Pilot Testing - 21st Century Literature

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Pampanga

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

..........1. Who is one of the most notable Filipino writers who won the National Artist award
for Literature and also used the name “Rio Alma”?
A. Frank Rivera
B. Jose Rizal
C. Paolo Manalo
D. Virgilio Almario

..........2. Which among the following is a multimedia platform which can be used in
adaptation of literary pieces using ICT skills?
A. Facebook
B. Tableau
C. Theater
D. Wikipedia

..........3. Which multimedia representation is best when interpreting a short story?

A. Encoded essay
B. Hand-drawn comic
C. On-line Video Presentation
D. Pantomime Presentation

..........4. What is the emotional attitude in DuFu’s “The View in Spring” as clearly
expressed in these particular lines?

Moved by the moment, flowers splashed with tears,

Alarmed at parting, birds startle the heart.
A. Alarm and sadness
B. Anticipation and awry
C. Awe and excitement
D. Joy and beauty

..........5. Which 21st Century form of poetry is the same as haiku in its length only because
of the limited number of letters the ‘space’ where it is written can accommodate?
A. Hyperpoetry
B. Spoken poetry
C. Tanaga
D. Texttula
..........6. A cliff-hanger is an ending which shows a very suspenseful event. Which among
the following scenarios is a sample of this?

A. He had a gun in his right hand, screamed and pointed it at his own head, closed
his eyes and then the lights went out.
B. I reached out to his chest and felt his heart beating...he’s alive!
C. The breathing of the patient became erratic...uneven until it regained its rhythm
and cadence.
D. The fear started creeping from the tips of her hair to her uneven breathing.

..........7. Which social decay was cleverly included in Jose Rizal’s Noli me Tangere and
El Filibusterismo?

A. Colonialism and wantonness

B. Corruption and oppression
C. Extra Judicial Killings
D. Laziness and Disassociation

..........8. In an audiovisual presentation, which criterion usually pertains to proper editing,

colors, dialog, and visual aesthetics?
A. Cohesion
B. Content
C. Organization
D. Visual appeal

..........9. How can a short poem be best presented in the 21st Century?
A. Through cellphones
B. Through handwriting
C. Through pantomime
D. Through posters

..........10. Which among the following can be considered creative representation of a

literary text in the 21st Century?
A. Audiovisual presentation
B. Flash mob performance
C. Rap performance as a soliloquy
D. All of the above

..........11. Which philosophy is best to explain the concept of alienation?

A. Historicism
B. Feminism
C. Formalism
D. Marxism
..........12. What was the advice given by Crow in this part of the story A Boy Named Crow?

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He places the paperweight back on the table and links his
hands behind his head. “Not that running way’s going to solve everything. I don’t want to
rain on your parade or anything, but I wouldn’t count on escaping this place if I were
you. No matter how far you run. Distance might not solve anything.”

A. Do what you want only because you will be deciding for yourself.
B. Imagine a sandstorm and think about what he is going to do inside it.
C. Nobody will hire him because he has not even passed junior high school.
D. What he will be doing may not solve anything, so he better not run away from

..........13. How did multimedia and ICT skills help in the success of movies like John Wick,
Quiet Place, Bird Box, Pitch Perfect and the like?
A. ICT distorts our judgment and makes us believe the unbelievable.
B. ICT skills bring the story to life and multimedia help in the movie’s promotions.
C. Multimedia allows for many people to get to see the movie for free.
D. Multimedia invaded the boring world of film and brought down the industry.

..........14. What is the meaning of this proverb? “Kung may itinanim, may aanihin.”

A. If you plant, you harvest.

B. Save up because rainy days bring floods.
C. The future is the result of one’s actions today
D. The importance of farmers.

..........15. What is an appropriate tool to use in the assessment of literary adaptations?

A. Clapping of hands
B. Numerical values
C. On-line voting
D. Scoring guides or rubric

..........16. Which of the following statements summarize the importance of reading a text
through a biographical context?

A. Reading through biographical context can help understand some difficult

concepts through the relationship of the writer’s life and times, other works and
how these influenced the text.
B. Reading through biographical context can help understand some difficult
concepts through the relationship of the writer’s literary background and that of
the text.
C. Reading through biographical context can help understand some difficult
concepts through how the writer used literary techniques and sociocultural
D. Reading through biographical context can help understand some difficult
concepts through the relationship of the writer’s life and other works.

..........17. Why is multimedia a great tool in making presentations even in literature?

A. It can be easily downloaded and used by other students and teachers.
B. It can be posted in Facebook and can be liked by many people.
C. It can highlight the story and bring the scenes to life through multimedia.
D. It can involve the whole class even through on-line meetings.

..........18. Which explanation best suit this last verse of In the Midst of Hardship in the
context of Filipino resiliency?

They were born amidst hardship

And grew up without a sigh or a complaint
Now they are in the kitchen, making
Jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves.

A. Despite of everyday challenges we meet, in the end there will always be

something worth celebrating.
B. Hardships are best turned into jokes with cigarette leaves and friends near you
especially with food around.
C. The kitchen is the best place to come together and be happy and be surrounded
by friends who make you happy.
D. Those who were born of hardship will always succeed in life only if they know
what to eat.

..........19. In these lines of The Boy Named Crow. What particular idea is being referred
to as the storm?

“Because this storm isn’t something that blew in form far away, something that has
nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside of you...”

A. The storm blew the house down.

B. The storm came from the northeast.
C. The storm diverted the boy’s attention.
D. The storm is the boy and his thoughts and feelings.

..........20. Explain the true meaning of the situation in this part of Motherhood?

“Rubbish? Doctor’s report rubbish?”, I was in the grip of suffocating panic. “Yes, rubbish.
The blokes say that I am incapable of producing a child. Stuff and nonsense. As if I don’t
know what is what. Men of my age are finished in five minutes whereas I have staying
power for thirty to forty minutes. Yet they say I lack power?”
A. The husband does not understand the results of the medical test.
B. The husband/speaker is impotent, and he does not accept it.
C. The husband/speaker made an effort to seek doctor’s help.
D. The husband /speaker went to the doctor to get checked.

..........21. What does this line mean?

“All of a sudden she noticed that her beauty had fallen all apart on her, that it had begun
to pain her physically like a tumor or cancer.”

A. She has cancer and she is going to die.

B. She is already old and no matter what she does, getting old is like cancer, it will
progress until she dies.
C. She is getting old and needs major facial surgeries to stop her ageing.
D. She is in great deal of pain and desires to just die to stop what she is feeling.

..........22. Which is a 21st Century form of poetry performance where verses can be
memorized or not, and may deal with topics like love, family, friendship, etc.?
A. Flash fiction
B. Novelty songs
C. Spoken poetry
D. Rap battle

..........23. Why do you think Romeo and Juliet is still an interesting literary selection even
in the 21st Century?
A. It is a tragic love story which features teenagers with problematic parents which
served as the story’s theme.
B. It is a tragic love story which teaches about impulsiveness of young love and
dangers of revenge, which society still faces today.
C. It is a tragic love story which was written in English language.
D. It is a tragic love story written by a widely known American poet and was made
into movies.

..........24. What do the characters Wonder Woman and Darna embody in their respective
A. They both are beautiful lady warriors from hidden islands.
B. They both get their powers from a small white stone.
C. They both have powerful whips which can get the truth out of people.
D. They both prove that women can be powerful in many ways and are also heroes
in many aspects.

..........25. Which literary analysis can we use in explaining this free verse?

O’ Covid, O’ danger
You have been a foe, you’ve caused stress
Neither the highs nor lows
Nor titles and merits can ever
Escape your claw.
Slayed businesses and derailed finances.
Begone so we can live, begone and leave.

A. Biographical Literary Analysis

B. Feminist Literary Analysis
C. Historical Literary Analysis
D. Marxism Literary Analysis

Thank you, God bless.

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