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 If notice or information is useful to the enemy

CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY AND LAW OF  If the offender intended to aid the enemy by giving
NATION such notice or information.

1. Treason 8. Flight to enemy’s country

 Committed in time of war only  Any person who owing allegiance to the
 Citizen of the Philippines; Resident Alien; levying government;
war, giving aid and comfort; two witness rule, same  Attempts to flee or go to an enemy country when
testimony to the same overt act; War time; doctrine prohibited by competent authority
of absorption is applicable;
9. Piracy
2. Proposal and conspiracy to commit treason  Any person who is not member of the complement
 Proposal: Citizen of the Philippines; Resident alien; of the vessel nor passenger;
decided to commit treason and proposed its  Attack or seize it the cargo, passenger’s belongings,
execution to another person complements; with intent to gain
 Conspiracy: Citizen of the Philippines; Resident  On the high seas or Philippine waters
alien; agreed to commit treason and decided to  Qualified Piracy is committed whenever the pirates
commit the act complained of. Collective have seized the vessel by: boarding or firing up the
responsibility may apply. same; abandoning their victims without means of
saving themselves; accompanied by murder, rape,
3. Misprision of Treason homicide and rape or physical injuries.
 Citizen of the Philippines; has knowledge of any
conspiracy; conceal or not disclose the same to 10. Anti-Piracy Law ( PD No. 532 )
proper authorities; there must be a crime of  Any person including passenger or member of the
conspiracy to commit treason and not the crime of complement of the ship;
treason.  Who attacks upon or seizes a vessel, or takes away
the whole or part of the vessel, cargo, personal
4. Espionage belongings of passengers and crews; with intent to
 Committed in time of war or peace gain
 Any person ( Filipino Citizen and Alien ); Any  By means of violence and intimidations or force
person; enters warship, military establishment, fort upon things
or similar places; taking photograph, instruction,  Philippine Waters
plan, data which are confidential in nature.  Qualified Piracy is committed whenever the pirates
 Public Officer; disclosing confidential military have seized the vessel by: boarding or firing up the
information to a foreign agent; in the performance of same; abandoning their victims without means of
official function; in his possession by reason of his saving themselves; accompanied by murder, rape,
office; homicide and rape or physical injuries
 If the act of disclosing the military and defense  Any person who knows, abets and aids or protects
information in adherence to enemy in the time war is person responsible for piracy shall be charged as an
considered treason. accomplice of the principal offender; graduated by
one degree lower
5. Inciting to war or giving motives for reprisal  Even the vessel sailed outside Philippine waters; it is
 Any public officer or employee or any private universal crime or crime against the whole world;
individual; unlawful or unauthorized acts, provokes  Piracy is a crime against the law of nations and as
or gives occasion for a war involving or liable to such, it is exception to the rule on territoriality in
involve the Philippines or exposes Filipino citizens to criminal law.
reprisals on their persons or property.  Homicide or murder committed not by pirate but by a
passenger, who took advantage of the calamity
6. Violation of Neutrality brought about by piracy, is subject to flag state rule.
 Any person; there is war in which the Government is The country where the vessel is registered shall
not involved; violates any regulation issued by have the jurisdiction over the crime.
competent authority for the purpose of enforcing  Qualifying circumstances shall apply for both piracy
neutrality. under RPC and PD 532; as a result or on the
occasion of piracy rape, murder, homicide, physical
7. Correspondence with hostile country injury is committed. Special complex crime
 Any person; in time of war
 shall have a correspondence with an enemy country 11. Mutiny
or territory occupied by enemy troops;  Committed by a member of complement of a vessel
 If the correspondence has been prohibited by the or passenger thereof;
Government;  Unlawfully resists a superior officer or raise
 If the correspondence be carried on in ciphers or commotion or disturbance on board a vessel against
conventional signs;
the authority of its commander on the high seas or in  Committed by any public officer or employee who
Philippine waters. detains a person without legal grounds
 The criminal act is resisting the authorities in the  Arbitrary detention is not committed since the
vessel accused did not commit the act in furtherance of
official function or in the pursuit of authority vested in
12. Anti-Hijacking Law ( RA 6235 ) them. It is purely a private act.
 Philippine Aircraft and Foreign Aircraft  The act must be in pursuit of his duty to arrest such
 Philippine Aircraft; any person who compels a as: to deliver the suspect to judicial authority; to
change in the course or destination of an aircraft; or conduct criminal investigation; to determine if he
seizes or usurps the control while in flight. committed a crime
 In flight is when all its external doors are closed  Legal grounds; commission of a crime. violent
following embarkation until any of such doors is insanity; ailment requiring the compulsory
opened for disembarkation. confinement
 Intent to gain is not an element in hijacking.  Reasonable ground of suspicion is a defense of
 As a result or on the occasion of hijacking rape, public officer in arbitrary detention.
murder, homicide, physical injury qualified hijacking
is committed. 2. Delay in the delivery of detained person
 Still in the tarmac, killing the pilot although there is  There is a legal ground to arrest or detain
coercion upon the pilot to charge course; the crime  Failure to deliver the arrested or detained person to
committed is murder proper judicial authority within the period of 12 hours
 Extraterritoriality principle under Article 2 of RPC; ( light penalty ); 18 hours ( correctional penalty ); 36
Flag state rule; universality under International Law; hours for afflictive penalty or capital punishment
Hijacking is a universal crime  Traffic violation is not a crime per se since the
 Qualified hijacking 1. whenever he has fired upon penalty is not arrest but fine only
the pilot, member of the crew or passenger;  Delivery is the making of an accusation or charge or
exploded or attempted to explode any bomb or filing of an information against him with the
explosive to destroy the aircraft; accompanied by corresponding court
rape, murder, homicide, physical injury.  Judicial authorities mean the courts vested with
 Foreign Aircraft; who compels the foreign aircraft to judicial power to order the temporary detention or
land in Philippine territory or usurps or seizes the confinement of a person charged with having
control thereof within the said territory; committed a public offense; fiscal is not a judicial
 Flight is not an element authority within the purview of Article 125.
 Territoriality is an element
3. Delaying Release
13. Human Security Act of 2007 ( RA 9327 )  Committed by any public officer who delays the
 Predicate crimes of terrorism ( made component of performance of any judicial or executive order for the
much serious offense ) release of a prisoner or detention prisoner;
1. Piracy  Unduly delays the service of the notice of such order
2. Highway robbery to said prisoner or the proceeding upon any petition
3. Hijacking for the liberation of such person.
4. Rebellion
5. Coup d’etat 4. Expulsion
6. Murder  Committed by any public officer who expels any
7. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention person from the Philippines
8. Crimes involving destruction  Compels him to charge his residence without being
9. Arson authorized by law
10. Crimes involving unlicensed (loose) firearm
and explosives 5. Violation of domicile
11. Violation of Toxic and Hazardous ( Atomic  Committed by any public officer
and Nuclear ) laws  Without being authorized by judicial order
 Creates a condition of widespread and extraordinary  Enters any dwelling against the will of the owner
fear and panic among populace in order to coerce thereof
the government to give in to an unlawful demand.  Searches papers or other effects found therein
 Conspiracy to commit terrorism is punishable since without previous consent of such owner
the law has provided penalty for it.  Surreptitiously enters it, and refuses to leave after
being required to do so.
CRIMES AGAINST THE FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF THE  Violation of right to be secured of in his house,
STATE papers and effects against unreasonable search.
 Private individual who conspires or participate with
1. Detention without legal grounds such public officer is also liable for this crime. The
 One form of arbitrary detention act of public officer is imputable to such private
individual although they are not similarly situated in camp or installation, communication networks for the
relation to the object of the crime. purpose of seizing or diminishing state power.
 Silence or failure to object is not tantamount to  Doctrine of absorption is applicable for being a
consent to search the house or waiver of right political crime because the purpose of the coup
against unreasonable search. plotters is to seize or diminish state power.

6. Obtaining and serving search warrant 3. Sedition

 Committed by public officer by maliciously obtaining  committed by any person who rise publicly and
search warrants or procuring a search warrant tumultuously through violence, intimidation, force
without just cause. and by other means outside legal methods in order
 The true test of just cause is whether the affidavit to
filed in support of the application for search warrant  Prevent the promulgation or execution of law,
has been drawn in such a manner that perjury could execution of any administrative order
be charged thereon. or holding of any popular election, free exercise of
 Abuse in the service of search warrants legally functions of any public officer or the government.
obtained is committed by exceeding his authority or  Inflict any act of hate or revenge against private
use unnecessary severity in executing a search persons or any social class for any political or social
warrant although legally procured end or upon the person or property of any public
 A public officer may commit violation of domicile officer
although he is provided with search warrant in cases  Despoil any person, or government of its property for
of abuse in the service of search or searching any political or social end.
domicile without witnesses.  Doctrine of absorption is not applicable. The person
charged of sedition can be charged with other crime

1. Rebellion or insurrection 4. Conspiracy to commit sedition

 committed by multitude of persons who rise publicly  Committed by two or more person who comes to an
and take arms against the government agreement commit the crime of sedition and decided
 Removing the territory of the Philippines or part to commit it.
thereof or its armed forces from the allegiance to
said government or its laws 5. Inciting to rebellion
 Depriving the Chief Executive or the legislature of  Committed by any person who, without taking arms
any of their powers or prerogatives or part thereof. or being in open hostility against the government ( or
 Doctrine of Absorption is applicable such as using without taking a direct part in rebellion ), incites
loose firearms, killing soldiers, burning military others to commit rebellion or insurrection by means
camps, demanding revolutionary taxes from the of speeches, proclamations, writings, emblems,
people. etc. Crimes committed in furtherance of banners or other representations tending to the
rebellion are deemed absorbed in one single crime same end.
of rebellion.
 It suffices that a portion of the contingent gathered 6. Inciting to sedition
and formed a mass or crowd and engaged in an  Committed by any person who, without taking arms
armed public uprising against the government. or being in open hostility against the government ( or
 Variance rule and double jeopardy may apply. When without taking a direct part in sedition ), incites
the crime charged is terrorism but the court only others to commit rebellion or insurrection by means
found the crime to be rebellion, the person will of speeches, proclamations, writings, emblems,
convicted with the crime of rebellion which is banners to other representations tending to the
necessarily included in the crime of terrorism. same end.
 Conviction or acquittal of the accused or the  Uttering seditious words or speeches or writing,
dismissal of the case for terrorism shall be a bar to publishing or circulating scurrilous
another prosecution for a predicate crime libels against the Government or any duly
( rebellion ) which is necessarily included in the constituted authorities which tend to disturb, instigate,
charge of terrorism. incite, stir up and knowingly conceal such evil practices.
 To be responsible for the crime of inciting to
2. Coup d’etat sedition, the malefactor must incite other to commit
 committed by a military, police or public officer, with the crime of sedition by rising publicly and
or without support or participation of civilians, who tumultuously against the government or private
swiftly and singly or simultaneously attacks by person to achieve any ends of sedition.
means of violence, intimidation, threat, strategy or  Clear and present danger test; to prohibit, interrupt
stealth, the duly constituted authorities of the or dissolve peaceful meeting
Philippines or facilities needed for the exercise and  Dangerous or seditious test; to prohibit the
continued possession of power such as military utterance, speeches or writing seditious articles.
 The person being incited can also be held liable for  Committed by any person who shall willfully and
inciting to sedition if during the investigation they unlawfully manufacture, assemble, deal in, acquire,
conceal this crime to authorities. dispose, import or possess any explosive or
incendiary device, with knowledge of its existence
7. Unlawful utterance and its explosive or incendiary character.
 Committed by any person who encourages  Mere possession of any explosive or incendiary
disobedience to the law or to the constituted device shall be prima facie evidence that the person
authorities, or praises, justifies or extols any act had knowledge of the existence and the explosive or
punished by law by words, utterances or speeches. incendiary character of the device.
 Inciting to commit a crime is unlawful utterance  Animus possidendi; A temporary, incidental, casual,
provided that the act is not constitutive of the crime harmless, or transient possession of explosive
of inciting to rebellion or inciting to sedition. negates animus possidendi.
 Separate crime of illegal possession of explosive
8. Laws on Loose Firearm RA 10591 qualified by the circumstance of commission of other
 Also known as illegal possession of loose firearm crime.
 Loose firearm refers to an unregistered firearm, an  Absorbed in the crime of rebellion; separate crime
obliterated or altered firearm, firearm which has
been lost or stolen, illegally manufactured firearms, 10. Proposal or conspiracy to commit rebellion or coup d’etat
registered firearms in the possession of a person  Proposal to commit rebellion is committed by any
other than the licensee and those with revoked person who has decided to commit it an proposed
licenses in accordance with the rules and the execution of same to other person or persons.
regulations, using imitation firearm used in the  Conspiracy to commit rebellion is committed by two
commission shall be considered a real firearm. or more persons who come to an agreement to
 Both unlawful acquisition and possession of loose commit the crime of rebellion or coup d’etat and
firearms and ammunition. have decided to commit the crime of rebellion.
 Ownership is not an essential element of illegal
possession of firearms an ammunition. What the law 11. Disloyalty of Public Officer
requires is merely possession, physical or  Committed by public officers who fail to resist a
constructive or subjection the thing from one’s rebellion by all means in their power, or continue or
control and management. discharge the duties of their offices under the control
 Carrying registered firearm outside his residence of the rebels or accept appointment to office under
without any legal authority therefore is also them.
punishable under the law.
 Unlawfully manufacture; possession of machinery, 12. Illegal Assemblies
tool or instrument used directly  Committed by organizers or leaders of and person
 Covered by law are those laborer, worker or present at, a meeting attended by armed persons for
employee of licensed firearms dealer who shall the purpose of committing a felony
unlawfully take, sell or other dispose of parts.  In which the audience is incited to the commission of
 Buyer and possessor of such stolen part or materials treason, rebellion, sedition or direct assault.
stolen, shall suffer the same penalty as the laborer,  The word “meeting” shall be understood to include a
worker or employee. gathering or group whether in a fixed place or
 Engaging or participating in arms smuggling is also moving.
prohibited.  The audience to be liable of the crime, he must be
 Tampered firearm is considered as a loose firearm; incited to commit rebellion, sedition or direct assault.
hence, possessing thereof is a crime.  Passive presence in the meeting will ot make them
 The accused can be prosecuted for possession of liable for illegal assembly.
loose firearm and possession of dangerous drugs
since the latter can be committed without using the 13. Illegal Association
loose firearm.  Committed by officers and members of a corporation
 May be used as special aggravating circumstance or for the purpose of committing a felony or for some
qualifying circumstance in the crime of robbery, purpose contrary to public morals.
homicide or murder requiring the imposition of  No actual meeting is necessary;
graver penalty.  What is punished is the act of forming or organizing
 As predicate crime in the crime of terrorism, hence it and joining in the association.
is absorbed by the latter.
 In sedition, using of loose firearm shall be 14. Interruption, Prohibition or dissolution of peaceful
considered as modifying circumstance or separate meeting
crime since in sedition there is no armed uprising but  Committed by any public officer who, without legal
merely public and tumultuous uprising. ground;
 Prohibits or interrupts the holding of a peaceful
9. Laws on Explosives meeting, or dissolves the same
 Hinders any person from joining any lawful tumultuous character caused by at least four
association or from attending any of its meetings; or persons who are armed or provided with means of
 Prohibits or hinders any person from addressing, violence.
either alone or together with others, any petition to  If the disturbance is slight, the crime committed is
the authorities for the correction of abuses or alarm and scandal.
redress of grievances.
 If a private individual interrupts or disturbs a 19. Direct Assault
peaceful meeting, the crime committed is  Committed by any person who, without public
disturbance of public order under Article 153. uprising, employs force or intimidation for the
 If he is part of the meeting and he subsequently attainment of purpose of rebellion or sedition.
interrupts or disturbs the meeting shall be liable for  Committed by any person who shall attack, employ
unjust vexation or coercion. force or seriously intimidate or resist a person in
authority or his agents, while engaged in the
15. Interruption of religious worship performance of official duties or on occasion of such
 Committed by any public officer who prevents or performance.
disturbs the ceremonies or manifestations of any  Direct assault is qualified when it is committed with a
religion. weapon or when the offender is a public officer or
 If committed by private person, the crime committed when the offender lays hands upon a person in
is unjust vexation. authority.
 Person in authority means that the such person is
16. Offending religious feelings vested with jurisdiction
 Committed by any person who performs an act  Teacher, professors, and supervisors of schools,
notoriously offensive to the feelings of the faithful in colleges and universities, and lawyers are also
a place devoted to religious worship or during the person in authority. However, they are only persons
celebration of any religious ceremony. in authority for purposes of direct assault and
 Private person can commit the crime against resistance.
religious worship by offending religious feeling.  Under LGU Code, Punong Barangay, members of
 If the crime is committed in a place devoted to sanguniang barangay, lupong tagapamayapa in their
religious worship, it is not necessary that religious jurisdictions are deemed persons in authority.
ceremony is being celebrated at the time of  Agents of a person in authority are those persons
commission thereof. whose function is for the preservation of law, peace
 The notoriously offensive act must be directed and order.
against religious practice, dogma or ritual.  Persons who are charges with the maintenance of
public order and the protection and security of life
17. Alarm and Scandal and property by direct provision of law, election or
 It refers to an act constituting disturbance of public appointment by competent authority.
order by;  Attacking a policeman while on his way to buy lotto
 Any person who discharges firearms, rocket, ticket and mayor, who was attack while delivering
firecracker, or other explosives in a town or public his speech in his political rally is not considered to
place calculated to cause alarm or danger; be in the performance of their official duties or on the
 Any person who instigates or takes an active part in occasion of such performance.
any charivari or other disorderly meeting offensive to  Direct assault is committed even if the motive was
another or prejudicial to public tranquility totally foreign to victim’s official function.
 Any person who disturbs the public peace while  The resistance must be intended to defy the law or
wandering about at night or while engaged in any its representative at all hazard.
other nocturnal amusements; or  Laying of hands, simple or serious, constitute
 Any person who, while intoxicated or otherwise, qualified direct assault.
cause any disturbance or scandal in public places.  Serious intimidation constitutes qualified direct
 Alarm and scandal is an intentional felony. Hence, it assault.
must be committed with criminal evil intent.  Direct Assault and serious physical injury is
considered a complex crime.
18. Disturbance of Public Order
 Committed by any person who causes any serious 20. Indirect Assault
disturbance in a public place, office or  Committed by any person who makes use of force
establishment, or interrupts or disturbs public and intimidation upon a person coming to the aid of
performances, functions or gatherings or peaceful an agent of a person in authority on occasion of the
meetings provided that the acts do not constitute the commission of direct assault.
crime of interruption of religious worship or  Any person, who comes to the aid of persons in
interruption, prohibition or dissolution of peaceful authority is deemed to the agent of a person in
meetings. authority, as such any attack to the latter shall be
 Tumultuous disturbance is committed if the liable for direct assault.
disturbance or interruption of public order is of
21. Resistance  Parliamentary immunity shall extend in case of
 Committed by any person who resists a person in search.
authority, or his agents, while engaged in the
performance of official duties provided that the act is 27. Evasion of Service of Sentence
not constitutive of direct assault.  Committed by any convict, who shall evade the
 Resisting arrest without intent to defy the law and its service of his sentence by reason of final judgment
representative at all hazard is simple resistance. while suffering deprivation of liberty by escaping in
case of imprisonment;
22. Disobedience  By entering a prohibited place in case of destierro ;
 Committed by any person who disobeys a person in  By returning to the Philippines in case of deportation
authority, or his agent, while engaged in the  A detention prisoner is not confined in the
performance of official duties provided that the act penitentiary by reason of final judgment; he is only
does not constitute direct assault. temporarily detained pending the investigation or
 Simple resistance and disobedience cannot be trial against him or pending appeal; hence, he could
committed by reason of past performance of duty. not commit evasion of service of sentence.
 Disobedience presupposes that the person in  Conviction pending appeal is not considered as
authority or his agent is lawfully ordering the serving of sentence since the conviction is yet to
accused to do something but the latter disobeys become final.
such order.  Detention prisoner who uses force or intimidation
 Resistance presupposes that the person in authority against the jail guard to escape shall be liable for
or his agent is doing something in the performance direct assault since serious intimidation is
of his duty but the accused resisted it. considered defying a law or its representative at all
23. Disobedience to summons  Continuing crime; he can be prosecuted for evasion
 Committed by: of service of sentence either in Muntinlupa or
1. A person who refuses to obey summons to wherever he may be apprehended except destierro.
attend as a witness before Congress or
Constitutional Commission or its committee 28. Delivery of Prisoners from Jail
without legal excuse;  Committed by any person who removes from any jail
2. A witness refuses to be sworn or placed pr penal establishment any person ( detention
under affirmation or to answer any legal prisoner or convicted prisoner ) or helped the
inquiry or to produce any books, papers, escape of such person
documents, or records in his possession,  It is qualified if the same is committed by means of
when required by them to do so in the violence, intimidation or bribery.
exercise of their functions;  Substitution is where the prisoner is being removed
3. A person who restrains another from and replace by another person; it is also constituted
attending as a witness, or induce the crime of delivery of prisoners from jail.
disobedience to a summons or refusal to be  Furnishing weapon is one mode of committing the
sworn. crime.
 It can be committed outside penal institution with
24. Preventing legislative meeting respect to detention prisoner.
 Committed by any person whose act is tending to
prevent the meeting of the legislative or 29. Infidelity in the custody of prisoners
constitutional bodies by use of force or fraud.  Committed by any public officer ( charged with the
custody and guarding of the prisoner ) who consents
25. Disturbance of Legislative proceeding to the escape of a prisoner sentenced by final
 Committed by any person who disturbs the meeting judgment or a detention prisoner in his custody or
of Congress or its committee or in the presence of charge, or allows such escape through his
such body behaves in a such manner as to interrupt negligence.
its proceeding or to impair the respect due to it.  If the jail guard is off-duty, he is liable for delivery of
prisoners from jail and not infidelity in the custody of
26. Violation of Parliamentary Immunity prisoner.
 Committed by any person who uses force,  Relaxation of imprisonment is considered
intimidation, threats, or fraud to prevent any Senator, consenting to evasion or infidelity since it makes the
Congressman, Constitutional Commissioner from penalty ineffectual.
attending its meeting or from expressing his opinions  The custodian is also liable for violation of RA 3019
or casting his vote, or since transferring prisoner from jail to his residence
 By any public officer who arrests a senator or is giving undue advantage, preference and benefit to
member of the House and Representatives in all a private party though manifest partiality and evident
offenses punishable by not more than six years bad faith.
imprisonment while the Congress is in session.
30. Escape of prisoner under custody of private person
 Committed by private person whose custody of  Possession of false treasury or bank notes alone,
prisoner or person under arrest has been confided without anything more, is not a criminal offense.
by means of consent or negligence.  “Intent to use” should be proven by the prosecution.
Mere intent to possess is short of what the law
31. Evasion on occasion of calamity required.
 Committed by a convict who, after leaving the penal
institution where he shall have been confided on 4. Falsification of document
occasion of calamity, evades the service of his  Committed by:
sentence by failing to give himself up to the  A public officer, or notary who, taking advantage of
authorities within 48 hours following the issuance of his official position, falsifies a document;
a proclamation by the Chief Executive announcing  An ecclesiastical minister who falsifies document of
the passing away of calamity. such character that its falsification may affect the
civil status of persons;
32. Violation of conditional pardon  A private individual who falsifies public or official
 Committed by a pardonee who violates the document, or commercial such as letter of
conditions of pardon granted by the Chief Executive exchange; or
such as committing the crime.  Any person who falsifies private documents to the
 If the unexpired portion of the penalty is higher than damage of a third party, or with the intent to cause
6 years, the convict shall suffer , she shall suffer such damage
such unexpired portion. If the unexpired portion of  Public document is one authorized by law or
the penalty is not higher than 6 years, the convict regulation or in which a public officer, notary public
shall then suffer penalty of prision correccional in its or any person authorized to administer oaths
minimum period. intervenes for purpose of authenticating the same
and not as party thereof.
CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC INTEREST  Official documents are those documents issued by a
public officer in the performance of his function, or
1. Forgery of great seal, signature or stamp those documents in the execution of which public
 Committed by any person who forges the great seal officer takes part by virtue of his office or documents
of the government or the signature or stamp of the which become part of the public record such as
chief executive, or makes use of such forged seal, petition for habeas corpus.
signature or stamp.  Commercial documents are those documents used
by merchants or businessmen to promote or
2. Forgery and mutilation of coins facilitate trade or credit transactions such as
 Forgery or counterfeiting of coins is committed by certificate of time deposit or documents defined and
any person who makes or imports false coins; utters regulated by commercial law
such false coins with or without connivance with  Private document is a deed or an instrument
counterfeiters or importers; or who possesses such executed by a private person, by which something is
false coin with intent to utter the same but without proved or evidenced.
connivance with counterfeiters or importers.  Acts of falsification
 Mutilation of coins is committed by any person who 1. Counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting,
mutilates coins of the legal currency of the signature or rubric;
Philippines; or imports, utters or possesses such 2. Causing it to appear that persons having
coin with intent to utter but without connivance with participated in any act or proceeding when
mutilators or importers. they did not in fact so participate;
 In forgery, the forged coins include those of legal 3. Attributing to persons who have participated
currency of the Philippines, or foreign country. In in an act or proceeding statements other
mutilation, the mutilated coins are confined to that of than those in fact made by them;
legal currency of the Philippines. 4. Making untruthful statements in a narration
of facts; Falsification by omission
3. Forgery involving bank notes, treasury notes or other 5. Altering true dates;
instruments 6. Making any alteration or intercalation in a
 Committed by any person: genuine document which changes its
 Who forges such instrument by giving it the meaning;
appearance of a true and genuine document or 7. Issuing a document in an authenticated
erases, substitutes, counterfeits or alters it by any form, which purporting to be a copy of an
means the figures, letters, words or signs contained original document, when no such original
therein. exists; including in a authenticated form, a
 Who imports such forged instrument statement contrary to, different from, that of
 Who utters it with or without connivance with forgers the genuine original;
or importers; or 8. Intercalating any instrument or note relative
 Who possesses with intent to use or utter it without to the issue thereof in a registry or official
connivance with forgers or importers book.
principal inducement while the prosecuting attorney
 Feigning is when there is no original signature, shall be liable for offering the false testimony in
handwriting or rubric but simulation of signature, evidence.
handwriting or rubric that does not exist. The
offender caused it to appear that complainant signed 9. Falsification of legislative document, messages and
a document, when in fact he did not do so. certificates
 Falsification of legislative documents is committed
5. Use of falsified document by any person who alters any bill, resolution, or
 Committed by any person who, not being the author ordinance enacted or approved or pending approval
of falsification, knowingly introduces a falsified by Congress, or Sangguniang Panlalawigan,
document contemplated in Article 171 or 172 in Panlungsod or Pambayan without proper authority
evidence in any judicial proceeding, or uses it to the therfor.
damage of another or with the intent to cause such  Falsification of messages is committed by an officer
damage. or employee of a private corporation or government
1. That the offender knew that a document was engaged in the service of sending or receiving
falsified by another person; message, who utters a fictitious message of any
2. That the false document is embraced in the system or falsifies the same.
Article 171 or 172 of RPC.  Using falsified message is committed by any person
3. That he introduced said document in any who uses the said falsified message to the
judicial proceedings or he used such prejudice of third party or with intent to cause such
document that caused damaged or with prejudice
intent to cause damage.  Falsification of certificate is committed by:
 Based on presumption that one who will be 1. A physician or surgeon or private person
benefited of such falsification is presumed to be the who issues a false certificate in connection
author of the crime. with the practice of his profession
2. A public officer or private person who issues
6. Instrument for falsification a false certificate of merit of service, good
 Committed by any person who makes or introduces conduct or similar circumstances.
into the Philippine stamp, dies, marks, or other  Using false certificate is committed by any person,
instruments or implements intended to be used in who knowingly uses such false certificate.
the commission of the offenses of counterfeiting or
falsification. 10. Using fictitious name and concealing true name
 With intent of using them.  Committed by any person who publicly uses a
fictitious name for the purpose of concealing a
7, False testimony or perjury crime, evading the execution of a judgment or
 False testimony is committed by a witness who causing damage.
gives false testimony under oath or solemn  Concealing true name is committed by any person
affirmation in a criminal case against or in favor of who conceals his true name and other personal
the accused, or in other case such as administrative circumstances.
case; or by a person who commits perjury in a sworn  If the use of fictitious name or concealing true name
statement. is committed to obstruct, impede, frustrate criminal
 Perjury is committed by an affiant who knowingly investigation and prosecution, the offender can be
makes untruthful statements upon any material prosecuted for obstruction of justice.
matter in an affidavit or a solemnly affirmed  Publicly means manifestly or ostensibly.
statement before a competent person authorized to
administer an oath in cases in which the law so 11. Illegal use of uniforms or insignia
requires.  Committed by any person who publicly and
 One who maliciously prosecuted another can be improperly makes use of insignia, uniforms or dress
held liable for false testimony or perjury. pertaining to an office not held by such person or to
a class of person of which he is not a member.
8. Offering false testimony in evidence
 Committed by any person who knowingly offers or 12. Usurpation of authority or official function
presents in evidence a false witness or testimony in  Usurpation of authority is committed by any person
any judicial or official proceeding. who knowingly and falsely represents himself to be a
 A police officer, though force, intimidation or threat, public officer, or a foreign public officer. ( Person in
successfully forced the maker to affix his signature authority )
in a sworn affidavit which was used as evidence by  Complex crime is committed when the person who
the prosecuting attorney know fully well that the falsely represents himself as government employee
same was a forgery in a criminal case. Here, the through falsifying official documents.
accused-maker shall not be liable for perjury by  Usurpation official function is committed by any
reason of exempting circumstance of irresistible person who performs an act pertaining to a person
force while the police officer is guilty of perjury by in authority, a public officer, or a foreign public
officer under pretense of official position and without the marked money will not render a hiatus in the
being lawfully entitled to do so. evidence for the prosecution.
 Lawyer and teachers are person in authority for  Attempted stage is when the accused has performed
purposes of applying the provisions of direct assault direct overt acts but not all the acts for its execution
and resistance. Thus, court appearance of a person are present by reason or cause other than his
who is not admitted to practice law is not punishable spontaneous desistance. Consummated stage is
as usurpation of function of a person in authority. when all the act necessary for its execution and
accomplishment are present. Frustrated stage is
13. Machination in Public Auctions when all the acts for its execution are present that
 Committed by any person by: would produce the felony as consequence but it did
1. Who solicits gift or promise as a not produce it by reason or cause other than the
consideration for refraining from taking part independent will of the offender.
in any public auction; or  A buyer who received the dangerous drugs from a
2. Who attempts to cause bidders to stay away pusher for a consideration is liable for possession of
from an auction by threats, gifts, promises or dangerous drugs.
any other artifice, with intent to cause the  Buy-bust is a form of entrapment whereby ways and
reduction of the price of the things means are resorted for the purpose of trapping and
auctioned. capturing lawbreakers in the execution of their
criminal plan; it is a procedure sanction by law and
14. Monopolies and combination which has consistently proved itself to be an
 Committed by any person who enters into an effective method of apprehending drug peddler.
agreement or takes part in any conspiracy or  The mere fact that the police officer has deceived
combination in the form of a trust or otherwise to the seller into believing that the former were buyers
restrain trade or commerce or to prevent by artificial of dangerous drugs does not exculpate the latter
means, free competition in the market. from liability for selling the prohibited drugs.
 Officers who knowingly participate and conspire with  Delivery of dangerous drug is any act of knowingly
other persons or failed to prevent the commission is passing a dangerous drug to another, personally or
equally liable for the crime of combination or otherwise, and by any means, with or without
monopplies. consideration.
 Administering is an act of introducing any dangerous
15. Falsely marked merchandise made of precious metals drug into the body of any person, with or without
 Committed by any person who knowingly imports or his/her knowledge, by injection, inhalation, ingestion
sells or disposes of merchandise made of precious or other means or of committing any act of
metals, or their alloys, with stamps, brands or marks, indispensable assistance to a person in
which fail to indicate the actual fineness or quality administering a dangerous drug to himself.
thereof.  Broker means to act as agent in arranging any of
 Altering the marks of the fineness of precious metal these transactions; it refers to an agent employed to
and then selling it is estafa. make bargains and contract for compensations;
middleman or negotiator.
CRIMES RELATIVE TO OPIUM AND OTHER  Animus possidendi presupposes that the accused
PROHIBITED DRUGS acted with intelligence and knowledge.
 Illegal possession of dangerous drugs absorbs the
1. Violations of Section 4 and 5 of RA 9165 are committed used of dangerous drugs. However if the user-
by: possessor only possesses a drug paraphernalia with
 That the offender imports, or transports, delivers, traces of shabu, he is not liable for possession of
sells, trades, administers, dispenses, give aways to dangerous drugs.
another, distributes, dispatches in transit, dangerous  Possession of marijuana is absorbed in the sale
drugs, or acts as broker in such transactions; thereof, except where the seller is further
 That this activity is not authorized by law, and apprehended in possession of another quantity of
 The offender knows that what he is dealing with is a prohibited drugs not covered by or included in the
dangerous drug. sale and which are probably intended for some
 Animus possidendi in possession of dangerous future dealings or use by the seller.
drugs presupposes knowledge that accused was  Well-settled rule that in the crime of illegal sale of
dealing with dangerous drugs. dangerous drugs necessarily includes the crime of
 In sale of dangerous drugs; to consummate the possession of possession of dangerous drug.
crime, the prosecution must prove that the prohibited  The possessor of drug paraphernalia shall be
drugs are being delivered ( actual or constructive ) to presumed to have used dangerous
the apprehending officer or poseur-buyer. drug. Despite such presumption, it is submitted that
Otherwise, the offender is only liable for attempted the person arrested for possession of drug
sale of prohibited drugs. paraphernalia must be subjected to screening
 Non-receipt of the buy-bust money is not a defense laboratory examination or test and confirmatory test.
or failure of the prosecution to present as evidence
 The penalty for a use of dangerous drugs committed 4. That such witness is not convicted by final
by a first time offender is a minimum of six months judgment any offense involving moral
rehabilitation. The penalty of rehabilitation is not turpitude
subject to the Indeterminate Sentence Law for not 5. That such witness shall comply all the
being a prison sentence. Minority cannot be conditions set forth as State Witness
appreciated. Preventive imprisonment may be 6. That the witness does not appear as the
credited in the service of the penalty of rehabilitation. most guilty.
 To establish the chain of custody, the prosecution
must show the movement of the dangerous from its
confiscation up to its presentation in court. The CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALS
purpose of establishing the chain of custody is to
ensure the integrity of the corpus delicti. 1. Trafficking in Persons Act. as amended
1. The seizure, and marking, if practicable, of  Acts of trafficking
the illegal drug recovered from the accused 1. Recruitment, obtaining, hiring, providing,
by the apprehending officer; offering, transportation, transfer,
2. The turn-over of the illegal drug seized by maintaining, harboring, or receipt of
the apprehending officer to the investigation trafficked victim.
officer;  Means to commit trafficking
3. The turn-over by the investigating officer to 1. By means of threat, use of force, or other
the forensic chemist for laboratory forms of coercion, abduction, fraud,
examination; deception, abuse of power or of position,
4. The turn-over and submission of the marked taking advantage of the vulnerability of the
illegal drug seized from the forensic chemist person, or the giving or receiving of payment
to the court. or benefits to achieve the consent of a
 Non-compliance with the rule on chain of custody person having control over another person.
will not make the seizure invalid as long as the  Consent of minor is not an element; and present of it
prosecution can prove proof that the integrity and is not a valid defense.
evidentiary value of the seized drugs are preserved  Purpose of trafficking is for sexual exploitation
and there is justifiable ground for the non (pornography, prostitution), labor exploitation
compliance. Raising as a defense of non- ( slavery, forced labor, debt bondage ) or organ
compliance cannot be made for the first time on exploitation.
appeal.  Child Trafficking is committed by any person who
1. The place of seizure is in remote area; engages in trading and dealing with children such an
2. There is threat of retaliatory attack by act of buying and selling of child for money or other
members of the syndicate; consideration. If the purpose is for sexual, labor or
3. The elected official themselves were organ exploitation, the accused is to be charged with
involved in the criminal act; qualified trafficking in person.
4. Time-constraint and urgency  Child Prostitution is committed by those who engage
5. Earnest effort to secure the presence of in or promote, facilitate or induce child prostitution
these required witnesses prove futile which includes; acting as procurer of a child
through no fault of the arresting officer. prostitute; inducing a person to be client of a child
 To overcome the presumption of regularity in the prostitute; taking advantage of influence or
handling of exhibits by public officers, the accused relationship; threat or using force or violence
has the burden to show that the evidence has been towards a child; giving money consideration.
tampered with.
 The practice of requiring offender to sign such 2. Vagrancy
receipt, which is tantamount to an extra-judicial  RA 10158 has decriminalized vagrancy by omitting
confession for the commission of the offense, is a portions of Article 202 involving crimes of vagrancy
violation of his constitutional right to remain silent. since lawmakers considered vagrants as victims of
 Non-presentation of informant is justified since the poverty and law on vagrancy serves to oppress the
purpose of which is to protect the identity and their very people that the government sought to protect.
safety from reprisal and to encourage of others to
report wrongdoings to the police authorities. 3. Grave scandal
 Accused can apply for State Witness;  Committed by any person who offends against
1. That such testimony will lead to the decency or good customs by a highly scandalous
conviction of other accused; conduct not constituting other felony.
2. That such testimony is not available or in  Exposing naked body in a private pool where the
possession to the State; pool is exposed from higher tenants shall be liable
3. That such testimony can be corroborated on for grave scandal since the act is offensive to
all material points; decency or good customs.

4. Immoral Doctrine
 Committed by any person who publicly expounds or  To be unjust, the decision must be contrary to law or
proclaims doctrines openly contrary to public morals. unsupported by the evidence and rendered with
conscious and deliberate intent to do an injustice.
5. Unlawful use of publication
 Committed by any person who: 3. Malicious delay
1. Publishes or causes to be published as  Committed by a judge guilty of malicious delay in the
news any false news which may endanger administration of justice.
the public order, or cause damage to the
interest or credit of the State; or who 4. Dereliction of Duty
encourages disobedience to the law or to  Committed by a public officer, or officer of the law
the constituted authorities or praise, justify, who maliciously refrains from instituting a criminal
or extol any act punished by law by means prosecution of violators of the law in dereliction of
of printing, lithography, or any other means the duties of his office.
of publication;
2. Maliciously publishes or causes to be 5. Tolerance
published any official resolution or document  Committed by an officer of the law who tolerates the
without proper authority, or before they have commission of the offenses.
been published officially; or  In dereliction of the duties of his office, the public
3. Prints, publishes or distributes or causes to officer, whose duty is to prosecute criminals, knows
be printed, published or distributed books, the commission of the crime, but he does not cause
pamphlets, periodicals, or leaflets which do the prosecution of the criminal. In tolerance, such
not bear the real printer’s name, or which officer knows that a crime is about to
are classified as anonymous. to be committed, but he tolerates its commission.

6. Anti-gambling law 6. Revelation of secrets and betrayal of trust

 Committed by any person who, in any manner  Committed by an attorney at law who prejudice his
directly or indirectly takes part in any unauthorized client, or reveals any of the secrets of the latter
game scheme whether upon chance or skill, wherein learned by him in his professional capacity by any
wagers consisting of money, articles of value or malicious breach of professional duty or inexcusable
representative of value are at stake or made. negligence or ignorance.
 Betrayal of trust is committed by an attorney at law
CRIMES COMMITTED BY PUBLIC OFFICERS who having undertaken the defense of a client or
having received confidential information from him in
1. Anti-graft Corrupt and Practices act a case, undertakes the defense of the opposing
 As a general rule, a private individual can be held party in the same case, without consent of his first
liable for violation of RA 3019 if he conspired with a client.
public officer in committing this crime. But a private
individual can be charged alone without a co- 7. Direct Bribery
accused, if the public officer with whom he conspired  By agreeing to perform a criminal act
in committing this crime died prior to the filing of 1. Committed by any public officer who agrees
information. to perform an act, which constitutes a crime,
 in addition to acts or omissions of public officers in connection with the performance of his
already penalized by existing law, the following shall official duties and in consideration of gift or
constitute corrupt practices of any public officer. It is present offered or promised to, or received
clear then that one may be charged with violation of by him, personally or through the mediation
RA 3019 in addition to a felony under the RPC for of another.
the same act.  By accepting gift to perform a non-criminal act
 Section 3(E) is committed by a public officer who  By agreeing to refrain from performing an official
causes any undue injury to any party including the duty
government, by giving the other party unwarranted 1. Public officer; includes those persons
benefit, advantage or preference in the discharge of performing public duties
his official administrative or judicial function through 2. Agreement; the public officer must agree to
manifest partiality and evident bad faith or gross perform or refrain to perform an act
inexcusable negligence. 3. Acceptance of gift or present; mere offer or
promise is enough to make the agreement
2. Rendering unjust judgment or interlocutory order constitutive of direct bribery
 Committed by a judge who knowingly renders an 4. Implementation of agreement;
unjust judgment in any case submitted to him for implementation of the agreement or
decision or interlocutory; or renders a manifest commission of the crime agreed upon is not
unjust judgment or interlocutory order by reason of an element thereof. However, if the public
inexcusable negligence or ignorance. officer committed the crime agreed upon, he
shall be held liable for that crime in addition between the government and any other party,
to direct bribery wherein the public officer in his official capacity has
5. Official duties; the act which the officer to intervene under the law.
agreed to commit or omit is connected with  Within Contract or transaction ( Bir examiner );
his official duty. ( Mayor or Sangguinian )
8. Qualified direct bribery  has to intervene under the law.
 Committed by a public officer entrusted with law
enforcement, who refrains from arresting or 13. Section 3(C) of RA 3019
prosecuting an offender who has committed a crime  Committed by a public officer who shall directly or
punishable by reclusion perpetua and or death in indirectly request or receive any gift, present or other
consideration of gift or present given, offered or pecuniary or material benefit, for himself or for
promised to him, or asked or demanded by him. another, from any person for whom the public
officer, in any manner or capacity, has secured or
9. Indirect bribery obtained, or will secure or obtain, any government
 Committed by any public officer who shall accept gift permit or license, in consideration for the help given
offered to him by reason of his office. or to be given.
 The essential ingredient of indirect bribery is that the  Unsolicited gifts or presents of small or insignificant
public officer concerned must have accepted the gift value offered or given as a mere ordinary token of
or material consideration. gratitude or friendship according to local customs or
 When the judge has rendered a decision against the usage, shall be excepted from the provisions of RA
plaintiff shall not be liable for direct bribery by 3019.
performing a criminal act since the judgment is
against the one who made the bribe. However, the 14. Section 4(A) of RA 3019
judge may be liable for indirect bribery since the  Committed by any person who shall capitalize or
bribe is in connection with his official duties as judge exploit or take advantage of his family or close
while the bribe-giver will be liable of corruption of personal relation with any public official by directly or
public officer. indirectly requesting or receiving any present, gift or
material or pecuniary advantage from any other
10. Corruption of public officer person having some business, transaction,
 Committed by any person who shall offer or promise application, request or contract with the government,
or shall give the gifts or presents to a public officer, in which such public official has to intervene.
who commits direct bribery, qualified direct bribery
or indirect bribery. 15. Section 3(J) of RA 3019
 But if the public officer rejects the offer, the private  Committed by a public officer who shall knowingly
individual is liable for attempted corruption of public approve, or grant any license, permit, privilege or
officer while such public officer is not criminally benefit to a person, who is not qualified for or
liable. entitled to it, or mere representative or dummy of
 But of the public officer, demands, solicit or requests such unqualified person.
from a private individual but the latter refused to
agree. Such public officer is not liable of direct 16. Section 3(F) of RA 3019
bribery but shall be liable for violating the code of  Committed by a public officer who shall neglect or
conduct for public official for soliciting any money or refuse without sufficient justification to act within a
gift by reason of his functions or duties. reasonable time on any matter pending before him
 In case of entrapment, the public officer is liable for after due demand or request for the purpose of: (1)
direct bribery while the bribe-giver is not liable for obtaining, directly or indirectly, from any person
corruption of public officer because of lack of evil interested in the matter some pecuniary or material
intent and since his intent is not criminal or evil. benefit or advantage; (2) favoring his own interest;
(3) giving undue advantage in favor of interested
11. Section 3(A) of RA 3019 party; (4) discriminating against other interested
 Committed by a public officer who shall persuade, party.
induce or influence another public officer to perform
an act constituting an offense or a violation of rules 17. Section 3(D) of RA 3019
and regulations in connection with his official duties.  Committed by a public officer who shall accept or
The public officer, who shall allow himself to be have any member of his family accept employment
persuaded, induced, or influenced to commit such in a private enterprise which has pending official
violation or offense is also liable. business with him during the pendency thereof or
within one year after its termination.
12. Section 3(B) of RA 3019  Family relation shall include the spouse or relatives
 Committed by a public officer who shall directly or by consanguinity or affinity in the third civil degree.
indirectly request or receive any gift, present, share,
percentage, or benefit for himself or for any other 18. Section 3(G) of RA 3019
person in connection with any contract or transaction
 Committed by a public officer who shall enter on  Committed by an appointive public officer who shall,
behalf of the government into any contract or directly or indirectly, become interested in any
transaction manifestly or grossly disadvantageous to transaction of exchange or speculation within the
the same. territory subject to his jurisdiction during his
 For double jeopardy to exist, the elements of one incumbency.
offense should ideally encompass or include those
of the other. What the rule on double jeopardy 21. Possession of prohibited interest
prohibits refers to identity of elements in the two  Committed by a public officer who, directly or
offenses. indirectly, shall become interested in any contract or
 Behest loan: business in which it is his official duty to intervene.
a. It is under-collateralized;  Actual fraud is not necessary, the act is punished
b. The borrower corporation is because of the possibility that fraud may be
undercapitalized; committed or that the officer may place his own
c. Direct or indirect endorsement by interest above the government or the party which he
high government officials like represents.
presence of marginal notes;
d. Stockholders, officers or agents of 22. Section 3(H) of RA 3019
the borrower corporation are  Committed by a public officer who directly or
identified as cronies ( of high indirectly shall have financing or pecuniary interest
government officials ) in any business, contract or transaction in
e. Deviation of use of loan proceeds connection with which he intervenes or takes part in
from the purpose intended; his official capacity, or in which he is prohibited by
f. Use of corporate layering; the constitution or bay any law from any interest.
g. Non-feasibility of the project for  Under the 1987 Constitution, the following persons
which financing is being sought; shall not, directly or indirectly, be interested
h. Extraordinary speed in which the financially in any contract with, or in any franchise or
loan release was made special privilege granted by the government, or any
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof,
19. Frauds against the public treasury including any government owned or controlled
 Committed by a public officer who, in his official corporation, or its subsidiary during his term of
capacity of dealing with one furnishing supplies, or office; The president; Vice president; members of
of making contracts, adjustment or settlement of the cabinet and their deputies or assistants;
account relating to public property or funds, shall senators or members of the house of
enter into an agreement with any interested party or representatives and members of a constitutional
speculator or make use of any other scheme, to commission.
defraud the government.
 It is also committed by public officer entrusted with 23. Section 5 of RA 3019
the collection of taxes, licenses, fees and other  Committed by a spouse or any relative, by
imposts: consanguinity or affinity, within the third civil degree,
a. Who shall demand, directly or of the Philippines of the Philippines, the Vice
indirectly, the payment of sums President of the Philippines, the President of the
different from or larger than those Senate, or the Speaker of the House to intervene,
authorized by law; directly or indirectly in any business, transaction,
b. Shall voluntarily to issue a receipt contract or application with the government, except
for any sum of money collected by when the dealing is already commenced, existing or
him officially as provided by law; pending prior to his assumption of office, has no
c. Shall collect or receive directly or discretion in approving and the person who is
indirectly, by way of payment or responsible for the approval has lawfully performing
otherwise things or objects of a his official duty.
nature different from that provided
by law. 24. Section 6 of RA 3019
 The gravamen of this crime is “entering into an  Committed by any member of the congress who
agreement or making use of scheme” with intent to shall acquire or receive during the term for which he
defraud the government by making ghost deliveries. has been elected any personal pecuniary interest in
 If the treasurer falsified a document to collect from any specific business enterprise which will be
the taxpayer a certain amount and failed to remit the directly and particularly favored or benefited by any
same to government, the crime committed is law or resolution authored by him previously
complex crime of malversation through falsification approved or adopted by the congress during the
of document since the falsification is a necessary same term.
means to commit the crime of malversation.
25. Section 3(I) of RA 3019
20. Prohibited transactions
 Committed by any public officer who shall, directly or was made, and that he could not satisfactorily
indirectly, become interested, for personal gain, or explain his failure to do so.
having a material interest in any transaction or act  Restitution coupled with non-personal use of the
requiring the approval of a board, panel or group of funds were treated as a defense.
which he is a member, and which exercises  Restitution of fund is a mitigating circumstance
discretion in such approval. analogous to voluntary surrender if it swas
 It is committed even if the offender votes against the immediately and voluntarily made before the case
same or does not participate in the action of the was institutued.
board, committee, panel or group.
 Interest for personal gain shall be presumed against 27. Failure to render accounting
those public officers responsible for the approval of  Committed by a public officer whether in the service
manifestly unlawful, inequitable or irregular or separated therefrom by resignation or any other
transaction or acts by the board, panel or group to cause, who fails to render account to the
which they belog. commission on audit or provincial auditor as
required by law or regulation after two months from
26. Malversation the time such accounts should be rendered.
 Committed by public officer who, being accountable  It is also committed by a public officer who
for public funds or property by reason of the duties unlawfully leaves or attempts to leave the Phiilippine
of his office, appropriates the same, or takes or without securing a certificate from the COA showing
misappropriates, or consents to the taking thereof by that his accounts have been finally settled.
other person or permits him to take it through  Mere failure to render an account within the period
abandonment or negligence. provided by law consummates the crime of failure to
 The provision on malversation shall apply to any render accounting.
administrator or depository of funds or property
attached, seized or deposited by public authority, 28. Technical malversation
even if such property belongs to a private individual.  Committed by a public officer who applies a public
 Misappropriation of a loose firearm confiscated by fund or property under his administration to any
the police officer is malversation since the firearm public use other than that for which such fund or
was under custodia legis. property was appropriated by law or ordinance.
 Misappropriation of licensed firearm is not  There must be a law or ordinance appropriating
malversation because the same for not being a funds or money for a specific project.
loose firearm was not under custodia legis. The  The offense is malum prohibitum, meaning that the
crime committed is estafa through misappropriation prohibited act is not inherently immoral but becomes
since the police officer, who took the firearm, a criminal offense because positive law forbids its
acquired juridical possession over it by reason of commission based on considerations of public
commodatum. policy, order and convenience.
 A public official, who is not responsible for public  An accused acquitted of malversation cannot be
funds or property and without authority to safeguard convicted of technical malversation since the latter
the same cannot be convicted of malversation. does not include, or is not necessarily included in
 Misappropriation of dangerous drug although former charged in the information because they are
impressed with character of public properties is not distinctively different from each other.
malversation but misappropriation or failure to
render accounts. 29. Failure to make delivery
 By receiving the property, the same shall be placed  Committed by any public officer: 1. Who, being
under the custody of the public officer making him as under obligation to make payment from government
accountable officer under Government Auditing funds in his possession, fails to make such payment;
Code and LG Code. or 2. Who, being ordered by competent authority to
 Modes of committing malversation: deliver a property in his custody or under his
a. Malversation through administration, refuses to make such delivery.
misappropriation  The provisions on malversation, technical
b. Malversation through taking ( by malversation, failure to render accounting and failure
means of dolo or culpa ) to make delivery are also applicable to private
 If the accused is charged of intentional malversation, person if such private person has been charged of
but the evidence shows that the crime is committed public fund entrusted by government or private
through negligence, he can be convicted of culpable property under custodia legis.
malversation because of the variance rule. Dolo or
culpa is just a mode of committing malversation. 30. Infidelity in the custody of document
 In the crime of malversation, all that is necessary for  Committed by: (1) a public officer who removes,
conviction is sufficient proof that the accountable destroys or conceals documents or papers officially
officer had received public funds, that he did not entrusted to him, which causes damage, serious or
have them in his possession when demand therefor not, to a third party or to the public interest.
 Committed by public officer who being charged with whose penalties shall be imposable without
the custody of papers or properly sealed by proper prejudice to any other criminal liability for by
authority breaks the seals or permits them to be domestic and international laws.
broken.  Other form of torture is committed if the act will
 Committed by public officer who opens or permits to cause such level of severity causing suffering, gross
be opened a closed papers, documents or objects humiliation or debasement to the latter.
entrusted to his custody without proper authority.  Any person who actually took part in the commission
of criminal act shall be liable as principal by direct
31. Revelation of secrets participation and the one who concur with the latter
 Committed by a public officer who wrongfully by indispensable cooperation without his
delivers papers or copies of papers of which may cooperation the criminal act will not be accomplished
have charge and which should not be published, or and accomplice where the latter performs an act not
 Committed by a public officer who wrongfully reveals as principal but by simultaneous or subsequent act
secrets of the government or private individual providing the principal with material and moral aid or
known to him by reason of his official duty. by accessory by concealing, harboring or assisting
the escape of the principal with the abuse of his
32. Section 3(K) of RA 3019 official function.
 Committed by a public officer shall divulge valuable  A superior officer on the basis of command
information of a confidential character acquired by responsibility is also liable for torture as principal for
his office or by him on account of his official position any act or omission or negligence committed by him
to unauthorized person, or releasing such that shall have led, assisted, abetted or allowed,
information in advance of its authorized release whether directly or indirectly the commission thereof
date. The person urging such public officer to by his subordinates or failure, despite his previous
commit the act complained of is also equally liable. knowledge of such fact to prevent or take some
measure before, during and after the commission of
33. Disobedience such crime.
 Committed by any judicial or executive officer who
shall openly refuse to execute the judgment, 36. Maltreatment of prisoners
decision or order of any superior authority made  Committed by a public officer who is charged with
within the scope of its jurisdiction and issued with all the custody and supervision of detained prisoner
the legal formalities. and or convicted prisoner, imposes upon the latter
 Disobedience to order of superior officer is punishment not authorized by the regulations or by
committed by a public officer who, having for any inflicting such punishment in a cruel and humiliating
reason suspended the execution of the orders of his manner. The crime is qualified if the purpose thereof
superior, disobeys such superiors after the latter is to extort a confession, or to obtain some
have disapproved the suspension. information from the prisoner.

34. Refusal 37. Anticipation of duties of public officer

 Refusal of assistance is committed by a public  Committed by any person who assumes the
officer who fails to lend his cooperation towards the performance of the duties and powers of a public
administration of justice or other public service upon office or employment without first being sworn in or
demand from competent authority. having given the bond required by law.
 Refusal to discharge elective office is committed by  Under our present constitution, all public officers and
any person who, having been elected by popular employees shall take an oath or affirmation to
election to a public office, refuses to without legal uphold the defend the constitution. Failure to take an
motive to be sworn in or to discharge the duties of oath or affirmation before assuming office constitute
said office. the crime of Anticipation of duties of public officer.

35. Anti-torture act of 2009 38. Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Net worth ( SALN
 Torture refers to an act by which severe pain or )
suffering whether physical or mental is intentionally  Under the present Constitution, it provides that a
inflicted on a person for purpose of obtaining from public officer or employee shall, upon assumption of
him or third person information or confession; office and as often thereafter as may be required by
punishing him for an act he or third person has law, submit a declaration under oath of his assets,
committed or is suspected of having committed; or liabilities and net worth.
intimidating or coercing him or third person has  Failure to file SALN as required by law is a violation
committed. of Section 8 of RA 6713 and Section 7 of RA 3019.
 Torture as a crime shall not absorb or shall not be They are required to be file on or before April 30, of
absorbed by any other crime or felony committed as every year.
a consequence, or as a means in the conduct or  It excludes public officials and employees who serve
commission thereof. In which case, torture shall be in an honorary capacity, laborers and casual or
treated as a separate and independent criminal act temporary workers from the filing of SALN.
 Committed by a public officer who shall knowingly
39. Prolonging performance of duties and power nominate or appoint to any public office any person
 Committed by a public officer who continues to lacking the legal qualifications therefor.
exercise the duties and powers of his office,  Appointing of losing candidate in the government
employment or commission, beyond the period despite the one-year constitutional prohibition
provided by law, regulation or special provisions constitutes the crime of unlawful appointment.
applicable to the case.
46. Abuse of chastity
40. Abandonment of office or position  Committed by:
 Committed by a public officer who abandons his a. Public officer who solicits or makes
office before the acceptance of his resignation to the immoral or indecent advances to a
detriment of the public service. The crime is qualified woman interested in the matters
if he abandons his office in order to evade the duty pending before such officer for
of preventing, prosecuting or punishing ay crime decision, or with respect to which he
against national security, any crimes against the law is required to submit a report to or
of nations, and certain crimes against public consult with a superior officer; or
disorder. b. A warden or other public officer
directly charged with the care and
41. Resignation custody of prisoners or persons
 No public officer shall be allowed to resign or retire under arrest who solicit or make
pending investigation, criminal or administrative, or immoral or indecent advances to a
pending a prosecution against him, or any offense woman under his custody, or his
under RA 3019 or under the provisions of the RPC wife, daughter, sister or relative
on bribery. within the same degree by affinity.
 Nevertheless, if at the time he resigns or retires, a  Actual seduction is not an element of this crime.
public official is facing administrative or criminal Abuse of chastity is consummated as the price
investigation or prosecution, such resignation or moment that the public officer solicited or proposed
retirement will not cause the dismissal of the criminal immoral or indecent advances to a woman under his
or administrative proceedings against him. custody because the law uses the word “solicit”.

42. Usurpation of powers 47. Anti-plunder act, as amended 7659

 Usurpation of legislative powers is committed by a  Committed by any public officer who shall amass,
public officer ( ANY ) who shall encroach upon the accumulate or acquire ill-gotten wealth through a
powers of the legislative branch of the government combination or series of overt or criminal acts
by making general rules or regulations beyond the (predicate crimes) in the aggregate amount or total
scope of his authority, or by attempting to repeal a value of at least 50M by himself or in connivance
law or suspending the execution thereof. with other persons.
 Usurpation of executive functions is committed by a  By adopting the technical nomenclature of the
judge who shall assume a power pertaining to the penalty under the RPC, the penal provisions of the
executive authorities, or shall obstruct the latter in Code apply to plunder.
the lawful exercise of their powers.  Any person who participated with the said public
 Usurpation of judicial functions is committed by officer in the commission of an offense contributing
public officer of the executive branch who shall to the crime of plunder shall likewise be punished for
assume judicial powers or shall obstruct the such offense.
execution of any order or decision rendered by any  The word combination means at least two different
judge within his jurisdiction. predicate crimes; while the term series means at
least two predicate crimes of the same kind.
43. Disobeying request for disqualification  What is punishable under the law is “acts of plunder”
 Committed a public officer who shall continue a which means that there should be at least, two or
proceeding after having been lawfully required to more, predicate crimes. ( malversation; bribery and
refrain from so doing before the question of violation of section 3(e) of RA 3019 )
jurisdiction is decided.  Single conspiracy
 Wheel conspiracy; the principal ( hub ) amasses,
44. Orders or requests by executive officers to judicial accumulates and acquires ill-gotten wealth in
authority connivance with others ( the spokes ). The rim that
 Committed by an executive officer who shall enclosed the spokes was the common goal in the
address an order or suggestion to any judicial overall conspiracy. If the other spokes ( public officer
authority with respect to any case or business or private individuals ) were not identified, each of
coming its exclusive jurisdiction. them is only liable for whatever they have received
in the transaction and the same will not be added in
45. Unlawful appointment the computation of 50M threshold.
 Chain conspiracy
 Preventive susupension: not to exceed 90 days; e. By pharmacist who, without proper
LGU- elective officials not exceeding 60 days prescription from a physician,
a. A public officer ( whether appointive dispenses any abortive.
or elective ) is charged with Anti-  Abortion is committed by employing violence upon
graft; RPC such as malversation, the pregnant woman, giving her abortive substance
bribery, or offense involving fraud or by other means with intent to cause abortion; and
upon government or public funds or as a result thereof, the fetus dies either in the womb
property; or after having been expelled therefrom; or killing a
b. The public officer is being criminally non-viable fetus ( intrauterine life of 6 mos. and
prosecuted under a valid below ) outside the maternal womb. If viable and
information; the child dies within 3 days, the crime is not abortion
c. Pre-suspension hearing is or unintentional abortion but infanticide.
conducted. ( Court )
 Preventive suspension cannot amount to a 3. Infanticide
deprivation of property without due process of law.  Committed by any person who shall kill a child less
Public office is a “public agency or trust,” and it is not than three days of age.
the property envisioned by the constitution.  Born-alive and viable infant of less than three days
 The suspension from the employment or public old
office during the trial or in order to institute  Killing a three days old infant is murder since
proceedings shall not be considered as penalty. It is treachery is always present if the victim is a child.
not a penalty because it is not imposed as a result of Minor children, who by reason of their tender years,
judicial proceeding. In fact, if acquitted, the official cannot be expected to put a defense.
concerned shall be entitled to reinstatement and to
the salaries and benefits, which he failed to receive Mother Child With intent to Intrauterine Crim
during suspension. This is merely preventive kill ( Fetus life
measures before final judgement. died died yes Less than 6 Parr
mos. Unin
died died yes More than 6 Parr
1. Unintentional abortion mos. (Com
 Committed by any person who unintentionally Injured died no More than 6 Phy
causes an abortion by violence. mos. unin
a. That there is a pregnant woman; Died Died Yes More than 6 Parr
b. That violence is used upon such mos. died (Com
pregnant woman without intending after 36
an abortion; hours
c. That the violence is intentionally Died Died Yes More than 6 Dou
exerted; mos. died (Com
d. That as a result of the violence, the after 3 days
fetus dies either in womd or after
having been expelled therefrom.  Concealment of dishonor is an extenuating
circumstance since it reduces the penalty prescribed
2. Abortion for abortion committed by pregnant mother or
 Committed by: parents.
a. A person who intentionally causes  Concealment of dishonor in abortion can be
an abortion with violence against appreciated in favor of pregnant woman but not in
the pregnant woman, or without or favor of parents of the pregnant mother.
with her consent  Concealment of dishonor in infanticide can be
b. By the pregnant woman, who appreciated in favor of pregnant woman and the
practice an abortion upon herself or parents of the woman.
consents the other person should  Concealment of dishonor cannot be appreciated in
do so whether the purpose is to abortion or infanticide by the father or fraternal
conceal her dishonor or not grandparents of the fetus or infant.
c. By the parent of the pregnant  Concealment of dishonor cannot be appreciated in
woman with the consent of said parricide favor of mother since the degree of
woman for the purpose of motivation to kill the child to conceal dishonor is
concealing her dishonor expected to wane after the mother took care him for
d. By physician or midwife who, taking three days or more.
advantage of their scientific
knowledge or skill, cause an 4. Parricide
abortion or assist in the causing the  Committed by any person who shall kill his father,
same; mother or child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, or
his legitimate other ascendants, or descendants, or body at which the weapon was aimed, as shown by
his legitimate spouse without qualifying the wounds inflicted.
circumstance of infanticide.  Intent to kill is conclusively presumed if the offender
 Victim is parent or child, the relationship may be intentionally inflicted injury upon the victim who died
either legitimate or illegitimate as a consequence. The penal law looks particularly
 Victim is spouse, grandparent, grandchild, the to the material results of the wrongful act done and
relationship must be legitimate holds the aggressor responsible for all the
 Killing an adopted child is not liable for parricide consequences thereof. However, the person who
since adopted son does not fall within the kills a person without intent to kill, praeter
contemplation of the law on parricide. However, intentionem as mitigiating circumstance shall be
ordinary circumstance of relationship shall be appreciated in his favor.
 The qualifying circumstance of relationship in 6. Terrorism
parricide is personal. Hence, it can be appreciated  Committed by any person who shall sow or create a
against the wife but not against co-conspirator who condition of widespread and extraordinary fear and
is not related to her husband. panic among the populace in order to compel the
 He is liable for wrongful act done, that is parricide, government to give in with their unlawful demands
although it differs from wrongful act intended, and  Multiple qualifying circumstances:
that is, homicide. a. Doctrine of absorption
b. The rule on qualifying circumstance
5. Murder and aggravating circumstance
 Committed by any person who shall kill another c. Rule on infanticide, parricide and
person without the qualifying circumstance in murder
infanticide and parricide, and with any of the  Under the doctrine of absorption, if there are two or
following circumstances: more circumstances based on the same incident,
a. In consideration of price or reward only one will be appreciated while the others are
or promise; absorbed.
b. Evident premeditation;
c. Treachery; 7. Homicide
d. Taking advantage of superior  Committed by any person who kills another without
strength; the qualifying circumstance in infanticide, parricide,
e. Aid of armed men; or murder. The penalty is reclusion temporal but if
f. Employing means to weaken the the victim is below 12 years of age, the penalty is
defense; reclusion perpetua.
g. Employing means or persons to  The evidence to prove intent to kill may consist of,
insure or afford impunity; the means used; the nature, location and number of
h. Cruelty wounds sustained by the victim; and the conduct of
i. Outraging or scoffing at his person the malefactors before, at the time of, or immediately
or corpse; after the killing of the victim.
j. By means of inundation, fire,  But if the victim did not die as a consequence of
explosion, shipwreck, stranding of a wounds caused by an act committed with malice,
vessel, derailment or assault upon intent to kill must be established beyond reasonable
railroad, fall of an airship; doubt. If intent to kill is proven, the crime committed
k. By means of motor vehicle; is frustrated or attempted homicide. If intent to kill is
l. With use of any other means not prove, the crime committed is physical injuries.
involving great waste and ruin;
m. occasion of calamity 8. Mutilation
 Committed by person who shall intentionally mutilate
another by depriving him, either, totally or partially,
 Intent to kill: of his reproductive organ.
a. Intent to kill as an element of  Other intentional mutilation is committed by person
murder or homicide who intentionally mutilates another depriving him,
b. Lack of intent to kill to appreciate either totally or partially, of his non-reproductive
the mitigating circumstance of organ.
praeter intentionem  Intent to mutilate is an indispensable element of
c. Intent to kill as requisite of the mutilation. If the accused intentionally used violence
qualifying circumstance of by means upon the victim without intent to mutilate, but as a
of fire, poison or explosion. consequence, parts of his body was mutilated, the
 Intent to kill is not presumed where the victim did not crime committed is serious physical injuries.
die. Intent to kill is shown by the kind of weapon  Physical violence against women and children. is
used by the offender and the parts of the victim’s with whom the offender has a marital, sexual or
dating relationship or her child, is punishable under
VAWC law. However, if such physical violence  Committed by any person who assists another to
results to mutilation or, it constitutes attempted, commit suicide, or by any who lends his assistance
frustrated, or consummated parricide, murder or to another to the extent of doing the killing himself.
homicide, the offender shall be punished for such
crime under the RPC and not for the former. 12. Discharge of firearm
 Committed by any person who shoots at another
9. Physical injuries with a firearm, unless the act constitutes frustrated
 Committed by any person who, without, intent to kill or attempted parricide, murder, homicide, or any
or mutilate, shall wound, beat, assault another. other graver crime.
 Serious physical injuries is committed if the victim  Lack of intent to kill is an important element of
suffers insanity, imbecility, impotency, blindness, discharge of firearm.
loss of faculty for speech, hearing or smelling, loss  Non-commission of a graver crime is an important
of any part of the body or use thereof, deformity, element of discharge of firearm.
incapacity for habitual work, permanently or for more
than 90 days, or incapacity or illness for more than 13. Duel
30 days.  Committed by combatants in a duel. This crime is
 Less serious physical injuries is committed if the committed whether or not one kills or inflicts injuries
victim assaulted or wounded suffered incapacity for upon his adversary. The seconds shall in all events
labor or illness requiring medical attendance of 10 be punished as accomplices.
days but not more than 3o days.  Challenging to a duel is committed by any person
 Slight physical injuries is committed if the victim who challenges another, or incites another to give or
wounded or assaulted suffered incapacity for labor accept a challenge to a duel, or scoffs at or decries
or illness for 1 to 9 days or there is no incapacity or another publicly for having refused to accept a
illness. If the offender shall-ill treat another by deed challenge to fight s duel.
without causing injury, the crime committed is
maltreatment. 14. Anti-hazing law RA 11053
 Bullying refers to any severe or repeated use by one  Hazing refers to any act that results in physical or
or more students of a written, verbal or electronic psychological suffering, harm, or injury inflicted on a
expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any recruit, neophyte, applicant, or member as part of an
combination thereof, directed at another student that initiation rite or practice made as a prerequisite for
has the effect of actually causing or placing the latter admission or a requirement for continuing
in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or membership in a fraternity, sorority, or organization.
damage to his property; creating a hostile  Elements of hazing:
environment at school for the student; infringing the a. That there is initiation rite or practice
rights of the other student at school; or materially made as a prerequisite for
and substantially disrupting the education process or admission or a requirement for
the orderly operation of a school. admission or a requirement for
 Although bullying is not a crime, it only required the continuing membership in a
school authorities to take some measures or fraternity, sorority or organization.
mechanism to prevent bullying and to report such b. That during the initiation rite or
incident to authorities However, if the bullying is practice, physical or psychological
accompanied by any act that would cause physical suffering, harm, or injury is inflicted
injury, unjust vexation, threat or coercion. The on a recruit, neophyte, applicant, or
person responsible shall be criminally liable for member of the fraternity, sorority or
physical injuries, unjust vexation, threat or coercion. organization; and
c. As a consequence of the hazing,
10. Tumultuous affray death, rape, sodomy, or mutilation
 Committed by person or persons identified as results.
responsible for inflicting serious physical injuries or  Failure to allege that the physical or psychological
using violence upon the deceased, who is killed by harm was employed as prerequisite for admission
an unidentified person in the course of tumultuous would prevent the successful prosecution of the
affray. criminal responsibility of the accused, either as
 There is an implied conspiracy where the accused principal or as accomplice, for the crime hazing.
are members of a fraternity, who assaulted  The very act of inflicting physical or psychological
members of a rival fraternity including the deceased. pain is a punishable act. Intent to kill is not an
Members of one fraternity are liable for murder or element of the crime and shall only be the basis for
homicide for the death of a member of other imposing the penalty
fraternity. Because of conspiracy, they are  Mere presence at the scene of crime even not a
collectively liable for the death of the victim even member of the fraternity, sorority or organization
though the actual killer was not identified. during the hazing is prima facie evidence of
participation therein as principal unless such person
11. Giving assistance to suicide or persons prevented the commission of the acts
punishable herein or promptly reported the same to harm; or placing the woman or her child in fear of
the law enforcement authorities if they can do so imminent physical harm.
without peril to the person or their family.  Psychological harm includes an act made to control
 In homicide, consent of the victim to the infliction of the woman or her child or act that caused
harm may negate dolo or criminal intent, which substantial emotional or psychological distress; or
would make the killing punishable as reckless emotional mental anguish to the woman.
imprudence resulting in homicide.  Economic violence is committed by a person who,
 In hazing, criminal responsibility is based on: with the purpose or effect of controlling or restricting
1. Inducing the victim to be present; the movement or conduct of the woman or her child
2. Presence during the initiation rites where by depriving such woman and her child financial
hazing was committed; support legally due her or her family or deliberately
3. Actual participation in inflicting physical providing her children insufficient financial support;
harm; or prevent the woman in engaging in any legitimate
4. Presumed participation of those who are profession, occupation, business or activity or
present during the hazing; controlling the victim’s own money or properties or
5. The presence of adviser; solely controlling the conjugal or common properties.
6. Participation in the planning;
7. Knowledge by the parent of frat member in 16. Special protection of children against abuse, exploitation
the home of whom hazing occurred, owner and discrimination
or lessee of the place of commission and  Under Child Abuse Law, a child is a person below
school authorities. 18 years of age; or a person over 18 years of age
but is unable to fully take care of themselves or
15. Anti-violence against women and children act of 2004 protect themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty,
 The victim is a woman with whom the offender has exploitation or discrimination because of physical or
marital, sexual or dating relationship and against her mental disability or condition.
children.  If an offender, 15 years of age, committed acts of
 A casual acquaintance or ordinary socialization cruelty against a victim, 17 years of age, it is
between two individuals in a business or social submitted that the former cannot be prosecuted for
context is not a dating relationship. violation of RA 7610.
 Child may also refer to adopted child and regardless  It is committed by any person who shall commit any
whether such child is related to the offender or not. other acts of child abuse, exploitation, cruelty or
 Mother in law of the victim can be held liable for exploitation or be responsible for other conditions
violence against a woman, if she conspired with her prejudicial to the child’s development.
son who has marital relationship with the victim in  Child abuse refers to the maltreatment , whether
committing psychological violence against the habitual or not, of the child. It is inconsequential that
woman. The act of the husband in committing the offender has committed child abuse once.
psychological violence against his wife is imputable  Child trafficking is committed by any person who
to his mother by reason of conspiracy although the shall engage in trading and dealing with children
conspirators are not similarly situated in relation to including, but not limited to, the act of buying and
the object of the crime. selling of a child for money, or for any other
 The offender and the victim must be a man and a consideration or barter. Children whether male or
woman since they must be living together as female who for money, profit, or any other
husband and wife without the benefit of marriage. A consideration indulge in sexual intercourse or
lesbian cannot be a husband of a woman. The lascivious conduct are deemed to be children
gender of a husband is male while that of a lesbian exploited in prostitution. The offenders in prostitution
is a female. are the clients, pimps, the owner of the house of
 As the law stands now, victim of VAWC must be a prostitution.
woman while the offender is “any person” regardless  Corruption of minor is committed by any person who
of gender. With this interpretation, both women, who shall promote or facilitate the prostitution or
are live-in partners, can file case for violence against corruption of persons underage to satisfy the lust of
each other. A lesbian can be a victim of violence another. Victim under 12 years of age is a qualifying
against a woman since she is a woman, while her circumstance.
partner can be an offender since she is a person.  White Slavery is committed by any person who in
 The crimes punishable under VAWC include any manner, or under any pretext, engages in the
physical violence, psychological violence, sexual business or profits by prostitution or enlists the
violence and economic violence. services of any other person.
 Single act of violence such as harassment would be  Customer of prostitute may be held liable for child
enough. Punishing only violence that is repeatedly prostitution or use of trafficked person.
committed would license isolated violence.  The offender may interpose the defense that he is
 Physical harm includes those acts that would threat related to the child within the fourth degree of
to cause the woman or her child physical harm, consanguinity or affinity or any bond recognized by
attempting to cause the woman or her child physical law, local custom and tradition or he acted in the
performance of social, moral or legal duty to take activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor
care of her. or consideration.
 Private obscene showing between two consenting
17. Anti-child pornography law adults is not covered by the law on cybersex.
 The publication or show is obscene if it has a  Offender cannot be prosecuted for both cybersex
tendency to deprave or corrupt a person. Exhibit that and qualified child pornography because of the rule
tends to show indecent and immoral scenes and on double jeopardy.
acts. Nudity itself is not inherently indecent or
obscene. 20. Juvenile justice and welfare act of 2006 RA 9344
 Corrupting test and offensive to human sensibilities  The competent authorities must refrain from
test and commercial purpose test. branding or labeling children as young criminals,
 Child pornography refers to any representation, juvenile delinquents, prostitutes or attaching to them
whether visual, audio or written combination thereof in any manner any other derogatory names.
by electronic, mechanical, digital, optical magnetic or
any other means, of child engaged in or involved in CRIMES AGAINST PERSONAL LIBERTY AND SECURITY
real or simulated explicit sexual activities.
 Obscene publications and indecent show is 1. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention
committed by any person who shall hire, employ,  Committed by a private individual who shall kidnap
use, persuade, induce or coerce a child to perform in or detain another, or in any other manner deprive
obscene exhibitions and indecent shows whether him of his liberty provided that any of the following
live or video or model in exhibitions and indecent circumstances is present:
publication or pornographic materials or to sell or a. The kidnapping or detention shall
distribute the said material. By any ascendant or have lasted more than three days;
guardian or person entrusted in any capacity with b. Simulation of public authority;
the care of a child who shall cause and or allow such c. Serious physical injuries, threats to
child to be employed or to participate in an obscene kill;
play, scene, act or movie or show or in any other d. The victim is a female, public officer,
indecent or obscene act. or minor except when the accused
is his parent of the minor;
18. Obscene publication or exhibition and indecent show e. The purpose of the kidnapping or
 Obscene publication is committed by the authors, or detention is extorting ransom from
editor of, and owners/operators of the establishment the victim or any other person; or
selling obscene literature or by any person who when the victim is killed or dies as a
sells, give aways or exhibits films, prints, consequence of the detention or is
engravings, sculpture or literature which are raped, or is subjected to torture or
offensive to morals. dehumanizing.
 Obscene exhibition or indecent shows is committed  Two common elements in kidnapping and serious
by any person who exhibits indecent or immoral illegal detention and slight illegal detention
plays, scenes, acts or shows in theaters, fairs, a. Deprivation of liberty ( at the
cinematographs or any other place, whether live or mercy and control of the
in film. abductor )
 To make a person liable for prostitution or indecent b. Intent to deprive liberty
show under the RPC, the prostitute or the indecent ( there must be a showing
dancer must not be trafficked victim or a child. that the offender through his
 Mere possession of child pornographic materials is acts have shown that there
punishable under RA 9775. But mere possession of is a intent to deprive the
obscene materials not involving child, without victims liberty. There must
intention to sell, exhibit, or give them away, is not be a appreciable period of
punishable under article 201 of the RPC, time
considering the purpose of the law is to prohibit the  If the deprivation of liberty is just incidental to the
dissemination of obscene materials to the public. commission of murder or robbery, the crime
The law does not require that the offender of committed is murder or robbery, while incidental
obscene material is caught in the act of selling. For kidnapping and serious illegal detention is absorbed.
as long as the obscene materials are offered for  If the police officer abducted the victim without legal
sale, displayed or exhibited to the public reason and only for the purpose of extorting money,
consummates the crime. such police officer is liable for kidnapping for ransom
or if no depravation of liberty, robbery. A public
19. Cyber sex officer, who detained a person for the purpose of
 Committed by any person, who shall wilfully engage, extorting ransom, cannot be said to be acting in an
maintain, control, or operate, directly or indirectly, official capacity.
any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual  Special complex crime of kidnapping with homicide,
murder or rape:
a. Original design h. If the accused kidnapped
b. Under Mercado principle, the victim for purpose of
the accused is liable for a killing him, the accused is
special complex of liable for attempted murder
kidnapping with murder or through kidnapping.
homicide as long as the i. If the accused kidnapped
victim is killed in the course the victim not for the
of detention. This special purpose of killing him and
complex crime is committed as afterthought tried to kill
regardless of whether the him, the crime is 2 separate
killing was purposely sought crimes of kidnapping and
( the original design is to attempted or frustrated
kill), or killing just an murder.
afterthought ( original j. When the accused
design is to kidnap) kidnapped the victim for the
c. Victim of homicide can be a purpose of raping her, and
person other than the victim she was in fact raped,
of rape. accused is liable for either
d. In special complex crime of rape or complex crime of
robbery with homicide, it is rape through forcible
immaterial that two or more abduction. If forcible
persons are killed. In abduction is an
special complex crime of indispensable means to
robbery with rape, it is commit rape, the latter
likewise immaterial that two absorbs the former.
or more person are raped. k. Where the accused
e. In multiple kidnappings, the kidnapped the victim for the
offender is motivated by purpose of raping her, but
several criminal impulses, failed to consummate the
the principle of delito rape, the crime committed is
continuado which is based forcible abduction since
on singularity of the accused was motivated by
criminality impulse of is not lewd design at the time he
applicable. Hence the abducted the victim. Since
accused is liable for as the attempted rape is just
many kidnappings as there an external manifestation of
are kidnapped victims. lewd design, which is an
f. Intent to kill is the original element of forcible
design and not intent to abduction, the latter
deprive liberty. The accused absorbs the former.
will only be liable for murder l. If the accused kidnapped
as the case maybe. the victim as his purpose
g. Demand for ransom after but in the occasion thereof
committing murder. After the victim died. The
killing the victim, the accused is liable for special
accused called the victim’s complex crime of
relative demanding for kidnapping with murder and
ransom. The accused rape.
cannot be held liable for m. To be liable as principal
kidnapping for ransom since through implied conspiracy,
at the time ransom has the abductors must agree to
been demanded, the victim commit the crime through
was already dead and community of knowledge
kidnapping as a crime is no and concurrence of in
longer present. Dead criminal resolution.
person can no longer However, if the person mere
deprived on his liberty. gained the knowledge after
However, the accused may the other accused
be held liable for estafa concurred in their criminal
through false pretense or resolution and supplied for
misrepresentation. material and moral aid in
efficacious ways is during or
after the crime is liable as be held liable for kidnapping and serious illegal
accomplice. detention.
 The criminal omission is the failure to return the
2. Slight illegal detention minor to his parents or guardians after they
 Committed by a private individual, who kidnaps or entrusted the physical custody of the victim to the
detains another, or in any other manner deprives accused.
him of his liberty but without the attendance of any of
the circumstances that will qualify the crime into 5. Inducing a minor to abandon his home
kidnapping and serious illegal detention.  Committed by anyone who shall induce a minor to
 If the illegal detention is accompanied with a abandon the home of his parents or guardians or the
qualifying circumstance based in Article 267, the persons entrusted with his custody. This crime can
crime committed is kidnapping and serious illegal be committed by any person or by the father or the
detention; otherwise, the crime committed is slight mother of the minor. If the offender is the parent of
illegal detention under article 268. If the purpose of the minor, the penalty is lesser.
the offender in detaining the person is to deliver him
to proper authorities but there is no reasonable 6. Trafficking in person for labor
ground to make a citizen’s arrest, the crime  Committed by any person who shall perform any of
committed is unlawful arrest under article 269. soliciting, hiring, transporting, maintaining, harboring
 To be held liable for slight illegal detention, it is by use of threat, coercrin, force, intimidation, undue
indispensable that the detention has not lasted for influence or money or consideration for the purpose
more than three days, or the victim is not a minor, of labor exploitation, forced labor, slavery,
female or police officer, and there is no simulation of involuntary servitude or debt bondage. Consent is
public authority, nor serious physical injuries nor not necessary in case of violation of trafficked in
threat to kill. But if the purpose of kidnapping is to person.
demand ransom or in the course of detention, the
victim died, the crime committed is still kidnapping. 7. Slavery
 If the victim is kidnapped and illegally detained for  Committed by any person who purchases, sells,
the purpose of extorting ransom, the duration of his kidnaps or detains a human being for the purpose of
detention becomes inconsequential. enslaving him, or assigning the offended party to
 Voluntary releases the person so locked up or some immoral traffic.
detained within three days from the commencement
of the detention without having attained the purpose 8. Exploitation of child labor
intended and before the institution of criminal  Committed by anyone who retains a minor in his
proceeding against him, the penalty is lesser since service against his will and under the pretext of
the act of voluntary release is a special mitigating reimbursement of debt incurred by his ascendant,
circumstance. guardian, or person entrusted with his custody.
 When the minor is a victim of child exploitation, the
3. Kidnapping of minors accused can be prosecuted either by exploitation of
 Committed by a person who is entrusted by the child labor under the RPC or trafficked in person if
parents or guardians the custody of such child, the purpose of maintaining the custody of the child is
deliberately fails to restore the minor to the parents coerce the latter into forced labor or child labor. The
or guardians. accused can not be made to suffer the penalty for
 If the victim in kidnapping is minor or female, the both crimes because it violates the constitutional
duration of detention is immaterial. However, the prohibition against double jeopardy.
offender can be held liable for slight illegal detention  Child trafficking is committed by any person who
of the minor if the circumstance of minority is not shall engage in trading and dealing with children
alleged in the information or the offender is the including, but not limited to, the act of buying and
parent of the victim. selling of child for money, or for any other
consideration, or barter.
4. Failure to return a minor
 Committed by the parent of the minor or any other 9. Services rendered under compulsion
person. If the offender is the parent of the minor, the  Committed by a person who compels the debtor to
penalty is lesser. However, a parent can only work for him against his will as household servant or
commit this crime if the custody of the minor is given farm laborer in order to require or enforce the
by the court to the other parent. payment of a debt.
 Whether this custody lasted for months or only for
couple of days, the crime is committed as long as 10. Abandonment of person in danger
the offender had, at one point in time, physical and  Committed by any person who fails to render
actual custody of the minor. assistance to anyone whom he shall find in an
 If the accused has not acquired consent from the uninhabited place wounded or danger of dying,
said parent or guardian to be entrusted to him the when he can render such assistance without
child and failed to return the child, the accused may
detriment to himself, unless such omission shall  Concealment or abandonment under PD 603 can
constitute a more serious offense. only be committed by parents, guardians, and the
head of the institution or foster home which has
11. Abandonment of one’s own victim custody of the child. On the other hand,
 Committed by any person who fails to help or render concealment or abandonment under the Revised
assistance to another, whom he has accidentally Penal Code can be committed by any person.
wounded or injured.  Child abuse includes abandoning the child by his
 In this situation, the accused is not liable for physical parent under such circumstances as to deprive him
injuries because of exempting circumstance of of the love, care and protection he needs.
accident. But he is liable for abandonment for failure
to help or render assistance to his victim. But if he 13. Parental indifference
intentionally injured the victim and abandoned the  Committed by the parents who shall neglect their
same, he is liable for physical injury, homicide or children by not giving them the education which their
murder as the case be but not for abandonment. station in life requires and financial condition
 If the accused injured the victim through reckless permits.
imprudence, he is liable for reckless imprudence  Child abuse includes failing or defusing or refusing,
resulting in physical injure or homicide as the case without justifiable grounds, to enroll the child, by his
may be with aggravating circumstance of parent or causing, abating or permitting the truancy
abandonment of one’s victim. of the child from the school where he is enrolled.
 There is no double jeopardy, because crimes
charged are different from each other on the 14. Exploitation of minor
following reasons: (1) reckless imprudence is a  Committed by a person who causes a child below 16
quasi-offense while abandonment, a crime against years of age to perform any dangerous feat of
national security (2) quasi-offenses are committed balancing, physical strength, or contortion or a
by culpa; crimes against security are committed by dangerous performer who employs a child 16 years
means of dolo. of age, or his descendant below 12 years of age in
 Failure to lend help in reckless imprudence is neither performing dangerous exhibition or any ascendant,
an offense by itself nor a element of the offense guardian, teacher or person entrusted in any
therein penalized. Its presence merely increases the capacity with the care of a child below 16 years of
penalty by one degree. Such being the case, it must age for money or consideration and causes the child
be specifically alleged in the information. to perform dangerous stunts, habitual vagrant or
 If the crime of reckless imprudence resulting in beggar. This includes inducement to abandon
physical injuries qualified by failure to render parent’s or guardian’s house to perform dangerous
assistance. The accused can no longer prosecuted job, habitual vagrant or beggar.
with abandonment of owns victim since the latter is  Child abuse by parent includes: 1. causing or
an element of the qualified reckless imprudence and encouraging the child to lead an immoral or
is necessarily included in the former. dissolute life 2. permitting the child to possess,
handle, or carry a deadly weapon, regardless of its
12. Abandonment of a child ownership, and 3. allowing or requiring the child to
 Committed by a person who finds an abandoned drive without a license or with a license which the
child under seven years of age but fails to deliver parent knows to have been illegally procured.
said child to the authorities or to his family, or fails to
take him to a safe place. 15. Trespass to dwelling
 Abandoning minor is committed by any person who  Committed by any private person who enters the
abandons a child below seven years of age, the dwelling of another against the latter’s will. Trespass
custody of which is incumbent upon him. However, if to dwelling is qualified if the offense be committed by
the abandonment of the child is intentionally made to means of violence or intimidation.
kill him, and as a consequence, death results, the  A private person who enters the dwelling of another
crime committed is murder or parricide. against the latter’s will and by means of violence or
 Abandonment of minor by person entrusted with his intimidation for the purpose of preventing some
custody is committed by any person who, having harm to himself incurs no criminal liability. This
charged of the rearing of education of a minor, includes when the accused in entering the said
delivers said minor to a public institution or other dwelling is for the purpose of rendering some
person, without the consent of the one who service to humanity or justice.
entrusted such child to his care or in the absence of  Implied prohibition to enter:
the latter, without the consent of proper authorities. a. Where the entry was made
 Concealment or abandonment of a legitimate child is by cutting a string fastening
committed by any person who shall conceal or the door;
abandon any legitimate child with intent to cause b. Where the entry was made
such child to lose its civil status. This normally by employing force against
happens when a child of tender years is being left the closed door of the
outside churches or hospital’s doors. house;
c. Where the entry was made  Light threat must be committed for purpose of
at a late hour of the night, demanding money or imposing condition The
while the occupants are demand must not be immediate but to some future
asleep, by scaling a wall time.
and forcing to open the  Blackmail is committed by any person who extorts
window which was closed money by threats of accusation or exposure. The
and barred; gravamen of the offense is the extent to extort
d. Where the accused enters money or other thing of value. The extortion is
the dwelling of another at a committed by obtaining property from another
late hour of the night after wihtout his consent induced by wrongful use of fear.
the inmates have retired
and closed the doors 19. Other light threats
e. Where entry was made after  This crime composed of three forms: (1) Threat with
the lady of the house tells a weapon; (2) Oral threat in the heat of anger; (3)
accused to wait on the Oral threat of a harm not constituting a crime.
porch and closes the door  Other light threat is committed by any person who
behind her as she enters shall threaten another with a weapon, or draw such
the drawing room. weapon in a quarrel without demanding money or
imposing a condition, unless it is in lawful self-
16. Trespass defense.
 Committed by any person who enters an  Oral threat in the heat of anger is committed by any
uninhabited closed premises or fenced without person who shall orally threaten another with some
permission of the owner or the caretaker thereof, if harm constituting a crime in the heat of anger
the prohibition to enter be manifested. without demanding money or imposing a condition,
and who by subsequent acts show that he did not
17. Grave threat persist in the idea involved in his threat. The
 Committed by any person who shall threaten elements are: (1) threat must be orally made; (2) the
another with the infliction of a wrong amounting a threat involves the infliction of harm constituting a
crime upon his person, honor or property, or that of crime such as threat to kill; (3) the threat is made in
his family. the heat of the moment; (4) the offender did not
 The penalty for grave threat is higher: (1) if the subsequently persist in the idea involved in his
threat is made for purpose of demanding money or threat; (5) there is no demand for money or
imposing other condition, lawful or unlawful; (2) the imposition of condition; and (6) the act does not
purpose of the grave threat has been attained; and constitute grave threat.
(3) the grave threat is committed in writing or  Oral threat with harm not constituting a crime is
through a middleman. committed by any person who shall orally threaten
 If the grave threat is committed through cellphone another to do any harm not constituting a felony.
text message, or facebook messenger, the The elements are: (1) the threat must be made
qualifying circumstance of using information or orally; (2) the harm threatened to be inflicted does
communication technology under RA 10175 can be not constitute a crime; and (3) there is no demand
considered. In such a case, the crime can be for money or imposition of condition.
described as cyber grave threat and the penalty for
this crime shall be graduated one degree higher. 20. Grave coercion
 In grave threat, the threat must be made with the  Committed by any person who prevents another
deliberate purpose of creating in the mind of the from doing something which the law does not
person threatened the belief that the treat will be prohibit or compels him to do something against his
carried into effect. will, whether it is right or wrong, by means of
 The crime of grave threat is consummated as soon violence, threats or intimidation and without authority
as the threat comes to the knowledge of the person of law.
threatened.  Grave coercion is qualified if it is committed in
violation of the exercise of the right of suffrage, or for
18. Light threat the purpose of compelling another to perform any
 Committed by any person who shall threaten religious act, or prevent him from exercising such
another with the infliction of a wrong not constituting right or from so doing such act.
a crime upon the person, honor, or property of the  If the desired act was not immediately
latter or his family for purposes of demanding money consummated, it would be grave threat; if the
or imposing any other condition. desired purpose was correspondingly achieved, it is
 Reporting tax evasion to proper tax authorities is not grave coercion.
a wrong. What is wrong is when the person making  Although the intimidation is immediate and personal,
the threat is demanding and extorting money is the crime committed is grave threat because it
wrong and the same falls within the definition of the creates fear of being harmed in the mind of the
law with respect to “wrong not constituting a crime”. victim.
 Committed by any person in charge, employee or
21. Light coercion workman of a manufacturing or industrial
 Committed by any person who seizes anything establishment who reveals the secrets of the
belonging to his debtor by means of violence for the industry to the prejudice of the owner thereof.
purpose of applying the same to the payment of
debt. 29. Anti-wire tapping act
 The elements of anti-wire tapping are as follows:
22. Other light coercion or unjust vexation 1. That there is a private communication;
 Committed by any person who without causing 2. That offender tap any wire or cable, or uses
force, violence and intimidation prevents another device or arrangement to secretly overhear,
from doing something not prohibited by law or intercept, or record such private
compels him to do something against his will. communication;
 Unjust vexation may exist even without compulsion 3. That offender overhears, intercepts, or
or restraint as long as the act irritates, annoys or records the private communication without
vexes the offended party. This is an act that caused authority from all the parties thereto and
annoyance, irritation, torment, distress, or without written authority from the competent
disturbance to the mind of the person to whom it authority.
was directed. 4. In case of attempted extortion by a public
 It is enough that she was embarrassed, annoyed, officer. The person who secretly records the
irritated or disturbed when she learned of acts of conversation without the consent of such
accused in reopening the stall and affecting the public officer will be held liable for the crime
transportation of the goods therein to the police of anti-wire tapping act however the person
station. who attempts to extort money from the
driver is to be held liable for attempted
23. Compulsory purchase of merchandise robbery.
 Committed by any person, agent or officer of any 5. The device or arrangement must be
association or corporation who forces or compels, deliberately installed for purposes of secretly
directly or indirectly, or knowingly permits to be overhearing, intercepting or recording the
forced or compelled a laborer or employee communication. However, telephone
employed by him or by such firm or corporation, to extension is not among them.
purchase merchandise or commodities of any kind. 6. Dashcam installed inside the car is not
considered deliberately installed for purpose
24. Payment of wages by means of tokens of secretly overhearing this particular
 Committed by any person who pays the wages due conversation, hence, there is no violation of
a laborer or employee employed by him, by means the anti-wire tapping law. This rule is
of tokens or objects other than the legal tender similarly applicable in case of CCTV
currency of the Philippines, unless expressly installed in a house or business
requested by the laborer or employee. establishment.
7. Under wire-tapping law, video recording is
25. Formation, maintenance and prohibition of combination not covered, it only confines to audio
of capital or labor through violence or threats recording. Thus, CCTV footage can be used
 Committed by any person who, for the purpose of as an evidence of the crime of theft.
organizing, maintaining, or preventing coalitions of 8. The conversation between Gloria Arroyo
capital or labor, strike of laborers or lock-out of and Garcillano is not covered by anti-wire
employees, employs violence or threats in such a tapping law since the communication used
degree as to compel or force the laborers or was wireless.
employers in the free and legal exercise of their 9. Court order must be secured first before any
industry or work provided that the act does not person may tap any device to secretly
constitute a more serious offense. overhear, intercept or record any
conversation in cases involving crimes of
26. Discovering secrets through seizure of correspondence treason, espionage, provoking war and
 Committed by a private individual who seizes papers disloyalty in case of war, piracy, treason or
or letters of another in order to discover his secrets. espionage or similar crimes.
The crime is committed whether or not the contents 10. Any person who shall aid, permit or cause to
of the letter were revealed. be done any of the acts declared to be
unlawful by the anti-wire tapping law is also
27. Revealing secrets with abuse of confidence criminally liable.
 Committed by a manager, employee or servant who,
in such capacity, learns the secrets of his principal Cyber crime prevention act of 2012
or master and reveals such secrets.  The elements of the crime of cyber crime prevention
act are as follows:
28. Revealing industrial secrets
a. Offenses against the confidentiality, intent that it be used for the purpose
integrity, and availability of of committing aby cybercrime.
computer data and system; f. Cybersquatting is committed by any
b. Computer related offenses; person who shall acquire a domain
c. Content-related offenses ( cyber- name over the internet in bad faith
libel, cyber-sex and child for profit, mislead, destroy
pornography ) reputation, and deprive others from
 A prosecution for cyber crime offenses shall be registering the same without just
without prejudice to any liability for violation of any cause.
provision of any provision of the RPC or special  Computer related offense
laws. a. Computer-related forgery
 Example of violations: b. Computer-related fraud
a. Illegal access ( hacking of c. Computer-related identity
computer, internet wi-fi password ) fraud
b. Illegal interception; it is committed  Prohibiting spam is declared unconstitutional since
by any person who shall by to prohibit the transmission of unsolicited ads would
technical means without right of any deny a person the right to read his emails, even
mon-public transmission of unsolicited commercial ads addressed to him. The
computer data to, from or within a state cannot rob him of this right without violating
computer system including the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of
electromagnetic emission carrying expression. Unsolicited advertisements are
such computer data. Intercepting legitimate forms of expression.
wireless cellphone communication  Provision that punishes “aiding or abetting” libel on
between parties without a right the cyberspace is a nullity since it encroaches upon
constitutes cyber-crime of illegal freedom of speech on grounds of overbreadth or
interception. vagueness of the statute.
c. Data interference is committed by  But merely reacted to the defamatory or child
any person who shall intentionally or pornographic message on Facebook by clicking the
recklessly alter, damage, delete or button for “Like”, “Comment” or “Share” or on twitter
deteriorate computer data, account by retweeting it, are not liable for aiding or
electronic document, or electronic abetting cybercrime.
data message without right,  But the provision on aiding or abetting cyber crime in
including the introduction or relation to other cyber crimes such as illegal access,
transmission of viruses. This is illegal interception, data interference, etc., is
considered as cyber vandalism. declared constitutional.
d. System interference is committed by
any person who shall intentionally CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY
alter or recklessly hinder or interfere
with the functioning of a computer or 1. Theft
computer network by inputting,  Committed by any person who takes personal
transmitting, damaging, deleting, property of another without the latter’s consent with
deteriorating, altering or intent to gain but without violence against, or
suppressing computer data or intimidation of persons or force upon things.
program, electronic document, or  The object to be considered as personal property
electronic data message, without must be capable of appropriation and not merely
right or authority, including the capable of asportation.
introduction or transmission of  If the property is tangible, taking is deemed
viruses. complete from the moment the offender gains
e. Misuse of device is committed by possession over the thing, even if he has no
any person who shall use, produce, opportunity to dispose of the same.
sell, procure, import, distribute or  Intent to gain is an internal act presumed from the
otherwise makes available, or unlawful taking.
possession with intent to use  In theft, actual manual possession of property is not
without right to any of the required. Constructive possession of the thief over
following:1. A device, including a the property is enough. It does not matter whether
computer program, designed or the taking is temporary or permanent.
adapted primarily for the purpose of  Theft is likewise committed by any person who finds
committing any cybercrime; or 2. lost property but fails to deliver the same to the local
Computer password, access code, authorities or to its owner.
or similar data which the whole or  Without externalizing his criminal mind, the vagrant
any part of a computer system is is not liable since a felony is a combination of
capable of being accessed with criminal intent and criminal act.
without lawful cause. The maker of this tool and
2. Qualified theft locksmith are also liable.
 Committed by any person who takes personal  Using picklock to open a locked cabinet and taking
property of another without the latter’s consent with property therein is not robbery by using force upon
intent to gain with any of the following qualifying things. To constitute robbery by using force upon
circumstance: (1) domestic servant; (2) grave abuse things, the picklock must be used to enter the
of confidence; (3) on the occasion of fire, building, and merely to open a receptacle or
earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption, or any other furniture.
calamity, vehicular accident or civil disturbance; (4)  A store used as a house is not dwelling since it is
coconut taken from the premises of a plantation, or not exclusively used for rest and comfort.
fish taken from a fishpond or fishery; (5) the property
stolen is mail matter. 5. Robbery with violence or intimidation
 Committed by any person who takes a personal
3. Robbery property belonging to another with intent to gain by
 Committed by any person who takes a personal means of violence against or intimidation of any
property belonging to another with intent to gain by person.
means of violence against or intimidation of any  Threat, slight physical injuries or less serious
person, or using force upon thing. physical injuries is absorbed in robbery.
 The crime is consummated when the robbers
4. Robbery by using force acquire possession of the property, even if for short
 Committed by any person who takes a personal time, and it is not necessary that the property to be
property belonging to another with intent to gain by taken into the hands of the robbers, or that they
using force upon thing in an inhabited house or should have actually carried the property away, out
public building or edifice devoted to religious of the physical presence of the lawful possessor, or
worship. that they should have made their escape with it.
 The word “force” in robbery pertains to the mode  If the owner of the property, did not use violence or
employed by the offender to enter the building or intimidation or force upon things in taking his own
open the furniture or receptacle in the building to property from B, the owner-accused is not criminally
steal the property therein. There is force upon things liable since he is just merely exercising his right as
in robbery in an inhabited house or public or edifice an owner to possess his property.
devoted to worship.  If the accused took some personal properties
a. Unlawful entry: it is present against the victim believing in good faith that the
when the offender enters properties so seized were his, he is not liable for the
the building through an crime of robbery since the intent to gain is not
opening not intended for attendant being the ownership thereof is in question.
entrance or egress such as However, since he used violence or intimidation to
window. Breaking the force the victim to give away the properties, he is
window is present when criminally liable for grave coercion.
offenders enters the  The fact that these properties were taken under
building by breaking any claim of ownership negates the element of intent to
wall, roof, or floor or gain.
breaking any door or  Special complex crime is produced if when by
window. reason or on occasion of the robbery, serious
b. Use a false keys or physical injuries is inflicted, or homicide has resulted
picklocks or similar tools; or when the robbery is accompanied by rape or
c. Use of fictitious name; intentional mutilation or arson or when by reason or
d. Simulation of public occasion of the attempted robbery, homicide is
authority committed by the robber.
 If robbery using force upon the building, the offender  The intent to rob must precede the taking of human
forced the building to enter and to take properties life but the killing may occur before, during or after
therein. In robbery involving using force upon the the robbery.
furniture or receptacle in the building, the offender  Homicide is said to have been committed by reason
forced the furniture or receptacle to open it and to or on the occasion of robbery if, for instance, it was
take properties therein. committed to:
 If the offender enters a building and took properties a. Facilitate the robbery or the
therein but the owner locked the door. The offender escape of the culprit;
broke the window to get out of the building, the b. To preserve the possession
crime committed is only theft since the window was of the loot;
not broken to enter the building for purpose of taking c. To prevent discovery of the
property therein. commission of the robbery;
 Possession of picklocks or similar tools especially
adapted to the commission of the crime of robbery
d. To eliminate witnesses in c. Attacking a mowing train,
the commission of the street car, motor vehicle or
robbery airship;
 In kidnapping for ransom, the offender is using the d. Entering the passenger’s
victim’s deprivation of liberty as a mode of extorting compartment in a train or, in
ransom from him or any other person. any manner, taking the
 The incidental deprivation of the victim’s liberty does passengers thereof by
not constitute kidnapping or serious illegal detention surprise in the respective
if the principal and ultimate purpose is to rob him. conveyance; or
 Complex crime of robbery through kidnapping is e. Commission of robbery on a
consummated when the robber detained the victim street, road, highway, or
as a means of insuring the consummation of the alley and the intimidation is
robbery. The detention was not merely a matter of made with the use of
restraint to enable the malefactors to escape, but firearm.
deliberate as a means of extortion for an additional
amount. 8. Brigandage
 Separate crimes of robbery and kidnapping is  Committed by at least four armed men who forms a
committed by robbery in band, but thereafter, they band of robbers for the purpose of committing
took one of the victims and detained him for seven robbery in the highway, or kidnapping persons for
days in another place for purpose of demanding the purpose of extortion or to obtain ransom or for
ransom, they are liable for separate crimes of any other purpose to be attained by means of force
robbery by band and kidnapping for ransom. and violence. The term “armed” is to be used in its
 Public officer who detained a person for the purpose generic sense, any weapon which is capable of
of extorting ransom cannot be said to be acting in an inflicting serious or fatal injuries may be considered
official capacity. as arms for the purpose of the law on cuadrilla.
 Robbery is committed when the victim did not  Mere formation of band of highway robbers
commit a crime and he is intimidated with arrest and consummates the crime of brigandage. Actual
prosecution to deprive him of his personal property; commission of robbery on the highway is not an
direct bribery is committed when the victim has element of brigandage. If any of the arms carried by
committed a crime and gives money or gift to avoid any of the armed men is an unlicensed firearm, it
arrest or prosecution. shall be presumed that they are highway robbers or
 If the extortion happened after the apprehension, the brigands.
said crime cannot be used as defense to absolve
him from the crime he had committed. However, the 9. Highway Robbery/Brigandage
police officer who made the extortion shall be  Committed by any person who seizes another for
criminally liable for robbery. ransom, extortion or other unlawful purposes, or
 Employing false pretense to create in the minds of takes away property of another by means of
the victim a sense of danger of being arrested for a violence against or intimidation of person or force
crime that he did not commit is considered as an upon things, or other unlawful means on the
intimidation within the contemplation of robbery. highway.
 Brigands or highway robbers whether under Article
6. Execution of deeds by means of violence or intimidation 306 or under PD No. 532 presupposes that they are
 Committed by a person who compels another to regularly hanging or roaming on highway and
sign, execute, or deliver a public instrument or chancing indiscriminately upon travelers, who they
document by means of violence or intimidation with can rob or seize for extortion.
intent to defraud him.  Formation of brigandage in the highway is covered
 In the robbery or theft, the property stolen is by Article 306 of the RPC, but not by PD 532. Mere
personal property while in the latter, the property formation of band of brigands is not punishable by
involved is a document or public instrument, may be PD No. 532, Hence the brigands shall be prosecuted
real or personal. for brigandage under the Code. However, actual
In robbery or theft, intent to gain is an indispensable commission of robbery in the highway by brigands
requirement. On the other hand, what is important in shall be covered by both Article 306 of RPC and PD
execution of deeds by means of violence or No. 532.
intimidation is intent to defraud.
10. Aiding and abetting highway robbers/brigands
7. Robbery by band or in an uninhabited place  Any person who knowingly and in any manner aids
 The following are considered special aggravating or protects highway robes/brigands, or who directly
circumstances in robbery with violence or or indirectly abets the commission of piracy, shall be
intimidation: considered as an accomplice of the principal
a. Uninhabited place; offenders, and thus, the penalty prescribed shall be
b. Band; graduated one degree lower.
 One who knowingly acquired misappropriated
property and profited is liable as an accessory in the 12. Cattle-rustling
crime of estafa.  Committed by any person who shall take away by
 One who knowingly acquired stolen property with any means or method or scheme without the
intent to gain is liable for the crime of fencing. consent fo the owner/raiser, of any large cattle
 One who knowingly acquired property from whether or not for profit or gain, or whether
brigands, highway robbers, or pirates is liabel as an committed with or without violence against or
accomplice in the crime of brigandage/highway intimidation of any person or force upon things. It
robbery or piracy. includes the killing of large cattle, or taking its meat
or hiding without the consent of the owner/raiser.
11. Carnapping RA 10883  Failure to exhibit the required documents shall be
 Committed by any person who takes, with intent to prima facie evidence that the large cattles in his
gain, motor vehicle belonging to another without possession, control or custody are the fruits of the
latter’s consent, or by means of violence against or crime of cattle rustling.
intimidation of person, or by using force upon things.  Intent to gain is not element of this form of cattle-
 In theft, robbery can carnapping, taking is deemed rustling. Hence, the concept of this crime is also
complete from the moment the offender gains similar to that of malicious mischief.
possession of the thing, even if he has no  If a person is seriously injured or killed as a result or
opportunity to dispose of the same. on the occasion of the commission of cattle-rustling,
 To be considered as a motor vehicle contemplated imposable penalty for castle-rustling is higher.
by the carnapping law, it is important that the same
is using public highways, and not a street exclusively 13. Occupation of real property or usurpation of real rights
for private use.  Committed by any person who takes possession of
 A motorized bicycle is considered a motor vehicle a real property or usurps real rights in property
within the meaning of carnapping law. License to belonging to another by means of violence or
use this motorized bicycle on the public highways is intimidation.
not required to make it a motor vehicle within the  However, if the group is composed of atleast four
meaning given by carnapping law. armed men, the public uprising to prevent the NHA
 The fact that the victim is not the real owner of the officers from freely performing their function of
motorized vehicle does not make the unlawful taking implementing the housing program of the
to be outside the coverage of the law on carnapping. government shall be deemed to be tumultuous.
What is required by the law is that the accused took
the property belonging to another. 14. Altering boundaries and landmarks
 Intent to gain with respect to the vehicle in its  Committed by any person who alters the boundary
entirety is not required. However, if the accused marks or monuments of towns, provinces, or
merely took the wheels of the vehicle, the crime estates, or any other marks intended to designate
committed is only theft. the boundaries of the same.
 If there is a conspiracy, the act of conspirator with
intent to gain imputable to his co-conspirator, who 15. Estafa or Swindling in general
has intent to gain. Thus, all of them are liable for  Committed by any person who defrauds another
carnapping. At least one of the accused must with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence, by
entertain in intent to gain in order to convict all of means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts
them of carnapping. executed prior to or simultaneously with the
 Qualified carnapping is committed by any person commission of the fraud ( parting of property by the
who shall have committed the crime of carnapping victim), or through fraudulent means.
and by reason or on occasion thereof the occupant,  The offense of estafa, in general, is committed either
driver or owner was killed or raped. It is also called by abuse of confidence or by means of deceit.
as special complex crime of carnapping with  Damage is an element of estafa. It may consist in:
homicide or rape. a. The offended party being deprived
 Mitigating circumstance of confession or aggravating of his money or property as a result
circumstance of treachery cannot be considered of defraudation;
since an American penalty cannot be applied in its b. Disturbance in property right;
maximum period and maximum period. It is not a c. Temporary prejudice.
divisible penalty; and hence; Article 64 of the RPC
on proper imposable period cannot be applied. 16. Estafa by alteration
 Felonies cannot absorb carnapping. For being  Committed by any person who alters the substance,
punishable under special law, carnapping shall quality or quantity of anything in value which he
always be considered as a separate and delivers by virtue of an obligation to do so, even
independent crime. Taking cash, killing the victim though such obligation be based on an immoral or
and taking his tricycle on the same occasion shall be illegal consideration.
liable for separate crimes of carnapping and special  By means of fraudulent acts of altering the quality,
complex crime of robbery with homicide. fineness or weight of anything pertaining to his art or
business executed prior to or simultaneously with when the principal fails to reimburse
the parting of property by the victim. him for advances he has made, and
 In case of the accused sold to another an opium but indemnify him for damages suffered
upon acceptance of payment and delivery of the without his fault.
said product, he altered the same by changing the c. If the agent merely retains the
substance from opium to molases. The accused is money collected to protect his
liable for crime of estafa by alteration. This is interest since the principal failed to
notwithstanding the fact that the real substance is previously give earned
opium, a prohibited drug and illegal. commissions.
 Settled is the rule that there can be no estafa
17. Estafa by using fictitious name through negligence.
 Committed by any person who defrauds another by  Demand to return or to make accounting is not
using fictitious names, which are executed prior to or mentioned in Article 315 as an element of estafa
simultaneously with the parting of property by the through misappropriation. The importance of
victim. The crime of using fictitious name is demand in this estafa has something to do with
absorbed in estafa by using fictitious name. evidence. Verbal inquiry about the money entrusted
to the accused is tantamount to a demand.
18. Estafa through false pretense  Under the trust receipt law, the obligation of the
 Committed by any person who shall defraud another entrustee under the trust receipt agreement is to turn
by falsely pretending to possess qualifications, over the proceeds of sale of the entrusted goods, or
property, credit, agency, business or imaginary, return the unsold goods to the entruster. Violation of
transactions, power, influence, or by means of other this undertaking constitutes estafa in relation to the
similar deceits, which are executed prior to or trust receipt law.
simultaneously with the parting of property by the
victim. 21. Syndicated Estafa
 There must be a cause-effect relationship between  The elements of syndicated estafa are as follows:
the false pretense committed by the accused and a. Estafa or other forms of swindling
the damage suffered by victim. The criminal act under Articles 315 to 318 of the
constituting deceit must be the proximate cause of RPC is committed;
damage sustained by the victim. To show this causal b. It is committed by a syndicated of
connection, the false pretense must be committed five or more persons; and
prior to or simultaneous with, and not subsequent to c. Defraudation results in the
the damage suffered by the victim when he parted misappropriation of moneys
his money or property. contributed by stockholders, or
members of rural banks,
19. Estafa by pretending to have bribed a public officer cooperative, samahang nayon, or
 Committed by any person who shall defraud another farmer’s association, or funds
by falsely pretending to possess influence over a solicited by
public officer, or to have bribed a public officer, corporations/associations from the
which are executed prior to or simultaneously with general public.
the parting of property by the victim.  The fact that the entity involved was not a rural
bank, cooperative, samahang nayon, or farmer’s
20. Estafa through misappropriation association does not take the case out of the
 Committed by any person who shall defraud another coverage of PD No. 1689. The law applies to other
with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence by corporations or associations operating on funds
misappropriating or converting or denying having solicited from general public.
received personal property under obligation to  In ponzi or pyramiding scheme, the offenders offer
deliver or return the same property received to the impossibly high returns and pay these returns to
prejudiced of another. early investors to fraudulently induce others to invest
 There is obligation to deliver or return the same their money therein. The investment program is
property received if the accused received the unsustainable, the income of the business of the
property in trust, on commission, for administration, offender is comparatively lower than the interest on
or under a lease contract, or deposit. the investment.
 Defenses that the agent may raise against estafa  Once syndicated estafa consummates, the criminal
through misappropriation liability immediately attaches to the accused. Since
a. If the principal authorized the agent suspension of payment after the consummation of
to retain his commission out of the syndicated estafa is not a mode of extinguishing
amounts he collected; criminal liability, such suspension cannot be used by
b. If the agent is merely exercising his the accused as a defense.
right under the New Civil Code to
retain money or goods received in 22. Estafa through misappropriation and theft
consequence of the agency; as
 If the accused received the property with the 23. Estafa, Malversation or theft and falsification
consent of the owner, but he acquired merely de  First rule: if the falsification of document is a means
facto or physical possession in doing so, failure to to commit a crime, accused is liable for a complex
return, running away or misappropriation thereof crime proper
shall be considered as taking without consent of the  Second rule: If the falsification of document is to
owner; hence, the crime committed is theft. conceal a crime, the accused is laible for separate
 If the accused received the property with the crimes;
consent of the owner, and acquired juridical or legal  Third rule: if the document falsified is a private
possession in doing so by reason of a transaction document, there is only one crime either falsification
involving trust, commission, administration or of private document, or estafa, malversation or theft.
obligation to deliver or return, misappropriation or Common element of damage.
conversion thereof is estafa. Juridical possession a. If falsification of private document is
means a possession, which gives the transferee a a necessary means to commit or
right over the thing which the transferee may set up conceal estafa, the common
even against the owner. element doctrine is applicable
 Without a legal arrangement such as deposit, or because damage is an element
lease, the possession of the person who received common to both crimes.
property from the owner shall be characterized as  Under the common element doctrine, the accused is
physical; hence, failure to return it is theft not estafa. liable for falsification of private document or estafa,
 In contract of commodatum, the borrower acquired whichever is committed first.
the juridical possession of the thing borrowed. Thus
selling the horse to another person is estafa through 24. Estafa through issuance of bouncing check
misappropriation.  Committed by any person who defrauds another by
 As a rule, the possession of the employee such as means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts of
bank teller, collector or cash custodian is only postdating a check, or issuing a check in payment of
physical. Hence, misappropriation of property is an obligation when the offender had no funds in the
qualified theft. Abuse of confidence is present since bank or his fund deposited therein were not
the property is accessible to the employee. sufficient to cover the amount of the check, provided
 However, if the employee is an officer of the that the check is issued or postdated prior to or
company with discretion on how to use property or simultaneous with the parting of property by the
fund of the company to further its interest, his party.
possession is juridical; hence, misappropriation  What the law punishes is the fraud or deceit, not
thereof is estafa. mere issuance of the worthless check. However, this
 If the accused received money with authority to use deceit is presumed if drawer of the check fails to
it to buy palay or with full freedom and discretion on deposit the amount necessary to cover his check
how to use it to facilitate its remittance , his within three days from receipt of notice of dishonor.
possession is juridical by reason of contract of  If the obligation is pre-existing, there is no estafa
agency. since the payee or holder of the check did not part
 In quasi-contract, the person who receives the thing his money or property because of the issuance or
also acquires juridical possession thereof. postdating thereof. He already parted his property
 If one received the property with the consent of the before the drawer issued or postdated the check.
owner, and acquired ownership in doing so by  The complainant, who is aware of the unfunded
reason of sale, loan or other transaction, failure to condition of the check, was not defrauded since the
perform obligation thereunder is neither theft nor drawer did not made false representation that the
estafa. In this case, the cause of action of the former check is funded to convince him to part his money or
owner is merely civil in character. property.
 If the accused acquired ownership over the alleged  The failure of the drawer of the check to deposit the
misappropriated property, he is not liable for theft amount necessary to cover his check within 3 days
since the element of taking without consent of the from receipt of notice from the bank and or the
owner is not present. Neither is he liable for estafa payee or holder that check has been dishonored for
because there is no obligation to return the very lack of insufficiency of funds shall be prima facie
property received. evidence of deceit constituting false pretense or
 In money market placement, there is a possibility fraudulent act.
that the borrower shall be liable for estafa through  In estafa, lack of notice of dishonor will not make the
false pretense when the former induce the other to crime dismissible due to lack of knowledge of deceit.
extend a loan to the borrower. The prosecution may prove the present of deceit by
 In sum, receiving the property through deceit is other evidence other than the notice of dishonor by
estafa through false pretense; but acquiring physical showing that the account is closed prior to the
possession through deceit is considered as taking issuance of the check.
without consent of the owner, and thus, the crime  In estafa, damage and deceit are the essential
committed is theft. elements, and the check is merely the accused’s
tool in committing deceit that causes damage to the
complainant. In such a case, paying the value of the  In estafa, verbal notice though phone is sufficient to
dishonored check will not free the accused from give rise to prima facie evidence of deceit. However,
criminal liability. It merely satisfies the civil liability. in BP 22, the requirement of the law is that the
 However, the presumption of deceit may be rebutted notice of dishonor must be in writing.
by showing the accused fully paid the entire amount  In BP 22, without notice of dishonor, the case for
of the dishonored checks, which is indicative of good violation of BP 22 shall be dismissed not because of
faith. failure on the part of the prosecution to prove all
elements of the crime but by reason of deprivation of
25. Anti-bouncing checks law due process of law.
 Committed by any person who issued a worthless  In case the check is corporate, the notice of
check regardless of reason behind the issuance of dishonor must be sent to the one who signed the
check and whether or not there is a damage caused check and not to the corporation. Criminal
to the payee of the check. responsibility under BP 22 is personal to the
 The drawer who issued a bouncing check and signatory;hence, personal knowledge of the notice of
thereafter defraud another person, he can be dishonor is necessary.
prosecuted for violation of BP 22 and estafa through  Full payment of check after the expiration of the
issuance of bouncing check without offending the grace period but before the filing of the information is
rule on double jeopardy. In sum, charge of estafa also complete defense in BP 22.
does not include or is not necessarily included in the  Under the second paragraph of BP 22 is the failure
charge of BP 22. Estafa is a malum in se while BP to maintain the sufficiency of the check for 90 days.
22 is malum prohibitum.  Under the second paragraph, presentation of the
 In estafa, the fact that the instrument is a guarantee check within 90 days from its maturity date is an
check or memorandum check negates criminal element of the crime. The obligation of the drawer to
intent, which is essential in estafa for being a malum maintain the sufficiency of the funds is confined to
in se. 90 days from the date of its issuance, Thus,
 In Malum prohibitum principle, the criminal intent of presentation of the check beyond the period is a
the offender is not material in determining his defense.
 The utilitarian theory or protective theory in criminal 26. Estafa by not paying food, refreshment or
law affirms that the primary function of punishment is accommodation
to protect the society against actual and potential  Committed by any person who defrauds another by:
wrongdoers. If the defense of the accused is (1) false pretense or fraudulent act in obtaining food,
illegality or lack of consideration, utilitarian principle refreshment or accommodation at an establishment
is applicable without paying therefor; (2) using false pretense in
 There are forms of violation of BP 22. The first form obtaining credit for the same; (3) fraudulent act in
involves issuance of unfunded check while the abandoning or surreptitiously removing any part of
second is the failure to maintain sufficiency of the his baggage from a hotel or similar establishment
fund of the check. after obtaining the same therein without paying
 Foreign check is covered by BP 22. A foreign check therefor.
issued in the Philippines but dishonored by a drawee
bank in a foreign country can still be a basis for 27. Estafa by taking advantage of signature
prosecution under BP 22.  Committed by a person who defrauds another with
 In sum, in violation of BP 22, the check must be unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence by taking
unfunded at the time of its issuance and at the time undue advantage of the signature of the offended
of its presentment for payment or deposit with the party in blank, and by writing a document above
bank. such signature in blank, to the prejudice of the
 The making, drawing and issuance of a check offended party or any third person.
payment which is refused by the drawee because of
insufficient funds in or credit with such bank, when 28. Estafa by inducing another to sign
presented within 90 days from the date of the check,  Committed by any person who defrauds another by
shall be prima facie evidence of knowledge of such inducing another to sign a document by means of
insufficiency of funds or credit unless the maker or deceit.
drawer pays the holder thereof the amount due
thereon, or makes arrangements for payment in full 29. Estafa through fraudulent gambling
by the drawee of such check within 5 banking days  Committed by any person who defrauds another by
after receiving notice that such check has not been resorting to some fraudulent practice to insure
paid by the drawee. success in gambling game.
 Notice of dishonor is required to avail of the
presumption of deceit at the time of issuance or 30. Estafa by removing, concealing or destroying document
postdating of the check which is an element of  Committed by any person who defrauds another by
estafa and BP 22. removing, concealing or destroying, in whole or in
part, any court record, office files, document or any clearly appears in the document or is shown in any
other papers. other form.

31. Other forms of swindling 38. Other deceit

 Committed by any person who pretends to be the  Committed by any person who defrauds or damages
owner of real property and conveys, sells, by any deceit not constituting estafa, other form of
encumbers, or mortgages the same. swindling, or swindling a minor.
 Committed by an owner of a real property who  The elements are:
disposes the same with express representation that a. False pretense, fraudulent act or
it is free from encumbrance despite knowledge that pretense other than those
it is encumbered. This Is committed although such enumerated in Article 315, 316 and
encumbrance is not recorded. 317;
 The gravamen of the crime is the disposition of b. Such false pretense, fraudulent act
legally encumbered real property by the offender or pretense must be made or
under the express representation that there is no executed prior or simultaneously
encumbrance thereon. with the commission of the fraud;
32. Swindling by taking c. As a result, the offended party
 Committed by an owner of a personal property who suffered damage or prejudice.
wrongfully takes it from its lawful possessor to the  It is essential that such false statement or pretense
prejudice of the latter or a third person. is the very cause or the only motive for the private
complainant to part with her property. It is intended
33. Accepting compensation for underperformed services as the catchall provision for that purpose with its
 Committed by any person who accepts broad scope and intendment.
compensation given under the belief tha payment is
made for services or labor performed by him, when 39. Estafa through false pretense and other deceit
in fact he did not do so.  Committed by using fictitious name, or falsely
pretending to possess power, influence,
34. Swindling by surety qualifications, property, credit, agency, business or
 Committed by a surety who sells, mortgages, or in imaginary transactions, or by means of other similar
any other manner, encumbers the real property used deceits.
to guarantee the fulfillment of the obligation covered  Fraud or deceit may be committed by omission.
by a bond given by him in a criminal or civil action Failure to reveal a fact which the seller is, in good
without express authority from the court or before faith, bound to disclose may generally be classified
the cancellation of his bond or before being relieved as a deceptive act due to its inherent capacity to
from the obligation contracted by him. deceive. Suppression of a material fact which a
party is bound in good faith to disclose is equivalent
35. Execution of fictitious contract to a false representation.
 Committed by any person who executes a fictitious  In case of estafa though issuance of bouncing
contract prejudice of another. check, if the prosecutor has failed to prove the
element of knowledge of insufficiency of fund at the
36. Fraudulent insolvency time of postdating the check, the drawer may be
 Committed by any person who absconds with his liable for the crime of other deceit.
property to the prejudice of his creditors.
 In fraudulent insolvency, the act prohibited is 40. Fortune telling
absconding (hiding or concealing) with his property,  Committed by any person who intercepts dreams,
real or personal, which may or may not involve the makes forecasts, tells fortunes, or takes advantage
execution of fictitious contract. In other form of of the credulity of the public in any other similar
swindling, the act prohibited is the execution of manner for profit or gain.
fictitious contract. In fraudulent insolvency, the
offender is the debtor who committed an act to 41. Removal of mortgaged property
prejudice his creditors. In other form of swindling,  Committed by any person who knowingly removes a
the offender and the victim are any persons. personal property mortgaged under the Chattel
Mortgage Law to a province or city other than the
37. Swindling a minor one in which it was located at the time of the
 Committed by any person who induces a minor to execution of the mortgage, without the written
assume an obligation or to give a release or consent of the mortgagee, or his executors,
execute a transfer of a property right in administrators or assigns.
consideration of some loan of money, credit or other
personal property by taking advantage of his 42. Sale or pledge of mortgaged property
inexperience or emotions or feelings to his  Committed by a mortgagor who sells or pledges
detriment. This crime is committed whether the loan personal property already pledged, or any part
thereof, under the terms of the Chattel Mortgage g. In an inhabited place, any
Law, without the consent of the mortgagee written storehouse or factory of
on the back of the mortgage and noted on the record inflammable or explosive materials.
thereof in the office of the register of deeds of the h. If the burning of building is
province where such property is located. perpetrated by two or more persons
 The mortgagor who gave the property as security or by a group of persons, the crime
under a chattel mortgage did not part with his is destructive arson regardless of
ownership over the same. He had the right to sell it whether their purpose is merely to
although he was under the obligation to secure the burn or destroy the building or the
written consent of the mortgagee or he lays himself burning merely constitutes an overt
open to criminal prosecution under the provision of act in the commission or another
Article 319 of the RPC. violation of law.
Burning a bus devoted for transportation is simple
43. Arson arson since it is not among those listed in the
 Committed by any person who burns property. enumerations.
There are laws on arson, and that is Article 320 of Actual injury to, or damage to the property of
the RPC on destructive arson and PD 1613 on another as a consequence of the burning of property
simple arson. owned by the accused is not required to be held
 Destructive arson is committed by any person who liable for simple arson. As long as the burning
shall burn: exposes to danger the life or property of another, the
a. One or more buildings or edifices, accused, who burned his own property, is liable for
consequent to one single act of arson.
burning, or as result of simultaneous The present law prescribes a single penalty for
burnings committed on several or arson if death results as a consequence of the
different occasions. commission thereof. If death resulted as
b. Any building of private or public consequence of arson, the crime can be described
ownership, devoted to the public in as arson resulting to death or special complex crime
general or where people usually of arson with homicide.
gather or congregate for a definite If the main objective of the offender is the burning of
purpose or merely incidental to a the building, and a person died in the course of the
definite purpose such as but not burning thereof, he is liable for special complex
limited to hotels, motels, transient, crime of arson with homicide or arson resulting to
dwellings, public conveyance or death.
stops or terminals, regardless of If the main objective is to kill the victim, the offender
whether the offender had is liable for murder qualified by the circumstance of
knowledge that there are persons in by means of fire, while arson is absorbed. If single
said building or edifice at the time it act of burning the building constitutes two murders,
is set on fire and regardless also offender is liable for compound crime of double
whether the building is actually murder.
inhabited or not. If the objective is to cover up the killing, offender is
c. Any train or locomotive, ship or liable for two separate crimes of homicide (murder)
vessel, airship or airplane, devoted and arson. If the building is burned to conceal
to transportation or conveyance, or murder and another victim died as a consequence of
for public use, entertainment or the burning, the offender is liable for two separate
leisure. crimes of murder and arson resulting to death.
d. Any building, factory, warehouse If the main objective is to commit robbery, the
installation and any appurtenance offender is liable for robbery with homicide while
thereto, which are devoted to the arson shall be integrated into this special complex
service of public utilities. crime.
e. Any building the burning of which is However, burning the building to conceal of robbery
for the purpose of concealing or with homicide will not constitute a separate crime of
destroying evidence of another arson. In this case, arson shall be integrated into a
violation of law, or for the purpose of special complex crime of robbery with homicide.
concealing bankruptcy or defrauding
creditors or to collect from 44. Malicious mischief
insurance.  Committed by any person who deliberately causes
f. Any arsenal, shipyard, storehouse damage to the property of another, which is not
or military powder or fireworks constitutive of arson.
factory, ordinance, storehouse,  There are special cases of malicious mischief such
archives or general mesuem of the as:
Government. a. Causing damage to obstruct the
performance of public function;
b. Using a poisonous or corrosive c. By means of fraudulent machination
substance; or grave abuse of authority;
c. Spreading infection or contagion d. When the offended party is under
among cattle; 12 years of age or is demented
d. Causing damage to the property of  Thus, mere copulation, with the woman passively
the National Museum or National acquiescent, does not constitute rape. Where a man
Library, or to archive or registry, takes hold of a woman against her will, and she
waterworks, road, promenade, or afterward consents to intercourse before
any other thing used in common by penetration, his act is not rape.
the public.  Where the woman consents, but then withdraws her
 Damages and obstruction to means of consent before penetration, and the act is
communication is committed by any person who accomplished by force, it is rape. But if the woman
damages a railway, telegraph or telephone lines. tacitly consents to have sexual intercourse with the
 Destroying or damaging statues, public monuments accused, but then withdraws her consent in the
or paintings is committed by any person who course of sexual intercourse because she felt pain,
destroys or damages statues or any other useful or and the act is not rape.
ornamental public monument or useful or  Where a woman offers to allow a man to have
ornamental painting of a public nature. intercourse with her on certain conditions and he
refuses to comply with the conditions, but
CRIMES AGAINST CHASTITY accomplishes the act without her consent, he is
guilty of rape.
1. Adultery  The crime of rape had already been consummated,
 Committed by any married woman who shall have and thus, consent given after the consummation of
sexual intercourse with a man not her husband and the act is not the character of exclude the concept of
by the man who has carnal knowledge of her, the crime of rape.
knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be  Lack of resistance does not negate rape.
subsequently declared void. Resistance, therefore, is not necessary to establish
 Each sexual intercourse constitutes a crime of rape, especially when the victim is unconscious,
adultery. deprived of reason, manipulated, demented, or
 Adultery is a gender crime since the principal young either in chronological age or mental age.
offender in adultery must be married woman while  Any physical overt act manifesting resistance
the secondary offender must be a man. against the act of rape in any degree from the
 The secondary offender in adultery must be a man offended party, or where the offended party is so
other than the husband of the married woman. A situated as to render her/him incapable of giving
married woman, for having homosexual intercourse valid consent, may be accepted as evidence in the
with another woman, is not liable for adultery since prosecution of rape.
the secondary offender is not a man.  Having sexual intercourse with a demented person
 A man, who had no knowledge that a woman was is rape. However, a mental retarded is not a
married, is not liable for adultery. demented person.
 After the husband institutes the prosecution against  In statutory rape, what the law punishes is carnal
both in his complaint, the prosecution may move for knowledge of a woman below 12 years of age. Thus,
a dismissal of the complaint as to the paramour if his the only subject of inquiry is the age of the woman
guilt cannot be established. and whether carnal knowledge took place. The
child’s consent in statutory rape is immaterial
2. Concubinage because the law presumes that her young age
 Committed by a husband: (1) who shall keep a makes her incapable of discerning good from evil.
mistress in the conjugal dwelling; (2) who shall have  Mental retardation:
sexual intercourse with a woman who is not his wife a. Idiot: mental age is two years old
under scandalous circumstances; or (3) who shall ( IQ 0-19 )
cohabit with her in any other place. b. Imbecile: mental age is seven years
 Meeting at least once a week in a place where they old ( IQ 20-49 )
can be alone together is not enough to satisfy the c. Moron or Feebleminded: mental age
requirement of cohabitation, maintaining a mistress, is 12 years old ( IQ 50-69 )
or scandalous circumstance. d. Borderline Intelligence: ( IQ 70-89 )
 If the exempting circumstance is minority, what is
3. Rare through sexual intercourse important is the chronological or actual age of the
 Committed by a man who shall have has carnal accused. On the other hand, in exempting
knowledge of a woman: circumstance of imbecility under Article 12, what is
a. Through force, threat or intimidation; important is the mental age.
b. When the offended party is deprived  Having sexual intercourse with an idiot, imbecile, or
of reason or otherwise unconscious; feebleminded is rape of a person deprived of
reason; or statutory rape of a child under 12 years of
mental age or rape by means of psychological force d. The rape is committed in full
or intimidation. view of the spouse, parent,
 Having sexual intercourse with person suffering from any of the children or other
borderline intelligence is rape of person deprived of relatives within the third civil
reason. degree of consanguinity;
 Carnal knowledge of a woman, who is a mental e. Victim is religious person;
retardate, is rape. What needs to be proven are the f. The offender is aware that
facts of sexual congress between the accused and he is being afflicted by
the victim, and the mental retardation of the latter. HIV/AIDS and transmitted
 Untenable defense in rape the same to his victim;
a. Lack of medical examination; g. Committed by Police and
Medical examination is not AFP personnel by taking
indispensable requirement in rape advantage of their position.
cases, what needs to be proven is h. Offender is aware that the
that all the elements of rape are victim is pregnant;
duly established by the testimony of i. Offender is aware that the
the rape victim. victim is with mental
b. Lack of sperm: Absence of sperm in disability, emotional
victim’s vagina also does not disorder
foreclose the possibility that she j. The victim has suffered
was raped by the accused. Rape is permanent physical
consummated from the moment the mutilation or disability
penis has touched the labia majora k. The victim has become
or minora of the victim’s genital insane;
regardless of whether the former l. The offender used weapon
ejaculates or not. to rape the victim.
c. Immoral character
d. Place and time  Having sexual intercourse through force with a gay,
e. Impregnation who underwent gender reassignment, is not rape
f. Sweetheart theory through sexual intercourse since the victim is not a
woman. Rape through sexual intercourse is a
4. Rape through sexual assault gender crime. It is committed by a man having
 Committed by a person, who inserts his penis into carnal knowledge of a woman through force. Neither
the mouth or anal orifice, or instrument or object into is this crime instrument or object rape since the
the genital or anal orifice of another person: offender used his penis, and not an instrument or
a. Through force, threat or intimidation; object, in committing the crime. Nor is this crime
b. When the offended party is deprived rape through oral intercourse or sodomy since the
of reason or otherwise unconscious; artificial vagina of the victim is not a mouth or anal
c. By means of fraudulent machination orifice. Hence, the crime committed is acts of
or grave abuse of authority; lasciviousness.
d. When the offended party is under Doctrine of absorption is not applicable to rape
12 years of age or is demented. through sexual assault. In sum, rape through sexual
 Swallowing the penis of a 12 years old victim is not intercourse does not absorb rape through sexual
rape through sexual assault but the accused is liable assault. Inserting lighted cigarette into the genital
of acts of lasciviousness or if the child is below age, orifice and anal orifice of the victim and having sex
he is liable of child abuse. with he by means of force constitutes two counts of
 Qualified rape; must alleged in the information rape by sexual assault and rape through sexual
otherwise can not be appreciated and it violates the intercourse.
constitutional right of the accuse to be informed of If the crime charged is rape through sexual
the nature and cause of the accusation against him. intercourse but the crime proven is rape through
a. Child is below seven years sexual assault. The variance rule is not applicable
old; since rape through sexual assault is not necessarily
b. Child is below 18 years old included in the charge of rape through sexual
and the offender is her intercourse. The elements of these two crimes are
parent, ascendant, step- materially and substantially different. He may be
father, guardian, relative by convicted of acts of lasciviousness since the latter is
consanguinity or affinity necessarily included in the crime of rape through
within the third civil degree, sexual intercourse.
or common-law spouse of
the parent of the victim; 5. Rape or attempted rape with homicide
c. Under police or military
 A special complex crime is produced when by gratify the sexual desire of any person, bestiality,
reason or on occasion of consummated or masturbation, lascivious exhibition of the genitals or
attempted rape, homicide is committed. pubic area of a person.
 There is no showing that the penis of the accused is
erectile or ready to penetrate, hence the crime 7. Sexual harassment
committed is just act of lasciviousness since the  The elements are:
accused has lewd design when he asked her a. That the offender has
girlfriend to undress. The killing of girlfriend’s former authority, influence or moral
suitor is a separate crime of homicide. There is no ascendancy over victim;
such thing in the law special complex crime of acts b. The authority, influence or
of lasciviousness with homicide. moral ascendancy exists in
a work, training, or
6. Acts of lasciviousness education environment;
 Committed by any person who commits an act of c. The offender demands,
lasciviousness upon other persons of either sex: requests or otherwise
a. Through force and threat; requires any sexual favor
b. When the offended party is from the victim.
deprived of reason or  Moral ascendancy as an element of sexual
otherwise unconscious harassment is present if the respondent
c. When the offended party is recommended complainant to her present position.
under 12 years of age.  The gravamen of sexual harassment is not the
 Instances where acts of lasciviousness are present: violation of the victim employee’s sexuality but the
lewd design is established without showing that the abuse of power by the offender.
penis is erectile and in the position to penetrate.  The offender demands, requests or otherwise
Without clear intent to have sex. requires any sexual favor from the victim
a. Kissing and undressing the consummate the crime regardless whether such
victim; demands, requests have been accepted or not.
b. Touching her vagina by the  requirement for sexual favor may not be articulated
hand of the accused; in a categorical oral or written manner. It may
c. Touching the breast and discern, with equal certitude, from the acts of the
thighs of victim and kissing offender.
her;  If the offender has moral ascendancy over the victim
d. Rubbing his penis on the and the former committed sexual advances on the
mons pubis of the latter, implied request or demand for sexual favor is
pudendum. present.
 If the offender touches the body of the victim through  Additional element in a work-related or employment:
force, he is liable for unjust vexation provided that: a. The sexual favor is made as
(1) there is no intention to have sexual intercourse; a condition in the
and (2) there is no lewd design. In sum, if the employment or continued
touching the body of the victim does not constitute employment of victim or in
rape, attempted rape or acts of lasciviousness, the granting her favorable terms
crime committed is unjust vexation. or privileges;
 When the accused was caught peeping through a b. The refusal to grant the
hole in the bathroom door while a woman is taking a sexual favor results in her
bath is not liable for the crime of acts of discrimination or impairment
lasciviousness since there is no showing that the of her rights or privileges;
accused used force or threat to consummate the act. c. The demand for sexual
 The common denominator presents in unjust favor would result in an
vexation, slander by deed and act of lasciviousness intimidating, hostile, or
is the irritation or annoyance. Without lewd design offensive environment for
and publicity, the offense would be merely unjust the employee.
vexation because this crime is equated with anything  Additional element in a training and education
that annoys or irritates another without justification. If environment:
there is publicity, dishonor or contempt, the offense a. When the sexual favor is
would be slander by deed. made a condition to the
 Sexual abuse under Child Abuse Law: The giving of passing grade or
intentional touching, either directly or through granting of privileges;
clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner b. When the sexual advances
thigh, or buttocks, or the introduction of any object result in an intimidating,
into the genitalia, anus or mouth of any person, hostile or offensive
whether of the same or opposite sex, with an intent environment.
to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or
8. Qualified seduction crime committed is special complex crime of
 Committed by: (1) Person in authority, priest, house- kidnapping with homicide. Since the victim was
servant, domestic, guardian, teacher, or a person detained for some appreciable period of time, there
entrusted in any capacity with her education or is an intent to deprive his liberty.
custody, who has carnal knowledge of a virgin and a  Lewd design is an element of forcible abduction and
minor, who is not under 12 years of age; or (2) a consented abduction. Lewd design must be present
person who has carnal knowledge of his sister or at the price moment that the accused abducted the
descendant, who is not under 12 years of age. victim.
 The victim is qualified seduction must be a minor, a  In case the offender attempted to rape the abducted
virgin and woman. But the victim must not be under victim, forcible abduction absorbs attempted rape
12 years of age; otherwise, the crime committed is was itself the external manifestation of lewd design,
statutory rape. which is an element of forcible abduction.
 As long as the girl is of good reputation, he is a
virgin in the eyes of the law. Prior sexual intercourse 11. Consented abduction
of the accused with the offended party will not make  Committed by any person, who abducts with lewd
the latter a non-virgin when the former subsequently design a virgin and a minor, who is not under 12
had sexual intercourse with her, which is the subject years with her consent. The taking away of the
matter of seduction. offended party must be with her consent, after
solicitation or cajolery from the offender.
9. Simple seduction  Virginity of the victim is an essential element in
 Committed by any person, who has carnal qualified seduction and consented abduction except
knowledge of a woman who is single or a widow of when the qualifying circumstance is relationship.
good reputation, and a minor, who is not under 12  Virginity is presumed if the victim is unmarried and
years of age by means of deceit. of good reputation, or a virtuous woman of good
 If a girl of 16 who had carnal knowledge with the reputation.
accused and then the latter found out that the girl
had previous illicit relations with other men. The 12. Prosecution of crimes against chastity
crime of seduction filed against him will not prosper  Preconditions to prosecute the offenders for adultery
on the ground that at the time of sexual intercourse, and concubinage:
the victim is no longer of good reputation and there a. The offended spouse must
is no showing that deceit was employed to gain her file a complaint for adultery
consent to have sex with him. or concubinage;
 There must be a causal connection between the b. In adultery, the offended
deceit or promise to marry and the sexual husband must include his
intercourse. This cause and effect relationship wife and her paramour, and
cannot be considered as present if the promise to in concubinage. the
marry was made after the sexual intercourse. offended wife must include
 Deceit is an essential element of simple seduction. her husband and his
However, deceit does not need to be proved or concubine in the institution
established in a charge of qualified seduction. It is of criminal prosecution;
replaced by abuse of confidence, authority, or c. The offended party must
relationship. neither have consented,
 In qualified seduction, the victim must be a virgin expressly or impliedly, to
while in simple seduction she must be a person of the adultery or concubinage
good reputation. nor pardoned, expressly or
 Consent in qualified seduction is not required since impliedly the offender.
the presence of authority or influence over the victim  Preconditions to prosecute the offenders for
is suffice to take the case within the coverage of the seduction, abduction or acts of lasciviousness:
law on seduction. a. Offended party or her
parents, grandparents,
10. Forcible abduction guardians, or state must file
 Committed by any person, who abducts with lewd a complaint seduction,
designs (1) a woman against her will, or (2) a abduction, or acts of
woman below 12 years of age. lasciviousness;
 If the original is to kill the victim. Kidnapping is not b. Offended party or her
committed since the deprivation of liberty is just parents, grandparents, or
incidental to the crime of murder. guardian must not have
 If the original design is to rape the victim. Forcible expressly pardoned the
abduction for being an indispensable means to offender.
commit rape is absorbed.  Crime against chastity except corruption of minor
 If the victim is being held for appreciable period of and white slavery are private crimes, which cannot
time and in the occasion thereon he was killed. The be prosecuted de officio. Hence, information of the
fiscal without complaint-affidavit of the victim will is
not enough to prosecute the case. 13. Civil liability in crimes against chastity
 Pardon is a bar to criminal prosecution of adultery,  Person guilty of rape, seduction or abduction, shall
concubinage, seduction, abduction and acts of also be sentenced: (1) to indemnify the offended
lasciviousness. On the other hand, consent is a bar woman; (2) to acknowledge the offspring, unless the
to criminal prosecution of adultery or concubinage. law should prevent him from so doing; and (3) in
 In case of adultery and concubinage, pardon must every case to support the offspring.
be given by the offended spouse to both offenders to
be effective. 14. Liability by ascendants and others
 If the victim of seduction, abduction, or act of  The ascendants, guardians, curators, teachers and
lasciviousness is a minor or incompetent, pardon as any person who, by abuse of authority or
a bar to criminal prosecution must be given by both confidential relationship, shall cooperate as
the minor and the parents unless the minor or the accomplices in the perpetration of the crimes against
parent is dead or incapacitated. chastity except adultery and concubinage shall be
 Pardon or consent given after the institution of punished as principals.
criminal action for private crime does not extinguish
criminal liability. Hence, the pardon or consent must CRIME AGAINST CIVIL STATUS
be given before the institution of criminal action.
 The reason for this rule is that the true aggrieved 1. Simulation of birth
party in criminal prosecution is the People of the  Committed by any person who shall simulate birth
Philippines. Once filed, control of the prosecution for for another.
a crime against chastity is removed from the  Simulation of birth is the tampering of the civil
offended party’s hand and any change of heart by registry making it appear in the birth records that a
the victim will not affect the state’s right to vindicate certain child was born to a person who is not his/her
the atrocity committed against itself. biological mother, causing such child to lose his/her
 Express consent may be in the form of notarized true identity and status.
instrument giving the spouse the freedom to cohabit  Any person who shall cause the fictitious registration
with another. Implied consent is when the other of the birth of a child under the name of a person
spouse despite the knowledge about the adulterous who is not his/her biological parent shall be guilty of
relationship, no filing of charges was file within 7 simulation of birth.
years from the time of such notice.  If the birth of the child is simulated by the doctor for
 In case the married woman who cohabits with a man the purpose of selling, trading, or dealing with the
not here husband while the man knows the marital child, the crime committed is attempted child
status of the woman is liable as many counts of trafficking or attempted trafficking in person.
adultery as there are sexual intercourses.  If after the simulation of birth, the child is delivered to
 There is an implied pardon when the offended the buyer or child trafficker, the crime committed is
husband continued to live with his wife even after child trafficking. Engaging in trading and dealing with
the commission of adultery. children such as buying and selling or barter is
 Pardon in seduction, abduction or acts of constitutive of the crime of child trafficking under
lasciviousness must be expressly given. Implied Child Abuse Law.
pardon is not a bar to criminal prosecution of  If the trafficker bought the child, whose birth was
seduction, abduction or acts of lasciviousness. simulated, for prostitution, pornography, slavery,
Moreover, the length of time it took her to file the force labor, or removal of organ, the crime
case is of no moment considering that she filed it committed is qualified trafficking in person.
within the 10 year prescriptive period for qualified
seduction. 2. Substitution of Child
 Under Article 89 of the RPC, criminal liability is  Committed by any person who shall substitute one
totally extinguished by the marriage of the offended child for another.
woman, as provided in Article 344 of this Code. The
marriage of the offender with the offended party 3. Usurpation of civil status
shall extinguish the criminal action or remit the  Committed by any person who shall usurp the civil
penalty already imposed upon him. The provisions status of another for the purpose of defrauding the
of this paragraph shall also be applicable to the co- offended party or his heirs.
principals, accomplices, and accessories after the  This crime is committed by one who impersonates
fact of the abovementioned crimes. himself to be another person to enjoy the rights and
 In rape cases, the subsequent marriage between the privileges arising from the civil status of the person
offender and offended party shall extinguish the impersonated as a doctor, lawyer, or a rich business
criminal action or penalty. However, the benefits of or to assume the filiation or the parental or conjugal
marriage shall not be granted to the other accused right of another.
such as co-principals, accomplice and accessory.
 In case of marital rape, forgiveness is a mode of 4. Bigamy
extinguishing criminal liability.
 Committed by any person who shall contract a  In crime of bigamy, both the first and second spouse
second or subsequent marriage before the former may be the offended parties depending on the
marriage has been legally dissolved, or before the circumstances, as when the second spouse married
absent spouse has been declared presumptively the accused without being aware of his previous
dead by means of a judgement rendered in the marriage, otherwise the she is liable for the same
proper proceedings. crime as accomplice.
 The elements of bigamy:  The penalty for concubine is only destierro.
a. The offender has been
legally married; 5. Illegal marriage
b. The first marriage has not  Committed by any person who shall contract
been legally dissolved, or in marriage knowing that the requirements of the law
case his or her spouse is have not been complied with or that the marriage is
absent has not been in disregard of a legal impediment provided that the
judicially decalred act is not constitutive of bigamy.
presumptively dead;
c. He contracts a subsequent 6. Performance of illegal marriage ceremony
marriage  Committed by a priest or minister of a religious
d. The subsequent marriage denomination or sect, or civil authorities who shall
would have been valid had perform or authorize an illegal marriage ceremony.
it not been for the existence  Elements
of the first. a. Authority of the solemnizing
e. Fraudulent intention. officer; and
 A man can be prosecuted and convicted for bigamy b. His performance of an
even though the first marriage is null and void ab illegal ceremony.
initio unless the nullity of the first marriage was  In case where the authorized person to solemnize
declared by the court before the celebration of the marriage is absent and someone substitutes the
second marriage. For so long as there is no such former and perform the function only attributed to
declaration of nullity of the first marriage by the such authorized person, the one who performed it
competent court, the party assumes the risk of being shall be liable for usurpation of function and the real
prosecuted for bigamy. person shall not be liable for performance of illegal
 Not applicable where the parties merely signed the marriage ceremony. However, if the person
marriage contract without marriage ceremony authorized who did not perform such ceremony
performed by a duly authorized solemnizing officer. subsequently affixed his signature in the marriage
The mere private act of signing a marriage contract certificate shall be liable for falsification of public
bears no semblance to a valid marriage and thus, document being untruthful in his declaration that he
needs no judicial declaration of nullity. actually performed the marriage ceremony.
 A subsequent marriage contracted by the accused  Considering that this crime is an intentional felony, it
involuntarily cannot be the basis for conviction for must be committed by means of dolo. Hence, good
the crime of bigamy. However, if the accused is the faith is a defense. A clergyman, who is not aware
one who used the force and intimidation, he may not that one of the contracting parties is a minor, is not
use his own malfeasance to defeat the action for criminally liable for performing an illegal marriage
bigamy based on his criminal act. ceremony.
 If there is a judicial declaration of presumptive death,
the present spouse can remarry without violating the 7. Premature marriage
law on bigamy.  Committed by a woman who shall contract
 In case of divorce obtained by a foreign spouse subsequent marriage within 301 days from death of
capacitating him to remarry, the same right is given husband, or dissolution or annulment of marriage is
to filipino wife wherein she is capacitated to remarry liable for the crime of premature marriage.
although divorce in the Philippines is not a  However, RA 10655 decriminalizes premature
recognized mode of terminating the marriage. marriage since it discriminates women because the
 Thus, pursuant to Manalo case, foreign divorce provision is not applicable to men.
decrees obtained to nullify marriages between a
Filipino and an alien citizen may already be CRIMES AGAINST HONOR
recognized in this jurisdiction, regardless of who
between the spouses initiated the divorce: provided, 1. Defamation
of course, that the party petitioning for the  Libel is public ad malicious imputation of crime, or of
recognition of such foreign divorce decree must a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act,
prove the divorce as a fact and demonstrate its omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending
conformity to the foreign law allowing it. to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a
 The gist of concubinage is cohabitating and natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory
maintaining a mistress by a married man in violation of one who is dead.
of his marital vow to the humiliation of his own wife.
 If defamation is committed by means of writing, person to whom the publication was made. Simply
printing, lithography, engraving, radio, put, there is publication if the defamatory statement
phonograph,painting, theatrical, exhibition, is communicated to a third person. What is material
cinematographic exhibition, or any similar means, is that a third person has read or heard the libelous
the crime is libel. statement.
 If it is committed by oral means, the crime is slander  To satisfy the requirement of identifiability, It must be
or oral defamation. It is committed by performance shown that at least a third person or a stranger was
of an act not punished as libel or slander, which able to identify the offended party as the object of
shall cast dishonor, discredit or contempt upon a the defamatory statement.
person, the crime is slander by deed.
 Elements: 2. Libel or written defamation
a. The writing, utterance or  Committed by any person who shall cause damage
acts must be defamatory; and injury to another by means of writing, printing,
b. It must be malicious; lithograph, engraving, radio, phonograph, painting,
c. It must be given publicly; theatrical exhibition, cinematographic exhibition, or
and any similar means.
d. The victim must be  Defamatory imputations, which are made not by
identifiable publication in the newspapers but by broadcast over
 An allegation is considered to defamatory if it the radio constitute libel. The common characteristic
ascribes toa person the commission of a crime, the between publication in the newspaper and broadcast
possession of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or over radio is that both are permanent in nature. This
any act, omission, condition, status or circumstances rule holds true in case of libel by means of internet
which tends to dishonor to discredit or put him in and television.
contempt, or which tends to blacken the memory of  Any person who shall publish, exhibit, or cause to
one who is dead. publication or exhibition of any defamation in writing
 Malice is an element of libel or defamation or by similar means, shall be responsible for the
presupposes that the author of the imputation is same. The author and editor of any newspaper and
prompted by personal ill-will or spite and speaks not books and literature shall be both responsible and
in response to duty but merely to injure the liable for the defamatory statements contained
reputation of the person who claims to have deemed therein.
defamed.  The criminal liability of the president of the company
 Every defamatory imputation is presumed to be that published the libelous articles is the same as
malicious, even if it be true, if no good intention and that of the author. The crime of libel would not even
justifiable motive for making it is shown. When the be consummated without his participation as
imputation of defamatory, the prosecution need not publisher of the libelous article.
to prove malice on the part of the defendant, for the
law already presumes that the defendant’s 3. Cyber libel
imputation is malicious. Presumed malice is called  Committed by any person who shall cause damage
malice in law. The burden is on the side of the and injury to another by means of a computer
defendant to show good intention and justifiable system or any other similar means which may be
motive on order to overcome the legal inference of devised in the future.
malice.  For committing libel through the internet, he should
 The following circumstances will negate the be prosecuted for libel under RPC with the qualifying
presumption of malice in a defamatory statement: circumstance of use of information and
a. If there is good intention communications technologies under Cybercrime
and justifiable motive for law. Hence, the penalty shall be graduated one
making it is shown; higher degree.
b. If the defamatory statement  In sum, republication of a defamatory statement
is a privileged constitute libel, which is separate and distinct from
communication; the previous libel arising from the first publication of
 If the defamatory imputation is covered by a the same defamatory statement. It is not a
qualified privileged communication, defamatory continuing crime.
imputation is not presumed to be malicious. Hence,  It was held that the prescriptive period of one year
the actual malice must be established beyond for libel shall commence to run from the day the
reasonable doubt to prove the crime of libel or alleged libelous article was published.
defamation. Actual malice is also known as “malice
in fact” 4. Slander or oral defamation
 Writing to a person other than the person defamed is  Committed by any person who utters defamatory
sufficient to constitute publication, for the person to statement imputing upon the victim some crime, vice
whom the letter is addressed is a third person in or immorality which is malicious in character and in
relation to its writer and the person defamed therein. public and caused damaged and injury upon
The wife of the person defamed is, in context, a third
person’s reputation, office, trade, business or means  If the communication is made to a person, who has
of livelihood and standing in the community. no duty to address the concern, the elements of
 Slander is a defamation committed but oral means, malice and publicity will be considered as present.
instead of in writing.  Fair comment means that while in general every
 However, uttering defamatory words in the heat of defamatory and public imputation is deemed false,
anger, with some provocation on the part of the and every false imputation is deemed malicious,
offended party or calling a judge a hypocrite and nevertheless, when the defamatory imputation is
land grabber in the heat of anger constitutes slight directed against a public person in his public
slander. In case where the accused uttered capacity, it is not necessarily actionable.
defamatory statement against the victim as a  In order that such defamatory imputation to a public
product of an emotional outburst because of the gun official may be actionable, it must be either be a
pointing incident is liable for simple slander. false allegation of fact or a comment based on a
 Putang ina mo are common expression in the dialect false supposition.
that is often employed, not really to slander but  if the comment is an expression of opinion, based on
rather to express anger or displeasure. It is seldom, established facts, then it is immaterial that the
if ever, taken in its literal sense by the hearer, that is, opinion happens to be mistaken, as long as it might
as a reflection on the virutes of a mother. However, reasonably be inferred from the facts.
if the statement “putang ina mo” is made not only to  The conduct, moral fitness, and ability of a public
express hate or displeasure but also to defame or official to discharge his duties are undoubtedly
insult a person in front of several persons, the crime matters of public interest.
is simple slander is committed.  The commentary of aspirant of elective or appointive
 But if the words “putang ina” is accompanied with position is a privileged communication even if the
the statement “papatayin kita” the crime committed comment is false or has not recklessly disregarded
is threat. knowing whether it is false or not.
 Publicity is an element of slander by deed since it is  The defense of good motive and justifiable in
a specie of the crime of defamation. Without defamation will further strengthen by the proof of
publicity, the crime committed is unjust vexation or truthfulness of the published defamatory imputation.
slight physical injuries.  Publishing that X is mentally retarded and making
 The utterance of the defamatory statement, which fun out of his mental condition constitute the crime of
was made once and referred to a family of lawyers libel. Offering evidence that X is in fact mentally
designated by their common surname, should be retarded shall not be admitted. Without good motive
regarded as only one offense. for publishing his mental condition, the defamatory
 In case where the author writes defamatory imputation, even though it is true, is presumed to be
statements to two or more different persons in a malicious.
single article is liable as many counts of libel as  Inc case of public official, with respect to facts
there are defamed persons. It cannot be considered related to the discharge of their official duties shall
as single act that constitutes two or more grave or be admitted; and in such cases if the defendant
less felonies which is the definition of complex proves the truth of the imputation made by him, he
crime. There are two different and distinct shall be acquitted. This rule holds true in case of
defamatory statements respectively addressed to imputation of a crime and the imputation is function-
two persons. related act.
 There are two kinds of privilege communications:  Defensive libel is a defamatory imputation and
Absolute and Qualified privileged communications. considered a valid defense if the subject was
 Absolute privileged communications such as: intended to counteract the impression left in the
utterance made during session in congress or any mind of the public by the defamatory imputation mad
committee thereof; in any judicial proceeding by the complainant against the accused.
provided it is relevant and connected to the subject  Venue for written defamation:
matter, these includes pleadings and answers. a. Whether the offended party
 Qualified privileged communication such as: Private is a public official or a
communication and fair and true reporting; fair private person. the criminal
commentaries on matters of public interest. action may be filed in the
 A private communication made by any person to RTC of the province or the
another in the performance of any legal, moral or city where the libelous
social duty is a qualified privileged communication. article is printed and first
Hence, defamatory imputation in it is not presumed. published.
 The text messages sent to third person that utters b. If the offended party is
defamatory words fall within the ambit of qualified private individual, the
privilege communication since the third person has criminal action may be also
the duty to protect her own interest and not out of filed in the RTC of the
intention to injure the reputation . province where he actually
resided at the time of the
commission of the offense;
c. If the offended party is a prosecution but tend directly to cause false
public officer whose office is prosecution.
in Manila at the time of the  If the incriminatory evidence planted is dangerous
commission of the offense, drugs or unauthorized explosives, loose firearm, the
the action may be filed in crime omitted is planting of evidence under
the RTC of Manila; Dangerous Drugs Act, Anti-loose Firearm and
d. If the offended party is a explosives Act.
public officer holding office  If the police officer arrested the victim without
outside Manila, the action probable cause for purposes of planting
may be filed in the RTC of incriminatory evidence and to make a judicial
the province or city he held delivery, the crime committed is incriminating an
office at the time of the innocent person though unlawful arrest.
commission of the offense.  Persons who committed malicious prosecution can
 Libel or oral defamation involving the imputation of be held liable for perjury, false testimony or offering
private crime is also a private crime such as adultery false testimony. In incriminating innocent person, the
which cannot be prosecuted de oficio. On the other act committed by the offender is to incriminate an
hand, lebel or oral defamation involving imputation innocent person must not constitute perjury.
of public crime such as rape, theft or prostitution is
also public crime, which can be prosecuted de oficio. 9. Intriguing against honor
 Incriminatory machination includes incriminating an
5. Slander by deed innocent person and intriguing against honor.
 Committed by any person who performs an act not  It is committed by intriguing a person, which has for
punishable as other crime against honor, which shall its principal purpose to blemish his honor or
cast dishonor, discredit, or contempt upon another reputation.
person.  Gossiping may constitute oral defamation or
 It is committed by actions rather than words. The intriguing against honor. If the gossiping directly
most common examples are slapping someone or imputes to the offended party a crime or defamatory
spitting on his/her face in front of the public market, condition, the crime committed is oral defamation. If
in full view of the crowd, thus casting dishonor, the gossiping imputes to the offended party a crime
discredit, or contempt upon the person of another; or defamatory condition without knowing the source
pointing a dirty finger, which ordinarily connotes the thereof, the crime committed is intriguing against
phrase “fuck you.” honor.
 Publicity is an element of slander by deed since it is
a specie of libel. Without publicity, the crime CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE
committed is either unjust vexation, maltreatment or
slight physical injuries. 1. Negligence
 Imprudence is an act by reckless imprudence,
6. Threatening to publish libel which, had it been intentional, would constitute a
 Threatening to publish libel Committed by grave felony, less grave felony, or light felony.
threatening another to publish a libel concerning him  Negligence is an act by simple imprudence or
or the parents, spouse, child, or other members of negligence which would otherwise constitute a grave
his family. felony or less serious felony or causing wrong by
 Offer to prevent publication of libel is committed by simple imprudence or negligence which, if done
offering to prevent publication of libel concerning him maliciously, would have constituted a light felony.
or the parents, spouse, child, or other members of  Reckless imprudence consists in voluntary, but
his family for a compensation or money without malice, doing or falling to do an act from
consideration. which material damage results by reason of
inexcusable lack of precaution of the part of the
7. Prohibited publication person performing or failing to perform such act,
 Committed by a reporter, editor, or manager of a taking into consideration his employment or
newspaper, daily or magazine, who shall publish occupation, degree of intelligence, physical condition
facts connect with the private life of another and and other circumstances regarding persons, time
offensive to the honor, virtue and reputation of said and place.
person.  Simple imprudence consists in the lack of precaution
displayed in those cases in which the damage
8. Incriminating an innocent person impending to be caused is not immediate nor the
 Committed by any person who shall perform an act danger clearly manifests.
not constituting perjury, which directly incriminates  Upon catching his wife committing an act of infidelity
or imputes to an innocent person the commission of and in the heat of anger and emotional outburst the
crime. accused fired his gun towards her paramour and
 It refers to the acts of planting evidence and the like, somebody was injured as a result, he may be held
which do not in themselves constitute false liable for the crime of reckless imprudence resulting
in physical injury. While it is true that inflicting
serious injury or death to his wife and her lover
constitutes an absolutory cause however he cannot
be said to be entirely without fault with respect to the
injury caused to the third person. He should ought to
know that firing a gun inside a hotel where people
congregate, the possibility that bullet may hit
somebody other than his wife and her paramour. In
this case, it is evident that he failed to observe
necessary precaution that is required in such
particular circumstance, time and place. Therefore, it
is submitted that the accused is criminally liable for
reckless imprudence resulting in serious physical
 Expert testimony should have been offered to prove
that the circumstance cited by the courts below are
constitutive of conduct falling below the standard of
care employed by other physicians in good standing
when performing the same procedure. A physician is
presumed that he takes the necessary precaution
and employs the best of his knowledge and skill in
attending to his clients.

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