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Title page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgements iv

Abstract v

Table of contents vi


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background information

1.2 Statement of Problem

1.3 Aim

1.4 Objectives of the project

1.5 Scope

1.6 Limitations of the project

1.6 Significance of the study


2.0 Literature review

2.1 Motion Detection

2.2 Review of relevant literatures


3.0 Methodology

3.1 Hardware description

3.1.1 The PIR Sensor

3.1.2 The Arduino Uno

3.1.3 Diode

3.1.4 Transistor

3.1.5 Resistor

3.1.6 Relays

3.2 Software description

3.2.1 Arduino IDE

3.2.2 The Block diagram

3.2.3 The Circuit diagram

3.2.4 Source Code


4.0 Discussion of result

4.1 Testing

4.2 Set up procedure

4.3 Result


5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Recommendation

As we know that automatic system and automation is the requirement of
today’s technology, we are moving toward automation day after day. It is one of the
tending topics.

This project proposes a system of automatic switching system by sensing any

body movement near the fan. This is achieved with help of a PIR (Passive Infrared)
sensor. The Arduino Uno forms the processing part which detects the human
movement with the use of PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor. A live body generally
emits infrared energy which is sensed by the PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor from a
considerable distance. This sensing signal is fed to an integrated circuit to trigger
the control switch of the fan.


The living rooms and other places are normally not well arranged with air
circulation. So, the fan is a fundamental method that is used for cooling down and
being used in most of the houses. In our country especially in rooms, switching on
or off electrical fans is still commonly made by manual switches and people are
becoming so busy that they forget to turn off switches after leaving the room. The
controlling of home A.C fans is usually maintained by the occupant of the house on
several occasions. This is not only precarious but also sometimes results in wastage
of power because of the negligence or unusual circumstances on part of the
occupant of the house in operating the fans on and off. By using this method,
manpower can be reduced to a great extent. In case of the street lights/lamp erected
on highways, it is not an easy task to manually control them, but, if uncontrolled,
the chances of power wastage would increase. To get rid of this situation, the
implementation of automatic light by using a dark sensor that switches lights
automatically on and off is the best option.

Hence, the need to construct a motion detection controlled A.C fan which
turns on when movement is detected in the room and turns off when no movement
is detected or human leaves the room. PIR sensors are used to detect (sensing of
motion) whether a human has moved in or out of the room.

This PIR sensor facilitates the operation of the fan around the home or office
automatically. It provides a system that is simple to understand and also to operate,
a system that would be cheap and affordable, a reliable and easy to maintain system
and durable system irrespective of usage. It adds more comfort to everyday living
by removing the inconvenience of having to move around to operate a fan regulator
reducing or increasing it.


Consumption of electric power efficiently is the responsibility of every

citizen of our country. Energy saved is energy generated and resources to generate
electric power are limited. There are many devices invented to use the electric
power efficiently. But there are hardly any to be used in our everyday life. Hence a
system is suggested to analyze the power usage in an A.C fan i.e. to save the
electricity from being wasted when not necessary by automatically switching on and
off an A.C fan when a human movement is detected. In view of the background, this
project tends to focus on the design and construction of a motion detection A.C fan.

1.3 AIM

To design and construct a motion detection A.C fan.


The specific objectives of the project include;

i. To design a simple but very efficient A.C fan that is being controlled by
human movement with the use of a detective device called PIR sensor that
has the function of detecting movement and switching the control of the
ii. To purchase all the components needed for the project.
iii. To get a PIR sensor that is very low on power and consumption compared
to ultrasonic sensor that is high in cost and do not have the gaps in the
covering zone.
iv. To sort and examine various components to be used for the construction
of dual mode detection controlled A.C fan.
v. To create detection system that aims to detect human’s motion
vi. To integrate the internal circuit of the fan with arduino and PIR sensor.


The scope of this project focuses on the design and construction of an A.C
fan that is being controlled by human movement with the use of a detective device
called PIR sensor.


Although a motion detection controlled A.C fan has many benefits, it also has

some limiting factors. Firstly, Arduino Uno is the heart of the circuit. If controller is

damaged the whole system will be interrupt. Any kind of moving object can trigger

the PIR sensor and Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensor can detect human being within

approximately 10 meters range. Also, it works effectively in LOS (Line of Sight)

and will have problems in the corner regions. Since PIR sensors sense heat

signatures in room, they are not very sensitive if the room itself is warm. Hence,
PIR sensors are not able to detect human beings in the summer in some countries

like India. Snoozing is another problem with PIR sensors. PIR sensors may turn off

even if there is very little movement in rooms.


This system is fully automated. So once this system is inside the home or

office, then it does not require any human interaction to operate. With the use of this

system, we can save the costs of energy consumption. This system is cost effective.

Also it is fast and efficient.




Motion sensors are types of electronic security device that senses movement

and usually triggers an alarm. Many types of motion sensors can sense motion in

total darkness, without an intruder becoming aware that an alarm has been triggered.

Motion sensors are an important part of most burglar alarm systems. They help alert
security personnel, especially in situations where no obvious breakin has occurred.

For instance, if an intruder steals a key to gain access to a protected site or hides

within the site during normal business hours, the intruder’s entrance or presence

could go unnoticed. A motion sensor will detect the intruder’s movements as soon

as he or she walks or otherwise moves within the area protected by the detector.

Motion sensors usually protect indoor areas, where conditions can be more closely

controlled. Sensors for use in homes usually detect movement in spaces about 11 m

× 11 m (35 ft × 35 ft) in area. Sensors for large warehouses can protect areas with

dimensions as large as 24 m × 37 m (80 ft × 120 ft). Buildings with valuable or

important assets, such as museums, also use motion sensors to detect break-ins at

vulnerable points. Such points include walls, doors, windows, skylights, and even

air ducts. Special motion sensors can protect the inside of exhibit cases where items

such as diamonds are displayed.

Others can be focused to a narrow area of coverage, somewhat like a curtain,

that is projected in front of a painting to detect even the slightest touch. Motion

sensor systems use a variety of methods to detect movement. Each method has its

advantages and disadvantages. Some of the methods are discussed below.


A Passive Infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic device that measures

infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. PIR sensors are often

used in the construction of PIR-based motion detectors. Apparent motion is detected

when an infrared source with one temperature, such as a human, passes in front of

an infrared source with another temperature, such as a wall. All objects emit what is

known as black body radiation. It is usually infrared radiation that is invisible to the

human eye but can be detected by electronic devices designed for such a purpose.

The term passive in this instance means that the PIR device does not emit an

infrared beam but merely passively accepts incoming infrared radiation. “Infra”

meaning below our ability to detect it visually, and “Red” because this color

represents the lowest energy level that our eyes can sense before it becomes

invisible. Thus, infrared means below the energy level of the color red, and applies

to many sources of invisible energy.

Infrared radiation enters through the front of the sensor, known as the sensor

face. At the core of a PIR sensor is a solid state sensor or set of sensors, made from

an approximately 1/4 inch square of natural or artificial pyroelectric materials,

usually in the form of a thin film.

The sensor is often manufactured as part of an integrated circuit and may

consist of one (1), two (2) or four (4) pixels of equal areas of the pyroelectric

material. Pairs of the sensor pixels may be wired as opposite inputs to a differential

amplifier. In such a configuration, the PIR measurements cancel each other so that

the average temperature of the field of view is removed from the electrical signal;

an increase of IR energy across the entire sensor is self-cancelling and will not

trigger the device. This allows the device to resist false indications of change in the

event of being exposed to flashes of light or field-wide illumination. At the same

time, this differential arrangement minimizes common-mode interference, allowing

the device to resist triggering due to nearby electric fields. However, a differential

pair of sensors cannot measure temperature in that configuration and therefore this

configuration is specialized for motion detectors.


Ultrasonic sensors (also known as transceivers when they both send and

receive) work on a principle similar to radar or sonar which evaluate attributes of a

target by interpreting the echoes from radio or sound waves respectively. Ultrasonic

sensors generate high frequency sound waves and evaluate the echo which is

received back by the sensor. Sensors calculate the time interval between sending the

signal and receiving the echo to determine the distance to an object.

This technology can be used for measuring: wind speed and direction

(anemometer), fullness of a tank and speed through air or water. For measuring

speed or direction, a device uses multiple detectors and calculates the speed from

the relative distances to particulates in the air or water. To measure the amount of

liquid in a tank, the sensor measures the distance to the surface of the fluid. Further

applications include: humidifiers, sonar, medical ultrasonography, burglar alarms

and non-destructive testing.

Some older burglar alarm systems use ultrasound (sound of very high

frequency) to detect motion. They are called ultrasonic motion detectors. In such a

detector a transmitter sends out sound of a frequency that is too high for the human

ear to hear. A receiver picks up the sound waves reflected from the room or area

under protection. The motion of someone or something in the space between the

receiver and transmitter will cause a change, or shift, in the frequency of the sound.

A circuit in the device detects any unusual shift in the frequency. A small shift, such

as that produced by an insect or rodent, is ignored. When a larger shift, such as one

produced by a moving person, is detected, the device triggers the alarm.

Ultrasonic detectors are extremely sensitive, and can sometimes be triggered by

loud noises or air gusts from an open vent.

The frequency shift discussed above is also known as the Doppler Effect,

which results from the behavior of sound waves when they are compressed by a
moving object. Ultrasonic motion detectors use the Doppler Effect to detect

movement. The detector’s circuitry compares the frequency of the sound that is

emitted by the transmitter when no motion is present to the frequency that results

when motion occurs. When no motion is present, the sound is emitted and bounces

back in an even, steady pattern. When motion occurs, the sound waves are

disturbed and the circuit detects the shift.


There are some abstractions of publications which are relevant to our

proposed system. According to those publications we have included the information

about existing system. The existing system has scope of upgrade. And existing

system has some limitations. A lot of information from the previous projects have

been gathered and discussed here. The information gathered are about Automatic

control fan using various electronic component and Arduiono as well.

S. Verma et al (2016) “Automatic Temperature Controlled Fan Using

Thermistor” [1]. In this paper, Thermistor was used for sensing the temperature. It

also describes how the speed of a fan can be controlled, based on temperature

sensor. A sensor is a type of transducer. In a broader sense, a transducer is

sometimes defined as any device that converts energy from one form to another.
Besides that, the component that makes up the temperature sensor is known as

Thermistor. Thermistor is a kind of temperature dependent resistor and its resistance

varies depending on the temperature in its vicinity. It can also be used to control the

room temperature, depending on the property of Thermistor.

V. Vats et al (2015) “Speed Control of Fan Based on Room Temperature by

Using Programmable Logic Controller (Plc)” [3]. The system is done by the P.L.C

software RS Logix 500 that is installed. It works based on temperature by

connecting temperature sensor to the input to sense the temperature and a controller

to control the speed of fans by their resistance coil or capacitor and fans moving

accordingly. The whole system having consist of three different unit where the first

one is PC runs a program called RS Logix 500, next one is P.L.C to control the

system and last one is fan or rotating part that should be moved according to the

temperature. Programming is being done on the P.L.C. The analog input is given to

the P.L.C in the not scaled manner that's why it need to convert in to the scale

manner that is possible by changing the format 0 to 4095 resolution. If the input of

the P.L.C is on, then it will be converted to 4095 and if it is not on then it will be

converted to 0.

H. Abdoalgader et al (2014) “Automatic Fan Speed Control System Using

Microcontroller Pic16f877” [4]. A Microcontroller was used for the main

controlling system. LM35 sensor was used for sensing temperature, which can
decode written instructions and convert them to electrical signals. The

microcontroller will then step through these instructions and execute them one by

one. As a result, the microcontroller is used to control the fan speed according to the

temperature of the room. Microcontroller was used instead of hard wiring a number

of logic gates together to perform some functions and instructions to wire the gates

electronically. The list of these instructions given to the microcontroller is called a




The components of the system are as follows:


This is a device used to detect motion by receiving infrared radiation. When a

person walks past the sensor, it detects a rapid change of infrared energy and sends

a signal. PIR sensors are used for applications such as automatically turning on

lights when someone enters a room or causing a video camera to begin operating.

This passive method is not as reliable as active motion sensors that either bounce
back a radar signal or transmit light to a photo detector in the distance. Its range up

to10 meters at an angle of ±15 degrees.

Figure 1: PIR Sensor


The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has

14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog

inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP

header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the

microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with

a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.

Figure 2: Arduino board


o Microcontroller ATmega2560 o
Operating Voltage 5V
o Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V o Input Voltage (limits) 6-
20V o Digital I/O Pins 54 o Analog Input Pins 16 o DC Current
per I/P Pin 40mA o DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50mA o Flash
Memory 256 KB of which 8 KB used by boot loader
4 KB

o Clock Speed 16 MHz


The Arduino Uno can be powered via the USB connection or with an external

power supply. The power source is selected automatically. External (nonUSB)

power can come either from an AC-to-DC adapter or battery. The adapter can be

connected by plugging a 2.1mm centre-positive plug into the board’s power jack.

Leads from a battery can be inserted in the Gnd and Vin pin headers of the power

connector. The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20 volts. If supplied

with less than 7V, however, the 5V pin may supply less than five volts and the

board may be unstable. If using more than 12V, the voltage regulator may overheat

and damage the board. The recommended range is 7 to 12 volts.

The power pins description

 +VIN:- The input voltage to the Arduino board when it’s using an external

power source (as opposed to volt from the USB connector or other regulated

power source). You can supply voltage through this pin, or, if supplying

voltage via the power jack, access through this pin.

 +5V:- The regulated power supply used to power the microcontroller and

other components on the board. This can come either from VIN an on-board

regulator, or be supplied but USB or another 5V supply.

 +3V3:- A 3.3 volt supply generated by the on-board regulator. Maximum

current draw is 50mA.

 GND:- Ground pins.

The following are the main hardware parts of the Arduino Development Board

which is used in functioning:

• Microcontroller: This microcontroller is the heart of the development board that

can works as a mini computer and it can also send and receive the information or

command to the peripheral or outer devices connected to it. The microcontroller

which is used is different from each and every board; each microcontroller has

its own unique specifications.

• External Power Supply: In arduino, the power supply is used to power the

Arduino development board that ranging from 6-12 volts that is regulated.

• USB plug: The USB plug is a very important port. It is used for uploading a

program to the microcontroller by using a USB cable. If external power supply is

not present then a regulated power of 5V can also be used to power the Arduino


• Internal Programmer: A software code is developed and that can be uploaded to

the microcontroller from USB port, without using an external programmer.

• Reset button: The reset button which is there on the board that can be used to

reset the Arduino microcontroller.

• Analog Pins: In this board, there are some analog pins that are the ADC i.e

analog to digital converter input pins ranging from A0 – A7. The pins present in

analog are used for the analog input and analog output.
• Digital I/O Pins: Also on the board are some digital input pins which ranges

from 2 to 16. These pins can also be used for the digital input as well as digital


• Power and GND Pins: There are some of the pins present on the development

board which provide 3.3V, 5volts and grounding between them.


A diode is a specialized electronic component with two electrodes called the

anode and the cathode. Most diodes are made with semiconductor materials such as

silicon, germanium, or selenium. Some diodes are

comprised of metal electrodes in a chamber evacuated or

filled with a pure elemental gas at low pressure.

Figure 3: Diode


A transistor is a device that regulates current or voltage flow and acts as a

switch or gate for electronic signals. Transistors consist of three layers of a

semiconductor material, each capable of carrying a current.

Figure 4: Transistor


A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of

electrical current in an electronic circuit. Resistors can also be used to provide a

specific voltage for an active device such as a transistor.

Figure 5: Resistor


A relay is an electronically operated switch. It consists of a set of input

terminals for a single or multiple control signals, and a set of operating contact

terminals. Relay are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by an

independent low-power signal, or where several circuits must be controlled by one

Figure 6: Relay



The open-source Arduino software (IDE) makes is easy to write code and

upload it to the board. It runs on windows, MAX OS X, and Linux. The

environment is written in java and based on processing and other open-source

software. The Arduino Integrate Development Environment or Arduino software

(IDE) contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a

toolbar with buttons for common function and a series of menus. It connects to the

Arduino and Genuine hardware to upload the program and communication with

Figu re 7 : Arduino IDE interface

The program code which is written for the Arduino is called a sketch. Software used

for making this type of sketches for an Arduino is also called the Arduino IDE. This

IDE contains the following parts in it:

• Text editor: In this editor a simple code can be written by using a easy or

simplified version of C++ language.

• Message area: It shows the message of error and also gives a feedback or

response on saving and transporting the code.

• Text: The console is used to show the text output from the Arduino

environment that also having the entire error messages and other information.

• Console Toolbar: The console toolbar consist of different types of buttons such

as Verify, Upload, Open, Save, New and Serial Monitor. At the window the
bottom right hand corner there displays the Development Board and the Serial

Port is also in use.

Features of Arduino IDE

• The created project files or those sketches for a project are used to save as a file
extension .ino
• Features like cut or copy or paste are also supported in this IDE.

It also provides a facility for finding out any Specific word and it can be

replaced with that other word and this can be done just pressing the Ctrl F buttons

present on the keyboard.



This project proposes a system of automatic switching system by sensing any

body movement near the fan. This is achieved with help of a PIR (Passive Infrared)

sensor. The Arduino Uno forms the processing part which detects the human

movement with the use of PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor.




Figure 8: Block diagram

The block diagram, represented by blocks connected by lines, shows the

principal parts that make up the project. The major components used in this project


 Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR): This is a device used to detect motion by

receiving infrared radiation.

 Arduino Uno: Arduino consist of both a physical programmable circuit board

(often referred to as microcontroller) and a piece of software, or IDE

(Integrated Development Environment) that runs on the computer, used to

write and upload computer code to the physical code.

 Fan: This is the internal circuit that comes with the fan. It is being integrated

with the arduino and PIR sensor.

 Power supply: This is needed for the circuits to function.

The motion is detected by the Passive Infrared Sensor. The Passive Infrared Sensor

then sends the motion to the arduino board where the internal circuit of the fan

(which includes components like diode, transistor, resistor and relay) is connected

to. The circuit needs a power supply to operate therefore AC power supply is

stepped down to DC in the internal circuit that comes with the fan and is then

connected to the arduino board.


Figure 9: Circuit diagram

The circuit above shows every connection that is being made for the success

of this project. Working of the circuit is very simple and self-explanatory. When the

fan is powered up and a valid human movement is detected by the passive infrared

motion sensor, the circuit wakes up from its standby mode, and switches the fan to

its maximum speed for a finite duration. A transformer-less power supply is used to

convert the AC 230V input to DC12V output. A 12V

electromagnetic relay (RL1) is included to bypass the “tricky” capacitive-fan speed

regulator when the circuit is in active state. This relay is controlled by an HCSR501

passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor module with the help of a generalpurpose

NPN switching transistor (Q1). The OUT of the Passive Infrared Sensor is

connected to pin P4 of the arduino. Pin 8 of the arduino is connected to the base B

of the transistor and the collector C is connected to a lead from the diode. The fan

motor input is connected to a resistor and diode which is also connected to the

arduino. DC power supply is connected to the VCC and pin A1 of the arduino. All

necessary pins marked GND are earthed.

In the HC-SR501, there is a trimpot to control the ‘ON’ delay time (5s-18

minute) for the sensor. Turning the trimpot clockwise will give longer ‘ON’ delay

time while turning anticlockwise will reduce the ‘ON’ delay time. Also there is need
for the user to adjust detection sensitivity (the sensor offers sensitivity/distance

range of approximately 3-7 meters). Take note, the PIR sensor requires a ‘warm up’

time in order to function properly. This is due to the settling time involved in

‘learning’ its environment (this could be anywhere from 10-60 seconds). During this

time there should be as little motion as possible in the sensor’s field of view.


Source codes are programming statements that are created by a programmer

with a text editor or a visual programming tool then saved in a file. After this source

code has been created, it is compiled in the arduino IDE and then uploaded to the

arduino board of the project. The source code for the project

int irmotionPin = 4; // Pin of IR Motion Sensor int relayPin = 8; // Pin

of Relay Module void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600);

pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT); // Set Pin connected to Relay as an OUTPUT digitalWrite(relayPin,

LOW); // Set Pin to LOW to turn Relay OFF

} void loop(){ while (digitalRead(irmotionPin) == HIGH) { // If Motion detected

digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH); // Turn Relay ON Serial.println("Relay is ON"); delay(500);

} digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW); // Turn Relay OFF Serial.println("Relay

is OFF"); delay(500);



After the design and implementation phase, the system built has to be tested

for durability, efficiency, effectiveness and also ascertain if there is need to modify

the design. The system was first assembled using a breadboard. All components

were properly inserted into the breadboard according to the designed circuit and

tests were carried out at various stages. To ensure proper functioning of

components’ expected data, the components were tested using a digital multimeter.

The program for the Arduino Uno microcontroller is written in C language and then

compiled into an executable file using the Arduino IDE. The code already written

on the Arduino IDE is compiled and uploaded to the microcontroller.


4.1.2 Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensor Testing

To test the PIR sensor, a breadboard and some jumper wires are needed. Once

the breadboard is being wired up, 2 pairs of batteries is inserted and then wait for

30-60 seconds for the PIR to stabilize. During that time, the LED may blink a little.

Then wait until the LED is off and then move around in front of it, waving a hand,

etc, to see the LED light up.

4.1.3 Arduino board Testing

To verify that correct data is being received by the Arduino board, it can be tested

by setting each channel to ground and power and read the output in the Serial

Monitor. To do this, wire is needed to connect between the input connectors and

power connectors on the Arduino Uno board.

• Connect one end of the wire to AO port

• Connect the other end to GND port.

 Analog O in the Serial Monitor should now read 0.0 volts

• Remove the wire from GND and connect it to 5V

• Analog O should now read approximately 5.0 volts • Remove the wire from

5V and connect it to 3.3V

• Analog O should now read approximately 3.3 volts

• Repeat the same procedure with A1, D2 and D3.

Finally, both digital ports of 3.3V and 5V should have the same value.


The project starts with circuit design by using Arduino. First, the fan comes

with its internal circuit for controlling the fan. The fan motor input is detached from

the internal circuit. The circuit that is created is made up of Arduino, Relays, PIR
sensor, transistor and diode. After connection has been made according to the circuit

diagram, the power is on. When a person moves, the PIR sensor detects the

movement and sends a signal to the Arduino. The Arduino in turn uses the signal to

activate the relay which is connected to the fan motor output and then the fan starts

running for about 4 minutes. It stops if there is no more movement.

The coding program is run by using Arduino software to test and compile into

Arduino board. Arduino is an open source platform used for building

electronics projects.


Accuracy is one of the major criteria in innovating or creating a new product.

In this project, the accuracy needed to accomplish a good product was to be able to

detect human movements as fast as possible. The sensor used is accurate. The

project is tested and working perfectly.



Human make mistakes and forget to switch the fans off while leaving the

room, offices or any other place for that matter. This system will control the electric

power usage by automatic switching ON and OFF of the fan based on detecting
human motion of fan control system to turn on/off control automatically with

human detection. The motion sensor was carefully chosen to detect human.

The Arduino was successfully programmed using C++ Language.


In the future, there are several improvements that can be made in order to

upgrade the features. Such as:

i. Using a wireless technology to interface sensor and microcontroller, monitor

and control the temperature via internet. ii. When temperature exceeds the limit, a

call will be dialed to the given number by an automatic dialed system.

iii. With this circuit, an alarm circuit can be added and used effectively in large

equipments where the risk of being overheated and explosions are the serious

problems, in various industries.


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Singh K. & M. Dah (2017) Automatic fan speed control system using Arduino.
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Danny S. Parker (1999). Automatic occupancy and temperature control for ceiling
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Earl (2014) Adafruit 16-channel servo driver with Arduino.

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