Puejfngolj - Designing and Developing Products For Ioe

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Designing and developing products for IOE

Assignment 2
Student Name
Student ID
Table of Contents
Task 1 IOT Communication Layer..................................................................................................4
Question 1 (A) Types of components used in IOT......................................................................4
Data Processing.......................................................................................................................5
User Interface...........................................................................................................................5
Question 1 (B) Challenges with IoT............................................................................................5
Question 1 (C) Different Layers of IoT Protocol stack...............................................................6
IOT Stack layer 1: Physical layer............................................................................................6
IOT Stack layer 2: Processing as well as control layer...........................................................6
IOT Stack layer 3: Hardware Interface Layer.........................................................................7
IOT Stack layer 4: RF layer.....................................................................................................7
IOT Stack layer 5: Message layer............................................................................................7
IOT Stack layer 6: User Experience layer...............................................................................7
IOT Stack layer 7: Application layer.......................................................................................7
Question 2 (A).............................................................................................................................7
Question 2 (B)..............................................................................................................................8
Question 2 (C) Disadvantages of PIR sensors.............................................................................8
Task 2 Design Approach.................................................................................................................8
Question 1....................................................................................................................................8
(A) Messaging protocol terms for IoT.................................................................................9
(B) Difference between MQTT and HTTP...........................................................................10
(C) Challenges in MQTT Protocol........................................................................................12
Slow transmission cycle........................................................................................................12
(D) Preference to MQTT protocol.........................................................................................12
Task 3 Communication Protocol...................................................................................................13
(A) Wireless communication Technologies..........................................................................13
LoRa Wireless technology.....................................................................................................13
LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network).........................................................................14
(B) Working of I2C and SPI protocol...................................................................................14
(C) Advantages and Disadvantages of I2C and SPI protocol...............................................15

List of Figures
Figure 1 IOT Communication Layer...............................................................................................4
Figure 2 MQTT................................................................................................................................8
Figure 3 MQTT publish/subscribe architecture...............................................................................9
Figure 4 HTTP...............................................................................................................................10
Figure 5 LoRa Wireless technology..............................................................................................12
Figure 6 I2C Protocol....................................................................................................................13
The term IOE stands for Internet of Everything, this permits the users to have access to variety of
platforms and identify them for their convenience and flexibility and permits them to have access
to whatever they need. This supports the users with full device identity along with proper
authentication as soon as they are online. This permits the users to establish seamless
interconnection among various devices and also build an autonomous coordination among
massive computes as well as their respective elements, hence to have the detailed understanding
of IOE the report have been taken into account. Various tasks have been taken into account and
questions concerning the same are discussed in the report below.

Task 1 IOT Communication Layer

Question 1 (A) Types of components used in IOT

In this section of the assignment discussion is made upon various types of components being
employed in IOT along with explanation and their respective examples.
Figure 1 IOT Communication Layer

This is the first fundamental components which are being employed in IOT. Such sensors as well
as devices contribute towards collection of data available at every minute and second from the
respective environment as well as surroundings. All such data consist of varied degree of
variances and complexities which range from simple body temperature to complicated video

This is second most important component of the IOT which plays a vital role in sending the data
being collected to the cloud infrastructure and becomes a very important and crucial mode of
transporting the data in effective and timely manner.

Data Processing
This component again pays a vital role in IoT as once all the data is being gathered and collected
the software is held responsible for performing the processing of the respective data being
acquired. Hence to make the data meaningful and understandable its processing is considered to
be of paramount importance.

User Interface
The last but again an important component is user interface. This is held responsible for
presenting the processed and meaningful data in front of its real users and stakeholders as a
whole. The same is being achieved through continuous pop ups and alarms over their smart
devices and continuous notifications over mobile phones as well as emails.

S.No. Challenge Description

1 Data Security This is considered to be one of the major issues being
faced while working with IoT. Some of the devices
employed consist of highly sensitive as well as
confidential information and providing absolute
assurance and security o such data is quite challenging
for the IoT devices.
2 Data Volume The facts are evident to state that IOT is considered to
be snowballing and is held responsible for production of
massive and very large amount of data. The survey and
the reports have shown that an IoT device are
responsible for generating approximately 18.3
Zettabytes of information or data in a year and hence is a
major issue for the user and the workers working with
the same.

Question 1 (B) Challenges with IoT

This section of the assignment deals with the discussion concerning the challenges and issues
being faced while working with IoT. Some of the common challenges being faced are stated
Question 1 (C) Different Layers of IoT Protocol stack
IoT protocol stack consist of seven layers and all of them are being discussed in the assignment

IOT Stack layer 1: Physical layer

This is the first slayer of the protocol which has the direct interface with the various physical
components being employed in the system (Mishra, and Kertesz, 2020). Such physical
components mainly consists of sensors which includes various kind of sensors like humidity
sensors, temperature sensors, heart rate sensors, pressure sensors and many such. Such sensors
are being employed with the aim of sensing the respective parameters in accordance with the
application of their respective use.

IOT Stack layer 2: Processing as well as control layer

The data which is being provided from the first layer is then being processed and interpreted at
this layer of the IoT protocol. The same is being processed with the employment of the
microcontrollers as well as various processors and of course the operating system of the
respective devices. All of them play a vital and crucial role in processing the data in the intended
and accurate manner.

IOT Stack layer 3: Hardware Interface Layer

This layer undertakes various components of the interfaces which is being deployed for
undertaking effective communication like RS232, I2C, SPI, RS485, CAN and many such. These
interfaces are being employed with the purpose of establishing serial as well as parallel
communication at variety of baud rates that are being present at synchronous as well as
asynchronous modes.

IOT Stack layer 4: RF layer

This particular layer is connected with radio frequency which is again being held responsible for
housing variety of RF technologies which is based upon numerous short as well as long ranges
including the data rate which is being desired through the respective application of its use. The
very common technology employed in this RF layer includes GSM, GPRS and many such.
IOT Stack layer 5: Message layer
This layer is being employed with the aim of dealing with variety of messaging protocols
including MQTT, HTTP, CoAP, SSH, FTP and many such. The main aim of this layer is to
define the manner through which messages and other communications are being broadcasted to
the respective cloud infrastructure in the intended manner.

IOT Stack layer 6: User Experience layer

The main aim of this particular layer is to provide their intended and potential users with the best
and requisite experience from their IoT products and their services as a whole. To accomplish the
same this layer consist of rich and effective UI designs consisting of great features.

IOT Stack layer 7: Application layer

This is the final and the most important layer of the IoT protocol. This is held responsible for
utilizing all the functions and roles played by all the six layers with the aim of developing the
desired and intended application. The best example of the same is smart homes, smart parking
system, smart city, smart energy system and many such.

Question 2 (A)
This section of the report considers the completion of the diagram of the hardware components.
Question 2 (B)
This section of the report considers the code of the C language that is required to be employed in
MCU with the aim of detecting the respective motion at the time obstacle is around or in line
with the respective PIR sensor.

Question 2 (C) Disadvantages of PIR sensors

The facts are evident to state that the PIR sensors are considered to be occupancy sensors and
though provide various advantages and pros to the users but on the other hand also have some or
the other cons. Some of the common ones are discussed below:

 They have a very low level of sensitivity and also considers low coverage when is being
compared to the microwave sensors.
 Though it works very effectively and efficiently in line of straight but is problematic
when it comes to corner regions.

Task 2 Design Approach

Question 1
With the aim of sending as well as receiving the data through the employment of the IoT system
to the respective cloud application the employment of the design approach is being employed.
The very common and emerging protocol used is MQTT. This section of the report considers
discussion upon the terms and functioning of the messaging protocol.

Figure 2 MQTT
(A) Messaging protocol terms for IoT
S.no Terms Description
1 Broker This is considered to be an architectural pattern with the aim of
validating the message, their respective transformation as well as
their effective routing (). It is held responsible for mediating the
respective communication among various applications, and also
helps in minimizing the level of mutual awareness which the
applications must consist from one another with the aim of easy and
convenient transmission of messages.
2 Client An IoT client is considered as a software interface that is employed
with the aim of running and making the end node function. Apart
from the same it also helps in establishing the connection to the
respective cloud service (Çorak, Okay, et.al., 2018).
3 Topic It will not be wrong to state that IoT is considered as the system of
various interrelated and interdependent devices, mechanical as well
as the numerous digital machines which are being provided and
identified with their respective unique identifiers (UIDs).
4 Publish The term publish stands for specifying the job to the sever along
with their respective nodes which are required to be monitored on
regular intervals and the sample of the same are required to be send
to the Azure which is also known as the hub of IoT.
5 Subscribe The respective publications are then being sent at the time when the
respective information is being published at the intended client. The
publications are being made available to the respective client at
such point of time when message is being published to the
respective topic which again is matched to the relevant subscription
which is being developed of created at the end of the client.
6 QoS QoS stands for Quality of server, this is being employed through
the use of the respective mechanism or the various technologies that
is able to work over the network with the aim of controlling the
traffic and assure the level of performance of the various crucial
applications with the use of restricted network capacity.

(B)Difference between MQTT and HTTP

It can be stated from the facts and the figures that MQTT was developed and designed for IoT
on the other hand HTTP was being developed with the aim of making the respective documents
available over the internet.

Figure 3 MQTT publish/subscribe architecture

Though they have similarity that they run over the various TCP connections and are both based
upon the common client server architecture, but the interpretation is evident to state that MQTT
permits the users to send the message in both the directions among both server as well as client.
On the other hand HTTP server is able to respond only towards the requisite request of the client.
This section of the report considers the difference among the MQTT protocol and the HTTP for
effective and efficient understanding of the same.
Figure 4 HTTP


Architecture This protocol is able to publish On the other hand HTTP
the subscribe. requests the relevant response.
Client observability Is able to know the respective Is unknown of the relevant
connection status connection status
Message Queuing The broker is permitted to It is required to implement the
queue the messages for all the application as per their need.
relevant disconnected
Message Size Maximum size can be 256 MB Though there is no limit but the
message beyond the size of
256 MB is considered among
the normal cases.
Mode of message Asynchronous mode is Synchronous mode is
preferable and event based. preferred.
(C) Challenges in MQTT Protocol
MQTT is an effective and efficient tool which is held responsible for connecting various types of
IoT devices that are in deployment of various magnitudes (Glaroudis, Iossifides, et.al., 2020).
Though the same is very efficient and effective but the fact is that the same is not suitable and
ideal in all the relevant circumstances. Hence have certain drawbacks and issues that are being
faced in certain circumstances. This section of the report considers the various challenges that
are being faced by the user while employing the use of HTTP protocol. Some of the most
common ones are discussed below in the assignment.

Slow transmission cycle

The survey and the reports interpretation is evident to state the fact that the transmission cycle of
MQTT protocol is slow when compared with CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol). For
effective performance it is recommended to have fast and quick cycles. The same is being
suggested and is critical for the systems having an employment of more than 250 devices.

Scalability is considered as another major and most common issue in MQTT protocol. Creation
of the scalable network at the global level is comparatively more complex and difficult in
integration with MQTT protocol when the same is being compared with their respective

(D) Preference to MQTT protocol

MQTT is an effective and efficient tool which is held responsible for connecting various types of
IoT devices that are in deployment of various magnitudes (Dizdarević, Carpio, et.al., 2019).
Though the same is very efficient and effective but the fact is that the same is not suitable and
ideal in all the relevant circumstances. MQTT employs brokers with the aim of transmission of
the information among the clients present over there. This is considered to be an architectural
pattern with the aim of validating the message, their respective transformation as well as their
effective routing. It is held responsible for mediating the respective communication among
various applications, and also helps in minimizing the level of mutual awareness which the
applications must consist from one another with the aim of easy and convenient transmission of
This is being employed in IoT as the MQTT protocol is considered lightweight with variety of
advantages. Some of them include lightweight and efficiency. The facts are evident to state that
MQTT protocol requires very nominal and minimal amount concerning the code and uses very
less and minimal power. Hence this makes the MQTT protocol easy and convenient and is also
energy efficient and effective for deployment for the billions and millions of devices.

Task 3 Communication Protocol

It will not be wrong to state that wireless technologies including Bluetooth, BLE, WiFi, Zigbee
and many such are considered to be the main channel of communication for various IoT devices.
Hence to have the proper and accurate understanding of the same various aspects concerning the
same is being discussed in the report below.

(A) Wireless communication Technologies

This section considers the discussion upon the wireless communication technology employed in
IoT for undertaking long range of communication in an effective and efficient manner. Some of
the common and most effective long range wireless communication technologies are discussed in
the report below.

LoRa Wireless technology

LoRa stands for the Long range radio frequency technology and is considered as the most
effective wireless protocol which is specifically being designed with the aim of establishing and
connecting long range communication with low and minimal power communication (Stusek,
Zeman,et.al., 2019). The main aim of this technology is to establish M2M targets and the various
IoT network. This particular technology is permitted to enable multi-tenant as well as public
networks over the internet to connect with numerous devices and various applications over the
same network simultaneously.
Figure 5 LoRa Wireless technology

LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network)

The facts are evident that long range IoT wireless technologies are being developed and designed
on the basis for the LPWAN. This type of technology and networks the communication is
permitted with end devices and the energy consumed in the same is very low and minimal. The
facts are evident that such communication involves the employment of typical sensors and such
sensors are being connected to the gateways that are being held responsible for transmitting the
data over other relevant devices and the network servers as a whole.

(B)Working of I2C and SPI protocol

This section of the report considers the employment and working of the I2C and the SPI protocol
to make the users understand the same in an effective as well as efficient manner. The protocol
I2C stands in respect of the inter integrated controller (Liu, Meng, et.al., 2019). This is
considered as the serial communication protocol that is held responsible for connecting the low
and slow speed devices. The working of the same is to master the slave communication through
which the users are being permitted to connect as well as control the numerous slaves through
the deployment of the single master.
Figure 6 I2C Protocol

On the other hand SPI protocol is considered as a full duplex interface. In this the users are
permitted to send the data through both main as well as sub-node simultaneously through the
employment of the MISO as well as MOSI lines respectively. SPI protocol works very
effectively and efficiently as the same is able to send and receive the data at the same time.

(C) Advantages and Disadvantages of I2C and SPI protocol

This section of the report considers various advantages and disadvantages of both the protocols.
The same is being discussed below.

Basis I2C SPI

Advantages  This supports multi master  It is very easy and
and also supports multi slave simple protocol and
communication and hence is therefore doesn’t
very much flexible and require any sort of
convenient to work. overheads to process
 I2C protocol is simple and the same.
doesn’t have complicated and  Permits the users to
complex design which makes enjoy the benefit of
it convenient for the users to full duplex
make use of the same. communication.
Disadvantages Because of its chip addressing the This doesn’t make use of the
probability is there that the conflict flow control mechanism and
regarding address might arise and no acknowledgement is being
causes issue concerning its used.

After making due analysis of the facts and the figures stated therein it will not be wrong to state
that IOT is considered to be snowballing and is held responsible for production of massive and
very large amount of data. This permits the users to establish seamless interconnection among
various devices and also build an autonomous coordination among massive computes as well as
their respective elements, hence to have the detailed understanding of IOE the report have been
taken into account.
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Glaroudis, D., Iossifides, A. and Chatzimisios, P., 2020. Survey, comparison and research
challenges of IoT application protocols for smart farming. Computer Networks, 168, p.107037.

Stusek, M., Zeman, K., Masek, P., Sedova, J. and Hosek, J., 2019, October. IoT protocols for
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Liu, C., Meng, Q., Liao, T., Bao, X. and Xu, C., 2019, November. A flexible hardware
architecture for slave device of i2c bus. In 2019 International Conference on Electronic
Engineering and Informatics (EEI) (pp. 309-313). IEEE.

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