory
as long as they accepted the American citizenship.

1.1 Immigration to US

Line1- As the 19th century wore on, political events in Mexico made emigration to the United

line2-States popular. This was good news to American employers like the Southern Pacific

line3-Railroad, which used cheap labor to help build new tracks. The railroad and other

line4- didn’t obey existing immigration laws that forbade importing contracted labor and sent

line5- recruiters into Mexico to convince Mexicans to come to US to work for them,

line6-Anti-Latino sentiment grew along with immigration..

1 This situation occurred in Mexico along the 19th century, this fact contribute to increase the number f
Mexicans who immigrated to US.(line 01)

Political events occurred in Mexico along the 19th century, this fact contribute to increase the number f
Mexicans who immigrated to US.

2- These didn’t allow bringing to US employees from another countries, nevertheless employers would
break them because It would be cheaper to pay immigrants than American workers. (line 4)

Immigration laws didn’t allow bringing to US employees from another countries, nevertheless employers
would break them because It would be cheaper to pay immigrants than American workers. (line 4)

3 Immigration brought about a terrible social problem. As the number of Mexican people increased, a
negative feeling against against Mexicans did this with it, (line 6)

Immigration brought about a terrible social problem. As the number of Mexican people increased, a negative
feeling against Mexicans grew along with it
1.2 Racism and discrimination against latinos

Line1- Latinos were forbidden to enter Anglo establishments and segregated into urban
line 2- barrios in poor areas. Though Latinos were very necessary to the U.S. economy and
line 3- often were American citizens, everything from their language to the color of their
line4- skin to their countries of origin could be used as a pretext for discrimination. Anglo-
line 5- Americans treated them as a foreign underclass and perpetuated stereotypes that
line 6- those who spoke Spanish were lazy, stupid and undeserving. In some cases, that
prejudice turned fatal

1 Latinos were not allowed to live wherever they wanted to, on the contrary, They were
___________ and had to live in latino ________ localized ______ _____ ________
Line 1 segregated barrios line 2 in line2 line2 poor line2 areas
Even though, the latinos were very important to the American economy, they were treated
like ____________ citizens, therefore, things such as not having a white ___________ or
Underclass line 5 line 4
The ____________________ where they came from or even because of having _________________ as
Country line 4 spanish line 6
Their first language.. Besides that, stereotypes were created on the assumption that latinos were
___________________ ________________ besides being ________________
Lazy stupid undeserving

1.3 Are latinos still discriminated against nowadays?

The US legal system has laws against racism and discrimination of people, nevertheless , up
today, there are lots of discrimination against Latinos. Actually, the most common
stereotypes associated with Latinos describe them as poor, uneducated, lazy, gangsters and
of illegal status, all of which reflect the perception that they are less capable (competence
dimension), more threatening (warmth dimension) and less American (cultural foreignness
dimension) in comparison to whites. Prior studies have also shown that individuals with
accents are perceived as less competent, which is relevant considering the common
stereotype that Latinos have poor English language skills.

Marl T or false

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