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This Question Paper contains 20 pages (check it!).

Total number of questions is 32 (8 questions per section).

Total time allotted is 2 hours.
Maximum marks is 134.

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CYCLONES, A Simple Twirling Dancer of Mother Nature
Everyone has felt the hearty breeze touch them by on a windy day, the wind speed is
5-6m/s here; the experience of taking warmth of sun and earth on a beach, the am-
bient temperature is 25-35 degree Celsius, we have felt awe when we see a 100 sto-
reyed building standing strong and supported by the strong ground below but, the
same wind when twirling on itself can form a cyclone where the wind approach the
speeds of 25-75 m/s capable of uprooting the tallest of trees and we can imagine the
effect it would have on the body of a human being. The same earth can cause a vol-
canic eruption which spews hundreds of gases which are more likely to damage you
than the lava at the temperature of 1000 degree Celsius. The same earth which sup-
ported a 100-storeyed building can tremble under the tremendous seismic shock
waves of an asteroid hitting the earth. What gives these natural forces such tremen-
dous power? How they are capable of sustain themselves while wielding the power
to destroy a hefty portion of Biosphere.

What are they?

Cyclones are simple gusts of wind which are rotating on a moving instantaneous axis
of rotation due to a relatively simple reason, the same thing which cause most of the
fluids to move from one place to another. It is the pressure difference. Cyclones can
have high variety in terms of size the smallest of them could be just some hundred
meters wide while the largest could be over hundreds of kilometres in diameter. The
centre of a cyclone is called its eye, and the outer sides are called periphery or eye-
wall. There is a pressure difference in the region between the eye and the periphery
of about 1-6 kilopascal. Cyclones are typically always moving at the rate of 400 km a
day, taking along with them a lot of debris and a lot of water.

How do they form?

There are many conditions which are necessary for a cyclone to be formed like the
temperature should be high enough (near 27 and above), high humidity and a cer-
tain optimum pressure gradient in the vertical or horizontal direction. Without these
conditions a cyclone would get obliterated by its own power. Cyclones are usually
formed just above the sea by convective air currents like the cyclone Ockhi which
devastated parts of western coast like Kerala and went on to Mumbai. The warm In-
dian Ocean has a large hot humid mass of air just above them which creates a tropi-
cal depression. This depression is a pressure depression that is the pressure in this
area is extremely low. Due to this low pressure the air is forced to move upwards and
the air masses on its side is able to go into the eye creating a powerful gust of wind
which is rotates about an eye of the storm and that is the humble beginning of a
force which took 250 lives and hundreds more missing. These swirling winds then get
bigger and bigger because now even more hot air is moving up allowing more cold
air on the side to barge in. These winds take up a lot of water from the ocean while
going to the top. Thus, with the cyclones there is usually a lot of thunderstorm and
precipitation. The air rises, water vapour condenses, releasing energy from latent
heat. If wind shear [1] is low, this storm can also build into a cyclone within two to
three days. These cyclones are huge with high wind speed ready to blow everything
apart. The exception is the relatively calm eye of the storm where air is rising upward.
Rainfall at the periphery can be as high as 2.5 cm (1″) per hour, resulting in about 20
billion metric tons of water released daily in a cyclone while there is next to no pre-
cipitation in the eye. It’s said there is calm after the storm but that is so not true and
now we know why! Once a cyclone reaches land it weakens a lot, because of loss of
source of energy and the high amounts of resistive forces but it still manages to go
far inland and cause havoc while dumping astronomical amounts of water in the
form of torrential rains. Wind shear - variation in wind velocity occurring along a di-
rection at right angles to the wind's direction and tending to exert a turning force.

Answer the following questions based on the above passage:

Q1. If the pressure gradient inside the cyclone is steadily increased (from 0 to infinity)
then the strength of cyclone would
A) Steadily increase B) Steadily decrease
C) First increase and then decrease D) First decrease and then increase

Q2. If a cyclone is formed over the ocean by the process given above, then after the
formation the temperature of the ocean would
A) Increase
B) Decrease
C) Remains same
D) Decrease and then increase but never reaches the starting temperature

Q3. The normal cyclone formation season is June to October but the cyclone Ockhi
was observed in late November to December what could be the reason for this to
A) It was due to Global warming which caused higher temperature aiding in
the development of cyclone.
B) It was due to El Nino fluctuations which cause irregular humidity aiding the
development of cyclone.
C) It was due to the H bombs tested by North Korea which had created the
disturbance necessary for the development of cyclone.
D) This much fluctuation is allowed and thus it was a normal phenomenon.
Q4. If the central area is low pressure and the surrounding area is high pressure, then
why doesn’t the air mass go directly inside instead of rotating about an axis?
A) Air rotates because of the ocean current’s movement above which it is formed.
B) Air rotates because of the rotation of earth.
C) Air rotates because of simultaneous and consecutive formation of high pressure
And low-pressure rings inside the cyclone between the eye and the eye wall.
D) It rotates because rotation allows pressure gradient to exist at all times.

Q5. With the insight you gained using the passage and the previous question can
you determine in which direction would a cyclone rotate in India and in Australia?

A) It rotates clockwise in India and counter clockwise in Australia.

B) It rotates counter clockwise in India and clockwise in Australia.
C) It rotates clockwise everywhere on earth.
D) It rotates counter-clockwise everywhere on the earth.

Q6. Assuming a typical moving cyclone as given in the passage to be in the shape of
inverted frustum of constant thickness 10m and bottom radius to be 1 km diameter
and the top radius to be 100 km and the height be equal to 15 km while its angular
velocity is constant and equal to 0.001 rad/sec. When a tree is uprooted from the
ground and swirled by it to the top then what is the change in energy of that tree per
mass unit?
A) 100 J/kg B) 110.72 J/kg C) 147.22 KJ/Kg D) None of these

**Q7. As we see in the previous question’s information this hurricane releases a lot of
energy when it rotates, from where does it get the energy?
A) The air mass directly takes energy from the sun and heats up.
B) The air mass takes heat energy from the sea and releases it.
C) The rising water vapour condenses and releases latent heat which is used.
D) The storm take energy from the rotational motion of earth.

**Q8. Considering an entity to exist which is exactly similar to cyclone but instead of
a low-pressure eye it has a high-pressure eye while the pressure at the periphery is
lower. Say it’s called an anticyclone then what all properties would be there (FYI anti-
cyclones do exist!!)
A) The direction of rotation would reverse itself everywhere
B) It will still bring heavy amounts of rain with it
C) It will occur in cold weather instead of hot
D) The direction of rotation would remain the same
Asteroids, the retarded rock in Outer Space
Asteroids are small chunks of rocks which are orbiting the sun in a large radius. These
rocks are residual material after the sun and planets were formed in the solar system.
They are chiefly orbiting the sun in an elliptical path as seen from the sun. if you tried
to plot the locus of the asteroid while staying on earth then you would be recording
retrograde trajectory where the asteroid might suddenly change its direction of ve-
locity and instead of approaching you it starts receding away. Due to an elliptical tra-
jectory they have a perigee and an apogee. Perigee is the point of orbit of the celes-
tial body when it’s the closest to the sun and apogee is the point in the orbit of the
celestial body when it is the farthest from the sun. Considering the mathematical
treatment of their elliptical path with their perigee 2 AU and the apogee 4 AU.
Through your knowledge of conic section and astronomy we can produce the eccen-
tricity of this hypothetical asteroid and thus the semi-major axis which will allow us to
accurately predict the orbit of this object, when there is no disturbance which seldom
happens in this Universe.

Asteroids and their impact on earth.

Asteroids usually stay in their orbit because of the tussle of gravity between the sun
and the planet Jupiter but once in a while an asteroid is there which is lost in its path
and has a haywire trajectory. Most of these asteroids are sucked in by Jupiter but
some find their way into our homes. The usual trajectory of an asteroid like this can
be found via a differential equation.

This is considering that there is only earth and the sun in the representation and the
gravity of other planets is negligible because of the astronomical distance between
the target asteroid and the low mass planets in the vicinity.

These asteroids then follow this trajectory to fall into the earth usually at an angle
which can also be found using the differential equation and the equation of curve.

The journey from heavens to earth

The asteroids which are usually able to come to earth’s atmosphere start burning be-
cause of the friction between the air molecules of the atmosphere and the surface of
the asteroid which causes the volume of the asteroid to decrease and thus the aster-
oids which entered the atmosphere as a 40 m wide chunk of extinction stone gets
reduced to a force of destruction which had caused the damage in Russian lands in
the year 2013 injuring nearly 1200 people in the process. The Rate at which the ma-
terial of the asteroids is removed depends on the material, the speed, the angle of
inclination at which it entered the atmosphere and then precise rate can once again
be found with the simple calculus.
What after the Impact
If a rock is capable of passing all the hurdles like the gravitational forces of Jupiter
the friction of earth’s atmosphere and the intense heat, then it is rewarded by allow-
ing it to land on the face of earth causing heavy destruction in its vicinity. When the
asteroid hits the surface of earth it sends a shockwave into surface of earth and its
bulk which can be configured as the composition of many sine waves. These sine
waves are centred around a central wave which has the biggest contribution while
the other waves contribute less as their amplitudes are severely diminished. Also, the
impact creates a lot of heat and a big explosion also takes place which is capable of
travelling at high speeds but still smaller than the shockwave’s speed. The composi-
tion can be easily found by using Euler theorem which states that

Cos(θ) +iSin(θ)= eiθ

Using this to find the Imaginary part of the complex number so formed after summa-
tion helps us in solving the equations.

Answer the following questions based on the above passage:

Q9. What should be the equation which would be best able to depict the trajectory
of the asteroids when they revolve around the sun?
A) X2/2 + Y2/3=1 B) X= √3𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 and Y=√2𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃

C) X2 + Y2 = 6 D) X2/3 -Y2/2=1

Q10. An observer on Earth observes that an asteroid took 3 weeks of time to sweep
the shown area ABF and we know that arc ABF=arc DCF then what would be the time

taken for covering the area DCF?

(Hint: Be careful, it's all about the reference)

A) Less than 3 weeks B) More than 3 weeks

C) Equal to 3 weeks D) all of them are possible.

Q11. A magnetic cloud surrounds the orbit of an asteroid, the sun at the same mo-
ment release two solar flare incline at an angle of 90 degree to each other these solar
flare gets perfectly reflected by a magnetic cloud left in the orbit of the asteroid
when it moves. How many times would the two solar flares collide with each other on
any foci of the asteroid’s orbit? (Assume that after they collide they pass right
through each other)

A) Collide once B) collide infinite times

C) Won’t collide at the focus D) information insufficient

Q12. If the force binding any celestial body to sun is proportional to 1/r^2 then the
trajectory of its orbit is

A) Maybe ellipse B) must be ellipse

C) Maybe parabola D) information insufficient

Q13. We have recently seen the trajectory of the asteroid if its seen in the frame
of reference of sun what would be the trajectory of the asteroid if the observer
was on Earth

A) B)

C) D) None of these
Q14. Suppose that the shock wave is a composition of the following sine waves

sin(wt) + sin(wt+1) + sin(wt+2) + sin(wt+3) + sin(wt+4)......+...sin(wt+n)

Considering the time of impact to be t=0 then what will be the configuration of the
sine wave formed from their composition at the time of impact

A) 1⁄2(sin(n)−cot(1⁄2)cos(n)+cot(1⁄2))

B) ¼(sin(n)−cot(1⁄2)Cos(n)+cot(1⁄2))

C) ½(sin(n)−tan(1⁄2)cos(n)+tan(1⁄2))

D) ¼(sin(n)−tan( 1⁄2)Cos(n)+tan(1⁄2))

**Q15. Assume a circle to exist with an arbitrary point P in the plane of the circle. In-
finite no. of lines emanates from this point P to the circumference of the circle (P n).
Each of these lines has a perpendicular bisector Q nRn. find the locus of the intersec-
tion points of QnRn and PPn.

A) Ellipse if P is inside circle B) Hyperbola if P is inside circle

C) Ellipse if P is outside the circle D) Hyperbola if P is outside circle

**Q16.Let’s assume there is an asteroid which is continuously decreasing the length

of its semi major axis of its orbital ellipse while its time period remains constant of T=
2 units. Thus, it starts spiralling down towards earth with its major axis quadratically
decreasing with time as given by a=a0 - it2 while the minor axis decreases linearly
with time by the equation b=b0- jt. If such a situation is occurring where would the
asteroid fall from the given positions in the diagram (Given a=51 u, b=31 u, i=5 units
j=6 units Re= 1 units)

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
A Fiery Fury of Nature
A volcano is a breakage/rupture in the Earth’s surface that allows lava, gas and ash to
escape the magma chamber that they are filled in. They are formed due to the tec-
tonic activity occurring below the planet. Oceanic plates are denser than continental
landmass, thus, when the two collide, they form a subduction zone, where the ocean-
ic plate is pushed below the continental plate. Many volcanoes are formed due to the
pressure in subduction zones. Others can be formed from weak spots or rift valleys,
which are formed when two plates move away from each other.

If the erupted magma contains a high percentage (>63%) of silica, the lava is called
felsic. If the magma contains 52–63% silica, the lava is of intermediate composition. If
the erupted magma contains <52% and >45% silica, the lava is called mafic (because
it contains higher percentages of magnesium (Mg) and iron (Fe)) or basaltic. These
lavas are usually hotter than felsic lavas. Some erupted magmas contain <=45% silica
and produce ultramafic lava. Ultramafic flows, also known as komatiites, are very rare;
indeed, very few have been erupted at the Earth's surface since the Proterozoic era,
when the planet's heat flow was higher.

The most important buffer of the redox state of volcanic gases is that involving H 2S
and SO2 of the vapour phase. At shallow levels, the contents of H2S and SO2 are af-
fected by the deposition and re-evaporation of elemental S and disproportionation
of SO2 to H2S and sulphate in a hydrothermal environment. The compositions of the
inert species, such as CO 2, N2 and the noble gases provide information on the origins
of the vapours, from the mantle, the sub ducted slab, or groundwater. CO2 and N2
can be assumed as Van der Waal gases.

For Van der Waal gases, Pc = a/27b2, Vc = 3b, Zc=3/8, PV= ZRT
Answer the following questions based on the above passage:

Q17. Which of the following is NOT a method for formation of volcanoes?

A) Plates brushing past each other B) Plates colliding with one another
C) Plates moving away from each other D) Weak spot in plate

Q18. A 100-gram sample of cooled volcanic lava contains 15 grams of iron in ferric
oxide, 12.2 grams of aluminium oxide and rest is silica and other minor compounds.
Find out what kind of eruption has occurred
A) Felsic B) Intermediate C) Mafic D) Ultramafic

**Q19. Similar to a volcano, there is a common science experiment called baking so-
da volcano.
NaHCO3(s) + CH3COOH(l) → CO2(g) + H2O(l) + Na+(aq) + CH3COO-(aq)
Amount of NaHCO3 is 2 moles, CH3COOH is 3 moles, CO2 is 3 litres at STP
and H2O is 2 moles. Na+ is 4 mol/l, CH3COO- is also 4 mol/l. Find equi-
librium constant
A) 16 x 3/22.4 x 2 x 3 C) 16 x 3/22.4 x 3
B) 3/22.4 D) 16 x 3/22.4

Q.20 SO2disproportionates into H2S and Sulphates in the heat of the volcano. Find
the n-factor of the species undergoing disproportionation.
A) +4 B) +6 C) -2 D) +1.5

Q21. If critical temperature of N2 gas liberated is 126.2K and that of CO2 is 304.1K,
find out the difference in a/Rb (a2/Rb2 - a1/Rb1) values. Assume Van der Waals gas.
A) 417.2 B) 600.4 C) 332 D) 883.7

Q22. From the given data about rate of flow of molten rock (lava), find “?”

S. No. Silicon content Temperature Viscosity

1. 65% 1000K Very High

2. 72% 3000K Moderate

3. 45% 1100K Moderate

4. 40% 3200K ?

A) Very High B) High

C) Moderate D) Very Low
Q23. The Yellowstone caldera has been responsible for creating some of the world’s
best fossil records at Ashfall hills. Say radioactive isotope of S is released in the vol-
canic eruption in the eruption 10, 000 years ago. Amount of S found in fossil is 2
moles. Find the original amount of radioactive S in fossil. Half-life of S is 87 days.
A. 2e-ln2(100000 x 365)/87
B. 2e-ln2(10000 x 365)/87
C. 87e-ln2(100000 x 365)/2
D. e-ln2(100000 x 365)/87

Q24. Calculate average molecular mass of the lava, given that it contains 60% silica,
15% ferrous oxide, 20% aluminium oxide and 5% MgO by weight.
A) 69.2 g B) 56.6 g
C) 93.5 g D) 102.3 g
Based on Edwin A. Abbott’s Flatland: A Romance of Many
With Illustrations by the Author, A SQUARE (Edwin A. Abbott)

“For why should the thirst for knowledge be aroused, only to be disappointed and

―Edwin A. Abbott, Flatland

Imagine a vast sheet of paper on which Straight Lines, Triangles, Squares, Pentagons,
Hexagons, and other 2D figures, instead of remaining fixed in their places, move
freely about, in the surface, but without the power of rising above or sinking below it,
very much like shadows—only hard and with luminous edges—and you will then
have a pretty correct notion of my country and countrymen. Nothing is visible to us,
except Straight Lines; and the necessity of this I will speedily demonstrate.

The Inhabitants:
Our Women are Straight Lines. Our Soldiers and Lowest Classes of Workmen are Tri-
angles with two equal sides and a base or third side so short that they form at their
vertices a very sharp and formidable angle. Our Middle Class consists of Equilateral
or Equal-Sided Triangles.

Our Professional Men and Gentlemen are Squares (to which class I myself belong)
and Five-Sided Figures or Pentagons. Finally, when the number of the sides becomes
so numerous, and the sides themselves so small, that the figure cannot be distin-
guished from a circle, he is included in the Circular or Priestly order; and this is the
highest class of all. It is a Law of Nature with us that a male child shall have one more
side than his father, so that each generation shall rise (as a rule) one step in the scale
of development and nobility. Thus, the son of a Square is a Pentagon; the son of a
Pentagon, a Hexagon; and so on. But this rule applies not always to the Tradesmen,
and still less often to the Soldiers, and to the Workmen to keep the balance.

Sight Recognition:
If Fog were non-existent, all lines would appear
equally and indistinguishably clear. But wherever
there is a rich supply of Fog objects that are at a dis-
tance and the result is that by careful and constant
experimental observation of comparative dimness
and clearness, we are enabled to infer with great ex-
actness the configuration of the object observed.
An instance will do more than a volume of generalities to make my meaning clear.
Suppose I see two individuals approaching whose rank I wish to ascertain. They are,
we will suppose, Merchant and a Physician, or in other words, an Equilateral Triangle
and a Pentagon: how am I to distinguish them? I shall see a straight line DAE, in
which the middle point (A) will be very bright because it is nearest to me; but on ei-
ther side the line will shade away RAPIDLY INTO DIMNESS, because the sides AC and
AB RECEDE RAPIDLY INTO THE FOG and what appear to me as the Merchant's ex-
tremities, viz. D and E, will be VERY DIM INDEED.

Now in the case of (1) the Merchant, what shall I see? I shall see a straight line DAE,
in which the middle point (A) will be very bright because it is nearest to me; but on
either side the line will shade away RAPIDLY INTO DIMNESS, because the sides AC
and AB RECEDE RAPIDLY INTO THE FOG and what appear to me as the Merchant's
extremities, viz. D and E, will be VERY DIM INDEED.

On the other hand in the case of (2) the Physician, though I shall here also see a line
(D'A'E') with a bright centre (A'), yet it will shade away LESS RAPIDLY into dimness,
because the sides (A'C', A'B') RECEDE LESS RAPIDLY INTO THE FOG: and what appear
to me the Physician's extremities, viz. D' and E', will not be NOT SO DIM as the ex-
tremities of the Merchant.

Analogy of the Dimensions:

I. And how many solids or sides will appertain to this Being whom I am to generate
by the motion of my inside in an "upward" direction, and whom you call a Cube?

SPHERE. How can you ask? And you a mathematician! One can observe that sides are
related to the dimensions of the object. For example: A point has no dimension or
conversely 0 sides, similarly a line has 1 dimension or 2 sides (the 2 endpoints can be
considered two sides), a square has 2 dimensions or 4 sides and so on. Here these
sides 0(point), 2(line), 4(square) form a pattern what we call an ARITHMETIC PRO-
GRESSION. So, what will be the number of the sides for the successor of square - A
cube? You got it - 6. Hence a cube has 6 sides.
Answer the following questions based on the passage behind:

Q25. The Inhabitants of Flatland live in Pentagon Houses. This is

a famous riddle among the hexagons of Flatland. Can you solve

A pentagon has 10 circles on it: 5 at the corners and 5 in the

middles of the edges. Place the numbers 1 to 10 in the circles so
that each side adds up to 14. There is essentially only one solu-
tion. If you think you've found more than one solution, they are
just reflections or rotations of each other. Find the number of
prime numbers at the corners.

A) 0 B) 1
C) 2 D) 3

**Q26. Flatland is a plane extending infinitely in all directions. It has an infinite num-
ber of Railway fields no two of which are exactly the same distance apart. At a point
in time a train will depart from each station and arrive at its nearest neighbouring
station. What is the maximum number of trains that may arrive at any single Railway

A) 2 B) 3

C) 5 D) Infinite
Q27. I am a high priest master of Sight Recognition. I see the author (a square), his
son and his grandson coming towards me walking as shown. I use my knowledge of
Sight recognition to identify them. Assuming ideal conditions and that the straight
line (Visible to the priest) of family is of same length, select the order of how rapidly
the corners shade away from the centre of the line of sight. Flatlanders Approach
with one of their corners (see passage figures).

A) Author > son > Grandson

B) Son > Grandson > Author

C) Grandson > Son > Author

D) Grandson > Author > Son

Q28. As the Author thinks about the higher dimensions, he wonders how many ter-
minal points a successor of square will have in 10 dimensions. Select the correct
number of Terminal Points.

A) 1024 B) 512

C) 2048 D) 256

Q29. This is a puzzle from the Higher Octagons of Flatland. There is a regular hexa-
gon ABCDEF. Intersection of AD and CF, BD and CF, BD and CE and AD and CE are G,
H, I and J respectively. IF are of hexagon is 216-unit square, then what is the area of
Polygon GHIJ?

A) 36 square units B) 12 square units

C) 24 square units D) 24√3 square units

Q30. Sometimes the Circles communicate in a language different from the normal
Flatland Lingo. Here’s some part of it decoded by the higher polygons. Consider the
following sentences in Flatland language (printed in Latin transliteration) and their
English translations:

Atorokêt You are not dancing

Ba m! m! anhê We are decorating you guys

Ba rê I am swimming

Ga iku You are devouring me

Ga m!To You guys are dancing

Ij" m! akurukêt I am not devouring you guys

M! aj" inhêrêkêt You guys are not decorating me

M! irêrêkêt We are not swimming

Convert from English to Flatland Lingo: You guys are not devouring us

A) Ga m! To ikukêt B) Ga ikuakurukêt

C) Ga m! Akuruiku D) Ga iku m! Akuruiku

Q31. In the 2-d world of Flatland (where all members are ‘N’ sided Polygons),It turns
out that all the polygons with ‘odd’ number of sides always lie, and all with ‘even’
number of sides are truth tellers. The Royal Society of Flatland has members only of
the aristocratic families, which have either six, seven, or eight sides.

The King of Flatland, A perfect Circle, asks four members Byomkesh, Ira, Tanmay And
Sanjay this, “How Many sides are present in this room in total?”

All of B, I, T and S reply “25”,”26”,”27”and ”28” respectively. Given only one does,
which of them tells the truth?

A) Byomkesh B) Ira

C)Tanmay D) Sanjay

Q32. Three Flatlanders, square, pentagon and hexagon are playing a game. Square
thinks of two whole numbers, tells one to pentagon and the other to hexagon, and
announces, “The sum of two numbers was three, or maybe four”. With the help of
the following animated conversation which happens between pentagon and hexa-
gon, find Hexagon’s number.

Pentagon: I don't know your number.

Hexagon: I don't know your number.

Pentagon: I don't know your number.

Hexagon: I don't know your number.

Pentagon: I know your number.

A) 2 B) 3

C) 1 D) 4

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