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Marble and Ceramics – Visualize, Estimate

& Buying Application using DART
Saad Bin Saeed 2018-GCUF-064784
Muhammad Usama Qamar 2018-GCUF-064782

Computer Science


Government College University Faisalabad
Government College University Faisalabad Page

1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents
2 Revision History
1. Introduction
1.1 General Information
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Document Conventions
1.4 Project Objective
1.5 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
1.6 Project Scope
2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Product Features
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics
2.4 Operating Environment
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
2.6 User Documentation
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies
3. System Features
3.1 System Feature 1
3.2 System Feature 2
4. External Interface Requirements:
4.1. User Interfaces
4.2. Hardware Interfaces
4.3 Software Interfaces
4.4 Communications Interfaces
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements
5.1 Performance Requirements
5.2 Safety Requirements
5.3 Security Requirements
5.4 Software Quality attributes
6. WBS Project Management
7. Tools & Technologies
7.1 Programming Languages
7.2 Databases/Data storages
7.3 Operating System
Appendix A - Glossary:
Appendix B: Analysis Models
Appendix C: Check List
Appendix D: Supervisory Committee
(For office use only)
2 Revision History
Name Date Reason for Changes Version
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1. Introduction
1.1 General Information
Information to be provided in this section gives a specific name to the project as well as
pertinent information about the personal involved.

Project Name: Starting Date:

Marble & Ceramics – Visualize, Estimate and Buying application using DART 03-May-2022

Controlling Agency: Final Date

Prepared By: Authorized by:

Saad Bin Saeed DPS&C
Muhammad Usama Qamar FSD
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1.2 Purpose
Now a days, it is quite difficult for people to select the right ceramics/marbles with reference to
their requirement as they are unable to decide the right selection. This application will help you
to observe & compare the different characteristics of ceramics/marbles as it will provide you the
details of the desired ceramics/marbles when you will be doing constructional project. The main
purpose of this application is time saving & right estimation/selection of ceramics/marbles by the
customers instead of visiting the market physically. This application will make the selection of
ceramics/marbles more organized by the virtual visualization and more convenient by
comparing two products. It will enable you to get the minor details about ceramics/marbles. This
will provide a brief comparison of two or more types of ceramics/marbles. This application is
designed to minimize the expense of presentation of marmoreal stones compared to the usual
promotion and direct advertising. This application will support to send new collection just by
declaring an occasion or a new item offer to their customers who have downloaded and
registered on this application.

1.3 Document Conventions

Main headings are numerically distributed and written in Times New Roman. Where details are
in Arial. Some phrases which are require to read are in Bold format. Priorities for higher-level
requirements are assumed to be inherited by detailed requirements, or whether every
requirement statement is to have its own priority.

1.4 Project Objective

The Project will support the following organization strategic goals. For each goal, project
objectives are identified. Key objectives of system are as follows:
 Implementation of technology for efficient and cost-effective purchase
 Reduction of selling cost as sales person will not get involved
 Saving of time and money for visiting physically
 Allowing people to make products comparison
 Enabling a new person to understand the selection of Ceramics/Marble
 Proper tracking process of delivery
 Sending notifications for the deals or as new stock arrives
 Providing costumers Support of Professionals
The external oversight committee must approve the project performance measurement plan.
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Facilitate the users by adding detailed pictured

categories of products along with comparison to get
to select the right product. Convenient interface of
Minimized the complexities and application will minimize complexities ultimately.
calculations for easy to use Web Based Sites look unusual on smart phone
screens, so mobile apps tend to solve the problem
because they are simpler to the eye and easier to
use for the client.

Documented the operations to improve Database will keep the selling records of customers
quality. and their reviews will help to improve the quality.

Application will allow customers to leave their

reviews about purchased product and it will help
Facility the user to increase the operations management to proceed for quality. Moreover,
quality. application will send notifications to registered users
when new items arrive or any exclusive deals.
Customers can track their orders as well.

1.5 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The report is intended for the following: -
The developers who can review the project progress and check the areas or points that need
some improvement. They can start read from introduction and then should proceed to coding
section to revise the code if there is any requirement.

The Testers who can use the document as their testing strategy to check for bugs and organize
the testing phases. They should start from introduction and then proceed to SRS.
End users who wish to read about this project for interest. They may read the introduction for
understanding the project.

1.6 Project Scope

Application permit clients to get to know about ceramics and marble. A big advantage of app is
the minimum expense of presentation as compared to the usual promotion and direct
advertising. For example, you may need to declare an occasion offer or a new item arrival,
sending these details to registered users of application is modest. Many websites simply look
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unusual on phone screens and mobile apps are simpler to eyes and easier to use for the client.
This application will let you to share the details of ceramics/marble to communication channels
with a single touch and audience can start a web visit by clicking that shared post. For clients
whose homes are under construction or those who want renovation to their homes, this app will
provide suggestions for selection of ceramics/marble.
Whilst you have a specific product, your company may be in a specialty area where your
competitors do not yet have an application and if that is indeed the case then this can be a
differentiator for you. You can also add new components to your application that others don't
have - the potential results will be much valuable. Without an application, you might be passing
up a section of the market that basically likes to work together as such. A speedy method to
know whether you have a specific product through cell phones. You can likewise utilize sound
judgment, which proposes, for instance, that youthful buyers are bound to need to execute
through an application than mature B2B purchasers. Portable applications open quicker than a
versatile site loads, indeed numerous parts of applications are usable even without an Internet
association. In the present advanced world, it's a competition to convey administrations and our
product to the client quicker, and the victor of the race will win more clients. Applications are a
stage which permit you to have an immediate relationship with your client and builders, with no
go between. You are sure to hold clients once you know what their identity is, their address and
how to contact them by linking Email, Facebook Or WhatsApp.
2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
In available apps of Ceramics/Marble, there is no option of comparison between different types
of ceramics/marbles so this feature will be added to this application. It will help new people to
make the right selection of Ceramics/Marble.
Now a days, Ceramics/Marble store app is the most popular need of every citizen who is getting
involved in construction as this application will provide ease to select the suitable
ceramics/marble product. It will also give their costumer a great strength to make decision about
the selection.
Overseas, who are have constructional terms in Pakistan, will also be able to take advantage
through this app.
2.2 Product Features
Applications functions are based on the usage of option by the users. By the implementation of
this system, there are some of the factors that seems to be optimized in which time,
environment and easy interfaces are included.
The main functions on which the system consist on are:
Database for each Category
It has a dedicated Database for each category, such as Marble, Ceramics, Sanitary items and
Others. The directory allows consumers to find their desired item by sorting them on basis of
functionality, characteristics, colors, ratings, class or type.
Convenient Interface:
The interface will be so conveniently designed that the products and description could be
shared across popular social media and all other platforms too. User can contact the store
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directly through any ads.

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Support of Professionals:
The application offers support of professionals provided online through booking appointment on
suitable time.
Exclusive Deals:
It offers an easy-to-use interface that compiles a large variety of ceramic products that are
frequently updated on it as a one-stop platform for both consumers and sellers. The app has
regular exclusive deals across all their products for all its users.
Live Chat Function:
It offers a live chat function that allows buyers and sellers to communicate in business hours.
This feature allows the sellers to understand the requirements of the buyers and also allows the
buyers to get updated on any new innovation in tiles or ceramics.
Order Tracking
It will make consumer able to track the processing details of order to estimate the delivery timing
of order.
Product comparison
The option of having a brief comparison of selected products will also be added to application.
Product estimation
This feature will help the consumers to estimate the quantity of products by providing the
Visual Selection
Some pictorial designs of ceramics/marble will be provided to make the selection convenient for
the consumer.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

This section contains two types of users in this application.
2.3.1 General Users
The general users are those users who are interacting with application by registering on it. For
example, consumers. These users will use this application in order to get access to this
2.3.2 Administrative Users
These users are the top-level users of this system that have all types of access to generate and
manipulate the special changes in the whole system. In that case they are also able to send and
receive notifications about the authentications of the general users.
2.4 Operating Environment
This application is designed as a cross-platform system. The operating environments for this
system are:
• Windows OS
• Android OS
• Apple IOS
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2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

This system is specially designed by maintaining some of these factors that are:
• Whole System is based on English Language.
• front-end approaches are adopted for designing Interfaces
• Form method technique is also used.
• Firebase is used as the database.
• User should have the registered account to use this application properly.
2.6 User Documentation
User documentation for users will consist of graphical representation of process. For new users,
this application shall have step-by-step instructions along with respective screenshots. The
objective of this user documentation is to provide a self-explaining interface which can teach the
usage of application to new users.
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies
We are assuming that application should work properly even the traffic is high over the network.
The dependencies of this system are:
• Internet based Authentications
• Runtime Checking’s
3. System Features
3.1 Gathering the data from store inventory
The database keeps the records of available inventory along with their respective details which
can be filtered and searched as per the desire and requirement of consumer.
Database stores personal information of users as well.
3.2 Getting the reports for the Personnel/Inventory
These are the technical requirements to generate the reports for enhancing the sales and users’
Software Requirement
 Operating System: Windows OS, Android OS, Apple IOS, MAC OS
 Front End: Dart
 Database: NoSQL, Firebase
 Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces
 A platform will extensive protocol support for data ingestion.
 The platform will robust capability for offline functionality.
 The platform will provide arrangement to support device lifecycle management.
 The platform will need a hardware scalable architecture.
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4.2 Hardware Interfaces

Hardware Environment All Smart Phones & systems

System Configuration 4GB, 64GB

Operating system Android, IOS, MAC, Linux & Windows

4.3 Software Interfaces

Front End DART
Back End Firebase

4.4 Communications Interfaces

The database will communicate via an encrypted channel using remote connections and will be
added that will help admin to communicate with app and control actions.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements
OS should be up-to-date to experience the complete functionalities of application. The hardware
machines should be compatible with latest requirements so that they can give optimum
performance of the product.
5.2 Safety Requirements
Integrity or Security
Integrity comes with security. System integrity or security should be sufficient to prevent
unauthorized access to system functions, preventing information loss, ensure that the software
is protected from virus infection, and protecting the privacy of data entered into the system.
The system should maintain privacy of the individual and follow codes of ethical sharing of
collected data.
The data collected through the registrations of personnel should not be shared with
unauthorized parties. They should only be shared with law enforcement agencies and courts on
their demand and following legal and standard procedure.
5.3 Security Requirements
The following requirements are necessary for safety of project:
 Data from the database will never be transmitted to unauthenticated sources.
 Application will never disclose information to users that are not authorized to see it.
 The database must be encrypted at rest.
 All request and data transfer between the database must be done over a secure connection
 All communication between the database and app will be done over secure connection
Integrity or Security
Integrity comes with security. System integrity or security should be sufficient to prevent
unauthorized access to system functions, preventing information loss, ensure that the software
is protected from virus infection, and protecting the privacy of data entered into the system.
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5.4 Software Quality Attributes

To Major system quality attribute. Measured in terms of time required to complete any task
given to the system. For example, system should utilize processor capacity, disk space and
memory efficiently. If system is using all the available resources then user will get degraded
performance failing the system for efficiency. If system is not efficient then it cannot be used in
real time applications.
System should be easy to test and find defects. If required should be easy to divide in different
modules for testing.
Software reuse is a good cost efficient and time saving development way. Different code
libraries classes should be generic enough to use easily in different application modules.
Dividing application into different modules so that modules can be reused across the
Application should be correct in terms of its functionality, calculations used internally and the
navigation should be correct. This means application should adhere to functional requirements.
Different versions of the product should be easy to maintain. For development it should be easy
to add code to existing system, should be easy to upgrade for new features and new
technologies time to time. Maintenance should be cost effective and easy. System should be
easy to maintain and correcting defects or making a change in the software.
Should be flexible enough to modify. Adaptable to other products with which it needs interaction.
Should be easy to interface with other standard 3rd party components.
This can be measured in terms of ease of use. Application should be user friendly. Should be
easy to learn. Navigation should be simple.
The system must be:
 Easy to use for input preparation, operation, and interpretation of output.
 Provide consistent user interface standards or conventions with our other frequently used
 Easy for new or infrequent users to learn to use the system.
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6. WBS Project Management

7. Tools & Technologies

7.1 Programming Languages
7.2 Databases/Data storages
7.3 Operating System
Windows, Linux, IOS, MAC & Android

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Appendix A
The following are the list of conventions and acronyms used in this document and the project as

SQL Structured Query Language

DB Databases

API Application Program Interface

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Appendix B: Analysis Models

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Activity/sequence Diagram
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Appendix C: Check List

Check List Yes No
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I. Starting/Ending Dates

II. Project Scope

III. Product modules (covering all aspects of scope)

IV. System Features (covering scope)

V. Interface Requirements

VI. Non-Functional Requirements


VIII. Tools and Technologies Detail (for implementation)

IX. Plagiarism Report

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Appendix D: Supervisory Committee

For Approval of any two Consultant Teachers

Teacher Consulted Teacher Consulted

Name: _ _. Name: _ _.

Designation: _ . Designation: _ .

Comments: _ Comments: _

_ _

_ _

_ __ _

_ _

Signature: _ Signature: _

(For office use only)
 Approved Group ID:

 Meeting Required: Date: Time: Place:

 Rejected
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Project Title (if Revised):

Project Coordinator

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