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Lateral Force
Lateral-force procedures for non-building structures with structural systems similar to buildings
(those with structural systems which are listed in Table 208-11) shall be selected in accordance
with the provisions of Section 208.4
Intermediate moment-resisting frames (IMRF) may be used in Seismic Zone for non-building
structures in Occupancy Categories III and IV if (I) the structures is less than 15m in height and
(2) the value R used in reducing calculated member forces and moments does not exceed 2.8.

208.8.3 Rigid Structures

Rigid structures (those with period T less than 0.06 s) and their anchorages shall be designed for
the lateral force obtained from Equation 208-24.
V =0.7 Ca IW (208-24)
The force V shall be distributed according to the distribution of mass and shall be assumed to
acct in any horizontal direction.

208.8.4 Tanks with Supported Bottoms

Flat bottom tanks or other tanks with supported bottoms, founded at or below grade, shall be
designed to resist the seismic forces calculated using the procedures in Section 208.9 for rigid
structures considering the entire weight of the tank and its contents. Alternatively, such tanks
may be designed using one of the two procedures described below:
1. A response spectrum analysis that includes consideration of the actual found motion
anticipated at the site and the inertial effects of the contained fluid.
2. A designed basis prescribed for the particular type of tank by an approved national
standard, provided that the seismic zones and occupancy categories shall be in
conformance with the provisions of Section and, respectively. Seismic Source Type
Table 208-4 defines the types of seismic sources. The Location and type of seismic sources to be
used for design shall be established based on approved geological data.
Seismic Source Definition
Seismic Source Type Seismic Source Description Maximum Moment
Magnitude, M

Faults that are capable of

producing large magnitude
A 7.0 ≤ M ≤ 8.4
events and that have a high rate
of seismic activity.

B All faults other than Types A 6.5 ≤ M < 7.0

and C.
Faults that are not capable of
producing large magnitude
C earthquakes and that have a M < 6.5
relatively low rate of seismic
activity. Seismic Zone 4 Near-Source Factor

In Seismic Zone 4, each site shall be assigned near-source factors in accordance with Tables
208-5 and 308-6 based on the Seismic Source Type as set forth in Section
For high rise structures and essential facilities within 2.0km of a major fault, a site specific
seismic elastic design response spectrum is recommended to be obtained for the specific area.

Table 208-5 Near-Source Factor N a I

Closest Distance To Known Seismic Source

Seismic Source Type
≤ 2 km ≤ 5 km ≥ 10 km
A 1.5 1.2 1.0
B 1.3 1.0 1.0
C 1.0 1.0 1.0

Table 208-6 Near Source Factor N v I

Seismic Source Closest Distance To Known Seismic Source

Type ≤ 2 km 5 km 10 km ≥ 15 km
A 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.0
B 1.6 1.2 1.0 1.0
C 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

208.8.5 Other Non-building Structures

Non-building structures that are not covered by Section 208.8.3 and 208.8.4 shall be designed to
resist design seismic forces not less than those determined in accordance with the provisions in
Section 208.5 with the following additions and exceptions:
1. The factors R and Ωo shall be as set forth in Table 208-12. The total design base shear
determined in accordance with Section 208.5.2 shall not be less than the following:
V =0.5C a IW (208-25)
Additionally, for Seismic Zone 4, the total base shear shall also not be less than the
1.6 Z N v I
V= W (208-
208.5.2 Static Force Procedure Design Base Shear
The total design base shear in a given direction shall be determined from the following equation:
Cv I
V= W (208-8)
The total design base shear need not exceed the following:
2.5 C a I
V= W (208-9)
The total design base shear shall not be less than the following:
V =0.11C a IW (208-10)
In addition, for Seismic Zone 4, the total base shear shall also not be less than the following:
0.8 N v I
V= W (208-11)
2. The vertical distribution of the design seismic forces in structures covered by this section
may be determined by using the provisions of Section or by using the
procedures of Section 208.5.3 Vertical Distribution of Force
The total force shall be distributed over the height of the structure in conformance with
Equations 208-15, 208-16 and 208-17 in the absence of a more rigorous procedure.
V =F t + ∑ F i (208-15)

The concentrated force F t at the top, which is in addition to F n, shall be determined from the
F t=0.07 (208-16)

The value of T used for the purpose of calculating F t shall be the period that corresponds with
the design base shear as computed using Equation 208-4. F t need not exceed 0.25V and may be
considered as zero where T is 0.7 s or less. The remaining portion of the base shear shall be
distributed over the height of the structure, including Level n, according to the following
(V −Ft )w x hx
F x= n
∑ wi hi

At each level designated as x, the force F x shall be applied over the area of the building in
accordance with the mass distribution at that level. Structural displacements and design seismic
forces shall be calculated as the effects of forces F x and F t applied at the appropriate levels
above the base.
For irregular structures assigned to Occupancy Categories I and II that cannot be
modeled as a single mass, the procedures of Section 208.5.3 shall be used.
3. Where an approved national standard provides a basis for the earthquake-resistant design
of a particular type of non-building structure covered by this section, such a standard may
be used, subject to the limitations in this section:
The seismic zones and occupancy categories shall be in conformance with the provisions of
Sections 208.4.4 and 208.4.2, respectively.
The values for total lateral force and total base overturning moment used in design shall not
be less than 80 percent of the values that would be obtained using these provisions.
Table 208-12 R and Ωo Factors for Non-building Structures

1. Vessels, including tanks and pressurized spheres,
2.2 2.0
on braced or unbraced legs.
2. Cast-in-place concrete silos and chimneys
3.6 2.0
having walls continuous to the foundations.
3. Distributed mass cantilever structure such as
stacks, chimneys, silos and skirt-supported vertical 2.9 2.0
4. Trussed towers (freestanding or guyed), guyed
2.9 2.0
stacks and chimneys.
5. Cantilevered column-type structures. 2.2 2.0
6. Cooling Towers. 3.6 2.0
7. Bins and hoppers on braced or unbraced legs. 2.9 2.0
8. Storage racks. 3.6 2.0
9. Signs and Billboards. 3.6 2.0
10. Amusement structures and monuments 2.2 2.0
11. All other self-supporting structures not
2.9 2.0
otherwise covered.

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