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Y TIME TABLE -B.E/ B.Tech DEGREE PROGRAMMES - R2018 @ KUMARAGURU END SEMESTER THEORY EXAMINATONS - JUNE 2022 - FR BATCHES 2020-2024, 2019-2023, 2018-2022 (REGULAR AND ARREARS) SEMESTER: 4 SESSION: FN 9.30 AM TO 12.30 PM Date: 28.06.2022 ranch vow | ‘4072022 | 1607202 | 19.07.2022 | 21.07.2022 | 23.07.2022 | 26.07.2022 ay [ TwURSoAY | SATURDAY Tuesoay | Ywursoay | SATURDAY | TUESDAY Cause] uramaraion | uraaciaao1 | _ureaciazo2 | ureacraona | ureacreooe | UreAET«005 ee ‘Numerical ‘Aircraft Hardware ENGINEERING |coume| NIMES | Lovgpsed | Automate conto! | area gauenseat| UAY yet | ora Ha one | Maboshad | necsinames Sriere Destn a ca | uramarsios | _urearazo1 | _useanazoz | ureana20a | utearran0s B.Tech- ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & | course| Random Process Neural Networks and | Data Mining & Finance for DATA SCIENCE Name | and Optimization | COmMPMEE NetworRS | "Deen eorning ‘Modeling Engineers. | come] uramatator | urgauisz01 ursauiazo2 | ureauiazoa | useauizo4 | u1sAuT4005 | ee-avromosive Namen | Auonatve Erg rate ENGINEERING [came] a, ek" | rworcraerans | Mariatora |youn rung] “soe | Probability Systems a _ Engineering | Sees| usawatato2 | uwerraoo: | _uiearaacz | uieeriace | vieprezos Bo Fluid and Pasticle | recunococy — |csume| —numeriar | Pudaneratcl | prtsnandénme | _Inetumerts | caland ome | “ionece | Mesance Secnmgy”™" |etecs tAsyss| Moca Bly Sains] usamararo1 | _uraceaor | _uieceveoa | utaceuata | urecetaoos Be-cmL erate Seana Courwe | Numerical Anplieg HydraulleS | Hishway and Tratie | and Geographic Strength of ENGINEERING — [aume| Ctminand | ““tnstytuie | Metway and a eognonc | Sreg esay | “achaoy near eos — we (s/ 5 v Bal ]ever | Ay CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS vege 3 PRINcIP KUMARAGURU END SEMESTER THEORY EXAMINATONS - JUNE 2022 (G)} SRSA TIME TABLE - 2 / B.Tech DEGREE PROGRAMMES - R2018 HR BATCHES 2020-2024, 2018-2028, 2018-2022 (REGULAR AND ARREARS) SEMESTER: 4 SESSION: FN 9.20 AM TO 12.30 PM Date: 28.06.2022 = owe | 14072072 | 16072022 | 19.07.2022 | 2.072022 | 23.07.2022 | 26.07.2022 wy | TWuRsoAY | SATURDAY “wuesoay | twursoay | saTuRoay | TUeSOAY Couns] uremalszos | uracstaoo1 | usecsizo2 | urecsiazo4 | uiacsTa002 8. - COMPUTER ‘SCIENCE AND aura} Probabty and | Design and Anas sonae | Teayot ENGINEERING |‘time | "“Sanstcs | cage | OPt=@SrHems | Sroreeing | compton Sim Uawavaton | uvaeciaaor | urecewara | ureecraoo2 | uieecraoos | ureceez05 BE -ELECTRICAL ANDELECTRONICS |.,,,,| Numeral Induction ana Generator, | Neer and ENGINEERING |SQiM"| wettoss ans | Synowensus | Oataiseones | raamason ans | NeWatLens | Lc automaton Probab ‘ocr etioton Goume| urewatatoa | uraeciazor | _ureccuzoa | ureecrazoa BE - ELECTRONICS A CITI cage) SOR Digital Signal | Analog Electronics and] Transmission Lines | ENGINEERING = |'nime | Sandon Processing Integrates Circuits | and Waveguides: Be-crectronics [Sx] ursewaor | useciezo | uraeueaoa | uraerraooa | utaesraoos AND T INSTRUMENTATION cous) Electone Signa! | Dt Fundomentas| Massing an Anas] MEMS And Sersr| Arca Supe ENGINEERING | tome | Contonng |'onseropezseor| of ymime Syston | esan | System Seame| usamateso2 | usemeraoor | userTraoo: | uterrtaoc2 | uterrie203 | uterriaz0e B.Tech - FASHION TECHNOLOGY |coune] numerca! | asseoriectanial] Fabre Foraton | Asparel Machin] Apparel Desgn | Fabre Stuur om | Manos | "“Enemee ‘rctupmen’ [ond Devdopmert| end Desgn oe Eas [ao CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS PRINCIPAL, KUMARAGUAU END SEMESTER THEORY EXAMINATONS - JUNE 2022. ISgy TIME TABLE - BE / B.Tech DEGREE PROGRAMMES - R2018 FOR BATCHES 2020-2024, 2018-2023, 2018-2022 (REGULAR AND ARREARS) SEMESTER: 4 SESSION: FN 9.30 AM TO 12.0 PM Date: 0.082022 www | 407207 | 16072022 | 19072022 | 24.07.2022 | 20072022 | 26072022 a | Twursoay | saruroay | Tuesoay | _TwuRsoay | SATURDAY | TUESDAY Couns] urpmaiazos | uteisiez02 useisuz03 | useistaoor | urersrano4 8.E -INFORMATION SCIENCE AND a eesrans |e ENGINEERING ee ‘Operating Systems | Software Engineering | Analysis of He. ‘Algorithms ee wrewauzos | uverrraoos | _uveriazoa | _uremaaoa | utemiaoe B.Tech INFORMATION st bare coune] Preity and | eu Desi ae Arai camp TECHNOLOGY —|"nime | ""Sinstcs” | OFetRESYstens JT Coma | Management | Neyer : course] usswataio: | ureceis207 | utemersooa | utemerazo1 | utemel4z02 BE - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING — owe! ,*™2!, | cece Ones na] Krematesct | srergnot | udnechancs | wane | Matos Gon ae wscre | ‘and aches Err] uromatetor | usaucuzor | _usewcwzo2 | urewcratos | uremcratoa BE - MECHATRONICS ma ENGINEERING [comme] ,%U™@C2! | ticaucs na | sensomana | ogtltecrones | Theor ot one | Mavoseans | "Eitimatee’ | tnsrurenaten fandticopcesse] Macrae Uiamarero2 | _teweraoor | _usereraao | utevxiaoa | userouaaoa 8.Tech - TEXTILE Weve Far TECHNOLOGY [cone] numerca! | asesctatecnancal] Yar Marutacinng [Fabre tartan) owe aii ome | "Memos |" Engrweing | “Tachoeny koof= sues 4 ee GS Syle [eves Ki Saee CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS pone 2083 oe

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