Core Subject in School Curriculum

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lany subjeel a re letuu ght t Schools.

hus unigu cLclvan teages Some

Ectch 9ubjecl
utco/me hmey be
be the combinalions sub es
help fo tchieve ct ncl thongthen
Somee may help
oalt. Lef us Cund eo fand the
the tmpatFan ce o

ew ubi ecr Fetug Bt t School

fo liseuss Some fhe gubjech

Lwe Ce CoLng

school cLtrrt ceul cun

tathema lic
A t s cund Crafls

IN Sc Hooc

rfor th ematcs.
tca themaris sextremely (mjooa tunt
gouety lmost alectentee ely on oh
ma th and loglco thikin9 and dlso go hand in
h and Back un the greek tmes was
only feugh6t he ppeo clos day
Com plex Subjec
ma thr co be
higher end of gtucl but elil
it it
at the

extoemely tmpookanE e at lmos C CLTDec

like Malthematftes 9tves o Ch ane fo crule

wiTk humber,

lon kent o the 3choof Susjec Mafhemattc,

lctm berr ,S(mplif ca rronsour O7pey hon

M on e y melbtc SqsFem eadtnq clock

baste 7eomefbtca Con cepl
Numbet ac(tons cleci mal oacton money
mes Cve men idea Stmjale Cteomebvte,
Stmple In ferest tralto profpo 0 ltop
Gonoral ma[hem a l t s h Um be yolem Sels

dllge boa- enpaess(on egualtonr kaclos

Drsuounl shares qaaphs
geone oy- Men3usa hèn
ompou tneresk.

hocese MaMeelhs:
Connec tne met thema tis rtnci ples
u t6
daily ife children
taknc childen tnk aftona lly or d
thdu rvely 07 oleclueltvely

eveloprq (sqt ccul hearon ng and maLk e

brldneen to &ole. mot Lhe ma
rca pDblemi
SOeve lop tne the skills o
gyntfe hg cunalysng An d

the mce the mar a 19TD 6lemi.

) SciEN Ce.
Science fullfrll the pupose t h e wofd
olemOnrale fo us frow R ng Ss cuoof
hings and
whey they lo so Setence s the myr tea
SuLbecE be c a u f e the re Qre lot ot Kings
and Whaf hncl kes
to be dir covered, Sclence
Sueh Lmpoolun - Sebecls .

yas Cmount sf S u b e.ef
tn clude

Incluadinq beolog CLstrhome/ Com/ufeg

apa hone
ience." gody plhy1Ea
(onten the gehoof fec Saehe
Sctenli fre iterac
Sctepce, ib evey olay sil to
n d e r s lan deriq he woold cuoundhe
Souo-scienhfi tisues
Sources to and outide schodin
Sccence as Cuay knowing thinkiie
hunk in
and achnq
Our surounding
tealerr th
lFemi cLnd nmole cuule
givers7fras in ivtne organitn

Ppocessers Sience
oikcal obser ba hop na tusal pherom
Develapung tnq urry on o6re rva ble jhenamenor
Es(a blithing Lcnkeng gnd corela kng Re
scien H
cles Lcleds cwitk phy stea hajgane
Enqe gihg tSetes Hfi expeeimen a frio
and gctenite expplor ton
ctnel then valtala/ion
HetclT a n tdeas
V a leldi ltng he
the re rult of Suenlife tnguiy
Develop thg SCtentift tfnkiq abilly fo

mclke cLbsl a t Conceplt :

cLhc aw o motion
l a t u t a l
Kesources Lh d it manageeme(-

3 o nd raft

eduea ton Progam me, Should comptse

and ling he malestal fo
pain thg
collqe (Loy mode (line

con sfruc o n the pappet
yo.cltng fi ti igiyeeezpe
hetRnd lea th 9mple R hgs rsual
avh,knowledga f hucsk bf well knoxun
artv ef pre natng postor Dlocca/tab
batop Catds reld/ed to celehvaionu
t hatonal olay rke Repusl Aay
ndepen.dence loL
(on fen
t o Sho ubjec Aat and Coa f
SDrauutig ahd /paio ttng and Scalp ture
hL molelling
Pcivtre o dance
Mult rdramd ndd
TwD dmen g Cona O
plc Forta/ onf
Druwtng and pa in
Collag making
Poin mauking
Pholoq a phu and
compu fer
ga phies
y Ranq olt / an ch a
Lwall p a b
(heldiltonal ast fums) ting

)75re e limen slona/ aofs

Sculpu re (ustnq
locally a vcilablo matenal
Clouy mode lling
Carvtng and Roltd wo
)Payper mache
mak mak.eng
AsF and Cru/L
Sser o

De velo ping o trv m olor ki

n houn ce dex e aify

hcLn.ol-ecy e Covdrn ut'o
ea h fo Pprec care a
and cl
Enhan ces Sel eDpe sston
=)elps u SoCLlig ung
Enh unces Cre aHN
Con clurlon

The 9ubje cs teuqh

qrea im j p o l a n c e gchods a
7 becaue iEhelpr Fo
Occhieve k e ob/eclu f edu
cqfro n mu
dspec s 47ple,
eel h une
which mak
Schoe 9ubje ch
thevilchle Por
scho ol
Ue tRe
fe studens cuith the
Re subyech cuhich egup
e 9kll
fo e a d and com
he 9LLhje h aly life. Eath
S Luen
Cotufts an Schoof lrke Makenafia
&mou objeefives tte
tre lpr
lpt o
uh Con ouhtee
Con tn i bule
bule it Ocwn

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