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Senior High School Department

Nabua West District




Human faced several food choices each day and make decisions on what food to eat

based on several findings. The need for food to eat is a basic physiological need with a clear

and staple goal and a seemingly straightforward solution on how to be satisfied (Vabo M. 2014).

Food is an essential need of a human being that able them to perform certain activities

and to do work effectively. Aside from the food itself human should also consider the nutrients

and benefits of a type of food that we a man should eat. Aside from the nutrients, a consumer

also demanding in the appearance of the food that they eat and they buy. In considering the

food, a human being will not perform well if food intake is not enough (Hernandez, 2013).

As foods continue to diverse across the globe, the food systems increasingly try to

respond a product to require in the light of growing population. Growing urbanization, population

expansion shift and changing tastes preference. Potato as a staple food is rapidly expanding

more in Africa than any region in the world. The evolution of potato production,

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

utilization and trade in East Central Africa or nearly last a half century where it able people to

come up with different types of potato products like French fries, mash potato, boiled potato and

other potato food product that will fill the stomach of costumer (Miranda G., 2016).

Potatoes have shown many benefits towards the health in promoting the properties in

human all culture, experimental animal, and human clinical studies, including antioxidant,

hypoleslerdemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, anticancer, and anti-diabetic effects (Society of

Chemical Industry, 2016). Filipinos known as food enthusiast and this could probably the reason

why we are signatures Filipinos delicacies everywhere. For example, there are a lot production

of yema, pilinuts and many more (Jian, J. et. al, 2016). The common pastillas ingredient is more

on milk and sugar, in the research study the main components are the potato, which are edible

tubers, available world-wide and all year long they are relatively cheap to grow, rich in nutrients,

and they can make a delicious treat. However, it provides fiber, vitamins, minerals, and

phytochemicals that can help ward off disease and benefit human health. Potatoes were first

domesticated in the Andes in South America up to 10,000 years ago Spanish explores

introduced them to Europe in the early 16th century. Europe also is the main region of potato

production but European production and consumption have declined markedly in the last few

decades (Burton W. G, 2017).

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

The target respondent of the research is Senior High School Students. Moreover, the

researchers wanted to know through the study the development that will own the school and if

ever can be implement an education as of an innovative product. It is the one of the schools that

more of students fond to eat of any kind of food or vegetable potato (solarium tuberosum)

usually known as “patatas” is grown in 130 countries worldwide including the Philippines. It is

grown for its tuber, which are rich in phosphorus and vitamins B1, B2, and C. Reports showed

that potato crop produces more edible and proven for hectare and per unit of time than

practically other crops (DOST, 2007).

According to Ines C. Gonzales, Cynthia G. Kisawa and Arlene B. Bautista (2016) to their

journal “Sustainable Potato-Production in the Philippine Cordillera Region”. Potato is one of the

important high value crops in Benguet and some parts of Mountain Province. It is generally a

cool-season crop grown in areas with elevation ranging from 1000 to 8000 meters above sea

level and it is used for a variety of purposes, and not only as a vegetable for cooking home

instead the rest of potatoes are processed into potato food products and ingredient.

Base on the research of Zaheer and Akthar (2006) potato provide basic nutrients such

as carbohydrates, dietary fiber (skin) several vitamins and minerals such as potassium,

magnesium and iron, this may help lower the incidence of wide range of chronic and acure like

hypertension, heart diseases and cancer.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

Potato is arguably the crop can benefit by modern biotechnology. The benefits of biotech

potato, such as limited gene flow to conventionally grown crops and weedy relatives, the

opportunities for significant productivity and nutritional quality grains, and reductions in

production have the potential to influence the marketability of newly developed varieties

(Halterman Guenthner, Collinge, Butter, & Douches, 2015).

Based on Visinow (2019) Filipinos are fond of eating sweets like pastillas, but refined

sugar is not an ingredient in the recipe for long-term health and disease prevention. However,

sugar that is occurring naturally in fruit vegetable and whole grains is healthier. So, having a

pastillas that have we used to eat, it will be delicious at the same time healthy for every people

that will eat it. In addition, you can reap benefits to improve health while eating your favorite


According to the study of Karen Mc Carthy published in the “Journal of Nutrition” (2018)

that disease notorious for being caused by alcoholism fatty liver disease, can also be due to

prolonged consumption of refined fracture that is found in many candies and sweet like pastillas.

Refined sugar of fructose that found in processed and homemade candies has many

disadvantages to human health.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

According to SFGATE (2008), health eating it can increase your risk in disease like heart

disease, inflammation of the body, which can lead to good in the long term, increases insulin

levels, putting someone at a greater risk of developing diabetes, and can easily cause excess

weight gain and lead to obesity.

The research objective aims to know the specific impact of potato as main ingredient of

pastillas. Particularly they are after with the quality of taste and the security of food if it is reliable

as a service of energy to fuel the body of a person. Moreover, the researchers wanted to find

out effects of the new component of potato, as pastillas will it have a big impact to the taste. The

research objective is to know the nutritious health benefit of the potato pastillas. The goal of the

researchers is to provide certain evidences that are product will benefit students and inspired

certain satisfaction.

The overall purpose of the study is to find the effects of potato to be a main ingredient of

pastillas will it be taste better or not. Prominently will the potato help student or people health if it

is the main component of pastillas, as well as the benefit of it to the health of students that will it

eat. The result of this study may help people with business and students the researcher should

find the importance of potato as a pastillas to the health of one’s person.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

The researchers want to impart students and parents enlightened with some ideas not

just to eat potato pastillas rather to produce also this kind of innovative product. Furthermore,

the research may help a little to the financial income of the beneficiaries.


The focus of the study is to create pastillas that the main component is potato.

Moreover, it will find answers if potato is applicable to be one of delicacies that will be prefer by

the students and the costumer.

The research study will center to this question:

1) What is the palatability of potato as a main component of pastillas?

2) What is the percentage rate of acceptability of potato as the main ingredient of pastillas?

3) Is there are significant relationship between the respondent’s degree of likeness and the

quality of taste of the potato pastillas?

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


This study covers about the “Potato or Solanum Tuberusom as a Main Ingredient of

Pastillas”. The researchers will also include the techniques and the certain things that will make

the potato pastillas more efficient and more innovative. However, the researcher will also add

the ingredients that will make some twist to the innovative product. The study will conduct on

Academic Year 2019-2020 in La Purisima National High School. The respondent of this study

will be the junior and Senior High School students, which are the Grade 10, Grade 11, and

Grade 12. In every grade level, the researchers will only get two sections. Additionally, the

researchers want to include the condition of the respondent to consider since they are the one

who will answer the questions and they are important so the researchers shall consider the

feelings of them. The market will be also included because they may be interested with the


The demographic profile of the respondents will not be considered in this research since

the gender, age and the name of respondents are not much important. Another limitation is the

researchers will only use potato as the main component of pastillas, no other root crops or


Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

In addition, the researchers will not force any student’s respondents to answer further

questionnaire that the researchers will give to them. Respondents that are willing only to answer

the questionnaire honestly will do the said question.



 This study may benefit the school since school canteens can sell this innovative product

and this product can be affordable to the students as well as this product may help a a

simple nutrient in the health of the students.


 Just like customers, students can also benefit by this product. Students are considered

to be a customer also or for instances they can be a buyer of the product. It can help the

students also have an innovative idea about an experimental research study.


 This study gives an opportunity to have an idea to produce a potato pastillas and to give

idea to student because it is important to help them, which can be a source of income as

a part of livelihood. As potato, pastillas can be selling anywhere.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


 In this study the result, it can give students to have their job as an employee of having

and producing the potato pastillas.


 Customers may benefit this study because they will experience to eat an innovative

food. This study can also receive or consume good services that the researchers can

apply. The product can have the ability to choose a different products and suppliers.


 Researcher may also consider to the competitors and they maybe create in a way that

supports of a life goal. This will help you, your employees to learn new, and more skills

and overcome certain challenges.


 This study will provide and help the future researcher to have an information and idea in

conducting an experimental research study. They will be also benefited this study

because this can be a guide in making an experimental study.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District



This chapter consists of information gather from different studies and literature, both

local and foreign. The collection work related to the product understudy represent as a

reference or background of the present study.

According to Furrer, A. (2018), Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) is an important crop, it

can be used to transformed many products, it has an impact to several health dimensions. It

ranges from under nutrition food security and disease prevention to issues of over nutrition

including diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Processed potato products are classified as a

significant source of carbohydrate in the form of starch, but it is less known for their contribution

of key micronutrients such as vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, also it contributes fiber and

phytochemicals which are phenolic and that carotenoids helps to modulate oxidative and

inflammatory stress.

In the Philippines, the most commonly grown varieties of potatoes were Granola while

the best processing varieties are Igorota. These varieties are the produced in CAR and Region

10. Granola were imported from Holand by a seed company and was distributed to potato

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

grousers and yielded ranging from 30–40 tools per hectare in CAR, Benguet state university

released 10 varieties if potato but 96% granola and LBR or Igorota is planted most of the

farmers in Benguet. Potato crop and its production area among the major potato growing

country of the world China ranks first, followed by the Russian federation, Ukraine, and Poland.

India rank fifth in the world, as one of principal cash crops. Potato contributes to the national

economy in many ways it gives handsome returns to the growers on the average, the net

returns are about RS. 4, 700.00. Ha-1 (Shekhawat et. al, 1992).

The potatoes were domesticated in the South America where it was bought to Europe in

the 16th century and now grown in countries varieties worldwide (Renan, R., 2018). Where

according to The Worlds Healthiest Foods (2013) potato belongs to solanaceae or high shade

family whose include tomatoes, eggplants pepper, and tomatillos. They are the swollen portion

of the underground stem, which means, potato is cover by the soil as merely called tubers, and

in the upper portion as plant is where the leaves designed. Furthermore, potato is an important

food that is one of the vegetables crops in the world. Potatoes are available year-round as they

harvested somewhere every month of the year.

Borgi et. al (2016) Higher intake of baked, boiled of the potato has a higher risk of having

hypertension. However, case examination of the study results actually shows that the

association varied depending on which potato groupings the examined. Furthermore, the study

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Nabua West District

recommends substituting non-study regrettable cohort was used as well as which potato

groupings examined, which body means that ensure closes, that it on be substituted for

potatoes which other starchy vegetable (e. g peas, lines, bens cons and sweet potatoes) many

did not reduce the risk of the hypertension of people.

The potato and its component have favorable impacts on several measures of cardio

metabolic health in animals and humans, including improving lipid profiles, lowering blood

pressure and decreasing markers of inflammation. A small number of human cohort studies

have reported beneficial associations between potato consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle

and cardio metabolic health. In addition, potatoes included as part of a dietary pattern with other

calorie-dense foods (McGill et. al, 2013).

According to Camire, M.E. et. al (2009), potato tuber follows only rice and wheat in world

importance as a food crop for the human consumption. Consuming of fresh potatoes has

declined while potatoes processed products have increased in popularity. As the number of

humans consuming potato as part of their diet increasing, there can be small differences in the

impacts of potato nutritional composition on population health because potatoes are a

carbohydrate-rich and energy providing food with little fat. Many compounds in potatoes

contribute to antioxidant activity and the skins of it provide substantial dietary fiber.

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Nabua West District

Tonberg (2017), the great characteristics of potato is that it lacks of taste. It able the

potato be plan as an alternative to milk, yoghurt, cream and ice cream. The first product is likely

to be smoothie potato milk with apple juice and fruit, the idea behind the smoothie is that it will

serve as a great nourishing between meal and snack.

As a staple food, potato has many interesting qualities to consider. A potato that is too

wet has a low solid content and will tend to have a waxy, soggy texture when fried. Potatoes

that is too dry to be too hard and crunchy when fried. A simple method that sorts potatoes

based on their specific gravity – an estimate of their solid content – potato can be used to find

potatoes that are ideal for frying. Moreover, one key question is whether a product prolonged

exposure to sweet, yet non – or low energy foods infancy and childhood can be disrupting the

delicate balance among taste responsiveness, appetite, energy consumption in young children

(Russet Burbankor, Maris Piper, 2019).

Based on the article about Filipino food (2016), pastillas are beloved soft milk candies

that as a deliciously sweet legacy of the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines. Pastillas de

leche comes in a number of variations among them; it contains also “dayap” lime, cheese and

often ube. It is a sweet delicacy made of sweet potato, brown sugar, coconut milk powder nuts,

and essence from mango and orange. The product characterized by different variety of colors.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

Meanwhile according to the article “These are all the different kinds of Pastille” by

Alcaraz, M. (2019). The pastillas can also be flavor, with different fruits and extracts that is why

one can see in some stores having pastillas in a form of mango, durian and more. Some

classifications are: (1) soft pastillas, which is most likely the familiar one it is usually wrapped

cylindrical piece of paper and papel de hapon. The pastillas characterized of pillow milky

goodness that filled in sugar crystal. (2) The other one is Hard Pastillas. These come in stick

foam, were typically made, with condensed milk, and powdered milk to add in the fresh milk in

order for the candy to harden to be opposite to the original one. (3) Then the other type of

pastillas is Filled Pastillas, it gives the consumer smooth and milky taste. It is where the milky

pastillas extension, was located at its center. (4) The last one is the Toasted Pastillas the base

of its features some kind of toasty but in the outside are likely toast in an oven in order for the

sugar coating to caramelize and the last is the liquid pastillas that known as “dulce”.

The word pastillas or pastilles in French brings to mind chocolate drops and fruit jellies,

an affiliation which some sources credit to the popular sweet meats of Giovanni pastillas, a 17th

century confectioner in the court of French queen Marie de Medici. However, a more likely

etymology of the term traces further back to the latin pastillas (“small loaf” or “little roll”), which

fits well with an earner and more widespread use of the word to describe both a type of incense

and medications in the Philippines, pastillas has a singular significant connotation. Pastillas are

practically synonymous with pasalubong–a special gift or souvenir, usually representative of

indigenous Filipino culture and often a food item.

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Nabua West District


According to Hernandez, Tino, Velasco (2013), in the research vegetillas, potatoes are a

very popular food source. Commonly most people eat potatoes in a form of greasy French fries

or potato chips and mostly prefer in a baked form. Potatoes are typically containing with fats

similarly as butter, sour, and melted cheese and bacon bits. In such treatment baked potatoes is

a potential contributor of heart attack. On the other hand, if potato takes away the extra fat in

frying, a baked potato is an exceptionally healthful calorie, high fiber food that may offer an

important protector towards cardiovascular disease and cancer. Moreover, potato is a good

source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber. In addition,

potatoes also contain a variety of phytonutrients that has an antioxidant activity, as well as the

important health promoting compounds are carcetenoids, flavonoids and caffeic acid and lastly

a unique tuber storage of protein.

According to Zaheer, K. and Akhtar, M. (2014), in Potato Production, Usage and

Nutrition–A Review, state that potato possesses an important role in the production of an

antioxidant defense mostly the dietary intake of potatoes, which are specially the colored

potatoes. However, there are unhealthy effects in some procedure or a type cooking processes

that must elevate the production of acrylonide a suspected carcinogen.

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Nabua West District

Potatoes are delicious and versatile, it has the minerals and vitamins, but the variety and

preparation method of it can affect the nutritional content of this vegetable. The skin of the

potatoes contains great amount of the minerals, and vitamins. As a result, peeling potatoes can

reduce their nutritional content; also, potatoes are a good source of antioxidants, which can help

to reduce the risk of chronic disease like heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, but on the

other side more human-based research is required before making any recommendations. It

improves blood sugar control on our body because, if contains resistant starch that helps to

reduce insulin resistance. In other studies potatoes are among the most filling foods, they may

increase the levels of fullness hormones such as cholecytoskinin (CCK) which help you to lose

weight. It also makes your immunity high and improves digestive health and signs of aging

(Ryan Raman, MS, 2018).

Raman, R. (2018). Potatoes are underground tubers that grow on the roots of the potato

plant, “Solanum tuberosum”. It is nightshade family and related to tobacco and tomatoes, it is

dominate in the South America, and it brought to Europe in the 16th century and in the present

grown in countless varieties worldwide.

According to Bajay (1987), potato is ideally suited improvement of modern genetic

manipulation methods it is a highly amenable to wide a range of various tissue-culture

techniques. Also, to Kumar et. al (1992), a combination of cellular hybridization and genetic

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

transformation, have been employed improve existing potato cultivars. However, provide a

more direct and controlled method for manipulating the genome of potato (Kumar et. al 1991).

The main problems to potato cultivation in hills of Uttarakhand, are limited land and

water sources, lack of seeds agency who provide the quality seed potato and lack of technology

intervention while this offers opportunities for growth in production income and employment in

the rural economy of state. It also challenges that needs to overcome without losing much time.

The limited land and water resources it is essential to improved integrated intensive holistic

farming system and adaptation of advanced package of practices (Badoni and Chauhan, 2010).

Based also the Halton Calleagues from Haword (2006) who examined the relationship

between potato consumption both fresh potatoes and fresh potatoes risk of two types of

diabetes. The potato pastillas, food product French fries, and hash potato gives variation to the

usual French fries and hash brown birth the added mixture, thus additional health benefits that

may give.

Root Crops an anti-oxidant (2006), the study of casual root crops in the Philippines are,

the “ipomea patatas” which is similar or related to “solanum tubersum. Where it is really, rich in

phencelic compound with anti-oxidant activity that means that the product of proposed

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

ingredient will be proven to have its beneficial health benefits to consumer (Dung-Jiann

Huangga 2006).

In the study of Bracero (2014) “The red sweet potato noodles”, that offers a healthy or

nutritious food for all costumers. They use sweet potato as the main ingredient of their product.

Similarly, to potato, it has proven to be also use in satisfying or creating product according to the

needs and business itself.

Additionally, in the study of Gamos, A. M. et. al (2019), said that candied sweet potatoes

are good for dessert, past time. “Gatas in Negros”, this type of pastillas is applicable in

spreading in crackers or bread it is made of carabao’s milk, muscovados, sugar, then boiled

down until it reaches a thick consistency.

Pastillas de leche or locally known as pastillas are very popular sweets in other places

here in the Philippines, like in the province of Nueva Ecija, Bulacan, or also in Pampanga but

Bulacan is known as the epicenter for pastillas production lately some of the best pastillas are

made from pure carabao milk from Nueva Ecija. It is one of most favorite sweets of many

Filipinos of all time. Almost, certain influenced by Spaniards who stationed looking to replicate

something sweet and diary like from back home. Pastillas are made of just milk and sugar.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

Some commercially made pastillas they use a kind of recipes by adding condensed milk that

results in a faster cooking process but also an extra sweet outcome (Gabarda 2013).

In the research study of Bergantin M.A, Jacob K, Sumayao R. (2016) they come up in

the classification of pastillas according to its origin and its type of its ingredients such as:

Milla’s pastillas de leche (Marinduque) these special pastillas made from Miila’s family

recipe and her first taste to them came during Holy Week last April, when she gave them as a

gift. The special ingredient in this variation is the coconut, but not just an ordinary or any

coconut. She uses fresh bingi (meaning deaf) the stage of coconut between the jelly like buko

(young coconut) and a chewy niyog (firm mature coconut). Identifying the coconut at the stage

of bingi left to season coconut-pickers and its best chance to find one is when it is being

harvest. Otherwise, they are impossible to source in a grocery store. However, it does not

despair (Villaflor, K.S. et. al 2011).

Pastillas de leche, (Zambales) style Pastillas are both came in as soft form and more

firm, brittle type that achieve by cooking a mixture for longer period. The researcher learned that

these candies are called Zambales-style and he or she did not found information to explain the

connection.The particular product has its assertive caramel flavor and darker color unlike

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

pastillas, which leads him or her to wonder if it uses muscovado (unrefined brown sugar)

instead of using a white sugar (Torfes, M. et. al 2011).

Pastillas de Patatas and de kamote (Marinduque), in addition to usual milk and sugar,

mash potatoes both regular and sweet- are use in this kind of version. Their texture is not

different from a classic pastillas, but potatoes impart rather unappealing greyish tint to the

candies while they enjoyed the patatas version, the kamote had an odd, musty taste that they

could not pinpoint (Morichelle T. et. al 2011).

Pastillas de leche (Marindugue), Pastillas that are traditional in taste and texture but

notable in delicate shape that they can only imagine how long and with what skill it takes to

rollout in an impossibly slender sticks (Jacob, J. et. al 2011).

Pastillas de Yema (Bulacan). Beloved Filipino confections. These pastillas are made

with egg yolks that gives a light golden color and the rich egg custard flavor that is the whole

mark of yema- an equivocally Spanish confection-enthusiastically adapted by sweet by people

tooth’s all over the Philippines (Reav, M.G. et. al 2011).

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

Potato contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals most notably vitamis C and

B6 and the minerals potassium, magnesium and iron (Cotton et al. 2004). While potatoes are

not having a rival in vitamin C content in (of citrus and pepper .mg) (O neil 2012).


As cited by Archuleta (2012), techniques or a method has shown positive impacts and

nutrients content through reduced fat intake. However according to Newman (2005), it basely

depends on the type or process on what is the technique that will be used for example boiling,

frying, steaming etc.

As for the potato to undergo further cooking methods that will surely affect the nutrients

of potato as it contains a higher fat cholesterol that will trigger the bad effects of it when the

process of cooking is not appropriate (Kitaoka 2013).

Michael Pollan (2008) has argued that in the modern dietary environment, people think

more in terms of nutrients than than food, which has in turn, has led to confusion and ambiguity

about what should eaten and not be eaten. Taken as a whole, the modern food environment is

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

in some ways relatively improveshised compared to a more traditional environment when it

comes to people’s relationship with their food (Birch and Fisher 1998).

Flavoring refers to the way the taste of food can enhanced during cooking in a healthful

way. Flavoring includes increasing the use of spices, citrus, allium herbs, avoiding using cream-

based sauces or margarine to flavor vegetables, and reducing salt while cooking; behaviors that

have taught in nutrition interventions classes to successfully reduce sodium (Archuleta and

Milett et. al 2012).

According to Costellet (2010) consumers response to food products that are determine

by four-different component. First, consumers perceive the sensory characteristics of a product.

Second, the consumer applies a cognitive to the effective component. Third, the consumer

applies related information about the product. Three, consumer product attitude and Fourth is

the response affected by a behavioral component which involves the person actions for future

behavior Costellet (2014).

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


Figure 1: Research Paradigm

This study aims to know the effectives of potato as it will be the main ingredient of a

pastillas. The conceptual paradigm shoes the process on how input, processes, and output

relate to each other.


a. The usage of Analysis of data through:  Know the benefits

potato as a main of the potato as
ingredient of a) Formulating a the main
pastillas. questionnaire component of
b. The making of b) Interviews using
potato pastillas. the questionnaire
 The acceptability
and palatability of
c. Provide an c) Interpretation and
potato pastillas.
edible potato analysis of data
pastillas for the gathered using
free tasting. statistical formula
 To find out the
and diagrams to
effects of pastillas
show relationship. to the consumer.


Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

The input of the study contains the usage and application of potato in sweet homemade

candies like pastillas. As well as for the making of pastillas, it able to know the other ingredients

in making the pastillas. Moreover, to come up with an edible pastillas where the potato is the

main components.

The process contains the collecting of data about the potato pastillas through surveys,

giving free taste of the product and interview respondents by using our prepared questionnaires.

It involves also the interpretation and analysis of the data gathered in the study.

The output of the study contains the expected results after conducting the process. It

shows the difference between potato pastillas from the original pastillas. It involves the health

benefits and effects of using potato as the component of pastillas. To answer the following

problems that may encounter and to provide some solution.

The feedback loop explains that after the input has been apply, it will be directly going

to the process and to come up with an output. The arrow symbolizes that if the output has a

misunderstanding it has something wrong with the input.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


 The potato pastillas will be a new product as for it has a new flavor, which is the potato.

 The potato pastillas will differ to the other pastillas in terms of taste, texture, and

appearance. As a result, potato pastillas are one of the favorite sweets of Filipinos and it

is because pastillas is a traditional delicacy.

 There is a significant relationship between the degrees of likeness of the respondent

with the quality of the potato pastillas.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


These following terms are defined conceptually and operationally to have a classification

and provide a clear understanding in this study.

POTATO - usually known as “patatas” grown in 130 countries worldwide including the

Philippines and it is an erect South American herb of the nightshade family widely cultivated for

its edible starchy tuber. It is grown for its tuber, which are rich in phosphorus and vitamins B1,

B2, B3, and C (DOST, 2017).

INGREDIENTS - is one of the things that are use, to make food and product and something that

enters into a compound or is a compound part or any combination and mixture.

USAGE - the amount of something that is used, it is a firmly established and generally accepted

practice or procedure.

TASTE - to sense the flavor of something that you are eating or drinking. (Merriam-Webster)

TEXTURE - is the way that a food or drink feels in your mouth. (Merriam-Webster)

APPEARANCE - it is the fact that something arrives or begins to seen. (Merriam-Webster)

ACCEPTABILTY – to be something that is considered to socially ok or within the realm of what

is appropriate or something that is tolerable but not necessary desire. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

LA PURISIMA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL - it is the place wherein the researchers are

presently conducting the study.

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT - the cover respondent of the research study.

PASTILLAS - is a kind of sweet made by boiling carabao’s milk with sugar and constantly string

the mixture until it becomes thick (the traditional, 2001).

LIKENESS - is the quality or state of being alike or similar especially in appearance. (Merriam-


PALATABILITY - having a pleasant or agreeable; pleasant or acceptable to someone.

(Cambridge Dictionary)

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

Chapter III



This study will use an experimental research design where the researcher manipulates

one variable and control random sizes the rest of the variables. The researcher needs to know

what variable(s) that is need to be measure and to be test.

Caipang (2004) state in the Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research that

experimental research design in such a way that researcher manipulate and control one

independent variable for the variations is with the manipulate of the dependent variable.

The researcher will be using the experimental method of research because this type of

research has at least one or more independent variables, which are deliberately, manipulate to

produce an effect. This is considering the most common and mostly worldly method for testing

hypothesis involving cause effect relationship (Biton, 2009).

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

The researchers use mixed method to analyze the data collected. In this study it will be

helpful to comprehend more if the numerical data will also be interpreted through qualitative

reasoning (Wabwille, 2016).


The respondents of this study will focus on the students of La Purisima National High

School. These are the Grade 10, 11 and 12 in the Academic Year 2019-2020. In Grade 10,there

are 7 sections but only the 2 sections of them will be the target respondent , the Grade 10

Eagle and Grade 10 Maya, Also in Grade 11 there will be two (2) sections out of (4) four

sections that will be the as a respondent, which is the Grade 11 Prudence and Grade 11

Obedience. Lastly in Grade 12 there will be also a two (2) sections out of four (4) which is the

Grade 12 Rizal and the Grade 12 Jacinto. The total number of population is 1,320 the total

population of Junior High School and Senior High School meanwhile the target population 233

for the population of two (2) section in Grade 10,11,and 12. The researchers use the Calmorin’s

formula to get the right number of sample size which result to 151 respondents where in the

every six (6) section there will be a 25 and 26 respondents that will able to get the necessary

data that the researchers needed. The stratified random sampling is use to determine the

researcher’s respondents.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


The researchers decide to use a questionnaire to get the necessary data and

information that needed to be answer. As for Sir Francis Galton (2012) questionnaire usually

ask question that may give an ideas, behaviors, preferences, traits, attitude and fact.

The questionnaire will be using to referee significant relationship and effects of using the

potato specifically the Solanum Tuberosum as an innovative product. The questionnaire is

composing of three parts; the first part is the question (table) for determining the palatability of

the product. The part II is for determining the acceptability and the part III is for the significant

relationship of quality of product and how the respondents like the product.

The researchers will provide a prototype of the product and ask to taste it, and after the

free tasting, the respondents will now answer the question that is vital in the research study. The

respondent will now judge the product and suggests their ideas for the sake of goodness of the


The questionnaire is personally retrieved and collected immediately upon completion of

the respondent. As soon as the responses gather, it will be tailed an organized by translating it

into tables and graphs and the statistical treatment will be applied.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


In this study, researchers finalize the topic of the Potato or Solanum Tuberusom as Main

Ingredient of Pastillas. The researchers think of thoughtful innovative product that need in our

research. The Junior High School and Senior High School of La Purisima National High School

will be the respondents together with the permit to approve by the School heads and the

principal in the respondent in answering it properly. Also, for the cooperation of the teacher in

this study. Lastly, the goal of researchers is to make the potato pastillas as an innovative


A permit to conduct the study are secured from the school principal of La Purisima

National High School, Mrs. Rosalind D. Bersabe that will be permitted researchers

questionnaires to be distributed and conduct interviews among the Grade 10, 11 and 12.

The questionnaire will be collected also in a moment after the respondent finish

answering. As soon as the responses was finally gathered, it is tailed and organized by

translating it into tables and graphs where statistical treatment is applied and finally the result

and findings will be discussed to prepare the summary and conclusion.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


The data that the researchers gather from the questionnaire are organize statistical with

most applicable statistical tools. The tools that the researchers use were the percentage

technique and weighted mean.

The percentage technique is use to determine the percentage rate number of the

responses of respondents in every item or question.


P= X 100

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


P = Percentage

n = Number of responses

N = Total population of the target respondents

The weighted mean is use to find the ratings for the variables in this study. It will use to

determine the student’s judgment on the offer product, which is the potato pastillas.



WM =

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


WM = Weighted Mean

TWF = Total Weighted Frequency

N = Total Number of Population of Respondents

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District



This chapter shows the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered

concerning about using The Potato (Solanum tuberosum) as a Main Component of

Pastillas. The data gathered were present in a tabular, graph form, and explained by a textual

interpretation to have a better insight and understanding regarding this study. The analysis of

data provides as the basis in formulating the conclusions and recommendations.

I. Profile of the Respondents

Number of Respondents
Eagle Maya Prudence Loyalty Jacinto Mabini
26 25
25 17.2% 16.5%
16.5% 25
25 25
16.5 % 16.5%

Figure 1: Section of the Respondents

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

The pie graph represents the distribution of the respondents according to the year of the

students in this study. There are six sections that belong in our respondents. The Eagle, Maya,

Prudence, Loyalty and Jacinto that has 25 numbers of respondents and has 16.5% percent

while the Mabini has 26 numbers of respondents and has 17.2% percent. Mabini has a greater

number of respondents compared to the five sections.

II. Level of Palatability in Potato Pastillas

Parameter HP P LP NP


a. Sweet 91 48 11 1

b. Creamy 75 66 10 0

c. Buttery 54 51 36 10

d. Salty 17 22 53 59


a. Soft 117 25 8 1

b. Spongy 46 65 27 13

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

c. Tough 34 64 34 19

d. Whipped 35 62 38 16


a. Sweet 109 34 5 3

b. Salty 14 35 50 52

c. Fruity 14 47 28 15

d. Alcoholic 0 16 39 96

e. Acidic 0 20 38 92


a. Attractive 105 36 9 1

b. Clean 118 23 10 0

c. Fresh 94 45 9 3

d. Natural 108 28 14 1

e. Artificial 15 40 30 66

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

Table 1: Palatability of Potato Pastillas

The table above shows the palatability of the product in using the different

characteristics in terms of Taste, Texture, Aroma, and Color. The first one is the Taste that

categorized into four, which are the sweet, creamy, buttery, and salty. In terms in sweetness the

highest number of answers is 91, in creaminess the highest number is 75, and in buttery the

highest number is 54 which results as high palatability in the respondent responds to the

questionnaire. While in saltiness the highest number is 59 which means not palatable in the

degree of taste in palatability. The second one is the Texture. In texture, it categorized into four

also the soft, spongy, tough, and whipped. In terms of softness the highest number is 117 and it

is in high palatability, the respondents respond also palatable in sponginess that the highest

number is 65, in toughness the highest number is 64 and in how the product is whipped the

highest number is 62 that results in palatable. The third one is the Aroma that divided into five

characteristics. The sweetness has the highest number that is 109 which is high palatability and

the fruitiness has the highest number that is 47 which is palatable, while in the saltiness the

highest is 52, in alcohol the highest is 96, and in acidic the highest is 92 that results in not

palatable. The last one is the Color that categorized with attractiveness that has 105, in

cleanliness that has 118, in freshness that has 94, and in naturalness that has 108 which results

all in high palatability. On the other hand, the only not palatable is the artificial that has 66 as the

highest number of answers of the respondents.


% % % % %

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


a. Sweet 60.2 31.7 7.2 0.6 24.925 HIGH


b. Creamy 49.6 43.7 6.6 0 24.975

c. Buttery 35.7 33.7 23.8 6.6 24.96 HIGH


d. Salty 11.2 14.5 35 39 24.925 NOT PALATABLE


a. Soft 77.4 16.5 5.2 13.9 24.925 HIGH


b. Spongy 30.4 43 17.8 8.6 24.95 PALATABLE

c. Tough 22.5 42.3 22.5 12.5 24.95 PALATABLE

d. Whipped 23.1 41 25.1 10.5 24.925 PALATABLE


a. Sweet 77.4 22.5 3.3 0.6 25.95 HIGH


b. Salty 9.2 23.1 33.1 34.4 24.95 NOT PALATABLE

c. Fruity 40.3 31.1 18.5 9.9 24.95 HIGH


d. Alcoholic 0 10.5 25.8 63.5 24.95 NOT PALATABLE

e. Acidic 0 13.2 23.1 60.9 24.95 NOT PALATABLE


Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

a. Attractive 69.5 23.8 5.9 0.6 24.95 HIGH


b. Clean 78.1 15.2 6.6 0 24.975 HIGH


c. Fresh 62.2 29.8 5.9 1.9 24.95 HIGH


d. Natural 71.5 18.5 9.2 0.6 24.95 HIGH


e. Artificial 9.9 26.4 19.8 43.7 24.95 NOT PALATABLE

4.82251 3.1821192 1.949668 2.0384105 0.079538 HIGH

6556 05 874 96 PALATABILITY

Table 2: Percentage Rate of Palatability of Potato Pastillas

The table 2 shows the percentage rate of the characteristics of potato pastillas under the

Taste, Texture, Aroma and Color. In the Taste, the sweetness has the highest percentage of

60.2% percent, which is when interpreted; it is high palatability as well as the creaminess that

has the highest percentage of 49.6% percent, and the buttery that has the highest percentage of

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

35.7% percent. Meanwhile for saltiness that has highest percentage of 39% percent, the

respondents respond is not palatable. For the Texture, the softness has the highest percentage

of 77.4% that high palatability whiles the sponginess that has the highest percentage of 43%

percent, in toughness that has the highest percentage of 42.3% and in whipped that have the

highest percentage of 41% percent are all palatable. Furthermore, for the third characteristic,

which is the Aroma, the sweetness that has the highest percentage of 77.4% percent and

fruitiness that has the highest percentage of 40.3% percent are high palatability while the not

palatable is the saltiness that has the highest percentage of 34.4% percent, in alcoholic that has

the highest percentage of 63.5% percent and in acidic that has the highest percentage of 60.9%

percent. Moreover, for the last characteristics the Color, it is all high palatability in attractiveness

that has the highest percentage of 69.5% percent, in cleanliness that has the highest

percentage of 78.1% percent, in freshness that has the highest percentage of 62.2% percent,

and in naturalness that has the highest percentage of 71.5% percent. The only palatable is in

artificialness that has the highest percentage of 26.4% percent. The average is the total of

respondents in every section. Therefore, for the overall interpretation of the study concerning

the product, which is the Potato (Solanum Tuberosum) consider that the Potato Pastillas is high

palatability in terms in other characteristics.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

III. Level of Acceptability in Potato Pastillas

Parameter HA A LA NA


IV. Sweet 108 30 10 3

V. Creamy 66 63 20 2

VI. Buttery 5 54 28 18

VII. Salty 35 41 44 31


a. Soft 108 35 7 1

b. Spongy 28 54 31 38

c. Tough 48 39 42 22

d. Whipped 23 38 41 49


a. Sweet 66 24 35 26

b. Salty 64 25 25 38

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

c. Fruity 74 35 18 24

d. Alcoholic 0 19 40 92

e. Acidic 0 20 35 96


a. Attractive 114 31 6 0

b. Clean 107 37 7 0

c. Fresh 100 41 40 0

d. Natural 69 28 30 24

e. Artificial 56 40 33 22

Table 3: Acceptability of Potato Pastillas

The table above shows the acceptability of the product of potato pastillas in using the

different characteristics of Taste, Texture, Aroma, and Color. The first one is Taste that

categorized into four which is the sweet, creamy, buttery, and salty. In terms in sweetness the

highest number is 108, in creaminess the highest number is 66 and in buttery the highest

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

number is 54 which means the respondent’s degree of taste is high acceptability as the

respondents respond to the questionnaire. While in saltiness the highest number is 44, which

are not acceptable. The second is the Texture, it also categorized into four, which is the soft,

spongy, tough, and whipped. In terms of softness the highest number is 108, the respondents

respond is also high acceptability. While in sponginess that has highest number are 54 which

are acceptable. Toughness has the highest number of 48 that is high acceptability while

whipped that has highest number of 49 is not acceptable. The third one is the Aroma. The

sweetness that has highest number of 66 and in fruitiness that has the highest number of 74 are

high acceptability, while the saltiness that has the highest number of 64, in alcoholic that has the

highest number of 92 and in acidic that has highest number of 96 are not acceptable. The last

one is the Color that is categorized with attractiveness that has the highest number of 114, in

cleanliness that has the highest number of 107, in freshness that has the highest number of 100

and in naturalness that has the highest number of 69 is high acceptability. On the other hand,

only the artificial that has the highest number of 56 got not acceptable.


Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


a. Sweet 71.5 19.8 6.6 1.9 24.95 HIGHLY


b. Creamy 43.7 41.7 13.2 1.3 24.975 HIGHLY


c. Buttery 3.3 35.7 18.5 11.9 25.3 HIGHLY


d. Salty 23.1 27.1 29.1 20.5 24.95 NOT



a. Soft 71.5 23.1 4.6 0.6 24.95 HIGHLY


b. Spongy 18.5 35.7 20.5 25.1 24.95 ACCEPTABLE

c. Tough 31.7 25.8 27.8 14.5 24.95 ACCEPTABLE

d. Whipped 15.2 25.1 27.1 32.4 27.45 ACCEPTABLE


Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

a. Sweet 43.7 15.8 23.1 17.2 24.95 HIGHLY


b. Salty 42.3 16.5 16.5 25.1 25.1 NOT


c. Fruity 49 23.1 11.9 15.8 24.95 HIGHLY


d. Alcoholic 0 12.58 26.49 60.9 24.95 NOT


e. Acidic 0 13.24 23.17 63.57 24.975 NOT



a. Attractive 75.4 20.5 3.9 0 24.95 HIGHLY


b. Clean 70.8 24.5 4.6 0 24.99 HIGHLY


c. Fresh 66.2 27.1 6.6 0 24.975 HIGHLY


Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

d. Natural 42.3 18.5 19.8 15.8 24.1 HIGHLY


e. Artificial 37 26.4 21.8 14.5 24.925 HIGHLY


TOTAL: 727.7 454 314.5 267.3 440.875 HIGHLY


Table 4: Percentage Rate of Acceptability of Potato Pastillas

The table above shows the percentage rate of acceptability of the potato pastillas where

it has four columns that indicate the table shows the acceptability of potato as a main

component of pastillas wherein the percentage rate of sweetness of potato pastillas gathered

response of 71.5% percent which is a highly acceptable in a relation also with its percentage

rate 24.95% percent which really means that the product is really sweet. The creaminess of the

taste got a response of 43.7% percent, which is greater among other parameters and has an

average percentage of 24.975% percent that is also a highly acceptable in the product taste.

Additionally, the buttery also gathered a response of 35.7% percent and has a percentage

average of 25.3% percent that means highly acceptable. The last one is the saltiness where the

product response got 20.5% percent and the average percentage 24.95% percent that is not

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

acceptable. The texture that has a sub-characteristic of soft got a response of 71.5% percent

and a percentage average of 24.95% percent that is considered for a highly acceptable. The

sponginess, toughness and whipped are all acceptable where sponginess has a response of

35.7% percent and average of 24.95% percent, meanwhile the toughness that has a response

of 31.7% percent and has an average of 24.25% percent and whipped that has a response of

27.5% percent and has an average of 27.45% percent. Under the aroma, the sweetness,

fruitiness and saltiness are highly acceptable with in sweetness the response of 43.7% percent

and a percentage of 24.95% percent, for the fruity it has a response of 49% percent and an

average percentage of 24.95% percent and for the saltiness has response of 42.3% percent

and an average percentage of 25.1% percent. The alcoholic has a percentage of 49% percent

and acidic has a percentage of 60.9% percent which is all not acceptable. Lastly, the

characteristic of color the attractiveness has a percentage of 75.4% percent, in cleanliness has

a percentage of 70.8% percent, in freshness has a percentage of 66.2% percent, in naturalness

has a percentage of 42.3% and in artificial has a percentage of 37% percent which are all

acceptable. The total average of percentage rate of acceptability of potato pastillas is 727.7%

percent which is highly acceptability.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District




4 2.04 – 3.74 Strongly Agree

3 1.53 – 2.03 Agree

2 1.02 – 1.52 Disagree

1 0 – 0.51 Strongly Disagree

Parameter HP 4 P 3 LP 2 NP 1 Total WM Interpretation


a. Sweet 91 364 48 144 11 22 1 1 531 3.51 Strongly Agree

b. Creamy 75 300 66 198 10 20 0 0 518 3.43 Strongly Agree

c. Buttery 54 216 51 153 36 72 10 10 451 2.96 Strongly Agree

d. Salty 17 68 22 66 53 106 59 59 299 1.98 Agree


a. Soft 117 468 25 75 8 16 1 1 560 3.70 Strongly Agree

b. Spongy 46 184 65 195 27 54 13 13 446 2.95 Strongly Agree

c. Tough 34 136 64 192 34 68 19 19 415 2.74 Strongly Agree

d. Whipped 35 140 62 186 38 76 16 16 418 2.76 Strongly Agree

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


a. Sweet 109 436 34 102 5 10 3 3 551 3.64 Strongly Agree

b. Salty 14 56 35 105 50 100 52 52 313 2.07 Strongly Agree

c. Fruity 61 244 47 141 28 56 15 15 456 3.01 Strongly Agree

d. Alcoholic 0 0 16 48 39 78 96 96 222 1.47 Disagree

e. Acidic 0 0 20 60 35 70 92 92 222 1.47 Disagree


a. Attractive 105 420 36 108 9 18 1 1 547 3.62 Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree

b. Clean 118 472 23 69 10 20 0 0 561 3.71

c. Fresh 94 376 45 135 9 18 3 3 532 3.52 Strongly Agree

d. Natural 108 432 28 84 14 28 1 1 545 3.60 Strongly Agree

e. Artificial 15 60 40 120 30 60 66 66 306 2.02 Agree

TOTAL: 1,0 72 44 45 2,718

93 7 6 2

4,3 2,1 892 45 7,897

72 81 2
WM = 2.90544518 – STRONGLY AGREE

Table 5: Weighted Mean of Palatability

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

This table shows the weighted mean of the palatability of potato pastillas under the

Taste, Texture, Aroma, and Color. In Taste and Texture there are four variables, while in the

Aroma and Color there are five variables. With the scale of Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree,

and Strongly Disagree, the researchers are able to know if the product has a good palatability.

Based on the answers and the numbers of respondent, the researchers get the weighted mean.

Because of the weighted mean, an interpretation in every variable has known. In Taste, with the

total 531 and a weighted mean of 3.51, variable sweet interpretation is strongly agreed. The

variable creamy was strongly agree too since the weighted mean is 3.43 and has a total 518.

Variable buttery, with a total 451 and a weighted mean of 2.98 has interpretation of strongly

agree. The variable salty has a total 299 and a weighted mean of 1.98, the interpretation is

agree. In Texture, the variable soft has a total 560 and a weighted mean of 3.70 with an

interpretation of strongly agree. Variable spongy has a total 446 and a weighted mean of 2.95

with an interpretation of strongly agree. Variable tough has a total 415 and a weighted mean of

2.74 with an interpretation of strongly agree. In addition, the variable whipped has total 418 and

a weighted mean of 2.76 that results in an interpretation of strongly agree. In the Aroma, the

variable sweet, salty and fruity has the same interpretation, which is strongly agree. The

variable sweet has a weighted mean of 3.64, the variable salty has a weighted mean of 2.07,

and the variable fruity has a weighted mean of 3.01. Meanwhile, the variable alcoholic and

acidic has the same interpreted, which is disagree. The variable alcoholic has a weighted mean

of 1.47 while the variable acidic has 1.49. Lastly in the Color, the four variables which is the

attractive, clean, fresh and natural has an interpretation that is strongly agree, while the variable

artificial is agree. Because the weighted mean of the variable artificial is 2.02 while the four

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

variables which is attractive with the weighted mean of 3.62, clean with the weighted mean of

3.71, fresh with the weighted mean of 3.52 and natural with the weighted mean of 3.60. The

overall weighted mean of palatability of potato pastillas is 2.90 which are strongly agree.

Parameter HA 4 A 3 LA 2 NA 1 Total WM Interpretation


a. Sweet 108 432 30 90 10 20 3 3 545 3.60 Strongly


b. Creamy 66 264 63 189 20 40 2 2 495 3.27 Strongly


c. Buttery 5 20 54 162 28 56 18 18 256 1.69 Agree

d. Salty 35 140 41 123 44 88 31 31 382 2.52 Agree


a. Soft 108 432 35 105 7 14 1 1 552 3.65 Strongly


b. Spongy 28 112 54 162 31 62 38 38 374 2.47 Strongly


c. Tough 48 192 39 117 42 84 22 22 415 2.74 Strongly


Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

d. Whipped 23 92 38 114 41 82 49 49 337 2.23 Strongly



a. Sweet 66 264 24 72 35 70 26 26 432 2.86 Strongly


b. Salty 64 256 25 75 25 50 38 38 419 2.77 Strongly


c. Fruity 74 296 35 105 18 36 24 24 461 3.05 Strongly


d. Alcoholic 0 0 19 57 40 80 92 92 229 1.51 Disagree

e. Acidic 0 0 20 60 35 70 96 96 226 1.49 Disagree


a. Simple 114 456 31 93 6 12 0 0 561 3.71 Strongly


b. Clean 107 428 37 111 7 14 0 0 553 3.66 Strongly


c. Fresh 100 400 41 123 10 20 0 0 543 3.59 Strongly


d. Natural 64 256 28 84 30 60 24 24 424 2.80 Strongly


e. Artificial 56 224 40 120 33 66 22 22 432 2.86 Strongly

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


1,0 68 47 42 2,668

TOTAL: 79 7 6 6

4,3 2,0 95 42 7,225

16 61 2 6

WM = 2.7080209895 – STRONGLY AGREE

Table 6: Weighted Mean of Acceptability

The table above is all about the weighted mean of acceptability of potato pastillas or the

used of the parameter of Highly Acceptable, Acceptable, Less Acceptable, and Not Acceptable.

The researchers are able to know if the respondent’s degree of likeness related to the product.

Through the answers and the tabulated weighted mean, the responses of the respondents will

be found out. In terms of the sweetness, the overall total 545 and a weighted mean of 3.60 so

the response is considered to be strongly agree. Meanwhile for the buttery and saltiness the

response is considered being agree for its total of 256 (buttery) a weighted mean of 1.69, in

addition for salty (382) weighted mean of 2.52. Furthermore, for the Texture the total is 552 and

a weighted Mean of 3.65 and a response of strongly agree. Likewise, with its weighted mean (b)

spongy (2.47), (c) tough (2.74), (d) whipped (2.23) and considered as strongly agree. In

addition, in Aroma that categorized into five, which are the sweet, salty, fruity, alcoholic, and

acidic. The total of sweet is 432 and 2.86 weighted mean, in fruity it has total 461 and 3.05, and

in salty that has a total 419 and a weighted mean of 2.77 that shows interpretation of strongly

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

agree. Furthermore, the alcoholic has 229 and 1.51 weighted mean and for acidic, the total is

260 with 1.49 weighted mean that results agree. Also in the Color, in attractive, it has 561 and

3.71 weighted mean; in clean it has 553 and 3.66 weighted mean; in fresh, it has 543 and 3.59

weighted mean; in the natural, it has 424 and 2.80 weighted mean; and lastly in the artificial that

has total 432 and 2.86 weighted mean. All of the variables in Color have a response of strongly

agree. Therefore, the overall weighted mean of acceptability of potato pastillas is 2.70 which is

strongly agree.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District



This chapter covers the presentation of the summary of the findings, the conclusion and

the recommendation derived from the interpretation and analysis data.

The primary purpose of this study is to find out the Potato (Solanum tuberosum) has an

effect to pastillas as a main component of it.

The study purpose is to answer the following question:

1. What is the palatability of potato as a main component of pastillas?

2. What is the percentage acceptability rate of the Potato Patillas?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the respondent degree of likeness and the

quality of the taste of the potato pastillas?

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

This study was focused on the potato as a main component of pastillas as well as the

product likeness in which it will be taste better or not and how the students react to this

innovative product.

The experimental method of research used in this study to gather the data needed. The

researchers make an also analysis which has been analyzed and manipulated. The gathered

data treated statistically through finding the total percentage rate and the weighted mean. The

outcome results served as the basis interpreting the data that provides the answer in a very

specific manner.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


From the tabulated data, the following findings summarized:

From the findings, there are an overall 151 respondent students of La Purisima National

High School specifically in the Grade 10, 11, and 12 where the six participated sections are the

Grade 10-Eagle, Grade 10- Maya, Grade 11-Prudence, Grade -11 Loyalty meanwhile in Grade

12, the sections of 12- Jacinto and the 12- Mabini are the respondents.

Palatability of Potato Pastillas

The palatability of Potato Pastillas, based on the findings on the palatability of potato

pastillas where the sweetness of the pastillas gathered a response of 91 in which it is palatable

so this barely means that the potato pastillas is sweet, in addition in the percentage rate the

sweetness has an average of 60.2% and consider to be a high palatability because a pastillas is

naturally sweet. In the creaminess, the greater amount of responses lies within 75 which means

that most of the respondent find the potato pastillas palatable, in terms of creaminess a

percentage rate of 49.6% suggesting that the respondents find the product creamier because it

has an ingredient condense milk. Meanwhile for the palatability of how the product could be

buttery there are 54 responses within the parameter of palatable and has a percentage average

of 35.7% in which the respondent finds product taste buttery. For the palatability of

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

saltiness, the greater responses is not palatable because it has a percentage rate of 39% which

means that the product does not have an amount of salt. Furthermore, in the texture the

response is 117 and an average of 77.4%, which means it is high palatability, the product is

consider soft. The sponginess has a 65 response and an average of 30.4% suggesting that the

product is palatable in sponginess. The toughness of the product that has a response of 64 and

has an average of 22.5% the parameter response is palatable. The last one is whipped which

has 62 responses and has an average of 23.1% also suggesting that the whipped characteristic

of being palatable. The aroma of the product in terms of a sweet aroma has a response of 109

and has an average of 77.4% consider being highly palatable implication that the product

sweetness aroma is sweet. The second in the aroma is salty which has a response of 52 in Not

Palatable and has an average of 34.4% indicating that there is no saltiness aroma. The aroma

of having a smell of fruitiness which has a response of 61 which is high palatable an average of

40.3% indicate that there is a fruity smell on the product. The smell of alcohol which have an

average of 63.5% and acidic are not palatable the alcohol has a response 89 as well as the

acidic and at the same time a same average of 60.9% that barely means that there is no mark

of alcoholic and acidic smell in the product. The last one is color, the attractive color has a

response of 105 and an average of 69.5%, meanwhile the clean color has a 118 response and

an average of 78.1%. The fresh color that has a response of 94 and an average of 62.2, the

natural smell that has a response of 108 and an average of 71.5% and the last is the artificial

that has response of 54 and an average of 43.7% which means that all the color is highly

acceptable indicate that the product has a lot of characteristic.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

Acceptability of Potato Pastillas

Based on the findings of the acceptability of potato pastillas the sweetness of pastillas

gathered is 108 responses which it is a highly acceptable it is considered that the potato is

sweet so the percentage rate is 71.5%. In the creaminess the responses are 66 which a highly

acceptable it means the product is much creamy. For the acceptability of buttery there are 54

responses so it is highly acceptable the percentage rate is 35.7% while in the salty the

responses are 44 so it is not acceptable while the percentage rate is 29.1% which means the

respondents did not perceive a salty. For the acceptability of softness, the gathered responses

are 108 has a percentage rate of 71.5% so this is highly acceptable for the sponginess got 54

responses while the percentage rate is 35.7% so it is acceptable for the tough there are 48

response wherein the percentage rate is 31.7% so it is acceptable. In the whipped, there are 49

responses while the percentage rate is 32.4% so it is acceptable as a potato pastillas. The

aroma of sweet-got 66 responses has percentage rate is 35.7% so it is highly acceptable so the

sweetness aroma indicate that the product has a sweet taste. For the saltiness, it has a 64

response so it is not acceptable since pastillas is not a salty type of delicacy. Furthermore, when

it comes fruity and alcoholic and acidic, they are both not acceptable since the fruity has a

response of 74 and has an average of 49% as for alcoholic its response is 47 and an average

percentage of 60.9% that means that the product is not a type of alcoholic and acidic. In terms

of colors for the acceptability of attractiveness (response of 114 percentage rate 75.4%), the

cleanliness (response 107, percentage rate 70.8%), freshness (100 response percentage

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

66.2%), natural (69 response, percentage 42.3%) and artificial (56 response and 37%

percentage rate). Where the color characteristic is all highly acceptable since the respondents

see what the color is.

Weighted mean for Acceptability

The weighted mean of acceptability of potato pastillas or the used of the parameter of

Highly Acceptable, Acceptable, Less Acceptable, and Not Acceptable; the researchers are able

to know if the respondent’s degree of likeness related to the product. Through the answers and

the tabulated weighted mean, the responses of the respondents will be found out. In terms of

the sweetness, the overall total 545 and a weighted mean of 3.60 so the response is considered

to be strongly agree in sweetness since the pastillas is known for its being sweet and agree to

the researcher’s product that taste tasty. Meanwhile, for the buttery and saltiness of the

response is considered being agree for its total of 256 (buttery) a weighted mean of 1.69

because the potato is not really that buttery, but since the potato itself makes the product more

buttery, in addition, for salty (382) weighted mean of 2.52 the respondents taste salty since the

potato has a salty flavoring naturally . Furthermore, for the Texture, the total is 552 and a

weighted mean of 3.65 and a response of strongly agree. Likewise, with its weighted mean (b)

spongy (2.47), (c) tough (2.74), (d) whipped (2.23) and considered as strongly agree. In

addition, in Aroma that categorized into five, which are the sweet, salty, fruity, alcoholic, and

acidic it is not palatable rightly because there is no match of alcohol and acidic like a vinegar.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

The total of sweet is 432 and 2.86 weighted mean, in fruity it has total 461 and 3.05, and in salty

that has a total 419 and a weighted mean of 2.77 that shows interpretation of strongly agree.

Furthermore, the alcoholic has 229 and 1.51 weighted mean and for acidic, the total is 260 with

1.49 weighted mean that results agree. Also in the Color, in simple, it has 561 and 3.71

weighted mean; in clean it has 553 and 3.66 weighted mean; in fresh, it has 543 and 3.59

weighted mean; in the natural, it has 424 and 2.80 weighted mean; and lastly in the artificial that

has total 432 and 2.86-weighted mean. All of the variables in Color have a response of strongly

agree. Therefore, the overall weighted mean of acceptability of potato pastillas is 2.70 that is

strongly agree.

Weighted Mean of Palatability

The weighted mean of the palatability of potato pastillas under the Taste, Texture,

Aroma, and Color. In Taste and Texture there are four variables, while in the Aroma and Color

there are five variables. With the scale of Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly

Disagree, the researchers are able to know if the product has a good palatability. Based on the

answers and the numbers of respondent, the researchers get the weighted mean. Because of

the weighted mean, an interpretation in every variable has known. In Taste, with the total 531

and a weighted mean of 3.51, variable sweet interpretation is strongly agreed it because the

sweetness of potato pastillas was exactly mixed, the variable creamy was strongly agree too

since the weighted mean is 3.43 and has a total 518, variable buttery, with a total 451 and a

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

weighted mean of 2.98 has interpretation of strongly agree, the variable salty has a total 299

and a weighted mean of 1.98, the interpretation is agreed because the taste of potato did not

cover by the milk and the other ingredients. In Texture, the variable soft has a total 560 and a

weighted mean of 3.70, variable spongy has a total 446 and a weighted mean of 2.95, variable

tough has a total 415 and a weighted mean of 2.74, and the variable whipped has total 418 and

a weighted mean of 2.76 that results all in an interpretation of strongly agree because the

texture are all good and exactly right for the product potato pastillas . In the Aroma, the variable

sweet, salty and fruity has the same interpretation, which is strongly agree because the smell

itself says that the taste of the product is really sweet and delicious. The variable sweet has a

weighted mean of 3.64. The variable salty has a weighted mean of 2.07, and the variable fruity

has a weighted mean of 3.01. Meanwhile, the variable alcoholic and acidic has the same

interpreted, which is disagreeing because the potato did not have a presence of acid and

alcohol. The variable alcoholic has a weighted mean of 1.47 while the variable acidic has 1.49.

Lastly in the Color, the four variables which is the attractive, clean, fresh and natural has an

interpretation that is strongly agree because the product possess the good attributes that

captivate the customers/respondents, while the variable artificial is agree only for the reason

that it only the food color that ,makes it artificial. Because the weighted mean of the variable

which is attractive with the weighted mean of 3.62, clean with the weighted mean of 3.71, fresh

with the weighted mean of 3.52 and natural with the weighted mean of 3.60. The overall

weighted mean of palatability of potato pastillas is 2.90 which is strongly agree.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


The researcher put a suggestion box for the respondents to put their comments. And the

researcher found out that the product needs to improve when it comes to toughness and the

sweetness of the product is tasty though it has a presence of sugar. Moreover, the other

respondent taste neutral with the taste of the product and base on that comment it suggests that

the overall judgment of the product is ACCEPTABLE.

The research hypothesis is all not rejected since by the answers of the

respondents says that the potato pastillas is highly palatable in many characteristics

such in taste, texture aroma and color. Additionally, as it is highly palatability the

respondents are also strongly agree in terms of acceptability. The 151 respondents

almost respond they like the product potato pastillas, and surely that another consumer

will would gladly also like the innovative product. There is also a significant relationship

between the quality of product and the degree of likeness between the product and the

respondents wherein researchers found out through weighted mean that if the product

quality of taste is highly palatability which means they like the product it is not

impossible that the acceptability of product is strongly agree.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District


1. It is highly recommended that the school administration specifically those who owned a

school canteen can sell the innovative product potato pastillas since the product results

is good and proven that it is likely acceptable by the customers.

2. It is also recommended to a student who likes to eat sweet but afraid to have a diabetes

since the product is not really that sweet but tasty the student may also enhance this or

also make a more innovative so that they may sell it for an extra income.

3. The study will help the community to at least have an extra income since the product

potato pastillas is a really good product that can be sell and be like by every consumer,

4. The employees particularly those who has a passion to create a delicacy may also

impart and make this product more innovative as well.

5. To the researchers, to gain more knowledge about the product that it is really good for a

consumer food need.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District

6. To the future researcher they will have an idea on how the product can satisfy the taste

of consumer, also this can be their guide to have an idea and information about making

an innovation product like potato pastillas. This research can be their example for what

may not do and to improve their research as well.

7. Other researchers, may this research study help them to realize that this product also

encounter many changes like in the process of cooking the pastillas may they find other

strategy to help the product easier to be a finish product. A complete cooking equipment

may help the product to be more satisfying and easy to be cooked.

Senior High School Department
Nabua West District



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