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1. Do you think bullying is a serious issue? Give smoe reaseons to support your opinion!

As far as I concerned, yes I really do. I agree with all statements that state Bullying is
a serious issue since I became one of the victims when I was in Elementary school. So, I know
how it feels. It ruined my life. I lost my self-esteem, the more extreme effect was I almost
lost hope to live in life like Ronan does. It hurts the victims a lot. Based on my prior
experience, it distracts the victims physically and emotionally. The worst is it can intrigue
them to do violence and suicide againts theirselves or even others. So, I consider this as a
very serious issue in our society.
2. Are you aware of cyber bullying? Do you think it is worse than physical bullying? Why? add
I think both of them are really bad. However, cyber bullying is harder to control than the
latter. It is because, everyone can take the involvement into this even they can become
anynomous and no feeling of guilty. When something get into the internet, it will be hard to
remove. The cyber bullying is also the same, every hurtul comment/text, rumors,
humiliations, and so on hardly to be cleared away as if it will last forever. It detracts more
than emotionally. Based on my prior knowledge, somet ing emotionally can effect to
something physically. So, if someone gets hurt emotionally sometimes will effect physically.
For example, if someone gets physical bullying, they might be loner or antisocial who still at
their home and afraid to gooutside meet ppl. At least they still have a place to hide. But, if
someone gets cyber bullying which is bullying emotionally, they cannot go anywhere right?
Every spots of their lives as sorrounded with the hurtful. The endgame of this case probably
doing violence or leave this world or suicide.
3. What can young ppl like you do to prevent or stop bullying? List at least 3 things!
In my opinion, three things young peple can do are not get involved to the bullying, helping
the victims by reporting the case to police, become a good listener for them since
sometimes some ppl only this for their all problems, fot the very last I think it’s good to
make a movement to against bullying.

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