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by Aluko Brown
What is Typography?

Fonts & Typefaces

Type classification

Type families

Kerning, Tracking
& Leading?


Rule of thumb
What is Typography?
Typography is the art and technique
of arranging type to make written
language legible, readable, and
appealing when displayed.

The arrangement of type involves

selecting typefaces, point sizes,
line lengths, line-spacing (leading),
and letter-spacing (tracking), and
adjusting the space between pairs
of letters (kerning).
Type Anatomy
Baseline: The line where the letters sit.

Cap height: The distance from the baseline to the top of the capital letter.

X-height: Located in between the baseline and the cap height, it's the
height of the body of the lowercase letter. (In this case, it's the letters ‘a,' ‘u,'
and ‘y.')

Bowl: The curved part of the character that encloses the circular or curved
parts of some letters, like 'd,' 'b,' 'o,' 'D,' and 'B.' (In this case, it's that round
shape sticking off the letter ‘a.')

Serif: The slight projection finishing off a stroke of a letter in certain typefac-
es. (In this case, it's that little foot sticking off the letter ‘l.')

Descender: The longest point on a letter that falls beyond the baseline.
Fonts vs. Typefaces
A typeface is the overall design of
lettering; the design can include
variations, such as extra bold, bold,
regular, light, italic, condensed,
extended, etc. Each of these varia-
tions of the typeface is a font.
Type Classification
Serifs are typefaces that have extensions In French, the word “sans” means “without.”
at the base of the letters. Common serif So the term “sans serif” literally means
typefaces include Times New Roman, “without serif.” Common sans serif typefac-
Georgia, and Garamond. They are mostly es include Arial, Verdana, and Futura. You’ll
used as body texts in novels and books see a lot of sans serifs being used in blog
because a serif is much easier to read in posts and documents on the web because
long, printed works due to the distinc- it feels more modern and looks great even
tiveness between letters. at lower screen resolutions.

Other examples includes: Slab serif,

Blackletter, Script and Decorative.
Type Families
The term “type family” or “typeface family” is used to
describe a range of designs that are all variations of
one basic typeface.

For example, you’ll see that CircularStd has varia-

tions such as bold, extra bold, black, regular, light,
light italic, and regular italic:

Using one type family will help add variation to your

designs, while keeping it consistent and uniform.

As a designer, you might use various fonts within one

family to create a sense of hierarchy.
Kerning, Tracking
& Leading?
Kerning is the modification of the Tracking is an adjustment to the
space between two letters. For spacing between all letters an
example, check out the image entire word.

Leading (a.k.a. line spacing)

is the space between the baselines
of texts.

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Hierachy is the distribution of
weight across your typography This is a header text.
system in the order of relative
This is a body text.
importance of the texts.

This is a header text.

This is a body text.

Rule of thumb in
Avoid tracking texts with small case.

Avoid using more than 2 fonts in a

design. Never use more than 3.

Avoid full text justification. Stick to

left justification.

Clarity is king. Always choose

legibility over beauty.

Never set a script/ handwritten font

in all caps.

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