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Marketing is huge and dynamic.

It does not stop with planning, it should also find means to

communicate the product to the customers and make them aware of the product's existence and
persuade them to buy/try the product.
Promotion- last variable in the marketing mix, communicating the product to the customer.
Main purpose: establish/maintain strong harmonious customer relationships.

Advertising- paid form of communication through the use of media.
Sales Promotion- short term tactic design; leaflets
Public Relations- maintain strong harmonious customer relationships.
Personal Selling- face to face representation
Direct selling- non-personal tools to gain immediate response; email, telephone, fax


Integrated Marketing Communication is a strategy or approach used by a
company/organization to communicate their product or service to the customers. It is the
integration of the different marketing tools such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations,
personal selling, and direct selling. It increases the product sales likewise the company’s profits. In
addition, it speeds up the results because it maximizes the time, money, and marketing effort.

In understanding the target audience, marketers should know the behavioral data such
as demographic and psychographic of their target markets. Demographic data includes age,
gender, race, income, and education. While, psychographic data includes values, personality,
opinions, interest, attitudes, and lifestyle. Segmenting the audience will help determine which
group of audience is more likely to purchase the products or services.

In developing a situational analysis, marketers should understand the internal and

external environmental factors that can affect their products/services and marketing
communication strategy. It will provide insights regarding the strength and weaknesses.
In formulating marketing communication objectives, marketers should define the
objective for marketing strategy. It includes the goals and objectives that a marketer wants to
achieve through marketing. Objectives should be measurable and feasible. Typically, the main
objective of a marketer is to gain revenue.

In determining the financial resources, marketers should determine the available

resources. It can be percentage of sales or percentage of profit. They should be realistic because
they rely on financial resources. It depends on the objectives of the company and what they can
In designing strategies and tactics, marketers should develop strategies in marketing.
They should determine what right marketing tools should be utilized. Also, it depends on the goals
and objectives of the company. Basically, strategies and tactics are actions executed to efficiently
and effectively achieve the company’s goals and objectives.

In evaluation and measuring impact, marketers should evaluate the effectiveness of the
initial plan and strategy. It is important to know how everything is going. It will help figuring out any
element that didn’t work. If there is a drawback, marketers should understand why it didn't work
and adjust for a better marketing plan and strategy.


Push Strategy- companies use salesforce to promote the product
Pull Strategy- rely on advertisements; billboards, flyers, brochures, etc.

Advertising is a powerful tool in marketing, without this customers will not be aware that a
product is existing; it can reach a large number of audience in various areas in a single time;
perfect tool because messages can be repeated many times; expensive, allocate large budgets to
get best results.

Advertising Agency Fee- thinks/creates concept
Production Expenses- endorser, model, director, staff
Media Costs- radio, television, print space

To inform- introduce a new product/ feature
To persuade- convincing the consumer that a product is the best
To compare- highlight product superiority by comparing indirectly to the competitors
To remind- well established companies remind the consumers that a product still exists


Customers/consumers- most important; buys the product; reach many people to acquire more
sales and expose the product's advertisement; word of mouth.
Advertiser- manufacturers, wholesaler, retailer, or any individual who places advertisement; to
promote the product/service
Advertising agency- create concept
Advertising suppliers - production houses that produce ad materials
Media- use to reach a large audience; networks, radio stations, news/magazine publications.


1. To think of advertising message (ad agency)
2. To identify the forms of advertising (ad suppliers)
3. To choose the proper media (media)


1. Creating a need in the minds of 3. Explain the benefits clearly.
the customer 4. Relate to the audience.
2. Offer solution that customers 5. Infuse a call to action
will not resist


1. Broadcast form. 2. Print advertising
1. Outdoor advertising – posters, tarpaulin, banners, billboards, electronic displays.
2. Cinema advertising 4. Leafleting
3. Transit advertising 5. Internet or online advertising


1. Media cost 3. Media quality
2. Media values


Advertising is very magical because it creates illusions that attract consumers. It can create
a strong impression to the mind of consumers.

1. Spokesperson Technique- utilizing a presenter (agent/endorser) delivering the ad message to
the audience. It is effective if the spokesperson is believable and likable.
2. Testimonial Technique- a company gets a celebrity or professional to testify; consumers. It is
more effective if from ordinary customers because it is more natural and believable.
3. Product Comparison Techniques- uses brand x and y to compare; presents similarities and
differences; promotes trial and shifting; and provides product superiority.
4. Slice of Life Techniques- problem + solution = satisfaction
5. Customer Interview Techniques- customers provide positive comments; It is more believable
if the flow of interview is natural.

Establishing good communication between company and public. The task of PR is crucial.


1. Build community bond while at the same time supporting consumer bond
2. Create a PR message that promotes a positive selling environment.
3. Reach segments over and above core media targets
4. Drum up support for the launching of a new advertising campaign

1. Media Relations or press 4. Lobbying
2. Brand publicity 5. Investors Relation
3. Public affairs 6. Development
Additional functions
1. Community relations 2. Relationship with co employees

1. news 4. Written Materials
2. Press conference or press briefing 5. Audio Visual Materials
3. Special Events 6. Corporate Identity Materials

1. Sensitive 4. Congenial
2. Flexible
3. Negotiator
1. Finding prospects/ potential customers 4. Managing Directions
2. Making connections 5. Ending the Sales
3. Sales Presentation
BOOK REVIEW A persuasive text that persuade or makes the
It is a thorough and critical analysis of the readers believe that the writer’s opinion is
quality, content, way of delivery or probable or should be considered by a
presentation and significance of a book. decision-making group.
❖ General evaluation of the text
❖ Pertinent details about the text ❖ valid arguments and counterclaims
❖ Quoted textual evidence ❖ supporting evidence
❖ Uses figurative language such as simile,
The purpose of a book review or an article metaphor or analogy.
critique is to persuade the readers of a
particular genre or researchers in a specific In the academe, the purpose of a position
field to whether read the book or article or paper is to demonstrate the student’s higher-
not. order thinking skills by the way he or she
argues and supports his or her arguments.
PD: Persuasive Text
In politics and law, a position paper may
LITERATURE REVIEW function as an introduction of a policy
It is a synthesis of what professionals or proposal to government officials and lawyers.
researchers in the field are saying about a
particular topic. It is an essential part of a The writer of a position paper is able to
research paper. persuade the audience by comparing and
contrasting the arguments and counterclaims.
❖ the discussion related to the studies
❖ The findings of the study
❖ How they pave the way for a new APPLICATION ESSAY
Research It is a text that is written to get admitted to a
college or university. It is different from other
Thematical Arrangement texts because it is written is response to a
It means organizing the information prompt.
according to topics made.
PROMPTS are commonly in the form of
Chronological Arrangement questions that most often require you to
It means sequencing the pieces of reveal your qualities as a student.
information based on the date they were
published. ❖ Writer’s experience as a topic and the
lesson learned from it.
In writing a literature review, your intended
audiences are primarily readers (or The purpose of an application essay is to
researchers) who want to find out more persuade the admissions committee to
information about the topic of your study. accept you as a student in their college or
❖ Exemplification/ Classification PD: Depends on the prompt.
❖ Description
❖ Definition
❖ Comparison & Contrast
❖ Cause & Effect
It is a type of text that contains the writer’s ● Financial Experience -provides description
qualifications for a certain job. of experience in managing money.
● Publication and Membership- provides
Format: details of your published works such as
CHRONOLOGICAL research, books and the like.
A classic format that lists your work ● Areas of Expertise -states specialization
experience in order, starting with the most ● Career Progression -provides details about
recent. your promotions and series of jobs that help
FUNCTIONAL you achieve your career goals.
Emphasizes qualifications and ● References -provides details about the
accomplishments instead of specific jobs. people who are not related to you but know
HYBRID you are trustworthy and proficient in your
A modern format where skills and highlights field.
go at the top before a detailed work history.
Components ● Grammatical Errors
● Name ● Contact details ● Spelling
● Objective ● Work experience ● Punctuation
● Educational background ● Achievements ● Capitalization
● Seminars attended ● Affiliations
● Character References ● Skills Organization
● Format
HEADINGS ● Typographical devices (bullets; numbering)
● Objective-states what you intend to ● Grammatical devices (parallelism)
accomplish for your career development.
● Education-provides details of your Conciseness and Relevance
academic achievements. Highlight the key information and relevant
● Related Experience-provides details of the details.
job you handled that are related to the
position you are applying for. Recency of Information
● Licenses-provides details of your Keep an eye on the dates you put in your
professional resume.
● Qualifications -provides descriptions of your
personal qualities that match the
requirements of the job.
● Management Experience -provides details
of your previous jobs that put you in charge of
a situation or people..
● Professional Affiliation-provides details of
organizations or companies that you are
connected with.
● Community Involvement- provides details of
volunteer work that you have done to support
the community.
● Clinical Internship-provides details of actual PROJECT PROPOSAL
performance of tasks involved in medical
It is a written presentation of a research ● Signature block
project to request for funding. It is also
referred to as “grant proposals” Types
● Cover letter or transmittal
● Problem ● Acknowledgement inquiry
● Solution to the problem ● Response to inquiry
● Course of action ● Sales and promotion
● Timetable ● Complaint
● Budget analysis ● Adjustment
● Refusal
It requests funding of a project towards ● International
the accomplishment of a solution to a ● Collection
Project Narrative Avoid pretending to sound like a high
II. Introduction authority in your writing by making your
A. Research Questions letter or memo sound like a legal document
B. Significance of the Project by not using highfaluting jargon.
II. Literature Review
III. Methodology Conciseness
Replace too wordy or redundant phrases
BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE with less wordy or single words.
It is a type of text that carries a business Example: due to fact that….
message. Because
Block Format Courtesy
All the elements of the letter (heading, Always express goodwill in writing for
inside address, salutation, body, business regardless of your purpose in
complimentary close and signature writing such as when you write a
block) are left justified. complaint letter.

Modified Format Fairness

Almost the same as the block except Recognize all aspects of diversity when
that the heading , complimentary close writing in order to avoid errors in ethical
and complimentary close are indented communication such as stereotyping,
to the center and with the last word cultural/racial discrimination and gender bias.
each mentioned part’s lines aligned.

Semi-blocked Format
It is characterized by the indention of
the first line of each paragraph.

● Heading
● Inside Address
● Salutation
● Body
● Complimentary close

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