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Definition of Tense
Definition of Tense in English Grammar: A Tense is a form of a verb that is used to show the time of an action. For
example: when an action happened.
Types of Tenses
There are 3 types of tense.
1. Present Tense 2. Past Tense 3. Future Tense
Each tense is divided into 4 types sub tense.
1. Simple Tense 2. Continuous Tense 3. Prefect Tense 4. Prefect Continuous Tense


Now we will learn something more about the uses of tenses.

1.SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE: In this, he action is simply mentioned and there is nothing being said
about its completeness.
Some words are used frequently : always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, every
day, on Sundays, etc.
Example:I eat. He studies grammar every day. He always speaks the truth.
2.PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: In this the action is still going on and hence continuous.
Key words: now, right now, this quarter, etc.
Example:I am eating. You are sleeping. They are eating lunch right now.
3.PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: Here,the action is completed or has ended and so it is called Perfect.
Key words: already, yet, just, ever, never,
Example: He has already bathed. I have eaten Indian food two times.
4.PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Here,the action has been taking place for some time and
is still ongoing. Key words: for, since, lately
Example:I have been eating. I have been eating a lot of vegetables lately.
5.SIMPLE PAST TENSE: the action is simply mentioned and understood to have taken place in the past.
Key words: yesterday, last week, last month, etc.
Example: I ate dinner yesterday.
6.PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE:Here,the action was ongoing till a certain time in the past.
Example: I was eating when you called.
7.PAST PERFECT TENSE:Express something that happened before another action in the past.
Key words: already, before. by the time
Examples: I had eaten. He had already eaten when they arrived.
8.PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE:Express something that started in the past and continued until
another time in the past.
Key words: for, since
Example: I had been eating for two hours before my friend arrived.
9.SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE:It is used when we plan or make a decision to do something. Nothing is said
about the time in the future.
Example:I will eat. They will sleep.
10. FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE:Express action at a particular moment in the future. However, the
action will not have finished at the moment.
Example:He will be eating at 9 a.m. I’ll be staying with my cousin for several weeks.
11. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE:Express action that will occur in the future before another action in the
Example: I will have finished studying by the time you arrive. He will have slept before you arrive.
12. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE:Used to talk about an on-going action before some point
in the future.
Example:I will have been sleeping for two hours when you arrive. He will have been studying for two
hours by the time my parents come.

Each students should remember these rules so they can write correct sentence in reply of any question in
all the subjects.
Exercise 1 for practise
Choose the correct form.
1.I ...... a letter now. a) write b) am writing c) am writing
2.Susan ...... the garden at the moment. a) is digging b) digs c) is digging
3.Jane ...... to bed at 10 o'clock on weekdays. a) goes b) is going c) go
4.I am in London this summer. I ..... English. a) learn b) am learning c) learning
5.We ...... our friends very often. a) are seeing b) seeing c) see
6.My brothers ...... letters every week. a) writes b) are writing c) write
7.The bus sometimes ...... in the morning. a) is arriving b) arrive c) arrives
8.James is a student. But he ...... this week. a) works b) work c) is working
9.Lions ..... in Africa. a) are living b) live c) is living
10.Our train ...... the platform. a) just leaves b) just leave c) is just leaving
11.Sue ...... with Greg. a) is going out b) goes out c) goes out
12.My parents ...... TV now. a) are watching b) watch c) watching

Fill in the correct form of the verb – All tenses
1. They _______ in Chicago for 20 years (be).
2. I ___a wonderful film in the cinema last night. (see)
3. The sun ____at 6:38 yesterday morning (rise)
4. The sun _____when the climber reached Mount Everest. (shine)
5. I promise that I ____ this secret to anyone (not tell)
6. Unfortunately, just as we got to the airport their plane __ off (take).
7. They _______to the movies only once in a while (go)
8. I was tired yesterday because I_____ well the night before (not sleep).
9. Sh! Someone _____ to our conversation (listen)!
10. When I left the house this morning, it ____ (already rain)
11. I think Bob __ for London this very moment.(leave)
12. The plane _______ off in a few minutes. (take)
13. I ___ up at 7 every morning but this morning I ____ long and I___ up until 8. (get, sleep, not get)
14. I____ my watch because it is being fixed (not wear).
15. This ____ an easy quiz so far (be).
16. They__ in an apartment right now because they can’t find a cheap house. (live)
17. Everyone ____ when the earthquake hit the small town. (sleep)
18. He _____ by herself since her divorce (live)
19. I was angry that I __ such a stupid mistake (make).
20. I predict that by 2020, man _____ on Mars (land)
21. He _______ his job a couple of years ago. (quit)
22. Our daughter _____ from the university yet (gradate).
23. They ______ any Christmas cards last year (not send)
24. She ____ to a doctor once a year for an examination (go)
25. They ____about me when I interrupted their conversation. (talk)
26. Nothing much______ when I got to the meeting (happen).

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